
Ten facts about Radislav Gandapas. Radislav Gandapas. Biography of business coach Radislav gandapas who he really is

Radislav Gandapas- a man who has been instilling confidence in thousands of people for more than 20 years. The most famous leadership specialist in Russia. Author of 8 books and 13 films on leadership and public speaking. The most titled business coach in Russia, the only one in the country who was recognized as the best in the profession three times based on the results of the year. Winner of the Runet Book Prize 2013.

Biography of Radislav Gandapas

Although we are not Wikipedia, we will try to tell you succinctly and interestingly about Radislav. Radislav was born in Samara on June 17, 1967. When he was five years old, the family moved to Odessa. In 1991 he graduated from the Faculty of Philology of Odessa State University. In 1994, he became deputy director of the Odessa House of Scientists, where he organized a training center and conducted business training. In 2001 he moved to Moscow, where he began his coaching career. In 2004, he founded the company “Academy of Oratory Skills” (now Oratorica). Married, has a daughter, Maria.

How did Radislav Gandapas become a business coach?

For about 6 years, Radislav Gandapas worked in an organization that conducted business trainings, conferences and seminars. During this time, he became acquainted with the work of coaches from around the world. Describing this period of his life, he admitted that more than once he internally exclaimed: “And I can do this!” Or even: “I can do the same, but better!” And then one day a miracle happened - due to an unforeseen force majeure, the coach was unable to conduct the training, and Radislav was offered to replace him. He worked with such courage that the group refused to study with a real coach. After this, Radislav looked for an opportunity to repeat his success. As a result, a chain of cases led him to confession.

Popular books by Radislav Gandapas

Absolutely all of Radislav Gandapas’ books carry such a semantic load that after reading you just want to get up and act, try, apply and modify the methods for yourself. These are not trainings - this is something more.

  • Kama Sutra for the speaker
  • Ready to perform!
  • Speeches that changed Russia
  • Leader Charisma
  • 101 tips for a speaker
  • Leaders who changed Russia

Books can be purchased and downloaded on the official website of Radislav Gandapas by following the link >>. Audiobooks and video materials from Radislav are also available there.

Photo by Radislav Gandapas

Radislav Gandapas

Radislav Gandapas

Radislav Gandapas

Radislav Gandapas

Radislav Gandapas

Radislav Gandapas

Radislav Gandapas

A professional speaker, a business coach who develops leadership qualities in his students, the absolute winner of coaching ratings over the past few years is Radislav Gandapas. But today he is a famous person, whose quotes are listened to by millions, but once upon a time a business coach was just starting his career. How did your professional path develop and what is the formula for success of Radislav Gandapas?

The biography of a talented speaker and future business leader begins with the date June 17, 1967. It was on this day that Radislav Gandapas was born in the city of Kuibyshevo, in the Novosibirsk region. But the main part of his childhood and adolescence was spent in Odessa, where the boy moved with his parents in 1972 - talent, charisma and determination were noticeable in this talented child from birth. In Odessa, he graduated from the university, receiving a diploma as a teacher of Russian language and literature in 1991.

Radislav devoted only three years to teaching, after which in 1994 he got a job as deputy director at the House of Scientists in Odessa. From that moment his bright career began, which subsequently led to the heights at which the coach stands today. And, obviously, this is not the limit for a business leader, which is why he so willingly shares his experience with the heads of large companies who are admired by the confidence, power, strength and charisma of the coach.

How to become a business coach?

Did Radislav Gandapas know that his quotes would become valuable material for people doing business? Did he see himself in such a role? Only the coach himself knows this. But everything could have turned out completely differently! Or couldn't it? Everything was decided by chance.

While working at the House of Scientists, Radislav saw the trainings of other business trainers many times. He understood perfectly well what motivation and purpose were, and wondered: is there a formula for success? One day one of the trainers was unable to come to a lecture, and then Gandapas was offered to replace him. After this lecture, all listeners wanted to see only Radislav as their business coach. Therefore, the professional biography of a born speaker, the author of such trainings as “Charisma of a Leader”, “Ideology of a Leader”, “Formula of Motivation”, starts from the moment of his work in the House of Scientists.

While in Odessa, in 2001, Radislav decided to open his own business, but a year later his company ceased to exist, which was by no means a fatal failure for the experienced business coach. On the contrary, he goes to Moscow and already here gives his lessons, in the construction of which he uses his experience.

In 2004, the biography of Vladislav Gandapas as a businessman continues - he opens his second company, known today as Oratorika, and takes the place of president. After these events, the development of his business began to gain momentum.

A whole series of master classes, video presentations (“Leader’s Charisma”, “Success Scripts”) and the release of book publications (“Presentation Designer”, “Kama Sutra for Speaker”) soon followed. The author maintains a personal blog on the Internet.

Radislav Gandapas Library

The author’s first book, “Presentation Designer,” was published in 2006. In it, Radislav tried his best to convey to his readers information about how to properly conduct presentations. Competently composing a text is also an art, and the one who reads it must be a real speaker.

“Presentation Builder” teaches people to stay in the presentation process, not to lose contact with the audience, and to be able to convince them of the correctness of what was said. In 2008, a continuation of the work “Presentation Designer” was published - “Ready for the Performance!” The now famous speaker and business coach included quotes and a step-by-step recommendation plan that will help you prepare the perfect presentation.

This is not taught in universities or courses. Typically, an educational institution's curriculum consists of basic concepts that a student must know. Therefore, in practice, problems very often arise, and the book “Presentation Designer”, which can also be found in audiobook format, helps to solve them and select the right scripts. Explore the author's blog and you will learn even more.

Between these two works, in 2007, Radislav Gandapas released another publication and audiobook with the very specific and catchy title “Kama Sutra for the Speaker,” the reviews of which are very positive. The essence of the book corresponds to the title - for public speaking to end in success, it is necessary not only to choose the right words and quotes, but also to learn to enjoy everything that is said and to feel the energy of the room.

Self-motivation and personal development is a unique process, but anxiety often prevents a speaker from speaking 100%. Gadapas' books help to cope with elementary human feelings that prevent you from achieving your goals.

In subsequent years, three more books were published, the content of which is aimed at studying the basics of competent construction of not only presentation events, but also corporate conferences. These works, like other books by the business coach, contain his quotes and are based not only on observations, but also on personal experience.

Videos – trainings and films

Radislav Gandapas has released training films that contain valuable information for both beginning businessmen and large business owners.

Video – training “Leader’s Charisma”

Designed for managers and executives. Tells you how to improve your own influence on people, unite them for the good of the cause, learn how to manage the activities of an entire department or even an entire organization. These are the minimum goals that the film “Charisma of a Leader” sets.

Film-training “Leader’s Ideology”

The video reveals the philosophy of a businessman and leader. What a manager should see, what his ideology is - complete instructions and quotes from the author will help anyone who strives for the top and watches the film for the purpose of self-realization to reveal themselves.

Film "Formula of Motivation"

The film also lays the foundation for a future successful leader, just like “Charisma of a Leader.” It is important to be able not only to manage, but also to understand your goals and the goals of your employees. Some employees cannot complete basic tasks, and they have to be “pulled along” by the entire company, while others at the same time exceed their maximum. There are employees who dream of vacations throughout the year, while others ask for overtime to further the company's common goal. Why does this happen? The Motivation Formula will tell you how to solve such problems.

Film "Scripts of Success"

This video does not contain complete instructions from the author, but quotes and positions will help clarify the situation - what actions can lead to success. Each person strives for the best, and success can be both professional and personal, but they begin to interfere with each other. The continuation can be seen in the video training “Algorithm for Success”.

Film “Self-management and self-motivation”

Very often, the work started does not end in success, and the reason lies in the lack of confidence in victory and in one’s own abilities. Such confusion often prevents starting a business, so the author gives instructions not only to beginners, but to owners of large businesses. Quotes from Radislav Gandapas play an important role in shaping the personality of a future or established leader.

All videos - trainings, films and books of the author are aimed at achieving success for everyone who desires it. Radislav is sure that in most cases a person is hampered by weaknesses, indecisiveness, conventions, etc. You cannot nurture ideas for years, you must immediately begin to implement them, and the author insists on this.

Family and personal life

Between work, writing another book and creating video trainings (“Charisma of a Leader”, “Formula of Motivation”, etc.), the author does not forget about his personal life. Radislav has an excellent family, a wonderful wife and child - daughter Maria. And, most likely, in this matter the business coach acted as decisively as in a professional environment.

Radislav Gandapas advocates that all difficulties can be solved and one should not give up in the face of them. This is the only way to achieve the desired heights. There is no formula for success, but the formula for failure is a reality, and it consists mainly of weaknesses. Feedback from listeners about the author’s projects is impressive, as people talk about gaining courage, determination and prudence.

Radislav Gandapas maintains a blog that is easy to find on the social network Twitter. If you need the support of a successful trainer, Radislav's lessons will help you solve problems and gain valuable knowledge.

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Biography, life story of Gandapas Radislav

Radislav Gandapas (born June 17, 1967, Kuibyshev) - leading business coach and co-owner of the Oratorika company - about doing business, fears, successes, formulas and cases.

From the age of 5 he lived in Odessa.

In 1991 he graduated from the Philological University of Odessa State University. In the same year, he became a Russian language teacher in high school No. 28.

From 1994 to 2000 - Deputy Director of the Odessa House of Scientists. There he also organized a training center that trained specialists in basic business specialties. The training center, in particular, conducted business trainings and seminars.

In 2000 he opened his own company, which existed for a year.

In 2001 he moved to Moscow, where he began his career as a business coach. In 2004, he founded his own company, “Academy of Oratorical Skills,” with partners and took the position of its president (now Oratory). In the same year, under his chairmanship, the Orators Club (now OratoricClub) appeared.

Since 2008, he has been conducting a series of master classes “Profession – Business Trainer”.

Since 2009, he has been the host of the talk show “Citizens” on the “Capital” TV channel. Also takes part in television programs on the channels RBC-TV, RTR, TNT, REN TV, Channel 1, NTV, etc.

Clients include top officials of major companies, leaders of political parties, and ministers. Prepared dozens of unique corporate conferences and Road-Shows.

A professional speaker, Radislav himself often speaks at conferences, round tables, and on television programs. Gives interviews to newspapers and magazines.


Radislav Gandapas is the most titled business coach in Russia. Leader of coaching ratings. Twice he was named the best in the profession based on the results of the year.

Co-owner and leading trainer of the company “Oratorica” www.oratorica.ru. Author of six books on public speaking (“Kama Sutra for the Speaker”, “Presentation Designer”, “Ready to Speak!”, “101 Tips for the Speaker”, “101 Tips for a Corporate Conference” and “Speeches that Changed Russia”) and three films (“Learning to speak publicly”, “Charisma of a leader in business” and “Business presentation”).


Radislav Gandapas is the author of original trainings:

Two Wings of Public Speaking

Presentation - sensation

Charisma of a leader in business. Image and mysticism, psychology and power

Corporate ideology

Hit or miss. The ideology of the leader is the ideology of victory

The power of persuasion. The Power of Oratory

Titles, awards and bonuses

Radislav’s biography was included in the encyclopedia of personalities “Who is who in Russia”.

President of the Academy of Oratory

Interview with a business coach

Do you think there is a formula for success when building a business?

- There is, of course, no formula for success. However, there is a formula for failure when building a business. In a student audience in Nizhny Novgorod, I was asked the question: “Why is it so difficult to do business in Russia?” The question did not seem very specific to me, and I asked the person who asked it to clarify what he meant. It turned out he was talking about the registration procedure. That is, the student thought the preparation of constituent documents was such an overwhelming task that it was time to abandon the very idea of ​​​​creating a business. Well, what can I say to a person who thinks that the most difficult thing in business is registration? Doing business in Russia is easy. Very simple. However, for those who see only difficulties in everything, even writing the minutes of the meeting of founders can become an insurmountable obstacle.

What main qualities should a person have in order to build a business and keep it afloat?

- The main obstacles are internal brakes: fear of difficulties, reluctance to live in hardships until you get results, lack of faith in your own strengths and capabilities. Accordingly, to build and maintain a business, a person needs a certain amount of courage, determination and faith. And he will find competent specialists and pay for their work.

Why do you think so many started projects fail?

- There are people who give up what they started when they encounter the first difficulties. These are the kind of people who are ready to send a child to an orphanage when it turns out that he needs to change his diapers. It is better to prepare for business, as well as for the birth of children, based on the assumption that you will have to solve some problems every day. And get ready to solve them with pleasure.

What percentage of aspiring businessmen do you think fail due to unfounded confidence in their perfection?

- I think it's small. A much higher percentage of novice businessmen fail due to unfounded confidence in their inability to solve the problems facing them.

Do you think it is more difficult to build a business in Russia than abroad? What distinctive features of building a business do we have in our country?

- It depends on what kind of business and where abroad. If you adequately imagine the situation, then building a business is neither easier nor more difficult. In someone else's garden, as you know, the grass is greener. Therefore, many procedures there seem simpler. But it is almost impossible to make super-profits and develop businesses in emerging markets there - there are simply no such markets left, and government mechanisms for limiting income work flawlessly.

Why do people need business training?

- To develop the skills our business people lack, to increase their efficiency. Business training is not a substitute for higher education. They perform the same function as fitness training - keeping fit.

Tell us how you became a business coach.

- For six years I worked in an organization that conducted business trainings, seminars and conferences. During this time, I saw the work of different trainers from Russia, Ukraine, Great Britain and the USA. Quite often, watching them work, I internally exclaimed: “After all, I can do this too!” And more often: “I can do the same, but better!” I was like Cinderella watching her clumsy stepsisters get ready for the ball. And, like Cinderella, I had to return to my chores: provide a coffee break, prepare accounting documents for the participants, call a car for the coach. And then a miracle happened - the trainer had force majeure, and she could not conduct the first part of the training. And the group has been recruited. In those days, the personality of the coach was not of fundamental importance, what was important was the topic and the program. And the trainer suggested that I replace her on the grounds that I had been to her training several times and could handle it quite well. I then experienced mixed feelings. Probably the same feelings are experienced by those standing on the bungee. I prepared using her materials half the night and started training the next day. Out of fear, I worked with such courage that the group really liked it. I had to complete the training because the group refused to work with a real trainer. This is how I conducted my first training. It is impossible to describe the euphoria that I felt for several days. And, of course, I was looking for an opportunity to repeat this. If you are looking for an opportunity, an opportunity will look for you and find you. A whole chain of events led me to where I am today.

Do you think that a coach is partly a teacher?

- Of course. Over the past years, I have been working only with top managers and business owners. It is very important for them that the coach is not only a good specialist in his field, but also that he himself is a kind of example, so that they want to emulate him. This makes the coach and teacher akin. He must not only teach and instruct. He must be personally strong and interesting to his students.

Did you have any coaches or teachers when you started?

- My school literature teacher, Alexander Arkadyevich Chumakov, became my first authority in teaching. It was thanks to him that I chose the philological department of the university, and it was thanks to him that I myself became a teacher of Russian language and literature. And, in the end, thanks to him, I became a business coach. Despite the fact that many years have passed, thanks to Facebook we communicate almost daily. When I conduct training, he often stands before my eyes as an example of teacher behavior. Bright, shocking, witty, but... attentive, caring and infinitely kind.

Do you have people whose opinions you rely on unquestioningly? Do you think it is important to have such people?

- No, there are no such people. I'm not 15 years old. I have my own opinion. And at the end of the training, I can give myself qualified and professional feedback. This doesn't mean that I ignore other people's opinions. I take it into account, check with it, but in the end, to what extent to use it, I decide for myself.

Do you think age is important when starting your own business? Some say that experience is needed, others - on the contrary, that young energy is needed...

- We need to start as early as possible. Then there is a chance that experience will be quickly gained, while the young energy has not yet cooled down.

Do you think there are areas that have not yet been beaten and not filled, sort of empty niches in which it is easier to open your own business than in others?

- It is always easier to start in emerging and developing markets. It is always more difficult in mature markets. However, if you are starting your own business, this should not be the only reason. You must understand the subject, know regional characteristics, and simply enjoy the development of your business. But, of course, if this is a venture project for you, then, of course, the latest indicators are not so important.

What is the main advice you could give to a person who wants to open their own business?

- The main advice is: “Don’t slow down!” Don’t hesitate when the decision is ripe, don’t carry it for years. Start taking action. You can never be prepared for a new business, you can never take everything into account, you can never be sure that everything will work out. Just start and in the process of solving problems and problems you will learn a lot. Rarely does an entrepreneur stop after creating a successful business. There will be more and more projects. Some will be more successful, some less so, and some will not live up to expectations at all. Be that as it may, no matter what happens - never slow down!

Photos by Gandapas Radislav


Seryoga (Moscow)

The usual balabol! He hangs the noodles on his ears professionally!

2017-06-27 13:07:05

Ablalim (Crimea)

You are simply a genius!!! I'm 15 and I'm already trying to come up with something, create something. I would just like to chat with you, I have a lot of questions for you.

2016-08-05 09:56:45

Grigory (Irkutsk)

Hello! Radislav, first of all I want to thank you! You instill in people faith in themselves and in their strengths, even in the most force majeure circumstances! Of course, this is the merit of the listeners themselves, because if not their own desire, then nothing would have moved. I wish you personally and the whole team to move forward higher and higher!

2016-03-15 09:19:51

Evgeniy (Astana)

Well done, Radislav! Indeed, a strong coach, he understands what he is talking about. The motivation after his training is simply insane! Especially, I think it will be useful to watch and listen to his speeches for people who strive for success in life, but who lack motivation. People, success to all!!!

2015-08-16 08:43:13

Diana (Ekaterinburg)

Yesterday I attended his master class... I’ve been reading and watching him for a long time... And yesterday I had a wonderful day in the company of a smart, successful, self-sufficient person))) Ideas and chances are in the air!!!
Everyone wants results, but few people even lift their fifth point from their chair. So, all Nikolai and Ivan, sit back, write loser texts, hate the state and successful people))) And good luck with your implementation)))

2015-07-10 16:55:06

Kristina (Khanty-Mansiysk)

I attended his training. And I’m very pleased. Six hours in his company flew by in a positive way and simply blew the audience away. I wish Radislav further success. I gained a lot for myself after his training.

2014-11-02 21:55:32

Elena (Samara)

My husband and I attended a business congress, and what we heard was great!!! We are trying to find out more. A wonderful speaker, psychologist and simply smart person. Happy belated birthday. Only forward!!!

2014-06-18 19:31:57

Ivan (Russia)

This Gandapas is an ordinary eloquent balabol... Breeding rabbits for loot(((Nothing changes in Russia... He is right about this)

Radislav Gandapas (June 17, 1967, Kuibyshev, Novosibirsk region) is a Russian business coach, one of the owners of the Oratorika company. His clients include leaders of political parties, heads of major companies and even ministers. In particular, Gandapas participated in the organization of public events for P. Globa, G. Koll, L. Kuchma, B. Grebenshchikov, as well as the Schick, Motorola and Doctor Theiss brands.

Basic biographical information

1972 – Radislav moved with his parents to Odessa, where he spent almost his entire childhood.

1991 – completed his studies at the Faculty of Philology of Odessa State University. Then he began teaching Russian at secondary school No. 28 (Odessa).

1994-2000 - was deputy director of the Odessa House of Scientists. Here Radislav Gandapas organized a training center to train future businessmen. Started conducting business trainings and seminars.

2000 - opened his own company, however, it lasted no more than a year.

2001 - moved to Moscow, where he became a business coach.

2004 – together with partners, he founded the company “Academy of Oratory Skills” (“Oratory”). In this company he served as president. In addition, he organized the Speakers Club (OratoricClub).

2008 – began conducting master classes called “Profession – Business Trainer.”

2009 - became the host of the talk show “Citizens” (channel “Capital”). In addition, he took part in programs broadcast on TV channels RTR, RBC-TV, TNT, Channel 1, REN TV, NTV and many others.

Family status: married, has a son Gregory and a daughter Maria.

How did Radislav Gandapas become a business coach?

For about 6 years, Radislav Gandapas worked in an organization that conducted business trainings, conferences and seminars. During this time, he became acquainted with the work of coaches from around the world. Describing this period of his life, he admitted that more than once he internally exclaimed: “And I can do this!” Or even: “I can do the same, but better!” And then one day a miracle happened - due to an unforeseen force majeure, the coach was unable to conduct the training, and Radislav was offered to replace him. He worked with such courage that the group refused to study with a real coach. After this, Radislav looked for an opportunity to repeat his success. As a result, a chain of cases led him to confession.

The main obstacles to running a successful business: reluctance to put up with temporary hardships, fear of difficulties, lack of faith in one’s strengths and capabilities.

Building a successful business requires courage, faith, determination and competent specialists. You also need to remember that you will have to deal with various problems every day, but you need to do it with pleasure.

The main advice for beginning businessmen: “Don’t slow down! You can't hatch an idea for years. You need to start acting immediately. There is a lot to be learned in the process of problem solving. Some projects will be more successful, others less so, and some will not justify themselves at all. But, no matter what happens, never slow down!”

A businessman is a person who prefers action to endless procrastination. He never tires of teaching others and learns with absolute dedication what he himself does not know how to do.

Books, films, trainings

Radislav Gandapas is recognized as the most titled business coach in Russia. He is the author of a number of books on public speaking:

  • "Kama Sutra for the Speaker";
  • “101 tips for a speaker”;
  • “Speeches that changed Russia”;
  • "Presentation constructor";
  • “101 Tips for Hosting a Corporate Conference.”

Radislav Gandapas also created 7 films about public speaking:

  • “Charisma of a leader in business”;
  • “Learning to speak in public”;
  • "Leader's Ideology";
  • "Leader's Cross"
  • “Profession – business coach”;
  • "Formula of Motivation";
  • "Business presentation."
  • “The presentation is a sensation”;
  • "Corporate ideology";
  • "2 wings of public speech."

Radislav Gandapas is a business coach and speaker. Develops leadership qualities in students. Year after year he tops all coaching ratings. He is the author of six books on public speaking. The article will describe his short biography.

Childhood and studies

Radislav Gandapas was born in the city of Kuibyshevo (Novosibirsk region) in 1967. But the boy spent almost his entire childhood and youth in Odessa. Radislav moved there with his parents in 1972. From an early age, Gandapas had noticeable determination, charisma and talent. In Odessa, a young man graduated from the university. In 1991, he received a diploma as a teacher of literature and Russian language.


Radislav Gandapas, whose biography is presented in this article, devoted only three years to teaching. In 1994, the future coach became deputy director at the House of Scientists in Odessa. We can say that this moment was the beginning of his bright career, which subsequently led Radislav to his current status. And it is obvious that for Gandapas as a business leader this is not the limit. He willingly shares his experience with directors of large companies, who are admired by the coach’s charisma, strength, power and confidence.

Carier start

While working at the House of Scientists, Radislav Gandapas (the speaker’s books are described below) attended the trainings held there many times. The young man began to understand what purpose and motivation are. More and more often the thought occurred to him: is there a formula for success? One day Radislav was asked to replace a coach who did not come to a lecture. After this, the listeners wanted to see Gandapas exclusively as a speaker. This is how his successful career as a business coach began.

Your own business

In 2001, Radislav Gandapas, whose biography is known to all lovers of oratory, opened his own business. But it all ended in failure - a year later the company ceased to exist. Radislav did not despair and left for Moscow. In the capital, the young man began giving private lessons.

In 2004, Gandapas opened the Oratorika company, becoming its president. This time events unfolded according to a favorable scenario. Soon Radislav's business began to gain momentum. The trainer has written several books, created a number of video presentations (“Scripts of Success”, “Charisma of a Leader”) and conducted many master classes. He also started a personal blog online, where he shared his thoughts with his subscribers.

Radislav Gandapas: books

In 2006, the first work of the hero of this article, entitled “Presentation Designer,” was published. You can easily guess the contents of the book from its title. The author teaches readers how to properly conduct a presentation. After all, not everyone can write a text correctly. This is also a kind of art. And, of course, the one who reads it must be a skilled speaker.

“Presentation Builder” helps people convey their thoughts convincingly, not lose contact with listeners, and behave correctly during a presentation. In 2008, a continuation of the book was published - “Ready for Performance!” In these works, the business coach presented a step-by-step plan that will help everyone prepare an impeccable presentation.

2007 is the year when Radislav Gandapas published his next book. “Kama Sutra for a speaker” - this is exactly the provocative name the business coach chose for it. The publication collected a large number of positive reviews. The essence of the book fully corresponds to its title - to become a successful speaker, you need not only to choose the right quotes and words, but also to enjoy what is said. It is equally important to feel the energy of the listeners. In addition to the printed version, an audiobook was also released.

Personal development and self-motivation are unique processes, but anxiety very often prevents a speaker from speaking 100%. The works of Gandapas help to gain control over human feelings that interfere with achieving goals.

In subsequent years, the business coach wrote three more books: “101 Tips for a Corporate Conference,” “Speeches That Changed Russia,” and “101 Tips for a Speaker.” These publications, like other works by the hero of this article, contain original quotes and are based on both personal experience and observations.

Personal life

Radislav Gandapas, whose biography was presented above, does not forget about this important area. He has a magnificent family: a wonderful wife and two children - son Gregory and daughter Maria. And most likely, in this matter the trainer acted as decisively as he taught people public speaking. Radislav Gandapas's wife is very proud of her husband and supports him in everything.

Beliefs and views

The hero of this article speaks out against lack of faith in one’s own strengths, unwillingness to put up with huge losses of time and fear of difficulties. The coach claims that a successful business can be built on just the opposite - the willingness to overcome small and large obstacles, reasonable perseverance, and determination.

Radislav Gandapas, whose biography is a role model for every entrepreneur, believes that any problems can be solved and one should never give up in front of them. This is the only way to achieve the desired heights. There is no formula for success. There is only a formula for failure - this is the surrounding reality, consisting exclusively of weaknesses. That is, each person independently influences the goals and direction of development of his business.

And finally, here are a couple more tips from Radislav:

  • An entrepreneur must constantly teach: first himself, and then others.
  • does not stop there. He does not slow down and only moves forward, towards new ambitious goals.

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