
Meaning of the word dream. What does it mean to dream? What is a dream

DREAM - an image created by the imagination of something valuable and desirable, but currently inaccessible. In psychology, imagination is often interpreted as a type of imagination directed toward the sphere of the desired distant future. The category M. arises at the intersection of such categories as imagination, desire and value. M. is distinguished from the category of “goals” by its indifference to issues of pragmatic realism: the object of M. can be, in principle, an inaccessible object of desire, the unattainability of which is recognized by the dreamer and which, due to this, is not a guideline for human activity. M. is distinguished from such concepts as “desire” or “need”, firstly, by the obligatory participation of the imagination in creating the image of what is desired and, secondly, by the high value status of what is desired. The concept of “M.”, as a rule, is applied in relation to the most valuable objects of desire for a given person or community, due to which this concept becomes close to the concept of the ideal. The most important characteristic property of M. is the inability to achieve what is desired at the moment, and sometimes at all. It is this feature of the concept of M that makes this word synonymous with such words as nonsense, dream, vision, ghost. The semantically primary unattainability of M. encourages the widespread use in advertising and propaganda of such expressions as “dream come true,” “dream come true,” etc. - syntagmatically, such expressions carry a connotation of paradox, but in essence they should testify to a miracle and radical changes that have occurred in reality. The unattainability of M. is in close connection with its high value - M. arises without regard to actually available opportunities and therefore carries within itself the most daring and cherished human desires. The mandatory participation of imagination in the functioning of M. is explained by the function of imagination in emotional regulation: unfulfilled desire generates tension, which is partly relieved by the fulfillment of desires in the imagination. The high value status of M. allows it to be used as an important indicator of an individual or collective worldview: by M. one can judge an individual or a community, since M. embodies their “ultimate values.” The practice of formulating the characteristics of a subject through his M. gives rise to ideas about stereotypical M., presumably characteristic of certain communities: the “American Dream” of rapid material prosperity, the “Russian Dream” of a miracle, etc. Also, to characterize a particular element of material culture, the idea of ​​whose M is often used. it could be, for example: “the car is a racer’s dream.” The embodiment of stereotypical dreams in works of literature leads to the creation of the genre of utopia, as well as science fiction facing the future. The absence of M., the inability to dream, as a rule, is associated with a practicality devoid of a long-term vision and focused only on relatively easily achievable goals, the strength of which is a good, albeit superficial, knowledge of the surrounding reality, and the weakness is the lack of the ability to set long-term goals. Traditionally, M. is considered the most important factor in motivating cognitive and creative activity. In this regard, M. is considered as the very first stage of the cycle of human activity, the final stage of which should be a scientific discovery, business enterprise, etc. At the same time, M. can play the role of a psychological tool of escape from reality. Thus, depending on the volitional properties of the individual, the same M. can play both a mobilizing and demobilizing function. K. G. Frumkin

12 years later, after a long silence due to a conflict with a former producer, the group led by permanent leader Oleg Gorshkov returns... Read all

The first album of the group “Dream” with the name “Pilot” was released in 1996 and included 14 romantic songs. All of them were clearly dedicated to some girl and were imbued with the warmth and nostalgia of days gone by... The fans did not let the record gather dust on the shelf.

12 years later, after a long silence due to a conflict with a former producer, the group, led by permanent leader Oleg Gorshkov, returns to the stage. A new line-up of professional musicians performs both old hits that the whole country has heard, and new songs, thanks to which Oleg decided to return to music. The result was the work “Time to Dream,” released in early 2010 and including 12 tracks. Most of them are expressed in the style of the first album, and the difference of almost 15 years is practically not felt.

Oleg Gorshkov - vocals, guitar, music, poetry
Artem Semenkovich - guitar
Artem Sergeev - bass
Kirill Savichev - drums
Alexey Kalyapichev - keys

Official site:

Dream … Dictionary of Russian synonyms

DREAM, dreams, family. pl. not used, female 1. Creation of imagination, something imagined, mentally imagined. “Dreams are boiling, in the mind, suppressed by melancholy, an excess of heavy thoughts is crowded.” Pushkin. || original Ghost, vision. “I saw terrible... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Mystery of feelings * Memory * Desire * Dream * Enjoyment * Loneliness * Waiting * Fall * Memory * Victory * Defeat * Glory * Conscience * Passion * Superstition * Respect * ... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

Dreaming, nonsense, reverie, thought, vision, apparition, illusion, specter, whim, self-deception, self-delusion, utopia, fantasy, chimera, castle in the air, play of imagination, dream, delusion, unfulfilled desire. Shattered illusions.. Wed. . See ideal,... ... Synonym dictionary

- “DREAM”, USSR, MOSFILM, 1941, b/w, 100 min. Historical socio-psychological drama. After working on two political ones; With biased films about Lenin, Mikhail Romm turns to the social tragicomedy about... ... which is close to his theme and genre. Encyclopedia of Cinema

dream- DREAM is an image created by the imagination of something valuable and desirable, but currently inaccessible. In psychology, imagination is often interpreted as a type of imagination directed toward the sphere of the desired distant future. Category M... Encyclopedia of Epistemology and Philosophy of Science

Dream, dreams, dreams, dreams, dreams, dreams, dreams, dreams, dreams, dreams, dreams, dreams, dreams (Source: “Full accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak”) ... Forms of words

DREAM, s, meaning. genus. pl. used dreams, women 1. Something created by the imagination, mentally imagined. M. about happiness. M. came true. 2. units An object of desire, aspiration. M. all my life. 3. dream, meaning tale What's n about? very good (colloquial joke) ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

DREAM. The etymology of the word dream is unclear. Dissatisfied with the explanations of Matzenauer, Miklosic, Goryaev and Preobrazhensky, prof. G. A. Ilyinsky assumed the root *mĭk in the word mčьta and compared it with cumikat, mìcnut, vl. mikać blink, mik... ... History of words

dream- a necessary condition for the transformation of reality, an incentive, a motive for an activity, the final completion of which was delayed; a special form of imagination, localized in a fairly distant future and uniting... ... Great psychological encyclopedia


  • Dream, Maria Lodi. The action of the novels takes place in France in the 60s of the 19th century, during the era of the dictatorial regime of Napoleon III. Parisian boulevards, cafes, embankments, salons and... appear before the reader’s eyes.

(384 words) What is a dream? This is a certain image of an ideal future, an idea of ​​what you would like to have or what you would like to achieve. Dreams often diverge from reality and look impossible, but they motivate us to achieve more, better, they give us a purpose in life. To illustrate my point, I use literary examples.

Nothing will tell about a dream better than the work of Alexander Greene “Scarlet Sails”. Young Assol has dreamed since childhood that the local storyteller’s prediction would come true, and a prince would sail to her on a ship with scarlet sails. Gray, as a child, heard the story of the keeper of the wine cellar about wonderful wine, which is stored in a black barrel with the inscription: “Gray will drink me when he is in heaven.” Then Gray decided that he would be the one to drink this wine and that he would find his paradise. Later he was inspired by a seascape painting and decided to become a sailor. And the dreams of these young people came true. But in Green's story, wishes are not fulfilled just like that. Both heroes got what they wanted after going through many difficulties: Asol lived under the label of the crazy daughter of a soulless man, whose crime was equated to murder; Gray worked hard to become the captain of his own ship. The story shows the reader that it is dreams that lead a person to happiness, if you do not give up on them, if you believe, no matter what.

Another suitable example can be found in L. N. Tolstoy’s epic novel “War and Peace.” Petya Rostov dreams of going to the front and serving his homeland. Seeing the capitulation of Moscow and the flight of his parents, the young man longs to avenge his homeland and protect his people. The family opposes his intentions, because Petya is still very young. In addition, the Rostovs already faced many trials; they were not ready to lose their son. And yet the hero realized his dream by joining the partisan movement. In moments of battle, he was happy because he was finally able to contribute to the holy cause - ridding his homeland of the enemy. Peter died young, but a fully accomplished man who knew happiness in his lifetime and realized his potential. We still remember the exploits of our ancestors in those battles, so they remain with us forever. This means that the hero’s dream came true, and he paid with his life for it.

A dream is our ideal idea of ​​our desired future. But this future will not come by itself. To fulfill your dream, you will have to work hard, take risks and leave your comfort zone, overcome the vicissitudes of fate and insist on your own. A dream come true is the result of hard work, but it is undoubtedly worth it.

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From a scientific point of view, a dream is a special type of imagination that contains a person’s cherished desire. If a dream comes true, he, to one degree or another, becomes happy. The definition of “dream” has its own characteristics: first of all, the image of a dream is emotionally rich, moreover, our desires have a close connection with the confidence in their fulfillment.

Is there any benefit to daydreaming?

A dream is what you want to live for; it is what gives you a full life, filled with bright emotions. A dream is purely individual, that is, everyone has their own, with characteristic differences and features.

If a person makes plans for the future and dreams, it means that he has an incentive to grow and improve.

The life of a person who strives for something will never be devoid of meaning. A dream helps to strengthen fortitude and improve moral qualities. The presence of a goal helps you strive for it and look for ways to realize it. A dream undoubtedly gives joy and lifts your spirits. If a person plans something for the future, he definitely sees meaning in his existence.

Some people believe that dreaming is not useful: why dream if you can live a real life? This is where they are wrong. A person who does not have a specific goal and lives one day at a time is not as happy as someone who dreams. People who see no meaning in the future may be upset or disappointed about something, and there may be a bit of bitterness in them. But it is worth noting that even the most desperate person has his own dream: without desires, a person would be like a robot.

A dream drives us, it forces us to work and improve, it allows us to competently plan our lives. This or that goal may require a lot of time, physical and moral strength from us, but we will still come to it because we really want it.

A dream can be completely different: someone wants to spend a vacation in a colorful corner of the planet, someone wants to buy a comfortable home, someone dreams of meeting a soul mate with whom they want to create a strong family. A dream distinguishes us from animals, for whom the main thing is needs.

On the way to making your dreams come true

To make our wish come true, we need to make some efforts. It cannot be said with certainty that few succeed in making their dreams come true. People plan, work, show persistence, patience, and their plans come true! To make your dream come true, you must first compare your capabilities, rationally calculate them, weighing all the pros and cons. A person who does not have sufficient determination may retreat on the path to his dream, and as a result, it will never come true.

A person with a strong spirit will be able to step over himself if his life goal requires it, and in the end he will get what he wanted. What is a dream and what is the line between it and an illusion? The question is quite complicated. An illusion is something that a person has imagined, which has nothing to do with a dream. The main feature of illusion is that it does not give a positive outlook on the future; a person does not receive moral nourishment from it. However, if we dream all the time and do nothing, our desires will turn into illusions; they can become an obsessive thought that will only irritate us. A person lives at the moment when he moves towards his goal.

Any dream can come true, it all depends on how strongly a person strives for this realization. Some people believe that very few wishes come true in life; everything is hindered by external circumstances that are not favorable to us. If something is really destined to happen, higher powers will definitely help, but this will not happen without the participation of the person himself - the creator of his own destiny. There is a very good rule of psychologists: if you cannot change your circumstances, change your attitude towards them.

Sometimes circumstances are not the best, but if we really live our dream, truly want something, there will be no obstacles for us, we will try to find a way out of any, even the most difficult situation. The main thing is to listen to your inner voice, which will certainly never deceive you. It’s worth repeating: a dream is purely individual, it is what our heart wants.

Intuition is an assistant in making your desires come true

When implementing this or that idea, you need to listen to your heart, it will tell you how to act correctly, it is very important to listen to your inner voice, which can sometimes contradict your mind.

Quite often, reason and intuition come into conflict; who will win in it depends only on your personal characteristics, in particular, on what you tend to trust more: reason or intuition. If a person always follows the lead of reason, his life turns out to be not so rich, not so joyful and pleasant, and in the end it can lead to disappointment. The inner voice is what is given to us from God, sometimes we cannot really explain why it tells us to do this and not otherwise, but we feel that way. Brave, wise and prudent people will definitely listen to their own intuition; they do not follow the lead of cold reason. Dreaming is always useful; in any case, desire makes our life brighter and more beautiful.

Sometimes a person believes that he should not have a dream; perhaps such people are tired of life, turmoil, and tired to such an extent that they are ready to be disappointed in everything. But strong, stable, strong-willed people who dream and actually achieve their goals do not ignore what their inner voice tells them. The desires of some people can cause ridicule from others. Having voiced his plans publicly, a person can expect any reaction, including disapproval.

Don’t despair if your plans are not understood; you need to remember that a dream is a reflection of your inner world. First of all, you need to love your dream. It should evoke delight, the brightest and brightest feelings. If it is not destined to come true, you should not despair, you need to gradually move forward to something new, leaving your cherished desire in the innermost corners of your soul.

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