
What pills to stay awake? How to stay awake: Traditional medicine tips, special remedies, expert advice and music. Movement is life

Drivers who regularly drive their cars witness terrible accidents on highways and city roads. Few people know that about 20% of accidents occur due to the driver sleeping at the wheel. How to avoid falling asleep while driving and save the lives of yourself and other road users?

Why do you want to sleep while driving?

There may be several reasons why you feel sleepy while driving. To fix this problem, you need to identify it. Somnologists name the main reasons:

  1. Constant lack of sleep, due to which the body experiences.
  2. Narcolepsy is a neurological disorder in which sleep is not controlled by the brain.
  3. Hypersomnia is a disease of the nervous system.
  4. Apnea is increased sleepiness during the day due to frequent short pauses in breathing at night.
  5. Taking medications, often with a sedative effect.
  6. Smoking and drinking alcohol.
  7. During colds, drowsiness can be caused by vitamin deficiency, anemia, and hormonal imbalance.

Experienced drivers, who often have to drive vehicles for many hours in a row and at different times of the day, know how not to fall asleep while driving. To do this, each of them tried many methods and chose the one that suited him. They often advise beginners, first of all, to get a good night's sleep before the trip and not to plan it at night. If you feel tired, to prevent falling asleep while driving from becoming a cause of unhappiness, stop in a parking lot and take a nap for 20-30 minutes. As a rule, this time is enough to continue the journey.

Ways to avoid falling asleep while driving

If you still had to go on a trip late in the day and you have a long journey ahead of you, you may need ways to avoid falling asleep while driving at night. Experienced drivers call talking with a fellow traveler one of the simplest and most accessible options. An interesting conversation requires active brain activity. Time flies by unnoticed during a cheerful conversation, but you should not turn away from your fellow traveler, but should carefully monitor the traffic on the road.

If you are traveling alone, you can stock up on invigorating drinks, such as coffee or strong tea. Doctors do not recommend drinking energy drinks. For some time they will restore vigor to the body, but will deal a strong blow to the cardiovascular system. Many truck drivers stock up on small provisions, such as seeds, nuts, crackers, and small candies. They distract the driver from the thought “How not to sleep while driving.”

Another proven method is chewing gum, preferably menthol. And it’s not just about the refreshing taste, but about deceiving the brain, which thinks that it will now have to digest the food.

Pills to help you stay awake while driving

Energy pills were developed by scientists not only to prevent you from falling asleep while driving. Many people are forced to work at night, but not every body can withstand such stress. A distinctive feature of the tablets is their ease of use, unlike invigorating drinks in cans. As a rule, they contain various vitamins, taurine and caffeine. Before your planned trip, you can take a course of energy tablets after consulting with your doctor. The dosage may vary in each case depending on various indicators.

When taking it on your own, you must strictly follow the instructions for the medicine. Common tablets include:

  • "Modafinil";
  • "Longdaisin";
  • "Pantocrine".

Bracelet against sleeping while driving

To avoid sleeping while driving, experts come up with new devices. Bracelets have appeared on the market to help the driver monitor his condition. The device is worn on the arm and records deviations in the galvanic skin response. The bracelet measures the electrical resistance of the skin and determines the state of the driver's reaction. If it decreases, the device gives a signal. It can be light, sound or manifested by vibration. By these signs, a person knows that within a few minutes he can fall asleep.

Music to keep you awake while driving

Music installations in cars are needed not only for the comfort of the driver and his passengers. Audio files are a reliable way to fight sleep while driving. Listening to your favorite songs helps and improves brain activity. You can stock up on interesting audiobooks with an exciting plot for your trip, but the main thing is not to lose your vigilance under the monotonous playback. Songs. to help you stay active:

  1. BROHUG – Droppers.
  2. Valentino Khan – Pump.
  3. Malaa - Bylina.
  4. MiyaGi & Endgame feat. Rem Digga – I Got Love (Alex Fit Remix).
  5. Feder – Lordly (Illona & Altuhov radio edit).
  6. East Clubbers – My Love (Dmitriy Rs & DJ Cheeful Remix).
  7. HVNNIBVL – On & On.
  8. Rita Ora – Your Song.
  9. Zara Larsson ft. Ty Dolla Sing – So Good (Goldhouse Remix).
  10. Amigos – Let Me Love You.
  11. Benny Benassi – Love is gonna save us (Dmitry Glushkov remix).

If you are in splendid isolation in the car, there is another proven method to avoid falling asleep while driving - try singing, and loudly. This method may seem strange to some, but it “works.” During loud singing, more oxygen enters the lungs, which fills the entire body. This helps to awaken it and makes the brain work actively.

We will tell you how to avoid falling asleep while driving in this article.

Scientists have found that four hours of monotonous road conditions reduce the driver's reaction by half, and eight hours of non-stop driving - by six times.

That's why the best way to reduce the risk of falling asleep while driving is to rest. But what if you need to keep moving? There are many ways to cheer up and finish your road trip without incident.

How to stay awake while driving at night, how to overcome sleep?

Unless you work as a truck driver, driving in the dark can be very tiring. On the one hand, the biological clock makes itself felt, and on the other, concentration decreases due to constant stress.

You can overcome sleep by talking with passengers. Of course, for this they must be in the salon. Truckers use a walkie-talkie for this.

Communication with passengers stimulates the brain. But it can also cause the opposite phenomenon. An interesting topic of conversation or a heated argument can distract the driver from the road and reduce his reaction.

Mr. Bean. Humor.

During a conversation, the passenger must monitor the driver’s reaction and if he begins to get confused in his answers and loses the essence of the conversation, then he needs to urgently tell him about it and cheer him up. If, based on the driver’s reaction, the passenger understands that sleep is inevitable, then it is best to persuade the driver to stop for a rest.

While resting, do eye exercises (just not on the go): blink your eyes one at a time, look from the road to the instruments, to the side stand, look into the distance several times, and then at the tip of your nose, again into the distance.

If the driver is alone in the car, then instead of communicating with the passenger, you can use audio files. Music, audiobooks, lectures, etc. You can use anything that can cheer you up. But, some music and audiobooks may have the opposite effect. Therefore, you need to be careful when choosing such files for your audio library.

Record your favorite songs on a flash drive and play them while driving. But don’t just listen, try to sing along. This needs to be done loudly. Thanks to this singing, the lungs will begin to work more intensely and more oxygen will enter the blood. Which will lead to increased brain activity. Sleep will recede a little.

In addition, while singing, the muscles of the abdomen and throat tense, hearing and memory are strained.

What to do to avoid falling asleep while driving?

You can also help prolong wakefulness by using an uncomfortable seating position. An uncomfortable posture will not allow you to relax and will keep you tense. Which can also help overcome sleep.

Some drivers, in order to avoid falling asleep while driving, take seeds, nuts, crackers, sour apples, candies and other products with them on the road. By eating them during the journey, you don’t have to worry about falling asleep.

Another “secret” method that truck drivers use to avoid falling asleep while driving. If they feel tired, they stop every 30-50 minutes and wash their face with mineral water. You can also wet your hair and neck with water. A state of vivacity for half an hour is guaranteed.

If you are on the road for more than 10 hours, then drink green hour periodically. This healthy drink contains tannins that stimulate brain activity. But even if green tea doesn't make you feel alert, its diuretic effect will make you stop frequently. Such a ragged pace will help you always be concentrated.

Tea at the table

Adding a citrus and pine scent will help add vigor. To do this, you can hang a special fragrance (“stinker”) in the car. Periodic ventilation of the interior will also prevent you from falling asleep. Cool, clean air will help increase your heart rate. Which is also a good way to prevent sleep while driving.

In order to avoid falling asleep while driving, you must rest before a long trip. If you do not feel very well, then it is better to refuse the trip.

Devices against sleep while driving

If you often use your car to travel long distances, you can purchase special electronic devices that will help prevent you from falling asleep while driving. Here are the most popular ones:

  • Stop Sleep. This ring-shaped device is worn on the hand. If the device’s algorithm thinks that a person is starting to fall asleep, it vibrates, emits a signal and wakes him up.
  • Anti dream. The device is attached behind the ear and emits a beep when the head position changes.
  • Eye Tracker. This device is an entire warning system for a tired driver. Its algorithms monitor the position of the head and eyelids. If the driver is tired and starts to fall asleep, Eye Tracker will quickly notify him about this by voice, sound or using a vibration signal installed in the driver's seat.

To avoid falling asleep while driving: drugs, pills, sleep aids

You need to understand that falling asleep is a natural process of our body. With mental and physical fatigue, the body starts the process of falling asleep. During sleep, strength and internal systems are restored. Intense city traffic or a monotonous country road tires the nervous system, “loads” the eyes and takes away strength.

Using various drugs to prolong the wakefulness phase is not the best option. But sometimes a driver cannot do without pills and other sleep aids. They contain caffeine, taurine and vitamins. The main advantage of such tablets is that you can buy them and leave them in the car for a long time. The shelf life of such tablets is usually 2-3 years.

The same cannot be said about coffee and other energy drinks. Coffee should be prepared before the trip, and drinks should preferably be purchased immediately before the trip. The most well-known drugs that interfere with sleep are:

  • "Coffeeinimum" and "Caffetin". Caffeine based tablets. They can help you stay alert for 14-18 hours. But taking caffeine also has a negative aspect. This compound greatly “loads” the nervous and cardiovascular systems.
  • Tablets containing ginseng. This plant has long proven its effectiveness. Ginseng has a positive effect on brain activity, relieves fatigue and helps to concentrate.
  • "Bioscan+Driver". This product is made based on Siberian larch extract. This product is considered a natural energy drink. These tablets will help cope with drowsiness.
  • Magnesium with Vitamin B6. An excellent tool to help you concentrate. The only negative is that it does not give an immediate effect. It is best to start drinking magnesium a few days before a long trip.

IMPORTANT: Energy chewing gum is very popular in the United States. Initially they were developed for army needs, but very soon they began to spread to civilians. There is chewing gum that contains up to 100 mg of caffeine.

You can take the above medications only after consulting a doctor. Almost all known sleep medications have side effects.

Which energy drink is better to drink while driving, which one is better to invigorate?

Energy drinks, unlike the medications described above, are more accessible. You can buy them right on the track. Such drinks are sold in cafes and gas stations. These energy drinks may contain caffeine, taurine, ginseng and other components. They are able to invigorate the body, drive away sleep and give vitality.

The simplest energy drink is coffee. The caffeine in this drink acts as a stimulant on the central nervous system. It can enhance mental and physical activity. But, caffeine should not be taken by people with heart problems.

Unlike advertising, energy drinks do not charge the body with additional energy, but mobilize the body's own energy reserves. Which leads to the fact that with long-term use of such drugs, nerve cells are depleted. And in order to get the desired effect, more and more energy drinks are required each time.

Energy drinks are a loan of energy

After which you need time to recuperate. Excessive consumption of such drinks can lead to major problems with the body's energy balance.

IMPORTANT: Making an energy drink at home is very simple. Pour a couple of spoons of instant coffee into a plastic glass and fill it with Coca-Cola. Stir and drink in one gulp. With this product you can instantly cheer up. But you can’t use it if you have problems with the heart and nervous system.

You need to understand that energy drinks affect everyone differently. Some people get turned on by a couple of sips of Red Bull, while others won’t even notice the effect of two cans of popular energy drinks.

In addition to caffeine, energy drinks may contain:

  • Taurine. It has a positive effect on the nervous system, providing the body with extreme energy during stress and mental tension.
  • Ginseng extract. Able to combat rapid fatigue and excessive fatigue. Very often it is prescribed for decreased concentration, memory impairment, and decreased performance.
  • Green tea extract. It is used as an additional means to increase strength and energy, as it contains a small amount of caffeine.
  • Guarana. This extract is extracted from guarana seeds. Adding it to the drink doubles the caffeine dosage.
  • Carnitine. This amino acid can increase endurance. Our body produces carnitine itself. But, additional intake of this amino acid into the body can enhance the effect.
  • Chinese lemongrass. Widely used as an adaptogenic and stimulant for mental and physical fatigue.

The most popular energy drinks are:

  • Red Bull. A drink based on caffeine and taurine. Contains B vitamins. It can help athletes, students, representatives of extreme professions, and during long car trips cope with stress.
  • Adrenalin Rush. This drink from the Coca-Cola company contains taurine, natural caffeine, as well as ginseng and guarana extracts. It has a more balanced composition than all those listed on this list. But, the effect of vigor after drinking this drink passes very quickly.
  • Burn. Contains the “standard” set of each energy drink: caffeine, taurine and guarana extract. The effect of taking Burn depends on the body. But, in any case, some time after taking it you need to rest and restore the body’s energy reserves.
  • Monster Energy. Another popular energy drink, the composition of which differs little from the above. 100 ml of this drink contains 33.81 mg of caffeine. Banned in some countries.

Is it possible to drink adrenaline rush while driving?

He is much loved by those who need a pick-me-up. For example, drivers. But is it possible to use it while driving? Let's figure it out.

Adrenalin Rush contains compounds that can force the body to use its energy reserves. At the same time, it does not contain alcohol or other prohibited compounds. Therefore, this drink can replace coffee. And thanks to taurine, guarana and ginseng extract, the effect of its use increases. In addition, the effect of Adrenaline Rush is longer lasting than the effect of drinking coffee.

It must be said right away that you should consume this energy drink no more than 2 cans per day. Moreover, each subsequent jar reduces the effect of the previous one. If you use Adrenalin Rush frequently, you may not see any effect at all. Therefore, it can be used in extreme and rare cases.

IMPORTANT: The manufacturer of this drink states that it contains natural caffeine, unlike other caffeinated drinks and cheap instant coffee. Where is caffeine extracted from tea waste used?

Today there is no ban on using Adrenaline Rush while driving. But you need to understand that the effect of this drink, like other energy drinks, depends on the characteristics of the body. Not long ago, studies were conducted in which five drivers participated. And only three of them showed agitation. For the other two, this drink had a rather negative effect. Nausea and dizziness appeared.

How to cheer up while driving?

But, unfortunately, not all drivers listen to their bodies or are able to do so. According to statistics, most fatal accidents occur due to falling asleep at the wheel.

In most developed countries, a professional driver is prohibited from driving for more than the time established by law. Vehicles are equipped with devices that record the time the driver spends behind the wheel.

The traffic police can access this data at any time and, if it is discovered that the driver has exceeded the established limit, issue a fine to both the road user and the company that owns the car.

In our country, such devices are not installed in cars. Therefore, drivers try to spend as much time behind the wheel as possible. At the same time, they try to cheer themselves up by any available means.

They drink coffee, change the position of the seat so that it is not very comfortable to be in it. It is very helpful to overcome drowsiness, tension and relaxation of various muscles, letting in fresh air from the window, and washing with cold water.

Some products have a tonic effect. For example, oranges and tangerines. Seeds, sweets, crackers and other “trifles” can also help. But here the effect will be given not by the products themselves, but by their consumption.

But, of course, the best remedy for sleep is sleep. Stop for a short rest. A 20-30 minute nap is enough to cheer you up. You can enhance the effect of such a rest with the help of exercises. After which you can get into the car and drive on.

Ivan. A truck driver I know told me that if he gets drowsy while driving, he takes water in his mouth and drives. If he falls asleep, the water pours out and he instantly wakes up. Not the best way, but the most effective.

Kirill. There is another effective way. Place your children in the back seat and your grumpy wife in the front seat. We turn on cartoon music and give the children more to drink. Stopping every 20 minutes for natural needs will interrupt any sleep.

Video. Lifehacks: How to avoid falling asleep while driving?

Particularly popular, due to their effectiveness and availability, are the following sleep pills:

  1. longdaisin;
  2. pantocrine;
  3. iodofinil;
  4. Ritalin;
  5. caffeine;
  6. donepezil;
  7. phenotropil;
  8. ephedrine.

In addition to sleep pills, pharmacists offer many herbal preparations (such as lemongrass tincture). Most often, the invigorating properties of plants and natural products are used in tablet form.

The most famous are Schisandra chinensis, ginseng root, Echinacea purpurea, Eleutherococcus, Rhodiola rosea, rose hips.


Modafinil is a relatively new drug developed in the USA.

It is able to stimulate brain activity, thereby not affecting the rhythm of night sleep. The medicine eliminates lethargy, improves endurance, improves mental abilities and memory. Modafinil is recommended for:

  • multiple sclerosis;
  • depressive symptoms;
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • age-related changes in memory;
  • circadian rhythm disorders;
  • after anesthesia.

As tests have shown, modafinil does not cause addiction or serious side effects, and does not provoke anger, aggression, tremors and other negative mental symptoms. It is safer than other anti-drowsiness pills.

Modafinil does not cause euphoria, almost does not change blood pressure, and reduces the excitability of the peripheral nervous system.

These sleep pills are used exclusively for medical reasons.


The name longdaisin can be translated as “day extender.” An effective drug that affects human biorhythms can extend a person’s period of wakefulness to 5 hours. In this way, the drug relieves drowsiness precisely when wakefulness and activity are required.

Longdaisin sleep tablets are especially useful:

  • when working different shifts, including at night
  • with frequent travel around the world, movement in different time zones
  • for pathologies accompanied by drowsiness.


Pantocrine is quite famous in medicine. The basis of the medicine is an extract from young, non-ossified antlers (antlers) of sika deer, wapiti and deer. A drug:

  • tonic effect on the central nervous system, heart and blood vessels, digestive organs
  • stimulates tone and performance
  • relieves drowsiness and feelings of fatigue.

Pharmacy forms - sleep tablets, drops.


Ritalin is a pharmacological drug with a stimulating effect. The active ingredient is methylphenidate. Also available under other names, incl. Meridil, Centedrin. Belongs to a group of drugs such as cocaine and amphetamines. The advantage of a synthetic stimulant is that it has a milder effect than amphetamines and, according to available information, has fewer side effects.

However, there are even more objections to these sleep pills than there are for them.

The mechanism of action of this drug is “not fully understood,” as the manufacturer warns. It is known that pills often cause aggression, panic, hallucinations, and large doses are fraught with convulsions and even death.

Abroad, this drug is prescribed by psychiatrists for the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children.


Donepezil is a piperidine derivative. Used in complex therapy of Alzheimer's disease. Analogues based on it:

  • Arisept;
  • donepazil;
  • clear;
  • alzidone;
  • alzepil and so on.

These sleep pills inhibit the enzyme cholinesterase in the brain, blocking the breakdown of acetylcholine, which transmits impulses to the central nervous system. The active ingredient is donepezil hydrochloride. Slows down the development of disease symptoms and supports daily activity. Reduces inappropriate behavior, apathetic manifestations, meaningless actions, even hallucinations. Therapy is continued as long as it is effective.

The drug has the following side effects: nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, insomnia.

Pharmacies sell products from this group only by prescription. After taking it, you should not drive or perform work that requires special care or precision.

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Caffeine tablets are a natural stimulant (provides psychostimulating, analeptic and cardiotonic effects) of industrial production, which is sold in all pharmacies. The invigorating effect is based on blocking adenosine receptors. Due to inhibition of phosphodiesterase activity, cAMP and cGMP accumulate. Thus, it stabilizes the transmission of nerve impulses through the synapses of neurons in the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. Sleep tablets with caffeine (trade name caffeine-sodium benzoate) activate nervous and mental activity, reduce the feeling of fatigue and the desire to sleep almost instantly.

The pharmaceutical product contains caffeine in its pure form, so its effectiveness exceeds the influence of, for example, drinking a cup of coffee. Tablets, unlike drinks, act more gently and last longer, do not cause a sharp increase in blood pressure and an accelerated heartbeat.

The drug contains potato starch and calcium stearate, which improves the dissolution of caffeine and its absorption. It works for five to seven hours at a dosage of 50 – 100 mg. The recommended dosage is two to three tablets per day.

Sodium caffeine benzoate is also used in the treatment of certain diseases: complex therapy of migraines, bedwetting in children, sleep apnea. There are also contraindications, such as: arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, glaucoma, old age, so it is prescribed by a specialist for therapeutic purposes.


Phenotropil belongs to the pyrrolidone group. This is not a drug, but a drug partially possessing the properties of amphetamines, included in the list of doping agents. It has psychostimulating, nootropic, antiamnestic, anticonvulsant, antiasthenic, adaptogenic and immunostimulating effects.

If we talk about the short-term effect, then after 20 - 60 minutes it causes not just vigor, but a feeling of composure and determination, a person’s concentration increases, and he wants to do “everything at once.” For a particularly busy working day, you can drink the drug in the morning along with a portion of coffee.

Phenotropil is used not only as sleep pills; It is recommended for obesity as a remedy against increased appetite. In a sports diet, use with caffeine or similar energy drinks.

The effectiveness of phenotropil depends on the time of use. Long-term use is addictive, and when used for more than 3 weeks, even dangerous due to exhaustion.


Ephedrine is a natural alkaloid found in various types of plants of the ephedra family, growing in the mountains of Central Asia and Western Siberia. The main component is ephedrine hydrochloride, a strong stimulant of adrenergic receptors (beta and alpha). Some properties are similar to adrenaline: it constricts blood vessels, dilates the bronchi and pupils, increases blood pressure and blood glucose levels, and inhibits intestinal motility.

Has a strong stimulating effect on the central nervous system. They produce a whole range of ready-made medications that contain ephedrine (theophedrine, broncholithin, solutan, etc.).

Ephedrine as sleep pills is available with a doctor's prescription. When taken, after 15-30 minutes a slight trembling appears, the heartbeat accelerates, and nervous excitement occurs. These symptoms disappear quickly.

It is prohibited to use tablets containing ephedrine for a long time! You should also not use it for the purpose of losing weight - this is a real threat to health and even life.

In some countries, including Russia and Ukraine, ephedrine is prohibited and included in the list of narcotic substances.

Sleep pills for drivers

What should I take to stay awake? Excellent health and proper rest before a trip are the main conditions for safe driving. They cannot be replaced by either invigorating drinks or pharmaceutical drugs. Experienced drivers know: the most effective way to avoid falling asleep on the road is to stop the car and take a nap for 20 minutes - up to half an hour.

But if you need to quickly, literally on the go, overcome falling asleep, you can count on sleep pills for drivers. Here is a list of suitable stimulants:

  • doppelhertz;
  • Eleutherococcus;
  • phenotropil.

But these drugs should not be abused: taken in exceptional cases, with the prior advice of a doctor or pharmacist. And remember that constant lack of sleep can permanently undermine the health of both the driver and a person in another profession who works “extremely.”

Method of use and dosage of sleep tablets

The method of use and dose of sleep pills must be determined by a doctor. They depend on the purpose of use and the characteristics of the organism. A standard sleep tablet lasts 5 – 8 hours. Usually two tablets are prescribed, repeated after the same time.

Most sleep pills are prescribed by prescription. The exception is caffeine. You should also carefully study the packaging instructions to avoid unwanted side effects.

Pharmacies offer drugs that relieve drowsiness, also in the form of drops, tinctures, extracts, and injections.

Sleep plays an important function in the process of life. Thanks to it, mental activity is restored, emotional and mental state improves, memory and learning ability are stimulated. Regular lack of sleep leads to weakened immunity and hormonal imbalances.

Situations when you need to stay up all night can be different:

  • rush job,
  • exam preparation,
  • a hobby for which there was not enough time during the day.

To maintain vigor, it is recommended to use means that will allow you to maintain performance and cause minimal harm to your health. You should also take steps to ensure you feel normal the next day.

You have to do urgent work at night - prepare for it in advance.

  1. Try to get some sleep during the day (30-40 minutes will help you regain your strength).
  2. In the evening, take a walk in the fresh air (oxygen makes thinking clearer).
  3. Ventilate the room before starting work.
  4. Reduce the amount of food for dinner (a slight feeling of hunger will force the brain to work, not the stomach). It is advisable to eat vegetables and fruits.

Half the night passed, but there was a feeling that sleep was beginning to overcome and it was becoming more and more difficult to fight it.

  1. Turn on a bright light (the brain will receive a signal that it is light outside).
  2. Take a contrast shower (the effect on the nerve endings in the epidermis will help you cheer up).
  3. Do a light warm-up.
  4. Use aromatherapy (stimulating aromas will relieve drowsiness).
  5. Try to do some of the work standing or sitting on a chair without a backrest.
  6. Take an uncomfortable position.
  7. If time permits, drink a cup of strong coffee and sleep for about 20 minutes (it is after this period of time that the drink will begin to act).

How not to want to sleep during the day

Problems with sleepiness arise not only at night, when circumstances require you to spend it without sleep. Sometimes they are associated with various diseases (consultation with a doctor is recommended), but more often they are caused by objective reasons:

  • sleepless night the night before;
  • lack of vitamins (especially spring vitamin deficiency);
  • temperature changes;
  • rarefied air.

Measures aimed at eliminating the cause will help get rid of drowsiness. Try to take a short break and sleep for 15–20 minutes, take vitamins, drink strong coffee or tea, ventilate the room, go out into the fresh air.

Useful tips regarding not only a sleepless night, but also preparing for it in the video.

Constant lack of sleep and fatigue lead to an irresistible desire to fall asleep at work. Especially in the afternoon. The energy reserve is wasted before lunch, and it is necessary to somehow restore strength and neutralize the feeling of drowsiness.

  1. If you have the opportunity to get up, warm up, and do a few exercises, then you should take advantage of it.
  2. You can drink a cup of coffee or strong tea (preferably green) without sugar. Caffeine can increase activity for a short time.
  3. A conversation with your office neighbor will help you take your mind off monotonous work and increase your attention.
  4. Massage your fingers and ears. They contain a large number of biologically active points. Exposure to them will recharge you with energy and get rid of drowsiness.

Proper organization of a lunch break also contributes to proper rest. It is better to choose light, vegetable dishes that do not require much energy to digest. Include natural juices in your diet. Set aside 15–20 minutes for sleep. You can just close your eyes and sit quietly in a chair.

Children, especially teenagers, often plan to spend sleepless nights playing games or listening to music. Before deciding to take such a step, you need to understand that this is a serious burden on the body. You can reduce the negative impact by preparing in advance and drawing up a clear action plan, taking into account the characteristics of the four phases of the night:

  • early night - from 21–00 to 24–00;
  • midnight - from 00–00 to 2–00;
  • late night - from 2–00 to 4–00;
  • dawn - from 4–00 to 9–00.

In each period, the activity of the body is different. Staying awake requires making a plan for the night, preparing snacks and electronics that will be used in advance.

Before midnight the urge to go to bed is very strong. In order not to succumb to temptation, you should do what is especially interesting: games, music. For fans of social networks, the best way to stay awake is to communicate with friends. These activities increase brain activity and help you stay awake.

During the midnight period, games begin to get boring, and the desire to go to bed becomes a priority. To resist the temptation and continue doing what you love, it is recommended to turn on the light (the brain will receive a command that it is already light outside), open the window and ventilate the room, and stretch a little. If you are not afraid to fall asleep in front of the TV, you can watch a film with an exciting plot or an entertainment program.

With dawn, the brain becomes more active. After completing your morning routine, you can go back to playing games, reading, and watching your favorite movies.

What to do to stay awake and what not to do

Staying active throughout the night is difficult, but not impossible. There are several effective ways to perk up and work through the night.

  1. Warm up once every half hour. Two or three exercises will help get rid of drowsiness.
  2. Ventilate the room regularly. Coldness keeps the brain tense, preventing it from relaxing.
  3. Fruits and vegetables, due to their vitamin content, will increase activity.
  4. Quiet music, preferably with lyrics in an unknown language. The brain will automatically try to make sense of what it hears.
  5. Turn on the lights. The body perceives it as the onset of morning.
  6. Massage of biologically active points on the ears, fingers, head.
  7. Light the aroma lamp. The invigorating aroma can give a boost of energy.
  8. Do your work while sitting in an awkward position.
  9. Periodically wash your face with cold water or wipe your face with an ice cube.

There are other ways to maintain activity, but not all of them are effective, and some are better to avoid altogether.

There is an opinion that drinks with high caffeine content will help you stay awake. The statement is true, but if you act incorrectly, you will not get the expected result. After drinking coffee or tea, activity will appear within 20 minutes. It is better not to wait for activity to appear, but to sleep for a few minutes.

You shouldn't chew constantly. Some people believe that snacking will help boost energy. The statement is erroneous when it comes to heavy and filling food. The body will spend its last energy on the work of the stomach. Fruits, on the contrary, will increase the supply of vitamins and help get rid of drowsiness.

You can increase brain activity and get rid of drowsiness with the help of special medications. The products are effective, but it is recommended to consult a doctor before use.

Today in pharmacies you can buy:

  • Divazu - normalizes blood circulation in the brain, improves memory;
  • Modafinil - eliminates lethargy, increases endurance, improves mental abilities;
  • Longdaisin - affects human biorhythms;
  • Pantocrine - affects the central nervous system, increases performance, and relieves drowsiness.
  • Ephedrine - affects the central nervous system.

There are stronger drugs, but they are prescribed by a doctor after a preliminary examination. Making the decision to take this type of medication on your own can be dangerous.

You can use tinctures of medicinal plants: ginseng or Schisandra chinensis.

Spices increase the activity, especially Indian curry. Food prepared with them will help restore strength and continue working.

Fried meat does not help you fall asleep, but you should keep in mind that this is a heavy product and the body will need strength to digest it.

Drinks like coffee and green tea work well, but after drinking them it is recommended to get some sleep (about 15 minutes).

Proven ways to stay up all night

Forced to stay up all night? A few tips will help you survive the test with minimal harm to your health.

  1. Try to get some sleep during the day before a difficult night.
  2. Don't overeat at dinner.
  3. Warm up once every half hour.
  4. Ventilate the room.
  5. Wash your face with cold water.
  6. Perform acupressure massage of the ears, fingers, and crown of the head.
  7. Use invigorating scents.

You might be interested to know that in some countries, afternoon naps are official.

Consequences of a sleepless night

The result of a night spent without sleep will first of all be reflected on the face:

  • Red eyes;
  • dark circles under the eyes;
  • decreased cell regeneration leading to the appearance of wrinkles.

In addition, a sleepless night affects brain activity, reduces immunity, and impairs concentration.

Detailed tips on how to get rid of external signs of a sleepless night can be seen in the video

If you had to spend the night without sleep, try to get some rest during the day and spend more time in the fresh air. You should definitely spend the next night in bed and get a good night's sleep. Prolonged lack of sleep will negatively affect your health.

The holiday season is coming to an end, everyone is gradually getting back into the rhythm of work. This means that there is an endless series of failures, sudden deadlines and sleepless nights at work. On weekends, “relaxation”: club parties and gatherings in the kitchen discussing the problems of the universe until dawn. In general, each of us has faced a situation when we need to hold on with all our might and not sleep for a long time - a day, or even two. This condition, of course, is not the most pleasant: the eyelids fill with lead, the neck muscles refuse to fight gravity and hold up the heavy head, and thoughts stumble over each other, wandering in a foggy labyrinth. In this post, we have collected tips on how to combat drowsiness and maintain good spirits.


Before a long night marathon, you need to get a good night's sleep - try to get at least twelve hours of extra sleep. An afternoon nap also gives a good boost of energy. But despite the fact that the change between sleep and wakefulness is dictated to us by the brain, external factors also interfere with this process.


Strong aromas, pleasant or not, can quickly invigorate you. Essential oils of lemon, rosemary, eucalyptus and mint stimulate the nervous system and reduce feelings of fatigue. Burning aromatherapy lamps or candles is not an amateur activity, although it is worth a try. You can also brush your teeth with mint paste, chew eye-popping eucalyptus candies or the most caustic menthol gum. Chewing gum also stimulates the facial muscles, increasing blood flow to the head and helping you stay active.

Acupressure or acupressure will improve blood circulation and make you feel more awake. To begin, lightly tap your fingers on the crown of your head, then remember the back of your neck, the spaces between your thumbs and index fingers, and under your kneecap.


Stay on your feet until the last minute. If you do need to sit down, find the most uncomfortable chair you can find. Make sure you are sitting up straight and your back is upright. Don't let your head rest on anything: your hands, the back of a chair, the wall or your girlfriend's shoulder.

Listen to loud music . The best tracks are those with a clear, powerful beat and groove that you want to move to.. Compositions that you associate with something extreme will not let you go sour: maybe remember the records to which you once drove along the highway at speed or flew on a plane in a turbulence zone? Songs that make you annoying, can also invigorate. So how about Skrillex or Carly Rae Jepsen, For example?

Alexey Letko, DJ

How to party all night? I think most readers of the magazine are well educated on this topic. Everyone knows the simplest and not very legal ways. Everything is simple here. In general, a good cheerful company of friends is enough to hang out until the morning, but even here you can pass out halfway. By five in the morning people usually arrive in delirium, and it’s very funny to look at it with a sober eye! Well, if I put on music in the morning, it all depends on the situation.

5 tracks by Alexey Letko that won't let you sleep

British scientists, after conducting research, compiled a rating of tracks that are the best at inducing sleep. “Anti-cheerful top 5” looks like this:

1. Marconi Union - Weightless
2. Airstream - Electra
3. DJ Shah - Mellomaniac (Chill Out Mix)
4. Enya - Watermark
5. Coldplay - Strawberry Swing

If the playlist on your player or the set played by a DJ at a party resembles any of this, you should immediately change the background music.


To prevent such fatigue from progressing and the body’s blood supply from deteriorating, it is recommended to perform simple physical exercises every 30 minutes: turning the head, squats, jumping, push-ups, pull-ups, running in place, birch trees, twines - whatever you want.


Not let your mind go into a foggy state.When mental clarity is fading away, start actively concentrating on something unpleasant: for example, count the amount of your financial debts, remember the moment of greatest shame in your life and engage in moral self-flagellation.

A great way to stay awake is to start a heated debate on a sensitive topic, which doesn’t get smaller every day. The interlocutor can be found somewhere nearby or in the contact list on Skype.

Force your body to inject a dose of adrenaline into itself. For example, walk along the balcony on the 18th floor, and if possible, climb onto the roof. The cold and fear of heights will take their toll.

Give yourself a feeling of anxiety. Watch YouTube for the creepiest jump scares or ghost videos (when you're alone in a room at night, some of them don't seem all that funny). If you have phobias, find videos on “your topic.”


Don't overeat. It's better to eat snacks than eat a full dinner. Foods rich in carbohydrates, as well as fatty and fried foods are your enemies in the fight against sleep. But a small dessert will enrich the body with sugar, and therefore energy.

You can indulge in spicy snacks that trigger a rush of endorphins. Dark chocolate or a sweet and sour crispy apple will also help perk up your spirit. Drink plenty of water. It's hard to sleep if you have a full bladder - whether you like it or not, it will get you moving.

How does caffeine work?

Caffeine blocks action of adenosine, substances, plays a role in stimulating sleep and suppressing alertness - uh That forces neurons communicate faster in the brain. The body feeling emergency situation, triggers a reaction fight or flight and produces adrenaline, which in turn makes the pupils dilate and the heart beat faster . Liver feeds coal into the furnace, releasing additional blood sugar In addition, caffeine also affects dopamine level- the chemical substance responsible for the work "pleasure center" brain All these physical reactions and make a person feel surge of strength.

Amount of caffeine in different drinks:

Brewed coffee: 380-650 milligrams per 1 liter of drink

Instant coffee: 310-480 mg/l

Espresso: 1700-2250 mg/l.

Cola: about 100 mg/l.


Energy drinks are supposed to do what evident from their name - give an extra boost of energy. B most of this"energy" is produced nutrients - sucrose and glucose, as well as the same caffeine On average per jar energy volume 0.33 contains up to 80-100 mg of caffeine - approximately as much as in the same volume of brewed coffee.

Energy drinks also contain other substances mixed in different proportions. By examining the composition written on the can of the drink, you can find something from this list:


An amino acid that is found in the tissues of almost all mammals and activates the nervous system and also participates in metabolism. Its effect on the body has not been fully studied, and its harmlessness has not been proven. B bAnke energy drink contains an average of 400-1000 mg of this substance, while its daily requirement for the human body is 400 mg.


An alkaloid that is similar in chemical composition to caffeine and has a similar effect on the body. The substance is found in cocoa and kola nuts. The daily norm is 250 mg.

L-carnitine and glucuronolactone

Substances that are used by the body during stress and physical activity. With normal nutrition, they are contained in the body in sufficient quantities, and in energy drinks their doses exceed the daily norms by tens and hundreds of times. The effect of such large doses on the body is still not fully understood.

Vitamins (C, B)

They are involved in energy production and also play an important role in maintaining both mental and emotional health. One can of drink can contain from half to a whole daily dose of vitamins, and their excess can lead to allergies, weakness and nausea.

Ginseng extract

A stimulant of natural origin, useful for mental and physical stress. When taken in moderation, there are no complaints about the substance, but in large doses it can cause anxiety and changes in blood pressure.

Guarana extract

A natural stimulant extracted from the seeds of a vine growing in Latin America. Guaranine is chemically identical to caffeine obtained from other raw materials, such as coffee, tea or mate.

The main problem with energy drinks is that, in addition to all sorts of chemical flavorings and large amounts of caffeine, they contain other active substances such as taurine - and often in too large doses. The combinations of these ingredients and their effects on human health have not been fully studied, so you definitely shouldn’t abuse them.


A real hit is Pims, consisting of bitters, fortified with vodka or gin and garnished with strawberries and cucumber. We also perfected “Gimlet” - a classic cocktail, to which we added our Strelkov tricks - “homemade preparations”. It contains currant infused gin, Lime Cordial sugar syrup and lime juice.

In an invigorating cocktail, acid is also important - usually the juice of lemon, lime or some berries. We recently started using yuzu juice, a Japanese hybrid of tangerine and lemon.

The pick-me-up is definitely a cold drink. Ice and melt water give the right effect.

When there is a stressful situation at work and there are a lot of guests, I myself am invigorated by a simple and understandable gin and tonic, prepared in proportions of 1 to 1 with a fatty slice of lime. My bartender friend and I used to have a recipe: a glass of gin with ice and a small splash of tonic on top. But we allowed ourselves this only at the very end of the evening.

Gin has an encouraging effect on me. I can drink a lot of it - after all, it’s our European drink. But, for example, tequila or rum are distant geographical drinks, and they affect everyone differently and are often too intoxicating.


Adaptogens are substances, mainly of plant origin, that help the body resist stress factors. They are considered not as harmful as stimulants like caffeine, but they still have contraindications.

Each vial box should be carefully studied and its benefits discussed with your doctor.


Ginseng root has been known in Eastern medicine for at least 4,000 years and is still used today as a stimulant for mental and physical stress. Ginseng is available in pharmacies in the form of tinctures, extracts, tablets, and granules. They say that the effect of the miracle root occurs almost immediately. But the main thing is not to overdo it with dosages.


The berries and seeds of this woody vine also have tonic properties - they relieve fatigue and give vigor. Doctors prescribe Schisandra preparations for mental fatigue and heavy physical exertion. To feel the full effect of them, you need to strictly follow the instructions and drink the full course.


The shrub, popularly called "Siberian ginseng", is available in pharmacies in the form of tinctures and extracts. The active substances in the plant adapt the body to increased stress. A single use of the maximum permissible dose of these drugs has a short-term tonic effect. If you complete the full course of treatment according to the instructions, doctors promise an increase in body tone and a general reduction in fatigue.


Another plant from the arsenal of traditional medicine, also known as the “golden root”. Preparations from Rhodiola rosea are gaining popularity as an alternative to anabolic steroids among people leading an active lifestyle. In addition, the plant is considered a strong antidepressant.

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