
The guy asked how to return it with prayer. Met, intimacy, abandoned. How to pray for him to forgive? Prayer for forgiveness of betrayal by loved ones

The most detailed description: prayer when a guy left a girl - for our readers and subscribers.

Not all girls are able to avoid missing a turning point in a relationship. It happens. She is in sunny happiness, and clouds of boredom have already gathered over it. And at one fine moment it turns out that there is no longer a couple, but there are two lonely people. At the same time, she is immersed in resentment and suffering, and he cheerfully steps towards a new relationship. This is where the question arises, how to get the guy you love back. After all, he had feelings too. Could they have disappeared so quickly? What to do? Is there a solution to the problem? Let's figure it out.

Ways to influence a guy

It must be said right away that it is necessary to initiate several processes simultaneously. The fact is that the separation could not have occurred through the fault of only one partner. If this happened, then both of them were deficient in some way. Perhaps the girl herself was overly selfish or he could not dare to achieve self-realization in a relationship. In principle, the nuances are not particularly important. Just a girl who is interested in how to get the guy you love back should understand: she will have to not only influence him, but also work on herself. But there are many proven methods for this. For example, various types of psychological practices will help you regain self-confidence. Prayers - harmony in the soul. Magic rituals - to renew his feelings, turn him back to the lost relationship. Alone, these methods are ineffective. If you are really interested in how to get the guy you love back, then the “front of work” will need to be thought through and developed thoroughly and on a large scale. You know, such an attitude towards the problem will help you quickly recover from vain melancholy and destructive self-flagellation. Even before you get what you want, life can shine with new colors.

Think about yourself

Those who have suffered a loss first of all have to fight the most terrible enemy - resentment. While you are busy wiping away the tears from your own soul (and eyelashes), you will not be able to return your loved one. The energy just doesn't flow there. By and large, resentment is a way of feeding the “enemy.” And he won’t even think about “turning his face to you”; he feels good anyway. Love is a constant exchange of energies. Since you are performing “your function”, “feeding” the guy, then why should he come back to you? It is necessary to interrupt this flow that is useless to you. In practice this is not difficult to do. It is recommended to start with a ritual purchase. Psychologists say that you can return your loved one only by appreciating yourself. Go in your free time (you now have it

a lot) to a good expensive store. Find a casual outfit that suits and suits you. When a guy dumped him, how to get him back, it’s better to think in beautiful clothes! This is the logic of ritual. Having brought a new thing into the house, rinse it in running water with the words: “The clear dawn brought happiness to the red maiden! The stars yearn in the night. The girl (name) is jealous of the beauty and charm that is on her face! The sun is in a hurry to make the beauty laugh! The rain washes away, the flower welcomes! To be more beautiful every day. Earth, water, fire! Amen!". Repeat every time you wash your favorite outfit.

What will we return: the guy or his love?

Various sources publish many magical recipes for influencing men. They are fundamentally different from each other. If your main thought is how to get the guy you love back, then just his presence is clearly not enough. It is desirable that all tender feelings remain with him. Therefore, read the information carefully. It is necessary to focus on those rituals and prayers that return or arouse love. The fact is that some types of magical influence will make the victim simply reach out to you. The guy will be uncomfortable. He will find peace only in your company. This is far from love, you will only create new experiences for yourself. This is especially true when the guy has left for someone else. It is clear that it will not be easy to return him. This can only be done by returning the feelings that he previously felt for you.

Conspiracies - a way to influence a loved one

The influence on a person through specially composed texts is somewhat more serious. They are called conspiracies. To use them properly, you must fulfill all the conditions that accompany them. Otherwise, you won't be able to get the guy back. The conspiracy can be contact and remote. The first is read directly at the object of influence (or near it). For example, looking into the guy’s eyes, say “I am your blood, I am your eternal love! You won't find anything more beautiful. If you lose it, you'll go crazy! Amen!". You can repeat as much as you wish. Girls often replay this plot in their heads every time they meet a victim.

Spell to bring back love

Rituals are roughly divided into strong and weak (sometimes into black and white). It is recommended to start with a light impact. Sometimes it’s enough to give a guy a little push, and he’ll be happy to come running. Perhaps he himself is no longer happy about the separation, only pride prevents him from taking the first step. Then you yourself will understand that you were in vain to worry about the fact that the guy left you. They also wondered in vain how to get him back. But that’s later, but for now it’s a ritual. You will need a photo of the guy. At dawn, place the card on the windowsill, stand opposite, facing east (if possible, perform the ritual on the street, read the spell directly at the rising sun). "God! My protection, I trust only in You! Most Holy Theotokos, Saints! I pray with great love and sadness! In a bitter moment I turn to you! I pray for help, revive love in the heart of slave (name)! Look at his slave (your name) with affection! Don't leave your prayer unanswered! Return a ray of light to your soul! Amen!". Read for seven days in a row. You can say a certain thing. It will need to be returned to the guy (planted, given as a gift, and so on). More about this.

Spell on a thing

He will need something that personally belongs to him. For example, you can steal a scarf, keychain or phone case unnoticed, and then secretly return it. The plot must be read on a full moon. Light the candles. Place the item in the center of the table so that the flickering lights shine on it. Tune in to your “victim”. Read six times: “You receive the thing (replace with the name) from my hands, you hand over your heart to me! Not for an hour, but from now until forever! Not for a day, but forever! Neither happiness nor misfortune will separate us! I give the thing (name again) to you, I take your soul! Amen!". Now you need to return the item to the owner. Try to do everything naturally so that no one understands how hurtful it is that your boyfriend left you. How to behave in this case? Probably fun and relaxed. Along with the conspiracy, apply pressure using psychological methods. Let him think that you don't care.

Conspiracy for dew

This ritual is performed outdoors. Early in the morning, go out into the garden (preferably a forest or field).

Collect droplets from the grass, wash your face and say: “Water of God! Help, return (name) love! Just as water dries quickly on the skin, so my beloved will remember me soon! Love will flare up again! God's water will help! With the power of light and earth, I bind (the name of my beloved) to myself, and I drive him away from others forever! Amen!". Try to meet and talk with a guy on this day, even if only fleetingly.

About prayers

Most often, people, when I turn to the Lord, do not quite understand how to do this correctly. It seems that they pronounce the right words, bring the icon home or go to church, but nothing helps. The fact is that when you turn to God, you give the solution to the problem to Him. And He himself will decide what is best for you. It is necessary to completely trust, to entrust, so to speak, your destiny to Him, without demanding that “your plan” be fulfilled. Therefore, prayers to return the guy do not always help. The Lord may think that you don’t need such a “miracle.” If you persist, you will regret it. You don’t know how he will behave later. Maybe after a certain time he will show not the best qualities? When turning to prayer, try to trust the Lord. It should be read in church, at the Icon of the Wonderworker. “All-Merciful Lord! Nikola the Pleasant! I pray for a miracle, I will never sin! Help, protect from severe melancholy! Bring back your lost love so that your heart will warm up again! Guide slave (name) on the path! Help bring back his love! Amen!".

A little about love spells

Everything described referred to light methods of influence. They do not help you achieve your goal every time. But a love spell will definitely help. You just need to understand that this method is unsafe. When you're thinking about how to get a guy back, consider a love spell as a last resort. The fact is that this magical effect somewhat changes the personality. They say that a love spell enslaves. The person becomes not himself. Irreversible changes may occur in his soul. It will depend on who bewitched it. This, of course, can be pleasant at first, as it resembles love. Only then will the consequences appear, from illness to complete lack of will. And it’s hard to live with such a man. In addition, a black love spell can affect offspring up to the seventh generation. And this is already a serious problem. If you decide, then use weak love spells, without blood and other attributes of black magic.

Ritual with wine

Invite your ex to visit. Buy a bottle of red wine. The bottle must be uncorked in advance. To bewitch a guy at home, you will need to cast a spell on this wine. The ritual is performed by candlelight. This is done specifically so as not to be distracted by extraneous stimuli. Say directly into the liquid: “On a black mountain, in a dark hole, an evil melancholy lives, constantly barking! I’ll get up in the morning, open a hole, release the melancholy, and let the slave (name) go to his temple! So that your blood freezes, so that your gaze stops, so that you are not happy with your life! As soon as my order sounds, longing will rush back to the hole! To be a slave (name) only with me, night and day, with water and fire! As soon as he drinks wine, the veil will be drawn in! Amen!". All is ready. You can invite the guest the next day and welcome him.

Ritual with photography

For girls who, for certain reasons, are deprived of the opportunity to communicate with their loved one, the following magical action is recommended. You can bewitch a guy at home using a photo. The ritual is performed after midnight on Women's Day. This is Wednesday, Friday, Saturday. You will need church candles. Arrange seven pieces in a circle in the center of the table. Place a photo in the middle. Focus and think about your relationship. Remember only the good things. Now read seven times: “The dark night will become day again when (name) will be together again! I seal the love for me (boyfriend’s name) with a candle! Do not dissuade, do not break, do not melt the wax! Amen!". From each candle, drip wax onto the photo in a cross pattern. Now the image should be hidden, and when the relationship improves, it should be burned.

Ritual to return love with salt

For a magical attribute, go on Friday. In general, a woman is recommended to use only “her” days for divination, as mentioned above. Heat the frying pan. Place a handful of salt there. While she is “frying”, read the spell: “I burn through the salt, I return love!” The fire burns bright. It will be a hot night with your loved one! There is no life on earth without salt, so you (name) cannot get rid of pain without me! Burn, yearn, remember me! Amen!". You need to repeat it as many times as you are full years old. Now collect the salt in a bag. It needs to be sprinkled on his food. If that doesn't work out, then a place where she often goes. It is important not to overdo it and not to “suck up” the lives of other people. A love spell can affect not only the victim! Be careful! Otherwise, you will hide from a host of suitors!

Features of returning a loved one

It is commendable when a person strives towards his goal with all his might. Unfortunately, this approach is not always effective when it comes to feelings. It is recommended not to resist, to remember that higher powers know better than you what is good and what is bad. Sometimes it happens that after a while a girl in love opens her eyes to a guy. It turns out that he is not as good as he previously thought. Believe in your destiny. If he has fallen out of love, then perhaps this is the highest good for you, and the one you really need is already waiting around the corner! It is also important to carry out any ritual with complete confidence in the correctness of your actions. Magic doesn't like eccentric people who don't quite understand what they want. If you decide to use it, then first assure yourself that you have not only the right to do so, but also all the possibilities. In principle, this is how it is. People have used magic since ancient times. It was more natural than science, or rather psychology. So why not use it now?

How to get a guy back through prayer?

Did you have a big fight over something small? Do you want to get your boyfriend back, but he doesn’t even want to know about your existence? Doesn't answer messages, ignores phone calls, doesn't want to see you? When a loved one leaves, you want to do everything possible to bring him back. Lovers and suffering girls are ready for a lot:

  • Perform magical spells.
  • Seek help from fortune tellers and witches.
  • Pray day and night.

Ancient magic words are especially effective in bringing back the right person. It is known that many girls managed to return their loved one through prayer; prayers brought with them not only former love, but also amazing tenderness, harmony, and lightness of feelings. It was possible to bring the guy back not so much because of beautiful words, but because of entering a different state.

How to read prayers correctly to get your boyfriend back?

To make the return of your loved one quick and painless, pay attention to some subtleties:

  1. It is necessary to read prayers with all your heart, to believe in them, as well as in their high effectiveness.
  2. You need to use 1-2 prayers to one saint. Do not overdo it by mixing Orthodox prayers with pagan rituals.
  3. Be filled with a sincere desire to return your beloved guy. You must clearly understand and represent your desire, be aware of its consequences.
  4. You should not pray for the return of your loved one if more than 6 months have passed since your separation. During this time, many feelings have passed and faded away, they will no longer matter in your life.
  5. You cannot read prayers to bring back a loved one if he has left for someone else. This happens often, and you don't want to ruin their happiness (it will be bad for your health and condition). If your loved one left for someone else because of serious feelings, do not return him.
  6. Read the cherished words when you are alone with yourself, when you can relax.

IMPORTANT! Many were able to bring back a loved one through prayer; these prayers were truly sincere, coming from the soul, from the heart. And now we will give the texts of popular prayers. Re-read the conditions for performing the ritual again so that you read everything and get the desired result. Let your loved one return as soon as possible if the fire of bright and desired feelings still burns between you.

Prayer for the return of a beloved man

Prayer to Prince Peter and Princess Fevronya for happiness and the return of a loved one

To return a loved one, it is also worth saying the miraculous words of prayer 3 times. All those who find themselves in a difficult life situation, who cannot get satisfaction from a relationship with another person, turn to them. Saints have long been considered the patrons of lovers and married couples, they come to their aid in difficult situations, and with their gifts they bless pious children.

Direct prayer to the Lord

For those who have long been familiar with prayers, prayers to the Lord will help restore happiness. But you need to read them very carefully, delving into the essence of every word you utter. The text of the prayer for the return of the man dear to you is as follows:

Prayer + ritual for love

To “glue” broken relationships together, you will have to put in a lot of effort. Therefore, there is an old method that has never let anyone down. Its effectiveness lies in the fact that we turn to higher powers not only through prayer. Prayers become a guide. And the whole essence of the wish is reflected in the ritual. What do you need to do to get the desired result?

  1. We light a candle.
  2. We take a glass of water (preferably it is church water) and take it in our right hand.
  3. We take a photograph of a dear man in our left hand.

After this we read the words:

But everything is done not only with prayers; prayers are only part of the ritual. After completing it, try to “sprinkle” your loved one with water.

Prayer for the return of a loved one to the Lord. Text. IMPORTANT! It is necessary to read it if no more than 6 months have passed since your separation. . How to get a guy back through prayer?

How to get a guy back through prayer? . Bring your husband back using a conspiracy. Make peace with your loved one through prayer. Prayers for the preservation of the family and against the betrayal of her husband.

If you strengthen the effect of the Month with prayer, the power of the conspiracy will only double. . Each action should indicate that your desire to return your lover and dispel the spell of your mistress is sincere.

Bring your husband back using a conspiracy. . Rituals. Talismans, amulets, amulets. Prayers. Conspiracies. Love spells.

Difficult situations happen in life. We all value our families and indestructible well-being, but no one is immune from the departure of her husband. Every woman experiences this tragic moment painfully.

How to get back the guy who dumped you

There is probably not a single woman who has not been left by her boyfriend.

One day he says that he needs to be alone.

When you fail in a relationship, you suddenly realize that you don't want to lose him.

Here's a plan of action to get back in touch with your ex.

Chronology of the breakup

Small changes in relationships are not noticeable at first glance. A person often wakes up too late.

One day you receive a text message: “We need to talk.”, you tensely arrive at the rendezvous, fearing the worst.

Instead of hugging you as usual, the guy remains on guard, hiding his shifty eyes.

He says everything has changed:

  • Your relationship is not the same as it used to be.
  • It's his fault because you're a great girl.
  • Or that he just needs a break (but chances are it's a finite pause).

Faced with this, you begin to look for reasons:

  • He met another girl.
  • You did something that he didn't like.

You begin to confront your arguments:

  • If I'm good, why are you leaving?
  • I can change...
  • Give us a chance!
  • Everything was so good. It's so stupid to break up now!

Alas, nothing works. You go home with tears in your eyes.

You discover that mental pain can be greater than physical pain.

You go through a storm of feelings: sadness, injustice, anger, disappointment, hope that this is not forever...

And you decide to restore the relationship. But first, try to answer the question: why try to get your ex back?

If the relationship was not too serious, and you assumed that sooner or later it would end, then maybe it’s not worth resuscitating it?

Is the guy really worth getting back?

  • If he cheated or lied to you.
  • If the relationship gave you much less than you invested in it.
  • If he didn't satisfy you physically or emotionally.

In these cases, don't waste your time with him.

Three reasons why you might want to try to rebuild your relationship

  1. Your past relationship was truly wonderful and bright from your point of view.
  2. The guy continues to respect you and hasn't done anything that can't be forgiven.
  3. You see your future life only with him.

If this is so, then you should dare.

Five Basic Steps to Get Your Guy Back

The first thing to do is to disappear from his sight for a while.

Under no circumstances should you contact your ex. Not physically, not by phone, not through social networks, not in letters, not via SMS, nothing.

He must sense your absence. Complete silence will give him the opportunity to feel your importance. Let him understand what he is losing.

Step 2. Understand why he left you

Analyze the reasons for your breakup. The reasons may be different.

The main thing is to find your mistakes in order to be able to correct, improve, grow!

Examples of personal problems. Of course, they are individual for each person, but there are also those that are common to everyone:

  • Excessive and uncontrollable jealousy.
  • There is no desire to communicate with his friends.
  • Mismatch of sexual desires.
  • There is no exchange of moral values.

Examples of everyday problems that destroy a couple:

  • Work: Your job does not allow you to devote enough time to relationships.
  • Distance: You live in different cities or countries.
  • Environment: Friends, social circle or family do not appeal to you.
  • Money: You have different incomes and needs.

After identifying the reasons for the breakup, you will clearly see a solution to implement your plan.

Now take your list of problems and try to move towards fixing them. Attention, this does not mean that you need to change your character.

Rather, it means to grow, to mature, to make decisions for positive change, but always in accordance with your personality and your true essence.

Are you extremely jealous? Work on building self-confidence.

Did he reproach you for your inability to dress?

Make an effort to dress better and take real action to change your image. Take care of your appearance.

Don't you go out, homebody? Discover the pleasure of walking, chatting with friends.

Was he making fun of your figure? Go in for sports, fitness, dancing.

Again, you don't have to turn into someone else. The idea is to enjoy your life to see that you can change these aspects.

Regardless of the results of your attempt, these efforts to improve yourself will serve you throughout your life!

Now you can appear in front of your loved one.

A phone call is the most direct, but also the riskiest way to restore communication.

Don't speak too harshly, don't be sad, don't show your depression, avoid stuttering, trembling in your voice.

He will be surprised. He was expecting a difficult conversation, tears, a showdown. On the contrary, everything is simple!

Find a trivial reason and show him that you are calm, positive, and things are going well for you.

If a phone conversation seems too difficult, you can try texting to test his reaction, but it's still innocent.

During the second conversation, offer an innocent meeting, without insisting, something in a friendly tone, “it would be nice to see you at the club next week.”

If he refuses, don't show disappointment. You can try again later. If he agrees, you have a chance.

You agreed to meet again. The most important thing is to remain calm and natural.

It's a little romantic moment. This is not the time to settle scores!

Try not to talk about the breakup. It’s better to chat about real life, what you did, show how you have changed.

You understand everything, you act, correct the defects for which he reproached you.

For example, if he blamed your way of dressing, you should be impeccably dressed.

If you said that you are unsociable, tell them that you have found friends and communicate with them regularly.

Your mission is to appear as attractive as possible. Show yourself in the best possible light on this beautiful day, focusing on the features that he loved about you.

If he notices changes in you, let him know that all this is more for you than for him.

Don't be too pushy. Just say that you would love to see you again, but don't make an appointment.

If he is pleasantly surprised by your behavior, he will definitely find you soon. And you can expect your relationship to sound new.

After reading your letter, I saw what was going on in your soul - in your own words. May grace come upon you! But do what you can yourself - pray, pray for good!

Prayer is the movement we make to get out of the swamp. This is our attempt to see our soul in the Divine light, where there is no place for the darkness that so often surrounds us. In prayer, the soul “shakes off” this darkness and says to it: “No!” When we pray, we feel like children of God, children of the Great Father, Enlightening everyone, children of the All-Bountiful Savior, in whose hands are the keys to joy and happiness. This is why we should not put up with sadness and depression.

What is the cause of depression? If we are not talking about a medical diagnosis (when, first of all, medication is necessary), then our sadness develops from mental dissatisfaction as a result of some kind of offense - for example, betrayal.

We begin to wish for something that for some reason did not happen. And it seems to us that if we received this, our condition would improve. “I’m depressed,” says the young girl, “because my boyfriend left me. He left, he betrayed, he offended me...” We think that we have lost something, and that if it were returned to us, there would be no depression.

But you can say it differently! “Why don’t I get it back? Not what left me, but the feelings it evoked in me!” So, the young man left the girl. He hurt her deeply, he betrayed her, and now she begins to feel depressed.

How did you feel when you were together? – I’ll ask you. – You felt full, your soul was filled with happiness, your heart rejoiced, you wanted to live, to fight... Life had meaning, you looked around and rejoiced at everything around you. Your loved one evoked wonderful feelings and sensations in you. And now he has left you, and with him your wonderful inner state has left you.

And I want to offer you something - just as an idea. Would you like to try to get that feeling back? The feeling of completeness, grace, bliss, happiness and joy - what did you have before? Even if the person who caused these feelings is not with you now? Perhaps he was just a reason for the joy that always lives in you to spill out! And now this person, this “reason for joy,” is gone. But you can certainly find a new reason to feel this joy again!

Because happiness lives within us. And it was not this person who made you happy, who is a mere mortal. An ordinary person - a material body, a collection of cells and molecules - cannot make another person happy. What makes us happy? What lives inside us. And people and events are only a reason for this internal state to come out.

Try to feel this through prayer. It will help you feel happiness as it is - without the influence of external “irritants”. It gives a feeling of completeness, joy, happiness, love and meaning in life. Prayer helps us return to life. It nourishes the soul like water, the source of which is in the other world. Look at the saints and ascetics! They are beaming with happiness. Even if it is not possible to see them in person, their lives and patristic books testify to this... People came to them and saw that their faces were always joyful...

One young man who recently returned from New York told me:

– Father, how happy I am that I visited New York! I was in Manhattan - it's incredible! What a scale! How impressive all this is!

He was happy because he saw so much in New York. And someone visited Disneyland, someone visited Florida, or somewhere else - and all these trips became a reason for joy. People were filled with positive emotions - thanks to other people, beautiful buildings, shopping, delicious food, everything that, in principle, should not be condemned.

I just want to say that the joy that an ordinary person experiences when visiting Manhattan with its shops and fun nightlife, the ascetic feels without all this. And its feeling is even more intense because it lasts much longer. After all, after a wonderful trip, we board the plane and say to ourselves: “That’s it. Time to go home". And we experience despondency because pleasant emotions leave us. And the ascetic knows how to find in his soul such a chink from which joy and happiness emerge again and again.

And for this he doesn’t have to see a skyscraper or climb the Eiffel Tower. He doesn’t need to go somewhere or travel. He is happy thanks to someone else. And we must find this other thing in ourselves - after all, it lives in us. The source of joy is in our heart, because Christ is there, and He is the Source of joy.

And we ourselves kill Christ in our soul, not allowing Him to show us all the beautiful things that He can give. And if we do not learn to revive Christ in our hearts, we will constantly suffer and never find the answer. And we will live in constant anticipation of new travels or relationships, in the hope of becoming happier, at least for a little while.

And as long as this new thing continues, we are good. But when it ends, we start going crazy. And even when it is not over yet, we cannot feel truly good, because we are afraid of losing it, that is, a feeling of anxiety is mixed with our joy. For example, you are happy that your loved one is nearby, but at the same time you are afraid of losing him, and therefore you think:

– Yes, today we feel very good, but how long will this last? What if tomorrow he leaves me, if he betrays me? What if he gets sick and dies? What if he leaves?

This uncertainty prevents us from truly rejoicing. And when we see how happy other people are, we begin to envy them. And we think:

- I don’t have a loved one, but he does! Why?

And we begin to compare, envy, get angry, because we are afraid of losing our happiness. “Will I have it?” We reason this way because the feeling of joy that we experience at the moment is fueled from the outside. Our happiness exists only thanks to this nourishment.

That's why I say: try to find the secret of happiness in yourself. When your beloved was nearby, you said: “He looks into my eyes, and I come to life.”

So you knew the feeling of resurrection. Great! Is it possible to feel it without a loved one? When he doesn't look into your eyes? Look in the mirror and say:

- Lord, thank you! Because I am a human being. Because my soul and life are beautiful. Because I am unique and unrepeatable on this planet!

After all, there is no other person on earth like you! You are unique. Everyone is unique, we are all unique. And remembering at least this one thing, you will certainly think:

“I don’t need anyone to constantly talk about how beautiful I am and how much I mean to him.” After all, first I feel my importance, my value, and then, if this person disappears from my life, I go crazy.

No, when you have loved ones, it's wonderful! I don't mean at all that they don't exist. And I don’t downplay the importance of the pain after the breakup that drove you to depression. But you should not depend on another person to such an extent that, having lost him, you lose your mind. Be close to your loved one, rejoice, enjoy, but remember that if you have to lose him, you always have a secret, thanks to which you will regain the joy that you experienced while being next to your loved one.

That is, at any moment you can say:

- I'm glad we're together. I am happy with you, you give me a lot, but know that I will not be lost without you. And I can cope without you. There is a button inside me, by pressing it, I revive my hope, self-esteem, love of God. And I feel good. Do not you love me anymore? Are you leaving? You betrayed me? Well, God loves me, and I feel good, and I pray, and hope, and think about a wonderful future. Not everything is lost. I can handle.

It's hard for you to say this now because you're in so much pain. After all, when our heart is torn away from another person, it bleeds. A similar feeling occurs when a person is kicked out of work, because in this case it is not only about material damage - we lose our sense of self-worth. I get fired and I say to myself:

- That's it, I'm not worth anything anymore. I'm useless.

What do you mean, you're not worth anything? Does your worth depend on your workplace? No, you always provide value. But because you are wholeheartedly attached to your work and completely identified with it, you say:

– Work is everything to me! I am my work.

But you are not your job. And God gave you the opportunity to understand this. It’s as if he told you: “ Let me take your work away from you for a little while. So that you can finally see your other talents. You thought that you draw strength exclusively from there, but I want to show you: you underestimate yourself. And now your importance is even greater, My child!»

That’s why I’m talking about holy ascetics who have practically nothing. And if you take away what they have, they will say:

- Take it! I am not attached to this thing to such an extent that it is a source of great joy for me. Here, in my cell there is a beautiful pen with which I write. Take her!

Maybe you read about how one ascetic chased after thieves - not in order to catch them, but in order to give them what they did not have time to steal. He ran and shouted after them:

- My children, you forgot something! Take it!

And the thieves got scared and said to each other:

– This is the first time we’ve seen this! Someone else in his place would immediately call the police, but this one is running after us to give us more things! Why?

Because the ascetic knew how to be happy without these things.

I understand that this is very difficult. Therefore, I do not encourage you to cope with your depression and despondency in one or two days. It takes time - months, maybe even years.

It is necessary to learn the lessons that the Lord teaches us - through the blows dealt by life, through separations, partings. It's like peeling off a Band-Aid - first we stick it on a wound, and when it comes time to peel it off, it can be very difficult to do. After all, the patch is firmly stuck to the skin, and your actions cause severe pain. But this must be done.

Translation by Elizaveta Terentyeva

Religious reading: prayer if you are abandoned to help our readers.

How to pray to get through a breakup or divorce

(If you don't know how to pray)

Here we have tried to talk about the main points that need to be taken into account so that your prayers are beneficial. But if you want to learn how to pray really well, the best way to do this is our online course “The Art of Personal Prayer.”

1. Remember who the God you are praying to is.

For a non-church person, God is, as a rule, something abstract, a “higher mind.” But in reality, intelligence is not the main quality of God. One preacher noted that Satan fits the definition of “higher intelligence.” And the main quality of God is LOVE. Therefore, in order not to “mistake the address” of your prayers, you must try to learn as much as possible about the earthly life of our Lord Jesus Christ. The best source for this is the Gospel.

You are a creation of God, loved by the Creator. Endowed with an immortal soul, which is more valuable than the entire material world. But you, like all people, are a creation that has lost its way, makes mistakes, and is unable, without God’s help, to even pray to Him correctly. Unable to bring anything good into this world on his own, without the help of the Father. Realize your sinfulness, poverty and ask God to help you pray.

You cannot deceive God. You cannot give anything to God. The only thing He wants from you is repentance and a sincere intention to improve.

It's very difficult for you. But God is not to blame for this. He did something for you that is hard to imagine - He allowed people to crucify Himself on the cross. Therefore, do not complain, do not feel sorry for yourself. Ask God not sadly and not demandingly; in both of these there is pride. He Himself wants to give everything you need; all that is required from you is humility. That is, readiness to accept any will of God with trust, the consciousness that it is good for us.

Praying without faith that what you ask for will be fulfilled is useless. If you pray with faith, not a single word of prayer is wasted. It is just as easy for God to fulfill every word of your prayer as it is for you to say it. If faith is still small, ask the Father for faith.

5. For God to listen to you, you must obey Him.

Christ is disgusted with any of our evil. Our evil is His wounds of the cross. Therefore, if we do not try to be kind and fulfill His commandments, our requests will be unjustified impudence. And especially we must get rid of all evil before and at the beginning of prayer. If we are angry with a person, forgive. If we murmur against God, we must resign ourselves to fate. Cleanse yourself of everything that weighs on your conscience. And we will immediately feel how our prayer grows wings.

6. You can ask God for everything that is definitely good.

If we ask for something that may not be pleasing to God (and therefore not useful to us), then each request must be ended with the words “But let it be not as I want, but as You please.” But if you only ask for this, your prayers will bring you little benefit.

7. Be respectful.

If you were to attend a reception with the president of your country or another influential person, most likely you would be respectful. During prayer, you communicate with the One who is immeasurably more influential than any earthly ruler. Therefore, if you pray in solitude, you need to stand respectfully. If you are in public, just avoid vulgar, too free poses, and be respectful within yourself.

8. When praying, do not intentionally draw visual images of God in front of you.

Is it dangerous. (Looking at an icon of Jesus Christ does not mean imagining God in front of you.)

Long prayers, prayer rules, are good when there is no pain expressed by a specific thought. If there is such a wounding thought, it will distract you from the words of the prayer. Therefore, in this case it is better to pray with short prayers directed against this thought. Almost every painful thought is a lie thrown at you by demons, and only with God’s help can you overcome it.

(Here are some short prayers appropriate to specific tasks.)

10. Should prayer be emotional?

We pray with our hearts. If you pray out loud, avoid paying attention to the voice and intonation. Otherwise, your prayer will be heard only by you. The monotonous reading accepted in the Church, strange for beginners, is used to direct your message, your power to a higher, spiritual level. Soon you will clearly feel the difference in the power of prayer between these two methods - acting and spiritual, superficial and deep. When reading silently, you should also avoid this mistake.

At least until you feel better. In a situation of separation, the pain can be so persistent that you will have to pray almost continuously, if circumstances permit.

12. How can you evaluate whether you are praying correctly?

The fruits of correct prayer are peace of mind, peace of mind for one’s future, a kind attitude towards everyone, and gratitude to God. If prayer doesn't bring you this, then you are doing something wrong. Read more about God and Prayer, for example, on the “John” website.

The main problem in a breakup situation is obsessive thoughts. The most effective way to combat such thoughts is short prayers. Short prayers are repeated many times until we feel better. Their meaning, as a rule, is the opposite of the evil feeling that torments us, so prayer requires effort on oneself.

(Reverend Ambrose of Optina, based on the psalms) The psalms were written by the king and prophet David, the one who, while still an unknown youth, defeated the giant Goliath. The Psalms of David are the most read part of the Old Testament by Orthodox Christians. There is also a Russian translation of them, but they are usually read in Slavic. You don't need to know the Slavic language to read them.

(Reverend Ambrose of Optina, based on the psalms)

Based on the book “O Heron Paisios” by Hieromonk Christodoulos, Holy Mount Athos, 1994.

The image of Jesus Christ, according to some of His icons.

Anthony, Metropolitan of Sourozh

The experience of separation is similar to the experience of death for us. How to survive this, how to pray during this - and here we must learn from Christ. For our sake, he endured the greatest pain and even death. Let us listen to Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh about how the Savior prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane, awaiting His grave death.

© Perezhit.Ru. 2006-2017. Group of sites "Perezhit.Ru".

Prayer if you are abandoned

Let us pray that the Lord will deliver you from your depression. It creeps up on your soul, and you begin to feel bad and lose heart. You yourself told me about this - that’s why I understand your condition.

After reading your letter, I saw what was going on in your soul - in your own words. May grace come upon you! But do what you can yourself - pray, pray for good!

Prayer is the movement we make to get out of the swamp. This is our attempt to see our soul in the Divine light, where there is no place for the darkness that so often surrounds us. In prayer, the soul “shakes off” this darkness and says to it: “No!” When we pray, we feel like children of God, children of the Great Father, Enlightening everyone, children of the All-Bountiful Savior, in whose hands are the keys to joy and happiness. This is why we should not put up with sadness and depression.

What is the cause of depression? If we are not talking about a medical diagnosis (when, first of all, medication is necessary), then our sadness develops from mental dissatisfaction as a result of some kind of offense - for example, betrayal.

We begin to wish for something that for some reason did not happen. And it seems to us that if we received this, our condition would improve. “I’m depressed,” says the young girl, “because my boyfriend left me. He left, he betrayed, he offended me...” We think that we have lost something, and that if it were returned to us, there would be no depression.

But you can say it differently! “Why don’t I get it back? Not what left me, but the feelings it evoked in me!” So, the young man left the girl. He hurt her deeply, he betrayed her, and now she begins to feel depressed.

How did you feel when you were together? – I’ll ask you. – You felt full, your soul was filled with happiness, your heart rejoiced, you wanted to live, to fight... Life had meaning, you looked around and rejoiced at everything around you. Your loved one evoked wonderful feelings and sensations in you. And now he has left you, and with him your wonderful inner state has left you.

And I want to offer you something - just as an idea. Would you like to try to get that feeling back? The feeling of completeness, grace, bliss, happiness and joy - what did you have before? Even if the person who caused these feelings is not with you now? Perhaps he was just a reason for the joy that always lives in you to spill out! And now this person, this “reason for joy,” is gone. But you can certainly find a new reason to feel this joy again!

Because happiness lives within us. And it was not this person who made you happy, who is a mere mortal. An ordinary person - a material body, a collection of cells and molecules - cannot make another person happy. What makes us happy? What lives inside us. And people and events are only a reason for this internal state to come out.

Try to feel this through prayer. It will help you feel happiness as it is - without the influence of external “irritants”. It gives a feeling of completeness, joy, happiness, love and meaning in life. Prayer helps us return to life. It nourishes the soul like water, the source of which is in the other world. Look at the saints and ascetics! They are beaming with happiness. Even if it is not possible to see them in person, their lives and patristic books testify to this... People came to them and saw that their faces were always joyful...

One young man who recently returned from New York told me:

– Father, how happy I am that I visited New York! I was in Manhattan - it's incredible! What a scale! How impressive all this is!

He was happy because he saw so much in New York. And someone visited Disneyland, someone visited Florida, or somewhere else - and all these trips became a reason for joy. People were filled with positive emotions - thanks to other people, beautiful buildings, shopping, delicious food, everything that, in principle, should not be condemned.

Translation by Elizaveta Terentyeva

How to get back the guy who dumped you?

It happens that a long and seemingly strong relationship between a girl and a guy can collapse at one moment, often this happens very quickly, and the woman does not even have time to understand at what moment her beloved lost interest in her. However, the worst thing is when a man announces that he is leaving, and you realize that you really love him and cannot imagine how you will continue to live without a person who has already become family to you. Many women have a hard time with a breakup and don’t know what to do or how to behave when a guy leaves them. Therefore, let’s try to understand these issues and find out what advice psychologists give to those girls who have been abandoned by their boyfriend.

How to get back the guy who dumped you?

You shouldn’t cry into your pillow all day long and feel sorry for yourself, because in most cases, it’s the girl’s own fault that her loved one left her. There are plenty of tricks in a woman’s arsenal that can help get a guy back, but before you act, you need to be distracted, and your beloved needs to be given a little time to spend without you. Therefore, first find something you like, take care of sports, your appearance, and go on vacation. Try not to remind your lover of yourself in any way, because it is likely that he will begin to feel the need for you, realizing that he did wrong. However, don’t get carried away, because a man may get used to living without you, or even worse, find himself a new passion.

So, by listening to some advice from psychologists, you will understand how you can get back the guy who dumped you:

  1. Try to understand why your relationship broke down. Maybe the man had complaints about your behavior, he was tired of your constant jealousy, hysterics, etc., so try to change, believe me, your man will appreciate it in the future.
  2. After a month or two, call the guy and ask for some small favor, for example, bringing in the purchased furniture, etc., talk to him like a friend and try not to give away your real intentions.
  3. If your meeting takes place, under no circumstances remember what happened and do not show your resentment. Be sociable and unobtrusive, although feminine “tricks” won’t hurt here, an occasional hand touch, a gentle casual glance, etc.
  4. Spontaneous meetings with your lover will help rekindle interest in you. To make the date casual (of course, for a man, because on your part it must be prepared and thoughtful), visit places where the guy periodically visits. But don’t try to chase him and catch his eye too often, otherwise the man will “see through” you.

How to use prayer to get back the guy who dumped you?

If you still can’t get your beloved back, and your suffering does not stop, then you should turn to God, maybe you will be heard and your beloved will be with you again. So, every day, early in the morning or at night before going to bed, say the following prayer, but remember, the most important thing here is sincerity: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Have mercy and bring boredom and misery upon the departed. Believe in my faithful love and do not be angry at my mortal request. Bring him back to me along the path of Orthodoxy and save me from mental suffering. May the departed return soon, and may my prayer turn out to be a blessing. Thy will be done. Amen".

How to use a conspiracy to get back the guy who dumped you?

There is another method that you can resort to to bring your loved one back, this is a conspiracy. However, before you begin a magical ritual, you should think very carefully, because any love spell has consequences that are often, to put it mildly, not very pleasant. So, take a chair and turn it upside down, place a cup of tea on it and, pouring salt into it, say: “The water will go away and it will become dry. Whenever you want to drink, you can come to me.”. After the tea has evaporated from the cup, leave it in the sun and wait for your loved one to return.

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A fool seeks happiness far away, a wise man grows it close to him.

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How to cope if your loved one leaves you?

Open consultation, Family relationships

“How to survive a breakup if your loved one leaves you? There is pain in my soul, resentment that you were treated this way. How to overcome this? What is the right feeling that should arise inside? And is it worth returning to a person if he suddenly changes his mind?”

Stress means a strong test of fate. Stress is actually the most important stage in a person’s life. Because it is during times of stress that a person changes his destiny. It is during times of stress that a person learns that there is God, there is prayer, there is spirituality. It is during times of stress that this knowledge comes, because there is no other way out. A person cannot get out of stress in the usual ways; he has two options: either degenerate, drink himself to death, or stay afloat mentally and not degrade. But the usual methods do not help at this time. Neither work, nor friends, nor rest can calm you down. It is impossible to distract yourself from this mental blow. And the man rushes about like a driven horse. He tries to find other ways to calm down, to find peace in his heart. The question was asked here: does it make sense to return. This means that the person is in the first stages of stress. In the early stages, whether to return or not is very important. But when stress develops and becomes very strong, a person no longer thinks about whether to return or not, he just needs to save himself. He is almost destroyed by life. He loses the ability to work normally and sleep normally. If a person does not sleep normally, calmly, or cannot rest at night for three or four months, this means that this is not a stress reaction, but a strong stress that can lead to drinking, and drugs, and anything else. This is the hardest test of fate. Those who do not emerge victorious from this state are born in the next life already in this state, and from childhood they try to get out of it. Therefore, it is better to do it now.

The only way to get out of stress is to immerse yourself in spiritual life. Only the energy of God, the power of God, is capable of resurrecting the soul from the suffering that arises from the loss of a loved one. Until a person seriously engages in spiritual practice, until he immerses himself in spiritual life, there will be no relief. Stress is given to a person only so that he understands that there is a higher thing in life, that we have a spiritual nature, etc. But this is not easy to understand. To do this, you need to get stressed first. Even a person who is engaged in spiritual practice, until he gets under stress, he really does not know what God is. He cannot indulge in it, cannot truly pray...

Do you need to meet with a loved one? The fact is that when a person is stressed, if he has broken up with a loved one, his psyche has broken down, then no one needs him anymore. If you were abandoned as a normal person, why would a loved one come back to you when you are like a broken rag. This idea is excluded here; there is no point in thinking about this topic: to return to a loved one or not. We need to get ourselves back first. If you are stressed, you are broken by fate. You must first take care of yourself, return yourself to a normal state, and then either normal relationships will improve or not. But now you don’t need to think about relationships, because when you lose yourself, no one needs you anymore. Only a true friend needs you. This is how you can tell who a real friend is when you get stressed. All the people who have an easy relationship with you fall off like silk. Only real relatives and real friends remain, a few people remain. And these people are the most important and valuable in your life.

Stress is a very dangerous thing; it can completely ruin your life. And therefore, when a person is under stress, there is one rule: one must seek spiritual communication and be in a spiritual environment. Go to the temple according to your tradition, seek fellowship there. Plunge into the spiritual environment as you understand it. It doesn’t matter whether you fully accepted this faith or not. It’s just that when a person is stressed, he needs spiritual energy. And if there is no spiritual energy, then there will be big problems. It’s even better to live near monks, near a monastery during times of stress. This greatly irrigates the psyche. It's good to just walk in the forest during times of stress. For some - to walk in the forest, for others - just to be near water, for others - to walk in a field... Everyone has their own mental constitution, and you need to choose your own, what calms you down, and do it periodically. But working hard and constantly being in the concrete jungle during stress is very dangerous. Those. if stress has begun, you need to be more careful with your work, and more with nature, with spirituality, etc. It calms and treats stress. You need to know that if you cannot get out of stress for two years, then chronic diseases develop further, which have irreversible consequences for health.

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