
Freezing wild strawberries for the winter. Frozen strawberries with sugar General rules for freezing berries

It is better to take strawberries for freezing only that are freshly picked, not crushed, not limp or overripe. The berries should be dry and literally “rattling” when poured into a pile.

Strawberries should not have stalks. If there are any, remove them.

Since strawberries grow close to the ground, they may be covered in sand, soil, dust and other dirt. Therefore, you need to wash it very well, but at the same time do everything as carefully as possible.

Fill a large wide bowl, pan or other container with cold water. Immerse strawberries in it. All leaves, debris, twigs should float to the surface, and dirt and sand should settle to the bottom.

Change the water in the pan or bowl several times, carefully picking the berries with your fingers. Do not wash the berries in your palms; they are easily damaged.

Now you need to catch the strawberries from the water and let the water drain. Do not pour the entire volume of strawberries into a sieve or colander. The weight may crush the lower berries. It is better to do this in parts, in several steps.

Collect the berries in a small strainer (just use it to scoop the strawberries directly from the water), shake off the excess water to drain, and transfer to a clean towel.

To ensure that moisture is absorbed into the fabric as quickly as possible, it is better to lay out 2 towels or make several layers of paper towels. Arrange the berries so that there is sufficient distance between them - this way they will dry faster.

If, while washing and laying the berries on a towel, you come across crushed, deformed or overripe berries, put them on a separate plate. They can also be frozen, but separately and in a different form.

Place the dried strawberries on a cutting board or flat tray in the freezer so that they do not touch each other. To prevent the surface from becoming stained by the berries, first cover it with cling film.

Freeze the strawberries in the freezer for 1.5-2 hours at -18 degrees or below.

Transfer frozen berries to a plastic container or thick plastic bag. It is better to pack strawberries with a spoon or a plastic scoop, rather than with your hands, so that the delicate berries do not thaw from the warmth of your hands.

Close the container with strawberries tightly and release the air from the bag as best as possible. Sign the label indicating the shelf life is 12 months.

Whole strawberries can be added to baked goods (for example, in or in), without first defrosting them.

Strawberries can be frozen not only in the form of whole berries, but also in the form of puree.

Take the previously crushed and overripe berries (you can also take good whole berries if you want to freeze strawberries only in the form of puree), place them in a blender bowl and puree until smooth.

If desired, you can add sugar to the strawberry puree to taste (in this case, it is advisable to indicate this on the label).

It is convenient to freeze strawberry puree in ice cube trays. Just fill them and put them in the freezer for 2-3 hours.

Strawberry puree can be frozen in larger quantities. In this case, use plastic cups or silicone muffin tins.

Alexander Gushchin

I can’t vouch for the taste, but it will be hot :)


Have you harvested your crops and wondered whether it is possible to freeze strawberries for the winter? As with fruits, there are several recipes for preparing these berries for the cold season. They can be used whole or crushed. Study the recipes below on how to prepare strawberries for the winter without cooking.

How to freeze strawberries correctly

The benefits of this berry are to rejuvenate the body, remove harmful cholesterol and normalize blood pressure. It is recommended to be used for diseases such as:

  • hypertension;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • avitaminosis.

The main advantage of freezing is quick cooking. If you are tired of making jam or compote, but want to save the harvest, then this option is ideal. In this case, much more vitamins are preserved than in jam. Before you freeze strawberries for the winter, you need to properly harvest them. The optimal time is the height of ripening, in the morning and not after rain. Then you need to sort through the crop, separating only dense specimens.

The last stage of preparation will be washing, removing “tails” and other debris. To dry, you need to put the berries on a napkin. As for the freezing temperature, the optimal value is from -18 to -23 degrees. In such conditions, vegetables, fruits and berries are stored for about 8-12 months. If the temperature is from 0 to -8 degrees, then the period is reduced to a quarter of a year. It is important to choose the right container for the future dessert. Cellophane bags or containers with lids are considered ideal. Strawberries are not as tender as strawberries, so either option will work.

Among the main methods of freezing are the following:

  • with or without sugar;
  • whole fruits or in puree form.

When choosing a specific method, you need to consider the ultimate purpose of using the dessert. If you often decorate any dishes, then the shape and appearance are important. Then you need to choose whole, undamaged berries. You need to freeze them individually to preserve their shape. When appearance is not of great importance, you can simply grind everything with a blender along with sugar.

Frozen strawberries with sugar for the winter

The peculiarity of strawberries is that they can be slightly bitter. In such cases, it is recommended to grate the berries with sugar. This option is also suitable for freezing. Before freezing strawberries under sugar for the winter, harvest and separate only ripe and whole specimens. Also prepare the dishes in which you will put the healthy dessert. This preparation can be used in the preparation of dumplings or homemade baked goods, for example, grated pie, pudding or soufflé. In addition, it is added to smoothies, cereals and milkshakes. The following ingredients will be required:

  • strawberries – 300-400 g;
  • sugar – 1.5 tbsp. or to taste.

First, empty the freezer and line it with thick plastic. This is necessary for pre-freezing the berries. Next, use the following instructions:

  1. Rinse and dry the prepared fruits using a napkin or towel.
  2. Place them in the freezer in portions, distributing them in only one layer, so that the individual berries almost do not touch each other.
  3. After 2-3 hours, remove the strawberries and place them in containers or bags, adding sugar between the layers.
  4. Place it back on the freezer shelf.

How to freeze berries for the winter in ice

There is another way to freeze strawberries for the winter. Since they are small, they can be stored in ice. It is not necessary to remove the tails. A similar preparation is used to decorate cocktails and lemonades. In addition to the berries, you will need containers for freezing ice. The list of ingredients includes:

  • strawberries - according to filling;
  • cooled boiled water - also according to filling.

The freezing process itself consists of the following stages:

  1. Wash and dry the crop.
  2. Distribute dry berries, 1-2 pieces, among the cells of the container.
  3. Fill with cooled boiled water so that its level is above the berries.
  4. Place the container on the freezer shelf in a special compartment for freezing ice, if there is one, or put it just like that.
  5. After 7-8 hours, you can transfer the finished cubes into bags for convenience.

Frozen strawberries in syrup

How else to freeze strawberries for the winter? You can make it with syrup. To prepare such a dessert, it is worth selecting dark berries with dense pulp. You will need about 500-600 g of them. The remaining ingredients are as follows:

  • sugar – 0.5 kg;
  • water – 2 l.

To freeze berries with syrup, use the following instructions:

  1. Boil water separately, adding sugar first.
  2. Cook until the sweet ingredient is completely dissolved.
  3. Rinse the strawberries, distribute them into containers and place them on the refrigerator shelf for a short time along with the cooled syrup.
  4. Take out both components. Then pour the syrup over the berries.
  5. Place opened containers in the freezer.
  6. Only after a day close the container with a lid.

Frozen wild strawberries for the winter

The peculiarity of wild strawberries is that they are smaller than varietal strawberries, but at the same time they have a special aroma and taste that are acquired under natural conditions. You can even prepare such a berry using any of the methods described above. Although it’s better not to suffer and puree it and then freeze it. To do this, you only need the berries themselves. It is better to take them slightly overripe, but without rotten sides. You can add sugar if desired. The cooking process consists of the following steps.

Fragrant, tender, sweet strawberry. It has long gained popularity in our latitudes for its excellent taste and beneficial properties. A handful of fragrant berries in your mouth is an unforgettable experience. Its healing properties are known to many, so experienced experts try to use strawberries for many ailments.

And the ability to freeze food in freezers expands the possibilities of their use. Now summer joys are available in any season. You can pick strawberries in the summer and freeze them for future use - diversify and enrich your menu, and continue to replenish your body with vitamins and nutrients for a long period of time. After all, wild strawberries are a multivitamin that absorbs the sun's rays, warm summer rains and all the benefits from the earth, a remedy incomparable to pharmaceutical drugs.

When properly processed and frozen, strawberries retain all their beneficial properties. Its composition is enriched with many vitamins and biochemical elements, allowing the berries to be used for their intended purpose in order to obtain good prevention and healing from numerous ailments.

Frozen strawberries - composition, benefits

1. Easily digestible sugars - glucose and fructose;

2. Organic acids – citric, malic, salicylic, quinic;

3. Essential oils;

4. Micro- and macroelements: iron, calcium, copper, cobalt, manganese, potassium, phosphorus;

5. Vitamin C;

6. Vitamin B1, B2;

7. Vitamin PP;

8. Carotene;

9. Folic acid;

10. Pectin substances.

Environmentally friendly and mega-healthy strawberries have long been widely used in folk medicine. Its merits are difficult to overestimate. It can be used either fresh or frozen after defrosting.


1. Strawberries are good for the cardiovascular system, increase the performance of the heart and its endurance;

3. For the prevention of atherosclerosis;

4. Removes cholesterol from the body;

5. A good remedy for improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, increases appetite, improves digestion;

6. Has a beneficial effect on stomach and duodenal ulcers;

7. Normalizes stool;

8. Used for hemorrhoids;

9. For colitis and gastritis;

10. Strawberries are an effective remedy for inflammatory diseases of the biliary tract;

11. Beneficial effect on the thyroid gland;

12. Normalizes kidney function;

13. Excellent diuretic;

14. These berries are useful for salt metabolism disorders, cystitis, gout, uric acid diathesis;

15. Used for anemia;

16. For joint diseases;

17. To normalize the functioning of the spleen;

18. For diabetes;

19. To improve metabolism.

Many books have been written about the great benefits of strawberries. People who have received healing from many diseases by regularly eating the berry share their experiences and recipes. Such literature can be used by anyone who experiences any ailments. But you need to take into account the characteristics of your body and first consult a doctor.

Strawberries have also found their use in cosmetology; masks made from this berry have a very noticeable effect on the skin. Refreshes, whitens and nourishes. In winter, such procedures using defrosted berries are just right for tired skin.

Why are frozen strawberries bitter?

Even fresh strawberries have a sweet and bitter taste. Why, what is the reason, how to freeze it so it doesn’t taste bitter? It turns out that bitterness is contained in tiny grains inside the berries. Berries that grow in pine forests also have a much more bitter taste. It is best to freeze strawberries with berry puree and sugar if it tastes bitter.

Possible contraindications when eating berries

Strawberries are a plant allergen. Since there may be individual intolerance, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

Strawberries are small forest berries, which, thanks to the work of scientific breeders, have turned into large garden strawberries. However, along with the size, the taste has also changed. Wild strawberries are a sweeter berry, so less sugar is required for their preparation. As for the freezing process, there are both standard methods for freezing berries, and those that apply only to certain varieties. Especially for readers of the Good Recipes website, we’ll tell you how to freeze wild strawberries. The main thing is that you have frozen strawberries in your freezer at any time of the year; it won’t be difficult to find recipes for their preparation, be it strawberry compote, pie or jam.

Frozen strawberries: preparation process

When freezing whole berries, only firm, ripe fruits with an even color and without external defects are suitable. Strawberries dry out very quickly, so it is advisable to start working with them immediately after picking. It is recommended to pick berries in the morning immediately after the dew has disappeared. Only washed berries are suitable for storage. Since strawberries are quite dense, they can be washed under running water, which cannot be said about strawberries. It is also necessary to carefully select the berries for defects and remove the sepals.

When frozen, wet strawberries will form an ice ball; to prevent this from happening, the washed and selected berries are laid out in one layer on a paper towel. Ideally, you should change the towel after a few minutes. Carry out the entire procedure in a dry, well-ventilated place.

How to freeze strawberries with whole berries

Almost all freezing methods involve preserving the shape of the berry. There are several ways you can do this:

Quick or shock freezing is carried out in 2 stages.


  • fresh strawberries.

Cooking process:

At the first stage, the berries are laid out in one layer on a baking sheet or board. There should be a small distance between the fruits so that they do not stick together during the freezing process. The berries go into the freezer for about 4 hours. Once the fruits are frozen, the risk of sticking will disappear, and the berries can be packaged in plastic containers or bags for easy storage.

One-step freezing with sugar. The berries are immediately laid out in containers, but laid out in layers. All layers are sprinkled with a small amount of sugar. In this case, there is no exact proportion of mixing berries and sugar, so everyone can proceed from their own tastes. Before putting the strawberries in the freezer, shake the containers slightly, which allows the sugar to be distributed more evenly.

Frozen strawberries in syrup

This method is somewhat reminiscent of making raw strawberry jam. 0.5 kg of sugar is diluted into 2 liters of water. This mixture is brought to a boil over low heat with constant stirring. Once the syrup has cooled, they will need to pour the prepared strawberries into the containers. Containers with berries are sent to the freezer for a day, but the lid does not close. Only after a day is the container sealed.

Frozen strawberries in their own juice

Storing berries in their own juice. This freezing option is very similar to making syrup, but without heating. Initially, the berries are covered with sugar. On average, you can take up to 200-300g of sugar per 1 kg of berries. The covered berries should stand in a dark place for several hours. Usually the whole process takes about 2-4 hours. When the berries release their juice, they can be packaged in convenient containers for storage in the freezer.

Raw frozen strawberry jam

Preparing strawberry puree does not always result in the berries turning into a homogeneous mixture. In this way, you can also store whole berries, which, when defrosted, will be easily separated from the main mass.

1 method of storing ground strawberries implies that all the berries will be crushed through a meat grinder or in a blender. Berry porridge is mixed with sugar in any ratio and placed in containers that can be stored for up to 6 months, as with any other freezing option. With longer storage, the berry begins to freeze, which is reflected in the taste: a watery taste with a very distant hint of fresh berries.

Method 2 of grinding strawberries requires preliminary selection of berries. Substandard care for purees, ground with or without sugar. The remaining berries are laid in layers, mixed with puree. You just need to make sure that the puree is liquid enough. In most cases, berries are not dried to prepare berry porridge.

With any freezing option, strawberries are packaged in portions, since repeated freezing of the berries practically reduces their taste and the amount of useful elements to zero. With whole frozen strawberries you can make pies and pies, compote or jelly. But it’s still worth remembering that the body will receive more benefits from defrosted berries without heat treatment.

Nadezhda Goeva told how to freeze strawberries for the winter, with a recipe and photo by the author especially for the Good Recipes website.

The strawberry season does not last long, as a result of which many housewives prefer to harvest berries for future use. One of the common options for preserving the beneficial properties and structure of fruits is freezing. The procedure can be performed in many ways, so the technology is not difficult. Recommendations are considered especially valuable in cases where strawberries are not bought, but collected from their own beds. Let's look at the current methods in order and give practical recommendations.

Preparing dishes for freezing strawberries

  1. If the goal is to get many small servings, use plastic disposable glasses or yogurt containers (volume 100-150 g). Also a cheap and simple storage option are thick plastic bags or cling film.
  2. Some housewives prefer to freeze strawberries in containers for heating food in the microwave. Plastic dishes with lids have different volumes (from 100 g to 2 kg), so choosing a suitable container is not difficult. This option is considered optimal, since plastic dishes are easy to use and quite compact (containers with strawberries can be stacked).
  3. Regardless of the type of container chosen, it is important to take into account the fact that all forms must be clean. Remove food residues and foreign odors in advance (it can be removed with lemon juice). In this case, strawberries are placed exclusively in dry dishes/bags.

Preparing strawberries for freezing

  1. Particular attention is paid to washing the berries. The procedure must be carried out correctly, otherwise the strawberries will absorb the liquid and become loose. Place the berries in a colander, then dip them several times in a bowl of water at room temperature. Drain the liquid and debris, repeat the steps again. After this, spread the berries on a cotton towel and leave until completely dry. Do not use napkins, otherwise the softened paper will stick to the surface of the strawberries.
  2. When it comes to harvesting, if possible, pick the berries in the morning before dew appears. It is at this moment that the berries are dry and juicy. You can also collect after the heat has subsided (18.00-19.00 hours). Avoid picking berries in wet weather or in the scorching sun, otherwise the fruits will become loose after freezing.
  3. If you are using berries from your own garden (recently picked) for freezing, it is not necessary to wash them. Blow the fruits with cool air from a hairdryer, then begin the procedure. Strawberries remain “alive” for 3 hours after picking; washing will remove the protective film that prevents the growth of bacteria.
  4. In the case of a purchased composition, rinsing is mandatory. After wet processing and drying, you can tear off the tails, then sprinkle the tear-off areas with granulated sugar. This move will preserve the aesthetic appearance of the fruit and prevent chapping.
  5. If you plan to dry freeze strawberries, choose dark red varieties. As a rule, these include a hybrid with strawberries. You should not use dry freezing on juicy, early, fresh (just picked) fruits.
  6. To later enjoy the taste of strawberries, it is important to defrost them correctly. If possible, carry out manipulations naturally, do not use a microwave. Place the frozen fruits on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator and wait until they thaw.

Method number 1. Freezing whole strawberries

  1. First, rinse the berries, place them on a towel, and wait 1 hour until the liquid has completely drained. If the strawberries are from a garden bed, skip this step.
  2. Freezing will be carried out in bags, but the berries should not be allowed to stick together. Place a plastic bag on a cutting board (you can wrap it in cling film), place the berries at a short distance from each other.
  3. Try to place the strawberries in rows to ensure even freezing. If possible, sort the fruits by placing large ones next to large ones, and vice versa.
  4. Place the cutting board with the strawberries in the freezer and leave for 1 hour. After the allotted time has passed, remove the bag from the board so that the fruits are inside.
  5. Distribute the berries throughout the cavity of the bag to save space in the chamber. Tie it up and place the product in the freezer. Freeze the second and subsequent portions in the same way.

Method number 2. Freezing chopped strawberries

  1. Many housewives prefer to freeze strawberries in puree form. After defrosting, the composition can be added to fruit compote, desserts, sauces, etc. Everyone’s favorite milkshake is prepared based on crushed fruits, so it makes sense to consider the technology in more detail.
  2. A special feature of the procedure is that the berries are ground with sugar, so the puree turns out sweet. First, wash the fruits and leave them on a towel to dry.
  3. After this, place the berries in a blender bowl, add honey or sugar to taste, and grind the mixture. Prepare food containers, pour strawberry puree into them, and place in the freezer.
  4. It is not necessary to cook strawberries with sweeteners; some people prefer to chop and freeze them without adding sugar/honey. It all depends on personal preference. If possible, choose a container that can only hold 1 serving.

Method No. 3. Freezing strawberries with sugar

  1. Preparation of fruits is similar to previous freezing methods. Rinse and dry the berries, use plastic containers. The volume is unimportant, the fruits will form in one piece.
  2. Wrap a flat dish or cutting board in cling film and place the strawberries on the prepared surface. Place in the freezer for 45-60 minutes, during which time rinse and dry the containers.
  3. After freezing, remove the fruits and place them in containers, alternating with granulated sugar. The quantity depends on personal preference. Upon completion of all manipulations, place the strawberries in the freezer.

Method number 4. Freezing strawberries in syrup

  1. One of the most common options for freezing strawberries is the combination of fruits with sugar syrup. The berries are filled with liquid and then sent to the chamber.
  2. First, prepare the fruits. Wash each strawberry, then place it on a cotton towel. Leave for 1.5-2 hours until the moisture is completely gone.
  3. At this time, start cooking the syrup. Select a heat-resistant container (for example, a saucepan), pour in 850 ml. filtered water. Bring the liquid until the first bubbles appear, reduce the power to minimum.
  4. Add 275 gr. granulated sugar (preferably cane sugar) or thick honey, mix. Add 30 ml. lemon juice (or 3 grams of acid). Simmer the mixture until the grains are completely dissolved.
  5. Place the berries in a container, pour the syrup cooled to room temperature over the strawberries. Cover with a lid, leaving a small opening. Freeze for 10 hours, then seal tightly and store in the freezer.

Method No. 5. Freezing strawberries in ice briquettes

  1. The option of freezing berries is suitable for people who are planning to throw a fiery party (ice cubes are added to alcoholic or non-alcoholic cocktails).
  2. The final product looks like this: You see a strawberry encased in ice, with the shape being a square or rectangle (depending on the ice wells).
  3. Boil syrup from 600 ml. purified water and 450 gr. granulated sugar (can be replaced with 350 grams of honey). You should get a caramel-colored mass, moderately thick.
  4. After this, prepare ice trays with large cells. Some housewives use a plastic egg cup, in which case the ice will be in the shape of a hemisphere.
  5. Place one washed and dried strawberry in each compartment and fill with syrup. Fill the entire mold in the same way. Place the contents in the freezer.

Consider freezing whole or pureed strawberries. Prepare the berries with sugar syrup or honey, and pack the fruits into ice cube trays. Prepare smoothies, pies, milkshakes, or use the preparation as an independent dish.

Video: how to properly freeze strawberries

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