
Test work on protein biosynthesis

Test on the topic "Protein biosynthesis" (Grade 9).

Part A. Tasks with the choice of one answer.

1. The material carrier of hereditary information in a cell is:

a) and RNA; b) t RNA; c) DNA; d) chromosomes.

2. The gene encodes information about the structure:

a) several proteins;

b) one of the complementary strands of DNA;

c) amino acid sequence in one DNA molecule;

d) one amino acid.

3. Transcription is the process:

a) education and RNA;

b) DNA doubling;

c) formation of a protein chain on ribosomes;

d) compounds of t RNA with amino acids.

4. If the nucleotide composition of DNA is ATT - GCC - TAT, then the nucleotide composition

and RNA:

a) TAA - CGC - UTA; c) UAA - CGC - AUA;

b) TAA - GCG - UTU; d) UAA - CGC - ATA.

5. The amino acid tryptophan is encoded by the codon UGG. Which DNA triplet carries information about this amino acid:

a) ACC; b) shopping center; c) UCC; d) wow.

6. and RNA is synthesized in:

a) ribosomes; b) cytoplasm; c) the Golgi complex; c) core.

7. Translation is a synthesis:

a) a polypeptide chain on ribosomes;

c) and RNA on the DNA template;

8. Codons of tRNA are complementary to triplets:

a) rRNA; b) DNA; c) and RNA; d) DNA, and RNA, t RNA.

9. The role of ribosomes in protein synthesis is:

a) tRNA synthesis; c) DNA chain growth;

b) assembly of the polypeptide; d) the synthesis of amino acids.

10. Line up the correct sequence of protein biosynthesis processes:

a) broadcast; c) transcription;

b) DNA doubling; d) polypeptide synthesis.

Part B. Correlate the process and the place in which it occurs.

Control test on the topic "Protein biosynthesis"

1. The template for the synthesis of an mRNA molecule during transcription is:

a) the whole DNA molecule b) completely one of the chains of the DNA molecule c) a section of one of the DNA chains

a) in the nucleus b) on the ribosomes c) in the cytoplasm d) on the channels of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum

5. During translation, the template for assembling the polypeptide chain of the protein is:

a) both strands of DNA b) one of the strands of the DNA molecule

c) an mRNA molecule d) in some cases, one of the DNA chains, in others, an mRNA molecule

a) consumed b) stored c) not consumed and not allocated

d) at some stages of synthesis it is consumed, at others it is released

7. Eliminate excess: ribosomes, tRNA, mRNA, amino acids, DNA.

8. A section of a tRNA molecule of three nucleotides that complementarily binds to a certain section of mRNA according to the principle of complementarity is called ...

9. The work of structural genes is controlled by:

a) Operator gene b) Regulator gene c) Repressor protein d) Promoter gene

10. The section of the DNA molecule, which is connected to a special repressor protein that regulates the transcription of individual genes, -- ...

11. The sequence of nitrogenous bases in the DNA molecule is as follows: ATTAACGCCTAT. What is the sequence of nitrogenous bases in mRNA?


12. A section of DNA located between the regulator gene and the operator, to which the RNA polymerase enzyme is connected, which ensures the transcription of genes - ...

13. Protein consists of 240 amino acid residues. How many nucleotides are in the gene that encodes the primary structure of this protein? A) 120 B) 360 C) 480 D) 720

14. A section of DNA containing information about one polypeptide chain is called

A) chromosome B) triplet C) genome D) code

15. Unlike tRNA, mRNA molecules: A) serve as a template for protein synthesis B) serve as a template for tRNA synthesis C) deliver amino acids to the ribosome D) carry enzymes to the ribosome

16. Which sequence correctly reflects the way of realization of genetic information
A) gene --> mRNA --> protein --> trait B) trait --> protein --> mRNA --> gene --> DNA
C) mRNA --> gene --> protein --> trait D) gene --> DNA --> trait --> protein

17. The same amino acid corresponds to the UCA anticodon on transfer RNA and the triplet in the gene on DNA: A) GTA B) ACA C) TGT D) TCA

18. The synthesis of hemoglobin in a cell controls a certain segment of the DNA molecule, which is called: A) codon B) triplet C) genetic code D) gene

19. The sequence of triplets in mRNA determines

A) the formation of a secondary structure of a protein molecule B) the order of amino acids in a protein C) the synthesis of tRNA on DNA D) the rate of synthesis of a polypeptide chain

20. Number of nucleotides encoding each amino acid in a cell: A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4

21. Carefully read the proposed text "Nucleic acids" and find sentences in it that contain biological errors. First write down the numbers of these sentences, and then formulate them correctly.


1. Nucleic acids, like proteins, are polymers. 2. The monomers of nucleic acids are amino acids. 3. The composition of nucleic acids includes four amino acids: adenine, guanine, thymine, cytosine. 4. Cells contain nucleic acids of two types of DNA and ATP. 5. DNA ensures the storage and transmission of hereditary information from the mother cell to the daughter cell. 6. In 1953, it was found that the DNA molecule consists of two spirally twisted chains.

Answers: 1-B; 2-A; 3-G; 4-B; 5-B; 6-A;




1-V A R I A N T

Part A

1. The material carrier of hereditary information in a cell is:

a) mRNA b) tRNA c) DNA d) chromosomes

2. Cell DNA carries information about the structure:

a) proteins, fats, carbohydrates c) proteins and fats

b) amino acids d) proteins

3. Which of the nucleotides is not part of DNA?

a) thymine; b) uracil; c) guanine; d) cytosine; e) adenine.

4. How many new single strands are synthesized by doubling one molecule?

a) four; b) two; c) one; d) three

5. Which of the facts confirms that DNA is the genetic material of the cell?

a) the amount of DNA in all cells of the body is constant

b) DNA is made up of nucleotides

c) DNA is located in the nucleus of the cell

d) DNA is a double helix

6. If the nucleotide composition of DNA is ATA-GCH-TAT-, then what should be the nucleotide composition of mRNA?



7. Synthesis of mRNA begins:

a) from the separation of the DNA molecule into two strands

b) with doubling each thread

c) with the interaction of RNA polymerase and gene

d) splitting the gene into nucleotides

8. Where is mRNA synthesized?

a) in ribosomes c) in the nucleolus

b) in the cytoplasm d) in the nucleus

9. The amino acid glutamine is encoded by the codon GAA. Which DNA triplet carries information about this amino acid?

a) GTT b) CAA c) TSUU d) CTT

10. What information does one DNA triplet contain?

a) information about the sequence of amino acids in a protein

b) information about one feature of the organism

c) information about one amino acid included in the protein chain

d) information about the beginning of the beginning of mRNA synthesis

11. Which of the following triplets can stop the synthesis of the polypeptide chain?

a) GAU b) AAG c) UAA d) ASU

12. Broadcast is:

a) synthesis of a polypeptide chain on ribosomes

b) tRNA synthesis

c) mRNA synthesis according to the DNA template

d) rRNA synthesis

13. The amount of tRNA is:

a) the number of all DNA codons

b) the number of mRNA codons encoding amino acids

c) the number of genes

d) the amount of proteins in the cell

14. Protein synthesis is completed at the moment:

a) the appearance of a "punctuation mark" on the ribosome

b) depletion of enzyme reserves

c) codon recognition of the anticodon

d) amino acid attachment to tRNA

15. Which of the following reactions involve enzymes?

a) in the synthesis of mRNA

b) in the interaction of tRNA with an amino acid

c) in the assembly of a protein molecule

d) in all the indicated reactions

16. It is known that the cells of a multicellular organism have the same genetic information, but contain different proteins. Which of the hypotheses explaining this fact is the most correct?

a) the diversity of proteins does not depend on the characteristics of the cell

b) in each cell type, only a part of the organism's genetic information is realized

c) the presence of proteins in a cell does not depend on genetic information

17. The code unit of the genetic code is:

a) nucleotide c) triplet

b) amino acid d) tRNA

18. In the nucleus, information about the sequence of amino acids in a protein molecule is copied from the DNA molecule to the molecule:

A) glucose; b) tRNA; c) mRNA; d) ATP

19. Transfer RNA is

a) amino acid c) lipid

b) glucose d) nucleic acid

20. If tRNA anticodons consist only of AUA triplets, then from what amino acid will the protein be synthesized?

a) from cysteine ​​c) from tyrosine

b) from tryptophan d) from phenylalanine

21. How many nucleotides are in a gene encoding a sequence of 60 amino acids in a protein molecule?

A) 60 b) 120 c) 180 d) 240

Part B.

IN 1.

What are the features of protein biosynthesis reactions in a cell?

a) the reactions are matrix in nature: protein is synthesized on mRNA

b) reactions occur with the release of energy

c) reactions are accelerated by enzymes

e) protein synthesis occurs on the inner membrane of mitochondria

IN 2. Define terms

1. Reactions of matrix synthesis - ………

2. Gene - ………………

3. Intron - ………………….

4. Processing - ……………..

5. RNA polymerase -……………….

6. The code is collinear - ……………..

7. The code is not covered - …………………

8. The code is unambiguous - ……………..

Part C . Give a detailed answer.

C1. transcription mechanism.

C2. Regulation of protein biosynthesis in prokaryotes on the example of E.coli lactose operon

C3. Solve problems:

1 . The protein molecule consists of the following amino acids: -arginine-lysine-alanine-proline-leucine-valine-. How will the protein structure change if guanine (all) is replaced by cytosine in the coding gene.

2 . Protein consists of 245 amino acids. Determine the length of the gene encoding this polypeptide and calculate what will be harder and by how many times: a protein or a gene?

Test Biosynthesis of proteins. Regulation of biosynthesis"


Part A Choose one correct answer.

1. The basis of the individuality, specificity of organisms is:

a) the structure of body proteins c) the structure of cells

b) cell functions d) structure of amino acids

2. Information is encoded in one gene:

a) about the structure of several proteins

b) about the structure of one of the DNA chains

c) about the primary structure of one protein molecule

d) about the structure of the amino acid

3. What bonds are broken in the DNA molecule when it is doubled?

a) peptide

b) covalent, between carbohydrate and phosphate

c) hydrogen between two strands of the molecule

d) ionic

4. Which of the DNA duplication schemes is correct?

a) a DNA molecule, when duplicated, forms a completely new daughter molecule

b) a daughter DNA molecule consists of one old and one new strand

c) maternal DNA breaks down into small fragments

5. Which of the named human cells does not have DNA?

a) mature leukocyte c) lymphocyte

b) mature erythrocyte d) neuron

6. Transcription is called:

a) the process of mRNA formation

b) the process of DNA duplication

c) the process of formation of a protein chain on ribosomes

d) the process of combining tRNA with amino acids

7. The amino acid tryptophan is encoded by the codon UGG. Which DNA triplet carries information about this amino acid?

A) ACC b) TCC c) UCC d) ATG

8. Where is rRNA synthesized?

a) in ribosomes c) in the nucleolus

b) in the cytoplasm d) in the nucleus

9. What will the mRNA chain section look like if the second nucleotide of the first triplet in DNA (-GCT-AGT-CCA-) is replaced by the T nucleotide?



10. Which of the enzymes carries out the synthesis of mRNA?

a) RNA synthetase

b) RNA polymerase

c) DNA polymerase

11. The DNA code is degenerate because:

a) one amino acid is encoded by one codon

b) several amino acids are encrypted by one codon

c) between the codons of one gene there are "punctuation marks"

d) one amino acid is encrypted by several codons

12. tRNA anticodons are complementary:

a) rRNA codons c) mRNA codons

b) DNA codons d) all specified codons

13. The second stage of protein synthesis is:

a) in the recognition and attachment of amino acids to tRNA

b) in rewriting information from DNA

c) in the separation of amino acids from tRNA on the ribosome

d) in the association of amino acids into a protein chain

14. Synthesized on the polysome:

a) one protein molecule

b) several molecules of various proteins

c) several molecules of identical proteins

d) all options are possible

15. Attachment of an amino acid to tRNA goes:

a) with the release of energy

b) with energy absorption

c) not accompanied by an energy effect

16. Which of the following reactions corresponds to the stage of translation elongation:

a) removing information from DNA

b) tRNA anticodon recognition of its codon on mRNA

c) amino acid cleavage from tRNA

d) delivery of mRNA to ribosomes

e) attachment of an amino acid to a protein chain with the help of an enzyme

17. The uniqueness of the genetic code is manifested in the fact that each triplet encodes:

a) several amino acids

b) no more than two amino acids

c) three amino acids

d) one amino acid

18. Correspondence of a tRNA triplet to a triplet in mRNA underlies:

a) interactions of tRNA with amino acids

b) movement of the ribosome along the mRNA

c) movement of tRNA in the cytoplasm

d) determining the place of an amino acid in a protein molecule

19. "Punctuation marks" between genes are codons (triplets):

a) do not code for amino acids

b) at which transcription ends

c) at which transcription begins

d) where the broadcast starts

20. Which tRNA triplet is complementary to an mRNA codon?

a) CCT; b) AGC; c) HCT; d) CGA

21. DNA molecules are the material basis of heredity, as they encode information about the structure of molecules:

a) polysaccharides c) proteins

b) lipids d) amino acids

Part B.

IN 1. Choose three correct answers

What is the relationship between protein biosynthesis and oxidation organic matter?

a) in the process of oxidation of organic substances, energy is released, which is consumed during protein biosynthesis

b) in the process of biosynthesis, organic substances are formed, which are used at the entrance of oxidation

c) photosynthesis uses energy from sunlight

d) water enters the cell through the plasma membrane

e) in the process of biosynthesis, enzymes are formed that accelerate oxidation reactions

f) protein biosynthesis reactions occur in ribosomes with the release of energy

IN 2. Define terms

1.Replication - ………

2. Genetic code - …………………

3. Exon -…………….

4. Splicing - ……………….

5. Helicase (Helicase) -…………………

6. The code is degenerate -………….

7. The code is universal - ……………

8. Stop codons (Synthesis terminators) -

Part C . Give a detailed answer.

C1. translation mechanism.

C2. Differences in protein biosynthesis in prokaryotes and eukaryotes

C3. Solve problems:

1 . How will the substitution of the third nucleotide in the second triplet for cytosine affect the structure of the synthesized protein if the original DNA had the following form: CGAACAAGGGCATCH.

2 . Molecular mass DNA is 248400, the share of guanyl nucleotides is 24840. Determine the content of each type of nucleotide in this DNA (including in%), the length of DNA, the number of amino acids in the synthesized protein, and the mass of the protein. Calculate which is heavier and by how many times: a gene or a protein?

Biology test Metabolism Protein biosynthesis for grade 9 students with answers. The test includes 24 test items.

1. Assimilation is

1) energy release
2) the breakdown of organic matter
3) plastic exchange
4) energy exchange

2. Dissimilation is

1) anabolism
2) biosynthesis
3) plastic exchange
4) energy exchange

3. The oxidation of organic substances, accompanied by the synthesis of ATP, is called

1) anabolism
2) assimilation
3) dissimilation
4) photosynthesis

4. The biosynthesis of complex organic substances in a cell is called

1) breathing
2) assimilation
3) dissimilation
4) catabolism

5. Molecules are universal accumulators of energy in the cell.

1) adenosine triphosphoric acid
2) ribonucleic acid
3) deoxyribonucleic acid
4) various proteins

6. ATP is

1) nucleic acid
2) nucleotide
3) protein
4) carbohydrate

7. In the ATP molecule, energy is contained in the chemical bonds between

1) nitrogenous base and sugar
2) sugar and phosphoric acid residue
3) atoms that make up the residues of phosphoric acid
4) phosphoric acid residues

8. The main mechanism for the breakdown of the ATP molecule, in which energy is released, is

1) cleavage of one phosphorus residue (conversion of ATP to ADP)
2) cleavage of two phosphorus residues (conversion of ATP to AMP)
3) elimination of three phosphorus residues
4) complete decomposition of the ATP molecule

9. Each amino acid is encoded

1) one nucleotide
2) two nucleotides
3) three nucleotides
4) four nucleotides

10. Four types of nucleotides can form a certain number of different triplets (combinations of three nucleotides) equal to

1) 16
2) 32
3) 64
4) 128

11. The codon is

2) DNA triplet
3) tRNA triplet
4) mRNA triplet

12. The anticodon is

1) any combination of three nucleotides
2) DNA triplet
3) tRNA triplet
4) mRNA triplet

13. During transcription,

3) DNA self-duplication

14. During the broadcast,

1) transfer of information from RNA to DNA
2) transfer of genetic information from DNA to RNA
3) DNA self-duplication
4) creation of a protein molecule based on information “recorded” in mRNA

15. Broadcast in progress

1) in the core
2) outside the core
3) in chromosomes
4) on the cell membrane

16. Transcription takes place

1) in the core
2) outside the core
3) in ribosomes
4) on the cell membrane

17. Select all correct answers. During anabolism

1) proteins are synthesized
2) ATP is synthesized
3) carbohydrates are synthesized
4) energy is released
5) energy is absorbed
6) enzymes are involved

18. Select all correct answers. During catabolism

1) large organic molecules are synthesized
2) energy is released
3) energy is absorbed
4) ATP breaks down
5) ATP is synthesized
6) organic matter decomposes

19. Select all correct answers. Transcription

1) occurs in the cytoplasm
2) occurs in the nucleus
3) is the process by which a protein is formed
4) goes with the participation of enzymes
5) goes with the participation of DNA
6) this is the process by which mRNA is formed

20. Select all correct answers. Broadcast

1) occurs outside the nucleus
2) flows in the nucleus
3) comes with the participation of enzymes
4) goes with the participation of tRNA
5) this is the process by which mRNA is formed
6) is the process by which a protein is formed


1) transcription
2) broadcast

a) information is read from DNA
b) occurs outside the nucleus
c) goes with the participation of nucleotides
d) goes with the participation of tRNA
d) as a result, a protein is formed

22. Establish a correspondence between the stages of protein synthesis and biological processes.

1) transcription
2) broadcast

a) information is read from mRNA
b) amino acids are involved
c) goes with the participation of ribosomes
d) takes place in the nucleus
e) as a result, mRNA is formed

23. Specify the correct sequence of events.

1) attachment of an amino acid to a protein molecule
2) unwinding of the DNA double helix
3) acquisition of a tertiary structure by a protein
4) release of a copy of the gene into the cytoplasm
5) amino acid delivery to the ribosome

24. Specify the correct sequence of events.

1) gene copying
2) interaction of a codon with an anticodon
3) delivery of the molecule to the Golgi apparatus
4) acquisition of a secondary structure by a protein
5) association of mRNA with ribosomes

Biology Test Answers Metabolism Protein Biosynthesis
1) av
2) bgd
1) where
2) abc

Test on the topic: “Protein biosynthesis. Mitosis» I variant A1. The material carrier of hereditary information in a eukaryotic cell is: 1) i-RNA 2) t-RNA 3) DNA 4) chromosome A2. During their reproduction, the daughter cells of the human skin come from the mother cell: complete genetic information half of the information a quarter of the information no correct answer A3. DNA replication is accompanied by the breaking of chemical bonds: peptide bonds, between covalent amino acids, between carbohydrate and hydrogen phosphate, between ionic nitrogenous bases, within the structure of the A4 molecule. During the replication of a DNA molecule, the following is formed: a strand that has broken down into separate fragments of daughter molecules a molecule consisting of two new DNA strands a molecule, half of which consists of an mRNA strand a daughter molecule consisting of one old and one new DNA strand A5. Transcription is the process of: 1) DNA replication 2) i-RNA synthesis 3) protein synthesis 4) t-RNA attachment to amino acid A6. If an amino acid is encoded by the codon UGG, then in DNA it corresponds to a triplet: TCC 2) AGG 3) UCC 4) ACC A7. One DNA triplet carries information about: The sequence of amino acids in the protein molecule The location of a certain AA in the protein chain The trait of a particular organism The amino acid included in the A8 protein chain. The number of t-RNAs involved in translation is equal to the number of: i-RNA codons encoding amino acids i-RNA molecules genes included in the DNA molecule proteins synthesized on A9 ribosomes. The period of cell life from division to division is called: Interphase 3) meiosis Mitosis 4) cell cycle A10. How many chromatids are contained in 8 chromosomes visible in the metaphase of mitosis: 1) 6 2) 8 3) 12 4) 16 A11. Number of chromosomes in somatic cells after mitosis is equal to: 1) 23 2) 46 3) 92 4) 44 A12. The longest phase in the life cycle of a cell is: 1) prophase 2) metaphase 3) anaphase 4) interphase B 1. Choose three correctly named properties of the genetic code. 1) is universal for almost all eukaryotic cells and bacteria 2) is universal for all eukaryotic cells, bacteria and viruses 3) one triplet encodes the AA sequence in a protein molecule 4) the code is degenerate, since amino acids can be encoded by several codons 5) the code is redundant, can encode more than 20 AK 6) the code is characteristic only for eukaryotic cells B.2. Build the sequence of reactions of protein biosynthesis by writing out the numbers in the required order: 1) removal of information from DNA 2) recognition of its codon by t-RNA anticodon on i-RNA 3) cleavage of AA from t-RNA 4) entry of i-RNA to ribosomes 5) attachment AA to the protein chain with the help of enzyme B 3. Indicate the processes that occur during interphase: 1) the cell actively synthesizes organic substances 2) new nuclei are formed at the poles of the cell 3) the centrioles of the cell center diverge towards the opposite poles of the cell 4) the amount of of all organs 5) DNA doubling - reduplication 6) spindle fibers connect to the centromeres of the chromosome and move them to the cell equator zone 1 B 4. Establish a correspondence: Process Type of metabolism 1) rewriting information from DNA to i-RNA A) protein biosynthesis 2 ) transfer of information about the primary structure B) energy exchange of the protein chain from the nucleus to the ribosome 3) cleavage of polymers to monomers 4) cleavage of glucose to PVC and synthesis two ATP molecules 5) attachment to the ribosome of t-RNA with an amino acid and m-RNA 6) oxidation of glucose to CO2 and H2O, accompanied by the synthesis of 36 ATP molecules 2 3 4 5 6 B from DNA chains: A-G-T-C-G 1) U 2) G 3) C 4) A 5) C C1. .Synthesize i-RNA, t-RNA and protein using this DNA chain. -ATG-CHC-TCC-AAG-TGA-CTA-AGC-AAA-THC-CTG- Test on the topic: “Protein biosynthesis. Mitosis II variant A1. The gene encodes information about: 1) the structure of proteins, fats and carbohydrates 2) the primary structure of the protein 3) the sequence of nucleotides in DNA 4) the sequence of AA in two or more molecules of A2 proteins. The composition of DNA does not include a nitrogenous base: 1) thymine 2) uracil 3) guanine 4) cytosine 5) adenine A3. How many new single strands are synthesized when one DNA molecule is duplicated: 1) 4 2) 2 3) 1 4) 3 A4. If the nucleotide composition of DNA is ATT-HCH-TAT, then the nucleotide composition of i-RNA is: 1) TAA-CHC-UTA 3) UAA-CHC-AUA 2) TAA-GCG-UTU 4) UAA-CHC-ATA A5. The synthesis of i-RNA begins with: 1) DNA separation into two strands 2) interaction between the RNA polymerase enzyme and the gene 3) gene doubling 4) gene breakdown into A6 nucleotides. The place of mRNA synthesis on DNA is: 1) cytoplasm 2) nucleus 3) nucleolus 4) A7 ribosome. Translation is: 1) synthesis of a protein chain on ribosomes 2) DNA replication 3) synthesis of i-RNA according to the DNA template 4) synthesis of r-RNA in ribosomes A8. The synthesis of a protein molecule is completed at the moment of: 1) attachment of AA to tRNA 2) pinching off tRNA from AA on the ribosome 3) recognition of a codon by an anticodon 4) appearance of a “punctuation mark” on the ribosome - stop codon A9. Mitosis itself is preceded by: 1) nuclear division 2) doubling of chromosomes 3) cytokinesis 4) gametogenesis А10. The result of mitosis is not: 1) preservation of hereditary traits in daughter cells 2) growth of the organism 3) genetic diversity of organisms 4) wound healing A11. How many chromosomes will be contained in the cells of the epidermis of the fourth generation of the fly, if the male has 8 chromosomes in these cells: 1) 4 2) 16 3) 8 4) 56 A12. As a result of mitosis, a nucleus is formed: 1) house fly zygotes 2) cow eggs 3) perch sperm 4) pea stem cells B 1. Correlate the substances and structures involved in protein synthesis with their functions Functions Compound A) transfers information to ribosomes 1) site DNA B) site of protein synthesis 2) i-RNA C) enzyme that provides the synthesis of i-RNA 3) RNA polymerase D) energy source for reactions 4) ribosome E) protein monomer 5) polysome E) a group of nucleotides encoding one AA 6 ) ATP G) a gene encoding information about a protein 7) an amino acid 3) an assembly site for identical proteins 8) DNA triplets 1) attachment of AA to t-RNA 2) beginning of protein chain synthesis on the ribosome 3) attachment of mRNA to the ribosome 4) end of protein synthesis 5) elongation of the B polypeptide chain 3. Indicate what is biological significance mitosis. A) in an increase in the number of cells, which ensures the growth of individual organs and the whole organism B) in the formation of haploid cells (gametes and spores) in the life cycle of organisms C) in ensuring a strictly uniform distribution of chromosomes D) in achieving a huge genetic diversity of gametes and spores E) in random distribution between cells of homologous chromosomes and exchange of their segments E) in reproduction (in unicellular organisms) and regeneration of individual organs (in plants during vegetative reproduction) B 4. Establish the sequence of stages of protein biosynthesis. A) Attachment of AA to t-RNA B) Transcription C) Attachment of AA to the polypeptide chain by the synthetase enzyme D) Transportation of mRNA to ribosomes E) Attachment of t-RNA to mRNA (the anticodon recognizes the codon) E) Transportation of t-RNA amino acids to ribosomes B 5. Set the sequence of stages of cell division. A) metaphase B) anaphase C) telophase D) prophase E) interphase C1. Synthesize m-RNA, t-RNA and protein from this DNA strand. -TAC-CGT-TAG-GAC-CGT-ATG-TTC-ATG-CGT-CGT-

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