
Take an active part in. Razvozhaev: Popular Front activists will take an active part in working with people in the implementation of national projects in the regions. Sentences containing the word "take an active part"


students ... "A" class of the State Institution "Secondary School No. ..." of the city ...

Svetlana Petrovna,

15. 11 19 ... year of birth, Russian,

residing at:

Svetlana Petrovna has been studying at the State Institution "Secondary School No. ..." of the city of ... since the third grade.

Throughout her studies, Svetlana has established herself as a student with high mental potential, she is doing excellent and good. A schoolgirl does not miss classes without a good reason. He treats the educational process, the fulfillment of public assignments in good faith. Takes an active part in the social life of the class and school. Always consciously follows the rules of conduct.Svetlana is the head of the cultural - mass sector in the class, she is responsible for the conduct and quality of events. He is one of the active members of the school team "KVN".

The teenager is brought up in a complete family, which consists of five people. Among them are three children of school age, who are brought up by both father and mother, there is complete mutual understanding between them, the atmosphere is warm and friendly, which has a beneficial effect on the character of the children.

Svetlana is characterized by the following features: perseverance, responsiveness, curiosity, sociability, kindness, sociability.

Maintains good relations with classmates. Enjoys prestige among his peers. Treat elders and teachers with respect.

Reaction to criticism is adequate.

Day month Year

Head teacher:

Classroom teacher:


student ... "A" class of the State Institution "Secondary School No. ..." of the city ...

Vladimir Sergeevich,

01. 01 19... year of birth, Russian,

residing at:

city ​​…, street …., house …, apartment … .

Vladimir has been studying at the State Institution "Secondary School No. ..." of the city of ... from the first grade.

During his studies at school, he has established himself as a diligent,disciplined,hardworking student. Masters the educational material at a sufficiently high level.Has logical thinking, shows abilities in the study of history, geography, biology.At the lessons he is always attentive, active, systematically performs homework, has an excellent memory. He attends school regularly.

To carry out public assignments, he always treats in good faith, takes an active part in the social life of the class and school. Vladimir enjoys prestige among classmates. Maintains friendly relations with many students.

He is brought up in an incomplete family, which consists of three people, among them two schoolchildren: 3rd and 9th grades. The family lives in a rented one-room apartment. The mother is engaged in the upbringing of children, there is complete mutual understanding between them, the atmosphere is warm and friendly, which has a beneficial effect on the character of the children. This family (last name) is registered with the State Institution "Department of Employment and Social Programs" as a low-income family, social code No. ... .. .

There were no violations of discipline during the entire period of study. Has no bad habits.

Day month Year

Head teacher:

Classroom teacher:


student ... "A" class of the State Institution "Secondary School No. ..." of the city ...

Dmitry Sergeevich,

11. 11 19 ... year of birth, Russian,

residing at:

city ​​…, street …., house …, apartment … .

Dmitry has been studying at this school since the age of 20, from the first grade.

The educational level is low. The teenager has no desire and desire to learn. Therefore, the student learns to the best of his ability. Often comes to school with unfinished homework. Does not perform not only oral, but also written assignments in subjects. In the classroom, Dmitry is restless, disorganized, poorly absorbs school material. A teenager has poorly formed skills of educational and cognitive activity, does not know how to properly plan educational and labor activities.

In the public life of the class shows passivity.

By nature, Dmitry is friendly, hardworking.

He mostly spends his free time outside of school. Moves freely around the city without parental supervision from the first grade. Periodically, he was seen by school teachers near the church, in the city center.

A dysfunctional family situation, the lack of educational potential of the family and the authority of the mother, impede the normal life of a teenager in the family.

This family is registered with the Department of Internal Affairs of the city ... as a dysfunctional family with .... Month 20 ... year.

Day month Year

Head teacher:

Classroom teacher:


student ... "A" class of the State Institution "Secondary School No. ..." of the city of ....

(full name of the student) Sergey Mikhailovich,

28. 11. 19 ... year of birth, Russian,

residing at:

city ​​…, street …., house …, apartment … .

(Name of the student) has been studying at this school since the fourth grade.

He has satisfactory knowledge in all subjects throughout all the years of study. He has excellent knowledge in the subjects of the humanitarian cycle.

The teenager is brought up in a complete family. There are two sons in the family, Sergey is the youngest. Both parents are involved in raising their sons. They always attended parent-teacher meetings, exercised control over the behavior and educational activities of their son.

For a teenager, the following character traits are inherent: kindness, responsiveness, curiosity, sociability, diligence, sociability.He is often distracted in class, violates discipline because of his sociability with classmates. There are no absences from classes without good reason.

Sergey in his free time goes in for swimming at the Youth Sports School. He takes an active part in city and regional competitions in this sport, in which he won prizes more than once.

The student took an active part in all school and classroom activities. Any orders are carried out in good faith.

There were no violations of discipline during the entire period of study. Has no bad habits.

Day month Year

Head teacher:

Classroom teacher:


student ... "B" class of the State Institution "Secondary School No. ..." of the city of ...

Victoria Alexandrovna,

05. 02. ... year of birth, Russian,

residing at:

city ​​…, street …., house …, apartment … .

Victoria Alexandrovna has been studying at this school since the 6th grade.

The teenager is brought up in a complete family. There are two children in the family: Victoria is the youngest daughter. Both parents are involved in the upbringing of children, there is complete mutual understanding between them, the atmosphere is warm and friendly, which has a beneficial effect on the character of a teenager.

The following character traits are inherent in her: accuracy, perseverance, responsiveness, sociability, diligence, sociability. By nature, he is a leader.

Victoria took an active part in remote olympiads in biology and English at the regional, republican and international levels, school and city non-governmental educational institutions in biology (III place).

She has excellent organizational skills: she can make a program for any event, a dance composition. Victoria devotes her free time to dancing. Repeatedly took part in school, city dance competitions, in which she won prizes.

Maintains good relations with classmates. Treat elders with respect. Reaction to criticism is adequate.

Physically developed.

Has no bad habits.

Day month Year

Head teacher:


Dear colleagues!

We invite you to take an active part in the work of the regional scientific and practical conferences "Actual issues of professional activity of primary health care workers", "Actual issues of professional activity of FAP workers" which will be held in Kemerovo in November and December 2019, as part of the planned work of the KROO "Association Nurses of Kuzbass” and the Department of Public Health of the Kemerovo Region on the most pressing issues of primary health care and FAPs.


It is planned to discuss the most pressing issues:

Ø Innovative technologies in the work of nursing staff.

Ø The role of specialists with secondary and higher medical education in the organization of preventive work with the population in primary health care.

Ø Expansion of the functions of specialists with secondary medical education in the organization of primary health care for the rural population.

Ø Modern problems of development of nursing in family medicine (AFP).

Ø Organizational principles for the creation of various schools for patients.

Ø Personnel training, the role of communication between health care institutions and educational institutions in the formation of professional competencies.

Ø The role of specialists with secondary medical education in the medical examination of the population.

Ø The role of nursing staff in the provision of palliative and geriatric care.

Ø The role of FAP specialists in dynamic monitoring of the attached population.

Ø Preventive service and its role in the implementation of national health care

Ø Organization of storage and accounting of medicines in the conditions of the FAP, features of dispensing medicines to the population.

Ø Provision of pre-hospital medical care in the conditions of FAP.

Ø Safe environment and patient.

Ø Early signs of abuse of narcotic and psychotropic substances. Medical aspects of anti-alcohol and anti-drug prevention.

Ø Legal issues in healthcare.

Ø CME and accreditation.

Ø Households: yesterday, today, tomorrow.

Ø Issues of human resources in health care, training, retention of health workers in rural, remote and less developed areas.

Ø Historical aspects of outpatient care in the Kemerovo region, in Russia.

Ø Assistance of volunteers in primary care.

Ø Palliative care – universal coverage and equal access.

Ø A new model of a medical organization - a patient-oriented medical organization.

Ø Medication provision of residents, separate subdivisions, by FAP paramedics, in areas where there are no pharmacies.

Ø Quality and safety of medical activity.

Ø Organization of geriatric service as a unified system of long-term medical and social assistance.

Primary healthcare professionals and FAPs are invited to participate in the work - nurses, paramedics, midwives, doctors, chief and senior nurses, teachers, researchers, young scientists and students of educational institutions of secondary and higher professional education.

The purpose of the conference: Study, generalization and dissemination of the best experience in primary health care and FAPs. Increasing professional competence. Creating motivation to improve the quality of care provided.

Forms of participation in the conference:

Presentation with a report.

Publication of materials.

Conference participant.

- "Poster report".

Please pay attention to the deadlines for submission of reports!

Article formatting requirements:

Works should be submitted in the form of abstracts up to 3 full pages: A4 sheet, Times New Roman 14 font. Margins: left, right, top, bottom - 2.5 cm each.

2nd line - title - capital, bold, centered;

3rd line - organization - lowercase, italics, centered;

Articles must be edited and verified by the authors. Articles sent for participation in the conference should not have been previously published or sent for publication in other publications. One author (named first) can publish no more than two works.

It is necessary to submit the texts of articles in electronic form to the organizing committee of the conference in a timely manner, according to the requirements!

The Program Committee is looking forward to submitting original, previously unpublished reports, proposals on the topics of round tables, master classes. The quality and quantity of the presented reports determine how interesting and fruitful the work at the conference will be!

To participate, you must fill out an application and send it by e-mail [email protected] , [email protected] as an attachment, valid until July 15, 2018.

We will be glad to see you at the regional scientific-practical conferences "Topical issues of professional activity of primary health care workers" and "Topical issues of professional activity of FAP workers".

Application for participation in the conference

Full name (in full) __________________________________________________

Place of work, city, position _________________________________________________________


Academic degree, title ______________________________________________

Business postal address __________________________________________

Contact number________________________________________________

Form of participation in the conference (underline): listener, articles, report + participant, “poster report”, video


Necessary technical means to demonstrate the materials of the report


Suggestions on the topics of round tables, master classes __________________

Date_____________________ Signature_________________________

Our addresses:

650036, Kemerovo, st. Volgogradskaya, 43,

KROO "Association of Nurses of Kuzbass"

Contact phone numbers:

phone/fax (8-3842-)56-19-92; e-mail: [email protected]- Secretary Vostrikova Natalya Vladimirovna;

tel. (8-3842-) 56-76-51; e-mail: [email protected]- methodologist Boyarskaya Alexandra Vasilievna;

tel. (8-38446) 25-100; 8-961-708-7420; e-mail: [email protected]- Chairman of the "Specialized Section of Primary Health and FAP" PAMSK Vashchuk Larisa Anatolyevna;

We will be glad to work together! Organizing Committee

Many wives themselves remove their husbands from participating in the upbringing of children: he does not know anything about a baby, he only interferes, it would be better if he earns more money. Men are very susceptible to criticism: if you say it sharply once, it will not work again. Many themselves are afraid to approach the newborn, so as not to harm. And who said that mom knows how to do it right? So it turns out that sometimes it is easier to be busy than to argue with a woman.

Therefore, wives should be allowed to take part in family affairs. You can't carry everything on your shoulders. Yes, and a man wants to contribute, but does not know how. Help him. A husband, like a child, needs to be praised, encouraged, said that you cannot solve this important problem without him. A man needs to feel his indispensability. Allow him to participate, guide him.

  • Send your husband for a walk with the child on the weekend.
  • Tell what happened at home in his absence.
  • Ask to sit with a baby - he will understand how difficult it is.
  • Often ask for advice on what to do in a given situation.
  • Send the child to solve problems with dad.
  • Tell us what kind of help you need at the moment.

Not all men are actually as responsible as we would like. But they just think that support is only about helping with the housework. And who wants to wash dishes and appease a screaming child. It’s just that they weren’t explained that their wife needs to be reassured with their advice, to help solve a painful issue. Then she will gladly cook dinner for you, and the children will be quiet. A calm mother is a calm baby.

A happy family is a family where a man is a leader. And the wife, for starters, must create this illusion so that the man gets used to his role. And if this becomes true, there will be double happiness.

The family is a ship, at the helm of which the husband should stand and the wife should help him. A family is a team where everyone should do their own thing for the benefit of a common goal.

What are your family's goals? How do you want to raise your children? What are the main qualities you want to instill in them? What kind of person should your son or daughter grow up to be? What family relationships do you want to have? To define all this and put it into practice is what strategic planning is, the main task of the head of the family.

Being a father is no less difficult than being a mother. Your desire to become a real dad is important, because children grow up quickly, with or without you. So let's figure out what is expected from the wife's husbands, what contribution a father can make to the family. What is a dad for?

Complement and support mom. Women are emotional by nature, they are not to blame for the fact that in difficult situations, feelings take over. This is where dad is needed with his logical thinking and common sense. For example, if the baby is sick, help your wife figure out which doctor to contact, whose advice to listen to - grandmothers or the local pediatrician. Even if you are terribly tired, let your wife talk, do not blame her for fears and doubts. And when you have free time, give her a helping hand, because one solution for two is easier. Sometimes you just need to ask how you can help. Protect your wife from stress, take care of her so that you have more time.

Take an active part. According to experts, we spend only 40 seconds a day communicating with a child. And if dad leaves when the baby is still sleeping and comes when he is already sleeping, then communication can be 40 seconds a week. Of course, you can't quit your job. But try to devote your free time to your child: talk to him, be aware of his problems and experiences, actively help to solve them. Just 30 minutes of daily communication between dad and child is enough for the baby to feel protected. If the wife did not tell what was interesting during the day, then ask yourself. Show initiative.

Take responsibility. Solve all the problems that arise in the family together. Two people are involved in creating a family, which means that a child needs to be brought up together. The job of a father is to take responsibility for his family. When a woman says that she is having a hard time, this is usually a burden of responsibility, and not household chores. Why should only mothers worry about their children? Common child - common decisions.

By the way, about the sofa. From the fact that dad will come home an hour earlier and settle down near the computer, it will not become easier for anyone. Solving problems at work, solving problems at home - is there not enough strength for everything? But after all, a woman also has to work, and take care of children, and buy food, and cook food, and clean, and constantly bear a huge burden, sometimes double responsibility. Because if something happens, then you worry about the children, and you will also have to make excuses to your husband that you overlooked it! Leaving a woman alone, and then saying - finished, it's not like a man.

Plan for the future of the family. What to cook for breakfast or what sweater to wear to the baby, the mother herself can decide. But strategic planning is the task of the head of the family. Which kindergarten to give, where to study, whom to treat, how much time the child spends at the computer, how to temper, where to spend the weekend. Strategic planning means making decisions about how to develop and educate a child, what values ​​to instill in him. The task of the father is to make the child happy. Children's happiness is the ability to learn, think and make decisions on their own. It is the father who can develop these qualities.

To be an example. It is believed that boys copy dad, and girls copy mom, but this is not in all cases. The child looks at both parents and remembers all their behavior. If dad can allow a strong word in front of a child, then no matter how mom explains, it will not work. And you will not accustom a child to cleanliness if the house is a constant mess. Do what you want your child to do. And be sure to agree on important areas of upbringing: to force you to eat or not, to allow you to watch TV after nine in the evening, or to observe the regimen. In a family where mom and dad cannot find a common language, the child will be restless and insecure.

Determine what is good and what is bad. There is an opinion that the task of mom is to love, and dad is to educate. There are many opinions about how to educate correctly. But to explain to the child what is good, what is bad, it is necessary by all means. Often children listen to their father much more attentively than to their mother. Dad's task is to explain and show by example that being rude to mom is bad, but saying thank you after dinner is good. Teach them to keep promises, not to throw tantrums, to respect others, not to betray friends, to be the support of the family, to strive for knowledge, to see money only as a means, and to rank art among eternal values. If this is the norm for you, then your child will grow up as a person. Easy to say, but how to do?

Video from Yana Shchastya: interview with professor of psychology N.I. Kozlov

Topics of conversation: What kind of woman do you need to be in order to successfully marry? How many times do men get married? Why are there so few normal men? Childfree. Parenting. What is love? A story that couldn't be better. Paying for the opportunity to be close to a beautiful woman.

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Sentences containing the word "take an active part"

  • In hostilities on the side of Germany, to accept active participation Hungary.
  • This made him to accept active participation in defense of Beilis, the trial took place in Kiev in October 1913.
  • Being an artist at heart, he naturally felt the need to accept active participation on the artistic side.
  • He expressed his desire to accept active participation in the combat activities of the fleet.
  • And in the creation of this new system will eventually take active participation and an exile from Ust-Kut.
  • hosted active participation in the social, economic and cultural life of the villages of Karginskaya and Bukanovskaya.
  • At the same time, I have new evidence that Germany was taking active participation in Turkish politics.
  • hosted active participation in developing plans for war in Western and Eastern Europe.
  • Standing apart in this cohort was Lenin, who received active participation in preparing for the coming revolution both as a theoretician and as an organizer.
  • hosted active participation in the creation of a volunteer corps to counter the revolutionary forces in the country.
  • Having received such permission and arriving in Spain, Pompey accepted active participation in military operations.
  • Selly accepted active participation at the II International Psychological Congress in London as secretary.
  • hosted active participation in the Night of the Long Knives.
  • She loved Robert very much and accepted active participation in his election campaign.
  • I'm lucky to accept so much in her active participation that I was noticed by Lafayette and the Duke of Orleans.
  • In general, Voltaire tried in every case to accept active, although extremely small, participation in diplomacy.
  • Most of the inhabitants of this house took active participation in Soviet magazines of that time.
  • Just as active participation accepted by Vladyka Alexy in the conflict between Moscow and Prince Mikhail Alexandrovich of Tver.
  • Makhnovists accepted active participation in the fight against the colonists and thoroughly defeated the colony.
  • Horace Gunzburg was elected Chairman of the Board, active participation his sons Alexander and Alfred took over in business.
  • Gorky took in these conversations the most active participation.
  • Lermontov took in preparation for the entertainment the most active participation.
  • That is why they took active participation not only in the conquest of England, but also in the crusades.
  • father took active participation in the creation of the Mariupol Committee of the RSDLP (b).
  • He immediately gathered and armed the troops of the Dardanians and from then on received active participation in the war.
  • In Cologne, the artist lived until 1922, constantly taking active participation in the artistic life of the city.
  • Scriabin (Molotov) hosted during the Second World War active participation in the restoration of the Russian Orthodox Church.
  • In the 19th century, court financiers took active participation at the base of large banks in the residences and large cities of Germany.
  • Awarded with the medal "For the Defense of Leningrad", accepts active participation in the work of the blockade society.
  • Daniel hosted active participation in European affairs, aided by his dynastic marriages.
  • I took active participation in all kinds of activities.
  • As you know, Soviet propaganda in this case did not interfere, and even, on the contrary, accepted the very active participation.
  • For nearly forty years I have taken active participation in many key events connected with the life of the Jewish people.
  • So active participation Mashkov at once in several projects of famous directors caused a mixed reaction from critics.
  • His active participation in big politics on the side of the Habsburgs was of great historical importance.
  • He was appointed commander of the 7th Armored Division, which took over active participation in the western campaign.
  • In this war, Washington took active participation.
  • General P.S. Saltykov received in it active participation.
  • Despite this, he remained the chief prince of Novgorod and later (until 1236) took the most active participation in Novgorod affairs.
  • In January 2007, Transneft accepted active participation in the oil and gas conflict with Belarus.
  • Here he began to take active participation in the labor movement and soon with a group of young enthusiasts like him, he ended up in prison.
  • In May 1920, Fadeev accepted active participation in the evacuation of military property, weapons and ammunition from Primorye to the Amur Region.
  • Active participation Dobrynya also accepted in the baptism of Russia, also seeing in it a means of strengthening state power.
  • In some, the guard took active participation, in others separate guard units fought.
  • The script was written for him, and he himself took active participation in his writing.
  • One of them lived in France and hosted with her daughter active participation in the Resistance.
  • He took active participation in the murder of the royal family, in particular, he took out acid to dissolve the bodies.
  • Active participation accepted in this and court officials.
  • In the rest of the tank formations, the tankers safely “ran” to their vehicles and took active participation in the frontier battle.
  • As you can see, Ogarev accepted active participation in this game started by Nechaev around Natalia.
  • In party work takes active participation.
  • And in this peaceful creative work, Sholokhov also accepted active participation.
  • Now he is finally carried away by the street element: he takes active participation in the high-profile political actions of the accusers of the regime in Cuba.
  • In the revolution of 1917, Viktor Tikhomirnov takes active participation with Molotov.
  • It was time for the general election, and I was going to to accept in them the most active participation.
  • Glinkin received active participation in battles in the skies of Poland and Germany.
  • In vain did I ask the commander to allow me to expand the range of my duties and to accept more active participation in battle.
  • princess hosted active participation in the life of the court, appeared at receptions and balls, where she immediately attracted attention.
  • As a nuclear specialist, he took active participation in the preparation and conduct of exercises in Totskoye.
  • As in the conspiracy against Commodus, in this conspiracy he took active participation praetorian prefect Aemilius Lota.
  • In exile (in Germany, France and the USA) he continued to take active participation in the political activities of the Menshevik Party.
  • It is still actively printed today and accepts at least active participation in the political life of Russia.
  • P. S. Saltykov received in battle active participation, for which he was awarded the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called and the rank of general-general.
  • Alexander Ivanovich continued to accept the most active participation in the fate of Hovhannes.
  • On the way, he was beaten off by a detachment of Colonel Alexander Chernyshev, who was previously mentioned by us, after which he continued active participation in the war.
  • The Taganka Theater has always distinguished the most active participation the viewer, including him in action, sometimes even outrageous.
  • In the first religious war, Coligny took active participation and actually became the second person in the Huguenot camp.
  • Baader moved to Berlin, where he received the most active participation in various (and almost daily) demonstrations.
  • Having succeeded in business, Franklin in the late 1730s took active participation in social activities.
  • hosted active participation in shaping federal legislation and legal practice in the United States.
  • Perhaps only in one he took active participation: when the boys began to care for the girls, kissing and "pinching" them.
  • And, of course, since there was a dovecote in our yard, I took the most active participation.
  • Active participation accepted in the work of the party cell, was the foreman of the 1st squadron.
  • Becoming a zealous Pharisee, he accepted active participation in persecution, struggle against Christian communities.
  • I, too, cautiously fit in behind, trying to accept in this noble cause active participation.
  • Robert, without leaving his main duties, accepted active participation in the restoration work, which lasted four years.
  • Trade unions are obliged to accept most active participation in matters of equality, tolerance, hostility to strangers, Nazism and racism.
  • Hook hosted active participation in the activities of the "Invisible College" and even performed organizational functions in it.
  • Especially active participation Oppenheimer took part in their activities during the years of the Spanish Civil War.
  • hosted active participation in the fight against the Polovtsians and in the civil strife of the South Russian princes.

Source - introductory fragments of books from LitRes.

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