
What does it mean to be an interesting person. Interesting person - who is this? Ask good questions

How to become an interesting person?

There is hardly a universal definition of what it means to be an interesting person. It is possible to single out some features that determine the interest. For example:

1. A person is "not like everyone else." Only this "otherness" should not be too strange. Interest is new, different from the usual, but within the framework of the understandable. Women often cannot formulate why they like a man, so they answer - he is not like everyone else. There is little logical in such a statement, it is rather emotions, but it is they that create the feeling - interesting. A person may not do anything unusual, but if someone perceives his words, look, actions as something unusual, new, then he is of interest.
2. Passion (hobby). Unlike “not like everyone else”, passion is usually objectified, clearly defined. It must also be unusual. Collecting live crocodiles is clearly not a traditional occupation, it may seem interesting to some, not to others, but for example, the study of the mysterious, unknown, always attracts people, arouses interest.
3. Mysticism, mystery, myths. Unlike hobbies, here interest is not caused by a deed, but by a person. The man himself must be mysterious. His clothes, words, beliefs, beliefs. The puzzle must be supported by the absence or addition of conflicting information about the person's identity. It is also necessary to note the attractiveness of the myth. Famous actors, politicians, people from TV attract with a lot of myths about themselves and their lives. Maybe they are all very simple and uninteresting people, but attractiveness myths work for them. For example, they have an interesting life, they see a living person every day ... (substitute the name of a famous person yourself), they are happy and rich. It happens in different ways, but from my personal communication with the so-called stars, show business, famous politicians, it follows that, firstly, they are ordinary people to whom nothing human is alien, and secondly, there are many simply tortured by life and unfortunate creatures living no longer real life, but a myth about itself, for which reality hits them painfully at every collision, thirdly, myths, of course, attract, but remain myths far from real life.

We can say that people who combine all these five signs, or at least two of the five, are of particular interest. But now about the simplest and most effective thing that makes a person interesting, about a sense of humor.

Interesting people are not called those who know the theory of relativity and can boringly present it, but those who cheer up, amuse and witty. Often, the words "it's interesting with him", "it's fun with him", "it's fun with him", etc. often have the same meaning. Those who evoke positive emotions are drawn to, want to be near, invited to the company. The easiest and most reliable way to be interesting is to tell an anecdote, a joke, an aphorism, a metaphor in time, to defuse the situation at the right time, to cause a smile, laughter. Want to? Then you need training

People appreciate interesting conversationalists. An interesting young man is more likely to be in the spotlight and take a leadership position in the group, and in communicating with girls - to win their sympathy. Similarly, if a girl is not only attractive in appearance, but also interesting as a person, she will have better friends, it is easier for her to get married and remain a dear companion for her husband for a long time. However, an interesting person is not only an interesting interlocutor, it is something more. You can master not very complex tricks and in a few months, using proven techniques, increase your rating of an interesting interlocutor, but to seriously become an interesting person, you need more time. To become interesting or interesting is to become a versatile, internally deep and outwardly bright attractive person.

If you are smart and lively, then shyness is not terrible for you. You can be shy, you can sometimes be terribly afraid of something, but if you are smart and lively, you will develop what you need in yourself. In this case, his ability to be interesting to people.

I rewrote all the authors, returned the notebook just as quietly and did not get out of the library for a month: I got acquainted with prose, Gumilyov, Severyanin, Tsvetaeva, Pasternak, Tarkovsky and Akhmadullina became my favorite poets. Well, but in Olga's notebook there were poems and Efim: I understood, I began to write myself, and Olga controlled the level. For dreary garbage she ridiculed immediately, a decent poem gave me her attention for a whole change, a collection of poems was an occasion to invite her to visit. Well, every month she was my guest ... Competition and challenge are tough conditions, but only in such conditions is character forged. Cm...

Psychological training helps to overcome your shyness, develop sociability and become more interesting. Psychological training does not replace independent work, but is a good help in it. Trainings support, captivate, give tips and energy to move on, help to find new friends. The only point worth paying attention to is the choice of a training center, since not every trainer is able to feel a person, find the right approach to him and skillfully remove the shell of shyness. Choose only proven centers with highly qualified specialists. The largest training center in Russia is the Sinton center, and the Sinton program is one of the most reliable, environmentally friendly and effective training programs. There are four main trainings in the Synton program - we recommend.

Remember the times of the USSR - did a person of that era think about whether he was an interesting person or not? Of course not - there were other priorities and values! But now the “interesting personality” has been put on a pedestal, people are increasingly drawn to this title. Is this trend bad? No, but initially it is worth understanding one thing - do you really want to be interesting personality Or is it social pressure?

If your desire is true, then let's first understand - who is such an interesting person?
For this, consider:

  • Who from your environment or famous people fascinates you, attracts and makes you think about it?
  • What set of qualities does this person have?

Write a list of such people, highlight similar traits, and you will get what for you lies at the foundation of the concept of an “interesting person”.

What is the difference between interesting people and uninteresting people?

  1. As a rule, interesting people are:
    • those who have seen a lot and know a lot,
    • who has a lot of stories, stories and jokes in stock,
    • these people travel a lot
    • they have minimal knowledge in all areas of life - for example, they can support a conversation about painting, and then switch to French cinema and then discuss surfing.
  2. Interesting people allow themselves to be themselves, no matter how it looks:
    • they openly look at a variety of issues and do not believe that their point of view is the only correct one,
    • are not ashamed of their views, beliefs, attitudes and opinions, but express them.

    We can say that interesting people in society are like a fish in water - well, a clown fish does not pretend to be a shark, because it does not need it!

  3. Such people are open to new experiences and have charisma. What is charisma anyway? This is the ability to be yourself, to joke, to be free and express yourself.

    Charismatic people can be calm and mocking, free and serious - the main thing that unites them is positioning. After all, even by the manner of conversation, you can distinguish between Pasha Volya and Maxim Galkin - you can’t say that one of them is more charismatic, it’s just that everyone is a personality and an expert in their field.

  4. Interesting people are not afraid to say what they think, but at the same time their point of view does not hurt others. These people have personal boundaries and they do not violate the boundaries of those around them, because they do not pretend to conquer humanity - they are just the way they are.

As you might guess, interesting people are interesting to everyone - both men and women, adults and teenagers, and their personality is pleasing to others, regardless of race, religion, hobbies, etc. But those people who are not a deeply interesting person can also be interesting, but far from everyone - they can even be the soul of the company, but the company will be the same, but in another they will most likely sit quietly in the corner.

How to become an interesting person

So, you have already understood that you want to be an interesting person, and you have a perfectly reasonable question - how to achieve this? I will offer you just 4 steps that will lead you to your goal. But remember that everything must be done, and not "I will do this, otherwise I will not." Yes, you may be surprised that there are so few steps, but they will help you fundamentally increase your interest in the eyes of the public and pump up your personality.

  1. Determine your starting point - the so-called point A

    For example, a good indicator is your subscriptions on Instagram and others. in social networks. Analyze who you follow and what you read. Maybe it will be 90 different food blogs - then your interests are pretty one-sided. And if these are the same 90 blogs, but they are very different - from cooking to astrology, from cars to needlework, then yes, you are an interesting person.

  2. Grow in a variety of areas

    For example, finance and art, music and geography, ballet and business. No one says that in every field you need to get at least a Ph.D. But to know the basics, to be able to express your opinion on a particular topic, even basic knowledge will help. But how to get this knowledge is another question. On the same Instagram, subscribe to bloggers from different areas and read their posts. Also, with the help of Internet surfing, you can subscribe to the newsletter of a variety of sites and receive up-to-date information. Books, thematic sites ... Here, whoever wants - is looking for opportunities, and who does not want - reasons.

  3. Be trendy

    Read the latest news from a variety of fields. Agree, if you talk about something that lost its freshness 5 years ago, then at best it will not be noticed, and at worst you will be considered an ignorant person, and your opinion on other issues will be called into question. But remember that there is basic knowledge (for example, about natural phenomena), and there are topics that require tracking (these are the same fashion trends).

  4. Have your own point of view on any situation

    Your point of view may not be very popular, different from others and not supported in your company, but remember that you think so and you have every right to it. You do not have to adapt to someone and can express your view of things, but without offending other people and without violating their boundaries, and also without imposing your picture of the world on them.
    You have such an attitude towards the politics of this state, the songs of this singer and bodybuilding, and your opponent's opinion can be absolutely polar. You should not think “no, I will not say anything, otherwise I will suddenly seem stupid.” My dear ones, do not show yourself if you really think differently or think differently - you are you, and this is the main thing. But at the same time, you should not take a position that is not close to you, just for the sake of standing out in the crowd - believe me, this will not bring anything good, first of all, to you. Remember point 2 of the differences between an interesting person and an uninteresting person and draw the right conclusion.

As you can see, not everything is as complicated as it seems. But the most important thing in becoming an interesting personality is an internal transformation.

An interesting personality is about self-confidence, charisma, objective self-esteem, the absence of complexes (in the best sense of the word) and internal clamps. And only then you can talk about a broad outlook and the ability to communicate.

Therefore, dive deep into yourself and do not be afraid - everything is from the material of the customer! By the way, my PRO course, including about this, helps to become an interesting person. Register!

Meet new people. When meeting a new person (no matter where), the key to enjoying the experience is being willing to listen to what the person has to say. This is one way to get a person to open up to you.

  • Even if the new acquaintance is your complete opposite, accept these differences and enjoy the new acquaintance.
  • Anyone can teach you something new - the more acquaintances and friends you have, the more knowledge you can acquire. Never regard a new person as unworthy of your attention and time.
  • Just say “Hi!”, introduce yourself, and ask the person a question or two. As you get to know the person better, your communication will become more informal.

In your city or region, visit places where you have not been before. Keep an eye out for new fun activities where you live; for example, it could be a folk singing competition or a food festival. Visiting a part of a city or area unknown to you is a new adventure that you can invite your friends to.

  • If such events knock you out of your usual rut, then this is even for the better. Think of the new and interesting people you might meet while trying to do something that is absolutely not your thing.
  • Invite your friends to try something new with you. Tell them it will be fun.
  • Get out of your comfort zone. Start learning a foreign language, take a long distance run, do something to challenge yourself, and you will surely become a more interesting person. The more knowledge you have and the more active you are, the more experience you will be able to share with other people. Try the following:

  • Dance, even if you're not good at it. No matter where and how - alone, with a partner or on the dance floor with friends - just dance and enjoy it.

    • Pull your hair back, sing a few lines from any song you like, and move your arms and legs to cheer the people around you.
    • Encourage people to dance with you. Get your friends who don't like to dance to come on the dance floor with you and show them how much fun it is.
  • Challenge your fears. If you are afraid of heights, clowns, dogs, or something else, take the time and energy to work on yourself and overcome your fears. You will be surprised at what you are capable of.

    • Agree with almost all offers to do something new. If your artist friend or avid hiker suggests you paint something or go camping, be sure to agree, as this is new to you.
    • Next time at a party or in a company, find a person who has little in common with you. Be sure to get to know this person to learn something new from him.
    • If a host or artist calls for a volunteer during an event, don't be afraid to raise your hand. Sing and dance at the concert of your favorite artist. Wear breathtaking outfits that cheer you up. Sing your favorite song at karaoke, even if you don't have an ear for music. Throw a fun themed party. In a word - have fun!
  • Photo: William Perugini/Rusmediabank.ru

    Everyone would like, probably, to become an interesting person. The person with whom they want to communicate, who they ask for advice, who they listen to and enjoy spending time with. We want to be in demand and achieve recognition and attention. This is a normal human desire. “The most curious thing is that now everyone is talking a lot: you need to read a lot, develop, kill your inner demons, but for some reason no one talks? how to do it?!" one reader asked. I dare to answer her question...

    What is an interesting person?

    Firstly, for myself, it seems to me, it is worth deciding on the concept of "interesting personality." What do you mean by this concept? Who would you be interested in talking to? After all, we are all very different. And it may seem to someone that a person who has achieved success is incredible. As my reader says: “For example, my neighbor is a mathematician, Nobel Prize winner, the smartest person! And what should I talk to him about? About mathematics? What if I don't understand it? That's it! It is not a fact that an outstanding mathematician will be an ideal interlocutor for you and will, in fact, be an interesting person for everyone. Here it is necessary to approach differentiated. After all, we each have our own interests.

    Perhaps the first thing to do is to decide on your own priorities. Understand who you are. What do you like, what do you enjoy, what are you fond of, what are you happy about, what do you know how to do, what do you want to learn? Exactly you! Not the majority of people who are considered charismatic, smart, interesting... Namely you! And so, when you understand yourself, work in this direction.

    Because you can be interesting to others only when you become interesting to yourself. That is, you will reach your own high level in your own individual development. No comparison with others. Therefore, it is impossible to come up with universal advice here. Everything is very individual.

    Read those books that you like, resonate with you. Find them. Try to listen to the advice of smart people, find lists and ratings of the most successful books, films, websites, etc. But do not accept them unconditionally, because in this case, they will not become part of your worldview and will not help you grow in your own individual space. Someone loves Pelevin, and someone is given Palahniuk with great difficulty. Some consider Coelho a genius, others a successful businessman from literature and a plagiarist. How many people - so many opinions. Find your limits and strive for perfection in them.

    If you can’t be a ballerina, don’t torture yourself and the mirror, become an artist, musician, communicator, needlewoman, volunteer, politician, journalist… Each of us has our own path. To become an interesting person, you need to find it.

    Follow your path

    Secondly, follow your path. Whatever she is. Joyful, sad, heavy, light... It will never be what you plan and invent. There are always surprises and options. If a person is attached to a mandatory set of life expectations, then he will certainly be in the cold. Life will definitely disappoint him, poke him with his nose, hit him on the head ... What else can she do there? But if you treat these surprises as the normal and natural order of things, then they may not be the cause of your disappointment, but only the ladder of growing up. After all, everything that happens to us is our path, our choice, our lessons that we must learn. Just accept them and think, think carefully about why this is happening to you. And you will definitely find the answer. Once you find it, the same problems will stop repeating in your life. You seem to climb a new step to step higher and higher.

    Think with your head and listen with your heart

    Thirdly, think constantly. Better yet, feel what is happening to you. Pass it through the surest filter that is in each of us. This filter gives unmistakable answers to all questions. But not everyone knows how to use it. This filter is called the heart. Sometimes another organ interferes with its work. Head! My opponent asks: “...think...about what? About how to seduce Vasya from a neighboring entrance, or about the meaning of life? Yes about everything! Just mindlessly existing, going with the flow, not caring about anything, not attaching to anything, not thinking about anything, is also a way out. But it is a bit like the life of an amoeba.

    Although, judging by the latest scientific discoveries, we have no idea about the real life of the amoeba. After all, she lives according to some other laws unknown to us. Apparently, God gave us a brain for some purpose, in order for us to learn how to use it. Otherwise, why do we need a head?

    Getting your brain in tune with your heart is no easy task. Not always feasible, especially when you are completely dependent on the factors of the external environment of your habitat. Your heart tells you to send your boss away, and the conditions of survival advise you to obey and, having washed yourself with mud, follow his idiotic orders. That's how we live. Between heart and mind. But there are options. You can obey the circumstances stupidly and thoughtlessly, because everyone does it. And you can approach the process creatively, giving yourself a mental account of what you are doing and why you are doing it. That is, determine for yourself ...

    Determine why you want it

    Fourth, it is worth determining the price of the issue. Why do you need it? What do you want to achieve in this way? To be an interesting person in order to easily seduce Vasya from a neighboring house or in order to talk on an equal footing with a Nobel Prize winner? Or maybe becoming an interesting person is the main factor in your professional growth. Or the path to glory? Then answer, why do you need glory? She gives a lot of money, security, love to people? Is it?

    When you carefully study, including brains and hearts, you suddenly realize that you do not need to be that interesting person for everyone that you came up with. Because you don't need this interview, publicity, additional headache, associated with wealth, maintaining ratings, maintaining the level of well-being ... All these are chains, shackles that gradually and imperceptibly kill a living person in you, turning you into an advertising toy in the hands of unscrupulous journalists. Do you need it?

    In general, what is success? The ability to have a lot of money and not hesitate to buy what you want? What do you really want? Have you ever thought about it for more than five minutes? If you spend three times five minutes, you can come to stunning conclusions. You will surprise yourself. You write: “Interest is 100% success!” Not a fact! Gaddafi also aroused interest, but whether he was successful is the question.

    It seems to me that real success is finding balance in this chaotic aggressive world. States when, despite all the troubles and difficulties of your crazy existence among cars and sellers of everything and everything, you are able to rejoice that you are alive, you can love and feel that the sun is shining and birds are singing. To learn this harmonious perception of life, despite all its cruel and unfair surprises, is to become an interesting person, that is, to achieve success not in the general ranking of the endless competition of everyone with everyone, but within the limits of one's own individual Universe.

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