
How to cure white hot at home. White hot: symptoms and treatment at home. Using bitter wormwood and yarrow

Delirium tremens (Alcohol Delia) - a disease characterized by acute alcoholic psychosis, which is 2 to 8 days. The disease arises due to the fact that ethanol, falling into the blood, leads to a decrease in the volume of circulated blood and reduce the amount of fluid in the brain, which causes headaches and hallucinations. The disease usually occurs 72 hours after drinking alcohol. The disease can occur in people who do not suffer from alcohol addiction.

Alcohol Delirya (White and white) is the most common form of alcoholic psychose. Deliry, as a rule, develops suddenly, sharply, and not in a state of intoxication, and on the background of a hangover abstinence syndrome, after 1-3 days after the cessation of drunkenness. This is usually preceded by stuff (before the first psychosis - long).

Causes of white hot:

The reason for which is possible for white hot symptoms is the excessive use of alcoholic beverages for a long time (alcoholism, ropes).

Additional factors can be:

  • liver diseases;
  • head injuries.

Quite often, delirium develops when entering the hospital (surgical, traumatological, etc.), because In these cases, the patient is forced to interrupt drunkenness on circumstances independent of him. Sometimes the beginning of the Deliization provoke various additional factors (operation, high temperature, injury, large blood loss).

White and white symptoms:

White and white can arise sharp, especially if it contributes to kakelibo-provoking harm, however, there may be precursors. For 2-3 days before the start of the disease, a dream is disturbed, which becomes superficial, anxious, with nightmarish dreams. The patient wakes up all in sweat, alarm. There may be short-term illusory deceptions of perception: it seems the "alive" pattern on the wallpaper, the image in the pictures, etc.

Psychosis itself is usually evolving in the evening. Anxiety is growing, excitement. Deaths of perception, visual and auditory appear. The patient begins to see the objects and phenomena in reality. Often see the clusters of small animals (mice, rats, cats), insects (flies, cockroaches, bugs), less frequently large animals "like in a zoo", devils (so they say - "predicted to hell").

Summary deceptions (hallucinations) may be single, multiple or scene-like. Hearing deceptions of perception can join - "Voices" of people, devils. Since the patient is in a state of praised consciousness, hallucinatory images are of great relevance than really occurring events. Therefore, all the behavior of the patient is determined by painful visions and "voices", and not a real situation.

The patient sees mice and trying to escape from them: hits them, screaming, climbs from them to bed, on the closet, runs away from the house. It does not distinguish real objects from hallucinatory, therefore, maybe, for example, in order to self-defense, attack the real police officer instead of seemingly to him. Due to the fact that the patient is not a passive contemplator of its fraudulent perceptions, but an active participant of all "events", he is dangerous for himself and for others.

The patient is usually broken orientation in place (does not know where it is located), time (what day, number), but the orientation is preserved in my own personality (knows his name, the last name he, where he works, how old he is, and so on.).

The excitement reaches its climax at night. The day the state is improving, sometimes to complete "enlightenment" and the appearance of criticism to the transferred episode. This fact must also take into account patients, and medical personnel, because The possibility of exacerbation of the state next night is not excluded.

The name of the psychosis "Delirium Trehens" is due to the fact that patients have a peculiar overall tremor with hand shakes, an unspecified unsustainable walking, an unintended handwriting, a vague speech. Sometimes in the period of psychosis, convulsive epileptic seizures are noted.

The mental symptoms are characteristic of alcohol delicacy:

  • illusions;
  • visual, auditory hallucinations;
  • feeling of fear;
  • fast mood change;
  • sleep disorders;
  • improving motor activity;
  • littleness.

Along with mental disorders, somatonevologicalities are revealed:

  • redness of the skin of the face, hyperemia of the skin (yellowish skin color);
  • sharp sweating, increased sweating;
  • heartbeat, tachycardia;
  • lack of appetite;
  • blood pressure fluctuations;
  • acute toxic hepatitis or cirrhosis;
  • increasing tendon reflexes;
  • tremor limbs or all body;
  • muscular weakness.

Delia usually lasts 3-5 days, even without treatment. With severe accompanying somatic disorders - up to 10 days. Recovery with abortive (short-term) delirium comes after a long sleep. In other cases, medical intervention is required.

Currently, fatal outcomes are rare, although it is possible in the event of a serious violation of cardiovascular activities, liver failure, brain edema.

White hot diagnosis:

Narcologist conducts a general inspection and makes a diagnosis on the basis of common symptoms. With severe somatic disorders (diseases internal organs) The patient consults the therapist and is additionally assigned treatment aimed at eliminating certain disorders.

White hot treatment:

Treatment of alcoholic delicacy includes:

  • psychotropic drugs;
  • preparations restoring water-electrolyte balance;
  • neuroleptic preparations;
  • sedatives.

With severe white hot, treatment is carried out in the hospital.

At the first stage, disinfecting therapy is carried out, usually in cases where when entering the hospital, a hanging syndrome is pronounced or it is necessary to interrupt with bosy. For disintellation, various means are used, mainly using the parliamentary method of administration (intravenous or intramuscular). Using unitiol, magnesium sulfate, vitamins B1, B6, C, Nootrops (Nootropyl, piracetam, Pirroxan).

In severe mental disorders, tranquilizers are prescribed (Seduksen, Relanium, Penazepam, Tazepam). With sleep disorders, Radedorm are used, and in cases of insomnia with nightmarish dreams, fear, alarm - barbiturates (Barbamil, Luminal).

When achieving a good condition, mental and somatic, spend anti-alcohol treatment. Its selection is carried out with the patient and its loved ones, the essence and consequences of the proposed techniques are explained.

Methods for treating alcoholism:

One of the treatment methods is conditionalFlexor therapy. The essence of the method is to develop a conditionaloreflex reaction in the form of vomiting for the taste or smell of alcohol. This is achieved by combined use of vomit preparations (Barana's decoction, apomorphine injection) and small amounts of alcohol. Treatment is carried out daily or every other day. On the course of treatment - 2025 sessions. The most effective conditionaloreflexion therapy in patients in the 1st stage and especially in women commonly imputatory vomiting and disgusting the treatment procedure that respond to the very physician procedure.

Sensitizing therapy method (Esperal) . The goal is to suppress attachment to alcohol and the creation of conditions for the forced abstinence from the admission of alcohol. The patient is given daily by the drug Antabus (teturas), which in itself is harmless. However, when a alcohol (even a small amount of beer, wine) is reacting, the consequences of which can be very severe and unpredictable. One of the options for this type of therapy is the creation of a depot of the drug in the body, for which subcutaneously or intramuscularly implanted (more often to the buttock region) drug esperal.

Esperal It is 10 tablets covered with a special shell, soldered into a sterile bottle. The reaction to the drug in the body occurs only in the case of alcohol consumption. Possible deadly outcomes. On the possible consequences of the violation of the sobility regime of the patient is presented, as he gives a receipt, which, in turn, is a legal document justifying its actions.

Psychotherapy It is applied from the first visit to the patient of the doctor and accompanies the entire process of treatment. Explanatory psychotherapy is aimed at explaining the essence of the disease, its harm and disastrous consequences, the production of installation for treatment and a long sober lifestyle. The patient should understand that he is no longer able to drink "like everything" and that without helping the doctor he can no longer do. In addition to explanatory psychotherapy, other techniques are also applied. Throughout the process of treatment, psychotherapy should be used, contributing to the production of installation in a patient for treatment and sober lifestyle. Treatment will be effective only if the patient believed a doctor when the necessary contact, mutual understanding and trust was established.

Hypnotherapy (hypnosis) - suggestion in a state of hypnotic sleep. Showing patients easily sustained and believe in the effectiveness of this method. It is used both individually and in specially selected groups (group hypnosis). A special kind of psychotherapy is coding . Copyright techniques who have exceptional rights from doctors.

Group rational psychotherapy . For this type of treatment, a small group of patients is selected (about 10 people), united by the generality of psychological and social problems, which contributes to the establishment of emotional relations between them, feelings of mutual trust, belonging to a special group. Patients are discussed with a doctor and among themselves the most life problemsFirst of all, associated with alcoholism. A joint discussion of various issues allows patients otherwise look at itself, to evaluate their behavior. The special situation of mutual respect and trust allows you to develop a certain lifestyle, with other (sober) installations and aspirations, believe in yourself and your capabilities.

  • frequent infectious and viral diseases against the background of immunity reduction.
  • In 10% of cases, a fatal outcome occurs during white hot.

    In the risk group are:

    • people suffering from alcohol addiction;
    • people who have suffered a cranial injury;
    • people who have undergone diseases of the central nervous system.

    Prevention of white hot:

    So that in the future do not encounter a problem, how to get rid of white hot, patients are recommended:

    After extracting from the hospital, the most difficult for the patient is the first 1-2 months, when you have to adapt to the new role of the sober. During this period, it is necessary to rehabilitate at work, to establish relationships in the family, to compose the "legend" for their drinking companions as an excuse of a sober lifestyle. Moral support in the family, from friends, employees - a necessary condition for the formation of high-quality remission.

    Delirium tremens

    Greetings all friends and readers on a medical blog! In all countries of the world, alcoholism occupies a prize in the number of deaths and disintegration of families. Is it worth it to talk about how many diseases arise against the background of alcohol abuse? Everyone knows everything perfectly well, but the animals of alcoholics do not listen to the sad statistics and continue to drink until death. We will talk to you, friends, about white hot - acute form of alcoholism.

    What is white hot?

    ● White hotness is a sharp psychosis that is a greater danger of both for the patient himself and for the people around him. The development of white hotness is noted in the wind stage against the background of severe abstitented phenomena. It can begin with a sudden cessation of alcohol consumption. White hotness is most often developing in patients who previously undergoing severe infection or skull injury.

    ● The appearance of white hotness (DELIREA) precedes, as a rule, the stage of certain precursors. The patient sees disturbing dreams with hallucinations or nightmarish dreams. The ailment begins more often in the evening, at night or under the morning. The main sign of white hotness is the disorder of consciousness. The patient has no orientation in the environment, he disoriented in time and space, sometimes even his name and surname can confuse. Real reality varies on hallucinations that are bright visual.

    ● The character of hallucinations is fantastic and frightening vision: patients see nor-existent in reality of terrible monsters, devils, many small moving insects. Spectative hallucinations are usually accompanied by tactile and auditory. Non-existent images are mixed with real reality, they intertwined into one terrifying ball, which brings the patient until the frenzy. He perceives everything seen for the reality, his fear breaks, seeks to hide and run away, sometimes attacks his "enemies." The imaginary monsters pursue him constantly, threaten, they cort the terrible faces.

    ● Although not long, but sometimes it is possible to join the patient in contact, bringing it to real reality. In patients with white hot, a strong trembling of fingers and hands is revealed, the body temperature often increases and high sweating is observed. Acute psychosis usually lasts a few days with a gradual (lithic) or fast (critical) output from the pathological condition. After that, the patient falls asleep with long sleep, after which all previous phenomena disappear completely.

    Conservative treatment of white hot

    ● If not treated with white hot, in 5-10% of the patient can be killed due to the attachment of a bit or or stop cardiovascular activity. Patients with acute psychosis are placed in a special hospital - a psychiatric hospital. He is prescribed various soothing and sleeping pills, for him they create such conditions so that he cannot harm himself and others. Today effective medicinal preparation It is considered to pass E.A. Popova:

    - luminal (phenobarbital) - 2-3 tablets;

    medical alcohol 96⁰ - 10-20 ml;

    - distilled water - 100 ml.

    Stir all the ingredients and give a patient for one reception. If it was not at hand, the phenobarbital, you can replace it with any similar sleeping bag good quality.

    Treatment of white hot folk remedies

    Insist seven days on high-quality vodka one root Lovel In a mixture with two sheets of a noble laurel (laurel sheet). Profiltrate and let me drink several times a green serpent. After taking this means, he will remain aversion to alcohol.

    Removes craving for vodka and wine tincture based on a gold male and. Herbs taken in equal weight parts, grind and mix; Two spoons of table mixtures insist one week in 200 ml of high-quality vodka. The tincture is designed for one reception, conduct such sessions - 3-4.

    Old effective recipe From alcoholism and white hot. It will take to sprinkle with sugar dry birch firewood, ignite them, then zagasy. Offer the patient to breathe this smoke. After giving it a whole glass of vodka. Pay attention - for him it will be the last drinking glass of alcohol. It has proven rustic signs and sorcerers.

    Doctors of antiquity treated with hypochondria and mental illness with infant of grass - At the reception three times a day at a glass.

    ● Scientists of many countries argue that the thrust to the alcohol is associated with a shortage in the potassium body. Therefore, as a therapeutic agent from white hot, it was proposed, which is good source potassium. I bring to your attention a technique with elements of white and used abroad:

    - the patient gives 6 teaspoons of honey, after 20 minutes - the same, and after 20 minutes; For one hour, the patient should receive 18 spoons of tea honey;

    - After two hours, continue the treatment: to give it all three times on 6 teaspoons of honey every 20 minutes, after which the patient can sleep until the morning. In the morning, if desired, it is allowed to wander, but at the same time you need to give 3 doses of 6 spoons of tea in every 20 minutes, then let it take break there, for dessert - another 4 hours l. honey;

    ● Therapeutic fee. 1 part of the gold cowner, 1 part of the chablie and 1 part of the hollow bitter. Fill 200 ml of boiling water 3 spoons of table mixtures for 2 hours, profile and sweat sick 3-4 times a day on one table of the dining room.

    Recipe Rustic Peasants in Russia. Put into a glass with vodka, several green bugs with an unpleasant smell (are found on the raspberry bushes), insist 2-3 days and let me drink a patient without explaining nothing about the composition of the drink.

    Baiga Baranza Grass, Plain. Pour a glass of boiling water Two spoons of cutlery crumpled dry grass and boil on slow fire for 15-20 minutes, after an hour, they fix it. We give the patient for ⅓- ½ cup two or three times a day. With such treatment, the doctor's observation is needed to avoid unwanted consequences.

    ● Clinical observations noted that frequent use of sour apples is facilitated by curable from alcoholism and white hot.

    Take care of yourself from white hot, keep you God!

    Alcohol delirium is a severe form of psychosis. From the Latin language, the term is translated as "an" case ". Diseases are characteristic of hallucinations, disorders of consciousness. In the people, this phenomenon is called white hot. The consequences of such psychosis can be very serious and dangerous, so people whose family has an alcoholic, you need to be aware of how to treat delirium at home and in the hospital.

    The main reason for the occurrence of white hotness is alcohol. As a rule, the attack occurs in dependent with experience. The impetus to its occurrence can serve as a sharp stopping of the feed. This usually occurs in the period from the second to the fourth day. If the patient has previously happened such cases, the hot might may arise during the rusty itself.

    It happens that alcoholic psychosis appears in people who have no dependence. This is due to the use of a very large amount of alcohol. Often the cause of alcohol psychosis becomes an infectious disease or head injury. Usually attacks happen to people over 40 years old. They occur equally both in men and women.

    How white hot develops

    Alcohol Delia never arises suddenly. Its development passes through certain stages. Knowing about this condition, the attack can be stopped.

    In total, there are three stages of white hot development:

    • Corsakovsky psychosis;
    • rave;
    • heavy alcoholic delirium.

    In Corsakovsky psychosis, hallucinations do not happen. The patient experiences anxiety, his something oppresses, anonymous fear appears, sleep is disturbed, nightmares are shot. The main symptom at this stage is the failures in memory. A person forgets what happened a few minutes ago, at the same time he can clearly remember the events of a decade ago.

    Brad is also not yet white hot. At this stage, the alcoholic becomes painfully suspicious and jealous. It can arrange scandals, be aggressive. The patient is very excited, he cannot be in one place, constantly says something. He appears trembling in his hands and legs, sleep completely disappears.

    The third stage of the psychosis is the peak of alcohol delirium. Usually he comes after the feed, in the period from 2 to 4 day, when the patient stopped drinking. This stage can last up to 7 days. As a rule, in the evening the symptoms are enhanced, the strongest symptoms of the disease are manifested at night. In the morning, psychosis weakens.

    There are several heavy forms of Delia:

    • professional;
    • muttering.

    Very often in a state of psychosis of alcoholics imitates its type of working activity. They make characteristic movements and pronounce the corresponding sounds. For example, the driver depicts that the steering wheel turns and imitates the car's hum.

    Much more dangerous the second form of delirium. It is called the US-Massive. In this state, the patient mutters the vague phrases and smoothes, feeling and wipes something invisible.

    The last stage often ends with a fatal outcome. Treatment at home in this case may not give any result.

    Symptoms of white hot

    The main signs of alcohol psychosis are hallucinations. They can be: visual, auditory and tactile.

    At first, the patient has illusions. Weighing coat, he can take for man, and shadow from the cabinet for a dangerous animal. The basis of hallucinations, as a rule, lie the real fears of drunkards. He may be worn out that robbers, ghost and so on attack him. Very often, people during white hot see mice, rats, devils, spiders that weave the web. There are cases when the patient is not the hero of his hallucinations, he perceives them as a movie.

    Spectative hallucinations are always accompanied by auditory. Alcoholic heard the hiss of snakes, the squeak of rodents, crying about help, the sounds characteristic of disasters and natural cataclysms.

    Secondary signs of white hotness are:

    • changes in movements
    • incoherent and low-touch;
    • loss in space and in time.

    The movements become sharp and fully correspond to the fact that they see the alcoholic. He can look like something, waving his hands, take a combat rack, hide under the bed. A person can run somewhere to escape.

    We are usually an incoherence, a patient pronounces short phrases, discarded from dialogues with imaginary interlocutors.

    An alcoholic in a state of psychosis cannot determine where it is to be, to know close, to say, which is an hour and call the date. There is a complete disorientation in time and place.

    Than dangerous white hot

    Alcoholic psychosis is not just a violation in the work of the psyche, it is, above all, a strong blow throughout the body. The patient increases the temperature, it can reach 40 degrees. At the same time increases arterial pressureThe pulse is readily, which can lead to a stroke or infarction. It is very important to remove these symptoms in time to avoid dangerous consequences.

    The body is dehydrated. The patient throws it in the heat, then in chills, the cover of the skin becomes pale.

    If you pass the blood test at this time, then its result will talk about the high level of ESP and leukocytes - there is strong inflammation. Acidosis occurs. This is the name of the condition at which the acid-alkaline balance is broken. Serious violations of the digestive system can occur.

    The liver during white hotness increases very much, because of this, eye proteins become yellow.

    How to behave with a man who has white hot

    Alcohol Delia is a very serious violation in the work of the psyche, its treatment at home, begins with the correct behavior of loved ones. People who are near the sick should clearly understand that it can be dangerous for both himself and for others. Competent actions of loved ones can prevent trouble.

    Specialists recommend not to raise the voice to a person in a state of white hot. It is necessary to talk to him very quietly and slowly, the tone should be calm and benevolent. The topic of the conversation is better to choose neutral, you can remind something pleasant. You should not join him in a dispute, it can cause aggression. Move should be smoothly, since sharp movements can be perceived as a threat. The fact is that during an alcoholic delirium, the scene of the attack on him is most often seen. It seems to him that someone pursues him, wants to kill. Sharp the main characters of his hallucinations are close people.

    It is necessary to remove all stirring, cutting items, beating utensils and pills from access areas. Windows, balcony doors must be locked to prevent suicide attempts.

    The patient must be put in bed. If a person behaves violently, it should be tied. In this case, you should not think about humanity. This is done for the safety of the most alcohole-dependent.

    How to treat white hot at home

    The first help to a person who has white hot, should have those who are nearby. Most often it is his wife / husband, mother, father or children.

    To begin with, the patient needs to provide coolness and abundant drink. If there is an opportunity, it must be placed under a cold jet of water, or put a wet towel on the forehead. This is a measure - warning of body overheating.

    From the body it is necessary to remove all the products of the decay of alcohol. For this, the alcoholic needs to be given a drink activated carbon at the rate of 1 tablet by 10 kilograms of weight, as well as a diuretic. You can offer a sedative collection to remove tension and anxiety. We must give antipyretic and pain reliever medicine.

    Method Popova can be very effective at home. His essence lies in the fact that, a person is invited to drink a mixture. It includes:

    • 100 grams of distilled water;
    • 3 luminal tablets;
    • 15 grams of medical alcohol.

    This mixture will be removed in the patient mental stress, and to have a sedative effect, since the drug luminal is a sleeping pills and an anticonvulsant.

    After the measures taken, it is necessary to call an ambulance, as complications after home therapy can be very heavy. The patient, at least one must be treated in the hospital and restoring the bodies affected by alcohol.

    Treatment of white hot folk ways

    One of the safest methods of getting rid of alcohol psychosis can be ethnoscience. Start follow from the laurel sheet. It is necessary to pour seven leaves with vodka and the root of this plant. The mixture is 7 days. The drink will help withdraw a patient from the feed, and will also cause disgust for alcohol.

    There is another very old recipe. Ancient characteristics got rid of white hots with the help of birch lanes. Fresh firewood sprinkled with sugar and ignited, then gave the patient to ride over them, after that he was offered a glass of vodka. So the sorcerers were filmed.

    Also in ancient Rome started fighting with any mental disorders With the help of tinctures. This grass has a painkillers. Apply the tincture is necessary at 30-40 ml per day.

    Many scientists bind alcoholism with a lack of calcium, therefore, according to them, it is possible to cure white hot chum. The essence of the method is that the alcohole dependent during the first two hours it is necessary to eat 18 teaspoons of honey. The interval between the receptions is 20 minutes. Then there is a break for 2 hours and the scheme is repeated. The next day, 16 spoons of honey should take the patient. The interval is 20 minutes saved. This method has a sedative and cleansing effect, and also feeds the body by calcium.

    Getting rid of white hotness in the hospital

    No matter how hard the patient tried, but it is impossible to provide independently full-fledged help with white hot. In addition, the consequences of the treatment of the house are irreversible.

    The alcoholic isolate and placed in the hospital where the solution is the solution of sodium oxybutirate or sybazone. He is appointed a course of soothing and sleeping medicines.

    As soon as the patient calms down, the cleansing therapy begins. During the week, the alcoholic organism will remove the spree products of alcohol. The patient is broken with glucose and other drugs to stabilize the water balance and the establishment of metabolism, prescribe antidepressants.

    Prevention of repeated occurrence of white hotness is exemption from alcohol addiction. Modern medicine has a large arsenal of drunkenness methods. The most effective is coding by shift. This procedure gives a quick and very powerful result. The solution blocks the operation of special enzymes that split alcohol in the human body. After the injection, it is impossible to drink a person, even a small dose of alcohol leads to a strong deterioration of well-being. Breathing problems begin, pains in the whole body appear, trembling in the limbs.

    Video in the topic

    Alcohol delirium - psychosis, manifested in chronic alcoholics after the filing. With white hot (folk name pathology) treatment is carried out in narcological clinic. At home, the patient can help, but only at the initial stages of dependence and with uncomplicated symptoms.

    How to recognize

    White hotness does not manifest in a drunken man - psychosis occurs after 2-5 days after the cessation of alcohol use. Delirius is preceded by abstinence with symptoms:

    • tremor limbs;
    • headache;
    • nausea;
    • vomiting;
    • cramps.

    Signs of exacerbation of Deliyria are expressed in hallucinations. The character of the hotness is always individual:

    • Tactile "glitches" - it seems that someone touches hands and legs, non-existent insects crawl along the skin.
    • Spectative nonsense - a man sees strange creatures ("predicted to hell," "began a meeting with a squirrel").
    • Hearing hallucinations - the patient hears the voices that order him to do something or impose ideas (for example, that her husband had a walking spouse or neighbors are spies).

    Against the background of hallucinations, mania of persecution, an increase in aggressiveness, attacks of jealousy. In such a state, a person becomes dangerous for himself and others.

    Specialty hotness is always accompanied by mental and somatic deviations. In addition to hallucinations for Delicia are characteristic: insomnia, lack of appetite, increased nervousness, sweating, rapid heartbeat, increased blood pressure.

    White hot - unstable. Periods of hallucinosis arise suddenly and also stopped sharply, aggression is replaced by increased friendliness, excitation - drowsiness. Periods of remission (when a person comes to himself) lasts from a few minutes to a pair of hours.

    Urgent Care

    The first aid of the patient in a state of white hotness is to relieve overstate, eliminate metabolic disorders causing delirium. Doctors for these purposes give Sibaza, sodium oxybutirate, reopolylukin, sodium bicarbonate, Panangin. At home, the listed drugs cannot be applied. The following measures are allowed at home:

    • Put a person with a fever in bed. In the event of aggression and with strong hallucinations - to tie hands, legs.
    • Give soothing preparations (new-passite, dormiplant, bromomfora).
    • Put on the forehead towel, moistened in cold water.
    • Give a patient with a lot of drinks and absorbents (activated carbon, enterosgel).

    If the Symptoms of Deliès continue to be enhanced during the day, it is necessary to stop trying to derive an alcoholic from the state of delirium and call an ambulance. Doctors will help avoid complications, save life (white hot is a catalyst for heart attack, stroke, encephalopathy).

    Methods of treating in Lyoma

    After removing the acute attack of white hot, there are comprehensive measures that do not allow recurrences to help avoid negative consequences of alcohol (secondary heart disease, gastrointestinal tract, excretory system). If the family preferred the clinic at home, adhere to the following scheme:

    • Give medicine from high pressure, temperature.
    • With elevated excitability, insomnia give a sedative.
    • The first day is useful for a hunger strike (provided that abundant drinking).
    • From the second day they introduce diet nutrition (A patient requires many carbohydrates, vitamins; fatty foods exclude).

    An outdated method of combating hot: dependent was given to drink alcohol in a dose that does not cause strong intoxication. This reduced the severity of psychosis or stopped it completely. Every day the amount of alcohol was reduced, gradually reducing no. Now such a way to treat the delirium doctors are not recommended - it helps from the protein, but exacerbates abstinence, provokes complications of diseases caused by alcoholism.

    Folk Methods

    TO folk remedies Against the hotness treats honey. Due to the large number of potassium in the composition, it helps to remove the symptoms of somatic disorders, reduce the thrust for alcohol. On the first day, the patient's Deliès give 2 tablespoons of honey every hour. Then until the end of the week, it is enough to eat 1 spoon 3 times a day.

    A pain of oats and calendula seeds, which soothes, improves metabolism, helps a patient with white hot. To prepare a decoction at home, 100 g of oats and 10 g of calendula flowers are taken, poured with 2 liters of water and boiled 40 minutes. Drink a remedy for Deliya 3 times a day before meals at half pasta.

    Crowding will help tea with chamomile. Infusion with the chamber give the night to avoid insomnia. Alcohol tincture with a hunter and wormwood helps from hallucinations (no more than 3 teaspoons).


    During delirium, drugs are prescribed, reducing metabolism, normalizing pressure and temperature. Names of common medicines:

    • Soothing means - Valerian extract, mother-in-law, glycine, biotrine, new passite.
    • Preparations from hyperthermia and increased blood pressure - paracetamol, Panadol, teraflu, papazole, hooky.
    • Means reducing blood circulation preventing thrombocytosis is a solution of magnesia, vinpocetin, telektol, felodipine.
    • Medicines for improving metabolic processes - Reopolyglyukin, Panangin, sodium bicarbonate.

    ATTENTION: Medications from a group of benzodiazepines are contraindicated with white hot, phenobarbital (Corvalol, Valokordin, Voserdin). Drugs can provoke new attacks of hallucinations. Soothing Afobazol and Phoenibut do not cause complications, but the delirium cannot cure.

    White maritime develops after a protracted drinker and the subsequent sharp abandonment of alcohol. If you get out of the stuff gradually, the risk of the protein is reduced. To completely reduce the risk of delirium to zero, it is better to remove an alcoholic from the bobby at home, but in the clinic. Disinfecting, the restoration of the pH, the balance of electrolytes allow us to normalize the work of the internal organs, metabolic processes and prevent the development of a peppercase.

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