
What is adequacy and inadequacy? What is adequacy? Who is an adequate person? What do you think is adequacy?

In disputes between people, you can hear the term “adequacy” almost everywhere. Each participant in the dispute tries to doubt this quality of his opponent as actively as possible, shaking his incredible adequacy in his face. Is this mysterious property really of decisive importance in the life of every person? Unfortunately, most people who use this term have a hard time understanding what adequacy is.

Adequacy is simply conformity to something. That is, a person can be adequate or inadequate regarding something; it is incorrect to use this word in itself. It follows from this that adequacy is a relative concept.

Adequacy assessment

How to understand what is adequate and what is not? No one wants to be branded “inadequate,” because this label can completely change the attitude of others towards you. Often, adequacy is understood as banal compliance with generally accepted standards of morality and behavior. Moreover, actions that are adequate in one situation may be inadequate in another. In most cases, this concept is simply a person’s subjective point of view on how others should think and behave. Therefore, if someone accuses you of inadequacy, this is not a reason to panic at all; perhaps this person simply did not like you.

Of course, there are generally accepted values ​​and moral standards, non-compliance with which is considered horrifying savagery. But don’t forget about your own values, because the majority is often wrong. And a person who builds his life according to the principle “everything is like other people” can hardly be called a conscious person, although he does not lack for adequacy. Therefore, do what you think is necessary; others will evaluate your adequacy.


Of course, sometimes there are extreme cases of inadequacy. For example, when a person’s behavior is completely out of the generally accepted framework, it becomes downright dangerous and abnormal.

In most cases, this indicates mental abnormalities and sooner or later leads an overly unusual subject to a hospital. There are also opposite cases, when the poor fellow knows too well what adequacy is, trying to strictly comply with its harsh framework. This person’s opinion is fully consistent with generally accepted norms; they completely shape his inner world, leaving no room for his own conclusions.

Age appropriateness

Compliance with your age is no less important in modern society than the presence of values ​​and guidelines that are understandable and accepted by society. An adult acting like a child can look extremely strange. If a child behaves like an adult, then people find it funny or cute, but do not take him seriously.

A pathetic impression is made by adults who communicate in teenage slang, or by old people trying to look youthful.

There is a time for everything, do not forget what adequacy is when trying to become someone you are not. The younger generation needs to remember that their adult life will yet come and they will remember their bygone childhood years with envy.

People of the older generation, on the contrary, do not need to forget that childhood has already passed and there is no way to return to it, so it is worth accepting all the complexity and responsibility of adult life.

Meaning of Adequacy

Be that as it may, full compliance with social norms does not leave any space for one’s own opinion. Therefore, there is no point in chasing the notorious adequacy; it is better to listen to yourself and enjoy life. After all, what is adequacy? Just conforming to someone else's idea of ​​what is right and what is wrong. By doing what others do, you will inevitably become the same as them, completely losing your own individuality.

You should not prove to someone your adequacy or, conversely, try to impress someone with your inadequacy, trying to show yourself as an extraordinary person. To be yourself, to act as your own mind dictates, and not ephemeral “universal” norms of behavior - this is what shows the maturity and adequacy of the individual. Of course, there will always be people who want to reproach others for inadequacy and impose their worldview. But can their pathetic attempts lead a strong, independent person astray from the right path?

Adequacy this is a sensitive sense of the necessity and expediency of one or another action, the ability to master feedback from the world and act in accordance with the Divine Will.

Igor Morgunov


The relevance of the topic of the essay is due to the fact that Adequacy is one of the basic Human qualities that are necessary for the correct, harmonious interaction of a person with the world and people around him, and therefore for a person to strengthen Harmony, Love and Order in the World, Reality.

The purpose of the abstract is to help in understanding the essence of the state of Adequacy and to develop recommendations for awareness, development and strengthening of this state in a person.

To achieve these goals, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

Give the most detailed definition of Adequacy.
. Consider the manifestations of Adequacy in various spheres of human existence.
. Consider associations, associative materials, such as parables, that contribute to the understanding of Adequacy.
. Determine methods and recommendations for developing Adequacy.

This abstract is a selection and systematization of existing information that reveals the topic of Adequacy. First of all, such information sources were used as the written awareness of students of the second year of the Psychophysical Improvement Program and the literature of the Center for Physical Education and Physical Education “Unity”. The abstract also includes the author’s thoughts and awareness.


“Adequacy is activity in accordance with
with the Divine Laws of Existence"

Code of the Warrior of the Spirit, Warrior of the Soul

As can be seen from the above definition, in order to fully understand what Adequacy is, it is necessary to know and understand the Divine Laws of Existence, and, accordingly, in order to act adequately, it is necessary to be conductors of these Laws. And since all the Laws are contained in the Power of Divine Love, then to achieve Adequacy it is necessary to become a pure conductor of this Power!

Of course, it will be difficult to do this right away. At the very least, it would not be very adequate to assume that this can be done in a couple of meditations. How can we understand what Adequacy is using the available definitions?

Adequacy is tact and ethics in human relationships.

Adequacy is a state that allows you to sensitively and soberly delve into the Essence of the phenomena and processes occurring around you and interact with the world without violating its Harmony, observing the laws of Existence. To become adequate, it is necessary to cultivate all-pervasive sensitivity.

The ability to intelligently and tactfully flow into life without disturbing the overall harmony of the world.

The ability to correctly assess the situation and make the only correct decision, when you know exactly what to do and say, act without disturbing the harmony of the surrounding world, showing sensitivity and compliance with ethics.

Adequacy is a subtle feeling of the surrounding World, Reality, all the forces of the World, Reality and action in accordance with this feeling. A person who acts adequately fits harmoniously into the space and time of any situation and thereby gets the opportunity to solve it harmoniously.

Controlled, conscious behavior in every situation. Adequacy is the path to transition to a more perfect state.

Adequacy is seeing the manifestations of Harmony in the world around us, realizing oneself as part of this Harmony and the ability to strengthen it with one’s words and actions, reducing disharmony.

Adequacy is the correspondence of a person to any moment of his life. Feeling what the highest, the Human, expects from a person, and the manifestation of this in actions, emotions, thoughts, states, so as to enhance life.

Adequacy is a flexible, sensitive and quick reaction to the environment in accordance with capabilities and based on expediency. Immerse your attention in the work you are doing. That is, at work - work, in the training room - training, etc. Do what you are in this place for at this time. At the same time, we must react flexibly and sensitively to everything that happens to us and around us.

Adequacy is a way to realistically assess your capabilities and abilities and act in accordance with them. Adequate communication is acceptance, the desire to understand what a person wants, it is realized on the basis of humanity.

Adequacy is the ability to listen and sincerely understand people, solving the situation together with them in a new way and acting sincerely. The ability to dispassionately and impartially look at what is happening through the eyes of your Essence and choose the best course of action that leads to the goal and enhances harmony.

To be adequate is to be yourself, to be natural in all its manifestations, to accept the situation as it is, to accept it positively, understanding that any situation comes so that by acting creatively in it, a person becomes stronger.

To act adequately means to act in such a way that looking at you you don’t want to twirl your finger at your temple. Make people want to join you, i.e. adequately.
A state of consonance with the surrounding space, people, place. Adequate behavior comes from a clear, complete sense of the current situation and the people involved in it.

Adequate human behavior is behavior without eccentricities and oddities. At the same time, you realize responsibility for the things you do. Adequacy is a state of sanity and full presence in the situation.

Adequacy allows you to choose the right tool to influence the situation. Understand and see it from the outside and your place, purpose in this situation.

Adequate action is an action, a resolution of a situation, based on sensitivity to the world around us, an understanding of the norms of behavior accepted in society.
Don’t push ahead, but politely give way and go around the obstacle.

Connection with the outside world. It manifests itself in sensitivity, understanding, impeccability. This is understanding and feeling yourself as a human being.

Correspondence to the moment, time and place. The ability to be here and now.

Adequacy is a sensitive sense of the necessity and expediency of one or another action, the ability to master feedback from the world and act to enhance harmony. The ability to live here and now, to correspond to the current moment, to choose the optimal course of action. Just like the human immune system - when it is healthy - the body's response is adequate. And vice versa.

Adequacy - proportionality of action to events and situations, harmonious reaction.
The ability to assess the situation and choose the most harmonious path of behavior, actions, and actions.

Understanding that the external reflects the internal. A positive attitude towards the world around us, feedback, internal acceptance of everything that exists in the world, while simultaneously understanding the need and possibility of its improvement and harmonization.

A positive outlook and sober behavior are commensurate with the circumstances.

A state of resonance with the outside world, proportionality, correspondence between goals and means, the state is accompanied by a uniform flow of positive sensations in the body, without pressure.

An adequate person realistically assesses his capabilities at a given moment in time, can be responsible for his actions, and keeps his promises.

A manifestation of adequacy is any action or inaction, if it entails increased harmony in space, if it is in tune with the principles of human ethics.

To act adequately means to do what corresponds to the highest human ideals, one’s own human Essence.

Adequacy. How does this sound in Russian? The ability to accept everything that happens comes into life as a message from Fate, that is, for your own benefit.

Adequacy is compliance with something. A person comes into the world with a certain purpose and must live in accordance with it. This purpose is associated with compliance with Ethics in relation to other people. This means that Adequacy is the compliance of human actions with the laws of human Ethics.

It is advisable to monitor moments that lead us into selfish qualities, including resentment, etc. To react flexibly and sensitively to everything that happens to us and around us.

What does it mean to make an adequate decision? An adequate decision can only be made when you hear your own Heart. An adequate solution always corresponds to Justice. An adequate solution saturates the body with joy, which is accompanied by comfort. A wrong decision leads to discomfort in the physical body. The physical body forces a person to make the right decisions. If this does not happen, it feels discomfort and gets sick. But after making the right decision, it must be brought to its logical conclusion and physically implemented with the right actions, otherwise the result may also be different from positive.


2.1 Manifestations of Adequacy to the physical body.

For the body, adequacy is the feeling of the need to choose from a variety of methods and recipes for what there is a real need for.

Adequacy to the body - the ability to listen to it, perform certain procedures on time: cleaning, jogging, exercise, and not bring it to a state of illness.

Adequacy to your body is an understanding of its needs and its capabilities at a specific time. Give him what he needs, do not exhaust him, but also do not indulge your laziness, irresponsibility and other manifestations of selfishness. Develop your body. Simply put, love him.

The physical body of a person serves him faithfully. A person must take care of it: dress it, shelter it, feed it, train its brain and muscles, feed it with positive emotions, and interact with Nature. But it is common for a person to forget: to overload himself with work or to show negative qualities: fear, anger, irritation, carelessness, etc. And the body reminds a person of illness.

Adequacy in relation to the physical body must be manifested by observing measures, in a sensitive and careful attitude towards the body.

2.2. Manifestations of Adequacy towards relatives and people.

Adequacy in relationships with parents is manifested in respect and ease, in humor; in the ability not to shoulder their problems, but to help them feel your interest in putting things in order in their lives.

Adequacy towards relatives is manifested in honest and sincere relationships, in the absence of irritation, dissatisfaction, and imposition. For example, if they are interested, you can explain why a healthy lifestyle is good, or show several solutions to one issue, without imposing, but using every moment when there is an openness to knowledge.

Treat relatives sensitively and with love, but without shifting their responsibilities onto yourself, including the responsibility to take care of your health and take responsibility for it.

Adequacy towards children (and grandchildren) is manifested in the ability to allow them to show their best aspirations and qualities while simultaneously being sensitive and strict towards them, and not indulging their selfish manifestations. The ability to clearly explain how to act correctly in a given situation, the ability to show, first of all, by example. In the understanding that children, through their behavior, primarily display the subconscious of their parents and are a kind of indicator. This means that, having seen certain negative manifestations in a child, you need to be able to track and correct them from the beginning in yourself.

Adequacy towards children is manifested in the understanding that they have their own path in life, and they must gain independent experience. In a sensitive attitude and understanding - where they need advice and where they do not need it. We need to give them the opportunity to find their own path.

In relation to people, Adequacy manifests itself as sensitivity in understanding what the Essence of a person wants and what his egoism wants. And on the basis of this understanding, it is necessary to build relationships in such a way as to help the Essence manifest in a person, without scaring away the egoistic component. Even more than that, somewhat lulling egoism so that it does not interfere with the manifestation of humanity.

Talk to a person in a language close to his concepts.

2.3. Manifestations of Adequacy in everyday life, to things.

In relation to the house, things, Adequacy is manifested in a precise understanding of what is needed and for what, in the ability not to forcibly keep things near oneself. The house should be such that every corner and area is full of positivity. So that energies circulate freely. So that the space of the house, together with the things that inhabit it, allows the flow of life to pass through.

Adequacy in everyday life is proportionality and timeliness, i.e. the ability to calculate one’s strengths and set priorities, to sense time.

2.4. Manifestations of Adequacy in Social Affairs.

Adequacy in society is manifested not by shouldering all the affairs, but by the ability to plan consistently, set priorities, and then carry out the planned tasks efficiently and on time. It is necessary to feel the required speed of completing each task.

Adequacy to business is manifested in the ability to move away from stereotypes, to look at a process that has been memorized to the point of automatism from other sides, while maintaining a sense of harmony and joy.

In business, at work - responsibility, attentiveness, understanding, respect, gratitude, rigor, humor help to be adequate. Following human ethics means being adequate. If an extreme situation arises in life, then it is necessary to act adequately: harshly or not, depending on the situation.

It is necessary to act guided by love for the work and responsibility for it. Intuition, some kind of internal movement, and a determination to solve situations constructively and creatively also help to act appropriately. Then you act confidently and decisively.

Adequacy is “being on topic.” Moving in the right direction, at the right speed. Completing tasks simply by understanding the significance of the matter. Human reactions are everywhere and everywhere.

It is also necessary to remember that there are male and female types of work.

2.5. Manifestations of Adequacy to Nature.

Adequacy to nature is manifested in the desire not to violate its inherent harmony, but to strengthen its life with one’s reverent attitude, one’s admiration, and gratitude. Do not harm her in any way, because... she gives us everything. Nature needs someone to appreciate its beauty, perfection, harmony, so that someone can say: “How beautiful this World is.” And only a person is capable of this. There is no need to skimp on affection and admiration for Nature; positive emotions nourish it.

Adequacy to nature is manifested in gratitude for the opportunity to live, see and feel the beauty of this World. In respect and love for your Earth, in caring for it, for its purity. In gratitude for the Earth's care for humans, we owe it a lot.

Help nature - at least remove garbage to begin with, and not disturb its harmony, i.e. connect rivers with canals, cut down forests, etc.

Adequacy towards animals is based on an understanding of their function on Earth.

2.5. Associations with Adequacy.

A butterfly landing on the hand of a man admiring Nature...
- Adequacy is similar to the human immune system - when it is healthy, the body’s reaction is adequate. And vice versa.
- Adequacy is associated with a flower bud that closes in the dark and opens in the light of the sun.

2.6. Parables of the peoples of the world.

“With others as with yourself.”

One sage said to Nasreddin:

- Each person should behave the way he wants it from others. Your heart should want for others what it wants for itself.

Khoja replied:

— One bird feasted on poisonous berries that did not cause any harm to it. One day she picked some of these berries and treated them to her horse friend...

"The Parable of the Orange (Hing Shi)."

One day, two students, Yang Li and Zhao Zeng, approached Hing Shi with a request to judge their dispute. The students could not decide how to answer the questions in a conversation with their interlocutor.

Young Lee said:

- Teacher, I think that it would be better to answer the interlocutor’s question without delay, and later, in case of an error, to correct it, than to make the interlocutor wait too long for an answer.

To this Zhao Zeng objected:

- No, on the contrary, you should think about your answer carefully, weighing every little thing and detail. Let this take as long as you like, the main thing is to immediately give the correct answer.

To this, Hing Shi picked up a juicy orange and said, turning to the first student:

- If you let your interlocutor eat the first half of an orange unpeeled, and only then, having peeled the peel, give the second, it may happen that your interlocutor, having tasted the bitterness of the first half, throws away the second.

Then Hing Shi turned to the second student, who, after listening to the teacher’s words addressed to Yang Li, smiled, anticipating his victory in the argument.

“You, Zhao Zeng, certainly won’t feed your interlocutor bitter orange.” On the contrary, you will peel it for a long time and carefully, carefully separating the slightest veins of the peel from the pulp. But I’m afraid that your interlocutor may leave without waiting for the promised treat.

- So what should we do? - the students asked in one voice.

“Before you treat someone with oranges, learn how to peel them so as not to feed your interlocutor with either the bitterness of the peel or vain expectations,” answered Hing Shi, “but until you learn, it’s better to entrust this process to the one you are going to treat... And one more thing.” “,” he added a little later, “peel oranges for yourself more often.”

Systematically, for 2-4 weeks, in the evenings, write the word Adequacy on a piece of paper 20-30 times, in a calm atmosphere, carefully writing the letters in calligraphic handwriting, trying to feel the state, delve into its essence and become saturated with it. If necessary, repeat the cycle. Draw Adequacy into yourself and bring it into all current situations.

In the morning, when you wake up, invoke the state of Adequacy and mentally devote the day to strengthening Adequacy in yourself.

During the day, if necessary, make adjustments to Adequacy.

Analyze situations in advance, think about how to deal with them most adequately, and plan your activities in accordance with this. If necessary, make adjustments.

To understand what Adequacy is, you need to study your inadequacy and see where exactly in life your own inadequacy manifests itself and has manifested itself. Review situations, understand and feel how to act correctly and adequately in them, and reinforce them with adequate actions in similar situations.

When flowing into a situation, remember, feel the state of Adequacy, merge with it and allow it to manifest freely, consolidate it in actions.

Maintain a daily schedule for Adequacy recruitment. To measure the achieved level of Adequacy, you need to relax your hands, place them at a certain distance from each other, and, taking this distance as 100%, tune in to the state of Adequacy, allow the right hand to slowly move towards the left until it stops. The remaining distance between the hands will be the value of the achieved level of Adequacy in relation to the initial distance.

Keep a diary in which to note the positive changes that accompany all activities to develop Adequacy.


Strengthening your Adequacy is of utmost importance. The development of Adequacy can open the way and provide the opportunity for a person to realize his main life goals. In other words, a person can be fully realized in life, reveal his potential, by following the correct, adequate actions.

Anna basis

There are different situations in life and people behave in them depending on their character. If the behavior is understandable and not surprising, it is appropriate. If the reaction does not correspond to accepted norms, it causes a feeling of criticism. You can hear about such people: “he behaves inappropriately.” What is adequacy in the understanding of the average person and what else does it mean?

General definition

The term has synonyms: correspondence, identity. Most often it is used to characterize human behavior. Actions that comply with generally accepted rules and culture are considered adequate.

Arriving home, we undress, hang warm outerwear on a hanger, and put our shoes on the shelf. This is appropriate behavior. Imagine that a colleague came to work and instead of sitting on a chair, he sat on the desk and put his feet on the chair. He whistles songs and even forgot to say hello. This does not meet the standards and is therefore considered inadequate.

When we sit down to eat at a party, we eat our food carefully, trying not to make unnecessary noise. At home, we can eat something with our hands (especially if we are very hungry), chew and talk at the same time. How will society and our family perceive this?

These examples provide a deeper understanding of what adequacy is. After all, actions in one situation are quite appropriate, but in another they are unacceptable. If you are accused of inadequacy, this is a subjective opinion and not a reason to panic. Perhaps you are simply unpleasant to the person.

Where is the line between adequacy and its opposite?

Some people are so scrupulous and dependent on public opinion that they put it at the forefront. A person understands what adequacy is and fully acts in accordance with established boundaries. At the same time, he is guided only by norms and leaves no room for making his own decisions.

There are cases when there is no need to talk about adequacy at all. A person’s behavior and morality not only deviate from their usual boundaries, but become dangerous to others. These are clear signs of mental illness, the diagnosis of which should be made by a psychiatrist.

Adequacy and age

Society strictly ensures that a person’s behavior and clothing style correspond to his age. It is necessary to accept guidelines and values ​​in order to look decent, first of all, for yourself. An elderly woman or man repeating looks amazing. It’s strange to hear obscene or teenage slang from the lips of elderly women.

At the same time, when a child tries to imitate adults, everyone is touched and does not take it seriously. Adequately assess your age and adjust your behavior so as not to lose yourself. Older people should adequately perceive reality and remember responsibility. Young people must understand that adulthood will definitely come, and then only memories will remain of their youth.

What is adequacy in science?

The term is actively used in many sciences, including mathematics, physics, and econometrics. It applies to models that are being researched. If the calculations made are correct, and the finished model showed the intended result, the adequacy test has been passed.

By examining the object, developers determine what options there may be if the model fails, and whether this is possible. If the results fully correspond to the calculations, it is customary to say that the design is adequate. The conflicting results make us think and re-evaluate the original studies.

To comply or not?

As long as a person lives only within approved boundaries, he has no room for. What is adequacy? This is identity with someone else’s idea of ​​​​the norms of life. Someone decided what to do and what not to do. Complete identification entails a loss of individuality, and a mature person is able to have his own idea of ​​norms and rules and act as his conscience dictates.

17 February 2014, 10:04

0 In our lives, situations often arise when people reveal their hidden qualities depending on their character. If a person’s reaction does not correspond to generally accepted norms, then it causes rejection and a feeling of criticism. They often say about such citizens: “He behaves inappropriately.” On our website, we decipher the meaning of various words, from street slang to thieves' argot. Add us to your bookmarks, then you will have the opportunity to check in with us more often. Today, as you may have guessed, we’ll talk about a complex concept, this Adequacy, which means you can read a little lower.
However, before continuing, I would like to advise you to look at a couple more of my articles on science and education. For example, what does Creative mean, who are the Puritans, what is Melancholy, what does Blitz mean, etc.
So let's continue what does Adequacy mean?? This term was borrowed from the Latin language" adaequatus", and is translated as "equalized", "equalized".

Adequacy- this is identity with someone else’s idea of ​​​​the norms of life

Adequacy- this is meeting the expectations of people and the requirements of the situation

Appropriate behavior- this is conscious behavior

Synonym of the word Adequacy: identity, correspondence.

How to understand whether a person is adequate depends largely on what expectations and requirements are placed on him. Although, if we take this concept as broadly as possible, then in fact, each of us to one degree or another inadequate. Any person faced with a situation for which he is not prepared can exhibit inappropriate behavior. An action that corresponds to generally accepted culture and rules of behavior can be called adequate.

Let's give a simple example: you come to work, don't greet anyone, sit in a chair, and put your feet on the table. This behavior is not normal and will therefore be considered inappropriate. This example will help you better understand what Adequacy is. In general, you need to understand that your actions in one situation are unacceptable, while in another they are quite appropriate. If they call you " inadequate", then this is not a reason to panic. Most likely, you are simply unpleasant to your interlocutor.

In general, where to find the line between inadequacy and its direct opposite? In some cases, people are so dependent on the opinions of others that they strictly adhere to all the public and unspoken rules accepted in society. In another case, a person begins not only to violate everything possible, but also to become dangerous to others. In this case, his mental illness has most likely worsened, and only a specialist can help him.

Although, who generally sets the rules for how to live? Complete adherence to the laws established by someone can lead to the loss of one’s individuality. Whereas a person who is formed and mature in all respects does not need anyone’s instructions, rules and norms, and acts as her conscience tells her.

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