
How many kcal are in stewed liver. How many calories are in fried liver?

Beef liver is very healthy and nutritious. This is one of the most useful by-products.

The liver contains:

  • 70% water;
  • 3.5% fat;
  • 17.8% protein;
  • And also amino acids and many vitamins.

The liver contains more B vitamins than many other foods, as well as A, D, E, K. It contains a lot of iron, phosphorus, copper, potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium, and chromium.

An important factor is that the liver contains a lot of protein, and it contains twice as much cholesterol as beef, but the fat in the liver is half that of beef.

Raw beef liver: calories

You might be wondering how many calories are in beef liver? Its calorie content is 127 kcal per 100 grams. Therefore, liver will be an excellent alternative to beef.

Who benefits from beef liver?

It is recommended to eat liver for those who suffer from anemia or kidney diseases; its consumption strengthens the immune system. And the minerals it contains help the functioning of the brain and other internal organs. It is an excellent antioxidant, helping to cleanse our body of toxins. Potassium contained in the liver will remove excess fluid and strengthen your nerves and cardiovascular system.

Vitamin A is very beneficial for the eyes. The liver also perfectly tones and helps restore strength and energy.

But you need to choose this wonderful product correctly: it should not have an unpleasant odor, and its color in adult animals is dark red with a brown tint. Calves will have lighter livers. Of course, it would be better to buy veal liver.

The surface of the liver should look smooth and shiny, without damage.

Ready beef liver: calorie content

Boiled liver’s calorie content is almost the same as fresh liver – 125 kcal. It may not be as tasty as fried, but liver processed in this way is perfect for salads, pates and a variety of snacks. Its neutral taste perfectly complements other products, and chefs respect it for this.

Tip: before cooking, put the liver in milk for an hour or two, and then it will become even tastier and the bitterness will go away from it.

Well, fried liver, naturally, has more calories than fresh liver, and it will contain more fat and protein. The calorie content of fried liver is approximately 200 kcal per 100 grams.

It’s difficult to call this dish dietary, but you shouldn’t refuse such processing either. Sometimes you can arrange a holiday for yourself and prepare the well-known liver cake with fried onions and carrots. But only if you do not have exacerbations of diseases of the liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract.

But stewed liver is the golden mean in terms of benefits and taste. Liver processed in this way will have a calorie content of 117 kcal per 100 g. Stewed liver has a delicate taste, which pleases many gourmets.

Basically, it is stewed in milk or vegetable sauce, or with the addition of sour cream. The important point is not to add foods that contain a lot of fat, otherwise the calorie content will immediately increase and this liver will no longer be the golden mean.

Before cooking, the liver must be cleaned of film and bile ducts and rinsed thoroughly. If you don’t like something on its surface, remove it.

The liver should not be fried or boiled for long, otherwise it will become tough and tasteless; it should also be fried over low heat.

The liver goes well with pickled cucumbers, both separately and if you stew it with them.

Eat healthy and tasty, and then nothing threatens your figure.

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Among those suffering from excess weight, there is a widespread belief that the only way to lose weight is through salads and other vegetable dishes. Meanwhile, many products of animal origin are more indicated for weight loss, because... Proteins are necessary for fat tissue, rather than muscle, to “lose weight.” Such products that are useful for weight loss include liver, which is significantly inferior in benefits to the body.

Calorie content of boiled and fried liver

Beef, pork and chicken liver have different culinary and taste qualities, which allows people to choose the variety of this healthy product according to their preferences. These varieties have one thing in common - they are all rich in useful substances (especially vitamins A and B, potassium, phosphorus, iron) and protein important for the body.

The most delicious, tender and soft liver is goose liver. However, the calorie content of this delicacy (412 kcal per 100 g) is too high for those losing weight. Chicken liver, which is significantly inferior to goose liver in terms of fat content, makes tasty and light dietary dishes. The calorie content of boiled chicken liver is 166 kcal per 100 g, the fried product already has 210 kcal.

Beef and pork liver are lower in calories than chicken liver. Boiled beef liver contains 125 kcal, fried – 199 kcal. Boiled pork liver has 130 kcal, fried – 205 kcal. The calorie content of any steamed liver is approximately the same as that of a boiled product, but more nutrients are retained in a steamed dish.

How is liver useful for weight loss?

Protein products are necessary in the diet of those losing weight, especially if they additionally engage in sports: without the required amount of proteins, weight loss can occur due to the burning of muscle tissue, which is unacceptable. The body spends a lot of calories on the absorption of protein foods, which also speeds up the process of getting rid of extra pounds.

To lose weight, it is advisable to eat boiled rather than fried liver, because... You don't need extra calories. It is best to combine liver with vegetables, but not starchy ones (corn, potatoes, beans), but low-calorie ones - cabbage, zucchini, cucumbers.

The liver can be damaged by consuming large fried portions - this is dangerous if you have high cholesterol levels and stomach diseases.

Liver is an offal that we are used to using to prepare various dishes. And athletes add it to their diet when they need to lose weight. It can be boiled, stewed, fried.

In appearance, a good fresh liver should be uniform in color and smooth. The structure looks a little different. If it is a young calf, then it will be more loose and soft. Weight is usually from two to five kilograms.

The liver reaches the shelves already processed: without bile ducts, bladder, blood vessels and lymph nodes.

Benefits of beef liver

It is generally accepted that the liver is a filter in the animal’s body, so it collects all harmful substances. Despite this, it has been scientifically proven that it is very beneficial for humans. And only if the animal was poorly fed and the food contained chemical elements, the organ will be contaminated. If the conditions were met, the animal was raised in an ecological environment, then the product will be pure.

Almost all doctors: nutritionists, cardiologists, immunologists recommend regularly including beef liver in your diet, and here’s why:

  • Helps fight anemia due to its high iron content;
  • Quickly restores strength after high physical activity. Therefore, it is always used by professional athletes. In addition, a large amount of protein helps to gain muscle mass;
  • Low calorie content makes liver a dietary product. A specially designed diet allows you to get rid of 6-8 extra pounds in two weeks;
  • The folic acid contained in the product makes the product useful for pregnant women. This is especially true for those who are still in the early stages. Regular consumption of liver protects a woman’s body from possible miscarriage;
  • Antioxidants such as selenium and thiamine neutralize the negative effects of alcohol and smoking;
  • Improves immunity well;
  • Strengthens the heart, makes blood vessels more resilient;
  • Due to potassium, it normalizes kidney function and removes excess fluid from the body;
  • Vitamin A is a good prevention of eye disease.

The liver contains heparin, which controls the level of blood clotting, thereby preventing heart attack.

Dishes prepared without fat are suitable for diabetics and people with metabolic disorders.

In order for the liver to become a real source of protein, you should not cook it with vegetable oil or fatty sauces.

Chemical composition and nutritional value of the liver

Nutrient Quantity per 100 g of product
Calorie content 127 kcal
Squirrels 17.9 g
Fats 3.5 g
Carbohydrates 5.2 g
Water 71 g
Ash 1.4 g
Retinol 8 mg
Vitamin A 8367 mcg
Vitamin B1 0.3 mg
Vitamin B2 2.19 mg
Vitamin B4 635 mg
Vitamin B5 6.8 mg
Vitamin B6 0.7 mg
Vitamin B9 240 mcg
Vitamin B12 60 mcg
Vitamin C 33 mg
Vitamin E 0.9 mg
Vitamin K 3 mcg
Vitamin D 1.2 mcg
Vitamin H 98 mcg
Vitamin PP 13 mg
Chlorine 98 mg
Phosphorus 310 mg
Potassium 270 mg
Magnesium 18 mg
Calcium 8 mg
Sodium 100 mg
Sulfur 235 mg
Iodine 6.3 mcg
Cobalt 19 mcg
Copper 3800 mcg
Chromium 32 mcg
Zinc 4 mcg
Fluorine 220 mcg
Nickel 63 mcg
Manganese 0.3 mcg
Molybdenum 100 mcg
Selenium 38 mcg
Iron 6.5 mcg

Liver calories

Beef liver itself is a low-calorie product with a lot of protein. That is why it is often used for weight loss. Of course, depending on the cooking method, the nutritional value will vary. If you fry a product using vegetable oil, then it will be difficult to call it a dietary dish. In order to get rid of extra pounds, it is better to steam, boil or stew.

Calorie table


  • Liver – 200 g;
  • One small onion;
  • Water;
  • Low-fat sour cream – up to 15%;
  • Seasonings to taste.


  1. Rinse the liver under water, preferably keeping it cool enough.
  2. Finely chop the onion and fry it in a frying pan.
  3. Then add the liver there.
  4. The total frying time is no more than four minutes. After this time, add water, sour cream, salt, and pepper to the pan.
  5. Simmer the dish for about 20 minutes over low heat, stirring occasionally.

Cooking secrets

The liver has a characteristic hue and a slightly bitter taste. You can get rid of this by leaving the product in milk for two hours.

During cooking, moisture comes out and evaporates, so the liver becomes dry and tough. In order to preserve as many useful elements as possible when frying the product, you need to add salt to the dish at the very end of cooking.

During the diet, you should eat no more than 100 grams of boiled or stewed liver along with vegetables at one time. This is exactly the amount of liver that promotes better absorption, satisfies hunger, and has the necessary amount of protein to provide the body with building material.

Harm to the body

Although the product is considered useful and necessary for proper nutrition, it still has disadvantages.

The liver contains cholesterol and there is quite a lot of it, so those who have high cholesterol are not allowed to eat more than 100 grams of the product. Abuse can lead to the formation of blood clots, provoke a stroke, and angina pectoris.

Interesting information about beef liver in the following video:

Liver is a low-calorie product. An excellent option for preparing meals while on a diet. It not only helps to remove extra pounds, but also has a strong effect on the body, making it healthier due to a large amount of vitamins, antioxidants, amino acids and other substances.

The main thing is not to abuse it. After all, even the healthiest product can cause negative consequences if consumed frequently.

In contact with

The products supplied to store shelves by livestock farmers do not exhaust themselves exclusively. The so-called by-products - kidneys, heart, lungs - are of much greater value. It is in them that the maximum amount of useful elements and substances is concentrated, the deficiency of which is experienced by a person under the influence of various factors.

Calorie content of beef liver depending on cooking method

Energy value of the liver does not depend on the age of the slaughtered animal and the duration of freezing of the product. All this will affect the taste and cooking time of the dish to a greater extent.

Culinary value of the product

Considering the fact that proteins and amino acids can be destroyed under prolonged heat exposure, reducing the nutritional value of the product, the consumer is offered fresh, chilled or frozen meat and offal. Among the finished products, we can name canned food (stewed beef and its derivatives, including with). But fresh foods are of greatest interest, since they contain useful substances in the form in which the human body is able to absorb them as much as possible. Read more about it in a separate issue.

Recipes and calorie content of dishes with beef liver

Main courses (goulash, cutlets), and less often first courses, are prepared from beef liver. With the right combination of products with this component, you can prepare successful salads and snacks.

Recipe for tender liver pate from beef liver

  • (1 PC);
  • beef liver (300 g);
  • (1 small root vegetable);
  • (½ head);
  • (tablespoon).

Liver is good for children, but not all children are ready to eat it fried or stewed. But they will definitely like fresh pate. Thaw the liver and cook it, or steam it. Peel the onion, cut into medium-sized cubes and fry in vegetable oil until tender. Boil carrots and eggs and peel. Place all ingredients in a blender bowl and blend until smooth. The finished pate can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 48 hours, and its calorie content is 169 kcal / 100 g.

Beef liver with vegetables

  • beef liver (700 g);
  • (220 g);
  • onions (100 g);
  • carrots (1 piece);
  • (1 piece);
  • salt;
  • ground black pepper;
  • for frying.

A good idea to diversify your usual recipes would be to add vegetables to dishes that require frying the main ingredients. Defrost the liver, rinse, remove all films and cut into pieces of the desired size. Cut the onion into rings or half rings, peel and grate the carrots, finely chop the pepper into strips. Heat a frying pan with oil, fry the liver for 3-4 minutes, then add vegetables, salt and pepper and, closing the lid, simmer over low heat for 13-15 minutes. The calorie content of the dish is 89 kcal/100 g.

Liver puree soup

  • beef liver (0.5 kg);
  • (125 g);
  • (4 small root vegetables);
  • onion (1 small head);
  • carrots (1 piece);
  • salt;
  • pepper.

Boil the liver and potatoes cut into pieces, each tuber of which must be cut into at least 6 pieces, until tender. Add canned peas, salt and pepper. Reduce heat and cover with lid. After a few minutes, turn off the stove. Sauté onions and finely grated carrots in vegetable oil for 5-6 minutes and let cool. Grind all the ingredients (sauteed onions and carrots, boiled liver and potatoes) with a blender, pouring broth from the pan over them. The puree soup should be completely homogeneous, the thickness can be adjusted at your discretion, when the mixture has been achieved homogeneity, it must be put back on the fire and cooked for 6-7 minutes, stirring constantly. You can serve it with sour cream and croutons. Energy value 135 kcal.

Beef liver pancakes recipe

  • liver (500 g);
  • chicken eggs (2 pieces);
  • sour cream 10% (50 ml);
  • onions (150 g);
  • premium quality (tablespoon);
  • vegetable oil (25 ml);
  • salt;
  • pepper;
  • taste.

There are several recipes for frying minced liver cutlets, the simplest of which is based on preparing regular pancakes. Wash the liver, remove the films, cut into pieces and make minced meat. Add chicken eggs, wheat flour (it can be replaced with buckwheat), sour cream, salt, pepper and spices. Mix everything properly. If the dough comes out liquid, add a little more flour. Fry the pancakes until golden brown, placing 1 tablespoon each in a frying pan. Calorie content of the dish is 151 kcal/100 g.

The second in pots

  • beef liver (550 g);
  • (0.5 kg);
  • carrots (1 large root vegetable);
  • onion (1 head);
  • vegetable oil (45 ml);
  • water (1.5 l).

Wash and peel the vegetables, cut the onion into small cubes, and grate the carrots on a medium grater. Defrost the liver, remove the films and soak for half an hour in. Then cut into small pieces, add salt and pepper, and add prepared vegetables. Pour ½ cup of boiling water into the pots, spread out the liver-vegetable mixture and place in a hot oven for half an hour. Take out the buckwheat, washed with cold water, and pour boiling water 2 cm above its level. Add a teaspoon to each pot, cover with a lid and put back in the oven for another half hour at 210°C. After turning off the oven, the pots can be taken out after 15 minutes and served immediately. The energy value of the dish is approximately 103 kcal.

Chemical composition and nutritional value of beef liver

% of the daily requirement indicated in the tables is an indicator indicating how many percent of the daily requirement in a substance we will satisfy the body's needs by eating 100 grams of beef liver.

How much protein, fat and carbohydrates (BJU) are in beef liver?

Liver is a dietary product. It is rich in proteins and contains a minimum fats and carbohydrates.

What vitamins, macro- and microelements are contained in beef liver?

A serious ban on the frequent use of this product in large quantities is imposed by the “astronomical” content in it, in particular AT 12, and vitamin A. Therefore, nutritionists advise including liver in the diet no more than twice a week.

Element Content % of daily value
61.4 mcg2014,3
8364 mcg931,4
96.5 mcg194,6
Vitamin B56.75 mg135,7
Kholin641.2 mg128,9
2.23 mg123,5

Liver is a popular offal from which many main dishes can be prepared. People who care about their weight should know about the calorie content of liver of different origins - chicken, beef, pork. This will help you more accurately distribute the energy value of your diet throughout the day.

Calorie content of chicken liver

Chicken liver has a very delicate taste and is a delicacy in many countries. Dishes made from it are tasty and satisfy hunger well. The calorie content of chicken liver per 100 g of product is 140 kcal. These numbers are comparable to beef.

For dietary nutrition, it is important to choose good quality chicken liver:

  • With a shiny smooth surface (evidence of the freshness of the product);
  • Brown color;
  • Without various inclusions or blood clots;
  • With a subtle characteristic smell of liver.

Poor quality liver has a loose consistency. If it falls into pieces, it means it has been defrosted and frozen again several times.

Different heat treatment options also affect the calorie content of the liver. Thus, the calorie content of stewed chicken liver is about 164 kcal, boiled (boiled) is the lowest - 152 kcal. The calorie content of fried liver is the highest, amounting to 181 kcal.

In addition to its low calorie content, chicken liver is also useful because it contains a lot of folic acid and B vitamins, and 100 g of the product contains the daily requirement of iron. Therefore, this product is indispensable for anemia of various origins, including in pregnant women. If you compare the composition and amount of protein in chicken liver and breast, as well as the calorie content of liver and chicken meat, they are almost identical. But there are much more vitamins A and group B in the liver than in the breast.

Calorie content of beef liver

Beef liver is also healthy - it is low in fat, high in protein, amino acids and vitamins. The calorie content of beef liver is lower than that of chicken liver. When boiled, there are only 127 kcal per 100 product.

Such a low calorie content of liver makes it a valuable product for creating a diet for obesity and overweight.

It is recommended to make the liver a mandatory component in the menu of active smokers, as it can neutralize the harmful effects of nicotine and tar. The antioxidants it contains strengthen cell membranes and prevent the formation of cancer cells.

For young children, it is better not to include beef liver in the menu, as it contains a lot of keratin and is quite difficult to digest.

Calorie content of pork liver

Pork liver is a tasty and healthy by-product, which is also low in cost. Pork liver contains a lot of amino acids, and vitamins are in an easily digestible form. The calorie content of pig liver is small compared to meat and other animal products.

To prepare dishes from pork liver, it is important to choose it correctly. Fresh liver is of uniform color, with an elastic, smooth surface, and a slightly sweetish odor of low intensity.

The calorie content of pork liver is 109 kcal per 100 g of product. The calorie content of the liver will be influenced by the method of its preparation and the addition of other components of the dish. For example, the calorie content of fried liver will be higher due to the fact that high-calorie fats are used for frying. But the calorie content of stewed liver is not as high as that of fried liver, since the liver is stewed mainly in water with the addition of a small amount of vegetable oil.

Cooking pork liver has its own characteristics. So that it does not become bitter and becomes softer, it is better to soak the product in milk before cooking. It is better to salt the liver at the end of frying, this will make it less tough.

The relatively low calorie content of pig liver is an argument in favor of including it in the list of dietary products.

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