
Nadezhda Pelevina - The starting point, or Virgins will save the World. Sometimes in the bustle and fast pace of our lives we do not notice important things. We do not attach importance to the most important truths that determine our entire lives. Behind the daily bustle, we do not notice the very chapters

In the daily bustle, we do not notice how we become hostage to our problems. Even the smallest negative situations cause discomfort and weigh heavily on us. Likeyou has collected seven books for you that will help you cope with the modern rhythm of life and help you stop worrying and worrying in vain.

“The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Paradoxical Way to Live Happy,” Mark Manson

© alpinabook.ru

Mark Manson invites his readers to stop following the cult of success and learn the art of not giving a damn. To do this, you just need to forget about difficulties and be ready to face failures.

“Hygge. The Secret of Danish Happiness, Mike Viking

© azbooka.ru

Denmark regularly ranks first in terms of happiness. How do they do this, if in a year in their country you can count no more than 70 sunny days? They just have their own philosophy - Hygge. Don't rush anywhere, seize the moment and enjoy life here and now: by the fireplace, drinking cocoa and enjoying the snowstorm outside the window.

"The Book of Joy. How to be happy in a changing world", Dalai Lama XIV, Desmond Tutu, Douglas Abrams

© mann-ivanov-ferber.ru

The Book of Joy is a dialogue between two, perhaps, the happiest people on earth: the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Tutu. They talk about their lives, which have not always been easy, and think about how to be happy despite all the troubles, worries and stress.

"The Art of Stopping Time" by Pedram Shojai

© eksmo.ru

To stop worrying, you need to stop time sometimes. You will say: “This is impossible!” And Pedram Shojai invites his readers to learn to spend time consciously in one hundred days. Try it, maybe this is what you need.

“Awareness. How to find harmony in our crazy world" Mark Williams, Denny Penman

© mann-ivanov-ferber.ru

Surely you have thought about the fact that you lack presence in your own life. Stop putting everything off for later, especially since the technique described in this book helps you cope with the modern rhythm of life.

Ikigai: The Japanese Art of Finding Happiness and Meaning in Everyday Life by Bettina Lemke

© eksmo.ru

Ikigai, like Hygge, is a philosophy of life. But unlike the Danish method, Ikigai is a state of happiness from the newfound meaning of life, and the more Ikigai you have, the longer, better and happier you will live. First of all, this book will teach you to listen to your heart and, perhaps, help you find your Ikigai.

"Essentialism. The Path to Simplicity by Greg McKeon

© ozon.ru

"Essentialism. The Path to Simplicity" will be an excellent guide if you realize that you are cluttering your life with your own experiences and want to deal with it. The author of the book, writer and psychologist Greg McKeon, reminds you that your time and energy are priceless, they should not be spent on those things and those people that are not really important to you.

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Love life, and life will love you too. Love people, and people will love you back. (Anton Rubinstein) Smile at the World and the World will smile at you)))

Profession: teacher psychologist

Professional interests: harmonization of personal and social relationships, positive thinking and the study of personal characteristics

Hobbies: psychology, driving a car, leather crafts, self-education, photostaling, encaustic painting, designer, cooking, raising a son)

A country: Russia

Region: Vladimir region

Locality: Muromsky district

Place of work:"CR "Orlyonok"

Code for inserting a link to my site on other sites:
My My world is Happiness. In the hustle and bustle, we do not notice the beautiful little things. Whatever is not done is for the better. If it was good, then it will be even better...

It is important to learn to understand and accept yourself as fully as possible. This is the only way we can gradually ensure that we experience situations without unnecessary suffering. The decision depends only on you - to pull yourself together and become the master of your life or to allow others to control it. No one will feel good around you while you feel bad alone with yourself. Learn to perceive each other as you are, there is no need to evaluate, give others the opportunity to be who they are) Nothing just happens. Tomorrow is better than yesterday. You need to be able to forgive)) In any mood and age, be gentle, romantic and mysterious) Live every day as a holiday) Think, then act. Don't judge yourself harshly.) Real Men have a Happy Woman! The rest are strong.

Rubinstein, Bern, Sinelnikov, Tolstaya, Socrates and others...

In the hustle and bustle, we do not notice the beautiful little things. Whatever is not done is for the better. If it was good, then it will be even better...

Live in such a way that when people encounter you, they smile, and when communicating with you, they become a little happier.

Higher education, graduated from Far Eastern Federal University UF (formerly UGPI - Ussuri State Pedagogical Institute) in 1995 with a degree in pedagogy and preschool psychology, qualified as a teacher of psychology and pedagogy, methodologist; Moscow Psychological and Social University (formerly MPSI) in 2004, qualification Social work specialist, majoring in social work, specializing in social work with families.

18 years of teaching experience (specialty), 10 years in this position at the Orlyonok Center for Children and Youth Youth.

I have gratitude and encouragement during the inter-state period at the municipal and regional levels.

In 2012, she took 2nd place in the district professional competition of psychologists “Best Educational Psychologist of 2012.”

About Me

I have an active life position, I am a positive and active person, very responsible, I have good organizational skills, and I have developed intuition.

Professional, experienced, creative and specialist, good psychological and pedagogical erudition, a research approach in organizing psychological activities aimed at harmonizing personal and social relations, providing conditions for the client’s mental health, his emotional well-being, for the development of personality, individuality, the ability to self-development, professional and life self-determination of each individual. She created comprehensive rehabilitation conditions for the implementation of adolescents and youth in society and adequate approval among peers who are in difficult life situations. Adaptation of adolescents with additive behavior in society, on the basis of effectively working programs and the introduction of new technologies for the prevention of illegal behavior of adolescents, fostering a culture of behavior, by involving adolescents in socially significant activities, by ensuring a unified integrated approach to a healthy lifestyle, nurturing the legal consciousness of adolescents with aspects of the family and society. I actively use the direction of comprehensive psychological and social rehabilitation, introducing it into the psychological process work innovative technologies at a subject-oriented level,I actively use the Internet and electronic test programs in my work. I am proficient in using: interactive lectures, electronic educational resources, works with multimedia, office technologies in the context of preparing didactic tools in the subject area and working documents, provides consultations on social networks.I quite freely carry out direct and feedback with clients, preschoolers, primary schoolchildren, difficult teenagers who are registered at school, commissions for minors, in the ODN, in public self-government committees, who have independently applied. I easily establish contacts with parents, children, youth and colleagues.Main directions, methods and forms of psychological activity:

  • Consulting the population: individual, group, family,


  • Rehabilitation, aimed at restoring the individual (that’s all

directions in the complex);

  • Psychodiagnostics;
  • Correctional and developmental;
  • Psychoprophylaxis, educational;
  • Relaxation;
  • Activities of the “Helpline” service;
  • Psychological work with student volunteers;
  • Research activities (questionnaires, surveys);
  • Methodological studies;
  • Methodological work on equipping the office and a variety of forms and methods at work;
  • Psychological work with groups “Know yourself”;
  • Social and psychological rehabilitation of difficult teenagers;
  • Psychocorrectional and psychoprophylactic work with probationers convicted teenagers;
  • Youth hostel individual work;
  • Interaction with public self-government committees;
  • Summer health camp “Yasny”;
  • Preventive work during the holiday period with work teams;

Close cooperation with teacher-organizers and clubs place of residence and additional education teachers,consultation, advice and recommendations in working with teenagers. I work closely with interdepartmental organizations:Committees of public self-government, with inspectors for work with minor schools, with drug control, local clubsresidence, summer health camp "Yasny", with FKU "UIIFederal Penitentiary Service of Russia in the Vladimir Region" with conditionally convicted personsteenagers, with a youth hostel, with orphanages in the Murom district,with educational institutions of the city, with the Commission on Juvenile Affairs.I run the Helpline service, which receives weekly calls asking for help. Volunteers from among students of Murom educational institutions are involved in this activity; they conduct training sessions and provide practical skills. For a long time I have been organizing and conducting introductory, educational, industrial and pre-diploma internships for students of social technologies, psychologists and teachers of the Moscow Institute of Foreign Languages, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, Pedagogical College. She was awarded a letter of gratitude from the Murom Institute of the Vladimir State University named after the Stoletov brothers for introducing students to the “Helpline” project - 2013; He is the head of the teaching practice of students from the Murom Institute of the Vladimir State University named after the Stoletov brothers, the Murom College of Radio-Electronic Instrumentation, and the Pedagogical College. A high level of professional and pedagogical qualities allows us to achieve sustainable positive results in the rehabilitation of adolescents and in providing highly qualified assistance to all clients who apply.By implementing a differentiated approach to the rehabilitation of adolescents, I create conditions for the realization of personal potential. A significant number of clients showed positive dynamics in the psychological processes of communication, conflicts, in the world of emotions, the motivation to learn significantly increases, in the mechanisms of memory, thinking, imagination, and attention. During art therapy classes, the children draw thematic drawings “I am a Patriot”, “Home Alone”, “My Health”, “Court to Bad Habits”, then their works are sent to competitions and they take first place. Since 2005, I have been leading the psychological circle: “Know Yourself,” and since 2013, the art therapy circle “In the World of Encaustic.” I work closely with schools, help students prepare for the Unified State Exam, State Examination, and carry out diagnostics on school motivation and adaptation.


convicted – 2013;

current issues. AI actively and fruitfully collaborate with public committeesTsRTYU "Eaglet". I am the head of the advisory center for teachers of the Orlyonok Center for Children and Youth Youth. At the advisory center, consultations are carried out in various forms: group, subgroup, individual, I provide psychological and pedagogical assistance to teachers, conduct master classes with them, practical classes, workshops, conversations,methodological studies on current topics: “Healthy lifestyle - ecology of the soul.” “Self-analysis”, “Training is one of the forms of working with teenagers”, interactive lecture “Violence as an aggressive - terrorist form of behavior”, “Beware of conflict, ways to resolve conflicts”, “Educational motivation of schoolchildren”.In the 2011-2013 academic year, at a meeting of an open round table of teachers of the TsRTYU “Orlyonok”, she summarized her teaching experience on the topics: “The road to success: experience, problems”; “Violence as an aggressive - terrorist form of behavior” “Conflicts among youth and ways to resolve them. Ways to resolve conflicts."

During the inter-certification period, I actively improve my professional level. In 2011, she was a participant in the round table “Effective behavior of young people in the labor market”, helping children to practically master employment techniques. Determine what type of profession is suitable for the participant. I am the manager of two projects. In 2012, she participated in a competition of non-profit organizations for the prevention of crime among youth and received a Diploma for the project “Art Therapy. Healing the soul through creativity,” with the funds received, she equipped an Art Therapy area in the office. in 2013 she received a first degree Diploma for the project “Your Choice”, received a grant of 70,000 rubles, equipped a rehabilitation room in zones: consultation zone, diagnostic zone, Art therapy zone, cognitive preventive zone, relaxation zone, public speaking zone, facial expression zone. The office is very convenient to use and is in demand among the guys. I constantly replenish my psychological treasury, make presentations about health, judgment against bad habits, career guidance, editing videos “Kindness Around”, designing exhibitions “Lessons of Kindness”, “Tolerance among Youth”, “From the Heart”. In 2013, she participated in the forum “Marathon of Goodness. Get involved! Conducted by a master -class "Volunteering and Creativity". I pay great attention to working withpreschoolers, primary schoolchildren, difficult teenagersregistered in schools, clubs at the place of residence, in committeespublic self-government, in the commission on juvenile affairs, withsuspended teenagers. Developed an individualprogram “Know Yourself”, In order to create conditions for comprehensionyoung people of their capabilities, solving personal problems.I carry out research activities on topical issues in order toeffective monitoring of current issues among young people:survey of teachers of the Center for Youth and Youth Children's Education "Orlyonok": the goal is to identify the attitude of teachers to their activities. Diagnostics: the goal is to identify the characteristics of young people’s ideas about family life. A blitz survey was conducted following the results of the “Star under the Roof” performance: the goal was to identify the attitude of high school students to drugs. A study was conducted of the moral and psychological climate in the team of the Saplin Military Sports Club. The questionnaire was aimed at identifying the peculiarities of youth leisure activities, as well as studying the club life of youth in the Murom district. Questioning, the goal is to identify ways of self-realization of young people. The survey aimed to identify the peculiarities of filling the free time of young people (500 respondents, aged 14 to 30 years).Questionnaire on issues of xenophobia and extremism. A survey was conductedthe attitude of the youth of the Murom district to the use and circulation ofnarcotic drugs. Survey of tolerance among young people.Monitoring among students and pupils of circles, sections of the Orlyonok Center for Children and Youth Youth, clubs at the place of residence: “What is kindness”, I skillfully apply the acquired knowledge in practice.I know and use in my work the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, I use in practice modern productive educational technologies, methods of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics. In 2014, she completed training at the City Business School “I AM A LEADER” - distance thematic courses lasting 90 hours in Moscow.

Books that shaped my inner world

Bern “People who play games, games that people play”, Sinelnikov “Love your illness”, Griboedova “Woe from Wit”, A. Tolstoy “Prince Silver”, Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita”, “Dog Serbian”, Pushkin “Favorites”, Lermontov “I Love the Motherland”, “The Lonely Sail Whitens” Fet singer of nature and soul, Tyutchev, Tsvetaeva, Gumilyov, Akhmatova, Pasternak, Yesenin, Chekhov “Gooseberry”, “Man in a Case” Zoshchenko, Ostrovsky “Thunderstorm” , "Dowry", Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment", Platonov "The Pit", such works as "Sotnikov", "Men in White Coats", L. Tolstoy "Anna Karenina" Bison", Gogol "Nose", "Overcoat", "The Inspector General", Goncharov "Oblomov", Turgenev "Fathers and Sons", Gorky "At the Depths"

My view of the world

What difference does it make who is stronger, who is smarter, who is more beautiful, who is richer? After all, in the end, the only thing that matters is whether you are a happy person or not.

What do we spend our lives on? To petty quarrels, to stupid words, empty talk, to the vanity of insults, to anger - again and again. What do we spend our lives on... But we should be on love... We burn our lives to the ground, all for empty things - On boring things, unnecessary worries... For the sake of society, we come up with masks... What do we spend our lives on! But we should use affection... We waste life on gloomy boredom, on “image” and “prestige”, unnecessary science, on lies and boasting, on gratuitous service. What do we spend our lives on?... But we should be on friendship... We are always in a hurry to get somewhere, get something. We are always looking for something, but we are losing more; We save everything - gold, rags and silver... What do we spend our lives on! But it should be good... We worry, we shout, we suffer over trifles; We choose funny things with seriousness. But no matter how much you guess, you will always choose the wrong one. What do we spend our lives on... But we should be on a dream... We are afraid of joy, we are afraid to believe in fairy tales, We are afraid of dreams, and tenderness, and affection; We are afraid to love, so as not to grieve afterwards... What are we spending our lives on?! But you just have to live!

Be as interested in what's going on inside you as in what's around you. If everything is in order in the inner world, then everything in the external world will fall into place.

My achievements


Certificate from the Murom District Administration for contribution to implementation youth policy on social and psychological supportyouth in the Murom district - 2014;

With gratitude from the Committee of Territorial Self-Government Murom District Administration - 2014;

Gratitude from the Youth Affairs Committee for empirical research in the field of youth and family policy - 2013;

Letter of gratitude from the Conditional Enforcement Inspectorate for Vladimir region for preventive work with conditionallyconvicted – 2013;

Conducted preventive work with suspended teenagers from the Federal Institution “Institution of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in the Vladimir Region”, events aimed at increasing the moral level of adolescents,registered with the criminal executive inspection, activitieson drug addiction, crime prevention, appliesvarious technologies for interactive lectures, brings positivechanges in the worldview of adolescents. Olga Yurievna research inareas of youth and family policy, skillfully builds proceduresquestionnaires and surveys, which allows for effective monitoringcurrent issues.She actively and fruitfully collaborates with public committeesself-government, there are 15 of them in her field of vision, here she is active,professional educational and preventive work withteenagers from work teams during the holiday period, spendsindividual work with difficult neighborhood teenagers and familiesat-risk groups. She works in a youth hostel, where everya visit to a psychologist is accompanied by strong interest.We are actively working with local clubs, studios, and clubs.

I have gratitude and encouragement from the municipal and regional levels.

In 2012, she took 2nd place in the district professional competition of psychologists “Best Educational Psychologist of 2012.”

In 2013, she took 1st place in the district review-competition of psychological rooms “In Harmony with the Soul.”

In 2014, she was awarded a letter of gratitude by the Chairman of the Youth Policy Committee of the Vladimir Region Administration, A.A. Abramova, for her great assistance in organizing the Zvezdny 2014 campaign campaign and contribution to the development of the volunteer movement in the Murom District and the Vladimir Region.

In 2013, she was awarded a letter of gratitude from the Chairman of the Committee on Youth Affairs M.V. Semenova for empirical research in the field of youth and family policy.

In 2013, she was awarded a Letter of Gratitude by the head of the Murom district branch of the Federal Penitentiary Institution "Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service in the Vladimir Region" for organizing joint preventive activities aimed at increasing the moral level of adolescents, patriotic education, and the formation of a healthy lifestyle for adolescents registered with the penitentiary inspection.

In 2013, she was awarded a letter of gratitude from the Director of Vladimir State University. A.G. and N.G. Stoletov", Doctor of Economics, Professor N.V. Tchaikovskaya for many years of fruitful cooperation in the implementation of the joint project “Youth Helpline”, for organizing internships for students of the institute.

In 2014, she was awarded a letter of gratitude from the Committee of Territorial Self-Government of the Murom District Administration S.V. Dudareva for her high professionalism, long-term cooperation, preventive and educational work on issues of moral education of adolescents.

In 2014, a letter of commendation from the Chairman of the Youth Affairs Committee M.V. Semyonova for her special contribution to the implementation of youth policy in the social and psychological support of youth in the Murom district.

From 02/19/2014 to 03/26/2014 she completed additional education courses in the city of Moscow at the City Business School, and on March 31, 2014 she received a diploma of additional education “I am a Leader”.

My portfolio

“DO KINDNESS” People do kindness from the heart... While you live in this world... And fill the void with happiness... So that anger does not settle on the planet. And life, in fact, is a simple thing... But we ourselves always complicate it... And giving good is not a hard science at all... IT is given to us..... from above by Heaven! You help a person if he is in trouble... What toils, not knowing the right decision... And remain a person of conscience everywhere... And ask the Almighty God for forgiveness. For a moment, return to your childhood simplicity... Of course, not every Soul is capable... But, still, people do kindness... Let this wish become fashionable! Fill the earthly world with Light Purity.. And then we all will become the happiest... Let's all share kindness together... And Good will return like a boomerang... because it has always been like this!“I love my job, the work I do inspires me to do good deeds. I love people, I perceive them as they are!” The profession of an educational psychologist for me:- way of self-expression;- an activity that brings a sense of self-worth and satisfaction from the work performed;- the profession through which I fulfill my mission and purpose, I become wiser;- profession as a form of self-knowledge;- a profession that allowed me to change my perspective on many events in my life;- a profession that gives me strength for life and difficult trials of fate, which makes me truly happy;- a profession that allows me to be close to those I love; - a profession that made me kinder, more tolerant, more tolerant, wiser and developed in me good professional intuition.What else do I love? I am a peace-loving person, I have many talents, because I do everything with love and soul and with a positive mood. I love nature, sun, rain, snow, I love my family, I love cooking, baking cakes, pies, pizza, I read a lot, I have a good personal library, I love dancing, I do floriculture, there is a large greenhouse in my office, I have been driving a car for 21 years, I go in for sports, I love traveling to the south, I love coffee, flowers, I love poems about nature, about love, I love children, my clients, psychology, I just love life, my work colleagues, I know how to enjoy life, I do everything from the heart. I try to believe in the best and in miracles ahead! I help people to be kind, enjoy life, cope with difficulties, respect each other, I encourage you to study your psychological world, your characteristics, treat yourself with respect as an INDIVIDUALS. The main thing in your work is NOT TO HARM))I agree with the statement: Don't wait until you graduate from college to have children. Stop waiting until you start working, when you retire, when you get married, when you get divorced. Don't wait for Friday evening, Sunday morning, buying a new car, a new apartment. Don't wait for spring, summer, autumn, winter. Minutes of happiness are precious, it is not the end point of the journey, but the journey itself. Work - not just for money, love - not in anticipation of parting. Dance - not paying attention to the looks. The worst mistake you can make.Don't regret the past! Don't be afraid of the future! Enjoy the present!.People have many open questions and we take great pleasure in finding answers to them.The clients with whom I work have 100% dynamics, significant improvements in interpersonal mechanisms, interest in learning has increased, in the psychological mechanisms of memory, thinking, attention, imagination, psychological processes of communication have improved, emotional stability, culture of behavior, teenagers have reconsidered their attitude towards the image life, learned to find a compromise in conflict situations, a sense of responsibility appeared, an idea of ​​the moral education of children appeared and many other achievements where high dynamics can be noted.The following qualities help me achieve good results: the ability to find an individual approach to clients, create a conducive environment, the correct selection of correction methods, the ability to create a positive environment in the office that is conducive to work, communication skills, emotional restraint, and professionalism. The ability to see strengths and development prospects for each client, set goals for classes taking into account their individual characteristics, mastery of modern methods of teaching and education, pedagogical erudition, tact, and elimination of tension.In the process of correctional classes, my clients’ self-esteem rises, educational motivation improves, a feeling of confidence appears during public speaking, clients choose a healthy lifestyle as a priority, say no to bad habits, young people constantly attend classes without skipping.I consider the main achievement in my work to be the recognition and respect of my students, which is not so easy to achieve today.Rousseau wrote that “education is life, and not preparation for it,” and life connects the beautiful and the everyday, not always, perhaps, aesthetic. And my students and I took patronage of a lonely veteran and completed a collective research project dedicated to Great Victory Day...It is very important for every person to experience pleasure from work and I get it, II am the manager of two projects. In 2012, she participated in a competition of non-profit organizations for the prevention of crime among youth and received a Diploma for the project “Art Therapy. Healing the soul through creativity,” with the funds received, she equipped an Art Therapy area in the office. in 2013 she received a first degree Diploma for the project “Your Choice”, received a grant of 70,000 rubles, equipped a rehabilitation room in zones: consultation zone, diagnostic zone, Art therapy zone, cognitive preventive zone, relaxation zone, public speaking zone, facial expression zone. The office is very convenient to use and is in demand among the guys. I am constantly replenishing my psychological treasury, making video clips and presentations. I have a feelingsuccess. I have always loved to study, and I really liked it and still like it!Professional courses and seminars, lessons from colleagues, master classes from scientists and pedagogical advice are the building blocks of the foundation of my success. I respect, re-read, love and learn from Vygotsky L.S., Bern, Sinelnikov, Rubinstein, Leontiev, Dubrovina I.V., Bityanova M.R., Semago M.M. and Semago N.V., Savenkova A., Vachkova I.V., I am a teacher-psychologist, my school romance continues...“The only happiness in life is a constant striving forward,” saidEmile Zola. These words of the French writer, it seems to me, characterize me as a psychologist of our time.

Behind the daily bustle, we do not notice the most important thing in this life, which is ourselves, our life.

We fuss, putting off our lives for later. We believe that children are the most important thing, or business work is the most important thing. But this is not the main thing.

The main thing is the person himself. How he feels is very important. What mood is he in? Were he able to do something good for himself today or not? Or only for someone? All life passes in vanity.

And then the children grow up and it turns out that they have their own lives. And they have their own new family. And who are you? Just visiting and no longer family? And complaints begin towards the children, towards themselves. Isn’t it possible to just live and enjoy life?

Sometimes it’s easier for a person to be a victim, to choose the role of a victim, it’s more convenient for him, he doesn’t have to act, and justifies his miserable existence by saying that it’s impossible to change anything.

Make yourself a source of happiness, but only a happy person can do this. And if he is frustrated, then he brings negative energy into the world.

Why can’t you spare money for yourself (for yourself)? A person closes the channels of joy in life, closes the channels of realizing his abilities and talents, when he regrets something for himself. He puts shopping for himself last. First for the child, then for myself somehow. This leads to the fact that a person becomes faceless. He is not visible. Here the figure can become shapeless, and all kinds of papillomas and pimples appear.

A person renounces himself and puts himself, his Divine Self, personality, Divine soul in last place. Man is God's temple, in him is a particle of the God of the Universe. And when a person denies himself, forbids himself the joys of life, puts someone else’s needs ahead of his own, then he does not do a good deed and over time the process of destruction of him as a person begins.

When he is not taken seriously, when no one pays attention to his needs, his Want, and he, left without support, becomes faceless. Below the plinth, if translated into modern slang.

The position in life is first I, then everyone else. Those. a beautiful and well-groomed wife, a mother who knows her worth and treats herself with respect and love, evokes the same attitude towards herself from loved ones, husband, children. How a person called himself when meeting him, what his name was, is how he is addressed.

How the mother and wife set themselves up is how the children and husband will treat her. Below the baseboard, that means below the baseboard, they can inadvertently crush you if you get under your feet. And if there is a Queen in front of them, then they treat her like a Queen. But it depends on the person.

You just need to decide once and for all whether you are a Royal person, for whom all doors are open, and the possibilities are limitless, or a faceless person. You just need to know and remember that first a person is given resources, and then the person can help others. And if he gave resources to someone else, then he will be given less and less. Therefore, the balance cannot be disturbed. First I, and then everyone else.

Today we will continue the topic of human talents, and the need to live your own life and go in your own direction through life. And by the way, children also need to be raised in the same way.

Revealing and using all your talents to their full potential, using inexhaustible resources for joy and well-being. Creating your life according to the script you wrote yourself and bringing joy, love and happiness into this World, for yourself, your loved ones and the people around you.

When a person is busy doing what he loves. He is completely transformed and blossoms. And harmony is restored in the family, and relationships become more romantic, warm, and harmonious. They are cleansed of rust, which forms when a faceless person is engaged in a direction that is alien to him and builds a life with a negative connotation.

Starting point, or Virgins will save the world

Sometimes in the bustle and fast pace of our lives we do not notice important things. We do not attach importance to the most important truths that determine our entire lives.

Nadezhda Pelevina

© Nadezhda Pelevina, 2016

© Vyacheslav Pimenov, illustrations, 2016

ISBN 978-5-4483-3265-4

Created in the intellectual publishing system Ridero


The purpose of my book is to prove that the moral laws that have existed for many thousands of years are not outdated Puritan conventions - as it is considered in the modern Western World - but necessary measures to maintain order and stability in society.

Not only an important condition for the physical and mental health of people, but also the basis for the economic development of any country.

What I want to talk about may be shocking, but at the same time it is a common truth that has been known for a long time.

Information on this topic is sometimes found in various sources, including scientific literature.

My task was to put together, comprehend, organize and bring it to a wide range of readers.

The book will be very useful and interesting for teenagers just entering adulthood, as well as for the older generation

Chapter 1. The price of a ticket to heaven

The call to observe moral norms and rules does not mean abandoning all the joys of life in all its manifestations and not isolating us from the surrounding World - as it may seem at first glance.

Just the opposite - this is the only correct way to achieve your goal - to find happiness - your true love.

Create your own Paradise on earth.

Heaven is somewhere in our soul and everyone has their own.

Sometimes this is what you dreamed about but never managed to achieve.

Whoever succeeds already lives in his own beautiful Paradise created by him.

Our Paradise - it is here - on earth during our lifetime, and not after it.

What so often prevents us from finding it, from finally starting to live a joyful, free life.

What is the price of this ticket, the ticket to Paradise?

How much are we willing to pay for it?

To do this, it is not at all necessary to have a luxury home and a large bank account. Although all this is very possible if you set a goal and gradually move towards it.

But before we create our own Paradise on earth, we must create our material Paradise in our soul.

And this will already give an impetus and, thanks to the support of the Higher Powers, will create the prerequisites for achieving your goals.

Modern scientists have proven that man exists not only in the physical body, but also in the subtle body, invisible to us.

In the World of your thoughts and emotions.

Therefore, without spiritual development it is impossible to be harmonious - and therefore a successful, happy and healthy person.

The real price is just observing the basic religious commandments known to everyone

The most important thing is not to kill

You cannot interfere and destroy what has already been created.

Another, also very important commandment: “thou shalt not commit adultery” for some reason is not considered a law in the modern World that must be strictly followed.

And this is the main mistake of Western thinking.

I recently read on the Internet an article by Anastasia Belova “Why doesn’t he call”

“Millions of women every second on all continents spend many hours near the phone - waiting for a call from their beloved man and for the thousandth time coming up with reasons and excuses why he doesn’t call.”

She gives advice on what to do.

Indeed - it’s even scary to think - how many women find themselves in this stupid and humiliating unbearably stressful situation.

But you can save a lot of time and effort if you get rid of stupid illusions

Men are very selfish - they value their freedom and independence.

Somewhere in the depths of their souls, they probably feel the falseness of a hasty relationship and therefore run away from them.

A girl who respects herself and wants a normal, stable relationship should not allow intimacy just because of sympathy.

It's vulgar and not worthy.

A wedding is a special ritual that allows you to move to another level of relationship development. Attunes our consciousness to a serious relationship between both partners.

But this ritual makes sense and should happen before the start of an intimate relationship - and not after, as is usually the case.

At the moment of the beginning of intimate relationships, powerful energetic changes occur in the space and destiny surrounding us. Girls, due to their special, more subtle perception, feel and understand that now they are connected by something and that now she belongs to this man

Ideally, a girl wakes up after a night of love in her marital bed. Then these sensations will be complemented by a feeling of calm and confidence for your future life and destiny.

If not, then a long period of worries, doubts and struggle for your love will begin.

Since the unspoken beginning of the legalization of free love, young girls have lost their strength, beauty and femininity. We lost the advantage in choice, as well as an important incentive.

They became pathetic performers, pawns in dirty and unworthy men's games.

Chapter 2. Virgins will save the world

Girl! Sweet, timid, a little flirtatious...

You look at this World with open eyes.

You expect a beautiful fairy tale from life, and it’s up to you how your destiny will turn out

Your soul is as pure as an Angel's

It is now that your fate is being decided.

A little more... and you will do it

Your most important mistake, which determines a lot in your life

You're still a virgin.

You are pure and innocent.

What do you dream about?

Probably about Prince Charming.

About great and romantic love.

But - unfortunately, in life everything is not as wonderful as in fairy tales and dreams.

And your first love is unlikely to develop into a serious and mutual feeling.

It is only in fairy tales that a noble and decent prince leads a girl to the crown.

The probability of meeting such a prince is 1 in a million.

It's like winning Jackpot.

Don't gamble with your own destiny -

After all, the payback for this game is a failed life - suffering and a torn fate.

Do not rush…

The universe will definitely give you the person you deserve.

Being available means agreeing to sex and it doesn’t matter

On what date, the first or the tenth?

It was as if the world had turned upside down.

What was once considered vulgar and shameful is recognized as the norm of behavior.

And what was ordinary suddenly became almost a miracle. An exception to the general rules.

However, these girls, as a rule, arrange their lives very well.

I remember that a long time ago I had a friend from the city of Vladimir.

What always surprised me about her was the number of her suitors.

There were about 5-7 of them, I don’t remember exactly.

Handsome, well-mannered guys circled around her like bees around honey.

We went for walks together, courted them gallantly, and took us to the movies.

And she had fun with them - without giving anyone any special preference.

As far as I know, she was in no hurry to acquire intimate experience.

All her suitors were so in love with her that they did not notice anyone around.

An unavailable girl is nonsense in our time.

This is something unusual and mysterious.

So – She tormented them a little.

Then she chose one and married him.

Without tears and unnecessary suffering.

as is usually the case with everyone. She arranged her destiny cheerfully and beautifully.

And usually it's like this:

You start a relationship with the first person you like.

Without understanding it properly.

what kind of person?

If you yourself want to be the one and only, your beloved should be your only one.

And for this, he must first become your husband - and only then your man.

On another it is impossible.

Or you will always be one of many for him.

Any sex outside of marriage is debauchery.

And this is punished by higher powers very severely: suffering, illness and misfortune.

That's how men are made.

It is difficult for them to resist temptations and behave within the framework of public morality.

The purpose of a woman is to raise men to a higher path of their development

This is necessary for the birth of a future generation of healthy and healthy children.

Restrictions discipline, make men stronger - increasing their sexual potential

Abstinence at a young age will not harm them.

It is their intemperance and promiscuity in relationships that will cause irreparable harm - which very often leads to problems in life and prevents you from choosing a partner that is truly suitable for you.

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