
Kiwi should be eaten with the skin on. Kiwi with peel: can you eat it or not and how to peel it properly. Is kiwi peel healthy?

Already know about the beneficial properties and want to eat fruits more often?

Click point No. 7 - learn to select, store and cook with maximum benefit.

And don’t forget point No. 6, where contraindications are listed.

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A little history and geography

The tree-like plant Actinidia sinensis was known in the Middle Kingdom even before our era. But for cultural cultivation, the fruits seemed too small - up to 30 grams - and were confused by their pronounced sourness. They took root only in folk medicine as a means to improve the health of women after pregnancy.

At the beginning of the 20th century, actinidia was brought to New Zealand, where it attracted the attention of breeders. By the mid-1960s, scientists had developed new varieties. When sending the first batch of delicacies to the American market, marketers rejected the complex word “actinidia”.

They decided to give the new product bright name “kiwifruit”- in honor of the world famous New Zealand bird. Over the years, people have increasingly begun to shorten it to “kiwi.” The handsome men came to Russia under this sonorous name.

The Chinese quickly organized the return of the selected actinidia to its historical homeland. Today, more than half of world production comes from China. New Zealand exports have a modest share of 10-12%.

The question “Is kiwi a berry or a fruit?” has a clear answer from a botany perspective: these are berries. The popular myth that our heroes are a special subspecies of citrus fruits has no basis. However, sellers so persistently classify this exotic fruit as a fruit, and so often place it next to citrus fruits, that society has developed a tradition of classifying kiwi as a fruit category.

Chemical composition and calorie content

Let's take a large sample as an example - on average +/- 91 grams.

This is what 1 piece of kiwi without peel contains.

  • Calorie content - 56 kcal
  • Carbohydrates - 13 g
  • Proteins - 1 g
  • Fats - 0.5 g
  • Dietary fiber - 2.7 g


  • C - 84.4 mg - 141%
  • K - 36.7 mcg - 46%
  • E - 1.3 mg - 7%
  • B9 - 22.7 mcg - 6%


  • Potassium - 284 mg - 8%
  • Copper - 0.1 mg - 6%

The last figure indicates the percentage of the daily value of an adult on a balanced diet of 2000 kcal. Only essential nutrients are listed: over 5% of the DV.

What are the benefits of kiwi for the human body?

  1. Comprehensively supports harmonious immunity.
  2. Slows down skin aging.
  3. Improves the absorption of calcium, including in pathologies of the skeletal system.
  4. Protects against age-related vision problems.
  5. Suitable for testing in a modern diet for diabetes.
  6. It will fit well into many weight loss diets.
  7. Can be eaten by pregnant women and children.
  8. Helps with insomnia and depressed mood.

Let us describe in order how the composition of kiwi determines its beneficial properties.

Vitamin details and benefits of the fruit

Let's start with the main thing: only 1 handsome man of medium size completely covers the daily requirement of vitamin C. This powerful antioxidant provides comprehensive health benefits. It strengthens the immune system, helps with allergies and protects body cells from excess free radicals.

Each fruit provides about 10% of an adult's DV for dietary fiber. Eating colorful fruits - a great way to combat constipation.

Kiwi is a good source of vitamin E. It is extremely important for immunity and skin health. Typically, vitamin E foods are high in fat. And this exotic food is low in calories, proteins and fats. You are unlikely to gain weight from kiwi dessert, but you can become stronger and fight a cold faster.

Joint action antioxidant vitamins C and E, as well as the carotenoid lutein(chemical precursor of vitamin A) is the prevention of cancer and good skin elasticity. After lutein is converted into vitamin A in the body, it will be used by eye tissues and protect against vision problems.

Is it possible to eat kiwi during pregnancy? If you don’t have allergies (more on that below), then our heroes are for you. They contain folic acid. It is important for the formation of the fetal nervous system and is directly involved in the synthesis of red blood cells, which carry oxygen from the lungs to the tissues.

Contains minerals there is copper, which sets kiwi apart from many fruits. It cares for the skin along with vitamin E and speeds up thought processes.

Here is the answer to established parents who doubt whether children can eat kiwi. If there is no allergy, gradually introducing fruit into a child’s diet after 3 years is a logical step towards a varied diet.

Serotonin is also found in colorful fruits. A calming hormone for a cheerful mood and sound sleep. .

Environmental friendliness is a special advantage

Modern cultivation of vegetables and fruits cannot do without gigantic doses of pesticides and herbicides. Kiwi fruits practically do not absorb substances potentially harmful to humans. While enjoying the taste, you do not risk being poisoned by the chemicals accumulated in them.

Features of different varieties

The most popular varieties are “fluffy” kiwi, brown in color, with a slight fluff.

Recently, golden kiwi with a smooth bronze-colored skin has been gaining popularity in the world. Such fruits are sweeter and more aromatic than fluffy ones, but they are significantly inferior to the latter in terms of vitamin K and dietary fiber.

The new product contains a lot of vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), which is important for the health of the nervous system. They also contain more folic acid (B9), which is beneficial for pregnant women. Decide for yourself what is more important to you or buy both varieties.

Harm and contraindications

1. Refers to highly allergenic products.

Kiwi contains the enzyme actinidin, which is both beneficial and harmful to the body. Some people have a pronounced allergy to this substance. If, after eating a small piece of kiwi, you feel that the mucous membranes of your mouth and throat are inflamed (as if sandpaper had gone through it) and itchy, stop tasting immediately. Other allergic symptoms: swelling of the tongue, difficulty swallowing, nausea and redness of the skin on which the pulp juice comes in contact.

The likelihood of a kiwi allergy increases if you are allergic to avocados, hazelnuts, latex, wheat, figs and poppy seeds.

2. Reduces the ability of blood to clot.

In some people, kiwi can inhibit blood clotting and cause bleeding. Avoid the product before surgery and while taking blood thinning medications (anticoagulants aspirin, Plavix and others).

3. Contains a lot of oxalates.

Potentially harmful substances in our heroes are above average. At high concentrations in body fluids, oxalates can form crystals. Therefore, if you have sand and stones in the kidneys and gall bladder, it is beneficial to avoid frequent meals with kiwi.

How to choose the right ripe fruits

  1. Let's look at the skin. We want a uniform color, free of dark spots, wrinkles and mold. These are sure signs of overripeness. The skin of unripe kiwis has a slightly greenish tint and, as a rule, is not very fluffy. Even if you intentionally buy fruits that are still green, avoid fruits that are bruised or have dark spots. Such samples will ripen unevenly.
  2. Lightly press on the surface. If the skin yields elastically to pressure, the fruit is completely ripe. It should feel "a little soft" but not feel like a piece of dough or foam. If the fruit is overtly soft, it is overripe.
  3. Feel free to smell the product. A soft citrus-like aroma indicates full ripeness. If you smell a sharp sweet smell, the fruit is overripe.

The maturity of kiwis does not depend on their size. Both relatively small and simply huge fruits can be either completely ready for eating or not yet suitable for eating.

How to store at home

  • We store ripe kiwis exclusively in the refrigerator. We try to eat them within 3 days from the date of purchase.
  • Please note that our heroes are very sensitive to ethylene, which many fruits emit when ripening. Keep them separate from other gifts of nature.
  • If you wrap the fruits tightly in a plastic bag, they will remain fresh for up to 6-7 days.

What can you do to make kiwis ripen faster and become soft? Store them in a paper bag along with a banana, apple or pear. Purchasing a package is not a problem. They wrap bread in supermarkets. At room temperature, but away from sunlight, 3-5 days are usually enough for the useful exotic to mature.

How to eat kiwi

Most often, the fruit is eaten cut into pieces and without the peel, although the skin is quite edible. And yet, when asked whether it is possible to eat kiwi with the peel, there is definitely no agreement. First you need to get rid of the fluff covering it. It is quite possible to do this.

  • Using a sharp knife, cut off the place where the fruit attaches to the branch and place the fruit under a strong stream of water.
  • We turn the fruit so that the fluff evenly moves away from the surface, and lightly rub the skin with the “emery” side of the kitchen sponge.
  • We rinse the surface from any remaining fluff. Now you can eat this handsome guy!

You can’t eat kiwi with unwashed peel! It becomes dirty with dust and chemicals during transportation. Villi are an ideal environment for the growth of bacteria (including severe amoebic dysentery).

All the ways to peel kiwi

The first method is elementary - peeler peeler. It is sold in household goods stores and helps quickly peel apples, pears, potatoes and other root vegetables.

You don't have to clean it at all. Cut in half and eat the pulp with a sharp-tipped teaspoon.

For video lovers - three methods using a spoon.

Delicious P.S. What to cook easily and quickly

  • If you put kiwi in a complex dish, keep in mind: you need to eat it right away! The mentioned actinidin can turn many foods into a shapeless mass in a short time. The milk will quickly curdle and the gelatin will turn into liquid.

We hope you have read the contraindications and kiwi will not harm you. Below is a cute smoothie recipe to add the health benefits of kiwi to your diet.

And in the last comments under the article a lot of simple and tasty salads. There is even a festive vinaigrette. We wish you bon appetit, because health is delicious!

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Many people doubt the edibility of kiwi peel, but in vain. Here's what you lose when you throw it in the trash:

1. Fiber

There is 50% more of it in the peel than in the pulp. Fiber cleanses the digestive system, reduces “bad” cholesterol and removes toxins. It also takes a long time to digest - so you will feel fuller longer and lighter.

2. Natural antiseptic

The peel suppresses the development of pathogens. At home, in China, it was applied to wounds to avoid inflammation. Kiwi skin may even prevent food poisoning.

3. Vitamins and minerals

It contains more vitamin C than an orange and is also rich in E. These are natural antioxidants that prevent cell damage and thereby protect us from cancer.

There is 32% more folic acid in the kiwi peel than in the pulp. This substance is indispensable for pregnant women: it prevents premature birth and reduces the risk of brain defects in the child.

How to eat kiwi peel?

The fleecy, rough skin does not look very appetizing. Therefore, here are a few tips that will make her more attractive (no, we will not shave a kiwi according to advice from YouTube):

  1. Wash the kiwi thoroughly, and then rub it vigorously with a towel - this will rid the peel of pesticides and remove some of its “hairiness”.
    You can buy organic kiwis in eco-shops - they are no longer available. The company must have documents confirming the safety of the product. Fruits labeled Bio or “eco” can also be found in markets and supermarkets.
  1. There is a variety that is always eaten with the peel - it is called “kivinho”. These kiwis are similar to gooseberries: small and smooth. But in Russia they are rarely found.
  2. Make a smoothie from peeled kiwis or make fresh juice. You can cut it up and dry it to make fruit chips.
  3. Don't forget to trim the edges. Especially the place where the kiwi was attached to the branch. This part is definitely inedible, you can throw it away with a clear conscience.

Kiwi and other sweet fruits are often attributed to a large amount of sugar and are advised to limit them. But don't worry: fruits contain plant fibers that control the absorption process and prevent sugar levels from jumping. 6 more misconceptions about “unhealthy” food are in the article.

Those born in hot countries are undoubtedly lucky, as they have the opportunity to eat fresh berries and fruits all year round. Natural vitamins, minerals, fiber - all this is located at arm's length. But in our country, not everyone can afford such a luxury, because in our area many of these fruits simply do not grow.

Let's talk in more detail about kiwi, which is incredibly healthy, but doesn't grow here either. Fortunately, today international trade is thriving, and we have the opportunity to purchase kiwi in our country even in winter (although not of the best quality, since they are picked green from the vine). This means that it will not be superfluous to find out why this exotic berry is so useful.

Useful properties of kiwi

Each kiwi berry contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B9 (folic acid), C, PP and E. Moreover, the content of vitamin C in kiwi is higher than in lemon. In terms of folic acid content, kiwi is second only to broccoli (note to pregnant women).

What are the benefits of kiwi for pregnant women?? To begin with, this berry contains a sufficient amount of vitamin C, which protects the immune system from bacteria and viruses, which is important for the normal course of pregnancy. Kiwi also has a strengthening effect on blood vessels, which experience greater stress during pregnancy. Finally, kiwi is useful for pregnant women because folic acid is a kind of building material for the baby’s body. As you know, the child will definitely get what he wants, but the mother may not have enough.

Minerals and other beneficial substances. While listing the vitamins, we hardly mentioned the beneficial properties of the berry itself, but this does not mean that they do not exist. It would be much more appropriate to talk about them after the composition of our experimental berry is fully revealed.

Kiwi minerals contain phosphorus, large amounts of potassium, calcium, iodine and. In addition, scientists found fruit acids, tannic acid, pectins and enzymes that promote protein breakdown in kiwi.

By regularly eating kiwi, you can:

  • Reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and cancer.
  • Get rid of excess cholesterol.
  • Strengthen general immunity, improve metabolism.
  • With the help of kiwi you can fight the development of caries.
  • Prevent the formation of kidney stones and sand.
  • Stop the early appearance of gray hair.
  • Improve the body's performance, speed up its recovery after exercise.
In addition, kiwi contains a large amount of fiber, which perfectly stimulates the digestive system. It is for this reason that those who often consume kiwi almost never experience constipation.

Interesting research results

Scientists are also interested in the benefits of kiwi for the human body. In this regard, they conduct interesting experiments from time to time. Here are some of them.

1 . Scientists from Norway fed experimental volunteers ripe kiwi fruits for two weeks. As a result of this, it was found that this berry burns fats that compress the arteries, that is, kiwi can practically reduce the risk of blood clots.

2 . With the help of several volunteers with hypertension, scientists discovered that one or two kiwi berries per day can normalize (lower) blood pressure. Naturally, it will not be possible to relieve a hypertensive crisis with a bag of kiwi (although it is unlikely that such an experiment was carried out), but in a few weeks you can achieve stabilization of blood pressure.

3 . It has been experimentally proven that one kiwi berry, eaten after the main meal, will save you from heaviness in the stomach and heartburn.

Cosmetologists are not far behind, having found that this berry can strengthen, tone and... So you can safely make face masks from kiwi if you want to achieve similar effects.

Is it possible to lose weight with kiwi? Yes, you can if you replace a full lunch and dinner with a handful of kiwi. In this case, the weight will come off instantly, but do you need it?

It will be much healthier for the body to add 2-3 kiwi berries to your diet. At the same time, it is better to consume kiwi half an hour before meals. This amount should be just enough for breakfast, lunch and dinner. In addition, kiwi can be eaten after meals. If you have free access to these berries, feel free to lean on them.

As a result of such a diet, you will normalize your metabolism and get rid of toxins.

Is kiwi peel healthy?

This question sometimes arises among the most curious fruit fans who are not afraid of the hairiness of the berries. And for good reason, since the kiwi peel contains a much higher concentration of vitamins than the pulp. Although, in our realities, you need to be more careful with the peel, because it is not known how it is treated before storage. However, if you are completely confident in the purity of the kiwi berry, or you really want to get the maximum benefits from kiwi, wash the peel thoroughly and eat for health.

If you're bothered by the hairiness of the skin but want to consume it regularly, look for a smooth-skinned variety of kiwifruit called kivinyo.

Contraindications for consuming kiwi

Everything is simple and clear here:
  • Increased acidity.
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Diarrhea.
There should be no other problems with kiwi. On this optimistic note, we end our story about the beneficial properties of kiwi.

Exotic kiwi fruits, small, like plush, contain a lot of potassium (about 120 mg in a medium-sized fruit) and coarse plant fiber, as well as vitamins C, PP, E. But they have very few calories and fat.

When describing the taste of kiwi, they talk about the combination of strawberries, banana, melon and pineapple. Kiwis are eaten fresh, made into jam, made into jelly, added to salads, and served with meat. The high potassium content makes kiwis indispensable for high blood pressure. A few fruits eaten after a heavy lunch will help get rid of the feeling of heaviness in the stomach, heartburn and belching.

A kilogram of kiwi can easily be bought for 20 crowns (about 35 rubles). But only a kilogram, it won’t work out less, they are packaged. But it’s easy to buy, so what next?

It is believed that kiwi is quite ripe, and therefore tasty, if the fruit itself is a little soft. If the fruit is too soft to the touch, therefore, we can say that it is overripe.

It is better to place unripe kiwis (hard to the touch) on the table (but so that direct sunlight does not fall on them); you can also put them in a paper bag along with apples, bananas or pears, so they will ripen faster. Ripe fruits can be stored in the refrigerator for 1 to 2 weeks.

Eating methods

1. Cut into 2 halves and eat with a spoon. Only I didn’t have a refrigerator and it’s difficult to catch the very, very moment of ripeness, but only at this time is it really convenient to eat kiwi in this most common way.

If the kiwi is a little unripe and still tough, then scooping out the pulp from the peel with a spoon is inconvenient, it will definitely tear. In general, everything was done.

2. Can be peeled like potatoes. But at the same time I would have worked even harder than with the first method. There is a lot of juice, and it’s sweet and sticky to everything.

3. You can cut it into slices, as is sometimes done with an orange, but this is also not very convenient.

4. In general, a method was found that at first confused me a little and scares everyone I tell about it.

Can you eat kiwi with the skin on?(just cut off the “butts,” of course). Yes, she is hairy and dirty.

Do you eat peaches? They are also hairy. In fact, you can't feel it in your mouth at all.

Do you peel apples? If yes, then there are no questions. But if you don’t clean them, they don’t turn out much dirtier than kiwis.

But the peel contains more vitamins. 🙂

The first question that worries people who buy kiwi is whether it can be eaten with the peel. We are usually used to peeling fruits, but in the case of kiwi, this need not be done.

Its peel contains a large number of beneficial microelements and antioxidants. There are even more of them in the peel than in the pulp of the fruit. But before eating kiwi with its peel, you need to thoroughly rinse the fruit under running water.

If you have disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, the gastric mucosa is too sensitive, then you should refrain from eating the peel, limiting yourself to only the kiwi pulp.

You should not give kiwi to children under five years of age, as it can cause allergic reactions such as swelling of the tongue, irritation of the mucous membrane of the larynx and pharynx.

In what form can you eat kiwi?

There are four ways in total

Dried. As a rule, such kiwi is sold in the oriental sweets department.

Fresh. You can eat kiwi either separately or add it to a salad. However, this should be done last, otherwise they will quickly become lethargic.

Fresh kiwi is eaten like this:

  • like an apple, peeled;
  • peeling and cutting into slices;
  • cut into two halves and eat with a spoon;
  • Eat immediately with the peel.

As an additive to fruit or vegetable smoothies.

As a separate dish. Kiwi can be added as a paste to meat to add a piquant taste. You can also grate the kiwi and sprinkle it on top of the meat.

On sale you can find a special device for peeling kiwi, which has a knife on one side and a small spoon on the other.

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