
What types of revenge are there? Carefully! sophisticated ways of taking revenge on fired workers. Saddam Hussein took revenge on George Bush with a mosaic

It is unlikely that there are many adults in the world from whom loved ones have never left. Most abandoned people experience a breakup or betrayal hard, but with dignity. But some still begin to think about revenge.

Unfortunately, human imagination is limited, and truly original methods are quite rare. Women are more prone to minor and major self-harm, men are more prone to bloodbaths and publishing explicit photos on the Internet. It's boring, gentlemen!

Our rating contains only truly original cases. We have arranged them in order of increasing originality. We warn you that this list is in no way a recommendation! Only 2–3 of these cases can be considered acceptable. The originality of the others can only be compared with the idiocy of their authors. You definitely need to get away from such people - and the sooner the better!


Love affair at work

Due to the crisis, 22-year-old Muscovite Alina F. was forced to fire her subordinate, with whom she had been having an affair for a long time. Then Igor posted her explicit photos on lesbian websites. With the girl's contact information. The point of revenge was that Alina suffered from severe homophobia. And when she found out about Igor’s act, her mind became clouded. She was taken to a psychiatric hospital, where she went on a rampage, even biting a nurse’s nose...

AiF comment: Igor, of course, is a scoundrel. But what interesting characters we have who work as bosses and have the right to fire people...



20-year-old German Brigitte Thulmann from the city of Mainz was very offended by her boyfriend, who began to appear in the company of her peer Lisa Burgermeester. To prove to the young man that she was better than Lisa, Brigitte mixed depilatory cream into her rival’s shampoo...

Fortunately, the mixture turned out to be so poisonous that Lisa did not have time to apply it to her hair - she only received severe chemical burns on her hands. And Brigitte - six months in prison.

AiF comment: Many ladies are convinced that it is much easier to disfigure their rival than to work on themselves. The only question is what they can subsequently expect with such a criminal record.


In bed with the enemy

In Israel, as you know, almost everyone serves in the army, regardless of gender. The two girls began an affair during their military service, but then the lovers separated. Moreover, one of them changed her orientation to a slightly more traditional one and married a bus driver.

The second came up with a cunning plan for revenge. For several months in a row, she rode a bus driven by a homewrecker, and was able to seduce him. Then she told her “ex” about her husband’s infidelity. The couple were forced to divorce.

AiF comment: There is no smell of nobility here, but at least the adequacy can be seen: as they say, intimacy is knocked out with intimacy.


The rich cry too

Singer Justin Timberlake experienced a very painful breakup with Britney Spears. He struck back by writing the song Cry Me a River and filming a video for it, where the hero takes revenge on a vicious blonde, very similar to Spears.

AiF comment: Has Justin read Shakespeare? Well, a real Hamlet with his performance about poisoning! It turned out, however, not as tragic as it was petty.


Idiot Vendetta

An Italian man abandoned by his girlfriend took revenge on her for several years in a row. He sent her explicit photos via random e-mails (making 15 thousand people happy). He created a porn site with her photographs and posted the girl’s phone number there, indicating that she provides sex services. He was not too lazy to write several erotic computer games using her image. He constantly sent threatening SMS messages to the mobile phones of his ex-girlfriend and her mother.

The court assessed such devotion as 2 years and 4 months in prison.

AiF comment: A banal idea, but what touching persistence! Let's hope that behind bars he will find a new object for his admiration.


Big grub

A resident of Nizhny Novgorod, 31-year-old Ivan Volokov, tore her passport into pieces during a quarrel with his ex-wife and then ate them all.The fact is that the couple just got divorced, butcontinued to live in the same apartment. Ivan considered his wife’s passport the only document confirming her right to living space. He didn't think about the house book.

AiF comment: It would be better if he ate his passport, and before the registry office. The housing problem has spoiled Nizhny Novgorod residents...


watch out for the car

The Taiwanese man, abandoned by his lady, could not think of anything smarter than to waylay the woman on the street, hit her with a car and drive away. Since the speed was low and the woman did not get run over, there were no tragic consequences. And the offended driver was easily identified thanks to surveillance cameras, one of which captured the moment of impact in all its glory:

AiF comment: Make a fool fall in love with a girl - he will hurt her


Damn cell phone

The wife fled from a resident of Vladikavkaz to Italy, taking with her their common child. To annoy her, the man sent an SMS to a random Roman phone, in which he reported that a terrorist attack was being prepared on the Milan-Turin train. The hot Ossetian called his own wife a terrorist.

Since the SMS was sent from the Russian’s personal phone, finding it through Interpol turned out to be a matter of minutes.

AiF comment: Despair, combined with stupidity, is capable of enchanting acts. It is no wonder that the woman did not dare to seek refuge in Russia.


Enemy of the state

This case remains unsolved, but I think it can be attributed to our category. Throughout the city of Kineshma (Ivanovo region), someone hung a piece of paper with a photo of a guy and the inscription: “Remember this face! This man is incapable of anything other than ruining other people’s lives.”

AiF comment: It is unknown what the young man did, but the warning could have been formulated more competently.


Big Wash

After her divorce from Brad Pitt, Jennifer Aniston gathered all his remaining belongings into a bundle and took them to a charity. The actress was spotted throwing bags of Pitt's clothes outside a second-hand store. When one of the saleswomen realized that it was a famous actress, she rushed to look at the bags she had left behind. But it was too late, because the store worker had already thrown Pete's clothes into the basket, where they were mixed with many other things.

AiF comment: Bravo, Jennifer! Both generous and stylish.


Ordinary fascism

Olga Abramovich, a 49-year-old Russian Orthodox resident of Brooklyn (USA), was abandoned by her Jewish husband for the sake of a young Jewish woman. On this basis, the respectable lady developed pathological anti-Semitism. She painted 13 objects in Brooklyn and 3 in Queens with fascist symbols. Several synagogues, a bank building, a doctor's office, a funeral home, cars and two Jewish communal centers were damaged. They figured out the “artist” when, next to one of the swastikas, they found an inscription recommending Mr. Abramovich to take Viagra.

During the investigation, it turned out that Olga, who confessed everything, suffered from a mental disorder.

AiF comment: That case when there were simply no good solutions - it’s impossible to live with a crazy woman, and it’s ugly to leave her...


Fight club

27-year-old Portland resident Donald Earl Fite III (Oregon, USA) showed up to his ex-girlfriend Sarah in her absence and lay in her bed. To the reasonable question of the returning girl what he was doing here, Donald replied that he wanted to make peace. Sarah tried to run away, but the lover caught her and pulled her away by the hair. Nevertheless, the owner still broke out, ran out of the house and returned with the police.

A terrible picture appeared before the police: a purple fighting fish, Sarah’s favorite, was lying on the floor, pierced with a knife. For this military feat, Donald later received two years probation plus community service.

In the past, the principle of “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth” was an integral part of many cultures. But even today there are people who have become famous thanks to unusual methods of revenge.

From offensive structures placed in plain sight of hated neighbors to less amusing methods like poisoning and murder, we'll show you a dozen unexpected ways to get revenge on your rivals.

Egypt took revenge on the US by building a 187-meter tower

We are talking about the Cairo TV Tower, which rises 187 meters above Egypt. It symbolizes the giant middle finger that Egypt is supposedly showing to the United States of America. The tower was built during the reign of President Gamaley Abdel Nasser. The reason for this kind of revenge was the political scandal between Egypt and the United States. The Americans tried to bribe the Egyptian president. The bribe offended the feelings of Gamaley Abdel Nasser so deeply that he decided to spend the money on the construction of a huge television tower.

The scandal happened in 1952. Nasser had just overthrown King Farouk when CIA agent Kermit Roosevelt visited him. The newly elected president of Egypt received a million dollars in exchange for the wish that Egyptians use the services of US banks and buy American weapons, not British ones. A CIA agent promised Nasser even more money if his security service bought American equipment.

The Egyptian guarantor was outraged by the “dirty policies” of the United States and decided to get even, as they say, in a presidential manner. The ill-fated million dollars went towards the construction of the Cairo TV Tower. The famous construction, which cost six million dollars, was completed in 1961. The second name of the TV tower is el-Waf Rusfel, which translates as “built by Roosevelt.”

The Cairo Tower is often the subject of various disputes. Thus, in the 1990s, several Islamic scholars stated that the shape of the architectural object resembles a giant penis. Which is unacceptable because it corrupts Egyptian women. In a way they are right, because a giant penis on the coast will excite anyone.

Saddam Hussein took revenge on George Bush with a mosaic

Let us recall that the Iraqi army was defeated in the confrontation that became known as the First Gulf War in 1991. The head of Iraq, Saddam Hussein, suffered the losses extremely painfully. But he found a way to take it out on the hated George Bush. Saddam Hussein ordered the foyer of his Al-Rashid Hotel to be decorated with a mosaic depicting the American president.

It was a famous hotel where foreigners, journalists, politicians, and diplomats stayed. The decor is arranged in such a way that it is impossible to enter the hotel without walking through a portrait of George W. Bush. And this was done by every American who checked into the best hotel in Iraq.

In the West, Saddam Hussein's antics were treated with humor. The same cannot be said about the Middle East. There, this is considered the greatest humiliation. In Eastern culture, it is impossible to think of an insult worse than stepping on a person’s face or image. But in 2003, the Americans invaded Iraq and destroyed the mosaic along with the hotel.

He took revenge on his competitor, killing 38 restaurant visitors

In the Chinese city of Tanshan, Jiangsu province, a tragedy claimed the lives of 38 people who came to dine at the Rivai`s restaurant in the fall of 2002. The fierce competition drove Chen Zhengling to despair. He decided to ruin his competitor's reputation by seasoning his restaurant's dishes with rat poison sauce. The cook's revenge killed 38 people, and another 200 ended up in hospital beds in critical condition.

Among the victims were many schoolchildren and military personnel. As soon as the unfortunate people tried some dishes, they fell dead to the floor. Some began bleeding from their eyes, nose, and mouth. The unlucky “avenger” went on the run. He was later arrested.

Chen Zhengling explained that he did not expect such dire consequences from his trick. According to his calculations, visitors to a competing establishment should have had an upset stomach. The Chinese paid for his thoughtless revenge with his own life. The court sentenced Chen Zhenglin to death.

The name of the senator, an opponent of sexual minorities, has turned into a piquant neologism

The American lesbian and homosexual community (hereinafter referred to as LGBT) took brutal revenge on a US senator named Rick Santorum. The political career of a Republican who was aiming for president collapsed after making categorical statements about sexual minorities. At the same time, he compared anal sex with bestiality.

It is not known what the four-legged friends did to the politician, but members of the community took revenge very cruelly. Community columnist Dan Savage called on readers to come up with a new meaning for Senator Santorum's name. Of the many options, the winning meaning was the one that would denote the specific discharge that accompanies anal sex.

Dan Savage created the Santorum website, which very quickly broke into the top Google results. From that moment on, the world was faced with “Senator Rick Santorum’s Google problem.” The search engine returned Savage's racy website to users every time users searched for "Santorum."

The resource quickly broke into the top, overtaking the official website of the politician. This created a lot of problems during the 2012 presidential election when Rick Santorum was running for president. Most often, the politician’s website was not displayed at all in the search engine, since all the pages were filled with links to a piquant resource and related platforms.

The Republican filed a complaint with Google. The search engine was reconfigured, removing Savage's site from the search. However, this did not eradicate the Rick Santorum problem. Now in the first place was a page explaining the meaning of the neologism “Santorum”. Soon the politician’s online platform dropped to third place, losing primacy to Savage’s website.

Middle finger statue for ex-wife

Alan Markowitz took a long time to recover from his difficult divorce from Leah Tuohy in 2012. The owner of a Michigan strip club found an original way to get back at his ex-wife by becoming her neighbor. First of all, he installed an original statue in front of the bedroom window of his hated wife. This three-meter masterpiece depicts a raised middle finger.

At the same time, the sculpture is designed so as not to offend the feelings of other neighbors. Thanks to the spectacular lighting, the middle finger is perfectly visible at any time of the day, but only to the cheating ex-wife.

Alan Markowitz later explained that the revenge was not addressed to the ex-wife, but to her boyfriend, with whom she cuckolded him during her marriage. The idea to win back appeared spontaneously at the moment when he learned about the sale of a house next door to his ex-wife’s place of residence.

Murder Hoax: Revenge in a Love Triangle

The strange story began with a heartbreaking letter that 37-year-old Kari Farver sent to her mother Nancy Raney in early November 2012. The girl said that she risks ending up in a mental hospital due to a breakup with her boyfriend. Three days later, Kari sent a message to her employer saying she was moving from Iowa to Kansas.

A few months later, the girl opened a new Facebook account because the previous one was allegedly hacked. There she happily announced her engagement to Dave. Nancy Raney noticed her daughter's strange behavior and reported a missing person to the police. It took police four years to establish the fact of Kari Farver's death.

The girl died at the hands of 47-year-old rival Shanna Golyar, who was in love with her boyfriend Dave. Publications on social networks and text messages were part of a sophisticated hoax plan.

The killer imitated the victim's actions to hide the crime. She created a new Facebook account with her own hands. And in order to divert suspicion from herself, she created a fake correspondence with Farver. When the investigation began, she invented a non-existent woman who was raising Dave's child and wanted Golyar dead.

Lamborghini opened sports car production to spite Ferrari

The famous Lamborghini line of sports cars was born out of a feud between Ferruccio Lamborghini and Enzo Ferrari in the 1950s. Enzo Ferrari's sports cars were very mediocre modifications of the racing model. Despite this, Ferraris drove around the city roads with might and main.

Ferruccio Lamborghini, a big sports car fan and tractor manufacturer, purchased a modified Ferrari. The purchase made him very upset. The car had a bad interior. In addition, it required frequent maintenance. Most often it was necessary to change the unreliable clutch, which greatly annoyed the owners.

Ferruccio Lamborghini told the manufacturer about the design flaws. To which Enzo Ferrari very arrogantly replied that a sports car is no match for a tractor. The Italians quarreled and went their separate ways. Lamborghini decided to take revenge by modifying the unsuccessful car. As a result, he opened a car plant next to the Ferrari plant and began producing racing cars.

Chinese authorities took revenge on an intractable homeowner by building a highway around his building

The rapid development of the Celestial Empire would have been impossible without new roads. But private plots have become a serious obstacle. The Chinese government developed a strategy whereby homeowners received monetary compensation for the plots. Some owners refused to move, considering the amount insufficient.

It's serious. Such homeowners began to be called “dingzihu”, and their homes were called “splinters” or “nails”. Each such incident symbolizes disobedience to the authorities of the Middle Kingdom. Sometimes the government persisted and continued construction of the road.

In 2012, a sad story happened. Despite the intractability of the 67-year-old owner of the five-story house, Luo Bojen, the authorities built the highway. The highway literally “captured” the housing of an elderly Chinese man. Photos of the house standing in the middle of the highway quickly went viral. As a result, the owner could not resist, selling the house to the authorities for 260 thousand yuan. The house was immediately demolished and the area was covered with asphalt.

A man surrounded his neighbor's house with a 12-meter wall

In San Francisco, Nicholas Young built an inconspicuous cottage on Nob Hill in 1855. And 15 years later, moneybags chose the hill because of the beautiful view of the city. Buying up the lots of their less wealthy neighbors, they quickly filled Nob Hill with elaborate buildings.

Among the rich people who chose the hill was railroad magnate Charles Crocker. He bought plots of land next to Jung's house. Naturally, Crocker wanted to buy out the plot of his poor neighbor. But he stubbornly refused. The tycoon did not accept refusal and was ready to fight to the end. He might not have amassed a multimillion-dollar fortune if he didn't know how to play dirty.

Charles Crocker ordered construction workers to level the site with dynamite, aiming the fragments towards the stubborn neighbor. Jung continued to persist. In retaliation, the tycoon ordered the construction of a 12-meter fence around the neighbor's property. Very quickly, the high fence, which was called the “Crocker’s Anger Fence,” began to attract tourists.

Charles Crocker was known for making millions by hiring cheap labor. The Central Pacific Railroad's workforce was predominantly Chinese. The economic depression has fueled anti-Chinese sentiment. American workers blamed the Chinese for unemployment. The California Workers' Party proclaimed the slogan: "The Chinese must leave."

The 12-meter fence symbolized the evil of capitalism. There were many workers in the party who joined because of Crocker's fence. Almost all the rallies took place near Jung's house. The protesters threatened many times to tear down the hated fence. But things didn’t go beyond words. In 1906, Young relented, selling the site to Crocker. After this, the tycoon demolished the fence. The purchase did not bring him luck. . The fire destroyed most of the rich estate. Now the Cathedral is located there.

Middle finger statue for city officials

Local officials can also be a source of great stress, causing a burning desire for revenge. The town of Westford, Vermont, received a middle finger statue in 2018. Ted Pelkey ​​spent a very long time and unsuccessfully seeking permission to build a garage on his own land. A spacious garage (743 sq.m.) was required for business.

Officials rejected the local resident's request, deeming it not to meet "local standards." Ted Pelkey ​​himself claims that one of the officials previously had problems with him. Therefore, officials are more likely to be guided by personal motives than by “city standards.”

Ted Pelkey ​​was not taken aback and decided to take revenge on the authorities by spending four thousand dollars on a statue of the middle finger. The masterpiece rises above the city on a five-meter pedestal. This makes the statue highly visible in different areas of Westford. The authorities cannot demolish the sculpture because it is classified as a work of public art.

As the Klingons said, “revenge is a dish best served cold.” If someone has done something that annoys you, is so heinous, so downright upsetting that you have no choice but to get revenge, it can be difficult to know where to start. You can take revenge on a person passively by ignoring him and pretending as if nothing happened. Most often, this is the most acceptable option, and it also allows you to avoid immersing yourself in negative experiences. On the other hand, you can actively take revenge by taking legal action (if, of course, this is justified), undermining the person’s attempts to hurt you or pranking the offender (the prank should be harmless, but causing embarrassment). Think carefully about whether revenge is really what you want, and if so, be careful and don't lose your mind.


Part 1

Passive revenge

    Ignore the person. Sometimes just sitting and doing nothing is the best way to respond to a bully or tormentor who wants to hurt you. Because of the backlash of throwing insults at the person and spraying your anger, he continues to gain the upper hand and prove that you are getting what you deserve. If you cut someone out of your life and ignore them, they will become dead to you. It all ends and you can forget about the offender.

    • Being ignored can be just as frustrating, if not more so, than being taken advantage of. This technique works especially well with people who try to embarrass you in front of others, such as siblings, bullies at school, or co-workers who make fun of you.
  1. Live your life."The best revenge is to live well." Act as if everything that happened that caused your revenge had no effect on you. Put up a barrier and continue to live as always. Even if you are in a stupor because someone hurt you, hold your head high and don't let the offender see how hurt you are. The sweetest revenge is to continue to live and live better than the person who hurt you.

    Don't help a person when he needs it. This works especially well in a production environment or any situation where you are constantly criticized for your honest attempts to help or get your job done. Let them work on their own and know what it’s like to do without you. They will realize that they were wrong.

    • If you're working on a team project at school and everyone is laughing at your efforts, step away and work on your own. When the deadline comes, let the teacher know that your group has decided not to support you.
    • If one of your siblings, roommates, or your partner criticizes some of your efforts around the house, stop doing the laundry or doing the dishes—let them do the work themselves.

Part 3

Time to get your hands dirty
  1. Make the decision to stoop to the level of the offender. Playing dirty isn't always wise, but sometimes the opportunity is too good to ignore. Make sure that the prank or scheme you are planning will only cause irritation at worst, and never stoop to illegal or potentially physically dangerous tactics. Be an adult, even if you act like a child.

    • Remember that getting caught up in a tit-for-tat fight with someone can end up costing you more energy than forgetting the incident and moving on. You'll have to play someone else's game and risk retaliation in return. Forewarned is forearmed.
  2. Send anonymous letters, phone calls, or messages. If a person has to endure a deluge of annoying phone calls asking him to listen to difficult emotional problems, as if he were a mental health hotline (or something worse), he will be so annoyed that he will change his phone number or email address.

    • Post the abuser's contact information in public places, maybe even making funny posters and hanging them in different places like public restrooms, bars and other disreputable places. A person will have a hard time when he receives calls from various eccentrics.
  3. Leave the offender a disgusting gift. Shrimp and other seafood, when they begin to spoil, emit a terrible smell that can only be described as the smell of Satan's flatulence. Hide a frozen shrimp in the offender's desk, cabinet, or under the veranda of the house, and it will be like a stink bomb in a couple of days. The person will be surprised to the point of nausea, and this may even attract forest dwellers and dogs looking for food.

    Insult someone in public. Order offensive materials and mail them to your victim at a compromising time of day. Order the latest dirty videos or a VHS box of DVDs about the fundamentals of the universe and send them to the office, making sure that they will be delivered to the person at work during a meeting or other important event. Don't write a specific office to make sure the delivery person asks around the entire office building before finding the person.

    Scare the offender. Send him something nice, like flowers, but supposedly from someone disgusting or disreputable. Place your order anonymously and pay in cash, so that the offender, upon receiving flowers with a note like: “Your yard is really comfortable to sleep in,” or something else creepy, will be horrified.

    • Being sinister is acceptable, just don't go overboard. You don't actually have to sleep in a person's yard or do anything illegal.
    • You could write "Lucifer Rising" in lipstick on his windshield, or make gothic designs out of rocks on his porch. Make a super creepy voodoo doll with your abuser's face on it and leave it in their mailbox. Look how sleepy he will be at work the next day from nightmares.
  4. Know the line between stalking and pranking. Be smart if you are going to get back at someone with a joke. Harassment includes unwanted epithets, slurs and other intimidating tactics and is illegal. Don't go too far.

  • You have to stand up for yourself, and don't be afraid to experiment.
  • If you plan to take revenge in stages rather than all at once, set a trap and stay away, never appear at the scene of the “accident” too often, otherwise suspicions will arise.
  • Hold your head high, don't look back at the offender and act as if you are better than him.
  • The enemy of your enemy can be your friend. Involve some people for revenge purposes.
  • If you're going to do more than one thing, stretch out the fun. You can do one small trick every two weeks or one big one every month. This way, the offender will not know from what angle to expect a trick.
  • Make friends with the enemy's friends so that you can defeat him from within.
  • Insult the offender!
  • Stooping to the bully's level is not a good idea unless he is constantly bothering you.
  • Don't hurt your enemy. Just ignore him.
  • Revenge should ALWAYS be a last resort. Try to resolve the issue differently before taking revenge!

“An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a fracture for a fracture, the one who kills a person must be put to death.” These rules are several thousand years old, and, despite their destructiveness, they continue to operate to this day. Revenge is a dish that is served cold. But this does not always happen, and sometimes the offender himself becomes a dish.

Davey Maurice. Evolution of wars
Danilevsky I. N. The Tale of Bygone Years: hermeneutical foundations for the study of chronicle texts.

One major military feudal lord attacked the court shogun for insults and bullying towards him. For this he was sentenced to suicide. The samurai, who had lost their master, decided to take revenge on the courtier, despite the death penalty threatened for this.

To lull the official's vigilance, they dispersed to different cities, becoming merchants and monks. Chief adviser Oishi Kuranosuke even divorced his wife and began to lead a riotous lifestyle with a young concubine. The shogun's courtier quickly calmed down and believed that his life was not in danger.

The samurai hatched a plan of retribution for two years

In fact, at this time the samurai gained the trust of his household. One of them even married the daughter of the builder of his estate in order to get the building plan. One day the samurai gathered together again and swore an oath of vengeance. They killed the guards and suggested that the court official commit suicide, but he could not and Oishi beheaded him.

46 of them were sentenced to death, but given that they followed Bushido, they were allowed to commit hara-kiri. The youngest of them was pardoned by the shogun and after his death was buried in the same monastery as his comrades and master.

After the war, 50 Jews decided to create a secret organization, Nokmim, whose goal was to take revenge on the German nation for the Holocaust.

They posed as British military police. They had access to intelligence data, official transport and moved freely throughout post-war Europe. They took the suspects out, supposedly for interrogation, and shot them in the forest. Sometimes setting up a murder as a suicide.

50 Jews tried to take revenge on 6,000,000 Germans

They planned to poison the water supply in major German cities and thereby kill up to 6 million Germans. But the plan fell through. Probably those Jews who synthesized the poison reported this to British intelligence. But the group managed to poison more than 2,000 German prisoners of war with arsenic buns. The group operated until the mid-1950s and killed between 100 and 400 people.

The tribes of Central and West Africa were so vengeful that they even took revenge on the evil spirits that caused the death of a person. At funerals, the wars of this tribe engaged in battle with an invisible enemy. Revenge for death was considered obligatory, if not for the murderer, then for his relative, if not for a relative, then for a member of the clan, and if not for a member of the clan, then for the murderer’s fellow tribesman. Those who took it out on, in turn, also begin to take revenge. Murder was considered by the tribes as an insult and the right of revenge was inherited.

In Africa, blood feuds turned into long intertribal wars

During a blood feud, none of the warring families had the right to sit at the same table, otherwise they would be killed by relatives on the same day. If a murderer managed to kidnap a son, he was killed only when he reached the age of the murdered person.

The Korowai tribe of Papua New Guinea believe that there are witches, whom they call "khahua". They have a human appearance and live among people. While a person sleeps, they eat his insides and replace them with ashes, and then pierce his heart with a magic arrow.

Instead of being stabbed with an aspen stake, supernatural creatures in Papua New Guinea are simply eaten

It is believed that the victim of a hakhua experiences a vision before death. In him the victim sees a person who is a hakhua. The victim shares this vision with his fellow tribesmen. After the victim's death, the person's fellow tribesmen kill and eat him. In this way, the essence of the Khakhua is destroyed and the tribe is protected.

Everyone knows Olga's legendary revenge on the Drevlyans. When she first buries them in her yard, then burns them in a bathhouse, kills them for the third time after the funeral feast, and the fourth time, she sends sparrows and doves to set fire to the city. This legend is found in the annals of the Franks, in Scandinavian legends about King Hadding and the story of the capture of a certain Sicilian town by Harold Surov.

Princess Olga could not take revenge for the murder of her husband by sparrows and pigeons

Most likely, the legend is a reference to an episode from the biblical Book of Judges: “And Samson went and caught three hundred foxes, and took torches, and tied tail to tail, and tied a torch between the two tails; and he lit torches, and sent them into the Philistine harvest, and burned the heaps, and the unharvested grain, and the vineyards, and the olive trees.” Tying foxes with their tails to torches and making them set the city on fire is just as impossible as birds with tinder attached.

Intelligent people use this type of retribution as a tool. How to take revenge on a person? I used to dream about adding blue dye to the school principal's shampoo. I thought this was the best way for me to get back at her. Because she didn’t allow me to move to another class with my friend. Of course, it was pure fantasy and it was childish to think about it, but it made me feel better and stronger.

How to take revenge on a person?

By thinking about revenge and how to get back at someone, you stimulate an area of ​​the brain that becomes active when you expect pleasure or some kind of reward, such as sex, receiving money, or eating a tasty dish. Research shows that while most people believe that revenge will make them feel better, the opposite is true.

In one experiment, participants were divided into punishers,who could take revenge, who “killed” them twice during the game, and non-punishers whocould only think about taking revenge on those who “killed” them twice. Both punishers and non-punishers rated their feelings immediately after the game, as well as 10 minutes later. The punishers felt worse than non-punishers , despite the fact that they received the opportunity to take revenge. And the punishers continued to feel worse at the 10-minute time point. In some cases, the punishers remained so distracted by their feelings that they could not concentrate on the next game.


10 intelligent ways to get revenge or How to take revenge on a person.

She can't make you feel better, but sometimes it's necessary. There will be times in life when you must stick to what is right and stop people from trying to take advantage of you. When these people go too far, you will have to reconsider your boundaries. No one else will do it for you.

Author and psychologist Professor Michael McCullough explains that revenge serves an evolutionary purpose. Thanks to her, you make the other person lessprofitable,” which helps them avoid hurting you and others in the future.

The main thing is to take revenge wisely, without distracting too much from your overall goal in life.

Here are 10 smart ways to get revenge:

  1. Take revenge through work.

How to take revenge on a person? Bestthe way to get revenge is to remain highly rational. Don't let your emotions dictate your actions. And don't take personal revenge. Getting emotional and personal will distract you and make you do things that will make you feel bad later. Instead, do it professionally.

Act as if getting revenge is just a business decision. Someone has influenced the cost-benefit ratio of your life, and now you need to move the chess piece so that they can no longer take it from you in the future. The best way to do this is to pay attention to their behavior. But again, beprofessional.

How to take revenge on a person or company? Write a review about them online. Use them as examples in a professional article, book, or speech. Create a URL with their name and use it to report your sneaky activities. Just make sure you're honest and that it's truly worth the effort.

  1. Transparency.

Most people hate conflict. But at the same time, most people have hidden aggressive desires. So these people have learned to go underground and attack others passively.

There are always those in life who will talk about you behind your back, promise support that never comes, or get others to attack you on their behalf. How to take revenge on a person? The best revenge against these passive aggressive actions is transparency.

Don't try to hide the conflict you are involved in. Show it off instead. Talk about your shortcomings and your conflicting feelings. Use what you have gathered to teach others. This kind of vulnerability doesn't go away easily. It takes practice. The more you practice transparency and authenticity, the better you position yourself against others who want to attack you.

In any battle, the person who can be the most vulnerable without losing his position wins.

  1. Grow your network.

When you are under attack, especially by someone nearby, one of your first instincts is to isolate yourself. You will feel overwhelmed and unsure of who you can trust. You will begin to raise walls around you. It's always a mistake.

Isolating yourself after an attack simply opens you up to further attacks. The best strategy is to move directly into the forces coming against you. Walk into the obstacle, not around it.

Instead of turning away from people, open yourself up. Talk to friends and family and make new friends. Create your network. The more connections you have, the more connections you have. Tautology - but it is true. And communication is the most important component of winning any battle.

  1. Switch your attention.

The worst thing is that they can get into your head and take over your focus. And once they are in your head, fighting them is like fighting yourself.

The best way to get someone out of their head is to redirect their focus. Whatever the case, you think about how they hurt you and they think about how you could respond. So the best option is to move your focus to another object.

  1. Take advantage of them.

Imagine that someone is blatantly taking advantage of you, and you reach out to them to give them a gift, or a job, or to ask for advice. Who will be strong in this scenario? Who will become weak?

Doing something nice for someone who offends you is not a sign of weakness, it is a sign of intelligence. Turning the other cheek dissipates the power of other people. This sharpens the contrast between you and them, emphasizing their negative actions against your positive response. It also has a stunning effect that gives you a deep look into how these people think and what they really want.

  1. Create a void.

When someone attacks you, your first reaction will be to follow up on them and figure out what's wrong. You will want to seek justice, hold a mirror up to their face and show them why they are wrong. It's a waste of time.

No one will think they are wrong, at least not right away. By reacting to attacks, you add energy to the situation. You also reveal your position. The best strategy is to sit back and control yourself and let them talk. This is especially effective when someone is attacking you online. Don't show any signs of weakness or distress. Instead, slowly remove yourself from the situation. Then wait to see how others react. Create a void and see what fills it. This will give you perspective and help you understand how to best use this situation to your advantage.

  1. Create fog.

Start seeing people who are going against you. At least now you know where they are. And once you know where they are, you can start directing your next steps.

There are many people in life who will want to keep you from getting what you want.They won't keep you around because they want what you want., but because your growth emphasizes their inaction. When you come across such people, just pay attention to who they are and don't tell them anything personal in the future. Without knowing who you really are and what you really want, these people won't know how to keep you.

  1. Get the form.

People who work out 2-3 times a week are more emotionally intelligent, make better decisions, and maintain more balanced hormone levels. Plus, if you look great and feel great, who cares what else happens to you?

Your health is worth more than all the money or power in the world, which is why maintaining it is such a great way to get revenge. It replaces everything in life, but is often taken for granted. So, when you stay fit, you stand out from those who fade away.

  1. Start a business.

Doing something for yourself is the best revenge.

Sometimes it can feel like the whole world is trying to hold you back. But this is just an illusion. In reality, very few people are concerned about you. Everyone is too busy trying to improve their lives, and rightfully so. A good way to get back into a world that will support you is to build something of your own.

Study art. Show initiative. Start a business, form a partnership, or start a non-profit. Don't overdo it, just start a business and see where it takes you.

  1. Include it in the WHY question.

The desire to take revenge and how to take revenge on a person is a powerful, motivating force. This nagging feeling occurs when someone treats you poorly.

Study after study shows that revenge, once done, is not sweet. So use this to your advantage. Turn your desire for revenge on those who wronged you into a question“ WHY?". The answer will show how obvious the benefits of revenge are to you.

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