
Moscow legal institutes: list, ratings, faculties and student reviews. First Moscow Law Institute. What subjects do you need to take to become a lawyer Law Faculty budget places

In order for students to better understand and quickly remember new information, the faculty has improved its material and technical base - installed multimedia equipment in the classrooms, and expanded the collection of legal books and magazines. Attention is also paid to developing practical skills among students. The legal assistance center serves to realize this goal. It is considered a structural division of Bryansk State University. At the center, students begin their practical activities. Here they provide free legal services to needy citizens of the city, provide consultations, help in drawing up documents, and provide representation in court in civil cases. Student life The Faculty of Law of BSU (Bryansk) aims not only to train students in their future profession. The structural unit is still striving to develop them as individuals.

What subjects do you need to take to become a lawyer?

The average passing scores for universities are 65-70, but in some prestigious universities they can reach up to 80.


How to get to the Institute of International Relations How many points do you need to enter MGIMO? Are there any additional opportunities for those who want to get into this elite educational institution?

For many years, there has been a special Humanities Olympiad offered to Russian high school students.

The incentive to participate in this event is the chance for budget-funded admission to the university.

Children who reach the finals of this prestigious humanitarian event automatically become students of one of the faculties.

The average passing score for the budget at MGIMO is quite high; it depends on the field of study and ranges from 90-92.

Law schools: universities, institutes, academies

At BSU, the Faculty of Law also offers a master's degree.

It offers applicants the choice of the following programs: “History and Theory of State and Law”, “Criminal Procedure and Criminal Law”, “Corporate and Civil Law”.


The duration of master's studies is 2 years and 5 months.

Admission rules The Faculty of Law accepts only those persons who have a secondary general or vocational education.

Applicants who came to the university after graduating from school are enrolled taking into account the results of the Unified State Exam.

Required subjects: social studies, history, Russian language.

People with professional education have the right not to take the Unified State Exam.
For them, the university conducts entrance examinations in the subjects listed above.

The form of examinations for persons with professional education is testing.

Low GPA: is it all over or is there a chance of admission?

It is impossible to calculate this indicator in advance. It is determined at the end of the admissions campaign after passing the entrance examinations. It is worth familiarizing yourself with the passing scores of previous years, because they can serve as motivation for intensive preparation.
So, let’s look at what the passing score was in 2016 at BSU (Faculty of Law).

  1. The list of students admitted to budget places included 8 people.

    The highest score was 286 points. The passing score was 244.

  2. On August 3, 44 people were enrolled on a paid-contractual basis.
    The highest score was 233 and the passing score was 153.

Increasing the chances of admission Every applicant would like to get into the budget department, but this, unfortunately, is impossible.
There are very few free places at the Faculty of Law.
10 places are allocated annually.

Law universities in Moscow: places and passing scores

It is not at all easy for law school graduates to get a job in their specialty; despite this, this education has remained one of the most in demand and prestigious for many years.

And the weighted average Unified State Examination score in the “Jurisprudence” direction invariably remains in the lead – 80.4 points.

Well, demand creates supply, so today you can get a higher legal education in Moscow at almost 100 universities.

How many points do you need to enter the university? passing scores for universities

To increase their chances of admission, university staff recommend that applicants enroll in preparatory courses at Bryansk State University.

Classes for applicants are held in several educational subjects - Russian language, mathematics, social studies, English, history, chemistry and biology. An applicant can choose any discipline necessary for him, which he is going to take in the form of the Unified State Exam.

Preparatory courses are also held for people planning to take entrance examinations at universities.

They cover the main topics and apply test preparation methods. Education at the Faculty At BSU, the Faculty of Law strives to provide quality education to its students.

That is why special attention is paid to the theoretical development of the material.

BSU, Faculty of Law: passing grade, which subjects to take?

In this case, the training will be much less, and after receiving a college diploma, you will be able to apply for admission to a university.

And while studying in college, you will be able to improve your grades.

In addition, at the time of graduation, you will already have a professional diploma, which guarantees that you will be awarded at least some specialty and diploma. A low average score on the certificate can be corrected if you continue your studies until grade 11. Remember that not all of us need to get a “nosebleed” higher education.

Most of us will not need diplomas at all in life.

I want to be a lawyer: which law school should I go to?

For each subsequent 10 points “shortfall”, you will have to pay another 10% of the tuition fee.

The best of the best: Moscow State University.

M.V. Lomonosov and the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation In order to become a student in the budget department of the law faculty of these prestigious Moscow universities, in 2011 applicants had to score at least 342 points out of a possible 400. The passing score for the Higher School of State Audit of Moscow State University, where studies in the field of “Jurisprudence” are also conducted, was even higher - 361 out of 400 possible, which became an absolute record for 2011.

Those who do not qualify for admission to these law universities in Moscow will have to spend a lot of money.

The cost of studying at the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University is 265 thousand.

rubles per year (full-time education) and 200 thousand rubles per year (full-time and part-time education).

The legal profession is about questioning everything, disagreeing with nothing, and talking endlessly.

T. Jefferson

The profession of a lawyer has been popular and in demand at all times and in all countries. In recent decades, the profession in Russia has become prestigious and highly paid: a mid-level lawyer earns 2 times more than the average Russian specialist from other industries. Outstanding celebrity lawyers have exorbitant fees, but such professionals are few in number.

To become a really good lawyer, you need to choose the right university, study hard, and even after graduation, constantly improve in law. Laws and rules for their application are constantly changing, so you need to stay up to date with innovations.

Due to the popularity of the profession, law faculties were opened in almost all universities in the 90s - economic, pedagogical, technical and even agricultural. At first, the quality of teaching was low. But gradually the educational process became of higher quality. So, with some effort from a student, he can become a good lawyer by graduating from the law faculty of a non-core university. Another thing is that employers choose lawyers either with extensive work experience or who have graduated from a serious state specialized university. A lawyer’s salary also depends on this.

Law schools in Moscow are considered the most prestigious universities. But it is precisely this advantage that is also a disadvantage during admission. In specialized legal institutes, universities, and academies there is traditionally a huge competition and a high passing score. But the universality of education allows you to find a job in any industry. While, for example, a lawyer who graduated from the Faculty of Law of the Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after. Gubkina, despite her high-quality education, will only be able to work in the oil and gas industry. It is easier to enroll in non-state universities, it is cheaper to study, and the quality of education has been at a high level in recent years. The only negative is the lack of prestige of the diploma.

In addition to law schools in Russia, you can also get an excellent education in foreign universities in the field of international relations and law. But here you will need knowledge of English at the level of a language university.

Rating of the best law universities in Russia remains unchanged for many years. Personnel officers from prosperous Russian companies took part in compiling this rating, assigning points to graduates of various law schools. As a result, the following universities were recognized as the best universities:

  • Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov;
  • Higher School of Economics HSE;
  • MGIMO;
  • St. Petersburg State University;
  • Tomsk State University named after V.V. Kuibysheva.

If you don’t understand what you’re reading even after the fifth time, it means it was written by a lawyer.

Will Rogers

Among non-state universities accredited by the state, the leaders in legal education are:

  • Kazan Academy of Management "TISBI";
  • Krasnodar Institute of Economics, Law and Natural Sciences;
  • Moscow Financial and Legal Academy;
  • Taganrog Institute of Management and Economics.

In recent years, the Russian economy has been successfully transitioning from the raw materials sector to the production of intellectual products, so there is an urgent need for specialists in the field of legal support for information protection, intellectual property rights and legal support for innovative entrepreneurship.

The legal profession is not only prestigious, but also requires a high intellectual level. After all, in addition to knowledge of legislation, knowledge of rhetoric, psychology, and logic is necessary. A presentable appearance, the ability to analyze and persuade are very important.

Thanks to legal education, many of the country's top leaders were able to make a brilliant career: Vladimir Lenin (Ulyanov), Dmitry Medvedev, Mikhail Gorbachev, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Ruslan Khasbulatov and many others. In foreign countries, the same trend: most US presidents were lawyers by training - John Adams, Thomas Jefferson Andrew Jackson, Lyndon Johnson, John Tyler, Woodrow Wilson, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, etc. In Cuba - Fidel Castro, in Great Britain - the Prime Minister -Minister Tony Blair and his predecessors. The General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China is Doctor of Laws Xi Jinping. The German chancellor before Angela Merkel was the lawyer Gerhard Schröder. The presidents of the Fifth Republic of France, François Mitterrand and Nicolas Sarkozy, were also lawyers.

Every lawyer has the potential to become a head of state. Perhaps it will be you. Go for it!


The number of offers for training to become a lawyer is clearly off the charts. But you need to choose one thing. Where to go to study to become a lawyer in Moscow after 9th and 11th grades, where is it easier, where is it more difficult, where is the education more worthy, and where is it more accessible? Let's try to figure it out.

To begin with, it should be noted that the legal profession is taught by both specialized educational institutions and non-core ones. Hence, upon graduating from a non-core university with a degree in jurisprudence, the student will have the same “non-core legal education.”

What does it mean? A non-core university will most likely have fewer practicing teachers and most likely the university does not care so much about its non-core graduates - they will have to look for work without the help of the educational institution. In all other respects there is no difference.

Where to study as a lawyer in Moscow?

By choosing a specialized legal education, a school graduate can enroll in more than one hundred metropolitan universities. The passing score determined by passing the Unified State Exam is quite high, but it’s definitely worth trying to break through on the budget.

Where to apply to become a lawyer in Moscow?

Moscow opens up completely different options for admission, namely:

  1. An unexpected option is the Faculty of Law at the National Research University Higher School of Economics. There is a very high competition for this faculty, and you need to try very hard to pass.
  2. The best option is to study at the two oldest universities - Moscow State University and Financial University. Applicants have to make a lot of effort to score a minimum of budget points, because contract education here is very expensive.
  3. The Institute of International Relations is considered fashionable, because a diploma from this institute allows a “newly-minted lawyer” to get a well-paid job.
  4. The State Law Academy is a prestigious specialized university. It seems to applicants that it is easy to get into a budget place, because the passing score here is lower than in many others. But self-confident applicants do not know the fact that the majority of budget places are occupied by those who follow the target direction.
  5. Studying at the Russian Academy is prestigious, because all graduates find jobs. It is almost impossible to enroll here for free education - no more than 50 budget places.

Where to go to study to become a lawyer after 11th grade?

So, it turns out that not every school graduate can get a specialized legal education in the capital, but only those who pass the Unified State Exam with maximum scores. You can, of course, count on contract training, but only on condition that parents are able to pay a fabulous sum.

Therefore, the question of where to go to study as a lawyer after 11th grade remains open. We can advise the future applicant to pay attention to non-core universities, and therefore not so popular.

For example, you can go to study to become a lawyer after 11th grade:

  1. to the classical academy
  2. to the Pedagogical University
  3. to the University of Trade and Economics
  4. to the Social University
  5. to the Institute of Politics, Law and Social Development

If you can't get into university, you can go to college. Here you can get a secondary vocational education, this is a start for a lawyer, but to get a good job you will still need to go to university.

Where to go to study to become a lawyer after 9th grade?

The question of where to go to study to become a lawyer after 9th grade is simpler. You won’t be accepted into a university after 9th grade, and there are fewer options – college or technical school.

After 9th grade, you can go to study to become a lawyer, for example, at the Law College at the Russian State University of Justice. The college attracts young people because it provides the level of knowledge necessary to work in the legal field. In addition, you can simultaneously study by correspondence at prestigious institutions in London to take a course in law, or do an internship at one of the colleges in London. Specialists with such a legal education will be able to work in foreign companies.

However, if these options do not appeal to you, there is no problem. You can go to study to become a lawyer after 9th grade at almost any college or technical school. The legal profession is very popular and finding a suitable college will not be a problem.

To summarize, we note once again that you can go to study to become a lawyer in Moscow at hundreds of educational institutions. Graduates of 11th grade can enter a college, technical school, university, academy or institute. Those who have completed the 9th grade of school have fewer options available - going to study after the 9th grade will only be possible at a college or technical school. You can study to become a lawyer part-time (if you have completed 11 classes) or full-time (if you have completed no more than 9 classes).

Which option to prefer is the one that will bring greater results. And this is obviously a specialized university. But since it’s not so easy to get there, a non-core one will do. If the university does not work out, there is the option of studying at a college or technical school, but over time you will have to get a higher education. The legal profession is competitive and with the maximum level of training, finding a good job is much easier.

Law universities in Moscow

State and private law universities in Moscow, ranking of law universities, institutions with budget places. List of Best Law Academies

Searching results:
(establishments found: 31 )


10 20 30

    MIEP is engaged in training specialists of a new level. Thanks to the technical base and the use of distance technologies, MIEP trains managers throughout Russia without interrupting their work. Many current managers use the services of the university to learn new business techniques.

    Specialties: 4 Minimum Unified State Examination: from 36 Cost: from 14,000 rubles

    Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov is the first university to open in Russia in 1755. Moscow State University is the leading and largest university in Moscow, the center of national science and culture, one of the oldest universities in Russia.

    Specialties: 19 Minimum Unified State Examination: from 282 Cost: from 270,000 rubles

    The university is a modern educational institution focused on the international level of education.

    Specialties: 20 Minimum Unified State Exam: from 36 Cost: from 60,000 rubles.

    The leading university in Russia, which trains specialists in 12 educational programs.

    Specialties: 7 Minimum Unified State Exam: from 269 Cost: from 230,000 rubles.

    Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after I.M. Gubkin is one of the best technical universities in Moscow and Russia.

    Specialties: 9 Cost: from 70,000 rub.

    The Institute is open for distance learning using distance learning technologies. The institute was created in 2008.

    The Institute of Economics and Culture is a successfully developing non-state university in the humanities.

    Specialties: 8 Minimum Unified State Exam: from 24 Cost: from 35,000

    The Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, founded in 1934, is a specialized ministerial university that trains specialists in international relations.

    Specialties: 6 Cost: from 184,000

    In the teaching of jurisprudence, there has been a growing trend in the popularity of private law universities.

    Specialties: 3 Cost: from 61.110

    Moscow State Law Academy named after O.E. Kutafina is one of the largest law universities in Russia. The academy provides not only theoretical training, but also teaches the basics of the profession, thanks to which graduates easily find work and actively move up the career ladder.

    Specialties: 3 Cost:

Higher legal education

Moscow law universities are considered one of the most prestigious higher educational institutions. A diploma from a prestigious law school will ensure good employment and salary. But along with these advantages, legal education also has a number of disadvantages.

Legal institutes, universities, and academies are overcrowded and have a huge competition for recruitment. In addition, do not forget about “our own” people, who will occupy the lion’s share of budget places. You have to rely only on paid training, and prices are constantly rising. Non-state universities are saving the situation. Getting there is much easier, and the quality of education is on par with the best state institutions. The only disadvantage of private law universities is the prestige of the diploma.

It is worth considering foreign educational institutions to study the specialty of jurisprudence. An MBA will provide you with knowledge and a diploma that will be valued not only in Russia, but throughout the world. Foreign law schools provide better education in international relations and law. Only the English language requirement at a European university will be at the level of a foreign language in Moscow.

What is better is the quality of education or an elite crust, one can argue endlessly. A diploma is a chance to find a job, and a quality education is a guarantee of career advancement. It’s easier to get a job with a good diploma, but building a career without knowledge is unlikely.

State law universities have another very important advantage: a military department. The army will take away a year of your life, during which your knowledge may be lost or become irrelevant. This issue is acute for young men who want to connect their future with jurisprudence.

When applying, many people pay attention to the rankings of law schools. But the rankings are based on a large number of indicators that are not always important for students, for example: the number of foreign students is taken into account. It makes no difference to a student whether a student from Kursk or Warsaw is sitting at his desk. But such statistics can move a university higher on the ranking list. But are employers always familiar with the various ratings? Much more important is the fact of having a diploma from a well-known educational institution. Few people know what place it occupies in the QS ranking. It will be much more important for you who will teach you and under what conditions you will have to accumulate knowledge.

An applicant, before entering a law school, should seriously think about: does he really want to work in this field? There is a lot of competition not only for admission to college, but also for employment. The solution may be to enroll in a law school at a specialized university. A good example is the Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after. THEM. Gubkina. This state university trains specialists in the oil and gas sector, which, in addition to engineers, needs lawyers and economists. Kerosene supplies trained personnel. After receiving an education at this university, you will be able to find a job in the oil and gas or chemical sector. But you won’t be able to get a job in another industry without work experience.

Every year in our country final certifications are held for students in grades 9 and 11. At this time, graduates need to take one more step in their educational activities. While 9th grade students can choose not to take additional exams and continue their studies at school, 11th grade graduates will have to make a choice.

At the first stage, you need to decide on a profession. Here, despite many negative reviews, the leading position is occupied by the legal profession. No matter what anyone says, lawyers are needed in our country and abroad.

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That is why graduates have a logical question about what subjects they need to pass in order to become a lawyer. In this article we will try to answer this question..

What subjects do you need to take to become a lawyer?

The procedure for admission to higher and secondary vocational education programs is regulated by the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, as well as by the rules of educational institutions. For admission to higher education institution It is enough to pass the Unified State Exam in specialized exams and score the appropriate number of points. So, what subjects do you need to take to enroll in law school?

Some institutes may conduct additional exams. For example, you can take an exam in social studies or history. These are mainly oral exams. Some universities test foreign language proficiency. Graduates who want to become international lawyers will have to pass this exam.

What exams do you need to take to become a lawyer?

Lawyer is a general title. Legal education can be used in different areas of life . That is why the focus of training There are different types of lawyers. That is, the entrance exams for these specializations will also be different:


Law is a large specialization. Universities train specialists for various fields. Some train as law enforcement officers or forensic specialists. Other universities are implementing an educational program to train government specialists, as well as lawyers to protect labor and civil rights. That is why choosing the profession of a lawyer, you need to think about what area you want to develop in or what area interests you.

As for admission to the Faculty of Law, there is no big difference in exams between profiles. Mostly history, society, and Russian language are tested. Additional examinations will be conducted by the institute. To know exactly what exams are needed for admission, you need to go to the official website of the institute and look at the information or call . They will also explain to you, when admission opens and until what date it will last, what documents are needed for admission.

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