
Low sperm activity. The mobility of sperm - from which it depends and how to improve male fertility? Causes of motionlessness spermatozoa

The diagnosis of infertility is often a hurricane invade the life of many families. The reason for the absence of children can be the problems of male health. About various disorders in the function of a man to produce offspring shows a sperm (analysis of men's sperm). What to do and how to get pregnant if your husband has a bad spermogram? Surely this final sentence or there are methods for returning sperm to normal?

The spermogram is usually assigned by an andrologist. The analysis allows you to estimate the fertilizing ability of male sperm. Thanks to this study, you can estimate the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the ejaculate. At the same time, the amount of spermatozoa is calculated, their qualitative characteristics, spermatogenesis pathologies are detected.

Bad spermogram - the results of which differ from the WHO criteria.

Such a spermogram is considered normal, which allows you to conceive a child in a natural way.

To obtain reliable analysis, man is important to comply with a number of rules for its collection. Otherwise, the analysis may be wrong.

Spermogram defines sperm quality such as:

  • volume;
  • viscosity;
  • pH acidity;
  • degree of bodybake;
  • number of rounded cells;
  • the total number of spermatozoa and their mobility;
  • spermatozoa in 1 ml;
  • the presence of other inclusions (leukocytes, erythrocytes, etc.).

When the spermogram is needed

Most often, sperm analysis is appointed with the problems associated with the reproductive sphere of the male organism.

With a fruitless marriage, they explore both spouses to understand who of them is the cause of the lack of offspring.

The reasons for the purpose of the spermogram are indications:

  1. With suspected male infertility Due to various diseases (varicocele, injuries, prostatitis or hormonal disorders).
  2. Infertility in marriage (if the spouses live more than a year without protection, but pregnancy does not happen).
  3. At the preparatory stage to the artificial collection of sperm (insemination) in Eco.

About the hand of sperm

It is very important to comply with the correctness of the fence of sperm so that the results are reliable.

Laboratory is considered the best method of collecting sperm. In rare cases, it is allowed to collect seed fluid when interrupted by the sexual act. However, such an analysis is less effective due to foreign substances entering the material.

Preparatory stage

This stage includes the following points:

  1. No later than half a year before the study, it is necessary to stop the reception of potent drugs (hormones, cytostatics, tranquilizers, etc.)
  2. 2-3 days before the analysis, exclude all contacts with toxic substances (alcohol, chemical components). This also includes beer and energy. If the work is related to chemicals, then the analysis is better assigned after 2-3 days a week.
  3. Eliminate sexual contacts for 5-7 days before delivery. Otherwise, during the study, female sex cells can identify.
  4. During the day before the spermogram, it is important to fully protect yourself from overwork, stress, supercooling.
  5. To visit the sauna (or steam room) no later than 10 days before the analysis.
  6. It is important to stop smoking before the study (but no later than 2-3 hours before the delivery of the material).

It is not worth passing the material during the treatment of urological disorders. Otherwise, research results will be unreliable.

If necessary, the analysis is relocated in 2 months.

If the patient had a cold, the analysis is better to do 7-10 days after recovery.

Many harmless substances destroy spermatozoa (vaginal lubricant, water, acid, etc.) Therefore, sperm for analysis is collected in a sterile jar immediately in the laboratory.

The patient is warned not to touch the inner surfaces of the container.

How to collect analysis?

How according to the rules to collect sperm for the study? For this procedure, a number of rules must be observed:

  1. All the resulting sperm goes to the analysis, since its amount is important to know.
  2. Before studying the patient empties the intestines and the bladder, uses shower.

During masturbation, no liquids or lubricants (saliva, lubricants, cream, etc.) are used.

  1. A special laboratory container or a glass jar with a wide neck is taken to collect material. Before collecting the ejaculate, the container is washed, boiled and closed with a lid.
  2. With self-delivery of the ejaculate, it is important to observe the "temperature chain" (transportation at body temperature).
  3. The container with the material is supplied with a piece of paper with an indication of the necessary patient data (passport details, the amount of ejaculate, on what an abstinence day the material is assembled).

When a spermogram is considered bad

As for any analysis, the criteria for the development of the sperm have developed their criteria for determining the norm. Bad spermogram if the following indicators go beyond:

  • the meager amount of sperm occurs with the reduced function of the testicles (in injuries or inflammation of the male sexual sphere);
  • reducing the concentration of sperm (the most common cause of male infertility);
  • damaged or fixed spermatozoa (with congenital genetic disorders, venereal ailments).

In many patients, in sperm analyzes there may be various deviations, uninterrupted by non-specialists. What do medical terms say?

Most often, such conclusions may occur in spermogram:

  • - with the absence of spermatozoa;
  • acinderospermia - with absolute immobility of spermatozoa;
  • asthenozoospermia, with a small mobility of sperm;
  • hemospermia - the inclusion of red blood cells;
  • cryptozoospermia - single spermatozoa;
  • leukocyteospermia -;
  • non-Simpermia - a decrease in living spermatozoa;
  • - with small deviations that do not affect the reproductive properties of sperm.

Bad spermogram and pathology

If the spermogram was not very good, the doctor must determine the presence or absence of a patient existing pathologies.

Do not panic if the husband has a bad spermogram. Often, when returned, the analysis is not so frightening.

What kind of pathologies may indicate the deviations in the sperm? Most often it happens when:

  • genetic pathology;
  • autoimmune lesions;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • radiation impacts;
  • tobacco or alcohol;
  • use of drugs or severe drugs;
  • insufficient physical activity;
  • stress;
  • incorrect diet.

What do spermogram disorders say

There is a list of normal sperm readings:

Consider some cases of deviations in the spermogram:

Reducing the number of spermatozoa

May meet with camp changes in eggs or hormonal disorders.

In the treatment is used hormonal therapy, Surgical excision of scars and restoration of testicles. In some cases, this pathology natural way unresolved. Modern technologies of artificial insemination or Eco can help here.

Still of spermatozoa

Such a violation is found in many common diseases, genetic pathologies, harmful habits (alcohol, drugs), the effects of vibration or radiation, improper lifestyle.

Reduced sperm volume

Most often occurs when inflammatory pathologies of testicles or preceding injuries. Often, the scars in the field of eggs are often the cause of sperm.

Such pathology is often an indication for vitro incense.

Lack of spermatozoa

In the absence of spermatozoa, the chances of becoming a father in a man are zero. This is a serious pathology that meets when:

  • genetic failures;
  • prior vapotitis;
  • the blockage of seed-air ducts.

To solve the problem use restorative surgery, Eggs puncture with artificial seed fence through a syringe.

Abnormal spermatozoa

The high concentration of "anomalnes" in the seed occurs with autoimmune or genetic pathologies, drug use, smoking, when exposed to vibration or radiation.

Such disorder is treated with the help of stimulating therapy using Eco technologies and, when only healthy spermatozoa is selected for conception.

The ability to make a phenomenon of hemospermia (blood in sperm) does not affect. However, with such a violation, a survey is necessary. Hemospermia may indicate:

  • urogenital infections or tumors;
  • vascular pathologies;
  • obstruction of seeding tract;
  • prostate hyperplasia.

Often, blood streaks appear after sex. This is important control and use of a condom.

Large number of leukocytes

It is found at various inflammation of the urinary and acute infections (, prostatitis, urethritis, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, etc.) After identifying the cause, anti-inflammatory therapy is carried out.

How to Improve Spermogram Indicators

Often, on various forums on the Internet, women ask a question "How to get pregnant if a husband has a bad spermogram"?

In fact, the causes of such violations in sperm analysis can be a great set:

  • diseases (genetic, endocrine, infectious, venereal);
  • lifestyle (not proper nutrition, farewellity, bad habits);
  • external impacts (radiation, vibration, intoxication).

Very common changes in spermogram are:

  • pH violations;
  • changing the viscosity of sperm;
  • illuminated number of rounded cells.

With violations of this kind, pregnancy is very likely. Usually a man is enough to check the hormonal background and eliminate the inflammatory ailments of the urinary organs.

After the examination, it is often necessary to put the course of drugs for male health correction ("Spreman", "Spemotone" to increase spermatogenesis).

It is important to radically change the way of life a man seeking to improve the testimony of sperm analysis. This includes recommendations for changing the diet, eliminating low-altitude, combating smoking, etc.

With a number of male health pathologies, patients will need long and serious treatment (scar changes, obesity, etc.)

However, if the husband has a bad spermogram despair not worth it. Nowadays, modern reproductive methods are able to help almost everyone in the birth of a healthy offspring. Health to you and your future kids!

Inactive or fixed spermatozoa are often the cause of infertility. Low mobility of sperms is detected almost in half cases of impossibility of conception in men. Why the activity of spermatozoa is reduced and what treatment is needed - read further.

Anatomo-physiological features

In order for a healthy spermatozoa formed, the normal functioning of all reproductive organs in men is necessary:

  1. Eggs.
  2. Appendices of testicles.
  3. Seed bubbles.
  4. Prostate gland.

In tests, the most complex process of the formation of genital cells in men occurs. This miracle continues for two months and includes 3 stages: reproduction, growth and ripening. Ripening spermatozoa fall into the appendage of eggs, where for a few days their ripening and formation occurs. With the passage of different parts of the appendage, they experience substantial modifications of the composition and properties of their membranes, as a result of which they become capable of penetrating the eggs and make their genetic material into it.

To form a healthy spermatozoa, the entire reproductive organ system should function well.

In general, the cycle of spermatogenesis takes 72 days. All this time, a man is extremely important to maintain the optimal state of health. Because in the case of common diseases or gonad diseases, the proper ripening of the genital cells is broken, their structure and form are changed, and most of the mature spermatozoa become inactive. That is, the man appears in medicine, which is called asthenososperm in medicine, is a decrease in movement speed and / or immobility of most spermatozoa in ejaculate.

Seed bubbles and prostate glands perform an important role in preserving the activity of spermatozoa. Seed bubbles are synthesized by fructose - the main source of energy for weights, and the prostate gland synthesizes the secret, allowing sperm freely in it to move and maintain fertilizing ability. Therefore, any diseases of the sex glands also make spermatozoa motionless and inactive. In this regard, the disease of the reproductive system requires immediate treatment.

Provocateurs of asthenozoospermia

Let's summarize the previous section and determine other factors in which inactive or even 100% fixed sperms may appear. Look at the table.

Group factors

Reason to reduce mobility sperm


External reasons

High temperature (overheating in sauna or viral / bacterial infections)

The testicles are not in vain omitted in the scrotum. Here the temperature is several degrees below than inside the body. It has been proven that the temperature rise makes the spermatozoa motionless.

Close underwear

With long-term pressing of the scrotum to the spermatozooid body become inactive due to the temperature factor and blood supply disorders in the reproduction bodies.

Long stay in a sitting position

Eternal nutrition, avitaminosis

The deficiency of zinc and vitamins A, B, C, E disrupts the normal formation of spermatozoa.

Toxic impact (medication, alcohol, smoking, drugs)

Cause dehydration and reduce the volume of the proportion of the prostate gland (the cum becomes too viscous). Disrupt the reproduction and ripening of Games.

Antibiotic therapy

Inhibits reproduction, growth and ripening of sperm. Changes them morphology and makes cells fixed.


Enhances the viscosity of sperm, which slows down the movement of the weights.

Long alarm, fear

The release of stress hormones (adrenaline, norepinenaline, glucocorticoid) disrupts the blood supply to the reproductive organs and reduces the production of testosterone.

Irregular or non-harmony sex life

Rare nonsense

Gamets in the body of men become fixed with long-term "storage" in the tail part of the appendage. If spermatozoids are not regularly removed from this department, with time the number of inactive forms accumulates and the sperm loses the ability to fertilize.

Frequent sexual acts

Spermatozoa do not have time to mature.


and injuries of genital organs

Infectious diseases (gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis)

Gonad activity violate the viscosity of sperm, destroy the sex cells and increase the temperature in the organs of the reproductive system.

Inhibits the ripening of spermatozoa, increases the number of inactive and fixed forms due to the high temperature.


Orchitis, Egg Atrophy

Reduced activity Testing and hypotestosteronemium Determine the decrease in weighting, violation of their ripening and a large percentage of fixed cells.

Prostatitis, Vesikulit

Surfaces are immobilized by a small amount and an increased viscosity of sperm, as well as a change chemical composition and acidity secrets of the sex glands.

Diseases of kidneys and urinary tract

Jade, Pelitis, Custitis, Urertrit

The increased acidity of the urethra makes spermatozoa motionless. In the urinary tract, men appear leukocytes that destroy sperms and braking their promotion.

Of course, the table contains only the most frequent reasons asthenozoospermia. Inactive spermatozoa in large quantities may also appear with endocrine disorders (adrenal diseases, hyperprolactinemia, hypothyroidism, etc.), some genetic diseases and other states. On their mobility in the female body can affect the state of the health of the woman itself. Even the most active and movable sperm can lose its fertility, if the environment of the female organism does not have it. This system is very thin, and it is necessary to treat it very delicately. How to make cum active? Let's figure it out.

How to activate sperm

Of course, the treatment of asthenozoospermia will be most effective if you manage to get rid of the cause of this condition. It is necessary to cure everything infectious diseases. Both general and illness gOOD SYSTEM. In varicocele and cryptorchism, almost the only possibility to restore fertility is a timely operation. Non-infectious diseases of the reproductive organs are also subject to appropriate treatment.

In varicocele, the only way of resuming fertility is operational intervention.

The easiest way to get rid of inactive spermatozoa, if caused by asthenosospermium causes - external. General recommendations for treating and improving the quality of sperm in this case are the following:

  • Wear free underwear.
  • To live an active lifestyle.
  • Avoid hyposhees and overheating.
  • Use a sufficient amount of fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as seafood and nuts.
  • To get rid of harmful habits (smoking, alcohol).
  • Use 2 or more liter fluid per day.
  • Lead a regular moderate sex life.
  • Avoid stress.

Of great importance in the treatment of asthenozoospermia is a diet rich in vitamins, zinc and a full protein. Therefore, proper nutrition and sufficient flow of vitamins must accompany any healing tactics.

Thus, the immobility of spermatozoa does not allow a man to conceive a child. Various internal and external factors affect the mobility of sperms, and for the treatment of asthenozospermia, it is necessary to correctly identify its cause. But even if you determined it, do not try to activate the cum yourself. The best effect will give you an appeal to a competent andrologist who will help accurately establish causal infertility factors and appoint adequate treatment.

Sperm motility is determined by sperm. This is an analysis that helps determine the ability of a man to conceive and check it general state. Any deviations may affect the fertilization process or to completely lead to infertility. Therefore, when planning a pregnancy, we need to pass tests to two partners. How to increase the mobility of spermatozoa in a short time, should be solved with a competent specialist.

The need for surcharge

If a young couple is completely healthy and is going to conceive a child, this process will go about 3 months. In most cases, pregnancy occurs during the first half year without the use of contraception. If a year, the conception never came, it is necessary to pass tests. At the same time, it follows not only a woman, but also a man. After studying sperm, the doctor can give a complete conclusion about the state of health and the possibility of conception. If small mobility is observed, you will have to reveal the root cause and make a comprehensive elimination of the problem.

Unfortunately, not all men seek to visit the expert consultation. Therefore, conception may not occur for many years. It should be understood that the inability to fertilize the egg is a pathological process. In the absence of pregnancy, men begin to blame in this woman. But this should not do, because it does not always depend on it. You should simply go through a joint examination. Indeed, in most cases the problem lies in a man.

What if the low mobility of spermatozoa is detected? To do this, follow some basic rules. These include the following:

  • rejection of bad habits;
  • minimization of stress situations;
  • treatment of concomitant diseases;
  • establishing a healthy lifestyle;
  • the correct rhythm of the genital relationship.

These recommendations slightly affect the increase in the mobility of spermatozoa. They are preventive measures. For the appointment of high quality and proper treatment The man needs to go through a full survey. After all, the problem may be hidden in the presence of a serious concomitant disease.

In some cases, an increase in sperm mobility occurs when the lifestyle and nutrition is normalized. This is an individual process, so the treatment regimen or recommendation should give a specialist.

Result Spermogram

The most common cause of reducing mobility is high temperature. Frequent visits to the bath, sauna and acceptance hot bath negatively affect spermatozoa. Even frequent cycling classes can make some amendments to this process. It is the opinion that ordinary soda negatively affects cum. Therefore, the reasons for the reduction of the mobility of sperm can be much.

To identify the state of male health, it is necessary to go through the so-called mar-test. It allows you to determine the root cause of reducing sperm activity. If the test is positive, independent conception is impossible. In this case, the egg cell will be able to fertilize only with the help of Eco.

To reduce mobility can affect problems with endocrine system. In this case, a man needs to pass tests to hormones. In many cases, the cause of this state is the low level of testosterone. This hormone affects the mobility and the amount of spermatozoa. The most common cause of reducing testosterone level is overweight. However, several other factors are allocated, including the following:

  • egg injury;
  • malignant and benign neoplasms;
  • pathological processes.

The hormones of the thyroid gland and prolactin are able to influence the quality of sperm. Normalization of the level of vitamin D in the body allows you to cope with the problem.

The immobility of spermatozoa can be due to the expansion of the veins of the seed rope. Usually eliminate pathology medical treatment. But if within 2 years it is not possible to conceive a child, resort to surgical intervention.

Comprehensive treatment

If the results of the analysis were found fixed (bad) spermatozoa, it is necessary to begin a comprehensive treatment. First of all, it is recommended to revise the diet. A healthy lifestyle is a pledge of a normal conception. In the diet, more fruits and vegetables should be included. It is recommended daily to use dairy products, cereals and nuts. Regular and full nutrition allows you to increase the mobility of spermatozoa. However, a certain diet will not help eliminate the problem. It is important to take vitamins E and C: they are responsible for the functioning of the genital glands and affect the activity of spermatozoa.

Comprehensive treatment implies abstinence from sexual relations. If the man does not have several days, the concentration of spermatozoa is significantly increased. This action will improve the quality of sperm and increase the chance of fertilization.

In order for spermatozoa to always remain moving, a healthy lifestyle should be conducted and follow their own state. It is necessary to systematically attend the urologist, eliminate infections and related diseases.

You can increase mobility using special stimulants. It is necessary to take them along with compliance with all the recommendations regarding nutrition and lifestyle. Stimulants used for 3 months. This time is quite enough for the full maturation of spermatozoa. In some cases, it is necessary to take drugs much longer.

Medical therapy

Medicase treatment implies the use of vitamins C and E. They affect the activity of sperm. For improvement of blood flow, drugs such as Aktovegin and Trental are used.

Along with these medicines, funds that increase the level of zinc in the body are used. To do this, the sphaw and clostilbyrate is used.

If the problem is due to low testosterone, it should be accessed to normalize the hormone level. How to increase mobility in this case, the doctor decides on the basis of the results of the spermogram. Most often assigned proviron, menogon and profhazia.

Many men have such a question after passing analyzes: what to do if a bad spermogram? This is especially true in cases where a young couple wants to have a child.

Surely many heard such a term as the "male factor". This means that the reason for the lack of children in the family is directly related to the infertility of the man. In the first months, the attempts of conception about such an indicator say early, but if more than a year has passed, and the girl has not become pregnant, it should be consistent with the doctor and find out the exact reason. According to statistics with difficulties at conception, about 15% of young couples are facing. And in 1/3 cases, the cause is a man and his health problems. And in ¼ of all cases of infertility, the reason lies in female health.

Analysis on the conception of a child

The spermogram is called sperm analysis of a man, which is carried out specifically to determine its ability to conceive a child. This is a health indicator, thanks to the results of the spermogram, many diseases associated with the sexual system can be diagnosed and determine the main cause of infertility.

See also:

How to take the drug.

For which Medaxon is appointed.

In the case when the result of this analysis is normal, it is enough to pass only 1 time. But in cases where a bad spermogram, then the examination is necessary several times. In this case, it is necessary to make the gap between the surrender of the analysis from 1 to 3 months. A doctor will appoint a course of treatment between obtaining results, the results of which will be visible when the next spermogram is delivered. Studies are conducted in the laboratory, which determine the main physical and chemical indicators of the seed fluid.

Preparatory activities

If you decide to make a sperm, then you need to know several basic rules, how to prepare and what is the process of surrendering the analysis. So, the first thing is a man to refrain from sex contacts for 3 days before a visit to the doctor. The fact is that for a reliable result, a presence in sperm is at least 2 ml of ejaculate. And with regular and frequent sexual relations, each time the concentration of spermatozoa decreases, which will affect the correctness of the results. Therefore, if you want to find out the reason for infertility, you need to refrain within a few days and get a full picture of your male health.

Before renting the sperm, it is necessary to completely abandon the use of alcoholic beverages, do not visit the baths and saunas. Any overheating and temperature increase will affect the number of detected male pathologies in the genitals.

So, you made a sperm analysis and got bad results. The question arises if a bad spermogram, what to do and how to treat identified pathologies. To begin with, your attending doctor must appoint you a period of re-passing sperm, which is done after 2 months. The thing is that by this term, the man fully completes the update of biological material.

It is also an important factor when passing a spermogram is sterility. The results may adversely affect the following indicators:

  • the sterility of the vessel in which the cum will be stored, otherwise there is a chance of the death of sperm;
  • no acids in sperm, water, extraneous bodies, lubricants after a condom, vaginal fluid, which can change the analysis structure.

It is for these reasons that the analysis is carried out directly in laboratories, a special sterile vessel is prepared for fluid. In this case, all its inner walls should not be in fingerprints or foreign substances.

When the analysis is given, it remains to expect a spermogram outcomes that will identify the following main indicators and their norm:

  • pH level;
  • the volume of ejaculate;
  • number of leukocytes;
  • degree of viscosity;
  • the ability of sperm to the discharge;
  • the volume of rounded cells;
  • the amount of spermatozoa per 1 ml;
  • the amount of spermatozoa in general.

Actions in a bad result

Upon receipt of the results of the analysis, it is necessary to compare existing results and norms of indicators. For example, with minor changes in the consistency of sperm, or with a minor increase (down) the level of the pH of the number of spermatozoa should be consulted for a doctor for further treatment. These deviations from the norm affect the probability of conception, so most often you will need to make additional analyzes for the presence of inflammatory processes and hormonal background. To achieve normal indicators, it is necessary to minimize drug treatment.

Some items in the spermogram and their decoding.

Insufficient sperm. This means that a small amount of ejaculate contains a small amount of ejaculate, on WHO standards, the insufficient number begins with an indicator of less than 1.5 ml for the entire volume. Most often, the reason for such a situation is the previously obtained injuries or inflammatory testicle processes, which leaves the scars on the tissues.

Insufficient amount of spermatozoa. The deviation from the norm is considered to be the amount of less than 12 million spermatozoa per 1 ml. This picture is due to an imbalance of a hormonal background. Therefore, to eliminate the inability to conceive a child, additional surveys must be carried out, and then assign treatment. Alas, there are situations when the scars on the testicles are the cause of a low concentration of sperm. In this case, the problem is practically impossible to be eliminated. Therefore, if you know about inflammatory processes Or transferred injuries, you should not postpone the treatment, otherwise the result will be infertility. In this case, only additional modern technologies can help, for example, eco or artificial insemination.

No movement of spermatozoa. It also happens that a sperm indicates immobility of spermatozoa. Most often it is the result of an internal or external imbalance in the body. For example, the mobility affects the harmful habits (smoking, alcohol, drugs), the constant impact of vibrations, radiation, the presence of hereditary factors, problems with the immune system and the hormonal background.

In order to improve these and other indicators with deviations from the norms, in almost half of the cases, it suffices to comply with the correct lifestyle, abandon the bad habits, revise your daily diet. Not superfluous for every man having problems with conception and male health, to undergo treatment of stimulating therapy.

Treatment methods

In the treatment of infertility and male problems, all treatment is to divide it on the main methods and additional. The problem needs to be used to comprehensively and eliminate all the causes of a bad spermogram.

The main methods of treatment are prescribed to affect the hearth disease, for example, if the correction of a hormonal background is needed, the emphasis is on drugs for its stabilization. In case of detection of infections in the sexual system, the doctor prescribes antibiotics and other medicinal products. Also to the main type of treatment include surgical intervention, which is applied in rare cases.

Additional treatment is in the complex with the main, most often the drugs of this group affect the spermatozooids themselves, their quantity, mobility and concentration. This type of treatment restores electrolyte processes in cells, biochemical, contribute to the maturation and growth of spermatozoa as a result of influence on the hormonal background.

I want to express tremendous thanks for our long-awaited pregnancy !!!

Thank you very much Humorship Hospital "Mom" for your work.

For our 6 unsuccessful attempts in other clinics, we have already expected a positive result, but our acquaintances insisted to contact your clinic. They also had unsuccessful attempts in other clinics. And only the clinic "Mom" helped them get pregnant from the first attempt.

Usa Ekaterina Anatolyevna was prepared for the protocol, she was a kind and very good specialist. In no clinic we paid so much attention.

Sukhacheva Tatiana Sergeyevna competently and carefully reacted to our protocol and everything turned out with a light hand from the first time.

Thank you so much for your work!

Family Artamonov

Thank you for making us happy parents!

Gratitude clinic Mom !!!

Until the last believed that everything would work out. But the pregnancy never came.

When they began to be examined, it turned out that we have a heavy male factor. My husband and my husband immediately sank, that is, then we did not take anything further.

And only 2 years ago I took myself in the hands of what you need to do something. It became on the Internet to sit, read, learn clinics, reviews.

After reading the reviews, I chose my mother's clinic. I also liked the clinic with the fact that you can remotely prepare and come with ready-made analyzes! Eco!. It is very convenient, because we are from another city and we have no opportunity for a long time.

In May 2019, we arrived at the first consultation. I got to Uryova E. A. Very friendly, sweet. Thank you, because she supported me, psychologically with her it was easy to communicate. With the list of analyzes, we returned and began to be prepared.

And in September 2019, we entered the program, we had a short protocol. In the protocol I already introduced Sukhacheva T. S.

She liked with the first conversation, a very pleasant and friendly person, a doctor with a capital letter. Psychological attitude is very important - and Tatyana Sergeyevna helped us in this. This is a doctor who does not care, sees everything to the smallest detail, always follows the hormones and for D-dimer.

Thank you so much Tatiana Sergeevna. A wonderful doctor who knows his work perfectly. Low bow to you, Tatyana Sergeevna. Everything happened from the first attempt !!

As a result, pregnancy. First. Long-awaited. This is an indescribable feeling when you first see two stripes on the test.

I want to thank the nurse of the clinic Mom Vlasov Marina. Very good soul man, attentive. sensible. Thank you.

I want to thank! Urologist! -! Andrologist! Clinics Mom Melnik Ya. I. Thank you for everything. You have always been in touch, never deny anything.

Thanks to the clinic staff. Competently selected team.

Health to you, success and prosperity.

Thank you for making us happy parents.

Your Maryana.

Thanks for professionalism, help and support!

Please give Larisa Sergeyevna that on October 16, we had a boy, 3760, 53 cm, called Leonid.

Deli Cesarean, because cross-preview, multi-way. Water moved away and immediately operated.

Roger in the hospital number 1, a beautiful hospital, a child is in the ward with his mother all the time, under the supervision of doctors you care for the child, daily inspections, advice.

Photo in attachment, Leon on the day of statement.

And so many thanks to Larisa Sergeyevna for professionalism, help and support!

Inna and Andrey.

In the clinic, Mom it becomes reality !!!


I wanted to express a huge thanks to the clinic of the mother and the whole staff, for the presented happiness to be a mother!

Perennial treatments, surveys unsuccessful led us to the clinic, 2 attempts! Eco!, Both successful, the first ended the alas of deplorable, but the second gave us a wonderful son! The clinic is super, there is a wonderful, responsive and professional team! Doctors, nurses, administrators, all at the highest level.

Special thanks I want to express the Fazel Irina Yuryevna, who led me all the time, rejoiced and worried with me, was always in touch, answered all questions. Milestly, sincere, responsive man, a big professional, to which you always want to go to the reception.

And also Sukhachey Tatiana Sergeyevna, a professional with a capital letter, thanks to her skillful hands, everything turned out.

I am happy that I got into such a wonderful clinic, we recommend that all familiar who want to gain happiness to become parents, because in the clinic Mom it becomes reality !!!

Alena was born 11.07.2019

We want a gratitude to the Reproductist Fazel Irina Yuryevna for her conscientious work, for responsiveness, attentiveness, responsibility in her work!

For 5 years, my husband and I have visited different clinics but all to no avail. But after contacting the clinic, our long-awaited baby finally appeared!

Alena was born on 11.07.2019 at 21:40.

Irina Yuryevna Thank you so much!

Family M. Expresses the clinic of Mom Huge thanks!

Thank you so much that they helped and help, and support in our duty, but such a joyful way to our little happiness!

Single Higher Thank You to Kosovich Yulia Mikhailovna and Melnik Yaroslav Igorevich!

Without you there would be no it!

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