
Types of magazines and their typology. Computer magazines

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This magazine is intended for scientists, teachers, students, graduate students engaged in study and research in the field of electronics. The publication identified the following main headings: “Fundamental Research”, “Vacuum Electronics”, “Nanotechnology”, “Information Technologies”, “Measurement Methods and Technology”, “Circuit Engineering and Design”. The most important and current issues on the listed, as well as many other topics are discussed here.


Education still has many problems. This magazine was created specifically to become a platform for professional discussion of all the most important issues in this area. All specialists working in the education sector will be able to find articles covering current educational projects, sociological research, the latest pedagogical methods, theoretical materials and analytical comments. The texts of the articles are freely available on the website.


A children's electronic magazine will help your child learn English quickly and without problems. Children are invited to become the protagonist in interactive excerpts from popular Disney cartoons or take part in interesting games. All discs use only English. The printed supplement contains translations of dialogues and exercises, with the help of which the acquired knowledge is consolidated when viewing discs.


This publication offers your child a course of progressive preschool preparation. Each printed issue includes a DVD. The discs feature exciting games that will develop your child in many ways, and thanks to the printed version, which contains riddles, additions and exercises, the child will acquire or improve writing and drawing skills. Using the telephone numbers and links posted on the website, you can order a complete set of magazines.


The All-Ukrainian Journal is a specialized publication on psychology and pedagogical sciences. It has become a scientific platform for discussing the main issues of education in Ukraine, describing new pedagogical and psychological techniques and techniques. Articles, scientific reports, doctoral and master's dissertations, which are recognized by the Higher Attestation Commission as knowledge-intensive, are published here. On the website you can find all the necessary contacts for purchasing any issue.


Articles on natural and exact sciences are components of this monthly magazine, specially published for high school and middle school students, as well as teachers. Mathematics, computer science, physics, chemistry, biology - this publication offers you to get acquainted with these sciences. All material is presented in an interesting, lively, not boring manner, accompanied by simple practical examples that any student can repeat and test from their own experience how it works.


Izvestia RAS, the department of solid mechanics in this journal publishes scientific papers and research on the dynamics of material points and deformable bodies, plasticity, creep, elasticity theory, mechanics of soils, solid media, polymers and other materials and structures. The frequency of the publication is six issues per year, and everyone who is engaged in research in the above areas has the opportunity to send their materials to the editor for publication in subsequent issues.


Kuban State Technical University publishes a journal whose main task is to cover the main issues related to food technology. The pages of the publication contain articles, original scientific and technical developments, descriptions of new technologies in the field of control of food production, food quality, enterprise economics, and environmental ecology. Study guides, monographs, textbooks, annotations of doctoral and candidate's works are regularly published here.


The peer-reviewed scientific publication describes in detail modern research, achievements and problems of chemistry and chemical technology. Materials of scientific papers, abstracts of doctoral and candidate theses on topics of organic, inorganic, macromolecular compounds, and theoretical foundations of chemical sciences are published here. All articles sent to the editorial office that comply with the specified standards are reviewed and verified by the highest certification commission.


“Izvestia of Universities”, department of physics, presents to your attention a scientific journal, the frequency of which is one issue per month. Materials on the physics of semiconductors, elementary particles, dielectrics, magnetic phenomena, optics, field theory, quantum electronics and many others are published here. The main readership of the publication is professors, students, graduate students, teachers, researchers and developers. Also, everyone can send their manuscripts to the editor.


This technical journal contains on its pages materials on the results of research in radio astronomy, ionospheric and magnetospheric physics, microwave radiation, electronics, quantum radio physics and other related fields. All articles are knowledge-intensive and undergo strict control by the editorial board and are reviewed by the highest certification commission. Scientists, students, teachers and graduate students can publish their work in this publication.


Kazan Federal University publishes a journal whose main topics are all areas of mathematical sciences. Articles containing new mathematical research results, review materials, summaries of discoveries and achievements without proof are published here. The big advantage of the publication is that it is published in two languages ​​and is included in the main scientific citation databases. The website contains links where you can subscribe to the electronic version.


You are presented with a journal that is included in the list of leading peer-reviewed journals in which it is recommended to publish the results of dissertations of candidates for the scientific degrees of candidate of sciences or doctor. The main areas of the publication are regional problems of the mining industry, methods and technologies of mineral extraction, oil and gas development, construction of underground structures, mining mechanics, surveying, and many others.


Geodesy, astronomy, cartography, geographic information technologies, space photography - this is not a complete list of topics that are covered in this magazine. The publication is published six times a year and publishes articles, research papers, results of doctoral and candidate dissertations, and short communications on the above topics. Scientists, teachers, professors, graduate students and students can send their works to the editor for publication on the pages of the journal.


The publishing house "Ore and Metals" presents you with a large selection of scientific and educational Russian-language and foreign magazines in such areas as ore dressing, non-ferrous and ferrous metals. In them you will learn all the latest news, achievements of these industries, as well as descriptions of new technologies and equipment, discoveries and developments. The pages of the site contain the necessary information to download, buy, or simply read online magazines posted on the resource.


The journal is a network electronic scientific publication. The purpose of the journal "Social Sciences: social-economic sciences" is the formation and development of a scientific information environment, the prompt and reliable dissemination of information about modern scientific research conducted by scientists and specialists in Russia, the CIS countries and abroad. Objectives of the electronic journal "Social Sciences: social-economic sciences": publishing the journal and carrying out information and educational activities. The editors of the journal pursue a comprehensive policy of open access to peer-reviewed electronic scientific publications, contributing to the improvement of scientific information exchange, as well as increasing the citation of works and, accordingly, the effectiveness of the scientific activities of authors published in our journal. Access to all issues of the magazine on the website is free and free. The magazine publishes articles and short reports on the results of research and experiments in the field of economic, pedagogical, social, political and spiritual life of society both in Russia and abroad. All articles published in the journal are peer reviewed.

The international scientific journal “Aspeсtus” is published in electronic form and has a paper version. The scientific journal “Aspeсtus” is registered with the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Communications (Roskomnadzor). Certificate of registration of the mass media PI No. FS77-55831 dated October 30, 2013. The journal publishes the works of students, undergraduates, graduate students, doctoral students, candidates and doctors of science, as well as other persons engaged in scientific research, both in Russia and neighboring countries and far abroad in all areas of scientific research indicated in the sections of the rubricator. All issues of the journal are presented in the central scientific libraries of Russia. Articles receive expert evaluation from the editorial board of the journal.

International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications (IJISA) is a reviewed peer journal in the field of Intelligent Systems and Applications. The journal is published 12 issues per year by the MECS Publisher from 2012. All papers will be blindly reviewed. Accepted papers will be available on line (free access) and in printed version. No publication fee. IJISA is publishing refereed, high quality original research papers in all areas of Intelligent Systems and Applications. IJISA has been indexed by several world class databases: Scopus, Google Scholar, Microsoft Academic Search, CrossRef, DOAJ, IndexCopernicus, INSPEC(IET), EBSCO, JournalSeek, ULRICH's Periodicals Directory, WordCat, Scirus, Academic Journals Database, Stanford University Libraries, Cornell University Library, UniSA Library, CNKI Scholar, ProQuest, J-Gate, ZDB, BASE, OhioLINK, iThenticate, Open Access Articles, Open Science Directory, National Science Library of Chinese Academy of Sciences, The HKU Scholars Hub, etc. .. The journal publishes original papers in the field of Intelligent Systems and Applications which covers, but not limited to the following scope: Neural Networks Evolutionary Computing and Genetic Algorithms Fuzzy Systems and Soft Computing Ant Colony Optimization Particle Swarm Optimization Artificial Fish School Algorithm Artificial Life and Artificial Immune Systems Systems Biology and Neurobiology Support Vector Machine Rough and fuzzy rough set Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Kernel Methods Supervised & Semi-supervised Learning Cloud Computing Evolutionary learning systems Hybrid System Man-Machine Interaction CIMS and Manufacturing Systems Factory Modeling and Simulation Instrumentation Systems Network-based Systems Scheduling and Coordination Process Automation Automobile Electric Sensor Fusion Intelligent Mechatronics and Robotics Intelligent Automation Knowledge Management and Knowledge Engineering Management Information Systems Management of Supply Chain and Logistics Financial Data Mining Customer Relationship Management Web Data Mining Games Theory System Theory and Control Theory Nonlinear System and Control Bayesian Network Pervasive Computing Modeling, Identification and Signal Processing Fuzzy System and Fuzzy Control Distributed Control Systems Adaptive Control and Learning Control Robust and H-infinity Control Traffic Control Communication Network Systems Intelligence System Design

The electronic “Medial Journal” is a scientific and practical magazine for specialists in the medical and pharmaceutical industries, published since 2010. The publication contains: analytical articles and reviews on problems in the field of demography, public health, prevention, medical examination and healthcare organization; materials on the implementation of modern methods of management and quality control of medical and drug care; about the spiritual and moral foundations of health; official data from federal and regional health authorities; results of practical research by specialists; science news in the field of medical technology and pharmacy; review of medical conferences and competitions. The magazine is registered with the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Communications (Roskomnadzor). Certificate: El No. FS 77-46204 dated August 17, 2011.

International electronic scientific journal "Bulletin Social-Economic and Humanitarian Research" publications articles on the relationship of various government agencies and society. The Editorial Board determines the order of publication of articles. The author retains copyright to his articles. Journal was founded in 2018. In comparison with other similar publications, the journal publishes articles in new scientific areas. The area of ​​scientific research of the journal: “Institutional History”, including “History of the Institute of the Orthodox Church”, “Institutional Economics”, including “Economics of the Institute of the Labor Market” and other newest areas of scientific research. The mission of the journal is the publication of original articles and reviews on history, philosophy, economics, as well as raising the level of scientific research and the development of international scientific cooperation in the framework of these areas. Journal is registered in the National Center of ISSN of the Russian Federation, it is assigned the International Standard Number of Electronic Network Edition, No. 2658-5561 from October 23, 2018.

International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science (IJITCS) is a peer reviewed journal in the field of Information Technology and Computer Science. The journal is published 12 issues per year by the MECS Publisher from 2012. All papers will be blindly reviewed. Accepted papers will be available on line (free access) and in printed version. No publication fee. IJITCS is publishing refereed, high quality original research papers in all areas of Information Technology and Computer Science. IJITCS has been indexed by several world class databases: Google Scholar, Microsoft Academic Search, CrossRef, DOAJ, IndexCopernicus, INSPEC(IET), EBSCO, VINITI, JournalSeek, ULRICH's Periodicals Directory, WordCat, Scirus, Academic Journals Database, Stanford University Libraries, Cornell University Library, UniSA Library, CNKI Scholar, J-Gate, ZDB, BASE, OhioLINK, iThenticate, Open Access Articles, Open Science Directory, National Science Library of Chinese Academy of Sciences, The HKU Scholars Hub, etc... The journal publishes original papers in the field of information technology and computer science which covers, but not limited to the following scope: Web Databases Web Information Agents E-Learning and e-Teaching Agents for Internet Computing Distributed and Collaborative Computing Interactive and Multimedia Web Applications Semantic Web Technologies Software Engineering Requirements Analysis Object-Oriented Modeling and Development Systems Engineering Methodologies Modeling Formalisms, Languages, and Notations Geographical Information Systems Ontology elicitation from databases Ontologies for searching Document Databases Ontologies for Semantic Interoperability Ontology-driven Information Systems Coupling and Integrating Heterogeneous Data Sources Distributed Database Applications Data and knowledge sharing Knowledge Discovery Decision Analysis Dynamic Systems Modeling Decision Support Systems Multi-criteria Decision Making Man-Machine Interaction CIMS and Manufacturing Systems Factory Modeling and Simulation Instrumentation Systems Process Automation Intelligent Information Systems Strategic Decision Support Systems Coordination in Multi-Agent Systems Agent Oriented Modeling and Development Intelligent Control Hybrid Systems Modeling and Design Optimization and Decision Making Fault Detection Systems Identification Modeling and Simulation Techniques Pattern Recognition Control Systems and Applications Signal, Image and Video Processing Speech and Audio Processing Network Security Wireless Communications Ad hoc and Sensor Networks

International Journal of Wireless and Microwave Technologies (IJWMT) is a peer reviewed journal in the field of Wireless and Microwave Technologies. The journal is published quarterly by the MECS Publisher. All papers will be blindly reviewed. Accepted papers will be available on line (free access) and in printed version. No publication fee. IJWMT is publishing refereed, high quality original research papers in all areas of Wireless and Microwave Technologies. IJWMT is also an open access product focusing on publishing conference proceedings, enabling fast dissemination so that conference delegates can publish their papers in a dedicated online issue. IJWMT has been indexed by several world class databases: Google Scholar, Microsoft Academic Search, DOAJ, Open Access Articles, CNKI, Scirus, GetInfo, WordCat, OneSearch, ZB MED, CrossRef, JournalTOCs, etc... The journal publishes original papers in the field of Wireless and Microwave Technologies which covers, but not limited to the following scope: Wireless & Mobile Networking Wireless Sensor Networks Cognitive Radio Networks Ad Hoc, Sensor and Mesh Networking Next-Generation Networking and Internet Wireless Network Security and Privacy Networking and Information Security Network Protocol and Congestion Control QoS, Reliability & Performance Modeling Mobility, Location and Handoff Management Capacity, Throughput, Outage and Coverage Multimedia in Wireless Networks Optical Networks and Systems Space-Time, MIMO and Adaptive Antennas OFDM, CDMA and Spread Spectrum Modulation, Coding and Diversity Wireless Systems and Signal Processing (SDR, MIMO, UWB, etc.) B3G/4G Systems, WiMAX, WLAN and WPAN Channel Model and Characterization Multi-Hop and Cooperative Communications Interference Cancellation and MUD Radio Resource Management and Allocation Cognitive Radio and Software Defined Radio Satellite & Space Communications Multimedia Communications Multiple Access Techniques Optical Communications Active Array Antennas and Components Antenna Design, Modeling and Measurements Antennas and Propagation for Wireless Systems Applications and Standards (Mobile, Wireless, networks) Characterization of Material Parameters Circuit Design and Applications Electromagnetic Compatibility EM Field Theory and Numerical Techniques Filters Hybrid and Multi-Chip Modules Linear and Non-linear CAD Techniques Low Noise and Communication Receivers Medical and Biological Effects Meta-materials and Photonic Bandgap Structures Microwave Measurements Microwave Photonics Modeling, Simulation and characterizations of devices and circuits New and Emerging Technologies and Materials Passive Components and Circuits Power Amplifiers and Linearizers Quality of Life / Medical Diagnosis and Imaging Systems Radar and Homeland Security Radar Applications Radar Architecture and Systems Radar Signal Processing and System Modeling RFID and Sensors RF-MEMS and MOEMS Si-based Devices and IC Technologies

International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security (IJCNIS) is a peer reviewed journal in the field of Computer Network and Information Security. The journal is published 12 issues per year by the MECS Publisher from 2012. All papers will be blindly reviewed. Accepted papers will be available on line (free access) and in printed version. No publication fee. IJCNIS is publishing refereed, high quality original research papers in all areas of Computer Network and Information Security. IJCNIS has been indexed by several world class databases: Google Scholar, Microsoft Academic Search, CrossRef, DOAJ, IndexCopernicus, INSPEC(IET), EBSCO, VINITI, JournalSeek, ULRICH's Periodicals Directory, WordCat, Scirus, Academic Journals Database, Stanford University Libraries, Cornell University Library, UniSA Library, CNKI Scholar, ProQuest, J-Gate, ZDB, BASE, OhioLINK, iThenticate, Open Access Articles, Open Science Directory, National Science Library of Chinese Academy of Sciences, The HKU Scholars Hub, etc. The journal publishes original papers in the field of computer network and information security which covers, but not limited to the following scope: New generation network and its application Network architectures and protocols Network University Network Curriculum Computer Network Education Computer Distance Learning IPV6 Wireless Network Wireless sensors networking Grid Computing Cloud computing Cluster Computing Distributed computing Peer-to-Peer network RFID Technologies E-commerce protocols E-Health Intrusion Detection and Prevention Biometric Security and Artificial Intelligence Cryptography and security protocols Authentication and Identification Mobile System Security Security in social networks Security for web services Sensor and Mobile Ad Hoc Network Security for Web Services Security for Personal Data and Databases Piracy detection and tracing Denial of Service and other attacks Management of Computing Security Intelligent Multimedia Security Services Channel Modeling and Characterization Modulation/Coding/Signal Processing B3G Systems, WiMAX and WLAN Authentication, Authorization and Billing Applications and Services for B3G/4G era Radio Resource Management Network measurement and Management Theory and Models of Trust Trust computing Education of network Bayesian Networks, Fuzzy and Rough Set Intrusion Detection and Prevention Biometric Security and Artificial Intelligence Cryptography and security protocols Authentication and Identification Bayesian Networks, Fuzzy and Rough Set Mobile System Security Ubiquitous Computing Security Sensor and Mobile Ad Hoc Network Security Security in Wireless Network Security of GSM/GPRS/UMTS systems Security for Grid Computing Security for Web Services Security for Personal Data and Databases Peer-to-Peer Security Risk Assessment

International Journal of Education and Management Engineering (IJEME) is a peer reviewed journal in the field of Modern Education and Management Engineering. The journal is published 6 issues per year, and all papers will be blind reviewed. Accepted papers will be available on line (free access) and in printed version. No publication fee. IJEME is a peer reviewed journal publishing refereed, high quality original research papers in all areas of education and management engineering. IJEME is also an open access product focusing on publishing conference proceedings, enabling fast dissemination so that conference delegates can publish their papers in a dedicated online issue. IJEME has been indexed by several world class databases: Google Scholar, Microsoft Academic Search, Open Access Articles, Scirus, CNKI, CrossRef, JournalTOCs, etc... The journal publishes original papers in the field of Education and Management Engineering covers, but not limited to the following scope: Education Information Technology Educational Technique standard Network University Computer Network Education Computer Distance Learning Computer Aided Instruction Countryside Distance Learning Special Crowd Computer Education School Teachers Educational Technique Ability Training The Teaching Resources" Design, Develops and Applies Modern Distance Learning Resources Effective Applied Research College Network Education Innovation Research Educational Technique"s Application in the Vocational-Technical Education Teacher Educational Technique Training Studies with the Teacher Career Development Digit Sports Research New Technology in Teaching Domain Application Classroom Instruction Research Foreign Language Teaching Research Mathematics Education Research Physics Teaching Research Chemistry Teaching Research Management Science Teaching Research Lifelong Education Research E-service Artificial Intelligent System Control Technology Production and operation management Quality control and reliability Logistics and supply chain management Application of Systems engineering and Operational research The safety management Management of technology, innovation and evaluation Financial engineering and risk management Digital library management and technology Knowledge acquisition, expert systems Knowledge based systems to support database design Knowledge management Management Information Systems Network culture and harmonious society Object-oriented enterprise modeling Organizational management Project Management Public Policy Management Software copyright infringements Systems analysis and design methods Information economics Information Quality and Strategy Information resource management Information systems planning and management Information Technology and sustainable development of corporation Information Technology Management Economics of Information and System Security

“Bulletin of the Pastukhov Academy” is a specialized magazine, on the pages of which the problems of developing the human resources potential of industrial enterprises, various business structures, and non-profit organizations are widely discussed, the experience of forming effective management teams is highlighted, and effective technologies for continuous personnel training are proposed.

International Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Computing (IJMSC) is a peer reviewed journal in the field of Mathematical Sciences and Computing. The journal is published 4 issues per year by the MECS Publisher. All papers will be blindly reviewed. Accepted papers will be available on line (free access) and in printed version. No publication fee. IJMSC is publishing refereed, high quality original research papers in all areas of Mathematical Sciences and Computing. IJMSC is also an open access product focusing on publishing conference proceedings, enabling fast dissemination so that conference delegates can publish their papers in a dedicated online issue. IJMSC has been indexed by several world class databases:Google Scholar, Microsoft Academic Search, CrossRef, CNKI, JournalTOCs, etc... The journal publications original papers in the field of Mathematical Sciences and Computing which covers, but not limited to the following scope : Mathematical logic and foundations Combinatory Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures General algebraic systems Number theory Field theory and polynomials Commutative rings and algebras Algebraic geometry Linear and multi-linear algebra; matrix theory Associative rings and algebras Category theory; homological algebra Group theory and generalizations Topological groups, Lie groups Real functions Measure and integration Functions of a complex variable MSeveral complex variables and analytic spaces Special functions Ordinary differential equations Partial differential equations Dynamic systems and ergodic theory Difference and functional equations Sequences, series, summability Approximations and expansions Fourier analysis Integral transforms, operational calculus Integral equations Functional analysis Operator theory Calculus of variations; optimal control; optimization Geometry Convex and discrete geometry Differential geometry General topology Algebraic topology Global analysis, analysis on manifolds Probability theory and stochastic processes Statistics Numerical analysis Computer science Statistical mechanics, structure of matter Operations research, mathematical programming Game theory, economics, social & behavioral sciences Systems theory ; control Information and communication, circuitsMathematics education.

The journal publishes materials containing the results of theoretical research and computational experiments in mathematics and mechanics conducted in scientific institutions of the Russian Academy of Sciences, industry research institutes, higher educational institutions in Russia and the countries of the Asia-Pacific Region.

The magazine “Higher Education Today” began publication in 2001 as a non-periodical publication that published materials for the meeting of the State Council on Education, which took place on August 29, 2001. Most of the publications consisted of analytical documents and proposals for the Concept of modernization of Russian education for the period up to 2010, adopted following the meeting and approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. In preparation for the meeting of the State Council, the magazine was repeatedly sent to higher educational institutions. It aroused interest in the scientific and pedagogical community, and therefore, in accordance with the established procedure, it was registered as a mass media (registration certificate PI No. 77-9850) and began to be published monthly since 2002. The mission of the magazine is to promote the modernization of domestic higher education and science using the means inherent in the press: open discussion of ways to solve current problems, holding discussions, highlighting the best experience of domestic and foreign educational institutions and scientific institutions, criticizing shortcomings. The main audience of the magazine's readers are management and scientific-pedagogical workers of higher educational institutions and their governing bodies, doctoral students, graduate students and undergraduates researching topics related to education and science. From among them, a group of authors was formed, which includes the most interested researchers of problems in higher education and science, who, as a rule, have authority and fame in teaching circles. “Higher Education Today” is a peer-reviewed publication of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, where applicants for academic degrees, candidates and doctors of science in the field of pedagogy, psychology and sociology publish the results of their dissertation research. All articles of applicants for academic degrees are reviewed and prepared taking into account the requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission. “Higher Education Today” is published in a colorful design. Its format is 60x90/16, or 205x290 mm, which allows you to place content-rich tables, diagrams, graphs and drawings on its pages. The volume of the magazine ranges from 8 to 12 printed sheets, or from 64 to 96 pages. Articles typically no more than 0.5 author's pages (20,000 characters with spaces) are accepted for consideration for selection for publication in the journal. Articles can be published in Russian or English. “Higher Education Today” occupies an authoritative position among the scientific and pedagogical publications of the Russian Federation. The magazine is distributed in almost all higher educational institutions of the country. In terms of citation frequency, it is in 3rd place among journals in the field of education and ranks 154th by this indicator among 2,500 scientific publications in the country.

The International Journal of Modern Education and Computer Science (IJMECS) is a reviewed peer journal in the field of Modern Education and Computer Science. The journal is published 12 issues per year by the MECS Publisher from 2012. All papers will be blindly reviewed. Accepted papers will be available on line (free access) and in printed version. No publication fee. IJMECS is publishing refereed, high quality original research papers in all areas of Education Technology and Computer Science. IJMECS has been indexed by several world class databases: Google Scholar, Microsoft Academic Search, CrossRef, DOAJ, IndexCopernicus, INSPEC(IET), EBSCO, JournalSeek, ULRICH's Periodicals Directory, WordCat, Scirus, Academic Journals Database, Stanford University Libraries, Cornell University Library, UniSA Library, CNKI Scholar, ProQuest, J-Gate, ZDB, BASE, OhioLINK, iThenticate, Open Access Articles, Open Science Directory, National Science Library of Chinese Academy of Sciences, The HKU Scholars Hub, etc... The journal publishes original papers in the field of Modern Education and Computer Science which covers, but not limited to the following scope: Computer Education Computer Aided Instruction Network University Network Curriculum Computer Network Education Computer Distance Learning Countryside Distance Learning Education Information Technology Educational Technique standard Computation Thought and Computer Method Study School Teachers Educational Technique Ability Training The Teaching Resources" Design, Develops and Applies Modern Distance Learning Resources Effective Applied Research College Network Education Innovation Research Educational Technique"s Application in the Vocational-Technical Education Teacher Educational Technique Training Studies with the Teacher Career Development Digit Sports Research New Technology in Teaching Domain Application Under the Informationization Environment New Study and Teaches to Study Classroom Instruction Research Foreign Language Teaching Research Mathematics Education Research Physics Teaching Research Chemistry Teaching Research Management Science Teaching Research Lifelong Education Research Special Crowd Computer Education E -service Information Security Information Hiding and Digital Watermark Multimedia Technology Database Technology Artificial Intelligent System Pattern Recognition Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Pattern recognition Software Engineering Control Technology Network Engineering Communication Graph and Image Processing Computer Application Technology

The journal “Vestnik DSTU” was created in order to ensure the modern quality of education based on maintaining its fundamentality and compliance with the current needs of the individual, society and the state. The publication is intended to contribute to the strengthening and expansion of the integral scientific and information space of Russia and its successful integration into the global scientific information space. The magazine has been published since 1999. Published 4 times a year. Distribution area: Russian Federation. Certificate of registration of the mass media PI No. FS 77-66004 dated June 6, 2016. The magazine is addressed to those who are developing strategic directions for the development of modern science: scientists, graduate students, undergraduates, engineering and technical workers, practicing teachers who are faced with the task of ensuring high quality of all levels of engineering and technical education based on its fundamentalization, informatization and use of the latest achievements of science and technology. The most pressing problems of modern science and the results of fundamental research in the field of technical sciences, instrument making, mechanical engineering, mathematics, physics, information technology, computer security, media communications, multimedia technologies, human life safety, environmental protection and social sciences are actively discussed on the pages of the magazine.

This leading international journal promotes and stimulates research in the field of artificial intelligence (AI). Covering a wide range of issues - from the tools and languages ​​of AI to its philosophical implications - Computational Intelligence provides a vigorous forum for the publication of both experimental and theoretical research, as well as surveys and impact studies. The journal is designed to meet the needs of a wide range of AI workers in academic and industrial research.


Machine learning - including in particular symbolic multistrategy and cognitive learning. Multistrategy learning systems integrate two or more inference types and/or representational mechanisms. These systems take advantage of the strengths of individual learning strategies, and therefore can be applied to a wider range of problems. Human learning is clearly not limited to any single strategy, but can involve any type of strategy, or a combination of them, depending on the task at hand. Research on multistrategy learning is therefore key to understanding learning processes in general, to making progress in machine learning, as well as to extending the applicability of current machine learning methods to new practical domains.

Web intelligence and semantic web. Web intelligence is concerned with the application of AI to the next generation of web systems, services and resources. These include better search/retrieval algorithms, client side systems (e.g. more effective agents) and server side systems (e.g. effective ways to present material on web pages and throughout web sites, including adaptive websites and personalized interfaces).

The semantic web is an extension to the World Wide Web, in which web content is expressed in a form that is accessible to programs (software agents), following the vision of the web as universal medium for data, information and knowledge exchange.

Discovery science and knowledge mining. Discovery science (also known as discovery-based science) is a scientific methodology which emphasizes analysis of large volumes of experimental data or text data with the goal of finding new patterns or correlations, leading to hypothesis formation and other scientific methodologies. Tools of interest include: Data Mining: looking for associations or relationships in operational or transactional data; Text Mining and Information Extraction: looking for concepts and their associations or relationships in natural language text; Structured, semi-structured and unstructured text mining; Text Summarization: extracting terms and phrases from large text document collections that summarize their content; Web mining: Web structure, content and usage mining; Ontology Learning from Text and Data bases.

Agents and multiagent systems. Agents as a computational abstraction have replaced "objects," and have provided the necessary ingredients to move to societies of interacting intelligent entities, based on things like the belief-desire-intention (BDI) model of agent societies, market economies, e-commerce models and game theory. Such abstractions are dispersed throughout the scientific world, depending largely on applications. Multiagent systems (MAS) are systems in which many intelligent autonomous agents interact with each other. Agents can be either cooperative, pursuing a common goal, or selfish, going after their own interests. Architectures, interaction protocols and languages ​​must be developed for multiagent systems. Topics of interest include: Autonomy-oriented computing; Agent systems methodology and language; Agent-based simulation and modeling; Agent-based applications; Agent-based negotiation and autonomous auction; Distributed problem solving.

Modern knowledge-based systems. Knowledge-based systems aim to make expertise available for decision making, and information sharing, when and where needed. The next generation of such systems needs to tap into large knowledge bases of domain-specific knowledge, which combine machine learning and structured background knowledge representation, such as ontology, and causal representations and reasoning. Information sharing is concerned with creating collaborative knowledge environments for sharing and disseminating information.

Key application areas of AI. Entertainment and Gaming, Software Engineering, Business, Finance, Commerce and Economics, Knowledge-based and Personalized User Interfaces.

We aim to make the journal the focus of key application areas, where AI is making a significant impact, but lack a coherent publication venue. These include: Entertainment and Game Development, i.e. building game engines using AI techniques; Software Engineering, including program understanding, software repositories and reverse engineering; Business, Finance, Commerce and Economics: learning aggregate behaviors (e.g. stock market trends) or modeling individual and group demographics (e.g. web mining); Knowledge-based and Personalized User Interfaces, to make interaction clearer to the user and more efficient, with better support for the users" goals, and efficient presentation of complex information.

  • Magazine "Gardener's Bulletin"

    The magazine "Gardener's Bulletin" is designed for a wide range of readers, for those who garden, love nature, and care about their meaningful leisure time. Our readers include both experienced, seasoned gardeners and those who are just taking their first steps in growing their own beautiful and useful garden. The magazine helps to understand gardening as a science and as an art. "Gardener's Bulletin" actively cooperates with the Union of Gardeners of Russia, the clubs "Florists of Moscow", "Kalitka", other amateur gardeners' associations, including regional ones...

  • Magazine "In the world of plants"

    The illustrated full-color magazine “In the World of Plants” first appeared on the print market in February 1999 and immediately found its reader. Today it is an interesting popular science publication that “opens the way to the stunningly diverse and fascinating world of plants.” Readers, following this winding and fascinating path, can go on botanical expeditions, visit famous gardens and parks, and become better acquainted with the landscapes of our planet, various groups of plants and living collections. All materials are written in easy, accessible language and are understandable to all nature lovers...

  • Magazine "Home and Garden"

    Home and Garden magazine is a full-color periodical that provides professional advice and practical recommendations on garden planning and care, landscaping and gardening, choosing plants for landscape design, as well as using tools and equipment for garden care . Much attention is paid to the “water” theme - ponds, fountains and waterfalls, as well as winter gardens and the arrangement of green corners in the interior. A permanent section includes garden furniture, lamps, sculpture, as well as construction and finishing materials for any designer’s imagination...

  • Magazine "Gardening Affairs"

    The most detailed information necessary for arranging a garden to suit every taste: a wide range of articles on landscape design, detailed comments on projects for designing a suburban area, choosing plants and caring for the garden. Distribution: In St. Petersburg and the North-Western region - Rospechat, Krasnogvardeyskaya Soyuzpechat, Press, Orion, Neva-press, Nika, LenOblPechat, real estate agencies, PSC, UFPS St. Petersburg and Leningrad region, specialty stores, shopping malls, gas stations, private distributors ...

  • Magazine "Living Forest"

    “Living Forest” is a universal magazine: its articles are devoted to ecology, tree care and treatment, landscape design, tourism, herbal medicine, safe development of a forest area, each issue contains a review of advanced scientific ideas and technical innovations, a story about the mysteries of nature and the latest discoveries, colorful photographs of plants, forests and parks from around the world. “Living Forest” is a magazine for both work and leisure. You will see how interesting, diverse and beautiful the world of trees is. The authors of the magazine will teach you to speak their language, understand the laws of their life, and coexist with them in a mutually beneficial way. The Living Forest magazine is a guide to the world of plants...

  • Magazine "Exterieurs design"

    Exterieurs design Russia is a unique publication in the field of landscape design, created in close collaboration with the French team led by Bruno Varaschitz. Exterieurs design Russia—Russian edition of the Exterieurs design magazine. Its readers are people who are organizing their country houses and gardens, architects, landscape designers, outdoor specialists who follow trends, as well as people who are interested in the topics of the magazine.
    Exterieurs design contains projects that not only inspire, but make you want to approach the arrangement of your country house creatively and, perhaps, even look at your country life from a different angle...

  • Magazine "Wicket"

    "KALITKA" is a universal Russian publication about the life of the garden and those who inhabit it. The magazine is intended for those who appreciate and love nature, who know how to not only manage its gifts, but also take care of increasing the beauty of the world around them. A magazine for gardeners, amateurs and professionals, whose interest in the garden has gone beyond the boundaries of the proposed garden topic and has spread to all areas of garden life. Everything that broadens your horizons, that is interesting and useful, convenient and practical, entertaining and exciting, simply beautiful - on the pages of “KALITKA”.

  • Magazine "Landscape Plus"

    Landscape Plus magazine is a thematic, popular guide to garden design.
    The concept of the magazine is to create a fashionable, design magazine on landscape.”
    The magazine's attention is directed mainly to the artistic side of the issue, i.e. the beauty of the garden. We write a poem to trees and flowers, play with light and shadow, and glorify the kingdom of Flora.
    A magazine of practical ideas for a garden, park, country residence. Fashion gardening magazine...

  • Magazine "Landscape Architecture. Design"

    The magazine introduces readers to modern technologies and the latest trends in landscape architecture and conceptual developments in the field of environmental design, talks about historical landscape parks, and offers topics for professional discussions on the pages of the publication.
    In each issue, readers can find a variety of materials published in the headings “Landscape Design”, “Landscaping”, “Profession”, “Name”, “From Distant Travels”, “Plastic Art”. Topics of greatest interest to the professional landscape community are selected as the main body of the issue's materials.

  • Magazine "Landscape Solutions"

    Distributed in St. Petersburg and the North-Western region - retail chains: Soyuzpechat, Transpress, Krasnogvardeyskaya Soyuzpechat, Press, Orion, Neva-press, LenOblPechat, real estate agencies, Federal Postal Service of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, specialized stores, private distributors, specialized exhibitions, commuter electric trains , Gardener's House....

  • Magazine "Landscape Design"

    "Landscape Design" is the first Russian publication about ornamental gardening. The magazine introduces readers to the most famous gardens and parks in Russia and the world, and the best works in landscape design. The magazine presents fashionable styles and trends in landscape design, information about modern technologies for carrying out landscape work. The magazine will allow you to look at landscape design in a new way and feel the style of today. In each issue of the magazine "Landscape Design" you can find a special insert - "Encyclopedia of the best ornamental plants". This insert is printed on special cardboard and has perforations, which will help you easily select the plants presented, according to your interests...

  • Magazine "My Beautiful Garden"

    “My Beautiful Garden” is the Russian edition of Europe’s most popular magazine on ornamental gardening. The magazine is intended for amateur gardeners, owners of country houses, cottages and villas. Its central topics are the planning and design of the garden, the optimal choice of plants and their care, and seasonal practical advice for gardeners. Much attention is paid to indoor plants, which are suitable for decorating winter gardens, terraces and balconies. The magazine “My Beautiful Garden” is a professional and friendly advisor for those who strive to live in harmony with nature. Distributed at retail and by subscription in Russia, the CIS and Baltic countries...

  • Magazine "Neskuchny Sad"

    The magazine "Neskuchny Sad" is the most popular Ukrainian publication on gardening. In the magazine you will find accessible practical recommendations that will help you create an original and comfortable garden that does not require complex care. For professional and amateur gardeners, 12 interesting sections are offered: new items on the garden market, a flower garden, a well-kept garden, landscape design, a gardener's workshop, a potted garden, a garden doctor, new ideas for your garden, garden equipment, floristry and others. Everything you need to decorate your garden is in one magazine!...

  • Magazine "Nursery and private garden"

    The journal “Nursery and Private Garden” publishes reliable, substantiated materials that have scientific and practical significance, stand out for their relevance and novelty, help improve production efficiency, are complete in nature and are of interest to the target audience of the magazine. The readership of the magazine “Nursery and Private Garden” includes nursery employees, farmers, gardeners, and collectors. The magazine is distinguished by serious content and an accessible form of presentation of the material, a variety of topics and headings...

  • Magazine "Planet of Orchids"

    "Planet of Orchids" is the only Russian-language magazine about orchids and exotic plants. This topic is of constant interest to gardeners and indoor plant lovers, florists and designers, artists and decorators. Travel and exotic lovers show genuine curiosity about orchids. The main topics of the magazine: the history of botany and the discovery of plants, descriptions of orchids and their places of growth, travel, eco-tourism, methods and methods of growing orchids at home. The magazine sets goals: to show the beauty and diversity of these plants, the ability to grow almost every species at home, talk about events and innovations in the field of orchid research, about orchids in Russia and the conservation of natural species...

  • Magazine "Gardener"

    "Gardener" is a practical magazine about country life. In a fascinating, authoritative and accessible way, the magazine writes about all aspects of landscape art, gardening and country life, helping the reader move from words to action, from the dream of an ideal garden and home to its successful implementation. The magazine is based on the rich experience of authors and experts who are involved in working on each issue. Modern trends in the field of garden design and improvement, plant selection and cultivation, and suburban construction are reflected on the pages of the magazine in an accessible, but not simplified form. That is why regular readers of "Gardener" are both beginners and experienced gardeners, as well as specialists in the landscape industry...

  • Magazine "Garden with your own hands"

    "Garden with your own hands" is the leading Russian publication about gardening. From the pages of the magazine you will learn how to create your own, unique garden without the help of specialists. How to care for plants, how to build a gazebo with your own hands, make paths, a fence, a pond and much more. Each issue of the magazine features garden projects and an "encyclopedia" of plants, which will help you assemble a collection of practical solutions for your garden. Also, in each issue you can find an insert (“The Secret of Success”). In it, in a condensed form, especially for you, secrets, tips and ideas are published that will help you realize your dream of arranging a garden or country plot and will make you even more erudite in matters of gardening and floriculture...

  • Magazine "Terrace"

    "Terrace" is an electronic magazine-catalogue of suppliers of goods and services for landscape design. The publication will be of interest to you if you: - a landscape designer who monitors the emergence of new and modern products and materials for landscape design; - owner or tenant of a land plot planning landscaping or landscaping of their territory...
    Thematic articles about interesting completed landscape projects in the Primorsky Territory are presented as useful information. Projects of designers from other regions of Russia who provide services remotely are also published.

  • Magazine "Flower Gardens"

    “Flower Gardens” is a magazine for those who truly love life, for all connoisseurs of beauty and flower lovers, be they amateur or professional gardeners, owners of small plots or modern cottages. The magazine will become an indispensable assistant in the design and development of flower beds, will help you choose the right flowers and plants to decorate your site and will serve as the basis for bringing your ideas and fantasies to life, making it more colorful and brighter...

  • Magazine "Floriculture"

    The magazine "Floriculture" is a popular scientific illustrated publication for amateur and professional flower growers. The magazine talks about the latest in Russian selection and the world market, advanced technologies for growing ornamental plants, recommendations for floristry and garden design.

  • Magazine "Flower Club"

    "Flower Club" is a monthly illustrated magazine about flowers and other ornamental plants. Every month the magazine publishes the most current information for lovers of ornamental plants. The magazine will help you navigate the latest trends in the flower market and choose the right varieties - spectacular and sustainable. The authors of the materials will give detailed and specific recommendations for planting and caring for plants, and show a variety of techniques to keep the garden in excellent shape. You will be able to visit the gardens of different parts of the Earth and see what is planted under the window in Australia, and what is grown in the garden in Japan. You can also order the plants you read about!..

  • Magazine "Flowers"

    "Flowers" is a beautifully designed magazine that reveals the world of flowers in all its diversity and splendor and reflects the most modern trends in the development of floral design. The audience of our magazine is characterized by high social activity, curiosity, receptivity to everything new and good taste.
    The magazine is distinguished by a thematic variety of sections, from the materials of which you can learn about the trends in the development of the flower market, the most modern trends in floral design, outstanding florists, designers, breeders and people of other professions who have devoted their lives to plants. A special place is occupied by professional advice on composing flower arrangements...

  • Magazine "Ecology and Life"

    The magazine “Ecology and Life” today is 100 or more pages of useful information on high-quality paper with color illustrations and a memorable cover. Since 2010, an electronic archive for all the years of its existence has become available on the journal’s website. Currently, the journal “Ecology and Life” is the only popular science periodical in Russia that widely covers the topics of ecology and energy efficiency, climate change and environmental management. The publication combines a high scientific level and provides accessibility to complex problems of science about the nature and climate of the Earth along with a story about the development of a green economy and energy. A significant place in the magazine is devoted to issues of environmental education and the development of worldview...

"CHIP" magazine- one of the most authoritative computer publications in the world. CHIP, published in 15 countries in Europe and Asia, is read by more than 5 million people. Equipment tests, program reviews, unique interviews and other useful information about computers and communications are published monthly on the 164 pages of the Russian version of the magazine. Readers fell in love with this magazine due to the high level of presentation of materials, independence of author's opinions... Address: ichip.ru

Computer Bild magazine- the largest European magazine about computers. News, Hard, Soft, Internet, Communications, How it works, Games, Audio/video/photo, Interview, Blog Computerbild. Here is a list of topics covered in the magazine. Useful for both beginners and experienced professionals in the computer world. Magazine website: computerbild.ru

PC World Magazine- The oldest specialized magazine in Russia, covering a wide range of issues in the development of hardware and software for personal computers, servers and workstations used in various spheres of life, from home to medium-sized enterprises. “PC World” is intended for readers of various qualifications, for whom objective information is offered that helps them confidently navigate the diversity of information technologies and make informed decisions when purchasing equipment and software. PC World magazine contains IT market news, analytical articles, reports on major exhibitions, reviews and advice Address: pcworld.ru

Magazine "Mobile Computers"- dedicated to the most modern devices: mobile computers, mobile phones and laptops. The magazine talks about everything that is somehow related to mobile technologies for those who are interested. All the latest news, tests and reviews, solutions and useful tips, as well as a large catalog of devices. The editors help the reader get comfortable in the world of mobile devices and provide specific business solutions for optimizing processes using PDAs, laptops and smartphones. Readers of the magazine are active users of personal and mobile computers, the Internet, modern mobile communications, including SMS, WAP, GPRS technologies Address: mconline.ru

Magazine "Computerra"- Today it is one of the leading computer publications, the topics of which are devoted to computer and other latest technologies, their implementation and impact on the development of society. Published since November 1992 with weekly frequency. The typical audience of the Computerra magazine are men aged 25-34 years old, working, with a high social status, with a high or average level of income, and actively using computers. The magazine is interesting to everyone who likes to read about computers Address: computerra.ru

Magazine "Iron"- Full (paper) electronic version in pdf format of the magazine about computer hardware from the creators of Hacker Publishing House "Game Land". The prerequisite for the emergence of the magazine was a large readership feedback on this topic in all publications, as well as the results of many studies that show the need to quickly provide readers with information about a huge number of new models and fundamentally new products on the computer equipment market, to help them make choices when purchasing computers and components . The credo of the presented magazine: “More objective tests!” The publication is based on large-scale tests of the most interesting models of various components and computer equipment. Hardware news, equipment announcements and short notes about the latest models are designed to keep the reader up to date with the latest changes in the market. Address: xard.ru

Hacker Magazine- A complete electronic version of the popular computer magazine Hacker in pdf format, which talks about computers in general, software, hardware, technology, games and, of course, about the hackers themselves. In other words, everything related to computers and hackers. But it doesn't stop there. The magazine often contains materials about lifestyle, about some absolutely vital things, about health and spending free time. The main difference from other publications is the manner of presentation of materials. Hacker's journalists explain complex things in simple language, with humor and youth slang. Address: xakep.ru

PC GAMES Magazine- Full (paper) electronic version in pdf format (Acrobat) of PC GAMES magazine - the correct magazine about computer games, which provides the reader with prompt, comprehensive, detailed and exclusive information about computer games, events and trends in the gaming industry, and, of course same, all about new products in the field of computer technologies necessary for games; This is the most voluminous magazine with the richest content. The maximum information active gamers need is “PC GAMES”! Address: gameland.ru

Magazine "InZone"- a compact, neatly designed magazine in a classic “frame” design. This publication contains interesting and useful Runet articles on computer topics. It continues the traditions of the popular magazine Internet Zone, which at one time ceased publication. To the best of his ability, the author tries to preserve the idea and spirit of the IZone magazine, starting the numbering of his project from No. 591, i.e., from the IZone issue. In InZone you can always read the latest news from the online world, materials for website builders, reviews of new software, articles for self-education and other interesting computer information. The magazine is published 3-4 times a week. According to some authoritative resources, InZone magazine is the best electronic magazine. Address: andrakov.narod.ru

ComputerPress Magazine- The monthly computer magazine ComputerPress has been published since 1989. Today, the pages of the Computer Press magazine contain almost all the information about computers and everything connected with them. The relevance of this magazine is not only that it responds very promptly to all new trends and trends in computer fashion, but also that this publication has a practical orientation and is a valuable practical guide in a variety of situations. The magazine is addressed primarily to specialists in the field of information technology. The vast majority of materials are written by domestic authors, and this suggests that ComputerPress is aimed primarily at Russian PC users. Address: compress.ru

F1CD Magazine- Computer magazine F1CD is a periodical publication about computer and mobile technologies, software and everything that is, one way or another, related to high technology ( Hi-Tech). An interesting feature of our magazine is the method of distribution - at the moment we are publishing in two versions - on CD and DVD discs.
Our readership is interested in high-quality information, so we are read by both schoolchildren and students, as well as people with higher education over the age of thirty.
Why do they read us? The answer is simple - in each issue of F1CD we try to highlight the most interesting and important things that happened over the past month.
An important part of our publication is the “Programs” section, which publishes high-quality, mostly free, applications for PCs, cell phones and smartphones.
We We are NOT doing the spread of pirated software, on the contrary, we believe that with modern competition in the software market, there is only a very narrow range of programs for which there is no decent accessible (and increasingly free) analogue. So why use pirated products, thereby coming into conflict with the law, if you can use a completely legal alternative? Computer magazine address: f1cd.ru

UPgrade Magazine- The weekly magazine about computers and computer technologies has become a pioneer in the market of mass publications about high technologies; today the magazine is a recognized leader in its media segment. UPgrade is the first weekly publication for a wide range of readers who are interested not only in the computer upgrade itself, but also in everything that is somehow connected with the world of IT. Website upweek.ru

Magazine for geeks- A magazine for those interested in events in the world of information technology. New interesting gadgets, hardware, reviews of Internet services, new technologies, breakthroughs in science, mobile devices, etc. Published in PDF format. Website of the magazine supreme2.ru/category/magazine

Home PC Magazine- The “HardWare” section is a guide for those who are interested in the latest technology. In each issue, "Test Laboratory" presents tests of new programs and applications! As well as articles about the Internet, computer games, multimedia, new software and hardware. Magazine website dpk.com.ua

HARD"n"SOFT magazine- Popular Russian monthly magazine about computer equipment, programs, games. The best specialists and experts provide readers with the necessary, most complete and objective information on digital and computer technologies. According to TNS Gallup Media research for 2009, the magazine is among the top five in terms of readership coverage. Magazine website

polyester.ru - Magazine for girls and women