
How to get rid of the sin of despondency? Sin and the fight against it How to get rid of sins at home

Incredible facts

There are times when we especially want to cleanse ourselves of everything bad and negative.

Each of us tries to commit as few bad deeds as possible and indulge exclusively in spiritual and good thoughts.

How to get rid of sins

The question is: how can we come to cleanse our life of everything bad and, above all, of all those wrong thoughts and actions that we indulge in and commit every day, sometimes without even realizing it?

Believers know that it is spirituality that gives a person the right direction, as well as the strength to fight sinful thoughts and wrong actions.

Here are 5 important steps on the path to purification and proper spiritual life:

1. Recognition

This is perhaps the most difficult stage.

Do you know why sin overcomes most people so easily, and why people succumb to it? Perhaps, first of all, because sin knows how to disguise itself and deceive people.

A person does not always understand that he is doing something that contradicts high spiritual values ​​and goes against the way he should live his life correctly.

As a result, a person spends a lot of time justifying his sin as an individual quirk or a product of the environment in which he lives. He describes his daily sins as an innate addiction that his mother, father, and grandparents had.

The worst thing is that people deny the very existence of sin. They do not understand that they are doing something that should not be done, and that is forbidden and sinful.

Remember: any spiritual victory begins with identifying the enemy.

A very logical question arises: “If you don’t know who the enemy really is, how are you going to fight him? How am I going to eliminate from my life something that I don’t even identify as needing to be eliminated?”

Sin is not only an evil concept, but also a false one. And sin is inside each of us.

What is sin?

The second question arises: What is sin? It is something that is contrary to the instructions and covenants that God gave to man.

We sin when we don't do what we think is right. We also sin when we disobey God or when we do something contrary to what religion teaches us.

One of the most effective and sure ways to recognize sin is prayer. Pray for an understanding of sin and its identification. After all, only knowing the enemy in person can we fight against him.

2. Focusing on the right things

Focusing on what is right is a very important step in the process of ridding your life of sins.

Of course, the Bible comes to the rescue here.

Reading, memorizing and thinking about spiritual values ​​will help you focus your attention on the human soul and pure thoughts, and not on earthly temptations.

How not to commit sins

3. Stay away from sin

Try to avoid situations and places where temptation may arise.

For example, if you have a problem with alcohol, don't go to bars or places where people drink it. If you have a penchant for the fairer sex, avoid going to the beach or places where women walk around half-naked.

Resisting temptation is an important rule if you want to rid your life of sins.

Once you are distracted from temptation, you will choose your right path.

4. Find a partner with similar interests

In everything you do, it is also very important to have a like-minded person with whom you can share things.

It’s not for nothing that they say, “tell me who your friend is, and I’ll tell you who you are.” In any business, it is very important to have someone nearby who will share your views and beliefs.

After you pray to avoid sin, you may find God's answer in the form of a friend sent to you from above.

The right friend is the one who will always help, support and share with you not only the good, but also the bad. This is also someone who will share your worldview, whose interests will coincide with yours.

A person who helps us obey all the commandments may be called an “accountability partner.”

People who have recognized and acknowledged sin in their lives, such as giving in to the temptation of drugs and alcohol, often know that a friend who encourages godly living is very helpful and important.

The editors of the site pay special attention to the following point, as one of the most important in the matter of ridding your life of sins:

5. Repentance

Every person makes mistakes. This is human weakness.

However, we are all human, and we all make mistakes. God knows that we make mistakes even when we try to obey and follow all the commandments that are written for humanity.

Repentance is a very important process in cleansing the human soul. When a person realizes his mistakes and repents of them, he steps on the right path.

Repentance and following the correct covenants leads to the fact that the soul becomes pure, and we no longer want to return to a sinful lifestyle and again set foot on the wrong path in life.

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Fornication in Orthodoxy, or as it is also called malakia, is a type of fornication, which in turn is distinguished by the acquisition of pleasant touches, and in the Christian religion such a sinful act is considered as a fornication sin. Let's take a closer look at what kind of sin masturbation is, how clergy speak about it, and how to get rid of this addiction.

What is handjob

In essence, masturbation is a waste of human energy, for which a Christian believer is able to find a more reasonable use, but besides this, this type of satisfaction can tell about the weakness of the Orthodox, in particular the inability to properly manage his lusts.

It should be noted that masturbation is a terrible sin and no matter what it is called in Orthodoxy, such an addiction can push a Christian to commit other sins and it follows from this that, having overcome one, one can also cope with others.

Malakia itself is a product of the gravity of fornication, because unclean, bold intentions have a detrimental effect on human spirituality. Such an addiction is unnatural, since fusion with the opposite sex does not occur, while the Christian Church allows fornication only committed among couples who have legalized their relationship and their goal is procreation.

The Holy Fathers spoke about masturbation as follows:

Rev. Abba Serapion: “There are only three types of lustful passion: the first occurs due to sexual confusion; the next one, for which the Most High defeated the son of the patriarch Judah Onan, is produced without merging with the female sex, in Holy Scripture this type of lustful addiction is called uncleanness, which the Apostle spoke about: for those who are celibate or widowed: it would be good for them to remain like me . However, if they cannot restrain themselves, then let them enter into marriage; after all, creating a marriage is much better than succumbing to an addiction.”

Archpriest Vasily Zenkovsky: “Such an act represents serious sexual corruption, since the meaning of sex lies in the essence of the other sex.”

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Masturbation among women in Orthodoxy, as well as among minor children

There is no mention of female malakia in the Holy Scriptures, but this does not mean that they do not commit a sinful act, since women who fornicate receive the same condemnation from the church as men with the same addiction. It follows from this that female representatives must also repent and subject themselves to the same punishment as the opposite sex.

But masturbation by girls or boys occurs in most cases out of ignorance or due to non-observance of personal hygiene, the presence of itching sensations in the genital area, from tight and tight clothing, physical punishment and more.

In order to rid a child of this addiction, parents should:

  • determine the cause and eliminate it immediately;
  • It is strongly recommended not to intimidate or scold a child;
  • do not conduct inspections or interrogations;
  • try to pay as much attention as possible;
  • wear looser clothes;
  • work out the baby's nutrition;
  • allow you to spend more time with your peers;
  • increase the number of water treatments;
  • try to be outdoors more often.

How to get rid of addiction

Not every person will be able to openly admit to such a shameful sin, however, to overcome this, tips on how to get rid of masturbation can help:

  1. If a person is determined to fight sin, then first of all he should start by confronting the bad habit, and God’s prayer will help in this, but in all other cases the desire to say goodbye to the addiction will remain nothing more than a desire.
  2. The fight with malakia (as well as with other well-known sins) should begin with the understanding of the fact that it is impossible for a Christian to overcome himself on his own (i.e., without the help of the Almighty) and therefore this can only be done with the Lord’s help.
  3. It is necessary to offer prayer. When dirty thoughts appear, it is best to turn to the Heavenly Queen. If the said prayer against hand fornication is sincere and from a pure heart, then you can gain the protection of the Mother of God and receive the long-awaited liberation.
  4. In rather difficult situations of lustful thoughts, surrounding yourself with church paraphernalia, such as a cross or miraculous images of Saints, can help. You can turn to them in moments of greatest temptation, bowing and asking to cast out the demon.
  5. An Orthodox person should lead the most controlled and leisurely lifestyle (naturally, as far as life circumstances allow), while the media and viewing of films of the erotic genre are prohibited.
  6. You should also limit yourself in drinking alcoholic beverages, as they can dull the mind.
  7. You should try to avoid any temptations, such as, for example, taking a long bubble bath.
  8. You should admit your thoughts to yourself as often as possible, which will open your thoughts and increase the power of confrontation against addiction.
  9. Depending on the presence of sins, come to confession in church at least once a week.

The prayer itself against desecration by masturbation looks like this:

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, my Savior, have pity on my severe weakness and by your grace heal me from the vile addiction to masturbation. Do not let me fall into this sin and strengthen my will. Have mercy on me, a fornicating abomination, and it is better to kill me than let me fall into this sin again.”

May the Lord protect you!

You can learn how to name the sin of masturbation in confession from this video:


Confession can be started at any time, but it is generally accepted that confession should be performed before. You should carefully prepare for this Sacrament: thoughtfully and carefully analyze your entire life, while noting what is needed in confession before the clergy. Set your heart and soul in a repentant mood.

Remember that confession is not, here you should talk exclusively about your sins and ask the Lord for forgiveness for your sins. Do not under any circumstances try to judge others or whitewash yourself of any actions. Proceed to confession only after preliminary reconciliation with everyone who once offended you or holds a grudge against you. If it is practically impossible to do this for some reason, sincerely reconcile in your heart. Coming to confession without reconciliation is a mortal sin.

Do not be embarrassed by the severity of your sins, since there are no unforgivable sins except unrepentant and unconfessed ones. After all, holy Christian people, who were once terrible sinners, having repented, received forgiveness from God and ascended to a high level of holiness. During confession of even the most disgusting and grave sins, a priest should not have a bad feeling towards the person confessing.

The main thing is don’t be embarrassed and don’t be afraid of anything. Your ignorance of some church rituals is not at all an obstacle in your relationship with God. He sees how and why you came to him and will certainly accept your prayer, even if it is artless. Three days before repentance and communion, start fasting and read prayers.

If the priest, for some reason, does not have the opportunity to listen to you in detail and simply asked: “Do you repent of your sins?” Answer with heartfelt contrition and sincerely: “I repent.” The priest will immediately read a prayer of permission. You may not be embarrassed by the brevity of confession, because the grace of God has cleansed your soul, and the Sacrament has been completed in full. If any sin lies like a stone on your soul and does not give you peace, ask a priest to listen to you completely and help you cleanse yourself of the heavy burden.


  • How the soul is cleansed from sins

Cleansing from sins is a religious rite of freeing the soul of a believer from the burden of committed sin, cleansing the conscience and gaining mental balance, and as a result, “getting closer to God.” Metaphorically speaking, this is a process of cleansing the heart, reviving the soul, healing the consciousness. Having observed yourself or immersed in memories, you will probably note the sinfulness of your thoughts, feelings, and actions at one time or another. The recommendations below will tell you how to cleanse yourself of sins.


The Holy Scripture says that sinners can receive forgiveness of sins in case of sincere deep repentance (“contrition of heart”), which means awareness of their mistake and a firm decision to correct themselves. Repent with all your heart and turn to God in repentance. After all, it is about repentance that the Apostle Peter speaks: “Repent therefore and be converted, so that your sins may be blotted out” (Acts 3:19). Forgive the people who, wittingly or unwittingly, prompted you to commit sinful acts or thoughts. Ask for forgiveness from those against whom you have sinned. Having sincerely repented, confess your sins in church. The Apostle John the Theologian says: “If we confess our sins, then He, being faithful and righteous, will forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9).

The Word of God reveals to us other ways of cleansing from sins: love and mercy. The Apostle Peter says: “Above all, have fervent love for one another, for love covers a multitude of sins” (1 Pet. 4:8). Be kind to people, learn to love and forgive your loved ones, help people become better people, do good deeds. And remember: if you want your sins to be forgiven, forgive other people. Holy Scripture tells us: “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God in Christ forgave you” (Eph. 4:32). Do alms, for, in the words of John Chrysostom: “There is no sin that alms cannot cleanse, which alms cannot destroy.” However, your alms must be from a pure heart. An outwardly good deed, done with selfish motives, for your own personal good, will only contribute to the aggravation and rooting of sin in you. Do all good deeds with a sincere desire to help people.

Live according to God’s commandments, pray to the Lord, because prayers contain not only a plea for help, but also for the forgiveness of sins. The Bible says: “Whatever you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive” (Matthew 21:22). The main thing is that in your soul there is sincere repentance for your sins, a strong desire to take the righteous path and faith, and then, as Jesus Christ said, “let it be done to you according to your faith.”


  • Hieromonk Job (Gumerov) on forgiveness of sins
  • be cleansed of sin

According to the priests, the human body is a temple, so it must be protected and kept clean, treating it with love and care. However, the salvation of the soul is more important than the salvation of the body, therefore, in case of illness or suffering for any reason, the soul can be healed in the church, entrusting it to the Lord God.

Illness and healing

In a person, the spirit comes first, then the soul and only then the physical body. If the body dominates the soul, the spirit is suppressed and begins to sin, earning itself a variety of diseases. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to keep thoughts and actions in moral and physical purity, since sin alienates a person from the divine principle. People are capable of forgiveness of sins and healing of the soul (body) for free, due to their faith in God, while others, who do not believe in anything, at the energetic level seem to be covered with bodily and spiritual dirt.

In order for the soul to be cleansed and healed, it must undergo the healing and cleansing Sacrament of Repentance.

When a person entrusts himself to God, his spirit begins to function as it was originally intended to function. After this, people begin to feel relief and recover - but for this they need to trust in divine intervention and calm their soul by starting to pray to God for their healing with faith in him. Priests often note cases when people suffering mentally and physically, after sincere confession, ending with no less sincere repentance of sins and Communion, then return to them completely healed.

The sacrament of healing the soul

Healing of the soul in the church occurs through Unction - a Sacrament in which a sick or mentally suffering person is anointed with oil and the Grace of God is invoked upon him, healing the spiritual and physical infirmities of the sick person. Unction received its name from the very holding of the Sacrament - ideally, it should be carried out by a “council” consisting of seven priests, but if necessary, the presence of one priest is allowed.

The history of Unction began in the time of Jesus Christ, who gave his apostles the power to heal illnesses by anointing the afflicted with oil.

In the process of performing Unction, the priest (or priests) reads seven texts from the Gospel and seven from the Apostolic Epistles. After reading each of them, the priest anoints the person’s forehead, cheeks, chest and hands with consecrated oil, and at the end of reading the Holy Scriptures, he places the opened Gospel on the head of the person being unctioned and prays to God for the forgiveness of this person’s sins. Unction requires repentance and faith from a person, since the healing of the soul is a gift of a loving and forgiving God, and not one hundred percent the result of various manipulations.

Every person faces mental problems at certain periods of life. But not everyone can cope with this condition on their own.

However, it is important to consult a psychotherapist in time, before minor mental discomfort develops into the advanced stage of a serious illness. Unfortunately, many do not really understand what this specialist does, or are afraid that he will immediately begin to stuff them with strong drugs, or even insist on compulsory treatment. In most cases, such fears are unjustified, since drastic measures are applied only in the most extreme, almost hopeless cases.

Of course, a psychotherapist can prescribe medications, but his main goal is close emotional contact with the patient, through which the doctor influences the patient’s subconscious and gradually removes him from a negative mental state. In this case, medications can be completely excluded from the treatment process.

Therefore, you can safely trust a professional in case of depression or constant bad mood. It will help a person suffering from phobias, manias, and obsessions. In modern society, many suffer from emotional exhaustion or burnout, find themselves in stressful situations, and lose the desire to live as a result of misfortunes. All this relates to the sphere of activity of a psychotherapist.

Z Hello, our dear visitors!

The sinful spirit of despondency, from time to time, covers (with rare exceptions) the soul of every person. Despair, in the literal sense of the word, poisons life, sometimes giving rise to dangerous suicidal thoughts... This terrible spirit must be fought at the very beginning of its appearance.

One Orthodox woman asked the following questions:

E there is a desire to go to another world. How to get out of this state? Is it possible to mourn without losing heart? How to get rid of despondency?

Archimandrite Ambrose (Fontrier) answers:

"H For this desire to be salutary, you need to prepare your soul, because with a dirty soul you will only end up in hell. We still have to work hard here on earth to serve the Lord God. We must constantly improve spiritually... In the meantime, the state in which we are now does not correspond to the Kingdom of Heaven. Without correcting ourselves here, we will not correct ourselves there either, and nothing unclean enters the Kingdom of Heaven. As we are, we will remain so...

If you and I have achieved such perfection that we no longer have anger, irritation, resentment, or jealousy, and are in love for God and neighbor, then there is no reason for us to flee from this world. The time for peace has already come for our souls. Such a soul does not strive to move into that world; it is aware of its imperfection.

Sometimes it happens that a person lives a long life - 90-100 years. He has no physical strength, but he still doesn’t die. This is because, perhaps, there are unrepentant sins, the soul is not ready for heaven, but the Lord desires salvation for this soul. That is why there is no death for this soul. So don’t rush to leave this world.

- Is it possible to grieve without losing heart?

—Despondency is a mortal sin. Now, if your relative has died, it will be natural for you to grieve for him. But you cannot go far into this state, because after long, intense sorrow, despondency begins. Here, one of our mothers calls and says that she is in great sorrow - her sister has died. I told her: “Well, grieve a little, but you don’t need to become despondent. If it didn’t break – it didn’t break, then where would everything go? All people are born and die."

My mother died in my arms. I gave her communion, and an hour later she left, I sat next to her. Well, why should I cry? I know that she died with repentance, after communion - on the contrary, we should be glad that a person suffered and suffered here on earth. Some may think: “What a cruel heart he has!” Of course, there was grief, but I decided that it was better to rejoice at her good death than to cry.

- How to get rid of despondency?

— Usually, if a person does not have prayer, he is constantly depressed. Especially among the proud, those who love to judge their neighbor and pick him apart. You tell such a person that this cannot be done, he will be tormented by despondency, but he does not understand. He wants to be the boss, stick his nose into every hole, know everything, prove to everyone that he is right. Such a person places himself highly. And when he meets resistance, then scandals and insults occur - the grace of God leaves, and the person falls into despondency.

Especially often those who do not repent of their sins are depressed - their soul is not reconciled with God. Why does a person have no peace, quiet and joy? Because there is no repentance. Many will say: “ And I repent!“Repenting in words, in one tongue, is not enough. If you have repented that you condemned, thought bad things, then do not return to this again, just as in the words of the Apostle Peter: “The washed pig goes back to wallowing in the mud”(2 Pet.2:22).

Don’t return to this dirt, and then your soul will always be calm. Let's say a neighbor came up and insulted us. Well, endure his weaknesses. After all, you won’t lose weight or grow old from this. Of course, it’s bad for the person who has been pushing his worth for a long time, creating a high opinion of himself, and suddenly someone humbles him! He will definitely rebel, be dissatisfied, and be offended. Well, this is the way of a proud man. The humble person believes that if something is reprimanded to him, then it must be so...

Our Christian path is not to speak bad about anyone, not to outrage anyone, to tolerate everyone, to bring peace and tranquility to everyone. And constantly remain in prayer. And impose penance on your evil tongue, tell him: “You've been talking all your life - now that's enough! Get down to business - read the prayer. Do not want? I’ll force you!”

If despondency has just arrived, has just begun, open the Gospel and read until the demon leaves you. Let's say an alcoholic wants to drink - if he understands that a demon has attacked, let him open the Gospel, read a few chapters - and the demon will immediately go away. And so any passion that a person suffers from can be overcome.

We begin to read the Gospel, call on the Lord for help, and immediately the demons leave. As it happened with one monk. He was praying in his cell, and at that time the demons clearly approached him, grabbed him by the hands and dragged him out of the cell. He placed his hands on the door frames and cried out: “Lord, how insolent the demons have become - they are already dragging them out of their cells by force!"The demons instantly disappeared, and the monk turned to God again: “Lord, why don’t you help?” And the Lord says to him: “And you don’t contact me. As soon as I contacted you, I immediately helped you.”.

Many do not see the mercy of God. There were different cases. One man kept grumbling that the Mother of God and the Lord were not helping him in anything. One day an Angel appeared to him and said: “Remember, when you were sailing on a boat with friends, the boat capsized and your friend drowned, but you remained alive. Then the Mother of God saved you; She heard and listened to your mother's prayers. Now remember when you were riding a chaise and the horse pulled to the side - the chaise overturned. A friend was sitting with you; he was killed, and you survived". And the Angel began to cite so many cases that happened to this man in his life. How many times was he threatened with death or trouble, and everything passed him by... We are simply blind and think that all this is accidental, and therefore we are ungrateful to the Lord for saving us from troubles.”

There are times in every person’s life when he wants to free himself from everything negative and bad. One of the most exciting topics in such a period of life is getting rid of sins. Today we propose to talk about how to deal with those sins that believers repent of from confession to confession, and how not to turn a conversation with a priest into a report. We will try to answer the question of how to get rid of sins, whether to fight them all at once or solve problems one by one. Let’s say right away that we will talk not only about Orthodoxy, but also about Islam.

Striving for purity

The first question is how to come to clear your life of bad things - wrong actions and thoughts that a person has almost every day. Believers say: it is spirituality that can give a person the right direction. And faith gives him strength so that he can fight sinful thoughts. Spiritual life presupposes a person’s desire for purity, a thirst to become better. The stronger this desire becomes, the brighter and sharper the conscience will react to any deviations from the truth. Then the question of how to get rid of sins will become irrelevant for a person, because he will simply stop committing them. So what steps do you need to take in order to overcome sinfulness in yourself?

5 steps towards cleansing

The most important and difficult stage is recognition. The fact is that, according to believers, sin knows how to disguise itself perfectly and deceive people: they do not always understand that they are doing something contrary to spiritual values. As a result, a person spends a lot of time trying to justify his sin by calling it an innate addiction, an individual quirk, or a product of the environment in which he lives. The clergy say: any spiritual victory must begin with identifying the enemy. That is, it is important to recognize that what you are doing is a sin. The second stage is focusing on the right things. The Bible will come to the aid of man. You need to read it and reflect on spiritual values, focusing your attention on the soul and pure thoughts, and not on earthly temptations. The third step is resistance to temptation. If at first you find it difficult to cope with temptations, simply avoid those places and situations where temptations may arise. It is equally important to find someone with whom you can share your thoughts and experiences. This will become the fourth stage of cleansing. It is extremely important to have a like-minded person next to you who will share your views and beliefs. The fifth step is repentance. It can be called one of the most important processes occurring during the purification of the human soul. At the time when a person realizes his mistakes and sins and begins to repent of them, he enters the right path.

Analysis of sins

Each person has his own weakness, his own vice and shortcoming that he wants to get rid of. Moreover, at different stages of life these can be completely different problems. That is why, the clergy say, it is extremely important for a person to identify one shortcoming and begin to overcome it. Only after a person has managed to overcome one sin should he take on another.

The solution of the problem

How to get rid of sin? Firstly, you need to see it, and secondly, you need to hate it. Usually the conscience of a believer is sharpened during regular confession. That is, having realized a vice in himself and confessing it every time, a person seems to fall into it again. Of course, conscience reacts to this extremely painfully. The priests say: this is very good, because it is precisely this kind of pain that is the guarantee that sin leaves a person. At the same time, it is important to understand that confession is not a report on sins committed, but careful, incredibly painstaking work on overcoming one’s own shortcomings.

There are many options for getting rid of sinful thoughts and actions; they depend on what kind of vice a person wants to eliminate in himself. How to get rid of the sin of condemnation? It is not for nothing that this sin is considered in Orthodoxy one of the most insidious and unnoticed, and therefore the most widespread. It is very convenient for him to disguise himself, because when judging, a person thinks about how fair, insightful and highly moral he is. However, we should not forget that this is only an awareness of oneself as an imperfect person. With the help of this sin, a person simply asserts himself at the expense of his neighbors. Coping with condemnation is not easy, but there are a number of effective ways. First, we must remember that judgment always belongs to God. Suffice it to recall the commandment from the Gospel:

"Judge not lest ye be judged".

However, there is another method of dealing with condemnation. The Monk Anatoly of Optina said: “Have pity and you will not condemn.” As soon as a person begins to feel sorry for someone, the desire to judge instantly disappears.

Another serious vice is masturbation. How to get rid of sin? As with other sins, this one must be hated. Of course, confession will help, but it is equally important to organize a strict regime for yourself. After all, when a person has a lot of free time, his head, heart and morality deteriorate - by the way, I was thinking about this

The church also considers the addiction to excessive eating of tasty food to be a serious vice. How to get rid of the sin of gluttony? Before each meal, it is necessary to pray, ask the Lord to give abstinence and put a limit to the desires of the belly. It is also important to determine for yourself the amount of food that you should eat, and after this day, separate a quarter of it and put it aside. You may feel hungry at first, but when your body gets used to it, you will need to take away a quarter of it again. Under no circumstances should you give in to your family’s persuasion to eat more, and do not be distracted by conversations.

Ancestral sins

So-called generational sins occupy a special place in Orthodoxy. The fact is that everything that we discussed above can be attributed to the group of personal sins, that is, offenses committed by a specific person, for which he bears personal responsibility and suffers punishment for them. But birth sin is a kind of moral disease with which a person is born. The source of this sin is not the person himself, but his ancestors. The fact is, if one of your parents, grandparents could not resist temptations and committed such a grave sin as adultery, murder, magical influence, then at the moment of committing this offense his soul and body were subject to a special destructive effect. It not only affected the being of this person, but was also passed on to his offspring. How to get rid of ancestral ancestors? First of all, it is necessary to compile a list of grandparents up to the seventh generation. Please note: uncles and aunts should not be included in this list. Another feature: there must be two lists, in one the dead people must be entered, in the second - the living. How to get rid of sins at home? Prayer is what you will need. There are three quite powerful texts about the forgiveness of sins of the family: Psalm 50, Psalm 90, and the Creed prayer.

Sins in Islam

You already know how to get rid of sins in Orthodoxy, now we propose to talk about how Muslims can do this. If you have sinned, guilt before the Almighty does not give you peace, you should not fall into emotions. Muslims believe that Allah created man imperfect, and therefore he simply cannot help but commit sins. The first thing to do after committing an offense is to accept and realize it. Under no circumstances should one despair, because the mercy of Allah, Muslims say, is so great that all mistakes can be corrected. Let's consider how to get rid of sins for a person who has realized their destructiveness!

Maintaining secrecy

Muslims say: "Never tell people around you about your sin." Allah's mercy is so great that He reserves the sins of the sinner only between himself and the person himself. The fact is that there can be no intermediaries between Higher powers and sinners, and therefore there is no point in revealing your sins to other people. The Prophet taught Muslims:

All members of my community will be delivered, except those who publicly declare their sins. Such people include a person who sinned at night, but Allah Almighty covered his sin, and in the morning he himself says: “Oh, so-and-so! I committed this sin." And it turns out that he spends the night under the cover of his Lord, and in the morning throws off the cover of Allah.

Realize and stop sinning

The next step is to think about what your momentary weakness has deprived you of, to realize the harm. Perhaps the most important thing is Allah's displeasure. Sins alienate a Muslim from the Almighty and deprive him of prosperity and food. We should not forget that one sin certainly leads to another. Considering all these factors, you should hate with all your heart what you have done that has complicated your situation in life. Of course, you should stop committing this sin in the future. The most important work to correct the mistake is precisely for the Muslim to stop doing what separates him from the pleasure of Allah. Repentance will have no meaning as long as a person commits sin.

Sin is not a reason for despair

Never despair or doubt the mercy of Allah. Any mistake is not a reason for despondency, but a reason to become even closer to your Creator. Of course, sins should upset and upset a person, but they should not force him to give up. Any unsightly act should awaken enthusiasm in a Muslim, which will allow him to gain the satisfaction of the Higher Powers. In the worst, you must always find the good; in the case of sin, for example, this is an opportunity to find forgiveness, to learn a lesson for the rest of your life.


Let's summarize. It is possible to get rid of sins, however, this path will be very difficult, full of temptations and temptations. Whatever religion you choose for yourself, be sure to repent. In the context of committing sins, true repentance is one of the most important stages. If your sin is connected with some other person, for example, you unfairly offended or humiliated someone, be sure to ask him for forgiveness. All religions of the world are very different, but agree on one thing: they call people to peace and goodness, harmony and tranquility.

Do more good deeds. And of course, pray. Speaking about how to get rid of sins at home, the clergy note that a sincere prayer said from a pure heart in front of the home iconostasis is no less important than confession in church.

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