
How many cancer live in aquarium. Cracks - exotic animals in the aquarium. Varieties of freshwater aquarium crayfish

If you need an unusual, bright and interesting inhabitant of aquarium, we recommend paying attention to cancers. They just care for them, they are hardy, unpretentious and beautiful. True, they are not suitable for the common aquarium, so you need to know with whom and how to maintain it so that other inhabitants are not injured from such a neighborhood. Today more than 100 species of different cancers live in the world. Most of them prefer to live in cool water, and only some love water warmer.

Cancer Aquarium: Content

If you are going to keep not one, but several crayfish, then you will need a volume of at least 80 liters. By nature, cancer aquarium is cannibal, that is, he can eat his fellow. If, during the mole, one of them will meet the other, then for a muddy cancer, such a meeting will certainly end sadly. Therefore, it is so important that the aquarium is spacious, and there are many different shelters in it, in which the polished cancer could be sitting down after changing the shell.

For filtering, you can use a filter, but necessarily internal. The hoses that go to the outer pump are an excellent track in which Cancer can easily get out of the aquarium, and one day you can see how it crawls around the apartment. It should be remembered that this is a big specialist in part of the shoots. Do not forget to close the aquarium tightly, as the fugitive without water will live for long.

We draw aquarium

Water should be rich in oxygen, clean. The temperature is maintained in the range of + 17-21 degrees at stiffness 8-12. To make water more rigid, put in aquarium limestone or marble. Cancer aquarium, the content of which is not too complicated, still requires the owner of certain knowledge about habits and habits. It is necessary to know that cancers love to hide the remains of food that quickly get and spoil the water. In this regard, a regular substitution of 50% of water is required.

Soil must choose a major one. Cancer Aquarium - a big lover of digging holes, besides, no plant is not rooted in the fine soil. Algae is chosen with strong roots, durable stems and large leaves. Before landing, they are kept in quarantine.

For scenery, stones, hoses, snags, halves of ceramic flower pots, grotto, etc. are used. Of these, cancers are building a cave and rose to the surface of the water.

Floridian cancer

This red aquarium cancer is one of the most popular inhabitants of the aquarium. They attract their eyes bright red and unpretentious. As a rule, two or three years live, sometimes just longer, and perfectly adapt to various conditions. The body length is no more than 15 cm.

Marble cancer

This representative is a beautiful, blue painting, which attracts many aquarists. In nature, he lives for about five years, but at home is often much longer, while it can reach almost 20 cm. This aquarium cancer is from Australia. Aborigines call him "Jabby", and biologists - destructor, which means "destroyer", although this is not entirely true, since the "Jabby" is much less aggressive than other relatives. In nature, we prefer muddy water, the weak current and necessarily abundant water thickets.

Cancer Marble Aquarium loves more warm water (+20 - 26 degrees). It is well tolerating the temperature fluctuations of water, but when they fall below 20 degrees, ceases to grow, and if the temperature exceeds +26, it may die.
To compensate for the loss of young, the female pulls up to 1000 eggs immediately.

A feature of this species is that all individuals are females, and they do not require a partner to obtain offspring. These crayfish can be multiplied by themselves, just as plants multiply seeds. Their method of producing offspring is called parthenogenesis. Cancers are unpretentious in content and interesting in behavior.

Orange cancer aquarium

Officially, this dwarf Mexican cancer is called Cambarellus Patzcuarensis. It is a small in size and a very peaceful creature, which has not appeared in our pet stores, and immediately gained popularity among the aquarists. This dwarf rider is from Mexico and the USA. He lives in the streams and small rivers, although sometimes it can be found in lakes and ponds. Loves the place where water is standing or has a weak flow. Orange cancer is not in vain called dwarf, adults and the largest individuals barely reach five centimeters in length. They live two or three years, although there are information owners and more prolonged life.

Mexican cancer aquarium, the content of which is quite simple, absolutely not demanding to the conditions. Therefore, several individuals feel quite comfortable in a five-flowing aquarium.

For orange (yellow) cancer, shelter in his house is very important. There must be a lot of them. These wraps are often linked, and therefore need reliable shelters until their shell will be restored. While he is soft, they are completely defenseless in front of other crayfish and even fish.

Red-covered Australian Cancer

These raschkov are easy to learn from special ship-like growing growths that the males are on clashes, as well as on bright red stripes. The body of cancer is painted from almost black color to a bluish-green. There are yellow spots on the shell. In vivo, the red-eyed cancer lives in Australia, in small rivers in the north of Queensland. He keeps under the stones, sniffing, hiding from predators. It feeds on daddy and water microorganisms that collect on the day. It grows up to 20 cm. The female is pretty productive: it puts up to one and a half thousand eggs. Many novice aquarists are interested in how much pregnancy lasts from aquarium cancer. The term may be different from different species, that is, from twenty to forty-five days. For example, the female of the red-eyed cancer shelters the offspring of about 45 days.

Blue Cuban Cancer

This cancer in vivo can only be found in Cuba. In addition to the fact that it is very attractive painted, this wrapping is also interesting to the fact that it grows up to 10 cm long, so the couple will feel quite comfortable in a small aquarium. Cuban aquarium cancer is unpretentious, easily transfers different conditions of content. The only drawback is aggression. In addition, he eats aquarium plants.

Floridian Cancer (Blue)

In nature, this cancer aquarium has nothing noticeable brown color. It is more rich on pumped and brighter at the tail. This type of blue literally conquered the whole world, but it must be said that he was obtained by artificially. How it becomes clear from the name, he lives in Florida. Its length does not exceed ten centimeters.

Floridian cancer in standing waters dwells, where short holes are root when the water level decreases. Depending on the size of the female, it can bring from 100 to 150 racks. Larger individuals - up to three hundred. In the first weeks of life, young grows very quickly and lines every two days.


Most arthropods (including cancers) are linked. What does it mean? Since the chitinous cover is very hard, then for the growth of cancer, it is necessary to regularly dump it. If you notice that your pet is hiding more often than usual, or aquarium cancer lies on the back (although it can be a sign of the disease), it means that it is preparing for a molting.

Beginning aquarists are very frightened when its shell is detected instead of their lap. Do not get upset and clean it. Cancers eat their shell after molting, because it contains a large amount of calcium required to restore new "clothes". Complete resumption takes 3-4 days. Young individuals are linked very often, but with age, this process is rarely happening.


After molting in adults, mating begins. The females at this time allocate pheromones that attract the opposite sex, and the males go into search of a couple. It is interesting to observe how a couple is dancing, sometimes for a few hours, slightly touching the assholes to each other. After that, it is desirable to jeep to another container, where in 20-45 days it will postpone the eggs.

This must be done in order to protect other inhabitants of the aquarium from its aggression caused by anxiety and anxiety for the offspring. Eggs are attached under the adultery of adhesive mass, and the female moves along with them.

Little wraps are very buggy, so long time is holding a mother's body. Feed independently they start after the first molting. For youngsters, shelter is of particular importance: it will help them survive. It is quite independent young crayfish after the second mol. At this time, the female can be repeated again.


It's time to discuss one more important question. What is aquarium cancer? IN natural conditions The basis of their diet is mainly vegetable food. In the aquarium they are fed with toning granules, flakes and special feeds. It is desirable to choose a nutrition for cancer in which the calcium content is increased. It will help faster to restore the chitinous cover. Additionally, they can give vegetables: spinach, zucchini, cucumbers.

Cancer and protein feed cancer will not refuse, but they should be given no more than once a week. To do this, a piece of shrimp or fish fillet, special frozen live feeds suitable. Experienced aquarists believe that protein feeds significantly increase aggressiveness.

Feed the cancers follows one day, but the vegetables can be left until the cancers eat them.


Special attention deserves neighbors with which aquarium cancer will feel comfortable. Their compatibility with fish is quite problematic. There are many cases when they live peacefully in one aquarium, but usually either fish or cancers are eaten. Most often at night, canceli caught and eat very large and expensive fish. There are other situations when rather large fish destroys the polished cancer. In a word, the content of cancer in aquarium with fish, as a rule, ends sad. Especially if they contain them with slow fish, or with those that live in the lower water layers. But even such a pinching fish, as a guppy, leisurely, at first glance, cancer with a sharp movement of the claws are snacking in half.

For a short time you live in one aquarium with cichlids. This is especially true of large individuals. Cichlid "Flawer Horn" is able to break even adult cancer. And smaller fish can kill them during molting.

It is not difficult to guess that the aquarium cancer does not get along with shrimps. It will not work for him to eat such a neighbor.

Large cancers are able to dwell in home aquariums, rarely found among fans of aquarium inhabitants. However, in recent times, more and more people prefer unusual options. Many males and females have a calm character, require a minimum of time and attention, ready to please bright coloring and interesting behavior.

In the world, cancers can dwell in various reservoirs. Due to which they are successfully found in various states and are one of the most common inhabitants of water bodies. If you wish, you can breed cancer in aquarium at home, but you need to understand the peculiarities of care.

Visual Description: How to distinguish a female from male?

In fact, to distinguish the female from the male is not so simple as I would like. Despite this, you can successfully cope with the task:

  1. Sexual holes are one of the most significant features almost always, with rare exceptions. The males have tubular sexual holes that are at the very end of a number of paws. The females have sexual holes that are closer to the front of the body. However, the task is complicated by the following factor: individuals can have common sexual signs. Despite this, it is necessary to correctly define the floor, since cancers are only one-sex.
  2. Among the visual differences in the female and male need to be tagged, the tail. The male can celebrate longer and large claws. At the same time, the female may have a wider tail.
  3. Aquarium cancers are able to wear caviar under the abdomen before the appearance of young individuals. For this reason, females have a wider belly. Among other differences in women's individuals are a magnified width of the pumped. The males have stupid and short culbs.
  4. Females can have little abdominal legs. In some cases, this pair is completely absent.
  5. If a female person is larger and older, she can carry more eggs and delight fecundity.

Knowing how to correctly determine the floor of the cancer, you need to take care of their successful breeding. In any case, the nature of the aquarium inhabitant promises to be peace-loving.

The main rules for the content of cancer in the aquarium

One cancer is allowed to contain small-sized aquarium. If regular water replacement is assumed, you can stay at 30 - 40 liters. In any case, it is necessary to provide covers, since most often the cancer hide the remnants of food in caves or pots. It is important to prepare for a large number of food residues, regardless of what is aquarium inhabitant. If you do not take into account such a factor, you can face a serious impaired water balance and the need for its frequent substitution.

It is advisable to conduct regular checks of the aquarium's secluded corners in order to maintain the purity in the house of the male and his females.

If large cancers will live in the aquarium, the volume from eighty liters will be required. It must be remembered that the inhabitants are cannibals, because they can eat each other. Moreover, the risk rises during molting, when any sex becomes dangerous for neighbors. Wanting to protect the crayfish from each other, you need to take care of the presence of a spacious aquarium with numerous shelters. The male and females should have the opportunity to hide apart with a molting.

To filter an aquarium, it is desirable to use an internal filter. The most important thing is to understand how decent comfortable living conditions should be supported for aquarium inhabitants.

If an external filter is used, the situation with hoses may not be as much as I would like. Cancer can get out of the hose and start crawling around the apartment. Need to remember: Cracks are capable of shoots. Wanting to protect the apartment from the male and his girlfriends, it is advisable to cover the aquarium tightly. In addition, it is not very pleasant to understand early in the morning that the male's escape was taken with girlfriends who practically died, because cancer could not live without water.

Features of molting

Many arthropods are experiencing a regular molting. Cancer is not an exception, so you need to understand how to determine the link.

Large cancers have a cover, characterized by increased rigidity and created on the basis of chitin. For this reason, the canceli must regularly drop their shell, covering new. If you managed to notice that the aquarium inhabitant hides more and longer, he decided to lift.

Any gender can successfully throw off its shell, which will later lie at the bottom of the aquarium. However, the shell does not need to be removed, since after molting it will be eaten. The composition contains a large amount of calcium that is required to update the cover. Regardless which sex is cancer, for a successfully completed molting three to four days, if the former shell is eaten. Young individuals are more likely, but subsequently the frequency decreases.

How to organize feeding? Who eats what?

In natural conditions, cancer feed on plant food. However, what and how, if you live at home? A nutritional scheme to distinguish between natural diet will be possible, but still there are significant similarities. So, aquarium cancer eats:

  1. Silent granules.
  2. Flakes.
  3. Special feeds created by modern manufacturers for crayfish and shrimp.
  4. Diverse tablets. Such products aquarium cancer eats regularly, thanks to which it maintains a good health.
  5. The optimal option is the feed with an increased calcium content. If the cancer eats such products during molt, he will be able to restore chitinous cover in the minimum time.
  6. It is advisable to include a variety of vegetables: zucchini, cucumbers, spinach.
  7. If a large number of plants grow in the aquarium, you can give them excess. Plants are close in its composition to vegetables, because their any cancer eats almost without problems.
  8. In the diet, once a week it is desirable to include protein feed. Decent offers - Fish fillet, frozen live foods, shrimp. It should be noted that any gender is able to acquire additional aggression if you move to protein feeds. It is about this that experienced aquarists say.

In most cases, eat once a week. However, if the cancer eats vegetables, it is advisable to leave products for all time. In any case, the cancer eats only when he wants it himself.

Preproduction Features in Aquarium

The reproduction of cancers in the aquarium conditions can occur. Wanting to facilitate such a task, you need to understand that the conditions of the aquarium are radically different from natural factors in the world of nature. In this regard, it is desirable to determine the moment when the most important stage begins to appear offspring. During this period, it is desirable to devote high attention to the parameters of water and include in the diet of the aquarium invators feed mixtures of high quality.

What diagram multiplied cancers?

  1. Pairing is the basis for further reproduction. For this nature, special antennas are designed.
  2. After 20 days, the female floor puts eggs that are attached under the belly. For laying, the female should fall on the bottom. Any movement causes anxiety, because in such a responsible period it is desirable to prepare another place of residence for female.
  3. After a time, the wraps are hatched, which in a couple of months can start eating independently.

In order for the male floor of the crayfish, the Maltsians could get better to take care of increasing the number of shelters. Otherwise, one cancer eats another, which is not desirable for fauna.

What are the crayfish?

  1. River cancer is the most common in the world. Unfortunately, it will not be able to contain a long time in the aquarium. Wanting to distinguish a river cancer from others, you need to mark large sizes and agility. River cancer is able to eat small fish and swallow the plants. For long life, cold water is required, as a result of which health quickly deteriorates and the life expectancy is reduced. River cancer in aquarium can live if you cook a separate house for him.
  2. California Red Cancer is truly popular in the world of aquarists. It is possible to distinguish it by unique appearance: bright red color and length 12 - 15 centimeters. Life expectancy is 2 - 3 years. California cancer is unpretentious.
  3. Marble cancer is one of the most special all over the world. All individuals are females. Wanting to distinguish on the gender of marble cancer, the task will be failed. In addition, females are successfully breeding without partners.
  4. Blue Florida Cancer was popular around the world, but its painting was obtained artificially.
  5. Louisiana dwarf cancer can be distinguished due to small size (length is 3 - 4 centimeters). Life expectancy is about 15 to 18 months. Small sizes lead to the fact that the Louisian cancer should be peaceful, and it can successfully neighbor even with fish.

Wanting to distinguish your love for cancer in front of other aquaries, you need to study all the existing varieties and give preference to the most beautiful of them, to properly care for aquarium babies and contribute to the preservation of good health, long life.

Aquarium cancers are a great way to diversify their hobbies, they are unusual, and interesting. Of course, they have special requirements for the conditions of content, but it is not difficult to create them and maintain them. It is more difficult to find reaching neighbors, often it is in an aquarium with a fish of arthropods, and this is not always the best way.

Conditions of detention

The volume of aquarium for one cancer can be 20-30 liters, for two cancers, respectively, two times more and so on.

The water temperature in the aquarium depends on the type of cancer, in most cases it varies within + 21 ... 27 degrees. A prerequisite is a sufficient number of calcium salts that are needed to build a shell. Recommended rigidity - 12 degrees and more. Increase these indicators will help marble crumb, pieces of tuff, marble or limestone placed in aquarium. Some aquarists add calcium chloride to water, which is sold in a pharmacy. If 20 ml of a 10% dissolve solution is 100 liters, water rigidity will rise to 1 degree. It is worth considering that far from every fish will be comfortable to feel under such conditions.

The aquarium should have very good aeration, as well as access to the surface, it can be any items, up to high plants, equipment hoses, or snags.

Each cancer should find cozy shelter in aquarium. All of them cannibals, and the one who will remain without mink risks being eaten in the nearest link.


As the crayfish is grown, they drop the old shell and compact new. Young wraps can be lifted several times a week, and adults every few months. But regardless of the age of pets, Panciri should not choose from the water, with a lack of trace elements, their cancers eat them. Sometimes they lose claws in fights. In young, they grow up literally for 1-2 molts, adults will need more, but over time they will make sure.


The more Cancer eats, the faster it grows and respectively lines. And feeding crayfish by moth, pieces of meat, fish or special dry foods. It should also be remembered that the cancers are very bugles, and the fish on the contrary, more prompt and faster therefore after them the cancers often nothing remains. If this is noticed, it is possible to put a cancer in the shelter.


Cancers famous gabbs. They periodically share the territory among themselves and do not mind to picked to other inhabitants, especially for bottom fish, smaller or beauty with long fins. If fish live with racks, which love shelter, it is important that "houses" have enough for everyone, but this is not a guarantee that they will not be bite. Larger fish, for example, Cichlid Flower, is able to eat cancer in pressure. Aquarium plants constantly suffer from cancers. Some they snack with culbines right from the roots, wanting to get to the destination, while others break when arthropods want to climb to the surface, less often the cancers eat greens. With shrimps unambiguous "no". In general, in most cases (not in all), their cohabitation ends with someone departing.


If the aquarium lives a female and male, and also best Mamet And a few females, then from happy life They may have taken off the offspring. Some crayfare cancers, for example, marble, they multiply parthenogenesis. When the female acquires caviar, she begins to look for a secluded shelter, avoids males and begins to eat less. At this time it is better to transplanted it in a separate aquarium, in which the young people will remain. This aquarium should have a lot of shelters and vegetation. When the female find a secluded place, it may not go out of it and not to look for food until the appearance of the raff. I need to supply food straight to the house. Caviar matures an average of 20-25 days and when youth fill the aquarium, mom from them is transplanted. Feed newborn live daphnia, cyclops, moth and overcooked dry food.
Be sure to follow the purity of water, aeration and do not allow the reinforcement of feed residues.

Popular views of freshwater crayfish

Apricot cancer

American marsh cancer

Purple cancer

Blue Cuban Cancer


Dwarf swamp cancer

We talked about the roots of domesticated arthropods, considered the features of their external view And they ran through the most popular types of aquarium cancers. So, will continue the narration. It will now go about how to create for them the most favorable conditions for existence and avoid many diseases and other troubles.

Immediately let's say that the neighborhood it often brings some problems. There are, of course, cases where the crayfish coexist well with fish. But even more situations when one or another side suffers as a result of such a tandem. For example:

  1. - Competitors of arthropods for food and shelter. Clashes on this soil are inevitable.
  2. Small fish, like neon, guppy, etc. Can be crayled elementary eaten.
  3. Large fish with long tails and fins (golden, etc.) can lose their wealth.
  4. With a neighborhood with large, but aggressive fish like cichlid, cancers are doomed to hunger and stress, and ultimately on death.

Thus, if you are not ready to risk and experiment, keep cancer separately.

How to create conditions in aquarium?

From the place of purchase to the place of residence of arthropods are transported in a black opaque package. Adaptation occurs quickly. It is necessary to take into account that the temperature difference in the package and in the artificial reservoir should not be more than three degrees. The optimal for cancer conditions are considered as follows:

Aquarium. The minimum capacity of the container should be at least 15 liters per 6 centimeter. However, considering that a close dwelling provokes cancers to aggression, it is better to take the ass as possible as possible. From above, be sure to install the lid with small holes, since when overcrowding, dirty or poor oxygen, the cancer will try to get out of the aquarium. If there is an opportunity, then the best option is to equip ankvaterrarium.

Water It must be clean, rich in oxygen, with a temperature in the range of 17-21 degrees and rigidity 8-12. To increase stiffness to the ground, marble or limestone can be put. The filter is better to install the inner to stop the attempts of escape on the wires. Craks love to hide food residues that later get and spoiled water. In this regard, a regular substitution of 50% of water is necessary.

Priming It is better to choose a big one. Cancers dig holes, and no plant is not rooted in the small ground.

Vegetation It is better to choose with strong roots, large leaves and durable stems. Before landing, they should be held in quarantine.

Registration. As decorations, you can use various stones, squals, hoses, halves of ceramic flower pots, grottoes, etc. Of these, cancers are building asylum and climb on the surface of the water.

How to feed cancers?

Do it better in evening hoursSince the day the crayfish is hidden. If arthropods are adjacent to the fish, the latter in the evening decreases activity, and they will not complete food from the carriers of the nose of the nose.

Despite the fact that aquarium arthropods are omnivores, some nutrition recommendations are there.

More than eighty percent of the daily diet of cancers should be vegetable food.

You can give eldeute, nettle, pita, rode, algae, carrot, zucchini, spinach, parsley. For a variety, give various mollusks, insects, worms, tadpoles, frozen moth, feed for bottom fish.

As delicacies, sometimes you can treat pieces of fish or squid. Interestingly, cancers prefer food in a slightly crushed state. The protein bait is given no more than once a week, as it is noticed that it increases the level of aggression.

Special feeds for crayfish and shrimp are produced, which can also be used (for example, such trademarkslike Dennerle, Tetra, Mosura, Genchem Biomax series). They strengthen the immune system, support the brightness of the painting of pets. There are in granules, plates, chopsticks.

As for the frequency of food meals, then there is no unity of views. In some sources, it is recommended to feed the female every three days, males - every two days. Others are advised for both sexes a meal once a day. Therefore, look here for the behavior of your favorites and the method of trial and error will pick up your ideal schedule.

During molting or when breeding cancers, the number of food intakes increase.

The pairing period in adult individuals begins after the mole is completed. At the females at this time, the selection of Pheromones, which attract the opposite sex, and the males are sent to search. It is very interesting to observe how the resulting couple dancing, sometimes several hours, touching each other to the mustaches. After that, the female is recommended to squock into a separate container, where in 20 days it will postpone the eggs.

The resettlement is necessary, since heightened concern and anxiety makes it defend its offspring and show aggression to the whole surrounding. Eggs are attached with adhesive mass under the belly, and the female is moving around with them. The offspring is crazy and for a long time prefers to hold on to the mother's body. Feeding the wraps themselves begin only after the first molting. Shelters for young people are a prerequisite to survive, hiding from offenders (including adult crayfish). After the second molt, the offspring acquires sufficient independence, and the female is again separated.

Female marble cancer with offspring.

Diseases of cancer

There are many of them, but here we will consider only the most common.

Epistylis (lat. Epistylis)

This disease is very often found in aquarium arthropods. The cause is bad conditions in the aquarium. The protozoa microorganisms in the chitinos are settled, as a result of which the cancer looks like a brown or grayish-white foam. If this flaka spreads to the gills, the animal will not be able to breathe and die. For recovery, it is necessary to put in order water and the number of inhabitants in the aquarium. For the time of illness, the animal is sit down on quarantine.

An annoying cancer can microscopic flat worms of TEMNOCEPHALAN, falling to them through snails, leeches Branchiobdella and green algae living on the gills. You can get rid of them with regular salt baths and reduce the number of neighboring carriers.

Pacar disease

It is possible to recognize it only during the period of molting. If the cancer shell does not harden more than a day, then it is it. Causes: Insufficient water rigidity, poor-quality meals and, as a result, calcium shortage. Treatment methods are obvious: Create right conditions For life and balance meals. In preventive purposes, you can use drops with iodine for the marine aquarium, which are sold in pet stores. They are dripped half a dose.


it infectionflowing in acute form. Causes his mushroom Aphanomices Astaci. The disease is contagious and able to heat all the inhabitants of the aquarium. Walking legs, shell and nervous system. If the cancer has become infected, then it appears on white, brown or red spots on his tail, and on the shell - black. At the beginning of the disease, a disorientation appears when walking, a lifestyle on daylight changes. At the end - sluggish behavior, cramps and death of the animal. Treatment as such is not. There are only recommendations to hold the newly acquired pet for quarantine in water at 30 degrees with the addition of magnesium chloride or malachite green.

Rusty-spotty disease

Also wears infectious nature. The pathogens are mushrooms of the MucedinaCeae family. On the body of the cancer, spots (orange, brown, black) appear, then the shell in these places softens and the omission of the tissue begins with the formation of an ulcer. The end result will be the death of an animal. No treatment. As in the previous case, a new cancer quarantine is recommended with the addition of oak leaves, beech, almond leaves.

Porcelain disease

It is striking limbs, belly and oral apparatus. Cancer paralyzes, and he dies. No treatment. Patients are isolated.


Disputes can get into an aquarium with unsubber and poorly treated soil and plants. The mushrooms are affected by the covers, gills, blood vessels and heart. On the belly and gills you can see brown spots. Reduced immunity, injuries, unfavorable conditions - all this relates cancers in a risk group.

Thus, crayfish can wait a lot of dangers. But basically this is the consequences of poor care. And the responsible host, they will rejoice for a long time with their unusual views and interesting behavior.

It is no secret that many tank aquarists on exotic. So in glass tanks, shrimps, frogs, tritons and crayfish are settled. This is just the last and will be discussed in this article. So, aquarium cancers: content with fish. What you need to know those who decided to settle in the homefront of an unusual tenant - "Knight" in chitinic armor.

Red Florida Cancer

A bit of general information

Cracks are the inhabitants of freshwater and marine water bodies that can be seen more and more often in home aquariums. There are thick shells, white teeth rounded form, 19 pairs of limbs and shiny eyes on thin stalks. The functions of the touch is performed by the mustache, for the movement, protection and catching of production of cancer uses jazbed claws. The tail is divided into several chitin segments.

They lead a nightlife, feed on plant and animal food. The average length of the adult individual is 13 cm, although there are both giants growing more than 20 cm and dwarfs, no more than 4 cm. There are about 100 varieties of cancers, but not everyone can live in captivity. So before you run a new pet to aquarium, find out about it as much as possible.

Is it possible to contain crayfish with fish?

Opinions on this expense were divided. Some aquarists argue that crayfish and fish are incompatible, the experience of others proves the opposite. In fact, the truth is somewhere in the middle.

Cancer with fish can be kept, but only subject to some rules.

It is important not only to choose the "right" cancer and the "right" fish, which can coexist together, but also create ideal conditions for this.

Cancer and Conditions

Not every cancer can live in aquarium, and even share it with someone. Consider species that are more or less friendly in relation to fish.

Blue Cuban Cancer

Blue Cuban Cancer (Procambarus Cubensis) Suitable for content with fish most. In Russia from Cuba was delivered in 1980. Despite its name, the color of the Cuban cancer varies from the heavenly blue to yellowish-brown. The greatest color intensity is manifested by the second year of life. Size - 10 cm.

Prefers sandy soil and water saturated with oxygen. Special attention to the filtration and aeration of water. The recommended temperature is 25 degrees, rigidity - 8-10 DGH, acidity - not more than 7.6 pH. You can feed worm, moth, pieces of meat, as well as plants - a dwarf Anubiam, a rogolistnik, Yavansky moss. One of the mandatory conditions of content is a weekly substitution of water.

Red Florida Swamp Cancer

Red Florida Marsh Clack (Procambarus Clarkii) - Another favorite aquarists. Cancer length - 13 cm. The color of the adult cancer is largely determined by the diet. Chitina color can change from red-brown to blue-purple. So, if you feed the pet mussels, then the blue shades will prevail, while food, saturated with carotenoids contributes to the appearance of bright red spots on the body and cushion. By the way, the Red Florida marsh cancers (despite the name) are never red.

Acceptable water temperature for them - 24-28 degrees, rigidity - average.

It is important to organize a large amount of shelter in the form of corporate, stones or plastic plants.

So that the cancers are not crawled from the aquarium, cover it with a lid with ventilation holes. These cancers are omnivores, but they will especially be glad to low-fat meat, worms, a pipe. Do not give up carrots, peas, lettuce leaves and dry fish feed.

Blue Florida Cancer

Blue Florida Cancer (Procambarus Alleni). Unusual color - the result of breeding, in nature, representatives of this group have a nondescript brown "robe". The color of young individuals can be adjusted. So, maximum saturation can be achieved when growing in rigid water (15-20 DGH).

Blue Floridian cancer grows up to 10 cm. Preferred water temperature - 20-25 degrees. As a soil, it is recommended to use gravel a large fraction. Grots from ceramics, artificial plants and squashs will serve as good shelters. You should not settle several males in aquarium. The best "friends" of blue crayfish is calm large fish fish.

As for nutrition, mostly these crayfares are vegetarians. Although small fish may well become their prey. Love food for fish, ice cream vegetables, flakes.

Zebry cancer

Zebry Cancer (Cherax Papuanus). This beautiful representative of arthropods reaches a length of 12-14 cm. The color varies from cream to brown. The water temperature should not be below 20 degrees - the zebral cancers do not like it. The hardness does not have a fundamental value. But the presence of ammonia and nitrites in the water can be even dangerous.

Cancers feel great both in proud loneliness and as part of a small group of relatives. Fish gets along well. We will be glad to plant food - oak leaves, soft plants with long stems and vegetables. Of the minuses it is worth noting the love of zebra cancer to digging plants and a secretive lifestyle. To see it during the day - rarity, the vital activity of cancer shows at night.

Australian red-eyed cancer

Australian red-eyed cancer (Cherax Quadricarinatus). Great for novice aquarists, because Unpretentious in care. It has a variety of coloring. The dominant color is blue with yellow splashes. Plots between segments please the eyes with red, orange and blue shades. The main color depends on the rigidity of water. The higher this indicator, the stronger Sinese. Soft water contributes to the appearance of brown and black spots.

Well transfer the drops of temperatures, however, the lowering below is 18 degrees - undesirable. The mandatory condition of the content is a set of shelters (ceramic tubes, pots, squals) and a thick layer of soil. Food is powered by a beech and oak leaves, vegetables, food for fish. Sometimes it is necessary to pamper it with worms and snails.

Despite the impressive dimensions (adults are achieved in a length of 20 cm), these cancers are peace-loving and calm.

Listed crayfish in the aquarium with fish get along perfectly. They differ in non-conflict temper, and the bright original color makes them a real decoration of your mini pool.

It is necessary to know!

If you decide to extract crayfish, you should consider several fundamental moments.

  • The aquarium must be roomy (from 90-100 liters).
  • Well, when fish and crayfish are about the same size.
  • Refuge should be a lot. It can be coconuts shell, clay pots, tubes, stones.
  • Live plants in a large number of landing should not be - the crayfish are necessarily sanguate.
  • The presence of a good filter and aeration is one of the basic content conditions.

Cancers tend to crawl out of water. Cover the glass with water, handling a small gap for air passage. The soil should be soft, water is rich in oxygen. The average temperature is 22-25 degrees, water rigidity - 8-12 DGH, pH - 4.8-7.6. Cancers need oxygen, more than shrimp or fish. Provide them access to the surface with the help of appropriate decorations and branched plants that allow you to climb them.

Choose for a joint stay of small fast fish without flute fins and stranded tails or strong fish of large size, but not predators. Remember that the Soma, Guppie, and other fish, accustomed to stay at the bottom, can be prey for cancer.

Sleeping to fish is better than young individuals - they are easier to get used to new conditions. We are transported by cancers, as a rule, one by one, in a tank that does not skip light. Note that the temperature difference in the aquarium and in the container for transportation should not exceed three degrees.

As you can see, cancers in aquarium with fish can exist peacefully. The main thing is to know how to create really favorable conditions for this.

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