
Who are beta and omega men? Who is a omega-male and what he is better than alpha who are alpha and omega in humans

Omegavers is customary to be considered a nightmare product of fanfucheng, although the inquisitive researchers are safely carried out parallels with the creativity of recognized science fiction writers. For example, there is a novel "Gods themselves", where the planet is referred to with three-way inhabitants. Sergey Snow is in the trilogy novel "People like gods" slip the idea with six floors. Thus, the thought itself is old enough, but Omegavers is a blowout of fanfucheng.

Fandom of the series "Supernatural" can boast that he enriched fan fixed by a new genre. This is a controversial phenomenon that many evaluate sharply negatively, although it is worth looking at this topic of unbiased.

Special genre: Omegavers

First of all, it should be borne in mind that under Omegavers is a separate universe, which has a very distant attitude towards traditional human society. No author can apply for the absolute correctness of the explanation, because iegalls are primarily a genre that has grown out of AU warnings (alternative universe) and kink (oddities, deviations). Consequently, every author is free to change it at his own discretion.

If you take the first source once written by Omegavers, then it meant three sexes: Alpha, beta and Omega. Partially hierarchy is written off with wolf or dog flock, but here the authors have the opinions disagree. At the same time, iegalls can be written on any fadom: from the "supernatural" to "blushing", because in the first place it is an alternative universe.

Structure of society

If it is impossible to understand what Omegavers means, then it is worth a somewhat move away from the usual concept: "Humanity consists of men and women." It helps get rid of prejudice. So, Omegavers Society consists of three floors. Alphas occupy an active position, omega, respectively, passive, beta somewhere in the middle and in most cases do not participate in dramatic events related to the physiological characteristics of opposites.

Some authors believe that Omegavers is an exceptionally men's universe, where there are no biological women, that is, everyone looks like men and have appropriate primary sexual signs. Others prove that there are alpha, beta and omega with women's bodies. As far as valuable in the artistic sense of the work, of course, the question is controversial, but many authors are not embarrassed by the presence of women and with free fantasy discharge all sorts of attitudes and adventures taking into account the features of the canon.

Relations in Omegavers

Since Omegavers initially was considered a kind of PWP (Porn Without Plot), then a significant focus of the genre accounts for a description of sexual functions. A distinctive feature of Omega is from time to time the occurrence occurs when Omega begins to allocate pheromones that are crazy with all surrounding ALP and, possibly, Beth. The flow is accompanied by the allocation of a large number of mucous membrane, which is commonly called "lubricant" - it performs the function of natural lubricant. If we consider that in the overwhelming majority of cases, one-sex relationships between males are described, it is important.

After ejaculation, the sexual alpha organ is inflated at the base, there is a so-called "coupling" or "sticking" - for some time alpha can not extract the penis from Omega, which ensures fertilization. At this place, it is usually necessary to remind readers that Omegavers are another universe, and the characters are not people, they have another mating physiology, which resembles similar to wolves or dogs. In addition, the structure of the body of Omega should logically differ from the banal solution to "embed" the uterus in the male body, where as sex tract is used, naturally, only anus and a straight intestine. Another thing is that most authors do not think about it, and unprepared readers begin to suffer and spit.

Is it possible in Omegavers the plot?

If you use a literary approach, once voiced by Stephen King: "And what, if you do this," it would be a mistake to believe that this genre is written solely for the sake of PWP. Despite the fact that in the Universe Omegavers the description of sexual relations is quite a lot of space, some authors are interested in building twisted and sometimes paradoxical plots. For example, you can retreat from the stamp, according to which Alpha is certainly a large and aggressive, and Omega is fragile and ever-shaped.

Many authors use such a plot turn as an attempt to combat their own nature. Omega is trying to hide his status using all sorts of tricks: from special medicines that overwhelming the flow to the attempts of flight. Alpha is trying to keep the cold head and do not succumb to the powerful power of Pheromones. You can fight against biased society or extreme events. In one readers agree: a good author can write an interesting fan fiction on any universe, even if it is Omegavers.

And in the cinema, and in the surrounding life we \u200b\u200bcan observe various types of men. Some - courageous and confident, others - the glorious non-conflict guys, the third - Mamienikina Sons, running from responsibility.

Such differences in men gave rise to a certain classification, which was widely distributed on the Internet. The basis of the long-standing idea of \u200b\u200bthe zoologist David Fur, who, exploring the social structure of the wolf flock, called her the leader Alfa-male. And although the scientist later recognized the erroneousness of his theory and expressed the opinion that the leader of the flocks are preferable to call the alpha male, but the father-wolf, the zoological hierarchy of domination had to be many and received the right to an independent existence.

A little about the Greek alphabet

Alpha - the first letter of the Greek alphabet. Therefore, it is clear from the name that alpha-male is the first one who goes ahead. It has a strong sexual libido, and women literally hang on his neck. Alpha Samsya is strong players and the main actors in films about heroes, such as Bruce Willis, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Mel Gibson. They are few, independent, are not afraid of conflicts and are able to stand up for themselves and their loved ones.

The second letter of the Greek alphabet - "Beta" And according to the distribution of roles in the social system of dominance-dominance, beta males are closest friends and alpha comers, and recognize the unconditional leadership of the latter. As a rule, Beth is less stubborn in nature and a decayful temper, but they may well succeed in life due to their hardworking, the mind and trembleness. Continuing an analogy with cinema, beta-male is a satellite and the nearest friend of the main character, the one that "brings the cartridges." In the literature, Dr. Watson, Sancho Panco and Dr. Bormental can serve as vivid examples.

Beta males, as a rule, happy family mans. They behave according to the requirements of society and make "as it should". These are ordinary guys, whom you pass every day. These are the trouble-free screws of that mechanism that we call life. Beta make up 80% of the population.

The third letter of the Greek alphabet is "Gamma". But stop! Such a category as gamma males does not exist. Instead, the creators of witty classification are isolated omega-males.

Omega - the last letter of the Greek alphabet And its use emphasizes the fact that men of this group take the last place in the food chain. This type of men who avoid responsibility refuse to develop and generally avoid participation in the real world. Omega-male can take various forms: a fusive pseudo-intellectual, a clean-metrosexual or a gameman. Combines these types one - a complete refusal of what we call courageous. They are not able to hunt, but to multiply - they do not want.

Is it possible to increase your rank?

It is no secret as the temperament, and the stability of the nervous system, and the physical data is laid in us initially at birth at the genetic level. However, Homosapiens are different from the families of our smaller, which can work on themselves.

Excuses from the category "I can't" and "I am not given it" - your own laziness dictates, which has nothing to do with heredity. It is necessary to accept and understand with all my heart Axoma: "Our life is what we think about it" and begin to think in the right direction.

How to become alpha male?

Just straighten your shoulders and buy a fashionable jacket like James Bond - of course, not enough. How to get involved in fights about and without or insistently to pester girls on the streets.

Key features of Alpha are responsibility, confidence, loyalty to your own word. Therefore, first of all, these qualities need to develop.

But for many, this advice sounds quite abstract. Therefore, we give some specific tips to help you stand on the path of Alpha:

1. Give yourself the word "hold the word" At least for three months and in any iota do not retreat from this rule. He promised to run in the morning - run, even if stones will fly from the sky. Promised not to miss classes at the university - die, but for a couple come! He promised a girl a trip to Egypt - hurt, and find the opportunity to make money on a trip. To strengthen the motivation to action, you can use auxiliary tools, for example, an account on "times, two, three".

2. Pay attention to your appearance. It is not necessary to refer to the saying, which claims "what they follow the mind," because they are still "by clothes". It is clean, tidy and great - it means to demonstrate others that you are able to take care of yourself. Do not be afraid to bring a visit to the dentist and remove the dental flare. Do not forget to shave every morning, because the bristles are not at all attractive as you want to think.

3. Start communicating with girls. And preferably in real life. So you will understand that the girl is also a person, and it is necessary to behave with her in human, that is, calmly talk, adequately joke and do not try to portray yourself in the conversation of Superman. The fact that in front of you is a female sex to forget you can not do anyway, yes it is better.

Important Warning! You should not loudly declare the world that from tomorrow you are going to become Alpha. This process does not tolerate the barracks.

The success of self-improvement envoys how a person really needs it. It may well be that he is quite comfortable in his role and he does not want anything better. No one is obliged to wish to become Alpha. In addition, returning to the top of our article, the theory of alpha, Beth and Omoga is quite controversial and conditional, take it as a direct guide to action is still not worth it. It is necessary to strive not to just become Alfa, but to harmony with you. And if for this you need the features of Alpha males - Tum Melius, as the ancient said.

More information on the topic of the article you can learn from the video:

Specialists in zoopsychology argue that all the beasts, and at the same time with them and Homosapienses (and men as a separate species) are divided into three groups - Alpha, beta and gamma. And the separation factor is the "clamps and jumps".

O The fact that a person is a mammal, we remember from school bench. On this, the similarity with the animal world is not limited, the relationship was reflected not only in the method of feeding the cub, but also on behavior. In this, we are convinced by specialists in zoopsychology, which say that all the beasts, and at the same time with them and Homosapions (and men as a separate species) are divided into three groups - Alpha, beta and gamma. And the dividing factor is the "clamps and jumps" in the flock, sorry, manners behave in society.

In order to learn to distinguish "a" from "b" and correctly sorted men by groups, we will examine the "habits" characteristic of each group.

Alpha Group: You will know it from a thousand


Immediately and without offensive: Alpha males - inborn leaders. In the animal pack, they "occupy the position" of the leader, in the human community, too, is always at the honorable place. These "livelists" are visible since childhood: hooliganists are purposeful, early begin to be interested in women (pull the classmates for pigtails and beat the briefcase on the back), pedal tracks and frequent guests of the Directory Cabinet in the company with parents for "outstanding merit".

Alpha-Torvants are far from always "seven spans in the forehead, but they manage to surround themselves with smart boys, compensating for educational gaps. Yes, and not for what they are "chib to spanks", their lot is to share and rule, be the generators of ideas, and there are embodiments. To reveal the alpha male among men's individuals will not be difficult, and it is not necessary to identify - he will give himself a felt.

No, not a bright tie, it can easily be non-zeroisser and the growth of the "pot two tops", its "trump cards" - the intelligence, instant reaction, tough character and indisputable authority. "Walk" in the global business and political elite: this is where the focus of alpha males!

Successful, self-satisfied, who know how to risk and disrupt the bank - seemingly catching such a husband and burning burning. Stop, not so simple. The reverse side of the medal is as follows: alpha males polygamus - as it should be the leader of the flocks.

In the arrangement to "Human Lad", this means loving and, as a result, a tendency to treason and a slight attitude towards divorces. And initially, the alpha fans should not be expected long courtes, "marriage dances" end with a assertive attack and almost immediately a proposal to "take a walk in the evening to the Senal".

If the chosen is responsible for the refusal, the applicant will not be upset and turns out to the side of more prickly laryrs. On the one hand, marriage with alpha-male - honey gingerbread, and on the other - the life on the powder barrel and the risk once to be in the ranks of Madame Broshkin, albeit with considerable "express". In general, if the difficulties are not frightened - dare, it will not be boring.

"Somewhere, somewhere goes a beta guys" ...

Near Alpha Samtsov, Knights of the Beta Group were gone, giving the first in leadership, but taking revenge on other articles. They are not leaders in a flock, rather advisers and assistants.

In human society, these types are characterized by greater, compared with the view of alpha, education and professionalism, but less purposefulness. Beta men live in all layers of society, and their best representatives make up the scientific elite.

In relations with women, this is true gentlemen, unlike alpha-fellow, the failure of the ladies perceive as a personal challenge and with double enthusiasm striving to win her heart. And if the subject of passion is the former "Passia" alpha male, beta-cavalier will make every effort for its location so that at least approach the leader's class.

An important nuance - they have sustainable family values, so beta males rarely bred. These are ideal husbands and fathers, but there is one "but": in the extreme situation they are better not to rely on them. As they say, "a good man, but not an eagle."


"Gamma" of feelings: "Picasso and Dali were on the mel ..."

In the nature of gamma males, Sorodi is often expelled from the flock. And they do it right: they are not adapted to hunt, they don't want to grow up - they see hormonal status, you see, crushed.

The strange is the picture: healthy individuals for all indicators for some reason constantly feel the fear, and high adrenaline prevents them from rejoice in life, including the offspring.

For Gamma-Men, the only opportunity to safely settle in life is to "go" under the ward to a strong, volitional Madame.

They themselves feel it, why are those who seek to "Fam Fatal", the years of keeping the faithfulness of the ideal for years. However, if the sideline of the dreams suddenly responds with reciprocity, they find a complete selflessness, and the same low hormonal background. For this reason, the gamma male is more likely to stay in two status - the breeding or perpetual bachelor.

But if the stars are simple, and they manage to show their potential, the world receives a new genius like Picasso and Van Gogh. Almost mystical vision of reality and its embodiment provide them in the elite of art.

And less successful fellows are doomed forever eternal to remain "free artists." Interesting, peculiar individuals, but for family life is absolutely unsuitable.

Naurability determines the love as the sum of the two components: "Complete concentration on one object" and "benevolent relationship". He considers a benevolent attitude as something opposite to malfunction and causing goodness, this is respect for someone else's personal freedom - "acceptance-gratitude-trust." Vishevisch says that women are very easy and even excessively performing a plan on the first component, that is, they quickly concentrate on the chosen man, but they have big problems with a benevolent attitude: they seek to control, they become demanding and critical. Men on vasivera do not have any problems with a benevolent attitude towards women, but have difficulties with a concentration on a single object, they are interested in other women, as well as many of their cases. To harmonize in a pair of relationship, Vastevic offers women to increase benevolence, and men - to strengthen concentration.

There is no doubt that such advice is perceived by the audience with a bang. Men, for the most part, would very much like their wives to have to treat them friendly and kind, stopped controlling, jealous and craft. Women dreaming that the beloved man devoted to them more attention, concentrated on them, did not think about other women and did not prefer his friends' wives. However, in the same way, both men are difficult or cannot be taken and concentrated on a woman who is already little concerned, it is also difficult to begin to treat a benevolence to a man on which it is too much concentrated.

The mistake of Nashevice is that he sees the reason for the different perception of partners in the "nature" of each floor, apparently in the notorious hormones, which cause a woman to be concentrated and unlaimed, and the man is the opposite. I suggest to deal with these differences without obscurantism. At the same time, I will not refute a single characteristic of Nashevice and take the basis of its observation, which seem to me quite accurate.

For example, Mistover says that "concentration on one facility", which is so lacking men in relation to women, is to care. If a man will take care of a woman, having to do this more often than his desire arises, his concentration on a woman will rise, and the couple will come to harmony. Naurability says that care is the male principle of love, this is what women are waiting for from a man, but what is almost no need to make men from women, which can burden them in large quantities. Instead of concern, men need gratitude.

In fact, most of all those who are stronger than concentrated on the partner need most of all, the autonomy has more, is more involved in the relationship, and gets less. If we imagine a loving husband, who is experiencing the distance of a socially active wife, misses her and thinks a lot about relationships, without having the strength to distract themselves to their affairs, we will become clear to us how much he needs her concern, how he suffers from no attention, what kind of cold it seems His house when the wife disappears is unknown where, how he wants to spend together an extra piece of companies, how big companies annoy him, where his wife is uncomfortable and flirting, as he wants a tete-a-tet with her and not just "thanks", at a distance Namely her concerns near. The difference lies not in hormones and not in the "nature" of the floors, but that men, on average, get attention from wives so much that they would like more freedom and "adoption", as well as "trust" and "gratitude ", That is, they need some distance from his wife, because that means it is not so much for them, it did not grow a wedge. Wives, on the contrary, are so involved and concentrated that they do not need gratitude, but care is needed. "I am grateful to you," says the husband, and she hears the appeal to almost someone else's person. She does not want thanks, but I want to care, that is, intimacy, not a distance. Gratitude is the expression of love with separated personal boundaries, care is the expression of love when connecting boundaries.

For example, you can consider the attitude towards parents of a small child and a teenager. Suppose we have parents who are concentrated on the child very much, live them and literally breathe. A small child will not be too suffering from every second attention, although sometimes it can break out of the hands and demand independence, but then return to the hands and rejoice in the proximity. A teenager will suffer from such a concentration very much and rush to freedom of all his might. The difference between the child and the teenager is that the first and itself is very concentrated on the parents, it needs them constantly, not divided with them, and the second does not want to fill his life only by mom and dad, they are on their constant care, control, he is interested in peers , social ambitions and games, he wants freedom. The larger the person has its own interests, the more burdensive for him to devote more attention to him.

Thus, we see that women want more care from men not because women have special hormones, but because women are usually much more concentrated on men than those on them. If a woman suddenly concentrated less, no hormones will force her to be obsessive. The stronger the concentration of man on the partner, the greater the need for proximity, the more close and intensive proximity he needs. In this state, a person, and a man, and a woman want to get care and give her, they want to remain in the close interaction with the object of their high concentration, literally in symbiosis, and any distance scares and wounds them. The difference between men and women is that women are almost always more concentrated and involved in relations than men. In the same rare cases when men are involved more, they are changing in places now: men climb with obsessive care, become demanding, referring, and even romantic and sentimental, begin to emphasize common dates and signs of attention. No wonder about a very in love with a man often say that he behaves "like a woman."

To behave in the relationship "like Baba" it means to be more involved, have a much lower in (power over a partner, influence on a partner) than he has. Traditionally, women, being downstairs (according to the law of the gender, that is, according to the society of the role in a pair), they are very quickly losing in relations, they become more involved, which is also dependent and, as a result, much more people need. Men, staying more free, having a wide range of interests, are able to experience craving for other women, not concentrating on one, they easily retain a benevolent attitude towards his wife, if it is not too demanding. Vasteravich and himself compares benevolence with indifference and, it would seem, understands that the benevolence correlates with a distance, because he advises women to slow down the concentration (as if it obeys consciousness and will). The smaller the distance, the stronger the proximity, the involvement, concentration, the less the benevolence, since another person is perceived as its own part and requires constant control, and his desire for freedom causes the fear of losses. The greater the distance, the more benevolent, we are ready to treat a person, he does not touch us, we wish him good and well-being, hoping in response to get the same good, not burdened by the attitude.

If Vastevichev and him left their psychiatric fantasies about hormones (recognizing the social, and not the hormonal nature of gender inequality), they would have to notice that the imbalance in the MG relationship was caused by very different concentrations on each other, and only. This Alpha and Omega relationships and besides this, you can not know anything about the relationship. For balance, people should be exactly equally involved and equally dependent on each other (which is very difficult for traditional gender, the gender hierarchy itself creates a vertical of power in relations, and the same dependence with different power is the most harmful myth). The one who is involved more than the other becomes less benevolent. The one who is involved less, gradually loses its concentration on the partner. The smaller its concentration, the stronger the concentration of the first (due to the loss fear) and the less of its benevolent attitude. And now we already get an annoying hysterical wife and poor husband, who does not know what to do with these damned "female hormones."

Men who sincerely want to understand the "nature" of women (women in general, not a concrete woman) and learn to look at the situation with typical women's eyes (for which they go to vastera), they must be very good to imagine that a female look is a look from more dependent and subordinate position, and to understand the woman, her aspirations and motivation, we must try to try on a lower role. A specific woman in concrete relationships can be involved less than a man, which means less dependent than it (rarely, but it happens). In this case, the "female look" will not differ from the male. In this case, a woman will be the obsessiveness of a man, want more rare meetings, more personal freedom, will be forever busy at work or with friends and constantly forget about small memorable dates. And if a man pulls such a woman in marriage (and he will do it, because it is more stronger and needs warranty for removing anxiety), it will tell him the classic men's bikes that "love is a bird that gets in a cage" And the man will swallow comments and do not understand why his bird will win from the cold and dreams of a cozy nest, and her bird loves to fly so much. Nearby surrounding can conclude that nature in such a pair swirl with the "hormones": Her making a gentleman, and his not quite a man.

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