
Estonia's position in the historical and geographical regions. Geographical position of estonia. Restoration of independence and economic reforms

One of the Baltic countries, Estonia, is located in the east of Europe (its northwestern part). The waves of the Gulf of Finland and the Baltic Sea wash its shores. For a long time its closest neighbor was Russia (eastern border), in the south Estonia neighbors with Latvia, in the north - with Finland. Estonia has 1,500 islands, the largest of which are Saaremaa and Hiiumaa. The territory occupied by Estonia is just over forty-five thousand square kilometers and is located within the East European Plain. There are a lot of rivers in Estonia. Pirita, Kazari, Narva, Pärnu (the longest) - this is an incomplete list of its waterways. Almost half of Estonia's territory is covered by forests (birch, pine, maple, elm, linden, aspen), and there are many mosses, lichens, mushrooms and fern plants. The fauna is also very diverse - these are moose, beavers, foxes, roe deer, martens. In the rivers are found - salmon, carp, trout, tench, carp, flounder, cod, eel and other types of fish.

Estonia is home to about one and a half million people, the largest group is Estonians (more than sixty percent of the population), Russians (one third of the population), besides them, there are Ukrainians, Belarusians, Finns, Latvians and Jews. The country is bilingual - the state language is Estonian, besides it, Russian is widely used. The predominant religious denominations are Lutheranism and Orthodoxy. The largest cities are Tallinn (the capital city, half a million inhabitants), Tartu (over one hundred thousand inhabitants), Narva (about one hundred thousand inhabitants). The country has a republican form of government.

Life expectancy for men and women varies greatly - on average, women live 11 years longer than men (75 and 64 years, respectively).

After the ice melted from the territory of modern Estonia (about twelve thousand years ago), the first settlers appeared here - by the Pärnu River. Later, representatives of the Kunda culture lived here. By the first millennium, people who lived in the territory of modern Estonia began to lead a sedentary lifestyle, the first settlements appeared, and road traffic developed. The word "Aestii" Tacitus (ancient Roman historian) called the people living near the Vistula, perhaps it was this that gave the name to Estonia.

In the eleventh and twelfth centuries, the first mentions of Estonian cities (primarily Tartu and Tallinn) appear. At the same time, constant conflicts with Russian princes began. At the beginning of the twelfth - thirteenth century, there was an invasion by the Crusaders, as well as the Danes. In the first half of the thirteenth century, the country was liberated from the Danes. Later on the territory of Estonia was ruled by the Livonian Order (the union of the Order of the Swordmen and the Teutonic Order). In the sixteenth century, the country is going through the Livonian War, as a result of which the Livonian Order disappears. Estonia was divided between Sweden and Poland, and over time Sweden becomes the complete master of the country.

However, by the eighteenth century, with the end of the Northern War, the territory of Estonia ceded to Russia, and the country received the name of Revel province. At the beginning of the nineteenth century, the University of Tartu again accepted students (it was closed during the war, one of the oldest universities in Eastern Europe). Around the same time, the national movement appeared and grew in Estonia.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, Estonia gained independence, the ideas of communism did not find understanding in the Baltic state, accompanied by the oppression of Russian citizens. Over the next fourteen years (from 1920 to 1934), twenty-three governments were replaced in the country. The ideas of Nazism were circulating. However, by 1940, Estonia became part of the USSR, despite the fact that the process is painful for the country. With the arrival of German troops during the Second World War, a significant part of Estonia supported the Nazis. In the post-war period, a large number of Estonians were condemned by the USSR government for supporting the "forest brothers" (anti-Soviet partisan formations). With the advent of perestroika, a movement of national identity began in the country, and in 1991 Estonia achieved recognition of its own independence.

Estonia is currently a member of the European Union.

Estonia has a large number of historical monuments. Among them, the medieval castle in Narva and the building of the town hall in Tartu stand out. There are cathedrals of amazing beauty, old towers in the old part of Tallinn, made in the Gothic and Baroque styles. There are about ten museums in Tartu, including a museum dedicated to the history of the city, in Kohtla-Järve, an interesting oil shale museum. The historical site in Iru deserves attention - a settlement built in the first millennium BC.

The official name is the Republic of Estonia. Population - 1 million 286 thousand people. The form of government is a republic. The head of state is the president.

Geographical position

Estonia is a state located in the northwest of Eastern Europe. In the north it is washed by the Gulf of Finland, in the west - by the Baltic Sea. In the east, the country borders with Russia, in the south - with Latvia. Estonia owns more than 1,500 islands, the largest of which are Saaremaa and Hiiumaa.

In addition to the mainland, Estonia also has an insular one. It owns 1,541 islands in the Baltic Sea. The largest among them are Saaremaa and Hiiumaa. Sometimes the sea freezes over in winter. The country's territory is predominantly low-lying plain with many lakes of glacial origin. In the northeastern part there is a strip of hilly hills with the highest point in the country - Munamagi (318 m). In the northern and central parts - the Pandivere Upland (up to 166 m). 2/3 of the forests are coniferous.

Export - goods: machinery and electrical equipment 21%, timber and products from 9%, metals 9%, furniture 7%, vehicles and parts 5%, food and beverages 4%, textiles 4%, plastics 3%

Exports - partners: Sweden 16.8%, Finland 15.3%, Russia 12.7%, Latvia 9.2%, Lithuania 5.7%, Germany 4.8% (2012)

Rivers and lakes

There are many small rivers in Estonia, of which only nine are 100 km or more long. River Narva (Narova) - the deepest river in Estonia; the rivers Suur-Emajõgi and Pärnu are also relatively abundant. Kazari and some others. The rivers of Northern Estonia, cutting through limestone and dolomite, form picturesque waterfalls (on the Narva rivers). Many rivers in South Estonia also cut into bedrock. High water on Estonian rivers occurs during the spring snowmelt. Autumn rains rarely cause floods. Estonia is rich in lakes, there are more than 1150 of them (together with reservoirs). The largest reservoirs are Lake Peipsi (the Estonian name of Peipsi); Vyrtsjärv (270 sq. Km) and Narva reservoir (200 sq. Km, within Estonia - 40 sq. Km). Most of Estonia's lakes are covered with glacial basins. These include lakes of hilly-moraine landscapes (for example, Lake Pühajärv, that is, "holy lake"), as well as oblong lakes among the drumlins (Lake Saadjärv) and valley lakes (Lake Viljandi, etc.). On the western and northern coasts, there are many coastal (relict) lakes formed as a result of the retreat of the sea. There are many lakes among the swamps. The small lake Kaali on the island of Saaremaa is unique in terms of the meteoric origin of its basin.

National flag of Estonia.

The Estonian national flag is also the national flag. It is a rectangle consisting of three equal horizontal colored stripes. The upper stripe is blue, the middle one is black and the bottom one is white. The ratio of the flag's width to its length is 7:11, the standard size of the flag is 105 by 165 centimeters.

For the first time, the blue-black-white flag was consecrated and blessed as the flag of the Estonian Student Society in Otepää on June 4, 1884. In the following decades, the blue-black-white flag became the Estonian national flag. The first decree on the Estonian national flag was adopted by the provisional government of the Republic of Estonia on November 21, 1918. In June 1922, the Riigikogu officially approved the blue-black-white flag as the state flag. After the forcible annexation of the Republic of Estonia to the Soviet Union in 1940, the use of the old flag was prohibited.

Estonian national colors reappeared in 1987-1988, when the movement for the liberation and restoration of Estonia's independence began. The tricolor was raised again over the Long Hermann tower on February 24, 1989, and a law passed in August 1990 decided to re-start using the blue-black-white flag as the state flag. The Estonian Flag Law was promulgated on April 5, 2005.

State emblem of Estonia

The Estonian national emblem exists in two formats: the large national emblem (pictured) and the small national emblem. On a large state emblem, on a golden shield, three blue lions are depicted, striding with their eyes fixed on the viewer (passant gardant). On the sides and bottom, the shield is bordered with a wreath of two crossed golden oak branches crossing at the bottom of the shield. The small coat of arms is identical, but it lacks oak branches.

The motif of the Estonian national coat of arms dates back to the 13th century, when the Danish king Valdemar II granted the city of Tallinn a coat of arms with three lions, similar to the coat of arms of the Danish kingdom. The same motif was later transferred to the coat of arms of the Estland province, approved by Empress Catherine II on October 4, 1788.

The Baltics (the Baltic States) as a historical and geographical region includes: Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia.

There is also an opinion that the countries of this region should be attributed either to Central or Central Europe, since it is more correct to call Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova and the European part of Russia as Eastern Europe, but the name "Eastern Europe" was assigned to the countries of this region and is recognized throughout the world.

Lithuania is located in the north-east of Europe. Borders with Russia, Poland, Latvia, Belarus. In the west it is washed by the Baltic Sea. The area of \u200b\u200bthe country is 65.2 thousand square meters. km.

The Republic of Latvia is located on the shores of the Baltic Sea and the Gulf of Riga. The proximity of the Atlantic Ocean has a great influence on the climate of the republic. Latvia, in comparison with other Baltic republics, has a more advantageous position in relation to the sea, it is "the most maritime republic". The length of its territory from east to west is 450 km, from north to south - 250 km. Area 63.7 thousand sq. km. The length of the border is 1.8 thousand km.

Estonia is located in northeastern Europe, on the southern coast of the Gulf of Finland in the Baltic Sea. It shares borders with Latvia in the south and Russia in the east. In the north it is washed by the Gulf of Finland, in the west - by the Gulf of Riga of the Baltic Sea. The country's territory includes more than 1,500 islands, which is 10 percent of the territory of Estonia. The relief is predominantly flat. Most of the country is a flat plain, half covered with forests, swamps, and a quarter with peat bogs. The lake network is also extensive - more than 1,000 lakes. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe country is about 45.2 thousand square meters. km. is the northernmost and smallest of the Baltic states.

In the Baltics, a hamlet settlement has historically developed and imparted a characteristic appearance to the countryside. It seems to be consistent with the abundance of small towns and former settlements, which are also very common.

The position by the sea and the role it plays in the economy, culture, traditions and customs of the peoples oblige the Baltic states to show great concern for the fate of the Baltic Sea, the purity of its waters, and the protection of its wealth. Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania are active participants in the Baltic Days.

Along with the coastal position, the Baltic republics have other common features. Their nature is influenced by the glacial era: moraine hills, hollows filled with lakes, sandy plains covered with pine forests, boulders dotted with glacial scars.

In each republic, the capital stands out sharply in comparison with the rest, mainly small cities. In rural areas, a system of large, comfortable settlements is gradually being formed.

A common problem for all three countries in the future is the improvement of living conditions in rural areas, the transformation of farm settlement. The key form will be comfortable and large settlements provided with service sector institutions.

All this convincingly testifies to the success of the economic and social development of the Baltics.

General information about the country: area of \u200b\u200bthe territory, population (composition, number), structure of the land fund, state symbols.

The official name is the Republic of Estonia.

Territory - 45,226 sq. Km.

Population - 1 million 286 thousand people. Ethnic composition: Estonians (68.7%), Russians (24.8%), Ukrainians (1.7%), Belarusians (1.0%), Finns (0.6%) (as of 31.12.2011). The official language is Estonian. For about a third of the country's population, the native language is Russian. Religion - Lutherans, Orthodox (Russian Orthodox and Estonian Orthodox Churches), others. The capital is Tallinn. The largest cities are Tallinn (415 thousand), Tartu (115 thousand), Narva (76 thousand), Pärnu, Kothla-Järve (55 thousand). Administrative division - 15 regions. The form of government is a republic. The head of state is the president. Currency - Estonian kroon.

Geographical position

Estonia is a state located in the northwest of Eastern Europe. In the north it is washed by the Gulf of Finland, in the west - by the Baltic Sea. In the east, the country borders with Russia, in the south - with Latvia. Estonia owns more than 1,500 islands, the largest of which are Saaremaa and Hiiumaa.

National flag of Estonia.

The Estonian national flag is also the national flag. It is a rectangle consisting of three equal horizontal colored stripes. The upper stripe is blue, the middle one is black and the bottom one is white. The ratio of the flag's width to its length is 7:11, the standard size of the flag is 105 by 165 centimeters.

For the first time, the blue-black-white flag was consecrated and blessed as the flag of the Estonian Student Society in Otepää on June 4, 1884. In the following decades, the blue-black-white flag became the Estonian national flag. The first decree on the Estonian national flag was adopted by the provisional government of the Republic of Estonia on November 21, 1918. In June 1922, the Riigikogu officially approved the blue-black-white flag as the state flag. After the forcible annexation of the Republic of Estonia to the Soviet Union in 1940, the use of the old flag was prohibited.

Estonian national colors reappeared in 1987-1988, when the movement for the liberation and restoration of Estonia's independence began. The tricolor was raised again over the Long Hermann tower on February 24, 1989, and a law passed in August 1990 decided to re-start using the blue-black-white flag as the state flag. The Estonian Flag Law was promulgated on April 5, 2005.

State emblem of Estonia

The Estonian national emblem exists in two formats: the large national emblem (pictured) and the small national emblem. On a large state emblem, on a golden shield, three blue lions are depicted, striding with their eyes fixed on the viewer (passant gardant). On the sides and bottom, the shield is bordered with a wreath of two crossed golden oak branches crossing at the bottom of the shield. The small coat of arms is identical, but it lacks oak branches.

The motif of the Estonian national coat of arms dates back to the 13th century, when the Danish king Valdemar II granted the city of Tallinn a coat of arms with three lions, similar to the coat of arms of the Danish kingdom. The same motif was later transferred to the coat of arms of the Estland province, approved by Empress Catherine II on October 4, 1788.

The Riigikogu approved the Estonian coat of arms on June 19, 1925. After the forcible annexation of the Republic of Estonia to the Soviet Union in 1940, the use of the old coat of arms was prohibited. The historical coat of arms of the Estonian state was adopted again on 7 August 1990. The law on the state emblem was promulgated on July 3, 2001.

Entry into the USSR

In conditions when Latvia and Finland refused to provide support to Estonia, England and France (which were at war with Germany) were unable to provide it, and Germany recommended to accept the Soviet proposal, the Estonian government agreed to negotiations in Moscow, as a result of which on September 28 A Mutual Assistance Pact was signed, providing for the deployment of Soviet military bases and a 25,000 Soviet contingent on the territory of Estonia.

In 1940, additional contingents of Soviet troops were introduced. On the territory of Estonia, military bases of the USSR were created, where 25,000 soldiers were deployed. On June 10, combat readiness was declared at Soviet bases in Estonia. On June 14, a military and naval blockade of the Baltic was declared. On June 14, Soviet planes shot down a Finnish airline plane that had taken off from Tallinn over the Gulf of Finland.

june, Molotov handed the Estonian ambassador an ultimatum, in which he demanded the immediate entry of an additional contingent of Soviet troops of 90,000 people into Estonia and the removal of the government, otherwise threatening the occupation of Estonia. Päts accepted the ultimatum.

june 1940 Soviet troops entered Tallinn; at the same time, the ships of the Baltic Fleet stood in the roadstead and the amphibious assault was landed. The Soviet military authorities banned public gatherings, gatherings, outdoor photography; weapons were seized from the population within 24 hours. On June 18, Bochkarev, adviser to the Soviet embassy, \u200b\u200bnamed the first members of the new pro-Soviet government of Estonia. The subsequent events were led by the authorized representative of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks for Estonia A.A. On June 21, he dictated to Päts the composition of a new cabinet headed by the leftist poet Johannes Vares (Barbarus), who soon joined the Communist Party. In fact, the country was led by the USSR Embassy. The NKVD arrived from Leningrad to Tallinn. Arrests and deportations of citizens of the Republic of Estonia began, including those actively opposed to the Soviet regime. Subsequently, Zhdanov ordered to hold elections to the Riigikogu within nine days.

By the decree of Päts of July 5, extraordinary elections to the Riigikogu were scheduled for July 14, 1940. According to official data, 591,030 citizens participated in the elections, or 84.1% of the total number of voters. For the candidates of the Union of Working People (candidates from other parties were not registered), 548 631 people, or 92.8% of those who voted, voted. According to some Russian and Estonian historians, the elections were held in violation of existing laws, including the constitution, and the results were falsified.

july 1940 (even before the formal inclusion of Estonia in the USSR) was issued an order of the People's Commissar of Defense Marshal SK Timoshenko No. 0141, according to which, by July 31, 1940, the territory of Estonia was to be included in the Leningrad Military District.

in July, the first session of the new Riigikogu adopted a resolution on the establishment of Soviet power in the country and the formation of the Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic. On July 22, a declaration was adopted on the entry of Estonia into the USSR. The Riigikogu made a corresponding request to the USSR Supreme Soviet. On the same day, President Konstantin Päts submitted a petition to release him from the presidency, which was granted. The powers of the President, in accordance with the Constitution, have passed to the Prime Minister. On July 30, Pats was deported to Bashkiria.

in August 1940, the VII session of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR adopted a resolution on the acceptance of the Estonian SSR into the USSR.

Ethnic groups: Estonian 68.7%, Russian 24.8%, Ukrainian 1.7%, Belarusian 1%, Finn 0.6%, other 1.6%, unspecified 1.6% (2011)

Languages: Estonian (official) 68.5%, Russian 29.6%, Ukrainian 0.6%, other 1.2%, unspecified 0.1% (2011)

Religions: Lutheran 9.9%, Orthodox 16.2%, other Christians (including Methodist, Seventh-day Adventist, Roman Catholic, Pentecostal) 2.2%, other 0.9%, none 54.1%, unspecified 16.7 % (2011)

Population: 1,257,921 (2014)

Country comparison to the world: 158

Age structure:

14 years: 15.6% (male 101,018 / female 95,204)

24 years: 11.2% (male 72,318 / female 68,373)

54 years: 41.5% (male 250,244 / female 271,450)

64 years: 18.6% (male 71,518 / female 94,029)

years and over: 18.2% (male 77,492 / female 156,275) (2014 est.)

Dependency number:

Total share of dependents: 51.2%

Youth dependency ratio: 23.9%

Elderly dependency ratio: 27.3%

potential support ratio: 3.7 (2013)

Average age:

total: 41.2 years

male: 37.6 years

female: 44.5 years (2014 est.)

Population growth rates:

Country comparison to the world: 228


29 births / 1,000 (2014)

Country comparison to the world: 187


69 deaths / 1,000 population (2014)

Country comparison to the world: 13

Net migration rate:

37 Migrant (s) / 1,000 population (2014)

Country comparison to the world: 185


Urban population: 69.5% of total population (2011 est.)

rate of urbanization: 0.02% rate of change (2010-15)

Major urban areas - population:

TALLINN (capital) 430,944 (2014)

Sex ratio:

at birth: 1.06 male (s) / female

14 years: 1.06 male / female

24 years: 1.06 male / female

54 years: 0.92 male / female

64 years: 0.84 male (s) / female

years and over: 0.49 male (s) / female

Total population: 0.84 male (s) / female (2014)

Mothers Average age at first birth:

3 (2010)

Maternal mortality:

deaths / 100,000 live births (2010)

Country comparison to the world: 184

Infant mortality rate:

total: 6.7 deaths / 1,000 live births

Country comparison to the world: 164

male: 7.81 deaths / 1,000 live births

female: 5.52 deaths / 1,000 live births (2014 est)

Life expectancy at birth:

Total population: 74.07 years

Country comparison to the world: 118

male: 68.85 years

female: 79.61 years (2014 est.)

Total fertility rate:

46 children born / woman (2014)

Country comparison to the world: 196

Natural resource potential

estonia population climate economy

In addition to the mainland, Estonia also has an insular one. It owns 1,541 islands in the Baltic Sea. The largest among them are Saaremaa and Hiiumaa. Sometimes the sea freezes over in winter. The country's territory is predominantly low-lying plain with many lakes of glacial origin. In the northeastern part there is a strip of hilly hills with the highest point in the country - Munamagi (318 m). In the northern and central parts - the Pandivere Upland (up to 166 m). 2/3 of the forests are coniferous.

The climate is transitional from maritime to continental. The average temperature in January is -6, July +17 ° С. Annual precipitation is about 650 mm. Mineral resources: oil shale, peat, phosphorite.

Natural resources in Estonia are more significant than in other Baltic countries. It possesses such minerals as shale, peat, phosphorite. There are raw materials for the building materials industry - sand, gravel, clay, limestone, dolomite. There are deposits of mineral water and therapeutic mud. Oil shale is a very valuable mineral that is used as a fuel for producing shale gas, as a raw material in the chemical industry. Shale reserves in the north-east of the republic are among the largest in the world, amounting to 15 billion tons.

GDP. Economy - general overview

Estonia, a member of the European Union and the Eurozone since 2004, has a modern market economy and one of the highest income levels in Central Europe and the Baltic region. Successive Estonian governments have pursued a free market, a pro-business economic program and hesitated slightly in their commitment to market reforms. The current government has followed sound fiscal policies that have resulted in balanced budgets and low public debt. The economy benefits from strong electronics and telecommunications and strong trade ties with Finland, Sweden, Russia and Germany. The Estonian economy fell into recession in mid-2008 as investment and consumption slumped after a bursting real estate bubble and reduced export demand as a result of slower economic growth in the rest of Europe, but the economy has recovered strongly in the past five years. Growth is expected to start by 2% in 2014, before the events in Ukraine. Estonia introduced the euro on January 1, 2011.

GDP (purchasing power parity):

$ 29.94 billion (2013)

Country comparison to the world: 114

$ 29.49 billion (2012)

$ 28.37 billion (2011)

GDP (at official exchange rate):

$ 24.28 billion (2013)

GDP - real growth rate:

Country comparison to the world: 158

GDP - per capita (PPP):

$ 22,400 (2013)

Country comparison to the world: 66

$ 22,000 (2012)

$ 21,200 (2011)

attention: data in 2013 USD

Gross National Economy:

23.9% of GDP (2013)

Country comparison to the world: 56

4% of GDP (2012)

9% of GDP (2011)

GDP - composition, at the end of use:

household consumption: 50.6%

government consumption: 19%

investment in fixed assets: 24.5%

investment in reserves: 0.9%

exports of goods and services: 90.4%

imports of goods and services: -90.3% (2013 est.)

GDP - by sector of origin:

agriculture: 3.9%

industry: 30%

services: 66.2% (2013)

Agriculture - products: grain, potatoes, vegetables; farm animals and dairy products; a fish

Industries: electronics, wood and wood products, textiles; information technology, telecommunications

Industrial production growth:

Country comparison to the world: 104

Work force:

692,900 (2013)

Country comparison to the world: 152

Labor force - by industry:

agriculture: 4.2%

industry: 20.2%

services: 75.6% (2010)

Unemployment rate:

10.9% (2013)

Country comparison to the world: 114

Population below the poverty line:

Family income or share of consumption:

lowest 10%: 2.7%

over 10%: 27.7% (2004)

revenues: $ 8489 million

expenses: $ 8.615 million (2013)

Taxes and other income:

35% of GDP (2013)

Country comparison to the world: 67

Budget surplus (+) or loss (-):

0.5% of GDP (2013)

Country comparison to the world: 57

State debt:

6% of GDP (2013)

Country comparison to the world: 156

8% of GDP (2012)

attention: data cover total government debt, and includes debt instruments issued (or owned) by government entities, including subsectors of central government, state government, local government, and social security funds

Inflation rate (consumer prices):

Country comparison to the world: 120

Exports: $ 15.111 billion (2013)

Country comparison to the world: 79

$ 14.46 billion (2012)

Export - goods: machinery and electrical equipment 21%, timber and products from 9%, metals 9%, furniture 7%, vehicles and parts 5%, food and beverages 4%, textiles 4%, plastics 3%

Exports - partners: Sweden 16.8%, Finland 15.3%, Russia 12.7%, Latvia 9.2%, Lithuania 5.7%, Germany 4.8% (2012)

Import: $ 16.38 billion (2013)

Country comparison to the world: 85

$ 15.6 billion (2012)

Imports - goods: machinery and electrical equipment, mineral fuels, chemical products, foodstuffs, plastics, textiles

Import - partners: Finland 15.1%, Germany 10.7%, Sweden 10.7%, Latvia 10%, Lithuania 9%, Poland 6.6%, China 4.4%, Russia 4.1% (2012)

Foreign currency and gold reserves:

Country comparison to the world: 151

Debt - external:

Country comparison to the world: 76

Foreign Direct Investment Fund - at home:

Country comparison to the world: 6

Foreign Direct Investment Fund - abroad:

Country comparison to the world: 60

Participation in international organizations

Participation in international organizations: Australian Group, B.A., BIS, CBSS, CD, CE, EAPC, EBRD, ECB, EIB, EMU, ESA (government cooperates), EU, FAO, IAEA, IBRD, ICAO, ICC (national committees), MCO, IDA, IEA, IFC, IFRCS, IHO, ILO, IMF, IMO, Interpol, IOC, IOM, MPS, ISO, ITSO, ITU, ITUC (NGO), MIGA, MINUSMA, NATO, NIB, NSG, OAS (Observer), OECD, OIF (Observer), OPCW, OSCE, PCA, UN Schengen Convention, UNCTAD, UNESCO, UNHCR, UNTSO, UPU, WTO, WHO, WIPO, WMO, WTO

Investment projects

The largest investors are Russian oil and gas concerns such as Gazprom and Lukoil .

The largest Russian gas company Gazprom owns the largest block of shares Eesti Gaas , it owns 30.6%. She also owns a modern chemical plant Nitrofert in Kohtla-Järve, producing chemical fertilizers.

So far cooperation Gazprom with Estonia was the most constructive of all the Baltic states. In February 1996 Gazprom announced the start of construction of a methanol plant, which could become the most modern and expensive industrial enterprise in Estonia.

The plant would have to produce 1000 tons of methanol per day, 2/3 of which would be exported. Moreover, it would be the largest foreign investment in Estonia.

However, the project is experiencing problems with obtaining a loan. Much depends on how the Estonian politicians react to this matter.

Concern Lukoil is engaged in the supply of petroleum products. He owns a network of petrol stations in Tallinn.

An oil terminal is currently under construction in the port of Muuga, where Lukoil invested $ 31 million.

Russian capital is showing some interest in the Estonian financial sector.

However, Russian legislation hinders the broad participation of Russian capital in foreign enterprises. The Central Bank of Russia allows the export of Russian capital for equity participation in the capital of a foreign bank, as a rule, only if this participation provides the Russian side with control over the activities of the invested bank.

Among the existing Russian banks in Estonia, one can mention the Baltic Bank and MAPO-Bank

Geographical position of Estonia. Features of its relief; water and forest resources of the country. Climatic conditions and their influence on the development of agriculture. Change in the population for 1990-2017, its main occupations.

Geographic data

Located in the northeastern part of Europe. It is washed from the north by the waters of the Gulf of Finland, from the west - by the Baltic Sea and the Gulf of Riga, bordered by Latvia in the south and Russia - in the east. The Republic of Estonia has a land border with Latvia; the border with the Russian Federation runs along the Narva River, along the Chudskoye and Pskovskoye lakes and along the land section from the Pskov region. The length of the coastline is 3,794 km. Estonia includes 1,521 islands in the Baltic Sea with a total area of \u200b\u200b4.2 thousand km?. The largest of them are Saaremaa and Hiiumaa, as well as Muhu, Vormsi, Kihnu, etc. Despite their large area, less than 5% of the country's population lives on the islands. Estonian rivers are small, but quite deep. The area of \u200b\u200bEstonia is 45,226 km2. The capital of Estonia is Tallinn.

Features of the relief

In Estonia there are lowlands: West-Estonian, Pärnu and North-Estonian coastal, lowlands of Lake. Vyrtsjärv and Lake Peipsi. Northern Estonia is a limestone plateau with a height of 30-60 m, only in its central part the Pandivere Rise reaches 166 m. The most significant hills in Southern Estonia are Sakala (up to 145 m), Otepää (up to 217 m) and Haanja (318 m).

The relief in the northern and western parts of the country is mainly flat, in the southern it is hilly. Glacial and water-glacial plains and a moraine hill dominate. In coastal areas, which have been flooded by the Baltic Sea for a long time, forms of marine origin prevail. There are also dunes and swamps.

Climatic conditions

Estonia's climate is mild and humid. The alternation of sea and continental air, the constant influence of cyclones make the weather very unstable here. The weather is especially changeable in winter and autumn. There are great fluctuations in weather conditions from year to year. There are years when summers are dry and hot, and winters are frosty, or summers are cool and rainy, and winters are mild. Climatic conditions make it possible to grow all crops in the northern temperate zone in Estonia. Crop failures (2-3 times within 10 years) are mainly due to excessive rainfall. According to climatic conditions, they distinguish the area of \u200b\u200bdirect influence of the Baltic Sea and inner Estonia. On the coast there are mild winters and moderately warm summers; in the interior, winters are cooler and summers are warmer than on the coast. On the island of Vilsandi, for example, the average monthly air temperature in February is -3.40, in Tartu -6.60. In July, the temperature is 16.3 and 17.30, respectively, and the average annual temperature is 6.0 and 4.80C. The average precipitation is 550-650 mm, on the coast in places less than 500 mm. Snow cover lasts from 70 to 130 days a year. The growing season lasts 170-185 days, the period of active plant growth from 120 to 130 days.

Rivers and lakes

There are many small rivers in Estonia, of which only nine are 100 km or more long. River Narva (Narova) - the deepest river in Estonia; the rivers Suur-Emajõgi and Pärnu are also relatively abundant. Kazari and some others. The rivers of Northern Estonia, cutting through limestone and dolomite, form picturesque waterfalls (on the Narva rivers). Many rivers in South Estonia also cut into bedrock. High water on Estonian rivers occurs during the spring snowmelt. Autumn rains rarely cause floods. Estonia is rich in lakes, there are more than 1150 of them (together with reservoirs). The largest reservoirs are Lake Peipsi (the Estonian name of Peipsi); Vyrtsjärv (270 sq. Km) and Narva reservoir (200 sq. Km, within Estonia - 40 sq. Km). Most of Estonia's lakes are covered with glacial basins. These include lakes of hilly-moraine landscapes (for example, Lake Pühajärv, that is, "holy lake"), as well as oblong lakes among the drumlins (Lake Saadjärv) and valley lakes (Lake Viljandi, etc.). On the western and northern coasts, there are many coastal (relict) lakes formed as a result of the retreat of the sea. There are many lakes among the swamps. The small lake Kaali on the island of Saaremaa is unique in terms of the meteoric origin of its basin.

Natural areas

Estonia lies in the subzone of mixed temperate forests. Currently, forests occupy about 40% of the republic's territory. The most widespread typical pine forests on podzolic sandy soils, especially in South-East and South Estonia. Broad-leaved forests grow only in isolated areas on fertile calcareous soils, mainly in Western and Northern Estonia. On limestones, mainly on the island of Saaremaa and in North-West Estonia, there are low sparse alvar forests, mainly pine and spruce forests. Black alder stands are characteristic of swampy areas with flowing groundwater. They are widely represented in South-West and North-East Estonia. Meadows and wooded meadows in Estonia, as almost everywhere in the forest zone, have been formed mainly as a result of the destruction of forests and the constant mowing and grazing.

The peoples of the country. Their main occupations

The structure of the Estonian economy: industry, agriculture, construction, transport and communications, other branches of material production - National income was produced: in industry, agriculture, in transport and communications, in construction, in other branches of material production. In terms of the total social product and national income per capita, Estonia is one of the first among the Baltic countries. By 1990, the population was about 40% higher than before the war, with all this, along with migration from other Soviet republics, the Estonian population was also growing (951 thousand in 1940, 830 thousand in 1945, 966 thousand in 1991 - maximum). Since 1992, the country's depopulation began, which was caused by both mass emigration and negative natural growth. By 2008, the population of the country had decreased compared to 1990 by 14.5%, the number of the Estonian population dropped to 920,885 people. National minorities (mostly Russians) live mainly in Tallinn (52.8% of the population, 66.1% of which are Russians) and in the industrial region in the northeast, in Ida-Virumaa county (in the city of Narva - about 97 % of the population).

The state language is Estonian. Russian is also widely spoken.

Estonia ranks first in Europe in terms of the rate of infection of the adult population with the human immunodeficiency virus - 1.3% in 2007.

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