
Vietnam is the country's position on the mainland. Where is Vietnam located? Geographical location of Vietnam. Capital of Vietnam. Where is

Do you know where Vietnam is?

Vietnam is a small country located on the Indochina Peninsula. The area of \u200b\u200bits territory is estimated from 330.95 to 331.21 thousand square meters. km. This is due to the fact that Vietnam has territorial disputes with neighbors and unsettled border relations. In terms of its size, it ranks 66th in the ranking of countries in the world, and in terms of population density it is in 30th place. Vietnam's population now exceeds 92 million. The capital of the state is Hanoi.

You need to search for a country on the world map in the eastern part of Indochina and in Southeast Asia. Geographic coordinates of Vietnam are 16 10 N, 107 50 E. The territory of the state has an elongated shape and resembles the letter "S". It crosses 15 parallels and runs along the Pacific Ocean. The distance between its extreme points from north to south is 1750 km. The narrowest part of Vietnam is only 50 km wide, and the longest distance from east to west is 616 km.

Such a meridional stretch of the country predetermined its falling into several climatic zones. A tropical climate prevails in the south of the country. The opposite weather is developing in the north. The monsoon climate prevails here. Its characteristic features are hot weather and heavy rainfall. The rainiest months of the year in the area are from May to September.

Border with Laos

The total length of the border is 2067 km. The demarcation line runs along the Truong Son ridge. Crossings between the countries are organized in the areas of the passes. They connect the eastern part of Vietnam with Laos. Highways No. 8 Nabe and No. 9 Laobao lead to the border crossings.

Russian tourists traveling in Vietnam can take advantage of these crossings and visit Laos. For this, they do not need to apply for special visas.

Maritime boundaries and coastline

Vietnam's coastline is 3,260 km long. In the northeast it is washed by the waters of the Gulf of Tonkin, and in the southwest by the Siam. They are part of the South China Sea. The most famous ports of the country are Saigon, Da Nang and Haiphong. The country's continental shelf covers an area of \u200b\u200b1 million square meters. km. It includes over 2,700 islands. All of them are located at a distance not exceeding 100 km from the coast. The most significant islands are Con Dao, Phu Quoc, Khoai, Re and Cham. Over the Paracel Islands and Spratly, Vietnam is in territorial disputes with China and Vietnam.

Disputed Paracel Islands

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Omsk State Technical University

Abstract on the topic:

"Economic and geographical characteristics of Vietnam"


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1st year group TD-119

Stepanova Christina


Tolstikov D.A.


The name itself Vietnam conjures up the image of a country embraced by decades of war, people fleeing for cover from bombs, anti-aircraft guns shooting into the sky. Other images, which also immediately pop up in memory, are pictorial Halong Bay, peasants in endless rice fields, Fragrant river and bustle of street life Saigon.

However, it is true that Vietnam much more than all these images. In the 25 years that have passed since the war, the country has risen from economic devastation and seeks to find itself again as a powerful industrial and commercial hub South-East Asia... Rich historical monuments and magnificent nature, a climate that allows you to visit the country at any time of the year, as well as cheap and high-quality service every year attract more and more tourists here, whose number in the first seven months of 2001 amounted to 1.7 million people. ...

Moreover, the historical and socio-political aspects of Vietnamese life make the journey through Vietnam unforgettable and leave a very deep impression on visitors.

Geographical position

Vietnam is a country in Southeast Asia, on the Indochina peninsula. From the East, Vietnam is washed by the South China Sea and its part - gulf of Bakbo, from the South-West - Gulf of Thailand.

Vietnam Borders with Cambodia, Laos and China and has a magnificent 3,200 km coastline washed by South China Sea... A significant part of it is a magnificent white sandy beaches. With a large area of \u200b\u200bthe country, topography Vietnam ranges from coastal plains to mountain ranges. With a population of 72 million, Vietnam is the most populous country South-East Asia... The country stretches for more than 1,800 km from north to south and therefore the weather conditions in the main parts of the country ( North, Center and South) are extremely different from each other.

Vietnam is a country of mountains, plateaus and plateaus. The predominant height of the mountains is from several hundred to 1000 m. The highest peak is located in the northern part of the country, 3142 m. Near the coast, mainly in the north and south, there are lowlands.

The territory of Vietnam stretches for 1600 km along the eastern coast of the Indochina Peninsula. The country's territory is 329.566 sq. km, including the water surface, or 326.797 sq. km of land surface. This makes it slightly larger than Italy and slightly smaller than Japan.

The country is S-shaped, wide in the north and south and very narrow in the center, where at one point it is only 50 km wide. The country's two main granaries are the Red River Delta (15,000 sq. Km) in the north and the Mekong Delta (60,000 sq. Km) in the south. The silt carried by the Krasnaya River and its tributaries, limited by 3000 km of dams, raises the level of the river beds above the level of the surrounding plains. Damage to dams results in disastrous floods.

Three quarters of the country are mountains and hills, the highest of which is Mount Fansipan, 3143 m in the Hoanglien Son mountain range in the far northwest. The Truong Son Mountains (Annamite Cordillera), forming the Central Plateau, stretch almost the entire length of the country along the Vietnamese borders with Laos and Cambodia.


Population - 88.6 million (estimate as of July 2009, 13th place in the world).

The population is distributed extremely unevenly across the territory and is mainly concentrated in the region of the river delta. Hongha and on the coastal plain, where the density reaches 500, and in some places 1500 people per 1 km2.

Annual growth - 1.1% (fertility - 1.98 births per woman).

Average life expectancy is 69 years for men, 74 years for women.

Geographical position

Vietnam is located in Southeast Asia, occupying the eastern part of the Indochina Peninsula. Its shape resembles the Latin letter S. Vietnam's length from north to south is 1,750 km, while at its widest point it is almost 600 km, and in the very narrow - only 50 km. The total length of Vietnam's land borders is 3,700 km. From the north, Vietnam borders with China (the length of the border is 1400 km), and in the west - with Laos (2067 km) and Cambodia (1030 km). From the east, Vietnam is washed by the Eastern Sea, from the west - by the Gulf of Thailand, the length of the coastline is 3260 km.

Vietnam, coordinates: from 102.10 to 109.24 eastern longitude and from 8.30 to 23.24 northern latitude. Vietnam is in the seventh time zone. The time difference with Moscow is three hours in summer and four hours in winter.

The area of \u200b\u200bVietnam is 330 thousand square meters. km. 3/4 of the country's territory is occupied by mountains and hills, 1/4 is plain. In terms of area, Vietnam ranks fourth in Southeast Asia (after Indonesia, Myanmar and Thailand).

All the highest mountains are in the western and northwestern parts of the country. The highest peak in Vietnam - Mount Fansipan (3.143 m) is located in the Hoanglien Son mountain range. Stretching to the East Sea, the ridges gradually decline and end in coastal lowlands. In the north and north of Vietnam, there are two large plains, which are the largest granaries of the country. In the north, it is the Bakbo plain, through which the Red River flows (altitude 25, area 16 thousand square kilometers). In the south - the Nambo Plain in the Mekong Delta (an area of \u200b\u200b40 thousand sq. Km).

How to get there

The only and main mode of transport by which you can easily get to the capital of Vietnam - the city of Hanoi and the resort - Ho Chi Minh, is the plane. Moreover, flights to Ho Chi Minh City are carried out only by the Vietnamese airline - Vietnam Airlines, while our Aeroflot will take you only to Hanoi. Departures from Moscow are made twice or thrice a week. If you decide to use the services of Russian airlines, then fly on domestic IL-96 aircraft or Boeing 767 models, and if you trust Vietnamese airlines, then fly on American Boeing 777. But in any case, the flight will not cause you any trouble, because experienced pilots and attentive flight attendants guarantee a good mood and pleasure from the flight. By the way, about the flight. Not the longest, but at the same time not the shortest flight - 9-10 hours in the sky.

Aeroflot flights are operated from Sheremetyevo-2 airport, flights of Vietnamese airlines - from Domodedovo.

The cost of a flight from Moscow to Hanoi averages 25,000 - 30,000 rubles in both directions. But if you closely follow the promotions of tour operators and "last minute tours", you can save about half of the indicated amount on air tickets.

So, from the capital of our state, there are no other options for direct routes to Hanoi. In addition, flights are operated by the same airlines from Vladivostok and some other cities in Russia. And what's interesting is that a trip from Vladivostok will cost you only a couple of thousand less, although the distance from Moscow to Hanoi and from Vladivostok is different.

So, we marked the direct routes. That is, to Vietnam from Russia can be directly reached only by air. But if you arrange a trip with a transfer in other countries, the road will become much more diverse.

For example, you can get to Vietnam through neighboring countries - China and Thailand. Thus, it is more convenient for residents of the Far East to get to China, and there they are already by train or also by plane to Vietnam. China is the only country close to Russia that has rail links with Vietnam. Well, with Thailand, everything is simple - a flight to Thailand, and there a transfer to a new Boeing - and to Hanoi. In addition, you can get to Korea by ferry, and then by plane - to Vietnam. True, this method is not available to all residents of Russia, but only to the population of the Far East. If you really want a very extreme travel, then you can choose more exotic transit countries, such as Cambodia or Laos.


To visit Vietnam for citizens of Ukraine there is a visa regime.

To obtain a visa to Vietnam, you must provide the following documents:

1. a foreign passport;
2. 2 copies of the questionnaire of the established form, completed in Russian, French or English;
3. original invitation;
4. Providing information on points of entry and exit from Vietnam.

The validity period is indicated on the visa, usually up to 30 days.

The consular fee is paid after submission of documents and ranges from $ 5 to $ 25.

When traveling within the country, many formalities are required for which it is recommended to have several photos. When crossing the border, you need to confirm sufficient financial resources for the period of stay in the country.

For citizens of Ukraine there is an opportunity to get a free visa directly at the airport. To do this, you must have a foreign passport, 1 photo 3x4, 1 completed application form. A visa-free regime is provided only for citizens who stay in the country for no more than 24 hours. Children under 16 years old fit into the visa of their parents (mother).


Vietnam has a monsoon subequatorial climate; 3 climatic zones are conventionally distinguished on the territory of the country. In the northern part of the country, the average summer temperatures are about 27 ° C, winter - about 14 ° C, the rainy period lasts from July to September. The central part of Vietnam is an area where average summer temperatures are around 30 ° C, winter temperatures are within 20 ° C; the rainy season is from October to January. In the south of the country, where the holiday season lasts all year round, in winter it is about 25 ° C, the warmest period with an average temperature of about 30 ° C is in April; the rainiest months here are July and August.



According to the 1999 census, the population of Hungary was 76.3 million. Compared with the previous 1989 census, the population has grown by 11.9 million. The birth rate in 1989-99 is 1.7%, in 2002 it is 1.31%. Child mortality 42 people. per 1000 newborns. Average life expectancy (2002) 68.2 years, men 65.5 years, women 70.1 years.

Percentage of rural population migration to cities in 1989-99 3.2% annually. In 1999, 23.5% of the country's population lived in cities, in 2002 - 25%. Sex ratio: 51% women and 49% men. The retirement age (only public sector employees in cities) is 60 for men and 55 for women.

The literacy rate is 91% (in 1989-88%).

Vietnam is a multinational country with 54 nationalities and nationalities. The Vietnamese themselves (Vieta, or Kinh) make up 87% of the population. They live mainly in the deltas of the Krasnaya and Mekong rivers, in the coastal regions of Central East. The number of Chinese in Vietnam is 4%. The most numerous of the nationalities are Tei, Thai, We-Ong, Hoa, Khmer, Nung - St. 1 million people each one. The smallest nationalities - Brau, Roma, Ode - number several hundred people.

The national language is Vietnamese, spoken by St. 90% of the population. Ethnic minorities, while maintaining their own language, use the Vietnamese language in interethnic communication.

6 religions are officially recognized in Vietnam:

  • buddhism,
  • catholicism,
  • protestantism,
  • Islam,
  • caodaism,
  • Hoa-hao.

According to official data, there are about 7.5 million Buddhists in the country, while 85% of the population consider themselves followers of this religion, about 5 million Catholics, 500 thousand Protestants, 150-170 thousand Muslims.


About 80% of the country's territory is occupied by mountains. In the north of Vietnam, in the direction from north-west to south-east, there are parallel block-fold ridges stretching to each other: Shamshao, Shusungtiaotiai, Hoanglien Son. In the Hoanglien Son ridge, there is the highest point of the country - Mount Fanshipan (3143 m).

In the west of the country, along the border with Laos, the Annam Mountains stretch.

In the southern and central parts of Vietnam, there are basalt and basement plateaus: Zilin, Lamven, Daklak, Pleiku, which form the Teingguyen plateau.

In the north of the country there is an alluvial delta plain Bakbo.

In the southwest of Vietnam, there is an alluvial-deltaic vast Nambo Plain. On the Nambo Plain there is a delta of the great river of Asia - the Mekong.


The high-water Mekong and Hongha rivers end their journey in Vietnam, flowing into the South China Sea. The Mekong Delta is one of the largest in the world. The delta area is 40548 km², the Megong is divided here into 9 branches.

Small rivers flowing from the Annam mountains and the Teingguyen plateau at the confluence with the South China Sea have formed a strip of plains stretching along the entire coast.


About 30% of Vietnam's territory is covered with forests. These are mainly tropical rainforests. Almost all the plains of the country are cultivated. Natural forest vegetation has been preserved only in the mountains.


Among the large mammals in Vietnam are elephants, bears, deer, leopards and tigers. Monkeys, hares, squirrels are also common in Vietnam. The birds of the country are very diverse: there are 970 species of them. Reptiles are widespread: various lizards, snakes, crocodiles. More than 1000 species of marine and freshwater fish live in the waters of Vietnam.

Hotels, hotels, prices

Hotels in Vietnam are very diverse: here are hotels of all categories, with any set of services you wish. Vietnam hotels amaze with their amazing combination of local traditions and French architecture. There is sophistication, simplicity and comfort here. Many hotels in Vietnam are located in quiet and calm cities, where you can enjoy peace and plunge into the sweet and measured bliss of relaxation. Also, living in city hotels will allow you to enjoy trips and excursions to historical sites. Most of the hotels are located on the beaches, where you will never forget. There is the possibility of accommodation in complex bungalows or villas. Many hotels have their own beaches. Vietnam hotels description: on the territory of hotels you can always pamper yourself with a visit to massage rooms and SPA centers. An excellent opportunity to combine relaxation and wellness.

Vinpearl Luxury Nha Trang 5 *

An exclusive hotel located on its own island Hon Tre, in one of the 30 most beautiful bays in the world. The ideal place for the perfectionist looking to enjoy a luxury vacation, away from the haunting noise of everyday life.

Princess D "Annam Resort & SPA 5 *

Vietnam's first world class boutique resort. The hotel is located in the cozy and secluded bay of Ke Ga. Contemporary interpretations of French colonial architecture combined with oriental imagery create a timeless feeling. Recommended for a secluded VIP vacation.

Diamond Bay Resort & Spa 4 *

an ideal place for those who prefer a quiet holiday. The hotel operates on the FB food system. Large and cozy territory, absolute harmony with nature and impeccable level of service.

Phu Hai Hotel 4 *

One of the best hotels in Phan Thiet, it is aloof from all other coastal hotels.
The service meets international standards. The extensive, well-thought-out infrastructure of the resort is suitable for both leisure and business events.

Villa Aria 3 *

A new modern boutique hotel located in the center of the Mui Ne resort area. We recommend the hotel for a quiet and relaxing stay.

The Prime 3 *

The new hotel was opened in 2009, located in the center of Nya. Perfect for an economical and quality vacation.

Vietnam is often called the land of fairies and dragons - according to ancient legends, all Vietnamese consider themselves the descendants of the marriage of Fairy and Dragon. The fairy was in charge of the industry - she taught people to produce silk, and the Dragon showed the children the wisdom of agriculture. Since then, the Vietnamese have thrived in both directions.

The name of the country is translated as “the country of the southern Vieta (name of the nation), but the country was called Annam until 1945, and the name Vietnam was used only in poetic speech. Emperor Bao Dai immortalized the new name.

Geographic characteristics

The state, elongated in the shape of the letter "S", is located in Southeast Asia, in the east of the Indochina peninsula. Neighbors from the west are Laos, Cambodia and China.

The coast of Vietnam is washed from the east and south by the South China Sea and Bakbo Bay, a small southwestern tip has an outlet to the Gulf of Thailand.

Vietnam's area is 329.6 thousand sq. km. The capital of the state is Hanoi. The political system is a socialist republic. The official head of the state is the Communist Party.


More than 80% of the country is mountainous, descending to the sea. The highest point in the country is Mount Fansipan, 3143 meters high. The upland is located in the north-west of the country, in the Hoanglienshon mountain range. The Truong Son Mountains stretch along the western border of the country, separating Vietnam from Laos and China.

The central and southern parts of Vietnam are occupied by basement and basalt plateaus, on which several frozen volcanoes rise. The area between the volcanoes is covered with forest, and lakes have formed in the craters of some volcanoes, giving rise to several rivers of the Mekong River basin ...

Vietnam has more than 2,000 rivers of varying depths and sizes (the smallest reaches only 10 meters in length). The largest rivers in Vietnam - the Mekong and Hong Ha (Red River) - flow into the South China Sea.

The Mekong Delta is one of the largest and deepest deltas in the world. On the territory of Vietnam, the area with a delta that forms nine branches ("Devat Dragons") even received special economic importance - the Vietnamese first settled here, began to develop wetlands, began to breed fish in canals and man-made ponds.

In the delta of the Hongha River, on the Bakbo plain, stands the capital Hanoi. The area has the highest population density.

The largest lake in the country, Hoan Kiem, is an oxbow lake formed as a result of a change in the course of the Red River. The lake is of great cultural and historical importance for the people. It is also called the Lake of the Returned Sword: according to legend, one of the ancient rulers of Vietnam defeated the Chinese armies with an accidentally found sword that belonged to a magical golden turtle. After the victories, the turtles came out of the waters of the lake and took the sword.

To the north of the capital there is a chain of picturesque Ba Be lakes. Lakes Pelam, Pelu and Peleng are surrounded by waterfalls and caves ...

The coast of Vietnam is washed by one sea - South China, it is semi-enclosed and is part of the basins of the Indian and Pacific oceans and has the properties of both oceans.

The largest island in the South China Sea is Hainan. The area is comfortable for a tourist holiday, as the sea is clean and warm. However, there are many predatory fish and dangerous sharks in the sea. The sea is also rich in commercial fish species - tuna, herring and sardines are abundant here ...

Some unique plants in Vietnam have become national symbols of the country: for example, bamboo, red and black sandalwood.

In Vietnam, there are animals listed in the Red Book, which are almost not left in the wild in other parts of the world - these are Asian buffalo, Javanese and Sumatran rhinos. Several species of monkeys, rodents and bats are endemic (animals that live exclusively in the specified area). An Asian elephant, a black gibbon, and an Indo-Chinese tiger are considered a rarity in Vietnam. Animals live both in the wild, in protected reserves, and on special farms ...

Due to the elongation of the country from north to south, the climate of Vietnam is heterogeneous, although in general the country is located in the subequatorial monsoon climate. In the south, winters are dry and hot (the temperature reaches 26 degrees Celsius), in the north - colder, but wet and mild (up to 15 degrees Celsius). Summer is the monsoon season throughout the country, and the end of summer is usually marked by devastating typhoons.

There are frosts in the mountains, on the borders with China, from where cool air penetrates, temperatures drop to 1 degree Celsius are noted ...


The industrial centers of Vietnam - Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi and Da Nang - are located in Central and South Vietnam. The industry is represented by metallurgical, machine-building, construction, chemical fields, light industry. Electronics and components, production of textiles and leather, glass, jewelry and cosmetic products went to the world export. A special branch of the economy is the global power generation thanks to the extensive network of hydroelectric power plants.

The fertile basalts of the area contribute to the successful growth of cultures in tropical and temperate latitudes, therefore, agriculture has been greatly developed on the highlands of Vietnam - 50% of the country's population is employed in this cluster. Basically, rice, tea and coffee are grown, the production of cashew nuts, spices, tropical fruits is highly developed ...


The indigenous population of the country is Vieta (kin), 54 more nationalities are recognized as related to them in the country. In the south, most of the population is Khmer (lower viet). There is a large proportion of the Chinese population, Polynesian, Malay and Thai peoples.

The Vietnamese language has the status of the state language. More than 85% of the population profess Buddhism, there are also religions of these national minorities, atheism, Christianity ...

From the east and south it is washed by the South China Sea. In addition to the mainland, Vietnam owns the islands of Con Dao, Fukui (Thu), Khoai, Re, Cham and others (the territorial dispute with China and Taiwan over the Paracel Islands and Spratly has not been finally settled).

Vietnam climate

In most of the country, the climate is tropical monsoon, in the north it is close to subtropical, in the south - to subequatorial. Weather conditions are formed under the influence of summer wet (southern and southwestern) and winter dry (northeastern) monsoons. The average temperature during the year varies little and ranges from +26 C in December to +29 C in April.

In the north, the hot season lasts from May to October (+ 27-33 C), relatively cool weather (+ 15-23 C) lasts here from November to April. In the south, in the subequatorial climate zone, the temperature is relatively stable all year round (about + 29-35 C), only in the winter season the thermometer drops to + 22-27 C. The average humidity at any time of the year is about 80%. In mountainous regions, where the climate is close to temperate, in summer about + 17-25 C, in winter the temperature can drop to + 7-12 C with very high humidity.

Precipitation falls about 2000 mm per year, and in some parts of the Central Plateau and up to 3300 mm. All regions of the country have two distinct seasons - dry and rainy. In the north, the rainy season lasts from May to October, in the south - from June to August, in the central regions of the country - from August to January (from November to December the maximum amount of precipitation falls). The relatively cold and humid winters in the northern and central coastal lowlands are often accompanied by fogs and drizzling rain. In spring and autumn, the weather is also quite unstable, and typhoons hit the coast from mid-October to late December.

Vietnam nature

Most of the country's territory is occupied by medium-high mountain systems (Yunnan Highlands, Annam Range, Chyong Son Mountains, Nam Danang, etc.), dissected in many places by the river systems of Mekong, Bassaka, Hongha (Red River), Ka, Tu, Ma, Krong, Dong Nai and others, forming vast alluvial plains in the lower reaches. The highest point of the country is Mount Fansipan (Yunnan Highlands, 3143 m.). The total area of \u200b\u200bthe country is about 329.5 thousand square meters. km.

National parks and reserves in Vietnam

The country has a fairly extensive network of national parks and reserves - Bachma-Khaivan, Kukfyong or Vavi national parks, numerous reserves on the Taingguyen plateau and at the foot of the Truong Son mountain ranges bordering Laos and Cambodia, Catba Island National Park and the entire Halong Bay, Chyk Nature Reserve Phong (222 sq. Km.) With the Primate Rescue Center (13 endemic species of gibbons live here), Bach Ma National Park (45 km southeast of Hue), Yok Don and others, protect the country's ecosystems experiencing a powerful anthropogenic impact.

Also in the northern regions (Viet Bak) there are such interesting places as Dong Nhat, Dong Nhi and Tam Tan grottoes near Langson, Bak Bo grottoes and Ban Jiok waterfalls near Cao Bang, Tei Kon Lin mountain (the highest point of the region is 2341 m.) , Fong Nha grotto, Sapa resort town, Yunnan Highlands and Fanshipan Mountain, as well as the picturesque passes of Ngang and Hai Van. 230 km. to the north of Hanoi lie the country's largest lakes - Pelam, Pelu and Peleng (Ba Be lakes), surrounded by picturesque landscapes, many rivers, waterfalls and lakes. In 1978 the area was declared a national nature reserve.

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