
Detailed map of Myanmar in Russian. Myanmar on the map - where is Myanmar (Burma) on the world map Burma map in Russian

The state of Myanmar is located in the northwestern part of the Indochina Peninsula and occupies several nearby islands. The shores are washed by the Adaman Sea and the Bay of Bengal, neighboring countries:, and. On an area of \u200b\u200bover 678,000 sq. km is home to about 49 million people. The state was formerly called Burma, the capital was Neypyidaw (3.5 million people).

The territory of Myanmar is covered with mountains entering the Himalayas. High mountain ranges, overgrown with primeval forests, stretch in the west and east, they are separated by the central and coastal plains. The highest mountain is Hakabo-Razi (5,881 m). The plains stretch along the large rivers Ayeyarwaddy and Salween and also attract the richness and beauty of the landscape.

The subtropics and tropics of Myanmar are ideal habitats for flora. Impenetrable jungle covers most of the territory, there are almost no forests only in the densely populated central part, where every piece of land is cultivated. The fauna is no less rich; endangered species are being restored in the reserves. Thus, in specially designated areas, more than 3,000 wild elephants, tapirs, rhinos, peacocks, etc. are protected.

The country has a predominantly tropical climate; in the south, subequatorial prevails. There are three seasons: cool with dust storms in November-February (+25 ° С), hot in March-May (+32 ° С) and rainy in June-October.

This detailed map of Burma will help you with the preparation stage if you have chosen this exotic country as the purpose of your trip. A map of Myanmar in Russian will make it possible to draw up an optimal route connecting tourist cities such as, for example, Yangon, Mandalay, Bagan, Amarapura. However, the bright sun, lush tropical vegetation, exotic animals and a warm ocean are not all that the country is famous for.

Myanmar map allows you to see that the country has not only long sandy beaches, but also vast mountainous areas, which are the best suited for fans of mountaineering. Numerous rivers crossing the most picturesque corners of the country, mountain trails, ancient Buddhist monasteries and, of course, the large freshwater lake Inle - the map of Burma will help to bring together all the most interesting corners of the country.

Myanmar is a country where you can't limit yourself to visiting just one city. The amazing historical heritage, rich nature and unique identity of the country make it an increasingly popular destination for tourism.

Myanmar map

Keywords: map of Myanmar, detailed map of Burma, map of Myanmar in Russian, map of Burma

This issue is worth clarifying before going on a trip to the Golden Land, as Myanmar (formerly Burma) is usually called in travel guides. The mysterious country of Myanmar, rich in attractions, only recently opened to everyone, and today it invites tourists from all over the world to visit it. Travelers from Russia have already fallen in love with the unexplored Myanmar and are happy to go there on vacation.

We also did not postpone it and decided to go to Myanmar as soon as possible before it changed a lot and lost its charm. True, since we lived in Thailand for a long time and traveled around this country, we have already repeatedly visited the state border of Myanmar, and therefore knew exactly where Burma is. But before, it was useful to study its maps and find out where the main cities and sights to be visited are located.

Myanmar is in Southeast Asia in the Western Hemisphere, bordered by Bangladesh and India in the west, China in the northeast, Laos in the east, and Thailand in the east and southeast. The south of Myanmar is washed by the waters of the Indian Ocean - the Bay of Bengal and the Andaman Sea.

The geographical position of Myanmar on the map between India, China and Thailand, as we found out during our trip, did not greatly affect the characteristics of the country and its inhabitants, especially compared to. Only in the north, closer to the border with China, can one understand for sure - the Chinese live and trade here and their culture flourishes. But in general, the long isolation of Myanmar made it a unique country with its own flavor. Rather, on the contrary, the north of Thailand turned out to be subject to the culture of Myanmar (more precisely, the Shan territories). We saw this especially vividly in the provincial capital of Thailand.

Climate and weather in Myanmar

Since Myanmar on the map lies between the Tropic of Cancer and the equator, it is in the monsoon zone of Asia, as well as. The peculiarities of the monsoon climate, as well as the geographical position of the region, should be taken into account when traveling to Myanmar for all tourists.

  • The northern territories of Myanmar (Sagain and Kachin) and the northeastern (Shan) are the coolest in the country. The average air temperature here is about +24 degrees.
  • And in the delta and valley of the Ayeyarwaddy river it is usually very hot, about + 32..35 ° С.
  • The extreme south of Myanmar is also quite hot, but the fresh breeze from the sea makes the weather more pleasant.

In general, it is worth remembering that the best months to travel to Myanmar - these are December and January. But even then, do not forget: it is cold in the morning and you need to dress warmer.

There are 3 seasons in Myanmar:

  1. Dry cool season - from December to February;
  2. The hot season is from March to May;
  3. The rainy season is from June to November.

  • Plains prevail in central Myanmar. And in the north, west and east there are mountains.
  • The capital of Myanmar - Neipido - is located in the center of the country. More recently, the largest city in the country was the capital of Myanmar. He earned his fortunate position because of the exit to Martaban Bay.
  • The main artery of Myanmar is the Ayeyarwaddy River. All major and great cities of Burma are located on it. This, the ancient kingdom, Magwe, Pyi.
  • In the south of Myanmar there is a long coastline of almost 2 thousand kilometers along the Bay of Bengal, where the most popular beach resorts like Ngapali are located.
  • And in the extreme south, on the Malay Peninsula, is the Andaman Sea. There is an excellent place for a beach holiday both in Myanmar itself and in neighboring Thailand (it is there that the famous Phuket, the islands and) are located. All this is the water area of \u200b\u200bthe Indian Ocean.

There are a lot of attractions in Myanmar. If you look at the map, you can see that they are all located in different states of Myanmar. To get the most complete picture of the country, you need to drive through all the main cities of Myanmar. Now I will tell you how it is more convenient to do this, taking into account the geographical features of the country.

The main attractions on the map of Myanmar

Historically, Myanmar has been divided into two parts:

  1. To Upper Burma, where the Tibetan-Burmese people appeared drink. (see the ruins of Sri Kshetra near the town of Pya) and bama (Burmese), whose civilization was crowned by states such as Bagan and.
  2. To Lower Burma, where the people lived mon with centers in the cities of Pegu, Taton and Yangon.

Myanmar landmarks are located on the united territory of ancient states, which was formed by the union of Bama and Mon (militancy appeared from the Burmese, and culture from the Monks). , which all tourists come to see, are one of the main attractions of Myanmar and are a good example of the combination of Bam and Mon syncretism. They are located in Upper Burma on the Ayeyarwaddy River.

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Symbols of attractions on the map of Myanmar:

  • Blue markers - attractions and transportation in Yangon
  • Purple - attractions and transportation in Bago
  • Turquoise - attractions and transport at Inle lake
  • Reds - attractions and transport in Mandalay
  • Pink - attractions and transportation in Bagan
  • Yellow - attractions and transportation in Ngapali
  • Green - attractions and transportation in Sipo
  • Brown - attractions and transportation in Piy
  • The Grays - Attractions and Transportation in Mrauk U

Ayeyarwaddy river valley

According to the map, most sights of Myanmar is located on the plains of Upper and Lower Burma, in the Ayeyarwaddy river valley:

  • Monva
  • Bagan
  • Mount Popa
  • Pegu (Bago)
  • Yangon
  • Golden stone

You can fly between these attractions on local airlines. These are the most popular flights: from Yangon to Mandalay, from Mandalay to Bagan, and from Bagan to Yangon. It is not recommended to travel by buses or trains here, except perhaps for short distances (for example, from Mandalay to Bagan).

  • The former capitals of Sagain, Amarapura, Yinwa and Mingun are clustered around Mandalay. where you can get as part of an excursion or on your own, by hiring a transport or even by public transport.
  • It is more convenient to go to Pegu and the Golden Stone from Yangon by public transport or order a private transfer.
  • It is most convenient to go to Mount Popu from Bagan by excursion or by taxi.

North of Myanmar

Also, on the map of Myanmar, it can be seen that in the north of the country there are hills, passing into the Tibetan Plateau. The highest mountain in Myanmar is Kakabo Razi, its height is 5889 meters. The main city in northern Myanmar is Myitkyina. It is difficult to travel here in the Kachin region due to living conditions, and not all territories are open to foreigners yet.

Northeast Myanmar

The northeastern part of Myanmar, separated by high mountains called the Shan Hills, is represented by the Shan territories and Kaya. These are special regions of the Union of Myanmar, which periodically advocate secession. And the Karen Army is constantly bullying either Burmese soldiers or their own compatriots in an endless guerrilla war. And they flee to Thailand and live there on reservations, like. For this reason, the Shan states are only partially open to foreign travelers. We went to the city and saw the beauty of these places, and we also bought local tea.

Sights of the Shan territories:

  • Viaduct Gotek
  • Inle lake
  • Chiang Tung

The Shan Hills, which separate the Ayeyarwaddy and Mandalay plains from the Shan territories, make it difficult to travel there. Mountain roads. But the air connection is good. You can fly from Mandalay, Yagnon to Lasho, to Chiang Tung or Heho.

  • In Sipo, it is prudent to take the train and take the Goteik viaduct through the canyon. But trains in Myanmar are quite often late, and sometimes they are canceled altogether, unlike. Buses are also often delayed due to breakdowns and congestion on mountain serpentines. By plane you can fly to the city of Lasho, and from there about 80 km to Sipo. Here is a story about.
  • Inle Lake from Mandalay, Yangon and Bagan can be flown by plane to Heho airport. There are also buses and trains to the city of Nyaung Shwe.
  • In Chiang Tung (Kyaing Tung) you can only fly, and the roads are closed for foreigners, but also get by bus from Tachilek, getting to this border city from Thailand and the city of Me Sai.

The Arakan Mountains are in the west of Myanmar and separate the central part of the country from the Rakhine regions, which border with Bangladesh, and Chin, which borders India. Here are located in the city of Mrauk-U.

Sights of Rakhine and Chin in Myanmar:

  • Chin tribe (tattooed grandmothers)
  • Ngapali Beach Resort
  • To get to Mrauk-U and the village of tattooed grandmothers by air, you need to fly to the city of Sittwe, and from there take a ferry or bus to the provincial one. Direct buses run to Mrauk-U from Mandalay and Yangon. You can also take them along the entire route - in Magwe, Piy.
  • To travel to Ngapali, you need to fly to the city of Thandwe. The bus also runs, both from Yangon, Pia, and from Mrauk-U.

South of myanmar

In the far south, there are the cities of Miyek and Kawthaung, from where you can go on an excursion to the islands of the Myei archipelago in the Andaman Sea. These are white beaches and virgin nature, similar to the Similan Islands in Thailand. But there is almost no tourist accommodation there and you can stay overnight only in hotels on the islands - Macleod and Boulder.

There are really a lot of islands in the south of Myanmar, and there are also things to do there: snorkeling, diving, exploring caves, and so on. But everything is only as part of the tour. You can only visit the Myei Islands from November to April. Getting there is easier from Cotonga Airport.

Where are Myanmar beach resorts?

  • The most famous - Ngapali in the West;
  • Chongta (Chaung Thar) and Nvey Saung (Ngwe Saung) near Basin (Pathein) in the south;
  • Maungmagan (Maungmagan) near the city of Dawei;
  • Myei Islands in the extreme south.

Towns in the beach resorts of Myanmar are well connected both by the bus network and have small regional airports nearby, where you can fly by plane. And this is very important, because the beaches are far from the main attractions of Myanmar. Ngapali is separated by mountains, and the southern beaches are so far away that it is both exhausting and time-consuming to get there by bus.

  • You can get to Ngapali by plane from Yangon, arriving at the airport of Tandwe.
  • To the beaches of Chongta and Nwei Saung you need to go from Yangon from the Hlaing Thar Yar bus station by bus through the city of Pattain (or Pool) for about 6-8 hours. You can also get to the Basin by train, but it is very long, so I do not recommend it. The most exotic way to get to the Pool is by boat on the Ayeyarwaddy Delta. Also long - about 20 hours - but unusual.
  • You can fly to the city of Dawei from Yangon, Myei or Kotong, and from there go to Maungmagan Beach. There is about 12 km. You can also take bus and train from Yangon.
  • In Myei and Cotong, you can fly or go by bus and there you can book a tour to the islands of the Myei archipelago. And you can still get to Kotong from Thailand, through the border crossing at Ranong.

Also, when traveling to Myanmar, it is better to understand that the country is called the Union of Mnamy for a reason. It is indeed a union of many ethnic groups.

  • The titular nation, the Burmese, Bama, live in the Ayeyarwaddy Valley in the center of the country;
  • The Kachin live in northern Myanmar;
  • In the Shan territories, the Shans and Va, Karen and Karenni (Kaya) live in the east (by the way, it is Kaya or Karenni who are famous women with rings on their necks), and Karen are visited on Lake Inle;
  • Rakhine and rank live in the west of the state.

Myanmar State Map

Many people are still confused as to how to speak correctly: Myanmar or Burma. Now the country is officially called the Republic of the Union of Myanmar or simply Myanmar. But many countries that do not recognize the military government of Myanmar continue to call it Burma (or the Union of Burma) - as was customary under the British.

Many Myanmans resent the name Burma because it reminds them of the colonial past when the country was in the hands of the British Empire. However, the very word "Burma" came from the self-designation of the titular nation of the country - the people were called bama.

The Prime Minister of Myanmar, Aung San Suu Kyi, clarified that foreigners are free to name the country whatever they like: Myanmar or Burma. Since the country's constitution does not say anything specific about this. However, in official documents, the name Myanmar is still there. And on the maps you will also most likely find Myanmar, not Burma. But on old maps you can see exactly Burma. So knowledge of history will help you figure out when which country name is appropriate, and will also help you to independently plan your travel itinerary for the Golden Country.

Myanmar's tourism industry is still in its infancy. The government is stimulating this direction, but it is just over 10 years old, and Burmese tourism is still in its infancy.

Therefore, you should not expect to find here the luxury of advanced world resorts. But the prospects for Myanmar are good if only because the country has a huge coastline, and it is washed by the warm waters of the Indian Ocean and the Bay of Bengal.

It is on the bay that the most advanced resorts of today's Myanmar are located - Ngapali and Ngwe Saung.

Burma resorts: main advantages

The main advantage of Myanmar resorts is a relatively small number of people and a huge length of beautiful sandy beaches.

The water is very clean, as it is not stirred or spoiled by huge crowds of tourists. Off the coast of Myanmar you can go diving, boating or water sports.

The most comfortable resort in the country is Ngapali. This town has the best beach hotels and a well-developed tourist infrastructure.

Ngwe Saung attracts more those who love solitude - the infrastructure is worse, but there are fewer people, and the beaches are more extensive.

Prices in Myanmar resorts are low; if you do not necessarily strive to get into the best beach hotel, you can find accommodation for literally a penny. Food is also cheap. It is not difficult to find a place on the beach here, since significant territories do not belong to anyone at all.

Resort conditions

Burma resorts do not offer any special services. The main thing to do here is to swim and sunbathe. However, tourists are also offered various excursions to nearby (and not nearby) attractions.

It's worth going - the programs are usually interesting.

The most expensive hotels usually have spas (sometimes quite good ones). Also (in keeping with the spirit of the British colonialists), hotels usually have tennis courts and golf courses.

But what is often not there - electricity. Rather, it is there, but it is provided by generators, and hotel owners often turn it off during the day or late at night. However, this is not such a big problem - you have to sleep at night and swim in the sea during the day.

Myanmar's resorts are developing quite quickly, and an increasing number of tourists prefer them to the too crowded, noisy and dirty beaches of Thailand.

Myanmar on world map
The map can be enlarged or reduced

Myanmar is a state located in the western part of the Indochina Peninsula. In the Latin alphabet it is written as Burma, but since 1989, from the Union of Burma, it has been renamed the Union of Myanmar. It is a self-name that means "fast, strong" in Burmese and echoes the word "mya" emerald. Thus, the Burmese began to call themselves "Fast-Strong Emeralds." What? People like it. Well, perhaps the local astrologers also had a hand, without which the local government does not undertake any serious business, even the capital was moved according to astrological calculations. From Rangoon to Pyingmanu on Sunday 6 November 2005 at 0637 hours. And not a minute later.

Myanmar map - location of Myanmar (Burma) on the world map | Myanmar

However, knowledgeable people say that all these rituals are a comedy for foreigners. In reality, the Burmese pragmatically moved the capital, too vulnerable from the sea, away from the coast.

Myanmar map

The population of Myanmar is now 50 million people. The country is rich in minerals and forests, rich in land and climatic resources. And it really is not clear why the annual income of the population is only $ 1,100 per person. Some experts believe that in this, too, the local government twists scams to avoid paying interest on government loans.
Myanmar has been known since ancient times for its incense and various colors, rubbing and powder. In ancient times, local women applied so much that they turned faces into strange painted masks. Now paraffin therapy is taking over the minds of local beauties. They unanimously agreed that paraffin wax is an indispensable tool for hand care.

One comment

  1. Comment by Bakhtiyar 3 June 2011 #

    Interesting people, but not at all rich First time I hear about Burmese 50 million know this language or not ??? .. if so then maybe I will)

Myanmar map in Russian. Capital of Myanmar, flag, history of the country. Where is Myanmar located on the world map

(Union of Myanmar)

General information

Geographical position. Myanmar is a state in Southeast Asia. In the north and east it borders on China, in the east also with Thailand and Laos, in the west - with Bangladesh and India. It is washed by the waters of the Bay of Bengal and the Andaman Sea (in the south). The western ridge Arakan-Yoma, up to 2,740 m high, forms a natural barrier between Burma and the subcontinent of India. The Bilauktong ridge lies along the border with Thailand. On the territory of the country there is also a part of the Shan plateau, the average height of which is about 910 m. The valley of the Irrawaddy-Sitang river system - the most fertile lands - occupies about 46 620 square meters. km.

Square. The territory of Myanmar is 676,552 square meters. km.

Gchavnye cities, administrative division. The capital is Yangon. The largest cities are Yangon (3,851 thousand people), Mandalay (533 thousand people), Molamayin (220 thousand people), Sitve (108 thousand people). Myanmar is a federation of 7 national regions and 7 administrative regions.

Political system

A military regime has been established in Myanmar. The head of state and government is the chairman of the State Council for the restoration of law and order. The constitution has been suspended.

Relief. In the east of the country is the Shan Highlands, in the west is the Arakan-Yoma mountain range, between the mountains is the hilly Irrawaddy plain.

Geological structure and minerals. The bowels of the country contain reserves of oil, tin, tungsten, zinc, copper, lead, coal, natural gas, and precious stones.

Climate. Most of the country is in the tropical zone. The hot season lasts from March to October and the cool northeast monsoon season from November to February. The average temperature in the cool season is + 16 ° С, and in the hot season it exceeds + 38 ° С. The monsoon rainy season lasts from mid-May to October. Average annual rainfall in Upper Myanmar is about 890 mm, while in Lower Myanmar about 5,080 mm. Inland waters. Large rivers - Ayeyarwaddy, Salween.

Soils and vegetation. Forests cover about half of Myanmar's territory. In regions that receive a large amount of moisture, tropical forests, they grow rubber and oil trees, acacia, bamboo, coconut palm, betel nut, iron tree, cinchona tree, mangrove tree. In the northern forests - oak, pine and various types of rhododendron. Fruit trees such as citrus, banana, guava, mango grow in coastal areas.

Animal world. The tiger and leopard are common in the forests of Myanmar. Upper Myanmar is home to a large number of elephants (some of them are domesticated), rhinos, wild buffaloes and wild boars, several species of deer and antelopes. Among small mammals: gibbon, several species of monkeys, wild cat, tapir, flying fox. About 1,200 bird species live in Myanmar, including parrots, pheasants, peacocks, herons.

Where is Myanmar located and what country is it?

Among reptiles, the most common are crocodile, gecko, cobra, python, turtle.

Population and language

Myanmar has a population of about 47.305 million. The average population density is about 70 people per 1 sq. km. - one of the lowest in the Far East. Ethnic groups: Burmese (related to Tibetans) -68%, Karen-7%, Shans-9%, Mon (tala-in) - 2%, ranks - 2%, Kachin - 2%; each ethnic group resides in its own state: the Karen in Lower Myanmar, the Shan along the Thai border, the Monas in the delta region, the Chin in the northwestern mountainous region, and the Kachin in northern Myanmar along the Chinese border. Languages: Burmese (state), Shan, Karen, mine, English, Chinese.


Buddhists (the majority belongs to the Theravada teachings) - 89%, Christians - 4%, Muslims - 4%, Hindus, pagans.

Brief historical outline

The first known civilization on the territory of modern Myanmar was the Mon civilization, which arose around 3000 BC. e. It lasted more than three millennia, until 628 AD. BC, when it was replaced by the Piu civilization. In the middle of the IX century. Burmese appeared on the territory of Myanmar, later the Shans, Karen and Kachin came. The first unified Burmese state was founded by King Anorath in the middle of the 11th century. in Upper Burma. In 1287, the kingdom of Patan was conquered by the Mongol conqueror Kubilai (Sechen Khan). Burma was divided into two states. In the second quarter of the XVI century. with the help of Portuguese mercenaries, the Burmese Tongu dynasty managed to unite the country.

In the XIX century. after three wars between the British and French armies, Burma became a British colony. In 1937 it received the right to self-government, and on January 4, 1948, the country's independence was proclaimed. Since 1962, a military regime has been introduced in the country. Burma has become one of the poorest countries in the region as a result of military rule, expelling Indians from government and alienating Chinese from commerce. In 1989, the country's name was changed to Myanmar. On May 27, 1990, the first democratic elections in 30 years were held, won by the main opposition party, but the military refused to transfer power.

Brief economic outline

Myanmar is an agricultural country. The main food and export crop is rice; wheat and corn are also cultivated; from technical-oilseeds, cotton, jute, sugarcane, tobacco, rubber plants. Cattle are used as draft animals. Harvesting valuable wood species. Fishing. Extraction of oil, non-ferrous metal ores (lead, zinc, tin, copper), silver, precious stones. Lead and zinc plant, oil refinery and metallurgical plants. Food flavors (rice-cleaning, oil-processing, sugar, tea, tobacco) enterprises. Production of silk and cotton fabrics, jute products. Handicraft trades. Exports: agricultural products, timber, minerals, precious stones, seafood.

The monetary unit is kyat.

A brief outline of culture

Art and architecture. Myanmar is one of the most vibrant centers of Buddhist culture in all of Asia with thousands of temples and pagodas. The country is often called the Land of Golden Pagodas. The most famous is the Shwe-Dagon pagoda with a height of 100 m, completely covered with gold. Among the many museums are the National Museum of Art and Archeology in Yangon and state museums in the cities of Mandalay, Moulayin.

Molamyain. Several pagodas; ancient caves. Pegu. Quaykpien Pagodas, Shwe-guan, Shvemodo; a huge statue of the resting Buddha (994); nearby is the ancient city of Haltavaddi. Mandalay. More than 700 pagodas. Mingjan. Not far from the city are the ruins of the city of Pagan - the capital of the first state in Burma. Yangon. Peace Pagoda, erected in 1952 in honor of the 2,500th anniversary of the death of Buddha.

Myanmar map

Detailed map of Myanmar in Russian. Explore a satellite map of Myanmar. Zoom in and see streets, houses and landmarks on the map of Myanmar.

Myanmar until 1989 was called Burma, is an ancient exotic country with a hospitable and good-natured population. This country is different from its neighbors because it is a little isolated.

Country of Myanmar, formerly Burma

In the last century, the country had a military regime, and therefore Myanmar was closed to tourists. But these days it is the most popular tourist destination.

You can also visit Myanmar in combination with a trip to another Asian country, since from most of the Asian cities there are regular flights connecting Myanmar with Malaysia, India, Singapore, Thailand.

The largest city and the former capital of Myanmar is Yangon, not far from which is the new capital of Pinman. To enter the country, prophylaxis against typhoid, hepatitis, and tetanus malaria is required. No more social vaccines are required. Before entering, be sure to check the recommendations of the Ministry of Health. Tap water and iced drinks should not be taken from the tap.

It is also necessary to observe some features, for example, you cannot photograph the military. In this country, despite all the efforts of the authorities, there are drug plantations. Also, do not neglect the rules of sanitation, drink only bottled water, do not buy fruits and vegetables on the street. You also need to be careful with the national cuisine, as it is unique and unusual for Europeans. When entering any monastery, it is imperative to take off your shoes and take off your socks.

Myanmar nature conquers with its naturalness, the virgin beauty of nature has been preserved here. Most of the country is covered with tropical forests, turning into subtropical ones. The longest river, the Irawanda, plays an important role for the economy of Myanmar.

The mines of this country are also world famous, since it is here that thirty-six types of precious stones are mined. The country is famous for its high quality sapphires and jade, and rubies have been exported since ancient times. Myanmar is also known for the fact that pearls are grown here on the Pearl Island.

There are many attractions in Myanmar. The culture and way of life of the country are represented in 135 ethnic groups. The national parks of Khloga, Alangdo-Katpa, Victoria Mountains, Popa Mountains are very beautiful. Also, special attention should be paid to the territories under protection, for example, the territory of Lake Inle and the Merguy archipelago.

What else to see:

  1. World maps
  2. World capitals
  3. Satellite world map
  4. Political world map
  5. Geographic world map
  6. Online world map

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