
A rowing machine that develops. Rowing machine: is it suitable for losing weight and how to do it right. Rating of manufacturers of rowing machines for home

From this article you can learn about the features and effectiveness of training on a rowing machine.

You can choose and purchase a rowing machine in our online store.

Without a twinge of conscience, we can say that the rowing machine is one of the best home exercise machines.

If you want not only to have a slim body, a healthy heart, but also strong enduring muscles - a rowing machine.

This simulator loads 80% of the muscles of the human body during training, makes both the lower and upper parts of the body work.

All home machines mainly use only the lower body, which depletes the workout, and the rowing machine can get a full-fledged workout of the whole body.

Load during training between lower and upper parts the body is unevenly distributed.

The upper body on this simulator is loaded during training by 65%, the bottom - 35%, unlike a treadmill, it is completely safe, it is almost impossible to get stretched or injured.

The hydraulic rowing model does not take up much space and is a relatively cheap home trainer.

Rowing machinesare mainly of 2 types.

In the first type, the load is created oil cylinders... By changing the lever or the force of the cylinder, the load is applied. Outwardly, the exercise resembles rowing in a 2-row boat.

In other simulators, the rower pulls a cord from the loading device with a handrail attached to the end. When returned to its original position, the cord quickly winds back up.

The load increasing system can be magnetic or air.

In expensive models (Water Rowr), water is used as resistance: the blades in the tank rotate at the speed that you give them with your effort.

Rowing machinequite compact. In an upright position, it can be stowed behind a wardrobe or under a bed.

Rowing machines are:

  • Hydraulic... Uses as a load hydraulic cylinders filled with oil, connected to the handles - levers.
    The load in such simulators is regulated directly on the hydraulic cylinder, as well as by changing the length of the lever. Hydraulic trainers are inexpensive, easy to use, take up little space, and are suitable for almost everyone.
    For convenience, the practitioner moves during training on a bench with rollers, which allows you to load not only arms, legs, backs and abs.
  • Magnetic... On the magnetic, you pull the cord wound on a flywheel with magnetic resistance, after the end of the stroke, the cord is automatically reeled on the flywheel and you can continue the exercise again, while the student moves on a movable bench.
    Magnetic is more expensive than hydraulic, larger in size

On video all the advantages and benefits of training on a magnetic trainer are shown:

  • Air Resistance Rowing Machine... These simulators are similar to magnetic ones, only here the air acts as resistance: the blades of the flywheel create an excellent load by means of air resistance.
    Quite expensive models are successfully used in professional fitness clubs.

Video shows the advantages of the air resistance rowing machine:

  • Water Resistance Rowing Machine... the principle is the same as for air, only the blades row the water. Quite rare and expensive simulator.

Video demonstrates training with such a simulator:

Be sure whichever rowing machine not chosen, you will get a complete full body workout!

Rowing training apparatus - a mechanism designed to imitate the movements of a rower.

Training on it with the load you specify is the most the best way bring your stomach, thighs, arms, back, as well as buttocks and legs in excellent condition.

This is a great type physical exercise with a high load, when almost all muscles are used alternately. As you do not have to overcome your body weight in rowing, this type of exercise is especially suitable for those users who have problems with knee joints or weak ankles and cannot do other physical exercises.

Does rowing not put stress on the joints of the legs?

It will significantly increase your aerobic endurance, which means that you will burn more calories while exercising"Rowing is the most harmonious type of exercise for those looking to not only gain muscle but also lose weight," says Dr. Baxdale. it ".

For people who do not have obvious signs of cardiovascular diseases (IVS, hypertension with a blood pressure level> 160/100 mm Hg), as well as sciatica and cerebral circulation disorders, we can recommend classes onrower simulator.

It is very good for people with moderate obesity and even moderately high blood pressure (up to 159/99 mm Hg). Especially usefulthis training apparatusfor young and middle-aged people, when the simultaneous training of endurance and strength is especially necessary.

Given the large number of contraindications, you should consult your doctor.

In conclusion, note a few important facts regarding the exercise on these machines.

With regular training inrower simulator:

  • "You will burn a lot of calories, because to speed up the work of the heart, you will load the whole body, all four limbs, and this requires more calories than training the muscles of only the lower body"- says Dr. Baxdale.
  • You will increase strength and tone your abdominal muscles because you will have to tense those muscles when rowing. And with constant tension of the abdominal muscles, their strength increases. Consequently, when the strength of the muscles increases, their tone appears and they acquire a more prominent appearance, freeing from fat even if the volume of these muscles has not increased. Your legs and buttocks will work harder, as a result of which they will also become slimmer and more beautiful, not to mention the disappearance of cellulite.
  • As an additional positive effect, you will tone and strengthen the muscles of the shoulder, creating a beautiful chest at the same time.

Rowing energizes you and stimulates the release of mood-enhancing endorphins (chemical compounds released in the brain that make a person feel calm and lifted).

The rowing machine can be easily do it yourself!

Having looked video, You will understand how cheap and easy it is to do it:

Rowing Machine Workouts

Rowing training increases overall endurance and strength, improves performance of cardio-vascular system and develop muscles.

Muscles that work during exercise:

If you regularly and actively train on the rowing machine, then get:

  • decrease in body weight
  • strengthening the heart muscle
  • strengthening the muscles
  • development of the muscles of the arms and legs
  • improved blood supply to muscle tissue
  • improved breathing
  • decrease in heart rate at rest and during exercise
  • increase in general tone and performance in Everyday life and sports
  • relieve stress
  • relaxation and good mood after training

Rowing Machine: What Should You Look For?

Practically every person can play sports on this simulator. However, there are some diseases and situations in which it is not recommended to train on it. Read also the section "Rules of Use" of the operating instructions for the simulator.

To prevent possible negative health effects, you should not play sports on the simulator if:

  • you currently have a fever, cough, flu or other infection;
  • You are not feeling well.

Before your first training session, seek medical advice if:

  • You have orthopedic diseases (bones, joints).
  • You are currently undergoing medical treatment.
  • You are over 35 years old, or you are a beginner athlete, or have not been involved in sports for a long time.
  • You have defects in your heart, lungs, or other internal organs.
  • You have diabetes, high blood pressure, or a respiratory illness.
  • The training is carried out for rehabilitation purposes.

General rules for training on a rowing machine:

  • Each workout is preceded by a warm-up.
  • Pay attention to correct rowing technique.
  • Adjust the load and speed to train within the specified load range!
  • For monitoring the intensity of the exercise, pulse meters (wrist tonometer) are best suited.
  • Only regular exercise will allow you to achieve the desired results.
  • If at the beginning of your workouts you are not able to withstand the recommended time, then try rowing for 2 minutes, then take a 2-minute break and continue again. At each workout, decrease the pause and increase the rowing time, and soon you will feel ready for long workouts without pauses. Stop exercising if you feel unwell during exercise.

Decide on a training goal:

  • Training goal: Tonus

To reduce fat mass and body weight, to maintain good physical shape.

This workout program is ideal for reducing body fat and has a positive effect on the metabolic process. With prolonged regular low-intensity exercise, fat reserves are consumed and the immune system is strengthened.

  • Training target: Heart

For a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.

With this training program, you can improve the condition of the cardiovascular system. If the given load is observed, positive results can be achieved such as lowering blood pressure, fat and blood sugar. The heart muscle is strengthened, its performance increases.

  • Training Target: Strength

To increase endurance, improve physical fitness.

The Strength training program aims to effectively strengthen the muscles in order to increase their ability to endure longer physical activity. Targeted training helps to build muscle mass and at the same time has a positive effect on problem areas.

Test: What is your level of sports training?

The training programs developed by us are focused on different goals, duration and frequency of sports activities - parameters that are selected in accordance with your sports training.

To find the workout program that works best for you, take the Athletic Fitness Test below.

Answer the questions and calculate the amount of points received. Based on the test results, you can determine what type of sports training you belong to. This test is recommended to be repeated after some time and, if necessary, to change the training program.

Sports fitness test

1. How old are you?

2. Determine the relative body weight.

  • Subtract 100 from your height (in cm).
  • Compare the result with your weight (in kg).

What is the definition of your characteristics?

Overweight Points
Body weight is more than 10% higher than the result 0
Normal weight
Body weight is equal (~ 10%) to the result obtained
Body weight is more than 10% less than the result obtained

3. How often have you been involved in sports on average over the past 6 months?

4. How do you yourself assess your physical fitness at the moment?

Test results

  • 2 - 6 points: Your type is a beginner, so we recommend that you start with a wellness workout program.
  • 7-10 points: Your type is an athlete, we recommend that you start with an athlete program.
  • 11 - 14 points: Your type is professional, we recommend programs for professionals.

How to do your rowing workout effectively

In the tables below you will find your personal training program with a specific description and training frequency. Is the pulse rate or performance Watt (in expensive models) optimal for measuring the load?

Training program "Tonus"



  1. reduction of fat masses
  2. weight reduction
  3. maintaining physical form

Make sure that your heart rate during exercise does not exceed 220 -
Your age!




2 - 3 times a week
15 - 20 minutes
2 - 3 times a week
20 - 35 minutes
2 - 3 times a week
25 - 30 minutes

Training program "Heart"



  • strengthening cardiovascular systems

Choose the load and speed so that the sensations are between light and slightly tense.

Make sure that your heart rate during exercise does not exceed 220 - your age.

Workout frequency per week and duration of one workout:




2 - 3 times a week
15 minutes
3-4 times a week
15 minutes
3-4 times a week
20 minutes

Training program "Strength"



  • increased endurance
  • shaping
  • strengthening the muscles

Row at medium pace for 3 minutes, then increase speed for the next 2 minutes, then row again at medium pace for the next 3 minutes.

Repeat for a 3-2-3-2 minute rhythm. Make sure that your heart rate during exercise does not exceed 220 - your age!

Workout frequency per week and duration of one workout:




Not recommended 2 - 3 times a week
15 minutes
3-4 times a week
15-20 minutes

Rowing machine: movement technique.

In order to avoid pain and injury when playing sports on this simulator, it is important to master the correct exercise technique.

Example of different rowing machine exercises

Rowing Machine Workout Progress

The training should include:

  1. warm-up;
  2. basic workout;
  3. hitch;
  4. stretching.

Warm up (Warm up)

Before starting a workout, warm up the muscles with a 2 - 3-minute rowing without straining home simulator... After warming up, you can begin your workout program. The warm-up time is not included in the calculation of the main workout time.

Basic workout

Train, focusing on the set parameters of training programs, and at the same time control your load depending on the selected program (Tonus, Heart or Strength) using subjective feelings.

Hitch and stretch

Finish the workout with a 2-minute rowing at a calm pace, after which it is recommended to stretch a little and relax the strained muscles. Hold the end position for 10-20 seconds while doing any of the exercises described below. In this case, you should feel how the muscles are stretching, but not pain!

Repeat each exercise three times. When doing the exercises, make sure that your back remains level (do not bend your back and do not bend it with a "wheel")!

In our store City Center of Trainers in St. Petersburg, you can buy a rowing machine at a sale price at a reasonable price:

Aerodynamic rowing machine Matrix Rower

Cross training

To achieve maximum performance of the body, it is necessary to pay attention to both the cardiovascular system and the muscular apparatus.

Cross training includes three components:

  1. Targeted endurance training. (programs: "Tonus, Heart and Strength").
    Endurance sports strengthen the cardiovascular system and increase fat and calorie expenditure. Excess pounds melt away, the figure improves.
  2. Systematic training of lean body mass. (for example, weight training).
    Targeted muscle training contributes to the improvement of the figure and helps to strengthen the human skeleton. This avoids overloading certain parts of the musculoskeletal system, for example, knee and hip joints, spine.
  3. A coordinated diet with the "correct" calorie balance.
    Diet should be consistent with training goals: high in carbohydrates, low in fat and, especially when building muscle, high in protein.

To achieve long-term success, you should not train aimlessly.

Moreover, success can be predicted and planned if the correct system is followed.

For optimal results, you do not need to completely exhaust yourself with training.

It is more important to monitor the correct performance of individual exercises and an adequate load, focusing on your own feelings.

Especially novice athletes should be guided by the rule: it is not quantity that matters, but quality.

Several video on the topic:

Rowing is a very effective activity, and the muscles in the arms and back work. It helps you get a beautiful V-shaped silhouette, well-defined forearms and shoulders. At the same time, in order to benefit from such physical activity, it is not necessary to row on the water, because, perhaps, in every fitness center there are any analogues - a rowing machine.

Rowing machine

This simulator may look different, but functionally it is always the same, although it can be part of a more complex complex, for example, a crossover.

But the cost varies greatly. So, you can buy a rowing machine for 15 thousand rubles, or you can buy it for 150 thousand.

The price is due to the principle of the simulator and the peculiarities of the loading system.

The simulator can be:

  • mechanical
  • magnetic
  • aerodynamic

A mechanical rowing machine is inexpensive because it has a very simple principle of operation, and there is no smoothness of movement. It can be used at home.

The magnetic trainer is completely silent and creates a very smooth ride. In addition, you can select load levels, the simulator has a control panel.

The air simulator, as the name implies, works due to aerodynamic resistance. It is quite noisy, so it is not very comfortable to use it at home.

Loading system

Some factors also depend on the loading system: price, convenience and comfort during exercise, noise level.

Aerodynamic system

In this case, electricity is not required, the load is provided by special air valves, so you can place the simulator anywhere. It needs to be lubricated regularly and the rubber bands replaced.

Magnetic system

The load is carried out using magnets that create a voltage. The load level can be changed at will. This simulator is also used without electricity.

Magnetic air system

It is assumed here that the two previous options are mixed into one. A magnet and a pneumatic spring are used to set the resistance. Training on such a simulator is difficult, even the handle has resistances, but the load is closest to the real one, and the training efficiency is high.

Water system - water draft

There are similarities with an aerodynamic loading system, but here water thrust is used as a drag force.

The use of this simulator does not require a network connection.

Electromagnetic system

Loading also occurs due to magnetic attraction, but this unit is already working from the network. This type of simulator offers the widest possible load range.

What muscles work on the rowing machine?

The rowing machine is one of the most effective simulators that can be used at home. Perhaps at first glance it seems that only the muscles of the arms and back are working, but in fact, with proper and high-quality training, almost all muscles of the body, arms, buttocks and hips are involved. The photo shows which muscles this exercise pumps, and that the abdominal muscles are involved.

At the same time, it simultaneously offers power and cardio training, that is, you can lose weight, pump heart muscle and form muscle mass at the same time.

But if we talk about the main muscles, which account for most of the load, then these are, of course, the deltas and the top of the trapezium, the large pectorals, the broadest.

Benefits and contraindications - benefits and harms to the body

If we talk about advantages of the simulator itself, then it should be noted that:

  • it is relatively compact and suitable for home use;
  • finding a budget option is not a problem, while you can also purchase an expensive simulator with additional amenities and functions;
  • most options do not require the use of the network, it is economical;
  • you can work out the whole body with one exercise program.

If you mark benefits for the body, then here, without a doubt, there are many advantages:

  • strengthening the respiratory system - suitable for people who have a predisposition to acute respiratory infections, ARVI; bronchitis, asthma, etc .;
  • increasing endurance and strengthening the cardiovascular system - this minimizes the likelihood of heart attacks, strokes, ischemic disease and other diseases;
  • normalization of work nervous system- stress resistance increases, sleep improves;
  • maintaining the health of the back - correcting posture, improving the flexibility of joints and vertebrae;
  • increased immunity - resistance to viruses, tolerate colds it will become easier;
  • the ability to build up the muscles of the upper body, create a broad-shouldered silhouette (but do not forget about nutrition for effective muscle growth);
  • at the same time, as we said earlier, the simulator allows you to lose weight, because with an intensive half-hour rowing, a person weighing 60 kg can burn up to 500 kcal.

But even the best simulator has contraindications that harm the body:

  • any back problems (sciatica, hernia) - in this case, consultation and permission from a doctor is necessary;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • problems with intracranial and heart pressure.

In addition, there is also limitations:

  • repetitive movements can get boring, especially if you need to perform them for 30-40 minutes several times a week;
  • it is not always possible to purchase a small, comfortable and inexpensive simulator; you may have to sacrifice one factor in favor of another;
  • there is a chance of injury to the back if the correct technique is not followed.

Training on a rowing machine - the technique of correctly performing a set of exercises

The movement on the simulator consists of several phases, each of which we will analyze.

Execution technique:

  1. First, we set the resistance, if possible, or weight, if there is a block element.
  2. After that, we sit on the seat in such a way that the legs at the knees are bent, and the upper surface of the feet rests against the platform (sitting).
  3. Lean forward and grab the handle with a straight, not very wide grip.
  4. Try not to round your back - if necessary, bend your legs more.
  5. While inhaling, it is necessary to simultaneously perform a push with your legs (most of the weight is transferred from the toes to the heels), fully straightening them, and gradually pulling the handle towards the body.
  6. When the legs are straightened, we bring our arms to the waist, bringing the shoulder blades together.
  7. You can lean back a little.
  8. With an exhalation, we return back in the same order, that is, first we straighten the body (if deviated), we spread the shoulder blades, then we begin to straighten our arms and bend our legs.
  9. The final point is the starting position.

It makes no sense to do this exercise for the number of repetitions and approaches. Here, for the best result, it is worth using a timed workout. HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) works very well.

Video: Rowing on the simulator shakes the back and abdominal muscles

Approximate lesson plan - how to exercise to improve the effectiveness of the exercise

If you use interval training, you can cut back on the rowing machine, which immediately cuts off one of its main drawbacks - boredom, and saves you time. Moreover, the effectiveness of such exercises will be higher.

You need to do a good warm-up for 5 to 7 minutes, then start training.

  • 1 minute rowing slowly at a comfortable pace
  • We row as fast as possible for 20 seconds (you don't need to lose technique, first bring the movement to automatism)
  • 1 minute rowing at a calm pace
  • for 1 minute we hold in the straightening phase for 10 seconds
  • 1 minute slow calm pace
  • 20 seconds as fast as possible
  • Complete the lap at a calm pace for 2 minutes

You can do several of these laps at once or return to the machine during the day if you are using it at home.

If you prefer to practice in a free style, start at 10 minutes a day. You don't need to exercise every day, give the body 48 hours to recover.

If you are looking for an exercise machine for the home, then undoubtedly you should pay attention to this option, since it allows you not only to work out almost the whole body, but also to combine strength and cardio training.

The problem of extra pounds has long become an urgent problem of mankind. A sedentary lifestyle, the presence of sugar in almost all products have done their job, and in addition to the eternal problem with building muscle mass, a new one has also appeared -.

Today we will talk about how training on a rowing machine will help you lose weight and make your body beautiful and shaped.

Wanting to get a beautiful relief figure and drive off excess fat, most athletes are gradually adding to their workouts. But excess fat with medical point there are negative sides to vision. First, the load on the cardiovascular system increases, which in turn can lead to serious diseases. In addition, work is disrupted gastrointestinal tract, and other body systems.

These and other reasons have become powerful arguments in the fight against overweight... And in conjunction with training on a rowing machine, they will be able to do their job, namely, help you lose weight, start leading, and regain your previous shape.

Proper nutrition when exercising for weight loss.

Any nutrition for any result is the selection and correct ratio of BJU:. By reducing this or that component, you can make the body transform in the direction we need.

If you reduce proteins (which unfortunately most people do), the body getting energy from carbohydrates and fats will begin to accumulate excess deposits. Especially from confectionery products: sweet and fat. The volume of muscle mass with such a diet will begin to decrease, and the body will look flabby and saggy. Which is most often observed in most people.

By reducing carbohydrates and leaving proteins at the desired level, you will achieve only one thing - the body will begin to burn fat reserves, and leave the muscles at the same level. This is due primarily to the fact that when you deliberately give up everything sweet (for a certain period), the body begins to switch to reserve energy sources - proteins, and then you abruptly switch back to carbohydrates, leaving proteins alone. Thus, there is a uniform burning of fats, and the body does not touch the muscle mass.

How many calories a rowing machine burns.

7.4 * = number of calories per hour.

Rowing machine training.

Recently, it is rowing machines that have gained immense popularity, as exercise machines for cardio loads, which, in addition to cutting fat, can also strengthen the muscles of the back, arms and legs. Already today, they have gained huge demand among customers, since training on a rowing machine will help pump up all the muscles in the body, as well as improve performance and strengthen the spine, which is very useful for people with back ailments.

The only reason why most girls do not prefer training on a rowing machine is just because of the development of the shoulder muscles. In other words, the muscles of the shoulders receive a huge load, as a result of which they are intensively built up.

How to do it right on a rowing machine: video

Below, will you get practically hands-on experience? how to properly perform exercises on a rowing machine, so as not to harm your health and lose weight.

A rowing machine is an exercise machine that simulates rowing. Unlike most other cardiovascular equipment, rowing training involves the muscles of the back, shoulder girdle, biceps, abdominal muscles, and many other muscles of the body and upper body, not just the legs (such as a treadmill, ellipsoid, or exercise bike ). It is thanks to this fact that the rowing machine is one of the most used simulators in the world.

From an anatomical point of view, the mechanics of training on a rowing machine (and rowing in general) resembles the deadlift exercise - one of the key multi-joint exercises. Since it is this exercise that is responsible for developing the muscles of the back (including strengthening the spine) and creating powerful arms, thanks to regular exercise on the rowing machine, you can easily create a truly athletic figure.

Pros of a rowing machine

  • Involvement in the work of the upper half of the body (usually cardiovascular equipment predominantly load the legs).
  • Development power characteristics back muscles.
  • Improving the work of the cardiovascular system.
  • Positive impact on.

What muscles work when rowing?

Regular training on a rowing machine not only actively engages in work almost all the muscles of the body, but also improves the tone of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems of the body. In fact, no other simulator is capable of showing an effect comparable in its result - especially in the segment of inexpensive home simulators.

First of all, the rowing machine develops the upper half of the body - the shoulder girdle, pectoral muscles, muscles of the back and arms. However, the muscles of the front and back of the thighs and the gluteal muscles are also actively involved, and part of the load falls on the press and core muscles (especially with the correct technique).

Home rowing machine

All modern rowing machines are divided into four types - hydraulic, magnetic, air and water. The price of the simplest mechanical rowing machine with hydraulics is about 10-15 thousand rubles, a high-quality hydraulic one - about 25-30 thousand rubles, magnetic - from 60-80 thousand rubles. A water-powered rowing machine is even more expensive.

Despite the fact that magnetic and water trainers simulate direct rowing technique much more accurately (in fact, they allow you to move more smoothly), they are significantly larger in size than hydraulic ones. That is why compact hydraulic trainers are more suitable for home use, which are often foldable, which will greatly facilitate the storage process. In turn, water-powered rowing machines are used primarily in elite-class fitness centers.

Rowing Technique

1. Capture. The starting point of movement in a rowing machine resembles a squat. The back is straight, the legs are tense and clenched, the arms are extended, the fingers grip the handle tightly. The body is slightly tilted, the chest is open and looks forward, the press is tense, the latissimus dorsi is relaxed. 2. Push. The movement begins with pushing off by the force of the leg muscles and activating the shoulder girdle. Next, the biceps turns on, pulling the handle of the simulator to the stomach. The back muscles open up, pushing the chest forward. At the same time, the muscles of the thighs and buttocks straighten the leg at the knee. 3. Traction. The abdominal muscles are included in the work, stabilizing the position of the body; buttocks and thigh muscles are tense. Hands with biceps force pull the handle even closer to the waist - at the same time, the chest is thrust forward even further to increase the range of motion. 4. Recovery. The arm, held by the force of the triceps, moves forward. Following, bending slightly, the body goes forward (the muscles of the press are tense, and the back is straight). Only after this do the legs bend at the knees. The movement ends at the starting gripping position.

Rowing Technique: Animation

When training on a rowing machine, it is extremely important to bring the rowing technique to automaticity, and the easiest way to learn how to do this is to count the phases of the movement. Once- legs are repelled, hands are relaxed. Two(handle on the knee line) - hands begin to pull, the body tilts back. Three- the back opens, hands pull the handle even closer to the belt.

It is also recommended to return to the starting position with the phase count. Once- the arms go forward, supporting the weight with the triceps, the back is slightly tilted back. Two- the body leans forward, the press is tense. Three- the movement is transmitted to the legs, the knees are bent. And, as FitSeven mentioned above, remember to breathe deeply - inhale while pulling towards you, exhale - while pushing.

Rowing machine training program

While it is not difficult to create a rowing machine training program, it is best to combine this machine with other activities. Start with 10 minutes of normal grip rowing (palms facing down). In the next workout, alternate 5-7 minutes of the usual grip and 5-7 minutes of the reverse (palms facing up). Take a short break when changing your grip.

Also experiment with rowing speed and resistance settings on the rowing machine. Do not forget that every 15 minutes of training it is recommended to take a break of 30-60 seconds to stretch your back and legs - do a set of push-ups or squats with body weight. Ideally, alternate the rowing machine with the ellipsoid or. It is in this variation that rowing is most often used in crossfit and other functional training.

Rowing machine: the main mistakes of the technique

A typical mistake in rowing machine use is to engage the wrong muscles in the work that are supposed to work. Instead of pulling with their hands, many hunch over and start pulling with the strength of the back muscles. However, this is completely wrong - the back should be open during training on the rowing machine, and the chest should be slightly forward.

A second common mistake is poor abdominal and core involvement and shallow breathing during rowing. Remember that during the entire workout, you should try to inhale and exhale as much air as possible from your lungs - and in no case do not hold your breath.


The rowing machine is one of the best home cardiovascular equipment that allows you not only to burn calories and improve cardiovascular function (with proper and deep breathing), but also to develop an athletic figure with a powerful back and pumped up arms. However, proper rowing technique is key in training.

The rowing machine simulates rowing in a kayak. Its main task is to improve the function of the cardiorespiratory system and the development of all muscle groups, especially the upper body. Such simulators are designed not only for the gym, but also for the home. A variety of lines of home cardiovascular equipment makes it possible to choose the optimal exercise equipment at affordable prices.

Features of technology

This simulator resembles in many ways, but distinctive feature is that the legs are connected to work on the simulator.

  1. Starting position - sitting on the simulator, arms extended, holding the handles, knees bent, feet resting on the supports.
  2. When imitating rowing, with the help of the force of the hands, the handles of the simulator are pulled to the stomach while simultaneously pushing (straightening) the legs, in which the seat of the simulator is moved back.
  3. After this movement comes the relaxation phase, the exit to the starting position.

Types of simulator

Rowing machines are divided into several types:

  • magnetic (electromagnetic, aeromagnetic);
  • hydraulic;
  • aquatic;
  • and air.

What muscles work in a rowing machine

First of all, the rowing machine activates the muscles of the arms and back when pulling the handles to the belt. Kick-off is also performed, in which the muscles of the thigh, buttocks and lower leg are loaded. Undoubtedly, the press also works, stabilizing upright position spine, excluding trauma.

The benefits of a rowing machine

  • The simulator uses all major muscle groups, which does not happen when exercising on others.
  • The training is aimed at increasing overall endurance, both muscles and other functions of the whole body.
  • With the help of the simulator, you can reduce body weight, when you do a workout at a fast pace, calories are burned, long-term workout promotes burning of subcutaneous fat.
  • The rowing machine will improve not only the work of the heart, but also the respiratory system.
  • The trainer improves posture by strengthening the stabilizing muscles of the spine.
  • Improves the mobility of all joints.
  • It has no age-related contraindications, as well as restrictions on the part of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Able to change the load, adjusting to individual needs.

Cons of the simulator

  • The duration of training is significantly reduced, in contrast to training with other cardiovascular equipment. It is impossible to perform continuous loading for 40-60 minutes.
  • The machine does not have a heart rate sensor, which makes the calorie expenditure inaccurate.
  • Contraindication to the rowing machine is hypertension and other heart problems.

How to choose a rowing machine for your home?

To select a suitable simulator, you first need to pay attention to its parameters.

  • Both magnetic and hydraulic trainers are suitable for home use.
  • Prices vary within 9,000 to 80,000 rubles.
  • When exercising at home, it is better to pay attention to folding models, this will save free space, since length of simulators ranges from 120 to 220 cm.
  • Also it is important to choose a simulator for the maximum load that he is able to withstand. Some models can withstand no more than 100 kg, while the user's weight should in no case exceed this indicator.

Rowing machine training program

The rowing machine will be complemented by bodyweight or home-based strength training.

Option number 1

  • 5 minutes of rowing on the simulator;
  • (abdominal muscles) 20-30 times.

Thus, the workout is performed for 30-40 minutes. Then you need to execute.

Option number 2

  • 7 minutes of rowing;
  • 1 minute of twisting the body;
  • 2 minutes .

Perform 3-4 cycles without rest, after training, stretch and relax the muscles.

Option number 3

  • 2 minutes of rowing;
  • 1 minute ;
  • 1 minute torso twists;
  • or - 1 minute.

Perform the complex 6-8 laps, not less than half an hour, but not more than 40 minutes... At the end of the session, stretch all the muscles.

Fat burning workouts require a duration of at least 30-40 minutes. Start with the first training option, gradually increasing the load and hardening the training levels each week. Train 3-4 times a week.

Rating of manufacturers of rowing machines for home

  1. Brumer Rower R1- hydraulic rowing machine for home use, withstands a load of up to 100 kg of the user's weight. Contains an LCD display, shows workout time, distance, calories burned and strokes performed. Length 124 cm, the weight 16.6 kg. The handrails are made of aluminum. Battery powered. Price 9990 rubles.
  1. DFC A43- magnetic mechanical rowing machine with LCD display. Shows total workout time, distance traveled, strokes and calories burned. Withstands loads up to 120 kg. Foldable design. In working order, it takes 2 meters in length. 2 AA batteries are required for power supply. Price RUB 25,990.
  1. Applegate R10 M- aeromagnetic mechanical rowing machine with a folding design. Withstands loads up to 130 kg. Exercise machine weight 28 kg. Contains a black and white LCD display, shows time and distance traveled, number of strokes and lost calories. In length takes 192 cm. PriceRUB 28,990

  1. Oxygen Typhoon HRC- electromagnetic rowing machine. The load is adjusted by switching 12 training profiles. The design of the simulator is foldable, withstands user weight up to 120 kg. Price 30890 rub.
  1. Infiniti R200- a semi-professional aeromagnetic rowing machine with an adjustable ventilation system and a multi-color LCD monitor that shows the number of strokes, distance, calorie consumption. Withstands loads up to 160 kg. In length takes 237 cm. Exercise machine weight 56 kg. Contains comfortable, ergonomic foam seats and handles. Price 79 990 rub.


The rowing machine is an excellent cardio exercise machine for the home because it loads all muscle groups at the same time. But the level of difficulty does not allow you to engage in such a simulator for a long time, since it gives a tangible load on the shoulder girdle. The purchase of such a simulator will not be in vain, since rowing cardio training can be combined with strength exercises - both with free weights and our own. In home workouts with a simulator, you can include all kinds of CrossFit WODs.

Rowing machine workout in video format

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