
Pregnant twins for weeks. Typical signs of twins. How I learned that the double was pregnant

Pregnancy at which a woman wears under the heart several fruits developing at the same time, called multiple.

Twins Gift Process
in ultrasound fluid
what a picture looks like
Features in a position that should happen

Such a pregnancy happens:

  • single;
  • dissoliage.

Varieties of this feature

As a rule, a variety of twins occurs most often. It arises when two eggs ripen in the ovaries or ovary, which are encountered with spermatozoa men during one intercourse.

The same phenomenon is possible as a result of two acts, but only when the period between them does not exceed the week. Single-line twins may have the same genes.

If they have such genes, then they look like a maximum of each other, but the diverse children will be similar only if they appeared in one day, but different times. It's no secret that one-time twins always have one sex, but the diverse children are often different.

Gemini girls

Possible factors and predispositions

There are many predisposing factors for the appearance of twins:

  • hereditary factor. If one of the partners in the relationship were twins - the likelihood of multiple pregnancy increases. It moves through one generation;
  • age of women older than 35 years old. The fact that the older is the girl, the probability of the birth of twins is much higher;
  • stimulation of ovulation. When a woman has a diagnosis of infertility, doctors prescribe hormonal drugswhich stimulate the ripening of follicles. It is under the action of these drugs that several follicles simultaneously ripening simultaneously;
  • after stopping the reception of combined oral contraceptives, weak ovaries start rapidly activated, as a result of which their own hormones synthesize. For this reason, several eggs are ripening at once.

Signs of double position

Any woman who learns about his "interesting situation", first of all wants to know who is under her heart: a girl, a boy, and maybe at all twins or even triple?

Consider what signs are characteristic of pregnancy, if a woman has twins. To date, the signs of pregnancy twins in the early deadlines are divided into subjective and objective.

Cheating twins

The first signs of pregnancy double are the following.

  1. The beginning of toxicosis is already on the first days of delay - the first sign of the dowel of twins. These include:
  2. weak dizziness;
  3. feeling of nausea;
  4. vomiting;
  5. pregnant woman is distinguished by severe irritability;
  6. nervousness;
  7. drowsiness;
  8. weakness;
  9. increased salivation can be marked.

As a rule, a woman, pregnant twins, toxicosis cannot be avoided, unlike one-bed pregnancy.

  1. Another sign twin on early stage - This is a clearly pronounced second strip on the test for determining pregnancy, which is well shown already in the first days of delay. All this is due to the increased level of hCG in the urine, in contrast to the case with one child.
  2. There is a rapid growth of the abdomen of a pregnant woman who can see visually for 14 weeks. Naturally and feel the movements of the kids. Future mom will be able to feel better than pregnant with one child.
  3. From each week, a pregnant woman has a quick weight gain in the first trimester. If for a girl waiting for one child, during this period of time is considered the norm to score about 2 kilograms, then a woman waiting for twins, weight increases twice. This feature is explained by the fact that the pregnant women double the level of the BCC increases, therefore, due to this, there is an increase in weight.
  4. Elevated appetite, sharp mood swings. Since in the body of a woman, with any version of the "interesting position", a hormonal restructuring occurs, therefore, a woman behaves quite differently. The body now "requires" 2 times more vitamins and minerals, so the appetite can even be called "brutal".

Objective signs of pregnancy twins.

  1. When examining a woman with a gynecologist, an increase in the uterus is noted, which does not correspond to the period of pregnancy. As a rule, it is possible to notice this since 9 weeks of pregnancy.
  2. After testing analyzes, namely, blood for hCG, very high indicators are noted, as well as the jump in the growth of chorionic gonadotropin, unlike one-lodge pregnancy. Also in the blood should be paid to the level of iron and the level of AFP (alpha-fetoprotein). When waiting for a twin iron level, as a rule, is very low, but the level of the protein of the ACE, on the contrary, increases several times.
  3. Another objective sign of twins is listening to the beat of two hearts (Doppler system), as well as a tack of 2 heads with an internal obstetric study (already at later time). There is still a medical error, so with the slightest suspicion of the existence of twins in a woman, the doctor sends to the ultrasound.
  4. Ultrasound examination is the most reliable way to see and determine what a woman has a pregnancy, a more accurate period of pregnancy, the size of fruits and all pathologies that exist in two embryos (if any). And also using this method it is possible to define a single or multi-way pregnancy is observed in a woman.

Twin on the ultrasound can be seen and defined already on the 4-5 week of pregnancy. As a rule, one-time twins are determined later than the diverse (no earlier than 12 weeks).

Features of childbirth for multiple pregnancy

Now it is time to talk about childbirth. Women who have a multiple pregnancy, very rarely remove until the deadline. So, for example, women who will have twins, give birth more often on the period of 35-36 weeks.

Double Happiness

If the woman is pregnant triple - the term is suitable at 33-34 weeks, well, and the fourth birth begins for 30-31 weeks, so every woman, with multiple pregnancy, is hospitalized 2 weeks before the date of alleged childbirth.

What events need to go beznice.

  1. Since children from multiple pregnancies are considered premature, it is necessarily necessary for resuscitation and special care;
  2. The method of delivery during drying twins depends on the prelation of kids, especially one of the first.
  3. Then the amount of accumulating waters is determined, as well as possible intrauterine hypoxia kids.
  4. Doctors monitor the intensity and regularity of bouts. Take into account all the extragenital (if there are such) and gynecological diseases, as well as the age of a woman.
  5. A woman is allowed to give birth to the most only if the first or both fruits have a head preview, while the state of giving birth and children is satisfactory. Also, no less important is the presence of regular activities of beginners.
  6. Caesarean section is carried out in the pelvic prelation of fruit, as well as when the transverse position of one or both fruits is detected.
  7. Operational delivery is carried out in the presence of intrauterine hypoxia of one or both fruits.

Happy mom

Thus, it can be noted that today there is a lot of ways to determine the likelihood of twins, both medical and household. It is worth only carefully to listen to their feelings and attend a doctor in time.

Thank you 2

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The news that a woman will soon become mom, is perhaps the most memorable event in life. The reaction of a woman about multiple pregnancy does not always cause positive emotions. Most often, married couple is experiencing fear, shock and feeling of unknown.

The feeling of confusion and discourability is a completely normal reaction to pregnancy twins, as parents understand that they are liable for them. As a rule, very soon, the married couple gets used to this news and is looking forward to the appearance of kids to light.

Multiple pregnancy Leaks somewhat differently than a pregnancy with one baby. This article will reveal all the features of the course of pregnancy twins for weeks. Thanks to the information received, a pregnant woman will feel more confident, and know what to expect her.

How to understand the term "multiple pregnancy"?

Multiple pregnancy

Many people, having heard the words "twins" and "Gemini", are not very understandable than they differ from each other. If we recall the school course of the human biology, then we know that the formation of the embryo occurs after the merger of two heats (male and female genital cells).

If in the menstrual cycle, women occurred at once two eggs, which were subsequently fertilized by two different spermatozoa, then we are talking about the conception of twins. It is important to understand that fertilization occurs two different spermatozoa, which have a completely different genetic set of chromosomes. Twins can be born in diverse, have different growth, eye and hair color, not very similar to each other. Such pregnancy is referred to as a dialism.

If during the cycle there was ripening of one egg, fertilized by one spermatozoa, then it turns out either one embryo, or the conception of single-time twins. Sometimes there are such hormonal failures in the body of a woman when the egg is divided into two absolutely identical halves. These two female cells are fertilized by the same spermatozoa, resulting in twins. The set of chromosomes in such children is absolutely the same.

This is necessarily same-sex kids, very similar to each other, have a hereditary predisposition to the same diseases, have moles and their birth spots on the same body. Even the characters among single-time twins are very similar. Such a pregnancy was called monosigital. Obstetrician-gynecologists easily determine monosigital and dialing pregnancy with the help of ultrasound research.

Why are multiple pregnancies happen?

Not everyone is given such happiness

Despite the continuous development of obstetrics and gynecology, such as sciences, doctors and scientists still cannot specify the exact cause of multiple pregnancy. Below are the predisposing factors to conceive more than one kid.

Heredity. This factor is the most important. Most often, multiple pregnancy is transmitted to women on the maternal line, that is, if in the family the woman had children of twins and twins. More often such a feature is transmitted through one generation, but exceptions are also possible.

Treatment of infertility. After the treatment of the secondary form of female infertility, frequent cases of conception of more than one embryo. This fact is due to the reception of hormonal drugs that stimulate the maturation of several genital cells at once. If they are all fertilized by spermatozoa, it turns out a multiple pregnancy.

ECO procedure. The method of artificial fertilization in 60% of cases ends with multiple pregnancies. This factor is due to the transfer to the Woman's Makeup at once of several embryos. Several embryos do not take root and die, and 2-3 continue to successfully grow and develop in the uterus. Sometimes doctors reduce reduction (removal) of extra embryos, leaving in the uterus of the uterus of one or two kids.

Despite the permanent improvement of the methods of science and the deep knowledge of obstetrician-gynecologists, with accuracy to predict the conception of monosic twins is not yet possible.

How does multiple pregnancy occur?

Encrying twins associated with certain risks

Having studied a pregnancy calendar with multiplotion and tooling one child, a woman will not notice a special difference. The development of kids in both cases occurs almost at the same time. A feature of the differences between multiple pregnancy from ordinary pregnancy is the development of complications. Moms carrying several kids at once face complications more often.


    Iron deficiency anemia - with multipleness occurs more often. This is due to the increased need of the gland of mother and children. To prevent such complications of the future mother, for prevention, iron preparations are prescribed from the first days of pregnancy;

    Toxicosis of the second half of pregnancy (gestosis) - often develops with multiple pregnancy. In the urine future mom Protein appears, and indicators arterial pressure reaches high marks;

    Prelations of placenta - frequent complication of multiple pregnancy. Characterized by the location of the placenta in such a way that the entrance to the uterus is overlap;

    Fetoplacentage insufficiency - since the placenta performs "double work", it occurs its premature aging and wear, as a result of which children experience the deficit of oxygen and nutrients;

    The presence of fruits - children in the uterus are located in such a way that natural labor becomes impossible and the woman is prescribed a cesarean section;

    Delayed development - as a result of insufficient blood supply, the development of children often does not correspond to the periods of gestation often;

    Development dissociation - this complication of multiple pregnancy is characterized by a lag in the development of one of the fruits. This is due to the peculiar estimation of one of the children with nutrients in favor of the second. If a timely start treatment, then, as a rule, the life and health of the baby does not threaten anything;

    The risk of developing anomalies and vices - with multiple pregnancy, is far more often found than when entering one child;

    Risk of premature birth.

In the first trimester of pregnancy (the first 12 weeks), the fifth part of women with multiple pregnancy occurs the phenomenon of the fetal egg. In this case, one embryo remains in the uterus of the uterus and continues to grow and develop, and the second freezes, stops developing and decreases in size (involving). Educational fetus such an involution does not harm.

Ultrasound of two fruit eggs

After 12 weeks of pregnancy, the risk of premature births and the fattening of the oily waters is especially large. The third part of all multiple pregnancies ends with miscarriage or premature childbirth.

To prevent the miscarriage and premature childbirth, medicines, relaxing muscles of the uterus, are prescribed throughout pregnancy. If the intake of minelaxants does not give the expected effect, then the future mother is hospitalized into the hospital department. In the maternity hospital, a woman is either before the birth itself, or before stabilizing its condition and disappearance of the threat of miscarriage.

Often during pregnancy, a woman complains about violations and deviations in the work of the heart and blood vessels. During the period of carrying one kid, the load on the cardiovascular system increases twice, and when it is heated two fruits - three times! Failures in the work of the heart can lead to negative consequences for kids growing in the womb.

Gynecologists strongly recommend pregnant women in a timely manner to seek medical care for any deviations in the heart of the heart. The woman should understand that it is responsible not only for his health, but also for the life of children, and the slightest delay can lead to sad consequences.

It has already been noted above that with multiple pregnancy many times the risk of developing iron deficiency in the mother has increased many times. When entering several fruits at once, the facial fabric has a large mass, in contrast to the placenta of one-lodge pregnancy. This leads to an increase in placental blood flow and a decrease in blood hemoglobin.

In women who are in the womb of more than one fetus, in most cases, childbirth begins ahead of time. Gynecologists believe that the main reason for such a complication is the absorption of muscle fibers of the uterus. Women who drove twins should especially closely monitor their well-being and health, and if there are some complaints, you must immediately apply for medical care.

Multiple pregnancies are included in the risk group, therefore, gynecologists are particularly carefully observed for women who wear twins. Such women need to be more likely to apply to the doctor, more often donate urine and blood tests. Many future mothers outragets the need for a frequent appearance on reception, but should not neglect the recommendations of the gynecologist, because the health of the kids is much more important than temporary inconveniences.

How to recognize multiple pregnancy?

The main thing is to learn more about multiple pregnancy

This question, perhaps, worries many women, in the nature of which were cases of multiple pregnancy. From the first days of pregnancy, the future mother is interested in signs for which you can find out how much fruit it is wearing under heart. The most reliable way to identify multiple pregnancy is to visit the Cabinet of the Acoucher-Gynecologist.

An experienced specialist can accurately diagnose multiplodes, starting with 4 obstetric week pregnancy. Already from this period of the uterus, the woman is doubled twice as much as during pregnancy one fruit.

There are grooms who are trying to independently determine by some signs whether their pregnancy is multiply. It is important to understand that there are no reliable signs pointing to multiplodes. Until the end of the 12th week of pregnancy, the multi-flow can be said, based on the size of the uterus, and from 13 weeks later, a woman is appointed ultrasound. During this study, you can accurately say how much fruit is developing in the uterus.

There are cases when, during the first ultrasound, the doctor sees two fruit eggs on the monitor screen, one of which is later freezing and only one child is born. Less likely it happens that the doctor sees only one fruit eggAnd the following study detects two fetus. It happens that if one fruit egg overlaps the second, however, when the embryos will grow slightly, they are clearly visible on the monitor screen during the ultrasound.

Many women mistakenly believe that it is possible to diagnose multiplodes, if we have a study of blood to the tricuing test indicators for hCG, alpha-fetoprotein and estriol. Such a test is made to confirm the fact of pregnancy and early detection of the defects of the embryo development, but not always such an analysis helps to determine whether the pregnancy is multiply.

How multiple pregnancy occurs. Features of childbirth for multiple

It has already been said above that when having toed more than one fetus, the future mother is forced to visit the gynecologist's office more often. With a prosperous course of pregnancy, a woman starting from 13 weeks should come to a doctor every 10 days. Starting from 28 weeks of pregnancy, the future mother should be at a consultation at no less than once every 7 days.

Special attention obstetricians gynecologists pay a pregnant woman's weight. When entering one fetus, a total gain by the time of birth is usually about 12 kg. If a woman is getting twins, then by the time of delivery, weight gain should be no more than 15 kg. The future mother should carefully monitor kilograms and in no case allow a set of excess weight. Each extra kilogram, scored during the tooling of twins, can greatly complicate the course of pregnancy and the state of growing kids in the womb.

During the hatching of several fruits, a woman should be ready for the fact that at any moment it may be necessary to lie on the preservation of the maternity branch. Gynecological obstetricists prefer not to risk the life of the children and the health of women, so with the slightest deviations of the flow of multiple pregnancy from the norm, the future mother is offered hospitalization in the hospital.

Two weeks before the expected date of birth at multiplot, a woman is sent to the hospital. A woman is invited to immediately take with them all the necessary things for themselves and children, as well as documents. Starting with 37 weeks of pregnancy, childbirth can begin at any time, and it will be reasonable if the woman will be under the control of doctors at this time.

Methods of delivery in multiple pregnancy to this day are the topic of discussions from doctors. There is no specific method used for all women with twins. The method of delivery in multiplotion is selected individually for each pregnant woman, depending on such factors:

    How pregnancy proceeded;

    How feels feels;

    How the kids developed and grew;

    Are there any presence of placenta or fruits.

Tomitative Waiting

Huge attention is paid to the obstetrics to the prelation of the baby, which should leave the uterus first. If the fruit is in the pelvic preview, the physicians prefer the delivery with the help of cesarean sections. With natural childbirth kids can get stuck in the codes, which often leads to a fatal outcome of the fruit.

Often, in the process of labor, an abnormal activity occurs in the process of labor. This pathology is characterized by the weakness of the generic process, or, on the contrary, rapidness. Both are bad for mother and children, therefore, to prevent the development of complications, doctors use drug drugs, corrective intensity of generic activities.

In addition to drug correction, there are other methods of managing clauses. For example, with the weakness of the generic activity after the birth of the first fetus, a female bubble is pierced, and then the interval between the birth of twins is significantly reduced. If both fruits have signs of severe oxygen starvation, then the question of an emergency cesarean section.

In contrast to pregnancy, one child, childbirth for multiple pregnancy always begins before the alleged period for 2-3 weeks. And in this case, the wise nature took care of the babies. During the hatching of two children at once, the formation of a suffraction (a substance that helps light children is revealed after birth) in fruit occurs earlier than with one-bed pregnancy. This fact suggests that premature labor in multiple pregnancy represents a smaller danger and the risk of developing complications than childbirth ahead of time when it is tooling one kid.

In addition, scientists noted interesting fact. The adaptation period for monosigital twins is heavier than that of dialicid children. Single-skate kids more often suffer from postpartum jaundice and chronic bronchitis against the background of prematurity.

The beginning of the generic process with multipleness is not much different from ordinary single-flop pregnancy. Most often, the woman departs the oily water, and their number is much larger than when having toed one child.

Due to the multi-way muscle fibers of the uterus, women stretch that in the consequence threatens the Genovers in the primary weakness of labor. To prevent this complication of obstetricians try to open the fetal bubble at the very beginning of the generic activity, when the cervix is \u200b\u200ba part of several centimeters.

Due to the fact that childbirth is more often accompanied by the risk of developing complications, doctors prefer to conduct epidural anesthesia even with a natural delivery. This is necessary in order to be able to urgently hold a cesarean section, if something is wrong in childbirth, without losing time on anesthesia.

The postpartum period of a woman with multiple pregnancy does not differ at all from recovery after the birth of one child. And even breast-feeding Both babies are quite possible. The new mom needs only to get used to her new status and show patience and skill.

Many couples awaiting twins are often worried about the weight of the kids at birth. All concerns about overly low body weight in twins at birth just an exaggeration. If the pregnancy of the woman proceeded normally, and the children developed according to the terms of gestation, then the body's body differs in only 400-500 grams from a newborn from uniform pregnancy. The subsequent development of twins also does not differ from the newborn from one-bed pregnancy.

The whole truth about government payments at birth twins

All future mothers know that after the birth of the child, the state provides material assistance for a certain period of time. With multiple pregnancy, women are often asked about the amount of birth payments.

If two or three children are born in the family at the same time, then a one-time allowance is paid for each newborn baby. To obtain material assistance, parents' parents must provide local governance authorities a certificate, where it is indicated that at the time of birth, the spouses are not officially employed anywhere.

If during pregnancy, the woman worked officially, then to obtain payments for children, she needs to contact the accounting department of his company. The list of documents necessary for payments and references should be clarified at the place of receipt of the material benefit. In case parents are students, the payment of benefits is made at the place of study.

In addition to state payments, regional payments also exist at the birth of a child. Such assistance turns out to be at the same time, and the amount depends on the region of residence. To obtain the regional benefit payment, you need to contact local social protection authorities.

If a woman gave birth to a child out of marriage and has a lonely mother status, then to obtain payments, she needs to provide documents confirming the lack of father in children. This certificate a woman can get in the registry office, when registering newborns.

Residents of Russia should know that at the birth of the second, third and subsequent kids, the family has the right to receive maternal capital.

Parents must issue all the documents on time.

With multiple pregnancy, maternal capital is paid on the second kid. To get this type of material assistance, married couple should contact the Pension Fund, located at the place of registration of his residence. The Pension Fund must provide the following list of documents:

    Application for maternal capital filled with sample;

    Original and photocopy of the applicant's passport;

    Originals and copies of newborn and children's existing;

    Certificate of Russian citizenship of the child;

    Original and a copy of the Pension Insurance Certificate.

Additional benefits in multiple pregnancy is not provided by the state, however, if in the family, except for born twins, there are other children, then the family automatically receives the status of many children and gets all benefits relying in such cases.

Do not worry about excessive bureaucratic rolls with documents. The process of registration of all references and benefits will soon end, and you will enjoy parent. All this will still be, but still get used to your position and enjoy every day of pregnancy so that no troubles can overshable your happiness from the expectation of your babies.

Pregnancy doubles - this is a real miracle that happens far from every mom, while those who wish to have two children like each other in excess.

Twins Gift Process
in ultrasound fluid
what a picture looks like
Features in a position that should happen

According to statistics, which will be varied from the country to the country, the share of young mothers who give birth to two or more kids at a time is about 1 percent of the total. Depending on the country, it can either be slightly lower or reaching up to one and a half percent.

It is curious that the pregnancy of double reaches 70% of the total number, and the higher the amount of fruits, the lower the already tiny chances of raising two identical kids in the future.
Acquaintance with this topic is worth starting with Azov, as often people simply do not understand who are such twins, and who are twins.

The difference between twins and twins

Twins are any kids, the conception of which happened in time close by time. At the same time, it is not always the conception of both kids at a time, not rare cases when the second egg cell is fertilized during the week after the first, which does not prevent in exceptional cases to develop at once two, or even three kids. Twin, triplery is only clarifying the number of brothers and sisters.

Pregnancy double

However, the twins are divided into one-way and diverse - here the difference is quite serious:

  1. Single twins are the result of dividing one fertilized cell into two, which must subsequently separate before entering off at the mother's uterus. If this happens in the first three weeks after conception, both fetas will get on your own placenta for nutrition, if this happens later, the placenta will be alone. In this case, both kids will receive the necessary nutrients Through one placenta to which two umbilical cords will be attached.
  2. Divisiony twins are always developing separately, have their own placenta, less similar to each other, while the connection between single-line relatives is extremely strong. The reason lies, according to scientists, in an absolutely identical set of genes, since both kids are essentially out of one cell. The same twins are similar to among themselves no more than ordinary brother and sister.

Signs of this feature

Pregnancy double has a slightly different course, compared with the usual. So, the abdomen during pregnancy double grows more intense, and often, quite quickly begins to be ahead of his term, compared with ordinary pregnancy. This can be one of the signs of pregnancy twins.

However, here more to the rapid increase in the uterus, which, when observing the doctor, becomes noticeable in early weeks, at about 6-8. Agree, if on 6 weeks your favorite tummy is more than 3 centimeters than it happens with one-flying pregnancy, you are unlikely to notice, and it is also, especially if twins are the first pregnancy.

Future mom twins

From the point of view of the size, it is better to judge at later deadlines, when for 10 weeks your chosen becomes the owner of an excellent tummy, characteristic of 14 weeks of pregnancy. However, at this stage, it is always known for the presence of at least two kids, and, in principle, not rare cases when the signs of pregnancy double the competent doctor notices a little later than the fifth week.

He sends moms to the examination to pursue the ultrasound a double pregnancy, since this is the most reliable way to determine this interesting, rare fact. It is also possible to diagnose this feature by analyzing blood, but it is not so accurate, therefore it is used infrequently.

Positive sides Features

If we talk about the benefits of pregnancy twins, just look at the photos of happy moms and fathers who hug their identical kids. Yes, some kind of global list of advantages should not be expected: plus only one, but what:

  • baby, whether twins or twins, will always be good to get along with each other, nullify all possible quarrels in the embryo. Jealousy of such kids to each other too, which is often found in other children of different ageswhen the elder child is jealous of the youngest, for the fact that he gets a little more attention of his parents;
  • subsequently, when the kids will grow up, rivalry between them will not arise, this is understandable - why compete with those who have always been near, with whom you did everything, including maternal love for the first 9 months of life in my mother's tummy?
  • especially strong all these related feelings are pronounced, of course, in single-person twins, which, often feel the condition of their second half, even at a distance;
  • and, of course, the most pleasant for parents the moment will be observed as two identical baby with their eyes frolic and play together.

According to statistics, the pregnancy after twins has a much greater chance of becoming multiplyed, and twins this time may not be limited to. Of course, this does not mean that the second pregnancy will certainly end twins, but the chances of this will be significantly higher than the first time, since the body begins to adapt to simultaneously tooling two fruits.

Diagnosis of an interesting position

Usually find out that you have twins for sure, you can rather quickly. The ultrasound is able to accurately answer your question for 5-6 weeks - usually at this moment the kids are already in size reaching several centimeters, and they can be considered.

Birth of boys

It is noteworthy that earlier than 4 weeks in principle, few people do ultrasound, since, often, the girls will recognize about their pregnancy after a delay, which takes place on a four week after proximity to a man. Only then follows pregnancy tests and hiking on the ultrasound to see for the first time in photographs ultrasound pregnancy twins.

As already mentioned, the pregnancy is double - this is a more complex process that is harder, both for kids and mom. Consider the Monday Changes in the body that will be most noticeable to the future mother during pregnancy for weeks of double, accompanied by the photo of the abdomen:

  • from 1 to 5 week;
  • Usually everything passes regularly and unnoticed. Often, for this period, they do not know about the pregnancy itself.

  • 6 weeks;
  • Perhaps the beginning of toxicosis. This unpleasant phenomenon is particularly often found in pregnant women twins, and very often lasts longer than usual. In its intensity, toxicosis in a large mother is usually stronger.

  • from 7 to 10 week;
  • There is an increase in the uterus of the future mother, and by 10 weeks its dimensions are identical to the 14 week-old sampling pregnancy.

  • from 11 to 13 week;
  • It is full, up to 13 weeks, when they make themselves a felt pain, but they are not connected with the proximity of childbirth, since the pressure in the lower part is not observed. Most often discomfort appears in the so-called iliac region.

  • from 14 to 25 week;
  • Smooth increase in abdomen, up to sizes that are usually not found at the moms of one kid. During this period, it is necessary to be attentive to health, and with the slightest pain in the abdomen or even head to see the doctor. And in general, to contact the female consultation during pregnancy double or triple just needed before it is visited by ordinary pregnant girls.

  • 26 - 30 weeks;
  • A sword appears, since the dimensions of the uterus do not sufficiently deal with the lungs. After the thirtieth week, it is usually not threatened with babies, and you can completely calm down.

  • 31-6 weeks.

An unpleasant feelings in the field of ribs associated with an impressive tummy are possible. It is time to move to a permanent observation to the doctor, and everything will end the birth of the long-awaited twins.

Healthy kids

How to go birth

Birth, like the pregnancy of double, are heavier than the rest, and there are a number of reasons for it.

  1. First, the position of two or more fruits is often unpredictable, so natural labor does not always succeed, although such cases are found. But even with the visible absence of anxious facts during pregnancy, ultimately still have to make a caesarean section. However, today it is not so scary, and it is not necessary to be afraid.
  2. Possible complications in childbirth are also attached to the navigation of the Pupovin, which often delivers additional hassles. All this serves as a reason for the hospitalization of mothers who are carrying twins in advance, most often, for 3-4 weeks for childbirth, to carefully examine the mother's body, and prepare all the possible development of the situation.

However, the general positive impression of the birth of twins is not able to eclipse none of the problems through which you have to go through young mothers. We have not yet considered in detail the overall discomfort, fatigue and other from the toal of several kids at once. But the feedback on pregnancy is twins solely positive.

Update: October 2018

The situation when a woman is not pregnant, and at the same time a few future little men is not such a rare phenomenon and occurs approximately 0.7 - 1.5% of cases from the total number of pregnancies. It should be allocated that the pregnancy of double is 99% of the total number of multiple pregnancies and 1% is a triple pregnancy. Although the fourth, five, is not excluded.

Doctors believe that the maximum number of fruits that women can make no threat to their own health and health of children - 6. Interesting such a fact that a larger number of multiple pregnancies is celebrated on the African continent, whereas in China and Japan are rarery twinkle birth cases.

Pregnancy twins, triple ...

Multiple pregnancy is called such when there are several fruits in the fruit of women at the same time and several fruits grow. Classify multiple pregnancy for several factors. Depending on the number of fruits, pregnancy is pregnant, the fourth, and so on. The number of fertilized eggs is important, that is, a multiple pregnancy is possible one and a bilayer.

Divisiony twins It is more common and the frequency of it is 70%. The mechanism of the emergence of a multi-dual twins is reduced to the fact that in the ovary or ovaries at the same time anticipating 2 eggs, which can meet with spermatozoa both during one sexual act and the result of two sovieties, provided that the term between them is not more than 7 days.

Fertilization of two eggs may be spermatozoa as one partner and (not so rarized) with two men. A visual example of such fertilization of the film "Cuckoo". If one-time twins have a completely identical set of genes and are similar as two droplets of water, the similarity of the diverse children is only common, both between brothers and sisters that have appeared at different times.

Single-sided twins Always one sex, whereas the diverse children are in full swing. With a variety of multiple pregnancy, each fruit has its personal placenta and amnion, so such a pregnancy is called Bichorial Biamniotic. In the case of one-way pregnancy, the egg cell is divided into a few already after fertilization. Depending on the time segment, when the egg is separated, isolated:

  • biharial biamniotic single-riginal twin (separation occurred at the stage of promotion of the fertilized egg on the pipe to the uterus - the first 3 days);
  • monochorial biamniotic single-riginal twin (division was made for 3 - 8 days after conception, while 2 embryos are formed, each in own amnion, but with a common chorion / placenta);
  • monochorial monoamniotic twin (division of the egg in the period 8 - 13 days after fertilization, while the embryos have a common chorion and are in a common fruit bubble);
  • siamese or processed twins when the division occurred later than 13 days (such twins can be hit by cocks, lumbar departments spine, chest cells or bones of the skull).

The forecast of pregnancy / genera is the most unfavorable in the case of monochorial monoamniotic twins.

Why does a multiple pregnancy occur?

There are many factors that predispose to the conception of the Film:


This factor is considered the most undeniable. If the spouses among the kinship had twins, then the probability of pregnancy in several fruits increases several times. Moreover, it is noted that the pregnancy of double is transmitted through the generation.

Age of woman

It is noted that the more years a woman, the higher her chances of becoming pregnant with double or triple. This age frontier is the 35th anniversary, that is, on the eve of the premenopause and the occurrence of Klimaks, not all menstrual cycles proceed with ovulation. In turn, the anovulatory cycles alternate with ovulatory when the hormone splash occurs, there is a powerful stimulation of ovulation, as a result of which it matures 2 and over eggs simultaneously.

Ovulation stimulation

When the treatment of infertility is prescribed, a hormonal preparations that stimulate ripening of follicles (clomiphene or gonadotropin) are used. Under the action of these drugs, several follicles can be matured at the same time.

Hormonal contraception

Often, multiple pregnancy is due to the reception of combined oral contraceptives. After the discharge of the drug "Sleeping", the ovaries are activated and the eigen hormones are rapidly synthesized, which leads to the ripening of several eggs. This situation is called rebound effect.

Extracorporal fertilization

The development of reproductive technologies, in particular Eco, is one of the causes of multiple pregnancy. The essence lies in the fact that after the "conception in the tube" several grown eggs are grown, which in the amount of up to 4 pieces they are sitting down to the mother. If in the 80s, the percentage of multiple pregnancies after using auxiliary reproductive technologies reached 30, then at the moment it is equal to 50%.


Most often, multiple pregnancy happens to repeated women. Moreover, it is noted that the large amount of childbirth is a history of, the higher the chances of the woman to become a mother of twins or triples.

What is the difference between multiple pregnancy from one-lodge?

Signs of pregnancy double

Signs appear already from the very first days, and at their foundation, a woman may suspect that in her womb is not the only baby, and two. So, initial signs of pregnancy, such as:

  • aggravation of smell, intolerance of certain smells
  • the appearance of a more pronounced brewing of the mammary glands
  • early appearance pigment spots A woman is alarming on the face, and she is in a hurry to do a pregnancy test.

And here it lies a certain surprise - the test strip is very pronounced and fat. The symptoms described are explained by the increase in hCG twice, which increases the intensity of initial signs and the brightness of the test strip.

  • Toxicosis

In addition, during pregnancy, the early early toxicosis begins much earlier than in normal pregnancy, it lasts harder and longer, until 16 - 17 weeks. And for this fact there is a foundation. The main culprit of toxicosis is fruit, and if there are several, respectively, the signs of toxicosis will be more intense. If the woman can only disturb the heartburn and nausea, then during pregnancy, the doubles are expressed in vomiting, increased salivation, excessive fatigue and drowsiness. A rare future mother can avoid manifestations of early toxicosis, which also distinguishes the pregnancy of twins from pregnancy with one fruit.

Stomach during pregnancy twins

The belly begins to increase earlier, so by 12 weeks of the uterus with a unionless pregnancy only slightly protrudes over the bond, and if the fruits are somewhat, it can almost reach the navel. Accordingly, the movement of fruits The woman begins to feel earlier, firstly, because of the cramped babies, and secondly, due to the excellentness and thinning of the walls of the uterus.

Weight in pregnancy double

Separate attention deserves weight with multiple pregnancy. A gain of body weight in a woman, pregnant twins more significant and rapidly increases, starting from the first weeks.

Diagnostics of fetal defects

Another feature of pregnancy twins is the result of the "Triple Dough" - the diagnosis of congenital deformities of the malformations of the kid. Analysis data is not clear, since alpha-fetoprotein, chorionic gonadotropin and placental lactogen are synthesized in more quantities than during pregnancy with one fruit, so the results can be false positive.

Evenkers, Dyshuge


Gestoses during pregnancy with several fruits are diagnosed almost in half percent of cases, and they develop earlier and manifest harder. On the one hand, this is due to the increase in the BCC and the strengthening of glomerular filtration in the kidneys, which causes an increase in blood pressure, swelling and proteinuria, on the other hand, the occurrence of gestosis provoke chronic diseases Mothers who have been said are sharpened in 100% of cases.


In addition, hemoglobin and red blood cells are reduced by blood breeding (increasing plasma volume) - the phenomenon is normal and wears the name of physiological anemia during pregnancy. However, as the term of pregnancy increases, the eritropower is gaining intensity, which leads to the depletion of iron depot in the body of a woman and launches the mechanism of iron deficiency anemia.


The interstitious uterus squeezes the intestines, so during pregnancy the twins, women often suffer from constipation, and puts pressure on urinary paths, which is the cause of frequent development of gestational pyelonephritis.

Maintaining pregnancy double

Women carrying twins enter the group high risk And require careful observation the entire period of the waiting for children. So, visiting the female advice to such pregnant women are prescribed more often than with ordinary pregnancy, every 14 days to 28 weeks, and then every 7 - 10 days. Moreover, maternity leave It is issued to not laid 30 weeks of pregnancy, but at 28 weeks, and a hospital sheet in total lasts 160 days.

Particular attention to such pregnant women should be powered. If weight gain during pregnancy is one fruit in general amounts to 9 - 13 kg, then during pregnancy, it can reach 20 kg. Accordingly, the daily calorie content of the diet increases (up to 4000 - 4500 kollaries).

Given the increased requests in minerals and vitamins, so vitamin and mineral complexes are recommended to start taking from the moment of confirmation of the fact of multiple pregnancy.

Folic acid, which is prescribed in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy (see) to prevent the malformations of the head and spinal cord of 0.4 mg / day, pregnant twins are prescribed 1 mg / day. Prevention of anemia is also carried out by appointing iron-containing drugs from 15 to 20 weeks to 80 - 100 mg per day.


In addition to the listed features and complications of multiple pregnancy, the pregnancy of double has specific complications:

  • the phenomenon of motion of one of the embryos or anembrination (this phenomena is found at 15 - 20% of cases, and the reasons are not accurately installed, the fruit egg ceases to develop and is either subjected to reduction - resorption or is in the uterus until childbirth);
  • feto-fetal hemotransfusion syndrome - the presence of anastomoses between the fetoplacentar systems of both fruits (occurs at the monosic monochorial twins), the blood is redistributed, and it takes it more, and the other is less, and both fetus suffer;
  • battle of children - Siamese twins;
  • antenatal death of one kid;
  • congenital "deformities" at one of the twins;
  • chromosomal disease in one of the children;
  • reverse arterial perfusion.

Example from practice: I had a repeated female woman for 30 years. She had a second, desired pregnancy, but, fortunately or regret, double. What is interesting, the previous births in the patient ended with a cesarean section, so it automatically got into a group of increased risk and on a planned operation. When registering, the woman assumed that her term was small, in accordance with menstruation 10 - 11 weeks. But at the first gynecological examination, I suspected "Nelid" and sent a patient on the ultrasound (the uterus was increased to 15-6 weeks). To our overall joy, twins confirmed, in the subsequent pregnancy proceeded well. However, on the period of 22 weeks, the woman neglected the recommendations and dragged the bags with potatoes, which ended very poorly: miscarriage at the later date. But after a couple of years, the same patient will be pregnant again and the situation is repeated: twins. Again, we have been filled with a colleague with a colleague, but at 22nd - 23 weeks she wanted to travel (went to her husband by train, which was in a long business trip), despite our advice and caution. And, of course, the situation was repeated (but already in another hospital). The result is disappointing: a burdened obstetric anamnesis, a scar in the uterus ,.

Twins after eco

Many childless couples resort to Eco attempt. The essence of extracorporeal fertilization lies in the withdrawal of mature eggs in a woman, fertilization of their "in vitro", as they say, in a test tube, and then the introduction of fertilized eggs to the uterine cavity. Today it is allowed to introduce from one to four eggs (depending on the quality and amount of fertilized eggs obtained in the test tube).

Therefore, the percentage of multiple pregnancies after Eco reaches 70 - 80. Multiple pregnancy and is so a serious test for a woman, and after the use of auxiliary reproductive technologies is fraught with multiple complications in view of pronounced disorders in the reproductive system and the presence of extragnenitial diseases and requires careful observation and monitoring of test dynamics .

  • In the first trimester, it is important to regularly explore the hormonal level of the body of a woman, especially the indicators of hCG and estradiol.
  • In the second / third trimesters, the pregnancy of the twins, which occurred after Eco threatened for the emergence of erect-cervical insufficiency, as well as interruption. Therefore, during pregnancy more than two fruits, the woman produces the reduction of "extra" embryos.

Reduction (removal) is optimally produced in terms of 9 - 11 weeks of pregnancy. There are 3 methods of reduction: transcervical, transvaginal and transabdomomominal. The most safe is the transabdominal reduction, when under the control of ultrasound monitoring the needle introduced into the uterus, punctures the front abdominal wall, pierce the embryo.

Example from practice: Young woman, 28 years old, after unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant and passing several courses of treatment, resorted to the Eco method. As a result, she had a long-awaited pregnancy with two fruits. Up to 22 weeks, the pregnancy proceeded remarkably, without complications, characteristic not only for multiple, but also for single-lodge pregnancy. A woman strictly followed medical recommendations, took the necessary drugs and regularly attended women's advice. But on the period of 22 weeks, the patient entered a hospital with an effortless waters and pronounced outer bleeding. It is clear that pregnancy could not be saved.

Diagnostics of pregnancy double

How to determine pregnancy twins?

  • To suspect multiple pregnancy, the doctor may already have a gynecological inspection. At the same time, a soft uterus is palpable, the dimensions of which does not coincide with the period of latency of menstruation. But the primary inspection, the collection of anamnesis and complaints allows us to make an alleged diagnosis. It is possible that large sizes of uterus are associated with the presence of myomatous nodes.
  • Significantly confirms the diagnosis of only ultrasound, during which the presence of two and more embryos is determined.
  • The definition of the level of hCG in small pregnancy periods is an indirect confirmation of multiple pregnancy, so the increase in HGC indicators is possible in trophoblastic diseases ().
  • The further implementation of the ultrasound within the required time frame (22 - 24 and at 32 - 34 weeks) allows not only to determine the amount of fruits and amniotic fluid, but also identify signs of lagging in the development of one of the kids or both, developmental anomalies, a placental type (mono- or dichorial ), localization of the flood / placenta, the presence of partition (one or two amnion), the position / presence of fruits. In addition, the ultrasound allows you to identify a battle between the twins and helps to decide on the tactics of the delivery.

Childbirth, complications, indications for abdominal delivery

Women, pregnant women not in one fruit, rarely do up to the term.

  • patients who are carrying twins are more often given by 36 weeks
  • in the presence of triple, childbirth happens at 33 - 34 weeks
  • from the fourth birth starts at 31 - 32 weeks

Therefore, all women awaiting more than one child are hospitalized in the hospital at least 14 days before the expected delivery. Children who were born as a result of multiple pregnancy, often premature and demand resuscitation. However, it is noted that the ripening of the lungs in the twins occurs earlier, which distinguishes them from born in one-bed pregnancy, so they are better adapted and can breathe independently.

Riding tactics depends on various factors. The leading role is played by the position and presence of kids, especially the first. Also determined the presence / absence of water and intrauterine hypoxia kids, regularity and intensity of bruses, extragnenital and gynecological diseases, the age of a woman.

In independent birth, women are allowed, if the first or both of the fetus will be pressed by heads, the condition of children and mother is satisfactory, and the generic activity is regular.

Indications for operational delivery, primarily determined by the position and presence of kids, so, in the presets of the pelvic end of the first and preview of the second head, it is advisable to turn out the woman abdominal to prevent the formidable complication - the fruit collisions (head grip). The cesarean section is also produced in the transverse position of the fruit / fetus, in the preservation of the pelvic end of both fruits, with intrauterine hypoxia of one / both children, anomalies of generic activity, and in the case of the existing scar on the uterus. If multi-way, heavy gestosis, large kids, and with more than two twins, the operational delivery is also shown. Difficulties in childbirth occur in the case of monoamniotic monochorial twins. Such children often have a campus of umbilical cord and twisted them, so such a pregnancy is advisable to turn apart by the operation of the cesarean section.

Postpartum and emerging complications:

  • anomalies of generic activities;
  • hypoxia of one / both twins;
  • , especially the second fetus (a sharp decrease in intrauterine pressure after the first child's appearance);
  • death of children in childbirth and after birth (high perinatal mortality rates);
  • high risk of bleeding when separating the last and in the early postpartum period.

Example from practice: The home-child female female 20 years has arrived at the maternity branch with complaints of the contractions and the influence of the amusement waters. Woman was never observed before, and, accordingly, never was on ultrasound. The estimated term of pregnancy is 32 weeks. With an outdoor obstetric examination, I placed only one (!) Large and bunch of small pieces of fruits. With difficulty, but revealed 2 different places where heart patellies were taught. When conducting an internal study, it was established: the fetal bubble is absent, the opening of the uterine duty 7 - 8 cm, the legs will be pretended. A woman on the catal was transferred to the birthdayside, I got up to the table myself (we do not have time to Kesarean). And then a nightmare began. Not only is the birth of the first, premature, twins and the first fruit in a footing presence, and the woman has behaved simply ugly. I tried to get off the table, stretched with my hands to the perineum, trying to crawl the child back (the midwife with a nurse barely held a woman), flashed down all and everyone who got into the reach of reach. With great difficulty, but finally we gave birth to the first baby. The child was very bad and did not breathe. After the internal research conducted, I opened the fruit bubble and revealed another surprise - the second child also goes with legs. The turn of the fetus I never did, and did not even see how it was done, so the nightmare repeated again. Gave birth and the second child, too heavy, but better than the first. After the death of the lapse, I with the words: "Today you almost killed your children," I left the family (I changed my colleague). But it's good that everything ends well. After 5 days of staying in the maternity department, the woman was with the children was translated into a nursery, from where a large family was discharged in a satisfactory condition.

Having learned about your pregnancy, many women begin to worry a lot, and this is not unreasonable. Before it comes, many questions remain unanswered.

For example, how many children are conceived, it will be interesting to those who have a multiple pregnancy among relatives. It is very important to know how multiplot requires reinforced attention from doctors and, directly, most pregnant.

Twins or twins - objective signs

Everyone knows that binary twins can get one by 80 times. Twin on ultrasound is noticeable from the very beginning of conception. So, you can determine it very easily.

For this, there are both objective and subjective signs.

With multiple pregnancy, from the first days of delay, it will torment strong toxicosis. His signs are significantly enhanced than when entering one child.

Pregnant becomes more irritable, she has increased drowsiness and weakness.

In addition, a woman can feel dizziness and nausea, as well as her vomiting begins.

While the time for the ultrasound will come, in addition to toxicosis, in early terms it is possible to determine the presence of twins or twins.

With multiple pregnancy, the test shows clearly pronounced two stripes, which is different when conceiving one child.

A clearly noticeable second strip is explained by the presence of a girl in the urine. In addition, approximately the woman begins to grow abdomen and it feels the movements of the kids that you will not say about one-bed pregnancy.

Signs on ultrasound twins or twins

But the most faithful way to find out whether there is a multi-minded woman to do it. N.

and the ultrasound can more accurately find out on what the gentlemanship is a girl and whether there are pathologies for kids. Using this method, you can also define single or diversion twins.

I also want to say that you can see twin on the ultrasound of 5 weeks of pregnancy. Only here the same twins are determined much later than the diverse. Single twins are visible approximately.

As if a woman independently tried to determine their condition or the course of pregnancy, it will be best to contact a specialist and find out a professional point of view about its interesting position.

Using ultrasound diagnostics, it is best possible to determine.

4 weeks of pregnancy on ultrasound. Multiple pregnancy.

From the arrangement of embryos, twin on the ultrasound can be clearly visible already in. One-way twins on the first weeks to see almost impossible.

The reason is that embryos as if located one by one. The stomach is also not every time can issue multiplot, and only to it begins to grow noticeably and during this period, kids begin to contact each other.

As a rule, pregnant women are hospitalized before the designated period, since there is a big risk to give birth ahead of time.

If the screening did not see multiplodes

At ultrasound, a twin is visible in 6 weeks, but at the same time there are situations when the uzist may not see multipleness. This happens if screening is made at the later date due to the fact that they were missed.

You can also not see twins and then when the old inspection equipment is used. And this is not news, because this situation is considered normal for small cities, where the level of medicine leaves much to be desired.

The thing is that the old apparatuses for ultrasound research have the length of the beam just over seven inches, which is not enough to inspect the uterine cavity in terms of childbirth.

Therefore, it also happens that the ultrasound is not visible twin and the birth of several children is an unexpected joy for doctors and relatives.

When ultrasound 6 weeks does not show multiple pregnancy, do not be offended or suspected of incompetence of doctors who have made research.

If the usual inspection and ultrasound do not coincide, then it is better to apply to a re-examination in a paid clinic or hospital of the regional center.

If you are sure that you have a multiple pregnancy, then you need to at least once spend a survey on good expensive equipment.

And even if you live in a small village or city, you do not need to regret money and time to go through a good inspection, because the lives of future kids and women in labor depends on it.

Type of multiple on ultrasound

5 embryos in a picture of ultrasound

On screening twins is visualized in the form of two dark spots, which are located in the uterus cavity.

At this time, the kids have already divided fingers on their hands, they also identified umbilical cord. Also on this period is the formation of one or two compound.

For 12 weeks, twins have grown to 6 cm, and the total weight of the kids is about 15 grams.

Already at 20 week, the weight of each of the kids can be about 350 grams, while one of them can be viewed significantly larger than the second.

The reason is that one of the kids is a regular blood discharge on the blood shuzzle.

Monosigitious and dialing twins

Identical or monosigital twin on ultrasound will be noticeable about.

They are formed at a time when the fertilized egg is divided into half and two embryo of one floor is formed.

Interesting the fact that such twins are obtained with "collaboration" of just one egg and one spermatozoa.

Monosigital twins are very difficult to distinguish, and, as a rule, they have a very strong attachment in the emotional plan.

The appearance of identical twins can not be called the coincidence of heredity. It is rather anomaly that happens for 1000 pregnancies just three times.

As for non-identical twins, they are born in two different eggs.

These twins are also called vyiilyotny and interesting the fact that the time between their conception can range from several hours before the week.

Genetically twins are similar to both ordinary brothers and sisters. Cases of the birth of same-sex children are equal with cases with children of different floors.

Birth of twins or twins - double joy

Planning the birth of twins naturally impossible. If a woman is already pregnant and knows about it, it is impossible to influence the further development of events.

After all, in the process of fertilization, information about the child is laid, as well as how many children will be.

Imagine, from the very beginning, two children develop inside the pregnant woman, but they are noticeable on the ultrasound after 5 weeks, and it is not always.

Another thing is a piece fertilization when a woman's uterus.

It happens that neither one can take care, but sometimes a few are coming out, which is accompanied by the development and birth of two and more kids.

Whoever is born from parents, they will still be happy.

But it is better to prevent such surprises in advance, because with multiple pregnancy, not only the preparation of doctors and women is needed.

Emotional preparation of dad and an apartment is also very important, in which two small lumps of happiness will be able to settle.

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