
How does Jupiter in scorpion affect all the signs of the zodiac? Jupiter in Scorpio: to whom and what luck will smile probably accepting new laws, one way or another concerning all social segments of the population

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October 11, 2018 Jupiter is moving from a scale of scales in Scorpio, which will transit in the directory direction until March 29, 2019. However, already On April 23, 2019, retrograde will take once again in Scorpio, which will stay until November 5, 2019. On the movement of Jupiter on the sign of scorpion and its influence on representatives of all the signs of the zodiac and will be discussed in this astrological note.

Immediately I want to draw your attention to three important points. First, all the dates are based on the Siderician zodiac, which uses Vedic Astrology. Secondly, the information is generalized. Excluding your personal astrological data, information cannot be considered a personal outlook. And thirdly, the information is indicated in the context of the topic of notes, the listed astrological parameters also have other indicators, the listing of which will go beyond the scope of this topic.

So, what should we expect from the transit of Jupiter in Scorpio in 2018-2019?

Jupiter, planet of generosity, wisdom and knowledge, planet that covers and expands those areas that affect. Scorpio is hidden, mystical sign. During the transit of Jupiter in Scorpio, many may show interest in the deep knowledge of themselves and this world. Some can be interesting to different mystery, occult sciences and esoteric. Since the scorpion is a female fruitful sign, then during this period, people who are already seriously engaged in research in the areas listed above can go to these knowledge quite well. The main thing here is in the right direction to apply the knowledge and discoveries.

The watermark Scorpio is also associated with medicine, healing, new medical preparations or new treatments can be created during this transit. By the way, during this period, many can resort to different non-traditional, alternative treatment method. But in this case, objectively evaluate the healer chosen and do not forget that no one has canceled traditional medicine.

Scorpio refers to a group of fixed signs, and all fixed signs represent (ignorance). Mars is a ruler of Scorpio, and Ketu co-ruler of this sign, and these two graars are also associated with Muina Tamas. Although the scorpion is also like Jupiter, but the sattvic grouse in a tamasic sign is quite uncomfortable to be. For us, this can manifest itself in a desire to take revenge on someone, to expose someone, to give someone else's mystery, as well as in manifestation of criticism and sarcasm, etc. During this period, it is better to keep track of it and highlight positive traits Scorpio such as: dedication (family, their own business), concentration on the main, adequate assessment of oneself and their forces, insight, self-confidence.

Scorpio is connected with the 8th crisis and transformational house in the natural zodiac. Transitting by the sign of Scorpio, Jupiter will affect the themes of this astrological house. It can manifest itself unexpected as losses and winnings. Someone this transit can bring large profits, but someone completely empty. Therefore, taking decisions to participate in any transactions I recommend objectively to evaluate your chances, resources and position. This period is inclined to carry crisis, stressful situations that will transform us, so be alert.

What kind of manifestations can still be, you can assume judging by the earlier transits of Jupiter in Scorpio, which were already in the following periods of time:
27.10.2006 — 21.11.2007;

11.11.1994 — 07.12.1995;

25.11.1982 — 21.121983;

11.12.1970 — 06.01.1972;

12/28/1958 - 06/22/1959 and 08/17/1959 - 01/22/1960, and earlier.

It is also worth noting that this transit of Jupiter will return to its natal position for the above mentioned periods of time. Jupiter will pass through the same sign that you have at birth. Most often it carries certain karmic lessons in those areas for which the planet is responsible in a personal horoscope.

During this transit, the mood of Jupiter will not be fixed, respectively and the effect on us will vary depending on:
1. Marsa's movements like a scorpion managerAccording to various signs of the zodiac, respectively, the mood will change from temporary relations between Mars and Jupiter.
2. The influences of other planets through aspects and connections.
3. Passage of Jupiter through the scatter sign of Scorpion: Visakha under the control of Jupiter himself; Anuradhi, which is under Saturn; And through JiStu, under the control of an unfriendly tuned to Jupiter, Mercury.
4. The period of the retrograde movement of Jupiter. In 2019, Jupiter his retrograde phase starting in the sign of Sagittarius on April 10 and finished in Scorpio August 11. At this time, the time under the influence of the Guru can be solved with delays and with a pulling of positive results. Please note that this is not the best time for important undertakings, especially for registration. family relationships. This time is more suitable for deepening spiritual knowledge, for self-analysis, the practice of expanding consciousness, etc.
5. Passage of certain degrees. Jupiter shows its qualities to the greatest extent when moving in the middle of the sign from 10 to 20 degrees. During the transit on the sign of Scorpio, it will be in the period from 11/27/2018 to 12.01.2019.
6. It is worth noting the period of Jupiter in Gandante. Gandanta is the places of the transition of planets from water in Fire Signs (Fish → Aries, Cancer → Lion, Scorpio → Sagittarius), these points are considered plates of energy, here the planets are quite vulnerable. There are different types of Gandant - Ganghanda signs (Rashi), the hollow (lunar signs) and Lagn (ascending signs), and the Action Orbis is different. For example, the Obchatra-Gandanuta Orbis is one of the Pad (3 ° 20'), and the Rashi (sign) of the ganghand the gap is approximately 1 ° from the beginning and the end of the Rashi, and the closer the planet to 0 ° fire signs is the stronger than the hardant. This time, Jupiter from water scorpion will switch to the fire striker. This is the period from the end of February to the end of May, and once again due to the retrograde phase from mid-October until late November 2019 - Jupiter will be in Gandante-Nobchatre and Gandanta Rashi, to pass on the last degrees of Scorpio and the first degrees of Sagittarius, it will not be very A favorable time for cases under the influence of this planet.

Jupiter will affect the representatives of all zodiac signs in different ways.

Below are the recommendations for each moon sign Zodiac, but you can also view your sign of lag and / or the sun. But do not forget that this is only the overall picture of the transit of one planet and excluding your individual astro-parameters.
In the event that this transit on someone is inclined to adversely affect, then it is recommended to perform a drop in this period (what you can seek you to know)) for Jupiter (Guru), at the end of this notes are the recommended mantras and stotra.

For Ovnov During the transit of Jupiter through the constellation of Scorpió, it is important to monitor the balance of income and expenses. This period is not the best time for loans, loans. The amount you decide to occupy will later be quite difficult to return, so try to live in your own funds.

Tales There is a period of making personal life. This time can bring new acquaintances, which may well grow into a love romance. Positive Changes Tales can also expect in relationships with business partners.

For twins Jupiter transit time through Scorpio is suitable for improving its habits, especially in terms of nutrition, sports. This is a great transit for you to form a healthy lifestyle.

Rakov This transit expects new romantic dating, love, pastime in a pleasant company. For you, this is the right time to accumulate positive karma (Purva Punya). Therefore, classes as a study of the Holy Scriptures, the practice of repetition of prayers and mantras are especially favorable for you during this transit.

LionsAt this time you can change the place of residence. The transit of Jupiter through the constellation of Scorpio may be affected by the topics of the purchase (exchange or repair) of movable / real estate. This transit is favorable for you to establish relationships with close relatives, especially mom.

Virgin Can expect trips within the homeland and in neighboring countries, it is possible to move. This is a good time for you to purchase new acquaintances that can paint for someone in a strong friendship, and for someone and in a new novel.

For weightsduring this transit will be provided to improve opportunities financial situation. You can get, both raising the salary, receiving bonuses and premiums and new sources of income.

Scorpions The topics of self-realization will be important. You are important to this transit will satisfy the need for self-actualization. This is the time when it is worth thinking about yourself and its direction. For you, this is a good time to obtain new and implement already accumulated knowledge.

Representatives of the sign of Sagittarius, especially those who in the horoscope of the moon in this sign, which means that you have a period of Sanie Sadi (Saturn's special period), I recommend to track the balance of income and expenses, follow my own and interested in the health of loved ones. At this time, it is favorable to do serving and charity, favorable and trips for pilgrimage.

For lunar caperpashers The transit period of Jupiter in Scorpio can compensate the voltage from the transit of Saturn on the 12th house from the Natal Moon, and at this time you can feel relief especially in the field of personal income. For you, this is a favorable period for establishing relationships with friends and your older brothers (sisters).

Aquarius Expect changes to B. professional activity. You can get interesting offers that will help you promote career stairs. But for you, this transit of Jupiter is likely not only changes in the direction of labor, but the organization is also possible.

Fish, the transit of Jupiter through the Constellation of Scorpion You can bring a trip to the aim of education and pleasant passages. This is a favorable time for your development both intellectual and spiritual.

Stotra Gura (Jupiter):
"Deva-Naam Cha Rishi-Naam Cha Gurum Kanchan-Sannibham
Buddhi Bhootam Tri-Lokesham Tam Namaami Brihaspatim »

"I bow to you, about Brichpati, the God of the planet Jupiter,
Mentor of all devices and saints wise men, zlatolic and wovel
Lord of all three worlds. "

Guru Grach Mantra:

Unlike the outgoing year, the new 2018 will be quite calm and productive. After all, the square of Jupiter Pluto, manager 2017, will not adversely affect the spheres of life, opening the ways for the internal development and freedom of action.

All political problems, natural cataclysms and depressive states will come to the side. The scientific field comes bright changes and high-level achievements. Each person will feel inside and around themselves positive changes.

2018 from the very beginning will begin with Stellum Planets in the Capricorn sign: Sun, Venus, Pluto, Saturn and Lilith. All this will give a favorable placement of energy forces in the world, as well as on the political arena. Conservative Saturn will coexist well with a peace-loving Venus and the Sun, which will help Pluto to show enthusiasm and the power of will in all areas. Such a good tandem helps to move forward, conquer superiority in some areas, as well as make a jerk for creative actions.

Thanks to the movement of Pluto in 2018, cardinal changes may occur in the fate of each person, and not only at the global level. But it depends entirely on how Capricorn sign is located in the personal horoscope.

The Scorpio is Planet Jupiter, which allows you to achieve financial success and come to power without problems. Persistent struggle will lead to victory, although competitive situations are possible in commercial structures. Especially, between large-scale campaigns and production structures.

Location of Planet Saturn in 2018

Saturn in 2018 and until December 17, 2020 will be in Capricorn. Retrograde he becomes from April 18 to September 6, 2018.

In January 2018, Saturn will be included in Capricorn, considering it with his abode. He again on the throne, which will allow him to rule and manage all situations. It is necessary to thoroughly think over all its solutions at this moment so that it is not possible to pay for errors. Success will only come to those sense and hurry, and also does not go on emotions and gusts. It is necessary to clearly plan everything that they conceived. Planet Saturn often experiences human strength, sending a mass test of a personal and professional plan in fate. But, if you go all worthy, you can achieve incredible achievements and realize the conceived. The main thing is that there is order and honesty, responsibility and punctuality. For past misses to "pay" throughout the rigor of the law.

Where is Jupiter in 2018?

Planet Jupiter in 2018 is in Scorpio and only on November 8, 2018 goes to the Sagittarius sign. In the year of the dog, Jupiter will be retrograde from March 9 to June 10, 2018.

In the period when Planet Jupiter enters the Scorpio, you can achieve success in business and increase capital. If you act openly and honestly, you can find new ways to understand yourself and what you are doing. It is desirable to arrange priorities and revise values. It is possible that many will deal with occult sciences and express extrasensory abilities. Hence the exit from deadlock situations, and the cognition of the depths of their own spiritual world.

If Jupiter stays in Scorpio, then you can count on harmony and peaceful coexistence with other planets. Here is a favorable interaction with Pluto in Capricorn and Pluto in fish. Positive changes are expected for those who previously felt the pressure from movement in the scales when Pluto and Uranus acted too aggressively and assertively.

When Jupiter is located in Scorpio, it is best reflected in watermarks: fish, scorpion and cancer. Success in all areas can count on those who in the water sign are - Mars, Moon, Venus and Mercury, as well as the main points of the card (Natal) - MS ,.

At the moment when the Planet Jupiter "Gostitsa" in Sagittarius can be hoped for bright horizons in different areas, as well as successful trips and cultural development. It is important not to lower your hands, but make a maximum of effort so as not to miss your happiness and replenish the luggage of knowledge.

The movement of the planet Neptune in 2018

In 2018, the Fish remains Planet Neptune, which in June will be retrograde. During this period, it is impossible to indulge in illusions and build chimeric plans. Otherwise, past problems and obstacles will be returned. A person can again succumb to the temptation and believed to those who betrayed him. It is possible to resume long and interrupted relationships, both related and business. There is a chance to spend everything that has been saved by many years. It is not desirable at this time to invest in large projects and enterprises. It is difficult to avoid conflicts and keep calm in critical situations. Mages and sorcerers will appear, predicting the global world catastrophe.

Many will see the prophetic dreams, the intuition and gift of providence will increase. Health needs to be attentive to limbs, joints, lymphatic system and thyroid gland.

Finding Planet Pluto in 2018

If Pluto is in Capricorn, it will affect the political and financial sphere. The struggle for power will be tough, which can lead to radical changes. For a person, important aspects will be a career, wealth, status in society. They will take all thoughts, leading to mercantility and rapid decisions.

Many will begin to artificially change the situation in their favor to achieve career growth. Someone will find another place of work, learn to a new profession, or go on permanent residence in another city or country. The disclosure of talents are expected, which did not declare about themselves. This will allow to expand the possibilities and manifest personal qualities.

Influence of the planet Uranus in the zodiac sign Taurus in 2018

The movement of the planet in the first half of 2017 will be held in Aries, and from May 15, 2018, Uranus turns into a sign of the Taurus.

When uranium goes in transit

During this period, significant changes are expected in the social, economic and political sphere. World wars and cataclysms in nature are possible. Many people will strive for independence, but no quarrels are excluded and aggressive behavior. Someone will establish new connections of a personal character, will try to arrange a real revolution and explosive situations.

All the fact that herself outlived and faded emotionally, will remain in the past when Uranus will pass on the ray. The era of creation and innovations begins in different spheres of life. For the first time uranium will come to Taurus - May 15, 2018. The next stage is his return to the Sign of Aries - from November 6, 2018 to March 6, 2019. The planet will decide to restore past links, finishing the remaining work.

Movement of the planet Uranus by Taurus

When Uranus is in Taurus, there is a passion for freedom, experiments in the love sphere and emotional bursts. But, if you control your behavior, then conflicts and mutual claims will not happen. Uranus can doubt his "appetites", making changes to natural and geological areas. Perhaps the prosperity of agriculture, active trade and material well-being. World technologies will break forward, allowing us to develop a commercial and monetary structure.

During this period, all types of art, graphics (computed), decor, design, light show and creative processes are expected to develop. Fashion trends We will declare about yourself with a new force, bringing bright and unusual adjustments in clothing and accessories.

Loan nodes in 2018

This is more affected by the creative deposits of a person, and also allows you to spiritually develop. If the upstream node stays in Lev, then this period can be used to raise children, mass events and celebrations. It is impossible to hire talents, especially creative and impulsive personalities. The main tasks of the social significance of 2018 are the upbringing of young people of patriotism, physical training and raising fertility.

Movement of planets in 2018 by months

Planet movement in 2018: January

IN The sun will be in Capricorn, from January 21, 2018 (6:07:11) Sun will go to the sign of Aquarius

People become more patient and enduring in any situations that the noble and desperate deeds will entail. There is a passion for freedom and independence, and in the personal and business sphere. You can quickly climb the career ladder, to achieve success and financial profit. Good luck on the side of politicians, servicemen and senior management.

Planet Mercury January 11, 2018 will go to the sign of Capricorn, and January 31, 2018 at 16:40:15 in Aquarius

Since the beginning of 2018 Venus Located in Capricorn. And January 18, 2018 at 4:42:47 passes in Aquarius

Jupiter In January 2018, he continues to pass on the sign of scorpion

Saturn Located in Capricorn

Planet movement in 2018: February

The sun The main part of the month is in the aquare, and then 18 at 20:20:40 goes into the sign of fish

A great period for those who want to establish relationships with people. You can find those who will support in the workshop will help advance forward and arrange a personal life. The scientific field does focus on space, electronic and aviation innovations. The desire to tie a light intrigue is not controlled, so parting and disappointment is possible.

Planet Mars Located in Sagittar for a month

Jupiter In Scorpio

Saturn in Capricorn

Planet movement in 2018: March

The sun In the fish to 20, then goes into Aries at 19:18:30

All the secret becomes clear - this period you can characterize this period. All affairs related to personal and public sphere, unfold, as on the palm. There is sympathy, kindness and desire to help the neighbor - disinterested and openly. You need to beware of adventurers and mercenary personalities. Successful time for psychologists, teachers and drugs.

Mercury It goes into Aries on March 6 at 10:34:06, and on March 23, 2018 at 4:46:53 it becomes retrograde at 16 ° 54 "30" degrees of Aries

Planet Venus From the fish goes to the sign of Aries March 7 at 2:45:29, and on March 31 at 7:52:55 in Taurus sign

Jupiter March 9, 2018 at 1:03:17 it becomes retrograde at 23 ° 13 "22" degrees of scorpion

Saturn in Capricorn

Planet movement in 2018: April

The sun in Aries up to 20, then at 6:11:10 in Taurus

There is a desire to command, both in the team and personal life. In humans, irritability, aggression and power, calling for rapid actions, are observed. Energy and ambitions grow, which entails a craving for independence. There is a responsible attitude to work. Special success on the side of military, athletes and businessmen.

Mercury It becomes direct for 15 April 2018 at 14:35:27 at 4 ° 46 "30" degrees of Aries

Mars in Capricorn

Retrograde Jupiter Scorpio

Saturn It becomes retrograde on April 18, 2018 at 1:07:47 at 9 ° 8 "56" Capricorn degrees

This month also takes the retrograde position of the planet Pluto 04/23/2018 at 1:50:39 at 21 ° 17 "15" degrees of Capricorn

Planet movement in 2018: May

The sun In May, the 21st day at 5:12:51 passes to the sign of the twins, until that, the larger half of May passes by the sign of the Taurus.

A person becomes decisive and stubborn in affairs, which helps to achieve financial benefits and spiritual perfection. A good period for working with documents, investment of money and commercial operations. A traction appears to the beautiful, aesthetic and luxurious, as well as to change the profession and place of work. Success on the side of people of art and creativity.

Venus 05/19/2018 at 16:11:08 goes into cancer

Jupiter In Scorpio, continues retrograde movement

Planet Saturn

Planet movement in 2018: June

Mental activity in the spotlight, which makes people smart, resourceful and inquisitive. You can learn, improve the qualifications and fill with information. There is a chance to successfully complete the old work, as well as get a new service place. Success expects journalists, writers and merchants. Any trips will be successfully collaborated.

Retrograde planets in June 2018:

Marsfrom 25 from 22:52:02 becomes retrograde at 9 ° 12 "46" degrees of Aquarius

Neptune from 19.06.2018 from 3:10:32 at 16 ° 29 "33" degrees of fish

Jupiter In Scorpio

Saturn in Capricorn

Planet movement in 2018: July

There is a traction to home comfort, family and relatives. It is favorable to educate children, housing arrangement and household matters. Young people travel a lot, learn abroad and ride business trips. Good to do charity, treat non-standard methods and implement creative projects in life.

Venus 10 goes at 5:29:44 in Virgo

Retrograde Mars in aquare

Jupiter becomes direct 11.07.2018 at 1:13:51 at 13 ° 20 "39" degrees of scorpion

Saturn continues to be retrograde in Capricorn

Planet movement in 2018: August

A favorable period in order to help people like morally and financially. Conducts ambition, good nature and nobility. Many will create serious relationships and enter into an official marriage. Excellent time to plan pregnancy, disclosure of criminal cases and investment. Azart and risk will bring profits, but you need to be careful.

Venus In the scales from August 7, 2018 from 2:26:30

08/13/2018 Retrograde Mars at 4:35:20 passed back to Capricorn, and on August 27, 2018 4:41:06 already direct position at 28 ° 36 "26" degrees of Capricorn

Planet Jupiter In Scorpio

Saturn Retrograde in Capricorn

Uranus Retrograde from 8 from 0:40:53 at 2 ° 33 "39" degrees of Taurus

Planet movement in 2018: September

The sun in Virgo, then 09/23/2018 at 4:50:52 in the scales

It will want to get rich financially, criticize and show egoism. Many actively burst into work, which will bring achievements and profits. Cares, lies and mercantility should be watched, so as not to please in illegal situations. A favorable period for teachers, economists and writers, as well as those engaged in tourist business.

Mars from 09/11/2018 at 4:23:27 in aquale

Jupiter In Scorpio

Saturn from 6 from 23:53:15 it becomes direct at 2 ° 32 "32" degrees of Capricorn

Planet movement in 2018: October

Ideal time for reconciliation with people, finding spiritual values \u200b\u200band honest actions. A thrust appears for romance and flirting, as well as the desire to legitimize the relationship. You can strengthen the reputation in society, to show creative talents and solve financial problems. Create popularity and authority in any spheres of life in this period is quite easy.

Venus 6 at 6:13:30 it becomes retrograde at 10 ° 50 "35" degrees of Scorpio, 10/31/2018 at 22:44:32 Returns in scales

Mars in aquare

Jupiterin Scorpio

Saturn in Capricorn

Pluto becomes direct 1.10.2018 from 5:09:41 at 18 ° 45 "22" degrees of Capricorn

Planet movement in 2018: November

The sun in Scorpio, from 11/22/2018 from 12:00:45 goes to Sagittar

Sexual attraction increases, a desire to dominate in relationships and succumb to temptations. Aggressive and violent attacks leading to serious problems are possible. Successfully pass money, as well as hereditary and legal. Old secrets are revealed, and traction to adventures, risk and research work grows.

Mercury Retrograde again from 11/17/2018 at 5:29:55 at 13 ° 29 "37" degrees of Sagittarius

Venus Takes direct position 16.11.2018 from 15:45:59 at 25 ° 14 "24" degrees of scales

Mars 16 s 1:26:13 in fish

Saturn in Capricorn

Planet movement in 2018: December

A good period for long-distance trips, studying foreign crops and noble deeds. Many will begin to philosophize and show mercy towards weak people. Communicability and generosity increases, an interest in unconventional methods of treatment and science as a whole appears. Appeal to court, to lawyers and lawyers will be held at the highest level.

Planet Mercury From 1 from 14:10:36 Returns to Scorpio, then on December 6 at 22:41:25 I get straight at 27 ° 16 "17" Scorpio, and on December 13 at 2:39:24 goes to the sign

Venus 12.12.2018 from 20:01:10 in Scorpio

Mars 01.01.2019 at 5:21:08 passes to Aries

Jupiter in Streltsy

Saturn in Capricorn

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In November, Jupiter, Planet Development, Expansion and Expansion, passes from the sign of Scorpio to its abode, the Sign of the Sagittarius, in which will stay until early December 2019. Every year, changing his sign, the Planet of "Big Happiness" as it may indicate us new paths and conditions for gaining access to luck, happy opportunities, growth and development, both personality and social.

Jupiter's transition from Scorpion to Sagittarius means that a period of length per year, when the paths of our development were associated with immersion in income, with internal development, and possibly lay through crises, transformation, ends. It takes time to change when the possibilities of expansion and expansion in all of our affairs are becoming more pronounced, but the conditions for their use are associated with an active position in relation to life, development and enhanced their own competence, ability and willingness to enter new scope of interaction with the large world.

Potentially this is a favorable period of wide opportunities, disclosure of new goals and dynamic advancement to the conceived. In constructive versions at this time, after the period of internal searches, restructuring your life circumstances, the permissions of complex problems we:

  • go to the new stages of active activity and promotion to your goals;
  • we discover new inspirational horizons and opportunities;
  • expand their spheres of their interests and increase the level of their competence;
  • we get opportunities to promote our ideas on wider levels;
  • we get opportunities for growth, development, expansion of borders in collaboration with the world

All related to the expansion of the worldview and the circle of interest, travel, long-range connections, the development of new knowledge and concepts will be at this time to promote success and development.

The condition for the embodiment of such Jupitorian principles, as a success, luck, growth in our business for the period up to December 2019 will be Streltsovskaya qualities: active life position, courage, initiative, authority based on wisdom and possessing knowledge, concentration on large and main tasks, optimism, Aspiration in the future.

It will be a great time for all areas of activity related to the dissemination of ideas and concepts, with the establishment of bridges between countries, cultures and ideas. Development will receive such directions as lawmaking, jurisprudence, culture, publishing, education. But in other areas of activity, the development orientation will be a condition for progress.

Since at this time, Jupiter and Saturn (two social planets) completed their 20-year cycle on the eve of the beginning of the new in the end of 2020, the entire period of the stay of Jupiter in the sign of its monastery will be important in terms of the accumulation of those knowledge and opportunities that will be laid in 2020 The basis of the new cycles of our relationship with society, and, perhaps, will be the basis for overriding its place in the large world for the next 20 years.

But each next stage in the manifestation of the planetary principle is based on the results of the previous one. We cannot simply reset the "unfavorable" times in the hope of waiting happier when luck will just come to our hands. In such cases, we simply refuse to do that work, on the basis of which future progress would be built. Therefore, however, as far as the gift of Jupiter in Sagittarians appear in your life, it depends on how the tasks set by its position in Scorpio were solved. Being in Scorpio from October 2017 to November 2018, Jupiter offered us to look for ways to develop through solving problems in relationships with resources and values \u200b\u200bwith other and world, through the immersion of deep into the most complex internal contradictions. If we used these chances, now we can go out with the treasures found, with new resources, with new opportunities to the outside world.

The problems of the upcoming period of the stay of Jupiter in Sagittari - unrestrained idealism, the inability to correlate the scale of ideas and claims with the shores of reality, the tendency to spread and generously spend its energy that tomorrow will be useless. Until the end of 2019, expansive Jupiter "will not see" his partner Saturn, whose structuring, deterrent and executive principles usually contributed to the grounding of Juptei ideas and the embodiment of them into specific borders and the structures of the manifested world (Jupiter and Saturn are in such a situation about which astrologers say "The planets do not see each other"). So, the main problem of this period will be difficulties in order to embody the diversity of plans and opportunities into concrete results, tie new interests with their long-term goals, and to make extensive knowledge that at this time are purchased on them.

These trends will be emphasized by the tense aspect of Jupiter with the great mischief of Neptune, which will last three times - in January, June and September 2019.

Under his influence at this time, the likelihood of the spread of viral infections will be increased, the world will be given the extreme manifestations of religious, ideological fanaticism.

In our personal realities, unfavorable manifestations may be associated with particularly pronounced suddenness to escapism, care from reality in illusion and dependence, delusions and errors, which may cause losses and serious problems.

In more constructive values, this aspect may manifest itself in respect of all regarding widespread ideas, receiving insights, information, inspiration from unusual channels and sources, in special susceptibility to the contents of the world of thin and transcendental.

Key periods in the manifestation of Jupiter's values \u200b\u200bin Sagittarius

As part of each annual stay of Jupiter, two key periods in the manifestation of its values \u200b\u200bcan be distinguished in the next sign.

Firstly, this is the time when we are our elections, solutions, the focus of attention we plan, which of the opportunities offered by them, the development, development, we will implement in reality, to which exactly the far horizons we will strive. And as part of the passage of Jupiter on the sign of the Sagittar, this period falls on the last decade of November 2018.This is a great time (especially on November 23-26) in order to designate their intentions in any way in reality in achieving social, material success, new opportunities, the horizons with which your aspirations will be associated.

Secondly, the second key period, when all the Jupitorian functions of development, progress, success, expansion are maximally manifested in earthly reality and are embodied in our affairs and lives (naturally, to the extent that was determined by our personal elections and reality maps), It will be possible for the time from April to August (when Retrograde Jupiter will come close to the ground at the minimum distance) with climax in June (near the opposition Sun-Jupiter). All the possibilities of expanding in affairs, promotion and dissemination of their ideas, the development and application of their knowledge and experience, which was written above, are especially accessible within the framework of this period. True, at the same time (especially in June), the problems and distortions described above will also be particularly pronounced - the tendency towards the care of reality, illusions, disappointments, the construction of air locks and delusions.

Webinars cycle "My values. My value. Laws of building my well-being"

The cycle of webinars - how to build a balance between the important life values \u200b\u200bthat we move and the value of our own, the value of what we can offer the world

For astrology, retrograde planets in 2018 are very important, because these periods are marked by the slow motion of the heavenly bodies of the solar system in relation to Earth, which carries a special imprint on different spheres Life of people.

The concept of "retrogradity" carries the importance of "movement back". But since the planets do not have properties to move in the opposite direction, it is worth explaining why every planet has a retrograde period. All heavenly bodies, moving in their orbit, periodically slow down the move around the sun. The observer from the Earth seems that the planet moves forward, then back, but in fact it first overtakes the globe, and then lags behind. Such a feature of heavenly bodies "move" back and got a name - retrogradity.

Due to the different speed of the motion of the planets, they affect the behavior and life of a person in different ways. Astrologers advise carefully to relate to the slowdown in each heavenly body into our lives. Most often, the retrograde influence of any planet determines the movement back and in everything on Earth. This is a refund to unfinished affairs, the resumption of the solar problems, rollback to the aggravated relationship. Planets inhibit the affairs of those spheres of life in which they dominate.

In 2018, all the planets of the Solar System will have a retrograde period. And Mercury will be recorded in this state even 3 times. The most important and large planets affect the person. How their behavior will affect our lives, consider further.

The first planet of the Solar System is responsible for communications of people. His maintenance - contacts, business, communication, business, deals, trips, any movement, including the career stairs. Retrograde Mercury strongly affects the behavior of fraudsters, thieves, liars. During this period, they are activated as ever.

Mercury, because of his close neighborhood with the Sun, most often turns out to be retrograde. In 2018, he, as already noted, will be "puzzled" back in the following periods:

  • in the spring: March 23 - April 15;
  • in summer: July 26, 19 August;
  • late in autumn: November 17, December 7.

What matters are better to postpone:

Do not start new cases, the launch of projects to postpone (may lead to conflicts and failures), with the opening of the business, we will simply stand on (there is a risk of ruin or deception).

Do not agree on suggestions on the service. Most likely, the new position will be "not on the shoulder", or will not bring satisfaction.

Do not make small purchases related to the acquisition of media, as well as means of communication (will be "buggy").

Better not to buy any vehicles (car, bike, motorcycle, rollers, skates, skate).

Going on trips only for urgent matters. In the way, you need to be vigilant when communicating with few familiar people because of the risk to be deceived. Recreation and travel is better to postpone another period. To move to a new place of residence, it is also better to choose another time.

Do not give anyone to the debt of money.

Writers, musicians and people whose profession is associated with creative information and production of ideas, can expect a creative crisis. Do not get upset, but it is better to afford a little rest, and devote time to complete all old affairs and projects.

What can be done in the Mercurian retrograde period:

The resumption of old connections will bring only positive emotions.

Meditation, reflections on the meaning of life, rethinking lived - everything will give a new impetus to development.

All old things are easy to complete during the retrograde Mercury period. Creative projects ended at this time will bring good fruits to their author.

Retrograde Venus 2018

Venus affects love and other relationships of people. Kindness, beauty, sensuality, love, prosperity is the impact of a normal moving planet. The retrograde period will be marked by opposing qualities: the risk of parting, a certainty of new beautiful things, the danger of venereal diseases, as well as possible problems with money.

Venus "inhibition" in 2018 will be at the autumn season of the year from October 5 to November 16. At this time, it is better not to start the following cases:

  • Do not assign a wedding date and not celebrate the celebration. Great risk of divorce for such marriages.
  • Do not make plastic operations due to the danger of complications.
  • Turn over the purchase of jewelry, jewels and other beautiful things. There is a risk of breakage, disappearance. From the same position should not invest in new "attractive" projects. Also do not give money to debt.

Retrograde Mars 2018

Mars is retrograde only every two years. 2018 is just marked by this period, so at the time of June 27 to August 27, it is necessary to take into account the influence of one of the closest planets.

Retrograde Mars warns about caution literally in everything:

Athletes should be more attentive in training and speeches due to danger of injuries.

You need to be more restrained in love, since the effect of a red planet can disturb not the highest feelings, therefore the risk of parting due to a trifling quarrel.

It should be more careful and in relations with other people. Any aggression can cause an even greater response that can lead to manual application and other negative consequences.

Any major purchase ( appliances, Furniture, car) may be defective. Therefore, it is better not to make acquisitions during this period.

No need to resume the old relationship, even if Silen is tempting to start all over again. Retrograde Mars will not bring anything except quarrels and misunderstanding. But just for the final breaking of the relationship this time is best suited.

What can I do:

Complete "Hanging" projects and cases just best at this time, since the retrograde Mars affects the speed of the reaction. Any work at this time will be fast and short. At the same time, the new relationships will be express-novel, but repaired repairs with years, just when trying to finish it can really be completed. At the same time, no obstacles are foreseen, everything will argue, go forgoing by itself. At the time of retrograde Mars, you can safely draw up a list of incomplete cases.

Retrograde period of Jupiter 2018

The period of retrograde Jupiter is celebrated in people with an increased adventurous mood, and the desire to get the desired. This is the period from March 9 to July 10, 2018. Do not listen to anyone, go to your way, risk - these desires are overcome by a person during the "braking" of Jupiter. However, knowing about these features, it is better not to start new projects, not to open a business and not to conclude transactions. Risk or turning the life of "from the legs on the head" is also not worth it. Fortuna rests at this time, so no good undertakings will end.

Better during this period, look inside yourself, know your fears, revise mistakes. Allow the creative and active soil of their aspirations to increase, so that after sowing new beginnings in it.

Retrograde Saturn 2018

What should not do at this time:

It is better not to start a business, and not engage in the reorganization of the enterprise. Also unhappy risks to be a marriage concluded at this time. It is not worth starting to start sports, go to a special kind of food, sits on a diet, and in general, to force yourself to change the lifestyle.

What cases will be helpful:

Best at this time to relax, take life, and yourself in it, with all the shortcomings and advantages. Be tolerant to people. It is also good to start reading books that have long wanted to read. You can visit the training seminar or sign up for courses. It is not bad to devote this time to your ancestors: to call for a visit to my parents, visit Grandparents, visit relatives. Perhaps it will be that they will give a very important advice for further development, because Saturn is closely related to the eldest generation and related bonds.

Retrograde Uranus 2018

The period of retrogradity in uranium, as well as all the planets removed from the Sun lasts longer than others - from 4 to 5 months. In 2018, Uranus will begin to slow down on August 7, and he graduates from the retrograde movement only on January 6, 2019.

In the retro period of uranium, you should not do the following:

Do not start exercising extreme sports (diving, climbing, parachute, trampoline). And in general, it is better not to risk once again.

It is advisable not to plan airfares, since it is at this time that the velves of the air transport occur most often. Of course, a period of 5 months should not undermine important trips, however, choosing a way of movement, it is best to use ground transport.

What actions will be effective:

During this period, illness often appear and new ideas arise. They can bring good fruits in the future, so it is better to write everything that comes to mind.

Any undertakani will be fruitful to change your own fate and lifestyle.

Retrograde Neptune 2018

When Neptune reigns in the horoscope, it is very easy to get confused, because this planet is a companion of doubt. On the other hand, Neptune strengthens faith, but it is still easier to get confused with him, rather than to figure out the problem. The intuition during retrograde Neptune suggests how to act, but the oscillations are strong, and doubts are not allowed to listen to the inner voice.

The eighth planet of the solar system will slow down in 2018 since the beginning of summer and almost until the end of autumn - June 19 - November 25. The most appropriate occupation during the retrogradity of Neptune is to rethink the life and determination of new horizons. In this period of time, it is often possible to notice the appearance of extrasensory abilities, glimpses of clairvoyance and prophetic dreams. It is worth listening to these prompts to use them for self-analysis, and even perhaps to find their own meaning of life. Divination in this period will be effective and truthful.

Retrograde Pluto Pluto 2018

Because of its remoteness from all planets and small volume, Pluto is less than other bodies flying around the Sun, affects human behavior. And although this remote quasi-planet practically does not interfere in the daily life of a person, its influence is always noticeable on the social basis. Retrogradity affects changes in the state strict and on the private political beliefs of each person.

A long retrograde period of all distant planets allows you to maximize this time for certain purposes. Pluto will slow down its turn towards Earth from April 22 to October 1, 2018. And this period is best used for reflection and meditation. To purify the mind from prejudice, unnecessary views, installations and principles, the time is suitable. At the same time, the cleansing will benefit not only spiritual, but also more terrestrial plan: to clean the house from old and broken things, get rid of the attacked relationship, change the occupation of the classes to the one to which the soul lies. During the retrogradity of Pluto, any changes will not be perceived as a victim, the deliverance will be reincarnated into something better, clean.

Below is a table with dates, accurate time of the beginning and end of the retrogradity period of each of the planets of the solar system. Also in the table indicated, in which sign of the zodiac at this point there will be a planet. These signs need to pay more attention when planning cases, and be sure to take into account the periods of impact of retrograde planets in their everyday lifeSince their influence will be stronger than other signs.

Planet in retrograde periodRetrograde start / end dateRetrograde start / end timePhase movementIn which sign of the zodiac is planet
Uranus2.01.2018 17:10 EndingAries
Jupiter9.03.2018 7:46 StartScorpio
Mercury23.03.2018 3:18 StartAries
Mercury15.04.2018 12:21 EndingAries
Saturn18.04.2018 4:46 StartCapricorn
Pluto22.04.2018 18:26 StartCapricorn
Neptune19.06.2018 2:27 StartFish
Mars27.06.2018 0:04 StartAquarius
Jupiter10.07.2018 20:03 EndingScorpio
Mercury26.07.2018 8:01 Starta lion
Uranus7.08.2018 19:49 Startcalf
Mercury19.08.2018 7:25 Endinga lion
Mars27.08.2018 17:05 EndingCapricorn
Saturn6.09.2018 14:08 EndingCapricorn
Pluto1.10.2018 5:03 EndingCapricorn
Venus5.10.2018 22:04 StartScorpio
Venus16.11.2018 13:51 EndingLibra
Mercury17.11.2018 4:33 StartSagittarius
Neptune25.11.2018 4:07 EndingFish
Mercury7.12.2018 0:22 EndingScorpio

The period of retrogradity is very important. At this time, the planet moves very slowly relative to the Earth. Such a state of affairs imposes an imprint on all spheres of human life. Many will be interested to know that retrograde planets are preparing in 2018. What can and what can not do at this time? What danger is this special period?

Concept of retrogradnity

The word "retrogradity" itself means "movement back". But it is known that planets are not able to change the direction of their movement. All celestial bodies move in orbit. But, moving around the Sun, they can slow down from time to time. If you observe them through a telescope, it may seem that the planet moves forward and then back. In reality, she first overtakes the Earth, and then begins to lag behind. It is this feature that means when they determine what the retrograde planet means.

Due to the difference in the speed of moving the planet, there are different impact on the human life. Astrologers are recommended to take into account this when making decisions and planning their affairs. Can remind themselves for themselves. In the period of retrogradity, many will have to return to unfinished affairs or relationships that herself have been outlined. At the same time, retrograde planets slow down the decision of the cases that they are controlled. The greatest impact on the person are those planets that are located closer to Earth and larger than the rest.

Planet movement in 2018 - what to pay attention to

The slow motion of the planets in 2018 will affect all the heavenly bodies of the solar system, and Mercury will be in the retrograde period of as many as 3 times. Consider in more detail retrograde planets in 2018.

Retrograde Mercury 2018.

Mercury closer to other planets is to the Sun, so it turns out to be retrograde. Mercury affects communications between people. The following spheres have fallen under his maintenance:

  • contacts, including business;
  • career and business;
  • communication;
  • trips;
  • any movement.

It should be remembered that reverse Mercury activates the activities of criminals and liars.

Periods of retrograde Mercury in 2018:

Like other retrograde planets in 2018, Mercury limits a person in some affairs, which during this period should not be done:

  • Start new projects or open a business. This will not bring results.
  • Agreed to increase in office. New responsibilities may not be forces. The person will not receive satisfaction.
  • Give money money.
  • This is not the best time in order to acquire any means of communication or information media. They will often break and work badly.
  • This is an unsuccessful time to buy vehicles - bicycles, motorcycles, cars.
  • Unwanted trips. It is worth postpone all except the most important. Traveling, you need to communicate with strangers with caution, as the risk of deception increases.
  • It is a bad time to move to a new place.

On the contrary, there are cases that should be engaged in the period of Retrogradity of Mercury:

  • fully rethink your life, analyze the mistakes allowed and, if possible, correct them;
  • to engage in self-improvement, spiritual development;
  • reflect on the meaning of life, meditate, which will give impetus to further development;
  • edit texts or drawings;
  • complete all the projects started and reaping the fruits of their efforts;
  • clean up things in the workplace;
  • take the results in life, affairs.

At this time, connections with old friends and acquaintances can be resumed, which will bring exceptionally positive emotions. They may randomly find a long time lost things.

The slow motion of the planets in 2018, in particular Mercury, will affect the people of creative specialties. They can expect a crisis in work. But this should not be a reason for concern. It is better to devote the time to rest and ending old things.

Retrograde Venus 2018.

Venus is responsible for the sphere of love and relationships between people. During its slow motion, the risk of parting, infection with sexual infections, damage to new and beautiful things, financial problems.

The period of retrograde Venus in 2018:

  • Do not plan celebrations, determine the date of the wedding. Marriages concluded during this period often disintegrate.
  • Plastic surgery made at retrograde venere, complications are fraught with complications.
  • You should postpone the purchase of jewels, valuable and beautiful things. They can be lost, break, be stolen.
  • Refuse to invest in new projects.
  • Do not lend money.

Retrograde Mars 2018.

The slow motion of the planets in 2018 suggests that Mars will last 2 months:

At this time, you need to be careful in the following cases:

  • For athletes are coming dangerous period with high risk injuries.
  • Lovers must behave restraint to avoid quarrels.
  • In relations with people you need to follow neutrality, so as not to cause aggression to your address.
  • Do not make large purchases, acquire cars, equipment or furniture. Great risk to buy defective goods.
  • This is not the best time to resume the old relationship. There are probabilities and the final gap.

Retrograde Mars is suitable for the following cases:

  • Correct current projects. You can experiment, mistaken. This will not lead to serious consequences.
  • This is a great time for temporary events - resort novels, express services and blitz projects.
  • You can begin affairs that have long been planned, for example, repair, tailoring.
  • This is a great time to change physical activity.
  • This is the period of accumulation of forces. It is useful to adopt someone else's experience to apply it in practice in the future.

Retrograde Mars is responsible for the speed of the reaction, so short projects will be successful. It is useful to complete the work started.

Retrograde Jupiter 2018.

The period of retrogradity of Jupiter in 2018 lasts about 4 months:

In many people, the desire to get the desired at any cost is wanted, the probability of an adventure increases. However, this period is unfavorable to start new cases, opening business or contracting contracts, steep changes in life and risk. Good luck is now not on the side of the risking.

Retrograde Saturn 2018.

Saturn will be retrograde from April 18 to September 6, 2018. Astrologers do not advise at this time to engage in the following cases:

  • start a business, reorganize the enterprise;
  • change the familiar diet, sit on the diet;
  • to register marriage;
  • start doing sports;
  • change lifestyle.

Saturn "famous" with his karmic lessons. It is necessary to show tolerance to people, take their drawbacks, relax, analyze the vitality of fate. During the removal movement of Saturn, you need to temper activity, read more, acquire new knowledge, to undergo training, trainings for self-development.

This is a great time to communicate with close people, visiting relatives. Less senior, they can give very valuable tips and instructions. Do charity for good.

Retrograde Uranus 2018.

The planets that are far from the Sun, the duct movement lasts longer, about 4-5 months.

Retrogradness period of uranium in 2018:

During this period, it is better not to engage in extreme sports and avoid risk, including avoiding flights and travel by plane.

Like some other retrograde planets in 2018, Uranus is favorable for new beginnings capable of affecting the entire future life. The ideas that come to mind during this period will bring beautiful fruits in the future.

Retrograde Neptune 2018.

Planet Neptune will slow down its move for more than 5 months. The period of Retrogradnity Neptune in 2018 will be From June 19 to November 25.

He makes doubt his actions, misleading. During the reverse turn of the planet, it is harder to listen to intuition, so the likelihood of errors is great.

This is a favorable period in order to rethink life and plan your future. Expressive abilities can be manifested, the prophetic dreams are often shot. You need to listen to your inner voice, analyze tips. This will help to find the meaning of life. We will be very effective, you can study hypnosis.

Retrograde Pluto 2018.

Retrograd movement of the planets in 2018 will affect Pluto. Pluto is on other planets from the ground and has the smallest dimensions. Thanks to this, he is less than other celestial bodies rotating around the sun, interfere with a person. But on social activities, it affects. Retrograde Pluto can provoke changes in state strict and change in political beliefs of individuals.

Pluton retrograde period in 2018:

Pluto is the same as other retrograde planets distant from the ground in 2018, there is quite a long time in this period. This allows you to use the time with maximum efficiency to solve certain problems. In this case, active actions will not be beneficial. This time is better to use for meditation and work on yourself, cleaning the mind and getting rid of prejudice. You can change the views and installations. Spiritual cleaning during this period will bring the greatest benefit. Changes will lead to reincarnation. All transformations will be for the best. With a retrograde plutone, changes in life will not be perceived as a victim.

No less useful will be thrown out of the house old, broken things. This is a beneficial time to stop unwanted relationships, changing the kind of activity on one that is more likely. Listen to yourself!

Consider the table of retrograde planets in 2018 and their interpretation with the exact time of the beginning and end of the period:

date Time Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto Zodiac sign
02.01.2018 17:10:36 end Aries
09.03.2018 07:46:00 start Scorpio
23.03.2018 03:18:24 start Aries
15.04.2018 12:21:08 end Aries
18.04.2018 04:46:42 start Capricorn
22.04.2018 18:26:11 start Capricorn
19.06.2018 02:27:08 start Fish
27.06.2018 0:04:44 start Aquarius
10.07.2018 20:03:13 end Scorpio
26.07.2018 08:01:43 start a lion
07.08.2018 19:49:52 start calf
19.08.2018 07:25:00 the end a lion
27.08.2018 17:05:01 end Capricorn
06.09.2018 14:08:51 end Capricorn
01.10.2018 05:03:56 end Capricorn
05.10.2018 22:04:41 start Scorpio
16.11.2018 13:51:17 end Libra
17.11.2018 04:33:24 start Sagittarius
25.11.2018 04:07:41 end Fish
07.12.2018 0:22:12 end k.-06.01.19 Scorpio

Anyway, anyone will feel in 2018, which means a retrograde planet. But, despite the overall negative impact, rendered by retrograde planets, there are people who carry it much easier. These include those who in the horoscope of birth this heavenly body also occupied a retrograde position. In this case, when the planet is currently starting to slow down, then a person on the contrary will feel the energy close to him. Therefore, all the troubles that promises him a retrograde period will be part of.

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