
How to feed a goat after giving birth. Lambing a goat: what to do, features of caring for kids. Feeding regime and routine

Goats are very popular pets. They are valued not only for their nutritious and tasty milk and meat, excellent wool, but also for their ease of care. Lambing of a goat proceeds easily, and therefore there is no need for strict and constant control on the part of the farmer. However, this does not mean that a pregnant individual can be left without care. In this article, we tried to answer all the questions that the owner of a pregnant goat may have.

Pregnancy lasts on average 5 months, most often from September to March. The length of pregnancy depends on the number of embryos. Two kids appear 147-150 days after conception. If there is only one kid, then it should be expected later, and with multiple pregnancies, birth occurs earlier. Active fetal development begins in the second month. A female can give birth to up to five kids, but usually it is one or two kids.

Basic methods for determining pregnancy

Take note! Experienced goat breeders recommend using several available methods at home: palpation, monitoring the condition and behavior of the animal, etc. This is the only way to confirm pregnancy with a high degree of probability.

How to care for a pregnant goat?

A “heavy” goat needs special care. First of all, the diet and diet are adjusted. Feeding moldy and frozen food should be avoided, the supply of concentrates should be limited, and during some periods of pregnancy they are completely excluded from the diet. You need to feed 3-4 times a day, strictly according to the schedule.

The main principle is that the diet should be optimal, that is, contain vitamins and minerals in the required quantities. Sometimes the owners keep the female dog exclusively on roughage and water, feeding it with peelings and tops. Typically, this approach is dictated by the desire to save money. However, most often this leads to undesirable results - miscarriages, fetal dystrophy, deterioration of the goat’s condition.

A pregnant goat must be separated from aggressive fellow tribesmen. Hitting with horns can cause miscarriage.

The animal is also protected from sudden changes in weather and contact with cold water. That is why the animal is taken out for a walk only after the dew has subsided, and in winter it is better to completely abandon grazing. Outdoor walks and active movement are recommended. If even in the last weeks of pregnancy the individual behaves too actively, then walks on a leash are recommended to avoid miscarriage.

Launching and feeding before lambing

During the period of feeding the offspring, the goat's body experiences serious stress and stress. Starting will prepare the animal and help achieve high milk yield after birth. Starting refers to actions aimed at stopping lactation 3 months before lambing. This is achieved by changing the diet and gradually giving up milking.

During the start-up period, goats exclude succulent feed (beets, carrots, zucchini, pumpkin cabbage) and concentrates from the goats’ menu, stop giving swill (water with added nutritional supplements), and reduce the total amount of food. Preference is given to clean water and roughage. In summer, the supply of green mass is reduced by half. As a result, the nutritional value of the diet should decrease by 30%.

In parallel with the change in diet, they begin to gradually reduce the number of milkings until lactation completely disappears.

Gradual reduction in milking

The quantity and quality of goat milk directly depends on how correctly the goat is started before lambing. This is one of the main problems of decreasing milk yield. What is a launch and why is it needed, we will consider in.

Feeding after launch

After the launch, the diet of the pregnant female is adjusted again. The menu is designed so that: the fetus receives the necessary nutrition, prevents fetal obesity, and prepares the individual for lactation. In this case, small amounts of food are desirable. Juicy food is reintroduced into the diet, but in limited quantities to avoid swelling of the limbs. To build the skeleton of the fetus, crushed chalk or bone meal must be given.

Feeding goats after launch

The diet after launch may look like this:

  • compound feed – 0.3 kg;
  • hay, forbs – 2 kg;
  • crushed chalk or bone meal – 20 g;
  • root vegetables – up to 0.5 kg;
  • brooms – 0.3 kg.

Concentrates are included in the “menu” for a reason. After starting, the fetus begins to actively develop; nutrients are needed to maintain this process. If they are not in the feed, then a mechanism will be launched through which the fetus will begin to receive everything it needs from the mother’s body: muscles, bone tissue, liver, subcutaneous fat.

At the same time, in order to maximize lactation, it is not recommended to feed feed in large quantities (800 grams or more). A similar method is practiced in large farms where milk is produced on an industrial scale. This is ineffective on small farms.

Common version of the mixture (100 g):

  • barley – 30 g;
  • feed wheat – 12 g;
  • herbal flour – 7 g;
  • yeast for livestock – 3 g;
  • sunflower meal – 3 g;
  • salt – 1 g;
  • wheat bran – 20 g;
  • cotton meal – 8 g;
  • oats – 13 g;
  • phosphate – 3 g;
  • vitamin-mineral premix – 1 g.

Signs of impending birth and behavior of the female before lambing

Udder swelling is the earliest sign of impending lambing. Two days before lambing, a viscous mucus is released from the genitals - a leash. Around this time, the nipples swell and become hot. 50 hours before lambing, the animal’s body temperature drops by 0.4-1.2 degrees. Within a day, dimples appear in the area of ​​the tail root, which indicates a divergence of the pelvic bones. The vagina opens within 2-4 hours.

The behavior of the animal changes dramatically just before lambing. The goat is worried, bleats, and may look at its stomach. Constantly lies down on the mat and jumps up to find the best position for birth. Sometimes she tears up the litter with her hooves in an attempt to create something like a nest. The animal will persistently search for a secluded place if the owner does not take care of it.

To provide competent assistance to an animal, you need to learn to identify signs of approaching lambing. From here you will learn how many days it takes for a goat’s udder to fill, as well as about changes in the genitals before lambing.

How to give birth yourself?

If the above-described signs appear and behavior changes, the animal is transferred to a separate room with good air circulation, but without drafts. Optimum temperature – 15°C, humidity – 75%. It is advisable to disinfect surfaces with a 2% hot solution of sodium hydroxide or a 5% solution of soda ash. The floor is covered with clean straw.

Necessary things:

  • paper bags for placenta and other waste;
  • clean rags;
  • scissors;
  • a bottle of iodine solution;
  • magnifying glass;
  • thread for tying the umbilical cord.

When lambing proceeds normally, the animal does not need active human assistance. Well-known goat breeders strongly recommend observing and not touching the goat without a good reason. A normal birth goes something like this:

  • the goat takes a position that is comfortable for it;
  • a translucent bladder emerges from the external genitalia and opens;
  • the cub enters the bladder rupture with its forelimbs forward;
  • Within a few hours after lambing, the placenta comes out.

At the end of such birth, the goat's croup and thighs are washed with a 4% baking soda solution.

Video - Lambing of a goat

What to do if complications arise?

In case of complications, human intervention in the lambing process is necessary. If the head does not come out, then the external genitalia are lubricated with boric vaseline and during contractions the kid is gently pulled in the right direction. If the afterbirth does not come out, then the woman in labor is given flaxseed solution. But in case of presentation, you cannot do without a veterinarian.

A farmer may also experience uterine prolapse. In this case, you need to contact a specialist. If this is not possible, then the livestock breeder is obliged to help the goat himself. It is recommended to water the uterus with water at room temperature from a watering can. This is often enough for the organ to retract. Sometimes you have to insert the internal organ by hand. Do this with sterile hands, using extreme caution. For several days after the procedure, the animal is kept on a leash to avoid recurrent uterine prolapse.

Main causes of complications:

  • improper feeding and, as a result, abnormally high fetal weight;
  • infections and diseases;
  • first lambing;
  • violation of living conditions during pregnancy.

Handling kids

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

1 First, we rupture the amniotic sac if the baby comes out in it.
2 Clearing the airways of mucus.
3 If there is no or difficulty breathing, we blow into the mouth. If it doesn’t help, then we put him on his back and alternately bend and unbend his legs.
4 Let the mother lick the offspring.
5 Wipe the goat's skin with a dry cloth. Under no circumstances should you wash it!
6 At a distance of 2-3 cm from the abdomen, we tie the umbilical cord with a thread soaked in iodine solution. We cut off the umbilical cord (at a distance of 1 cm from the place of the sling) and cauterize it with iodine.
7 We allow the offspring to approach the mother. If you do not plan to keep the cubs under the goat, then they need to be placed in a separate enclosure, but so that they can see the mother.

Important! If you plan to use the offspring for breeding, make sure there are no defects. Particular attention to the genitals. Insufficient or extra nipples, lack of testicles, irregularly shaped vulva - all these are reasons for rejection.

Correct milk yield is the key to high milk yields

The animal should be prepared for milking after lambing about a month before giving birth (otherwise the first milking will turn into torture: the udder will be hard, and the goat will not be easy to handle). To do this, you need to stroke the udder every day so that the individual gets used to the sensations and proximity of a person. You can use a soft cloth soaked in warm water. You need to do the massage carefully and be patient - during pregnancy, the animal does not make good contact with humans. There are two main ways of milking.

A goat is milked by kids

To use this method, the kids are kept under the goat, that is, in the same enclosure. The mechanism is simple. In the first days of life, they will disturb her up to 15 times a day. The animal will not have enough time to sleep and eat, and lactation will probably decrease. All this will affect the condition of the offspring. Another real danger is damage to the udder and teats.

Advice! If selling goat milk is a business for you, then keep the young animals in a separate pen, but in such a way that the kids can see their mother.

Digging manually

The first milking should begin in the first hour after lambing, before the placenta comes out. This is necessary for two reasons: for feeding the offspring and for the prevention of mastitis. In the first week after giving birth, the goat has increased lactation, so 6 milkings per day for 6 days are recommended. When swelling decreases, you can switch to a five-time or four-time regimen.

Optimal first milking schedule:

1 We wash the udder with drinking water and wipe it dry with a towel. You can also lubricate the udder with a rich cream on a natural basis (“Children’s” is suitable).
2 Gently stroke the udder several times.
3 Express the first stream of milk into a separate container.
4 We milk vigorously to make room in the udder for new portions of milk.
5 At the end we beat the udder so as not to leave any milk residues.
6 Wipe the udder dry.

The meaning of the first milking for offspring

The first milk contains bacteria and immunoglobulins necessary for his intestines, without which he simply cannot survive. It is also an excellent laxative and ideal nutrition. It also promotes the smooth and gentle passage of feces. Usually, within 5-7 days after birth, all the milk produced is given to the kids.

Nutrition after lambing

After lambing, the goat is given water with bran and molasses every 4 hours, legumes or any other suitable hay, and a small amount of chopped root vegetables. The goat's digestive system is weakened at this time. That is why in the first three to four days they refrain from giving concentrates and anything that is difficult to digest.

Goats need to drink

After the digestive system has become stronger, the diet becomes more varied. The recommended basis of the diet for queens is fresh hay and succulent feed. They also provide brooms, because the goat itself is not able to graze.

Possible menu after 3-5 days from the date of birth:

  • up to 2 kg of selected hay;
  • branch component – ​​up to 1 kg;
  • juicy food – up to 3 kg;
  • bran – up to 400 g;
  • concentrates – 500 g;
  • salt – up to 10 g.

When calculating food volumes, the number of offspring is taken into account. They start from the fact that 5 liters of milk give 1 kg of weight gain in a kid. To produce 1 liter of milk, an individual should receive an additional 0.4 feed units and up to 60 grams. protein.

False pregnancy

A common phenomenon in goats. During a false pregnancy, the animal's udder increases, milk yield is possible, and uterine spasms are observed. Even a laboratory test can show pregnancy.

The error is explained by the large amount of progesterone in the body. In most cases, the phenomenon is triggered by a uterine infection. Usually the “false pregnancy” lasts 5 months (like a real pregnancy) and ends with the release of water and the placenta without offspring.

Well-known livestock breeder Smith considers the phenomenon not very dangerous. It frustrates farmers rather than causing any real harm.

Premature lambing followed by miscarriage

A common phenomenon. The factors that cause it are varied. Most often these are blows, falls, pushes, jumps caused by fights and games with other goats. Among them are the consumption of low-quality food, poisoning, and infections. That is, all the reasons can be put under one capacious phrase - improper care.

The main signs of this negative phenomenon: changes in behavior, weakening of the pulse, depressed appearance. After a miscarriage, the goat should receive proper care. You should wait a bit with a new mating.

Sometimes the condition is accompanied and complicated by sepsis. Sepsis is indicated by rapid pulse, trembling, changes in temperature, heavy breathing, changes in the skin, etc. In this case, treatment is carried out with oxytetracycline.

After premature lambing, the first step is to rule out infections. To do this, the blood is sent for testing to a specialized laboratory.

Infections develop due to improper or insufficient nutrition, contact with a sick animal, and poor hygiene in the stall. Treatment includes a set of measures: quarantine, taking antibiotics, improving diet. Any infection during pregnancy is undesirable, so preventive measures are taken after mating.

A goat gives little milk after lambing - what to do in this case? This is a serious question, because the main purpose of keeping goats on farms is to obtain milk. High milk yields largely determine the profitability of goat farming. Animal productivity depends on a number of factors and can often decrease due to illness, poor nutrition, a cold barn, and sometimes a decrease in the amount of milk is observed in goats after giving birth.

Gested and lambed females require special care, which inexperienced farmers often forget. Because of this, problems arise with childbirth and complications after it. A decrease in milk production in a lambing goat can also be equated with negative consequences. But it is important not only to be aware of the problem, but also to know how to deal with it. What to do if a female who has given birth suddenly begins to produce much less milk, you will learn from the article below.

A goat gives little milk after lambing - what to do?

In goats, like other farm animals, the process of giving birth to offspring does not always go smoothly—the female may even need the help of a veterinarian to reproduce her offspring. The reason for this often lies in improper prenatal care, as well as illnesses not recognized in time. As a result, even if the goat gives birth and the babies are healthy, she will not be able to feed them due to the lack of dairy food.

Complications after the birth of offspring may not make themselves felt immediately, but after several months, when productivity has not been restored. It is quite possible that by this time the goat will exhibit diseases that arose or worsened after birth. Another reason for the decrease in milk supply is the lack of proper care for the young mother. She needs special nutrition, and she also needs to perform milking and massage the udder.

How to care for a pregnant female?

The expectant mother needs a lot of nutrients for the fetus to develop normally in the womb. Therefore, great attention should be paid to feeding pregnant females in the early period. The diet must include grain (preferably in the form of multigrain mixtures), vegetables, hay, ready-made feed (containing sunflower cake, barley, legumes, buckwheat). Also, a “pregnant” goat needs feeding:

  • iodine-enriched salt (one-third of a tablespoon once every two days);
  • calcium gluconate in tablet form (2-3 pieces three times a day);
  • apple cider vinegar (10 ml every two days);
  • vitamins in drops “Trivit” (five drops three times a day).

What is goat launching and how to do it correctly?

6-8 weeks before lambing, the female stops milking - this process is called starting the goat and is carried out in order to reduce the load on the body of the expectant mother. She will need milk in the future to feed her kids. And if the supply of nutrients that affect lactation is depleted in advance, then there will be no milk. Therefore, the pregnant animal is given a rest from milking for complete recovery.

If the launch is not carried out or its period is reduced to a minimum, then it is more than likely that after the birth of the babies the goat will begin to produce much less milk. To prevent the problem, we gradually reduce the number of daily milkings over 8 weeks.

First, there is a break between them for 8 hours, as soon as productivity drops, milking begins once every 12 hours. If by this time the milk yield drops to 1-1.5 liters, the rest periods are increased by one hour every day. Then the goat's milk is expressed only once every two days. Soon it will disappear completely.

To produce less milk, the animal’s diet changes during the launch period. The goat is given very little succulent feed, replacing it with warm water with diluted bran and boiled potatoes. When lactation stops, you can return to the previous menu for pregnant women described above.

Video - Starting a goat before giving birth

Preparing for the birth of offspring

Not only prenatal care, but also direct preparation for the moment of birth contribute to the normal course of the process of the birth of babies. In goats, the gestation period lasts about five months, so miscarriage or overmaturity is a signal to contact a veterinarian.

If there is no reason for concern, then closer to day “X” you should begin to arrange a place for the woman in labor. She needs a separate room with dry bedding and no drafts. You can place the expectant mother in a separate stall measuring 2x2 meters, with a feeder and drinking bowl, away from the males. First, the walls and floor are washed with water and lime powder, ventilated, then spread with more dry hay. The room must be at least +10 degrees.

A month before giving birth, you need to gradually accustom the animal to the fact that milking will be resumed (after the start-up period). To do this, massage the udder daily:

  • it is alternately stroked with soft, delicate movements;
  • a towel soaked in heated water is applied to the organ;
  • knead it gently using a warm cloth;
  • Finally, wipe dry.

During normal pregnancy, the udder does not change its color, remains elastic, and does not cause concern to the goat. If the animal is healthy and the fetus has developed normally, then during the birth itself there will be no need for human intervention, everything will happen naturally. However, we cannot exclude complications that can appear even without warning signs.

What complications can occur during childbirth?

Unforeseen situations at the time of lambing do not occur so often, but the farmer still needs to be prepared for them and know how to behave in this or that case. For example, if labor continues for more than 12 hours, and the baby goat still does not appear, then the culprit may be low uterine muscle tone. The goat needs to be given an injection in the rump (about 11 cm from the tail and 8 cm from the spine). The muscles will contract and push the baby out.

It is necessary to ensure that the newborn goat is positioned head first. If this is not the case, then you need to turn it over: wash your hands thoroughly and, in between contractions, push the fetus inside, feel the chin and front legs, and straighten them. At the time of the next contraction, the cub should emerge in the correct position. If the fetus is turned across the uterus, then the goat itself will not give birth and the farmer will not be able to help. It is necessary to urgently call a veterinarian.

After the kid, the afterbirth must come out - the film in which the fetus is located in the womb. If this does not happen, it will begin to decompose inside, which can lead to infection. Try feeding your female flaxseed oil. If it doesn't help, call a doctor.

Consequences of a difficult birth

A goat that gives birth with difficulty often loses its appetite and does not drink. Because of this, she will have very little milk or it will disappear completely. Most often, after a couple of days the animal recovers from stress and begins to behave normally. But if this does not happen, then it is worth examining the female for the development of diseases.

Table 1. Diseases of lambing goats leading to loss of milk

EndometritisIf a goat does not expel its placenta for a long time, this leads to rotting of the placenta inside the uterus and infection/You can give a decoction of flaxseed seeds and wait 10 hours. If it doesn't help, call the veterinarian. Pathology can be prevented if you exclude succulent food from the diet before giving birth, switch the animal to hay and branches, and additionally inject the Trivitamin vitamin complex.
Atony of the forestomachImproper feeding before childbirth leads to decreased gastric motility. The goat does not have chewing cud, fiber is not digested in the intestines, which contributes to the process of food rotting.You should keep the female on a starvation diet for several days and additionally drink her with cheremitsa tincture.
MastitisAfter birth, the udder may become tight and swollen if massage was not performed and the animal was kept in a dirty room and in the cold. The pathology enters the inflammatory stage and can completely destroy the lactation system.The swollen udder should be smeared with troxevasin and wrapped in a heated towel, massaged and washed with laundry soap.

Inflammations are relieved with injections of special medications prescribed by a veterinarian.

KetosisThe body accumulates ketosis bodies, which are formed during the breakdown of protein. Pathology occurs if a pregnant goat is overfed with high-protein food, for example, bean hay. The animal stops eating, becomes weaker and loses weight.It is necessary to radically reconsider the female’s diet, exclude protein and focus on mixed feed and vitamin mixtures.
Milk feverFemales who have given birth frequently may develop milk fever due to an extreme decrease in calcium in the blood. The cause of the disease is improper prenatal feeding.You should seek help from a veterinarian.

One of the most common postpartum diseases is mastitis.

Postpartum care

Immediately after the baby is completely out of the womb, the goat should be milked. First, a small amount of colostrum, not intended for feeding the offspring, is expressed, then the milk itself. If it is not enough, then you should wait a couple of hours and milk it again, heat the liquid to a comfortable temperature and feed the kids. They are left with their mother to be licked and warmed.

The female needs to be given water immediately after giving birth. To do this, prepare a solution of ten liters of water, two tablespoons of sugar and two tablespoons of salt. You can use dill decoction as a base. After 2 hours, the goat is given a drink again and is also offered to chew some hay. Then you should water the animal at intervals of three to four hours.

What to feed the animal after lambing?

In order for the lactation process to return to normal faster and the nutritional value of the milk to increase, the goat’s diet is changed. Her digestive system is still relaxed and will not be able to cope with juicy and heavy food. For 3-4 days immediately after lambing, bran should be given and the animal should be given plenty of water.

Food intake is carried out in small portions: 300 grams every 3 hours. On the fifth day, a little hay, root vegetables, feed and salt are added to the menu. Next, the amount of food is gradually increased to the usual norm.

Milking a lambing goat

After a goat gives birth, a farmer may face two diametrically opposed problems:

  • the animal has increased lactation - then it needs to be milked every 2-3 hours;
  • The udder is tight and little milk is produced - it is necessary to carefully milk the female.

The second problem most often occurs with first-time, young goats. During pregnancy, they also lose the habit of using their hands, and therefore may not be able to handle milking. You should start with a soft massage, which is carried out with warm hands and consists of simple stroking and patting.

You need to speak to the animal in a quiet and gentle voice. You can distract the goat during the process with treats, and to make it stand still, use a special milking machine.

It is necessary to milk every drop of milk so that mastitis does not develop. Milk lambing goats up to six times a day during the first five days. Then you need to examine the udder: if it is still tight and swollen, then repeated milking is continued. If the organ has already decreased slightly in size, the number of milkings can be reduced up to 5 times. After 10 days - up to 4 times.

They continue at the same pace for two months, making sure that the female gives at least 1.5 liters of milk, which should become increasingly thick and nutritious. With six-time milking, the breaks between sessions should be four hours, with four-time milking - six hours. If you milk a goat correctly, it will begin to produce 7 liters of milk daily.

Table 2. Instructions for the first milking after childbirth

Step one: Gently grasp the nipple in your palm.
Step two: Squeeze it with your index finger and thumb and squeeze out the colostrum.
Step three: Squeeze the nipple with your entire palm, firmly, but not harshly.
Step Four: Squeeze out a stream of milk in a downward motion.
Step Five: Release the nipple slightly, allow it to recover and continue to pull it down until the milk is completely milked.

How to increase milk yield?

If a goat’s milk production does not recover for a long time after giving birth, but there are no signs of pathologies, then additional measures should be taken. First of all, you need to reconsider your diet. Necessary changes in the daily menu:

  • reduce the share of grain crops - the animal may become too fat, which negatively affects milk yield;
  • for the same reason, potatoes are removed from the diet;
  • add chamomile, carrots, turnips, legumes to food;
  • add feed, grass meal, cake, silage and bran;
  • give special mineral supplements and yeast.

The animal should be given plenty of water, not cold, but lukewarm water. If he refuses to drink, add salt to the liquid to provoke thirst. It is also useful to continue to massage before milking, alternately kneading the right and left lobes, while moving your hands from top to bottom. After milking, the organ can also be massaged a little - increased blood flow will improve lactation.


A decrease in milk yield after birth in goats is a common occurrence. This is often caused by a stressful condition after lambing with complications or physiological characteristics of the animal. However, sometimes the reasons lie in improper care before and after childbirth, which leads to natural consequences. Inexperienced farmers do not take into account that the expectant mother’s body is being rebuilt, and therefore must receive a special set of nutrients. For a pregnant goat, a diet must be introduced.

Even before lambing, a number of preparatory measures are carried out and the process of the birth of babies is carefully monitored, noting deviations from the norm and taking timely measures. After giving birth, the goat needs to be milked. Her menu is gradually changing to increase her milk supply.

Video - Mistakes when milking goats and feeding kids

From the very moment of birth, the kid requires care and attention not only from the mother, but also from the farmer. Proper care, feeding of kids from the first days of life and a responsible attitude will help the breeder ensure a healthy future for the young, and in the future their high productivity.

Lambing in goats is usually easy. The female gives birth naturally, sometimes even without the help of the owner. After the baby is born, the farmer's intervention is required. It performs the following actions:

  1. Cuts the umbilical cord.
  2. Dries the newborn with a clean towel.
  3. Removes mucus from the newborn's nose and mouth so that it does not enter the lungs and cause infectious diseases.
  4. Cover the animal with a dry towel, since the newborn has poor heat transfer.
  5. Washing a goat's udder.
  6. Gives several streams of colostrum. The first drops are considered harmful and may contain bacteria.
  7. Within 1 hour after birth, gives the kid access to colostrum and mother's milk. This can be done artificially (through a bottle with a nipple) or naturally (under the uterus).

Goat colostrum contains all the necessary substances to activate the immune system of a newborn goat. It contains easily digestible protein, a lot of fats and enzymes that promote digestion of the animal's fragile stomach.

Feeding methods

There are two ways to feed kids: under the uterus and without the uterus. It all depends on the productivity of the female.

Feeding under the uterus

Natural rearing is convenient not only for the farmer, but also for the animals themselves. The kid is given free access to the mother's udder until the age of three months. The farmer does not need to control this process. One has only to observe the condition of the mammary glands of an adult. If, after the baby has finished sucking his portion of milk, there is still some product left in the udder, it is worth milking him. This will prevent the goat from developing mastitis.

As the kid gets older, his diet is filled with new foods. At the age of three weeks they begin to be fed with salt, bone meal or chalk. These substances help strengthen bones and regulate the absorption of calcium. The total weight of products should not exceed 10 g per day. When the animal is three months old, the amount of supplements is doubled.

Bone meal prices

Bone flour

Benefits of natural feeding

  • the amount of nutrients and their preservation during natural feeding is higher than feeding with the same milk, but through a bottle;
  • goat kids develop a stronger immune system;
  • growth and weight gain have better indicators;
  • staying with a goat contributes to better learning of young animals in matters of feeding and getting used to living conditions on the farm;
  • Farmer intervention is kept to a minimum. Time spent on care is reduced.

Disadvantages of natural feeding

  • the likelihood of mastitis in the goat;
  • During feeding, young animals often damage their mother's rudimentary nipples. This causes pain and sometimes swelling. The consequences may lead to the need for medical treatment of the animal.

Artificial feeding of kids

Feeding without a uterus is considered a more troublesome process than natural feeding. Most often, the method is used when raising highly productive dairy goats. A newborn goat is taken from its mother and the first feeding is done by feeding milked colostrum and milk through a bottle with a nipple. The product temperature should not exceed 38°C.

Farmers recommend immediately teaching animals to drink from a bowl. If, due to the death of the uterus or other circumstances, it is not possible to feed the kids with mother's milk, it is necessary to use an artificial formula. In order for the composition to be as similar as possible to a natural product, it is worth monitoring the presence of milk powder, vitamin supplements, fats of animal and vegetable origin, as well as minerals.

Prices for felucene mineral lick for goats

Felucene mineral lick

Benefits of breastfeeding without a uterus

  • the farmer can independently adjust the diet of his charges;
  • The milk of adult females is not used to feed the young, but for sale.

Disadvantages of artificial feeding

  • the method requires increased financial and time costs;
  • weaker immunity of artificial goats can cause many diseases;
  • Excessive savings by the breeder on artificial nutrition can cause slow development of kids and poor weight gain.

Approximate scheme for feeding goat kids in the first months of life

AgeNumber of feedingsAmount of milk per feeding, gApproximate time
1 dayAs needed
1 Week6 300 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23
2-3 weeks5 300 8, 12, 16, 20, 23
4-6 weeks4 600 8, 12, 16, 20
7-8 weeks3 600 8, 14, 20
Week 92 600 8,20
10 week1 600 As needed

How to feed newborn goats

The diet of a newborn goat mainly consists of colostrum and milk. They are given at first 5–6 times a day. From the second week of life, the number of feedings decreases to four times. The third week provides for three meals a day for babies. Colostrum is given first; if it is not enough, the animal is fed with warm milk. Many farmers introduce semolina porridge into the diet of 10-day-old kids. For 0.5 liters of water take 1 tbsp. l. porridge. The cooked product is diluted with warm milk.

Feeding two week old kids

At this age, hay can be introduced into the diet of young animals. Early accustoming to roughage will help stomachs quickly adapt to an adult diet. At this same age, farmers resort to using the “growth elixir.” 10 g of salt and 15 g of fish oil are diluted in 1 liter of milk. 2 - 3 eggs are also mixed in here. The mixture is heated to the usual temperature and fed to the goats in small portions.

Feeding monthly goats

At this age, milk gradually begins to be diluted with water. To replace products, add bran or flaxseed meal to liquid nutrition. Sometimes mashed potatoes are added for added nutrition. By the age of seven months, the proportion of milk should be reduced to zero. Concentrated and combined feeds should appear in the diet. Also at this age, young animals can be released to pasture. If it is winter outside, the kids can be fed with hay and vegetables prepared for future use. Washed carrots and beets, as well as cabbage leaves, work well.

What to feed a three month old kid

At three months of age, the diet no longer contains milk. It is weaned from the uterus, or milk is removed from the artificial diet. The young begin to feed together with the adults. Milk is replaced by other nutritious products of plant origin:

  • grass;
  • twig food;
  • silage;
  • dried grass and straw in winter;
  • vegetables and root vegetables prepared for future use;
  • concentrated feed at a rate of 200 g per day per adult animal;
  • milled cereals (alternating grains, oats, corn and wheat);
  • legumes and their tops (beans, peas, asparagus);
  • vitamin and mineral components.

If the kid is left without a mother

Goat milk is undoubtedly the best product for feeding a kid. But sometimes it happens that after lambing a goat dies. In such cases, the farmer has to care for the newborn. In households, breeders use milk from other goats. The most prudent farmers have frozen colostrum in stock. Large farms feed goat kids using whole milk replacer (WMS). It must be selected based on the age of the animal and its species. Thus, the goat substitute is adapted exclusively for goats. This means that a product created for cows will not benefit the newborn, and may even be harmful.

When using CCM, you should follow the rules:

  1. Observe the drinking volumes. Do not overfeed your goat. Exceeding the animal's natural needs can lead to diarrhea. Stomach upset in fragile kids can be fatal.
  2. Reduce the number of feedings as their volume increases. The older the animal, the less often it is fed. From five meals a day in the first weeks of life, the number of feedings decreases to three by the age of one month. At the same time, the diet of young animals is gradually being replaced by non-dairy ones due to the introduction of new products.
  3. No formula can replace colostrum. If the lambing goat is dead, use frozen colostrum or transitional milk from another queen. The first four days of a kid's life, colostrum builds its immunity.
  4. Transfer young animals to milk replacer gradually to avoid stomach problems. You should also remember that milk substitute contains antibiotics.
  5. If there is no colostrum, no milk, no substitute, cow's milk will come to the aid of the farmer. The transition to its consumption should also be gradual. It is important to know that such a kid will be able to survive, but its performance will be significantly inferior to that of kids raised under the uterus.
  6. The introduction of a milk substitute obliges the farmer to maintain the cleanliness of drinking bowls. It is recommended to install them so that animals cannot pollute the water.

How to prepare mixture for young animals

It will take about 45 days to raise a kid on whole milk replacer. During this time, one individual consumes about 9 kg of dry mixture. For 1 kg of milk replacer use 5 liters of water. The mixture is placed on the stove and heated to 40-45°C, stirring constantly. The finished mixture is filtered to remove any lumps. At the age of two to seven days, the daily intake is 0.9 - 1.2 liters per day. From one week of age to three weeks, 1.3 - 1.6 liters should be given. Further, until the age of two months, 1.7 - 1.9 liters of the mixture are required per individual. Older goats no longer need milk substitutes, since they completely switch to an adult diet.

  1. To prevent milk yield from decreasing, after lambing the kid is taken away from its mother immediately after she licks it clean of mucus.
  2. After lambing, the goat is fed with steamed dill. Brew several branches of herbs in 5 liters of water, 1 tbsp. l. salt and 150 g sugar. The temperature of the decoction should not exceed 40°C. This drink helps restore strength after childbirth.
  3. The milked colostrum is heated in a water bath. Never heat it in the microwave.
  4. During the first feeding immediately after lambing, pour colostrum into a bowl and bring it to the kid. If he doesn't drink right away, gently poke his muzzle into the bowl. At the same time, you should not pour a lot of milk so that it does not go down your nose.
  5. On the first day, feeding is not rationed in volume. Be prepared for the first 2-3 meals to take place no more than an hour apart.
  6. On the second day of life, the kid begins to be released outside the goat's enclosure. Curiosity makes the animal walk and develop muscles. After just three days, a baby goat is able to walk 1 km.
  7. After the baby is weaned from the uterus, there will be little milk. Milk your goat 4 times a day to increase milk supply.
  8. From the first days of life, young animals are provided with access to clean water at room temperature.

Video - Raising and feeding goat kids

If a sick kid is born

The sick goat weighs less than 2 kg, cannot stand on its feet, eats poorly and holds its head weakly. These symptoms indicate physiological inferiority. Among doctors, this condition is called antenatal hypotrophy. The causes of the disease may be the following:

  • premature lambing;
  • fetal prematurity;
  • malnutrition of the goat during pregnancy;
  • violation of conditions of detention;
  • lack of magnesium in the mother's diet;
  • inbreeding of parental individuals.

This article describes in detail the process of giving birth to kids. Is it worth helping a goat during childbirth? How to care for a pregnant goat and what to feed during pregnancy to avoid problems when the offspring appear.

All these reasons lead to metabolic disorders in the goat’s body. As a result, the formation of the internal organs of the kid does not fit into the norms and occurs with a lag. In all cases, except for family relationships and magnesium deficiency, the kid manages to get back on its feet. For this you need:

The birth of a baby goat requires care not only from the goat, but also from the farmer. The better the owner takes care of his charges, the more likely it is that they will grow up healthy and capable of reproduction. Proper nutrition and care after birth ensures animal productivity in the future.

The birth of kids is a crucial moment in the life of a goat. At the end of the winter period and the beginning of the spring season, farmers are puzzled by preparing for the birth of horned pets. Despite their unpretentiousness to the conditions of detention, complications during childbirth are possible, requiring human intervention. Even if the goat lambs easily, the mother in labor will need special care. The farmer must be prepared for possible difficulties.

The gestation period of a goat lasts about 150 days (a difference in timing is possible by 2-3 days). You can recognize a female’s pregnancy by the following signs:

  • lack of sexual hunting for a long time,
  • asymmetrical stomach (with deviation to the right side),
  • calmness, decreased activity while feeling well,
  • increased appetite.

If the goat is covered, pregnancy can be confirmed using ultrasound and laboratory diagnostics. These methods are relevant for beginners in goat farming. Experienced farmers are able to determine the pregnancy of livestock by eye.

When the pregnancy comes to an end, it is necessary to recognize the first signs of lambing (to prepare the premises):

  • One week before birth, warning signs appear in the form of swelling of the udder and an increase in its size (this sign is observed only in dairy breeds).
  • In the area of ​​the root of the tail, 2 symmetrical depressions appear (the pelvic bones diverge).
  • The stomach drops (the fetus moves towards the exit).
  • Mucous discharge from the genital tract.
  • The genitals look swollen and increase in size.
  • The goat behaves restlessly and tries to arrange its place.
  • The female arches her back (as if she is having a hard time).

Immediately before giving birth, the goat’s behavior changes, the following changes are observed:

  • The beloved freezes, looks thoughtful and excited.
  • She bleats pitifully, her eyes express concern.
  • Firstborns are in panic and can rush around the barn.
  • A thread of mucus drains from the genital tract (the birth canal is preparing for lambing).

If changes in the female are detected in a timely manner, the farmer can carefully prepare for lambing.


A goat's pregnancy lasts 147-152 days. The prenatal period is about 2 hours. The lambing itself lasts 1-1.5 hours (for first-born goats) and about 40 minutes (for goats that have already given birth). Kids are born with their paws forward and their head resting on them. In the first lambing, the goat gives birth to 1 kid, and in subsequent times - 2-3 kids. The time interval between their birth is 25-30 minutes. The afterbirth comes out within 1 hour after the kids emerge.

Important! If problems arise or there is no placenta, you must invite a veterinarian to assist your pet.

Milking after the first lambing

After lambing, the goat should be milked within 30 minutes (as soon as she gets up). The first streams of colostrum should not be given to kids (they contain a lot of bacteria). If your pet has given birth for the first time, her udder will be difficult to milk due to its elasticity. To facilitate the process, you should prepare the goat in advance (1 month before the babies appear). This occurs in the form of regular gentle massage of the udder, stroking and washing with warm water. The animal will get used to it and will not have stress during the first episode of milking.

To make her stand still, you can offer hay as a treat. If mother and offspring are planned to be kept together, the kids will milk the goat themselves. The disadvantage of this method is the pet’s fatigue from frequent feeding from children. The mother gets tired, milk yield drops.

Important! If the goal of goat breeding is to make a profit, it is better to resort to separate keeping of the goat and offspring. In this case, the farmer feeds the children himself.

To prevent mastitis, you need to milk your pet 6 times a day. This regime should be followed throughout the first week after lambing. Further, the number of milkings is reduced to 4 per day. It is important to follow the rules of hygiene: the farmer’s hands must be disinfected, the goat’s udder must be treated with an antiseptic solution. Milking is done using a fist: the base of the udder is squeezed with the thumb and forefinger, and light pressure is applied with other fingers.


Before lambing, you must follow the rules of feeding livestock:

  • the animal is switched to light food (a mixture of kitchen waste, hay, straw, steamed grain),
  • mixed feed and concentrates are excluded from the diet,
  • vitamins and microelements are added (calcium, phosphorus, vitamins A, C),
  • water should be freely available to the pet.

You can feed the goat after lambing according to the same principle (after 1 week). Immediately after giving birth, she is not recommended to eat due to the weakening of the digestive system. The animal is fed water with added glucose. At the end of the day, fresh hay can be offered. Warm water should be offered to the woman in labor every 3 hours. On the 4th day, a mixture with bran is introduced into 2-4 feedings (in small portions). From day 5, hay is added. From 7, the goat is switched to a light diet: 2 kg of hay, 1 kg of branches, 500 g of feed, 10 g of salt, 500 g of bran, 3 kg of juicy vegetables. All these products stimulate milk production.

When the mother stops feeding her kids, she is switched to a regular diet.

Important! Feed must be of high quality, without traces of rot and mold.

What to feed after lambing

After lambing, the goat is fed with warm water with sugar or glucose solution. The procedure is carried out immediately after birth to restore the animal’s body. It is necessary to maintain the pet's water balance. Otherwise, it may affect milk yield and health.

Warm water should be freely available. It should be offered to the goat every 2-3 hours.

Vitamins after lambing

During the lambing period, vitamins are of key importance. After childbirth, the body experiences stress. He is weakened, the digestive system cannot function normally. This leads to a significant decrease in the immune functions of the goat’s body. After lambing, the animal needs large amounts of calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D. These components are administered intravenously to speed up the goat’s recovery. If her body suffers a serious loss of calcium and it is not replenished, postpartum paresis develops. As a result of this complication, the goat may die.

You can add vitamin supplements to your food. The diet should include all the necessary substances: vitamin A, C, D, E, B vitamins.

Milking before lambing

3 months before lambing, the goat should be started, gradually reducing the episodes of milking. To stop lactation, succulent food and swill with vitamins are completely excluded. The daily ration is temporarily reduced by 2 times. Milkings are being reduced gradually. In the first week they are limited to 1 time per day, in the second week they skip 1 day. The third week involves milking once every 3 days. The fourth is due to urgent need. After the start, the diet of the horned woman in labor is returned in accordance with the duration of pregnancy. A few days before lambing, she is switched to a light menu.

The need for an early start is associated with the rest of the goat’s body before giving birth. She should be filled with vitamins and nutrients. Otherwise, the goat’s body may not be able to cope with the load, and the kids will be left without colostrum (consumption of colostrum in the first hours of birth is a guarantee of the baby’s strong immunity).

Feeding kids

When a mother and kids are kept together, the mother independently monitors the feeding of her children. The farmer feeds the kids after ekatation without the goat. It is his responsibility to feed the babies. On the first and second days they should be fed with mother's milk 6 times (at equal time intervals). On the third day, the number of feedings is reduced to 5 times, on the 6th day - to 4. The milk should be warm (40 degrees). Pour it into a bowl.

Important! It is necessary to control the process of feeding goats.

A one-month-old goat is fed hay. The volume of milk consumed is 2.5 liters per day. At 2 months he is transferred to an adult diet.

Winter lambing

During winter lambing, the main task of the farm owner is to prepare a place suitable for lambing. In the barn, a place with a thick layer of straw should be reserved for the goat. The room should be warm (from +5 to + 10 degrees). For this purpose, it is equipped with a heating system. During this period, lambing may be accompanied by complications in the form of a lack of vitamins, which must be compensated.

If all conditions are met, lambing will go well and the result will be the birth of strong babies.

Important! It is unacceptable to ignore the insulation of the bed. A pregnant goat and her babies are vulnerable to cold and drafts.

Complications during lambing

Despite the goat's unpretentiousness and relatively easy lambing, the process should be carefully monitored. Sometimes during childbirth there are some complications associated with the structure of the goat and the conditions of its keeping and feeding. The birth process takes from 40 minutes to 1.5 hours. If attempts are actively made, and the pet cannot give birth, she needs the help of a veterinarian. If the farmer is experienced, he can cope on his own, helping the baby to be born.

Complications also occur after lambing. They can be identified by the following characteristics:

  1. Copious, foul-smelling, scarlet, purulent discharge from a goat.
  2. The woman in labor does not eat, does not drink and cannot get up.
  3. No milk after lambing.

If pathological discharge appears, a veterinarian examination is necessary. It is possible that when the goat came out, an injury to the mucous membrane occurred (rupture) or pathogenic bacteria entered the birth canal. After studying the medical history, the doctor will prescribe treatment. If the goat cannot stand up and refuses to eat, there may be a calcium deficiency. All reserves were directed into the formation of milk, leaving the mother’s body in a deplorable state. In this case, the problem is solved by intravenous injection of a drug with calcium and subsequent control of the diet. If time is lost, the female may die.

When there is a lack of milk, the goat is injected with the hormone oxytocin. It helps to streamline this process. Massage with a hard brush along the spine improves blood circulation in the animal's body, which leads to milk production. If complications of any kind occur, it is better to consult a veterinarian rather than self-medicate.

Udder swelling

After lambing, firstborns often experience udder swelling. Its cause is false or true mastitis. If false, the goat’s condition does not suffer; the udder increases in size, but does not have any seals. The swelling goes away after several massage sessions. True mastitis manifests itself in acute form. The udder swells and seals form in it. The goat is worried and does not allow her to touch her nipples. In the process, suppuration and necrosis are formed. It is important to contact a veterinarian in time to determine the cause and identify ways to eliminate it.

The cause of mastitis can be insufficient hygiene of the place for childbirth, milking livestock with untreated hands. It is most often treated with antibacterial drugs, local anti-inflammatory ointments, analgesics and vitamin therapy.

Diarrhea after lambing

Diarrhea in a goat after birth occurs in the following cases:

  • If she ate the afterbirth (according to the notes of experienced farmers).
  • If you drink too much sweet water (the norm is 2-3 liters).

Treatment is symptomatic. Consists of following a diet of hay and water until symptoms disappear. You can give your goat a decoction of oak bark. It has a fixing effect. Regidron solution will replenish the water-salt balance.

Important! This symptom should not be ignored! If it does not stop, or there is mucus or blood in the stool, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Next coverage

After the birthing process, the goat should be covered after 1 month (minimum time interval). If she is nursing babies, it is better to delay mating until the end of nursing.

When the kids grow up and the female goat is in heat, she can be mated with a male. It is recommended to limit lambing to once a year. Childbirth is stressful for the body. It is necessary to give pets rest and recovery.

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