
Analysis of the poem “Winter Morning” by Pushkin. “Winter morning” essay Winter morning in the forest

Essay on the topic “Ordinary winter morning"

Sunny winter morning Very beautiful. The trees and bushes stand motionless, as if after a magic spell. The branches are decorated with shiny scatterings of frost, like precious stones. Snow and frost completely transform the gray outlines of houses, trees and benches. Under the sun's rays they sparkle unusually and shimmer with a dazzling shimmer. Cold but bright sunlight makes the familiar landscape look fabulous.

Wintermorning comes later than in summer. While I'm getting ready for school, it's still dark outside. But by the time you have breakfast and get dressed, it’s already getting brighter outside. On the way to school, I like to trample paths in the snow, leaving behind footprints. The sun does not yet shine as brightly as during the day, and sometimes there is fog. Winter frost stings your face, burning your cheeks and forehead. If you listen closely, you can hear the snow crunching quietly under the feet of all passers-by.

What can you see on a winter morning

A thick crust of ice may be hiding under the snow-covered path. Knowing such places, you can accelerate in advance and ride standing for a few meters. If you don't notice the ice skating rink, you could slip, so you need to walk carefully. I always let parents pass with sleds on which bundled up kids sit. They are covered with warm blankets, only their noses stick out from scarves and hats and their eyes shine. In severe frost, frost even appears on hats and blankets, which freezes the children's breath.

I like to watch how winter morning the city wakes up. Car owners who leave them in the yard have to sweep away snow and clean the windows from ice deposits. You can see a large bulldozer or tractor driving along the main road, clearing it of snowdrifts for passenger cars. And in the courtyards, street cleaners shovel snow from the paths and sprinkle them with salt mixed with sand. If the path is strewn with pebbles, they will definitely stick to the sole and make a funny clatter on the school steps.

During the day, on benches cleared of snow, you can see yard cats basking in the sun, but in the morning they are nowhere to be seen. Only pigeons and sparrows sit on the wires; it’s cold for them to sit in the snow. Some trees, windows and balconies are decorated with feeders. They are made from plastic bottles, juice bags or boxes. Bread and grain are the best treat for city birds on a cold winter morning. It’s interesting to watch how many birds flock to a full feeder and they make a funny fuss, trying to eat more.

The cold winter sun rises over the reviving city. First, it paints the edge of the sky in cool colors, turning the gray canvas into a blue blue. In the cold and burning air you can notice steam when your breath turns into an evaporating cloud. An incoming gust of wind tears off the top layer of snow and a whirlpool of snowflakes begins in the air.

Winter morning quickly followed by a day that does not last long. In the evening, bright star lights light up in the sky and only disappear at dawn.

Cool! 28

Winter. It is at this time of year that the morning seems especially magical. Everything around is motionless, everything is frozen. The culprits are frost and cold. It was they who covered the trees with ice crusts so that they could not even move. It only seems as if the birches from time to time weakly sway their thin, icy branches, and a barely audible ringing is heard.

Winter mornings are also characterized by extraordinary silence. There are no people, no birds, no street animals of any kind. Everyone is sleeping, everyone is cold. You can’t even see the sun yet; it hasn’t rolled out over the horizon yet. He also feels that it’s early, and that he can sleep sweetly for a few more minutes.

The horizon line begins to turn red. This means that the sun has finally decided to wake up. Finally! Now the winter morning will be illuminated by the magnificent light of its first rays. The line becomes brighter and thicker, the outlines of the forest somewhere in the distance become clearer. Finally, the first beam appears, similar to the light from a huge flashlight. He will not be alone for long; in a second he will be joined by other rays, the same as the first. And a couple more minutes will pass, and the sun itself will roll out from behind the horizon, huge, well-rested and shining. You get the feeling that it has just been washed, it shines and sparkles so brightly. With its brightness, the sun infects everything around: trees, snowdrifts and paths, houses. Now they, too, begin to shine and sparkle, shimmering and blinding everyone who dares to approach them.

On a morning like this, you don’t want to sit at home. I want to go out and walk through this shining snow, which looks like a huge collection of tiny diamonds. It doesn't look soft and fluffy; on the contrary, it seems like a dense carpet of small pieces of hard ice. There is already a deafening crunch in your head that will definitely appear when you step on the path or walk into a snowdrift. And even the sun seems so warm, warm. It shines so brightly!

All this beckons you, calls you to the street. But not everything is so perfect and rosy! It's simply unbearably cold outside at this time. The sun doesn’t warm like it does in summer, and it shouldn’t warm like that. But it blinds, of course, right away. It seems as if the air has frozen and does not move. It's hard to even breathe. The cheeks immediately become bright pink, almost red. It was the biting frost that transformed them. The nose also turns red within a minute. Fingers on your hands, if you don’t move them, immediately turn into naughty wooden sticks. But if you dress warmly and run through the crunchy, squeaky snow, it can even get hot.

Winter morning is a wonderful time. Neither the terrible cold nor the painfully blinding sun will spoil it. Nothing can compare with such beauty, which occurs only in the early morning, sometime in January or February. I really love such cold, almost lifeless, quiet mornings. It's nice to watch the sun rise, watch how everything around changes, how people leave their warm apartments and rush to work. As a rule, the morning in winter, in such frost, is cloudless, so you can also watch the play of sunlight for a long time.

Even more essays on the topic: “Winter Morning”

This is my usual morning, which starts with breakfast and a run to school. But today it is completely unusual: I saw through the window that snow had finally fallen and covered the boring gray roads. Just yesterday he was not there, there was severe frost in the snowless city for a week, all the people walked around blue and angry, wrapped in different warm clothes and did not warm up in any way. But today everything is different: I went outside and saw that people had become different, they were cheerful, happy about the new, snowy winter morning. Snow fell, the sun broke through - and it became warmer, the frost became light, no one freezes from this. This is the morning everyone has been waiting for.

The trees in the park and around the school were covered with a thin layer of snow and frost, thousands of silver showers sparkled in the air, even if you take them off and save them for the New Year tree! School children are trying to make snowballs, but the snow is not yet wet, it is very “young”, snowballs do not turn out. But how much joy and fun! Someone has already been taken on a sled, but the sled clings to the asphalt and grinds with iron, but this is not the main thing - but snow has fallen!

But there are also those who don’t like snow at all. For example, the windshield wipers rattled their snow shovels angrily, although the layer of snow was only five centimeters and could be swept away with a broom. The owners of the cars came out to clear the snow from their cars and busily shuffled around with brooms: here’s this snow, why did it just fall, so much trouble with it. Most of all, it bothers the pigeons: they can’t sit on the occupied window sills and fly up to the roofs with dissatisfaction. Cats avoid their favorite benches because sitting on them is uncomfortable and cold.

But this is in the city, and how great it is now in the forest! The crowns of the trees are covered with a white light cloth; they sparkle under the sun, like in a fairy tale. Birds and animals write their traces-lines on the white pages of the clearings, from which those in the know can determine who went, why, where. Hawthorn looks elegant under the snow; red clusters of berries attract birds and squirrels. The spruce trees are bristling with branch needles and small cones. Giant pine trees stand proudly under snow-covered caps and guard order and silence. Only the alder trembles dissatisfied - she doesn’t like the snow on the branches. There is a magical silence in the forest, which is occasionally broken by the distant cry of a crow and the crackling of old tree trunks.

I would love to get into the morning forest and admire the beauty of snow-covered nature, but I have to rush to school. After school, my friends and I will go to the park to admire the snow-covered trees and breathe in the frosty air.

Source: seasons-goda.rf

A winter morning is incredibly beautiful, especially if the sun is shining. Frost covers the trees and bushes, giving them a bluish tint, and they stand motionless, as if enchanted. When sunlight hits this decoration, it begins to shimmer. The bright, albeit cold winter sun gives the landscape a fabulous feel.

In winter it gets light later than in summer, and therefore, when you wake up for the first lesson, it is still dark outside. While you are getting ready, the sky gradually brightens, and when you leave, it is already quite light. The frost stings your cheeks, and the snow crunches under your feet. Sometimes on the way to school you come across “slides” - small areas of rolled ice. And you, accelerating, drive a couple of meters on your feet. Few people can resist and pass by. The kids are taken to kindergarten on a sled, and they sit, wrapped up warmly, with only a small nose peeking out from a pile of clothes.

Life in the city is waking up. The owners of the cars come out into the courtyards and begin to sweep away the snow from them and clear the ice from the windows. Janitors clear the paths and sprinkle them with sand or salt. The yard cats are not visible; they are warming themselves somewhere. And the pigeons sit on the wires; they feel uncomfortable in the snow. On some trees and window sills there are feeders with bread and grain. Birds fly there to profit and make a funny fuss.

When coloring the morning sky, the sun prefers cold tones; you won’t find yellow among them, mostly white, blue, and purple. This has its own charm. The air is cold and fresh, they want to breathe deeply, but they are afraid - they might get sick. If the wind rises, it sweeps away the top layer of snow from trees and houses, and then a silvery haze appears in the air.

Mornings in winter don't last long. It is replaced by a short day, and at five o’clock it gets dark again, the stars light up in the sky, and again we have to wait for the next morning.

Source: sdam-na5.ru

In winter the sun rises late. But watching it rise is simply wonderful. Seeing how the darkness gradually recedes, how everything awakens from sleep, how birds, not yet warmed up after the cold of the night, go in search of food - all this is very interesting.

But most of all I like winter mornings after a slight thaw. This is where you can truly appreciate the skill of Mother Winter and see winter in all its glory. Imagine that you are leaving the house. It's not yet dawn. The darkness of night lies everywhere. Only in the east does the sky begin to gradually brighten. But a few minutes pass, and the sun rises over the horizon.

The picture that opens takes your breath away. The trees that had stood like dark giants the night before were now transformed. There are no dark gloomy trunks and branches. All of them are decorated with silver. Each branch sparkles in the rays of the sun, each curve shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow.

And look at the pine or spruce. Where is their green outfit? It turned silvery green. Each needle acquired an incredible shade. And how fluffy the spruce trees became. It seems as if they were covered with a warm blanket. The mighty pines acquired a kind of girlish fragility and defenselessness.

And here is a small tree. You know very well that it is unremarkable. But looking at him today, you can't take your eyes off him. The tree suddenly became crystal. Where did its usual branches go? Where is the brown unsightly bark? There is nothing left of the former freak. The winter sorceress turned him into a handsome little boy with crystal branches. They look so fragile that it seems that if you touch them, they will ring and shatter into thousands of sparkling fragments.

You walk along a familiar alley and don’t recognize it. It's like you're in a fairy tale. Everything is so incredibly beautiful. Snowdrifts sparkle with millions of lights. Tree branches and fence sparkle. There is even silver scattered underfoot, as if someone is welcoming a dear guest and has decorated the path for him. And if you accidentally touch a branch, silver rain will immediately fall on you.

It is impossible to convey all the splendor of a winter morning. You need to see it with your own eyes. Only then can you understand how beautiful winter is. How much magic she gives to people, with what love she decorates the world around her. And the frosty air cannot be compared with anything. It is so fresh, clean, like water in a spring. I like winter. I love patterns on glass, caps of snow on trees, sparkling frost. This is simply great!

Winter mornings are incredibly beautiful. The stars are slowly fading in the sky. A thin strip of scarlet dawn begins to color the dark sky. Everything in the world is motionless. Calm and silence reigns. The day awakens long and slowly. When I open the window, my room is filled with clean, fresh air. Overnight, the biting frost painted strange patterns on my glass.

It's nice to go into the forest on a winter morning. I put on my skis and go for a walk. My face, unaccustomed to the winter cold, is freezing, but I myself am dressed warmly, lightly and freely. What could be better than an active holiday?

On a quiet winter morning I enter a mixed forest. Birches, oaks, aspens, pines and spruce trees drowned in the snow silently greet me. They put on their white coats. Under the slanting rays of morning light, the snow on their branches shimmers and shines, as if everything around is covered with precious crystals. The bushes are strewn with snowflakes. Winter covered them with its warm blanket.

It's very quiet in the forest. You walk, and only the snow creaks under your feet, as if singing in different voices. The silence of this kingdom must not be disturbed! These are the rules here. I slowly move along the ski trail, admiring the beauty and grandeur of winter nature. I'll make a circle, then a second, then a third. The frosty air fills me, giving me strength and vigor.

Suddenly, a branch nearby swayed as if it shook. Maybe this winter bird, waking up on a quiet morning, flew off on its important business? Or is the red-haired beauty squirrel hurrying to her shelter? Many animals will spend the winter in burrows and dens. They, having stocked up on food, went on winter rest. But some wild animals went out for the morning hunt. They left their paw prints on the sparkling snow. And here are the hare tracks. This morning he was looking for food. The hare is not afraid of severe frosts; thanks to its white coat, in winter it becomes invisible to predators. Everyone has his own path.

The way home awaits me. I don't want to leave this amazing forest. The sun is already high, high above the earth. It shines brightly in the blue sky. Very soon, tired from the long journey, but absolutely happy, I will go into my warm home, where hot tea and fragrant pastries await me. I will remember my morning adventure with trepidation and look forward to my next walk on a quiet forest morning.

2 essay

I wake up, my feet are cold under the covers. The room is strangely quiet as I climb out of bed and look out the window. I see a world covered in a sea of ​​white snow. I hurry to get dressed and head to the back door. Today I will walk through my snow-covered yard.

I stop at the door, silently watching the snow fall. Tiny ice crystals descend peacefully from the sky, covering the white world.

The door creaks when I open it, and I step onto the back porch carefully so as not to slip and fall. Now I have a full view of our backyard, a winter paradise covered in snow. As I walk down the steps to the sidewalk, the creaking of the wooden steps combines with the crunch of the snow under my feet, like two instruments in an orchestra playing in the sweet silence around me. White, cottony powder coats tree branches. When I walk along the sidewalk, I see a car standing under a thick layer of snow. The dogs run towards me, leaving paw prints in the snow. I approach the driveway and scrape snow off the car window, looking inside. The powder cools my hand, so I put it in my pocket to warm it up. The snow begins to fall heavier. I wander around the car, crunching the snow under my feet.

I hear the birds chirping and go to the feeder, where several little titmice are jumping on the ground. The snow is littered with tiny holes where seeds have fallen from the feeder. The birds fly away when I approach.

I continue walking and pick up snow from the ground into my hand. Having formed the snow mass into a snowball, I throw it into the tree trunk. The snow is clearing. I walk past the bird hole and see that the water is frozen. The snow is falling even more, making it difficult to watch. I close my eyes and feel myself being bombarded with tiny pieces of ice. After the snow subsides, I continue walking through the white sea.

I touch the cedar and the snow falls to the ground like powdered sugar, revealing the green needles below. I start walking along the path to the pond. The dogs jump up and eagerly follow me, galloping along the path behind me.

It's quiet in the forest. The only sounds are my breathing and the crunch of snow under my feet, as well as a few birds chirping on the branches above me. I see a pond behind the next row of trees. The normally dark hole is now covered in white. The dogs run ahead of me across the snowy pond. The ice holds them as they run to the other side. I test the ice under my feet and it cracks slightly, so I decide not to risk it and not go out on the pond alone.

I return to the trail and continue walking, noticing a snow-covered fence. The fence leads me in a curve toward the now dormant berry bushes, down a hill and up another hill, completing a small loop that leads back to the clearing of my backyard. I approach the garden and see a large rectangle covered with hay, strewn with snow. I go down to the other side of the backyard, onto another path leading into the forest. I take the shortcut to the second pond and it is also frozen and covered in snow.

Feeling cold, I decide to go back inside and have breakfast. I walk along the path and see my house a few meters away. As I approach the driveway, I see that the car window is covered with another thin layer of snow. I run up the steps into the house, brushing snow off the porch railing. The dogs look at me sadly and I pet them before going inside. I promise I'll come back later.

“Winter Morning” is one of the best examples of Pushkin’s landscape lyrics, a work imbued with the tremulous joy of contemplating the beautiful Russian winter. A brief analysis of “Winter Morning” according to plan can be used in a literature lesson in the 6th grade - with its help, students will better understand the poem and be imbued with its atmosphere.

Brief Analysis

History of creation- this poem by Pushkin was written in 1829, and even the exact date is known - November 3. The poet was visiting his friends in the Tver province, on whose estate the famous lines were written.

Theme of the poem– the beauty of Russian nature in the winter season.

Composition– throughout all five six-line lines there is a linear composition.

Genre: landscape lyrics.

Poetic size- iambic tetrameter with mixed rhyme.

Epithets“wonderful day”, “lovely friend”, “blue skies”, “magnificent carpets”, “amber shine”, “cheerful crackling”.

Comparison – “like a pale spot.”

Personifications“the darkness was rushing”, “The blizzard was angry.”

History of creation

1829 turned out to be a very difficult year for Pushkin. He was in disgrace and under constant police surveillance. The poet's friends, trying to give him a little quiet life, invited him to stay with them. And so, while visiting Peter Wulf, Pushkin writes a wonderful poem glorifying the beauty of the world around him. The history of the creation of this work is closely connected with who the poem is dedicated to. Literary critics believe that it is dedicated to the poet’s two beloved women - his wife Natalya Goncharova, and his Nanny Arina Rodionovna.

Being among close people, in a friendly environment, Alexander Sergeevich not only relaxes his soul, but also feels the need to create. “Winter Morning”, created by him, is permeated with the joy of communicating with nature, from the fact that you can simply enjoy its beauty and not think about anything else.


This work is dedicated to Russian nature. The poet always especially loved winter - he was fascinated by snow-covered landscapes, the magic of Russian nature caused awe in his heart. It is not surprising that the theme of one of his best works was the winter landscape. It is obvious that it was written under the impression of a real painting that he saw while visiting the estate, and which he sought not only to describe, but also to convey his mood.

The main idea of ​​this work is quite simple: a person is surrounded by beauty at any time of the year. It is important not to oversleep it, not to miss the opportunity to admire the world around you and enjoy its wonders.


The classic linear composition, however, deserves a detailed analysis.

In the first six-line, the main character of this lyrical work admires the beauty of winter. He comes to wake up his beloved and show her how beautiful the winter world outside the window is.

The second stanza is built on the antithesis between yesterday evening, when there was a storm outside the window, and the beloved sat in sadness, and the current state of nature. It is the antithesis that makes a work special and gives it color.

The third stanza shows a beautiful winter morning, which the poet describes in the most admiring way, and in the fourth the lyrical hero returns to the room, where it is very warm, and you can enjoy how cheerfully the logs crackle in the fireplace.

But the last stanza again returns the reader to the street: Pushkin invites him for a winter sleigh ride in order to admire the surrounding beauty to his heart's content.

The harmonious composition develops very dynamically, bright and precise details create a beautiful picture.


It is easy to identify by its name, which promises beautiful descriptions of Russian nature and winter landscapes. So, the genre is landscape lyrics. Pushkin uses a rather simple and traditional poetic meter - iambic tetrameter. It gives the poem a special melody. The method of rhyming is also interesting - the so-called mixed one: a female rhyme in combination with a male rhyme works to convey the mood.

Means of expression

Pushkin uses a variety of expressive means in his work, for example:

  • Epithets- “wonderful day”, “lovely friend”, “blue skies”, “magnificent carpets”, “amber shine”, “cheerful crackling”.
  • Comparison- “like a pale spot.”
  • Personifications- “the darkness was rushing”, “the blizzard was angry.”

In addition, a variety of appeals, such as “friend of my harsh days”, “beauty”.

In the work, joyful epithets are combined with gloomy ones, creating a contrast to further emphasize the beauty of the winter morning. It also contains metaphors(for example, the snow “lies” glistening in the sun), hyperbole, alliteration and anaphora. All this works for the artistic idea and helps create a lyrical mood.

Poem test

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p. Roshchino,
Chelyabinsk region

Topic: “Description essay “Winter morning in the forest”.”

(To be carried out after studying the topic “Vocabulary”.)

Lesson objectives:

1) Learn to compose a descriptive text using various means of artistic expression (epithets, metaphors, personifications).
2) Show the role of details in artistic description.
3) Strengthen students’ knowledge of vocabulary, the ability to use synonyms in context, determine shades of lexical meaning, and justify the choice of the necessary word.
4) Foster the need for independent work on artistic expression.

During the classes

Teacher. Today we have an unusual lesson. What does it mean? You will understand now if you come up with a word unusual synonyms. (Of course, you need to remember which words are called synonyms.) Let's write them down:

special, wonderful, wonderful, magical, fabulous, fantastic, wondrous, outlandish, amazing...

So, we will try to do our lesson fabulous, magical. Would you like to become wizards?.. How great it is to be a wizard! But for this we really need... that's right, a magic wand. Today we will use a regular fountain pen as a magic wand. You still had no idea that this is a real magic wand that can work miracles. But this needs to be learned. Tell me, did a wizard write the essay you are about to hear?
Winter came. It became beautiful in the forest. There is white snow on the trees and on the ground. In winter I like to ski...
Did this essay interest you? No? And why? To understand this, let's listen to how the masters of fiction - writers and poets - describe the sorceress winter. (Excerpts from works of fiction describing winter can be selected and even read expressively by the children themselves (as homework for this lesson).
The master wrote this. But wizards are not born, they are made. Would you like us to try to write a beautiful essay too? To do this you need to try very hard.
So what are we going to describe? (The teacher leads the children to the topic “Winter morning in the forest.”) Name the objects, natural phenomena that we will describe. Let's write down some of the words mentioned:

forest, birch, pine, snow, morning...

No one yet knows how beautiful the winter forest is in the early morning. We have to talk about this. We have already written down a few words, but they are still dead, we need to try to revive them. In what style should we write the essay? Name the features of the artistic style. (Use of lexical means of artistic expression: metaphors, comparisons, etc.)
Using personification, describe the state of the forest in the early morning. So, let's write down the first sentence of our essay. It could be like this: The forest is still sleeping.
Now we are creating our own artistic world. Everything will be as we want. If we want the snow to be fluffy, it will be like that. We want it to look like a popsicle, and a miracle will happen! You just need to write it down. (Have you forgotten that you have a magic wand in your hands?) So far no miracle has happened, but everything is within our power.
Let's try to find definitions for the written nouns (according to the scheme: adj. + noun): winter forest, white-trunked birches, fluffy snow, early morning...
Let's do an exercise that will become a “blank” for writing an essay. Make up phrases by combining words that match their meaning:



What color is a winter morning? Choose a synonym for the word white. The painter paints with paints, and instead of paints we use words, and we can show the color of a winter morning in such a way that we don’t even need a word white. Write down a cliché sentence: using blank phrases and words in brackets, fill in the gaps.

___________ birches (disappeared, hid, melted, dissolved) in the __________ fog on _________ morning.

Read the sentence you wrote. Why did you use this particular predicate?
Do you think white is warm or cool? Why?
How can you describe the cold of a winter morning? How do trees feel? Remember how you feel when you lie in a warm bed in the morning? (It’s so cozy under the blanket, you don’t want to get up, just to pamper yourself a little more...) Tell us what’s happening in the forest. If you find it difficult to do this yourself, use a cliché. Justify the choice of words suggested in brackets. Fill in the gaps with definitions.

(Silent, old women, ...) pine trees (chilly, dissatisfied, heavy...) wrap themselves in ____________ fur coats. (Dozing, shivering from..., hiding,...) _____________ stump, tucking __________ blanket under him.

Check for unnecessary repetitions. Read it out loud. What artistic means helped us not only color, but also bring our picture to life?
Now let’s try to describe the sounds of the awakening forest. Choose from the suggested words those that most correspond to the state of nature at the moment: peace, noise, sleep, rustling, peace, hubbub, silence, silence, howling, serenity.
Describe the state of nature using the words you choose and, if necessary, preparations from previous exercises. If it's difficult, use a cliche.

Nothing (disturb, disturb, disturb) _____________ the silence of ________ morning. Only sometimes __________ a breath of wind __________ (disturb, disturb, disturb) ____________________ the forest.

Check; replace repeated words (if found) with synonyms. Read your versions of the passages aloud.
And yet, no matter how sweet the dream, awakening comes. Which part of speech will help us show the movement that has begun in nature?
We have to “catch” the moment of awakening. Remember: why do you wake up in the morning? (The alarm clock rang, my mother woke me up, the sun came in through the window...) How does your mother wake you up? (Touches the shoulder, kisses...) We use the technique of personification: how does the sun wake up the forest? Write about it. If you are at a loss, use a cliche.

But then the _______ rays of the winter sun (timidly, carefully, cautiously) touched the sleep-covered earth, and (what suddenly happened?) from their _______________ touch on the ________ white _________________ snow suddenly (played, flared up, sparkled,...) __________.

What other movement, even perhaps subtle, will you notice and describe? (The bird fluttered, the birch tree swayed, the pine tree sighed...) Continue your description. Use a cliché.

On a __________ branch of a pine tree (fluttered, perched, sat down, took off) a bird, and (disturbed, awakened...) the tree _________ shook (its fur coat, crown, sleeve...). There are ________ _________ snowflakes in the air.

Eliminate unnecessary repetitions, if any. Read the resulting fragments out loud. Justify the choice of words suggested in brackets.
And now (if desired) we will read several essays in their entirety. What words are you unsure about the spelling of? One of the essay options.

Winter morning in the forest

The forest is still sleeping. The white-trunked birch trees disappeared into the pearly fog of the morning light. The silent pines are chilly wrapped in their winter coats. An old tree stump is dozing, tucked under a soft blanket of snow.
Nothing disturbs the magical silence of a winter morning. Only sometimes a light breeze disturbs the peace of the sleeping forest.
But then the first rays of the sun timidly touched the sleep-covered earth, and from their wonderful touch, cheerful lights flared and sparkled on the untouched whiteness of the fluffy snow. A bird flew up onto a snow-covered pine branch, the disturbed tree shook its sleeve displeasedly, and sparkling stars danced in the air.

These are some wonderful essays we got! It is not an easy task to be a wizard, but if we try, we will succeed. Did you like holding a magic wand in your hands?
If you want, you can add or continue the descriptive essay. We have it unfinished yet, you can write the end at home. And to practice magic, listen to what the snowflakes awakened by the sun say, and tell about it in your essay. Don’t forget to check the spelling, remember how dialogue and direct speech are formatted in writing.

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