
Fallout 4 how to make a beautiful girl. Character Creation. Serial killer - need more corpses

Vault-Tec visitor, character creation, Vault 111, cryogenic sleep pod. Our quick guide will quickly finish the game's prologue.

Welcome to an amazing future where energy is provided by a thermonuclear source! To be more precise, it is 2077. After the opening video screensaver, you will see your new, maybe unpleasant face in the mirror for the first time. If you don't like it, don't worry. You can freely fix it, make it aesthetically pleasing for yourself with the help of game tools for customizing the appearance of the character. Once you are satisfied with the result, confirm the changes and get ready to switch to first person mode.

You can change your character's name, appearance, and S.P.E.C.I.A.L. a little bit later.

Exploring the house and meeting with a Vault-Tec sales agent

Your first task is to explore a beautiful, suburban home with space-inspired interiors. Therefore, wander here, looking into every corner, and see what's what. Along the hall, to the left of the bathroom, you will find a bedroom and a children's room. And the living room and kitchen are on the right. Just there, a benevolent one awaits you.

After a while, you will hear a knock on the door, so go to the living room and open it. Speak to the Vault-Tec employee on the doorstep (choosing the options in the conversation at your discretion). As a result, you will find out that you are in the pre-selection for shelter in Vault 111, as the complete nuclear destruction of the Earth is soon brewing.

Accept the sales agent's offer and get ready to fill out the registration form.

Filling out the registration form and choosing the initial parameters

This point allows you to choose a character name and starting stats. You have 21 points, which you can distribute as you choose into the categories of strength, endurance, charisma, perception, luck, intelligence, and dexterity. There are explanations on the screen to help you avoid confusion.

When you have done everything, the guest will leave you, and Codsworth will ask you to go to the crying child. Head to the kids room along the corridor and play with Sean. Then spin the toy over the crib and tell your wife what you think of a walk in the park. As soon as Codsworth interrupts your conversation, leave the nursery and return to the living room.

You will see that there is an emergency news broadcast on TV.

Path to Vault 111

Looks like nuclear annihilation has begun. Thank God you signed up for the new asylum program, right? Run quickly through front door and follow your wife along the street.

The character ahead will tell you to follow the path to the right. Join the crowd rushing to the shelter, advance through the forest, cross the bridge and move up the hill.

Character creation in Fallout 4- this is a very responsible process, and although it is almost impossible to create an unplayable build, it is still better to immediately decide what you want to get from your hero in the end.

Boy or girl

The gender of your protege practically does not affect anything, and you can safely make a choice based only on aesthetic considerations. Only the list of companions with whom you will have the opportunity to have a romance will change, and some dialogues in the game will change a little. And in Fallout 4 your main character fully voiced, so the voice in the male and female version, of course, will be different.


The appearance in the game does not depend on anything at all. Here you can safely give free rein to your imagination and create at least a parody of a famous actor, even a freak with green skin.


The role-playing component of the game is based on the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. system, which, in turn, is based on seven characteristics: strength, perception, endurance, charisma, intelligence, dexterity and luck. Each of them is responsible for certain indicators of the character and gives access to special talents (perks). It’s very difficult to understand all this right off the bat, but below are tips for creating a character in Fallout 4, thanks to which you can find out what each of the characteristics is responsible for and outline the approximate path for developing your character.


If you like close combat, then you will definitely need strength. It affects the damage of melee weapons, as well as the amount of weight you carry. This characteristic will also be useful for those who want to shoot from heavy weapons, because such impressive guns weigh a lot.

So for all those who like to fill the enemy’s face with their fists, hit the adversary with a tire iron on the head and drag everything that lies badly on their hump, it is imperative to pump strength.

There is one feature that must be taken into account. When the hero equips a skeleton power armor his strength becomes 11, regardless of what this indicator was before.


Hacking, theft and shooting automatic rifles- all this requires a good perception. A high value of this attribute is required if you want to use stealth mode and kill enemies with well-aimed shots in VATS mode.

A high perception value will help you learn perks for picking complex locks, additional damage from carbines, increased damage from explosives, and much more.

If you like to play as a sniper, who at the same time remains invisible, and can pick out the pockets of a gaping enemy (well, or a random passerby), then perception is definitely your choice.


It's simple. The higher your stamina, the higher the health indicator of your character, so this characteristic is useful for absolutely all heroes. Also, the more stamina you have, the longer you can sprint.

Well pumped endurance will give you the opportunity to learn perks for health regeneration, resistance different types damage, reduced exposure to chemicals, and even cannibalism. The latter will allow you to restore life by eating corpses, but keep in mind that this process will not really please your companions and they will begin to treat you with disgust.


But charisma is useful to all players who prefer not to engage in battle with opponents. This characteristic will allow you to solve many situations peacefully. You can persuade merchants to give you discounts on various goods, get enemies out of your way, and even talk your opponent to death.

There are many interesting perks that can be obtained with Charisma. Some will allow you to make friends with all the animals in the wasteland and even call them in battle, others will improve your companions, and others, on the contrary, will allow you to receive bonuses when you are without partners.

All lovers of dialogues and non-standard passage should download charisma in the first place.


The higher this characteristic, the more skill points your character will receive. If you want to quickly upgrade your hero, then you cannot do without intelligence. It's a good idea to pick up as much intelligence as possible early in the game to maximize your skills.

Intelligence will also help with hacking computers (this will allow you to turn off turrets, reprogram protectrons, and much more), will allow you to better modify laser and plasma weapons and enhance the effect of all drugs.


Affects the amount of action points in VATS mode, so along with perception, it is great for snipers. In addition, agility allows you to move silently in stealth mode, so for stealth fans it will be very useful.

An agile character will be able to learn perks for increased damage from pistols, automatic rifles and sneak attacks, improved stealth, faster reloading and faster recovery of action points.


Luck she and in Fallout luck. Allows you to find valuable items and caches with lids during your travels in the Wasteland. In addition, lucky characters deal critical damage more often, which sometimes helps out in difficult fights and can help in a seemingly hopeless situation. Download this feature if you want unforeseen situations to arise during the passage that make the game process much more fun.

With luck, you can learn perks for more caps and ammunition found, increased damage of critical attacks, ricochet, guaranteed crit, and others.

That's all you need to know before creating a new character. Of course, the choice is always yours, but it's best to immediately imagine what you want to get from your hero as a result and, based on this, develop the necessary characteristics and perks.

If you've been roaming the wastelands of Boston since day one of release, your main character in Fallout looks like the Hulk. Invulnerability to direct hits from a sniper rifle, thunderous strike of a power fist, a full package of perks. There may not be much interest in the game anymore, so your character needs a reboot.

Which avatar to play the second time? Collect the same perks again, enjoy the same benefits? Or maybe it's better to revive the game, giving your characters a special charm. How about the serpentine precision and stealth of a Ninja, or a beefy Maniac Butcher with an IQ below 40 and pound-pound sledgehammer fists?

Let's try to look at 9 possible characters whose uniqueness will make you think: "wouldn't you try?". Let's start with Ninja

Ninja - live by the bushido code

The nature of the Ninja does not mean that you can run around the Wasteland, brandishing nunchucks and yelling "Banzai!". The game of the newly-minted ninja samurai also deprives with throwing stars. But not everything is as bad as it seems! You just need to be patient at the initial levels, pumping out special skills - Dexterity and Luck. Blitz and Stealth Mode will allow you to teleport to enemies in VATS mode, dealing critical damage right and left.

Starting Ninja skills in the tableSPECIAL:

  • Strength - 2
  • Agility - 8
  • Luck - 8

What perks to download:

Blitz, Blood Mess, Iron Fist, Major League, Ninja, Critical Damage, Crit Collector, and Stealth.

Super Spy - Agent of Her Majesty the Shadow

The Spy Master in Fallout 4 is able to break into any vault, bypass vigilant guards, and kill only when absolutely necessary. You can collect a whole collection of valuables in closed safes, get invaluable information from the terminals. The Spy Master kills quietly, little, but very effectively. The build is needed for those who want to recreate an analogue of the FSB, FBI or MI-9 in the Wasteland, becoming the most legendary spy in the game.

How to become a spy with sunglasses? Download Intellect to hack computers and robotics. The Gunnery and Science perks will help you upgrade weapons. A high level of Dexterity will allow you to upgrade the Stealth mode, and the Sandman perk will add quality to silent weapons.

Spy Master starting skills in the tableSPECIAL:

  • Perception - 4
  • Intelligence - 8
  • Agility - 7

What perks to download:

Hacker, Robot Expert, Sandman, Stealth, Gun Crazy, Science, Ninja, Pickpocket, and Shooter.

Serial killer - need more corpses!

Tired of wearing a good-natured mask? Give traders money earned in blood and sweat? It's time for the Wasteland world to get acquainted with the Serial Killer - a merciless maniac who starts a dialogue only with those whom he has already managed to send to the next world. Decorate your character with a necklace of enemy ears and go ahead, sow fear and horror in the Wasteland.

This build is not specialized for any specific weapon class and it can have many variations. Pump up Strength for Major Leagues, add Agility for Ninja and Stealth. The serial killer's girlfriend is night, so it's worth downloading Perception to get the Night Personality perk. The Sandman will allow you to silently kill people in your sleep, adding to your character gloomy tones and a negative reputation.

Serial Killer starting skills in the tableSPECIAL:

  • Strength - 2
  • Perception - 6
  • Agility - 7
  • Charisma - 10

What kindperkssway:

Stealth, Ninja, Major League, Woman Killer, Cannibal, Sandman, Night Person, Intimidation, Gunslinger.

Sniper - hit right on target

For a true sniper, the key to survival is patience. Determine the target from a long distance, find out the number of the enemy, control their movements around the location and deliver a surgically accurate strike. After the sniper, silence reigns on the ground, and only the scattered brains of enemies remind of his invisible presence in the Wasteland.

You need to rely on your stealth skills, avoid direct combat at close range. High Perception (Marksman and Sniper) along with Agility (Stealth and Ninja perks) will help achieve this goal.

Sniper starting skills in the tableSPECIAL:

  • Perception - 8
  • Agility - 8
  • Luck - 8

Required perks:

Ninja, Quick Hands, Lively and Stealth.

Iron Man - Armor Might

While wandering around the Wasteland in a raider's leather jacket or ordinary overalls, you understand: something is missing. Lacks the true power of Power Armor, which Fallout 4's elite units are so famous for. Power Armor will present you with a pleasant choice: become a savior for the Wasteland or a real catastrophe, clad in steel.

To make your fantasies come true, you need to allocate a few points on Intelligence to unlock the Nuclear Physicist to fuel your armor. Science is needed to raise the level of armor and you can’t do without Strength, which will give us access to the Big Guns Fanatic perk. And finally, the Train of Pain will increase the attack speed in power armor to incredible levels.

Iron Man starting skills in the tableSPECIAL:

  • Strength - 10
  • Endurance - 3
  • Intelligence - 9

Required perks:

Nuclear Physicist, Science, Big Gun Fanatic, Blacksmith, Gunsmith, Immunity, Life-Giver.

Mad scientist - genius is our everything!

Don't like bloodbaths and landfills face to face? Trying to survive in a world of militant society? Instead of a machine gun or a poker, you can use the natural gift of mankind - thinking. And become a jack of all trades, an expert in explosives, computer hacks and traps. Arrange a cunning trap for enemies, and then slowly enter the room with corpses and angrily rubbing your hands, depict a real devilish laugh.

The mad scientist's priority is Intelligence. Use intelligence points to learn Hacker, Chemist, Scientist and Robotics Expert. Then you will not be equal in all kinds of electronics, you will be able to produce medicines and craft energy weapons yourself. Why energy? You need to maintain the stereotypical image of an evil genius - a white coat, a crazy smile and a hefty laser gun in his hands. Save some points for Perception for the Expert Demoman perk and off you go, create your own lab!

Mad Scientist starting skills in the tableSPECIAL:

  • Perception - 5
  • Intelligence - 10
  • Agility - 2

Required perks:

Hacker, Chemist, Scientist, Robotics Expert, Demoman Expert, Commando/Shooter

Street fighter - crushing enemies with bare hands

When they see you, people will want to know if there were any super mutants in your family. But cold, calculating intellect and sledgehammer-sized fists will cool scoffers better than buckets of water. Want to smash the heads of enemies with your bare hands? Gotta get up, gotta gotta get up. Strength is everything (perks Major League and Iron Fist should be in the arsenal). Level up and agility to get the Blitz perk and Moving Target. And then Rocky himself will not stand against your steel fists.

Fighter starting skills in the tableSPECIAL:

  • Strength - 9
  • Agility - 9
  • Endurance - 3

Required perks:

Major League, Iron Fist, Moving Target, Blitz, Rooted, Durability, Life-Giving.

Settler - a new empire on the ruins of the old world

If during the first passage you went all over the Wasteland far and wide, then a settled way of life may seem quite attractive. The Settler build is focused on collecting a huge amount of resources, processing them and, as a result, building your own settlement. To cut the ribbon at the gate with scissors new capital Wasteland, the future ruler will have to carry a lot of cargo on his own back. Therefore, pump strength and endurance to carry more cargo. Don't forget about Charisma, which will give you the Leader perk, allow you to establish supply lines between settlements and expand. At level 14, you can build shops, and the Gatherer perk will allow you to find the right materials several times faster. Don't forget about Luck, which will give Gatherer and Seeking Fortune perks.

Settler starting skills in the tableSPECIAL:

  • Strength - 6
  • Luck - 2
  • Charisma - 6
  • Intelligence - 5

Required perks:

Strong Back, Local Leader, Science, Fortune Seeker, Collector, Cap Collector, Beggar.

Lone Wanderer - Wasteland Cowboy

The lonely blonde from the legendary western The Good, the Bad and the Ugly would envy you and your proud loneliness. The Wanderer needs nothing more than his own ability to survive. This character despises relationships and conversations, is unfamiliar with the word "romance", is a loner sociopath whose goal is to survive.

This is the most versatile build on the list, but the Lone Wanderer needs a lot of skills. The emphasis should be on Strength, Endurance and Perception. A few points of charisma (this is very important) will allow you to get the namesake perk Lone Wanderer.

Wanderer starting skills in the tableSPECIAL:

  • Strength - 6
  • Endurance - 3
  • Perception - 4
  • Charisma - 3
  • Agility - 2
  • Intelligence - 4

Required perks:

Lone Wanderer, Commando, Strong Back, Hacker, Shooter, Burglar.

Hello dear readers. The Gamebizclub team is in touch. In today's article, we will analyze the creation of a character in Fallout 4. Why is this issue so complicated and why do we need a separate guide on it? Many players understand the phrase “character creation” as the choice of the appearance of your hero. However, in reality, everything is much more interesting.

Yes, appearance is important. But, apart from that, from the very beginning you are invited to allocate skill points according to the main characteristics, called S.P.E.C.I.A.L. (Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence, Agility and Luck). It is necessary to allocate at least one point for each value, after which you will have 21 free pieces that you can already spend as you wish. But scatter out at random, not best method distribution. What is better to develop? To answer this question and give advice, let's go through each basic characteristic.


This parameter affects the damage dealt from the hand and the carry weight. And if everything is clear with the first, then the diplomats will think hard, because they will have to carry a lot with them. We found best option: if you want to resolve issues through physical strength only, put at least 6 points on this characteristic. Otherwise, the ideal value would be 3.

  • Perception

The main feature of this characteristic is that it affects the accuracy of shooting. Too precise to be impossible, so allocate the remaining points first, and add the rest to this parameter. But keep in mind that perception must have a minimum of 4 points so that you can pick at least medium-sized locks.

  • Endurance

Affects the maximum number of health points. You can leave it at the minimum values ​​if you choose the path of diplomacy. Otherwise, a minimum of 3 points in this column will be required.

  • Charisma

Everything is obvious. If you decide to destroy everything in your path, then you don’t need to download charisma. And if you want to do construction and see the other side of the game, bargaining, convincing interlocutors and becoming a leader - download it for 6 or more.

  • Intelligence

A very important skill that will help you more than once. Its main advantages are faster experience gain, the ability to be a hacker and much more. The minimum value is 6 points.

  • Agility

If you want to become a ninja or a sniper, then set a high value, otherwise leave it at a minimum.

  • Luck

This parameter directly affects only the rate of filling the critical attack scale. Upgrade the skill only if you have chosen the path of a fighter for your hero.

Everyone chooses for himself

Following the tips above, you can create a balanced character. But if you have already decided on the direction of your hero, then you can vary the distribution of points depending on the goals.

So, it will be optimal for a sniper to pump skills as follows: strength - 3, perception - 7, endurance - 3, charisma - 3, intelligence - 3, dexterity - 7, luck - 2. With such initial characteristics, the character will have a good backpack to carry With you enough everything for quiet work. At the same time, he will be dexterous and sensitive, which is indispensable for a sniper. Intelligence at first is enough for you, in the process of development you can still pump it over, if necessary.

Let's assume that you have chosen the tactics of a diplomat-peacemaker, bringing light to the settlements. Then good choice there will be the following distribution of initial points: 3 each for strength and endurance, 2 each for dexterity and luck, 7 each for intelligence and charisma, and 4 for perception.

Hero's appearance

We figured out the skill system, but leaving all this explosive mixture in the body of a standard character would be wrong. That is why we will not bypass appearance hero.

You can change almost everything in appearance, from gender and physique, to such trifles as abrasions and freckles. If you get tired of the character's appearance, then you can change it at any time by going to Diamond City and paying 100 caps to a man in a white coat named Sun.

So, let's figure out what you can mold in the constructor created by Bethesda. It's best to first choose the gender you want to play, then the prototype you like the most, and then start your experiments.

You can make a big and kind donut, which by its very appearance will not inspire a single thought about saving the world. At the same time, you can create an armored train of muscles, looking at which there will be only one desire - to run away.

Having dealt with the physique, you can begin to try what suits your hero. So, you can adjust not only the number, but also the location of freckles, moles, abrasions and much more.

And one moment. If you decide to play as a female character, then the plot will be exactly the same as when playing as a male. And yet, regardless of gender, you will be able to have romantic relationships with companions of the opposite sex. So choose and do what you see fit.

That's all we have for today. If you liked this article, then share it with your friends on social networks using the buttons below. Bye everyone and see you soon.

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