
Section Linguistics learning the norms of literary pronunciation. Orthoepy. Orphoepic standards in the field of vowels


  1. Orphoepium as science
  2. Development of Russian orthoepia
  3. Emphasis discharge (accentological aspect)
  4. Accentological options


List of used literature


The relevance of this topic is to develop and form modern areas of Russian language and linguistics. Modern technologies allow you to study this topic using new approaches.

The historical development of orthoepia, as one of the directions of linguistics, allows you to look for an answer for long existing expressions (their correctness and incorporation of pronunciation).

The invasion of enemies on Russia was the cause of abrupt changes in the pronunciation and writing of words and phrases. Much for the historical period of development was erased by time and irrelevant, Russian reforms allowed the most actualized Russian language and unify its composition.

Modern Russian, having a long-standing historical basis, should reflect both words from European languages \u200b\u200band the historical basis.

The purpose of this work is to trace the development of orthoepia and accentology; And also determine which problems are studying the discipline data.

1. Orphoepium as science

Each literary language exists in two forms - oral and written - and is characterized by the presence of mandatory norms - lexical, grammatical and stylistic. In this case, the written form of the language is subject to spelling and punctuation norms (i.e., the rules of spelling), and oral - utter, or orthoepic, norms.

Word Orphoepium - Greek Origin: Orthos - Right, EPOS - Speech. It denotes the totality of pronunciation rules, and the science that studies these rules. Orphoepium is the doctrine of oral speech standards: about the rules for the pronunciation of individual sounds and their combinations, about the patterns of staging.

A good literary pronunciation is one of the important indicators of the general cultural level of a modern person. "The correct pronunciation of the word is no less important than the right writing. It is known that the wrong pronunciation distracts the attention of the listener from the content of the statement, thereby making the exchange of information ... The role of proper pronunciation has been particularly increased in our time when oral public speech at meetings and conferences, on radio and television has become a means of communication between thousands and millions of people "

It is especially important to disseminate the right Russian literary pronunciation, since Russian is not only the language of the Russian people, but also a means of interethnic communication of all peoples, Russia and one of the international languages \u200b\u200bof modern times.

This is facilitated by special reference and tutorials, scientific and popular science publications, regular radio and telecasts. However, a central figure in the spread of orthoepic skills was the school teacher. Therefore, a student of a pedagogical university must master the norms of orthoepia, clearly imagine, in what direction the language norm in the field of emphasis and pronunciation is developing, be able to distinguish the options for the norm from the abnormative, incorrect pronunciation.

2. Development of Russian ORFOPII

Russian literary pronunciation was gradually gradually, mainly based on the Moscow utilities. In the XIV century The center of the Russian state was Moscow, so uttering and many other norms of the folded Russian literary language Formed on the basis of the Moscow Council. Moscow orpheepic rate finally developed by the end of the XIX century. It was the pronunciation of the indigenous Moscow intelligentsia.

To the second half of the XIX century. The St. Petersburg pronunciation was also formed. If the Moscow pronunciation was based on the characteristic features of a lively language and supported by theater tradition (the small theater was the greatest authority in the field of Moscow pronunciation), the Petersburg pronunciation was characterized by preserving in the oral speech of the characteristics of writing, book, book-walp. In addition, on the St. Petersburg pronunciation, some features of the north-gicoral govors affected, including the so-called ecanese. Petersburg pronunciation was not recognized as the theater, did not become a literary norm, but some of its peculiarities subsequently had a noticeable impact on the development of Russian literary pronunciation.

Up to Great October socialist revolution It was also noticeable to the influence of such major cultural centers such as Kazan and Nizhny Novgorod. Therefore, we existed the utilities, local differences in pronunciation, which prevented the unification of orthoepic standards.

After October, the change in the social composition of the Russian intelligentsia caused a temporary loosening of the culture of oral literary speech. However, as the masses of speakers were traded by a literary language, as their common culture increases, they gradually absorbed and utter norms of the literary language. Currently, the orthoepic standards have become more uniform, more unified than in the Dooktyrab era. The number of pronounced options has decreased. All kinds of pronouncing "idioms" disappeared or gradually disappear, i.e., the special pronunciation of individual words or their forms that does not correspond to the general orthoepic norms of the language. The most significant differences between the Moscow and St. Petersburg (Leningrad) pronunciation erased. This happened due to the loss of many specific features of the pre-revolutionary Moscow pronunciation.

The result was the rapprochement of Moscow and Leningrad pronunciation. When they are currently talking about the Moscow Regulation, then they mean old, Dooktyrab Moscow pronunciation. It was maintained in Moscow in the speech of the older generation of Muscovites in the 20-30s. XX century, but in the post-war period suffered reinforced. Now even the actors of Moscow theaters, radio speakers and television are noticeably departed from specifically Moscow norms.

Some minor discrepancies in the pronunciation of Muscovites and Leningrad residents are still preserved, but they are not regular and do not determine the nature of pronunciation as a whole: in Moscow, Ikanier is stronger, in Leningrad there is sometimes ecanese, Wed: [P'I E] ka and [p 'e] ka, [p'y e] the Redd and [p'e] the Redest; In Moscow, it is more often an assimilative mitigation of consonants: [s "d" e] smi, [with "n" a]; The reduction of the minds of the wrong lifting is stronger: [Hollows ^ VA], [Snove].

In the speech of the residents of the Volga region and the North can still be predicted.

However, these deviations from the literary norm are irregular and in contemporary orphoepium as a whole do not affect.

Thus, the basic pattern of development of brief Russian ORFEPIA is the elimination of local peculiarities of pronunciation, the establishment of uniform orthoepic standards for all carriers of the Russian literary language.

The unification of the literary pronunciation takes greatly under the influence of the letter: the pronunciation in many cases is closer to writing. This is due to the strengthening of the public role of a written speech in the conditions of universal literacy achieved in the Soviet Union. Many language facts we know not from oral speech around others, but from books and newspapers. The loss of the specific features of the old Moscow pronunciation is primarily due to the influence of the graphic appearance of the word. This is the pronunciation [l] after hissing (W] and [F] in the first estate syllable (heat, shalun, steps); pronunciation of soft posterhable in front of [and] in the adjectives and verbs (quiet, flexible, strict; tapping, scare, swinging) ; distinction in the pronunciation of the 3rd face of the multiple number of verbs of the 1st and 2nd lifting (will be taken out, the stealth, caching, but hear, go, praise, love); the pronunciation of the solid long [W:] in the roots of words ( Believers, yeast, squeeze); the pronunciation of soft [s "] in the postfix -" "I decided, it took, bought it).

3. Restation space

(accentological aspect)

The distinction and mobility of Russian stress creates significant difficulties in his assimilation. However, these features of Russian stress make it possible to distinguish the coinciding in writing different words (omographs): sharpness (blades) and acuity (witty expression), the ear (caressing to the word Ear) and the UCHO (hole), the atlas (geographical) and atlas ( Silk fabric), sharply (sharing) and sharply (witty), naked (slices) and naked (keep checkers naked), wrinkle (forehead) and wrinkle (about clothes): dress wrinkles in "shoulders; chaos (in mythology) and chaos (mess), Kirk (Protestant Church) and Kirk (tool); Valit (Lesorba pine pine) and pile (the people are picked down the street, shame, snow); flour (suffering) and flour (grinding in grain powder); pantice ( It is afraid of) and a coward (running, rides a coward), immersed (on the platform) and immersed (in water), etc.

With the help of the place of stress, the grammatical forms of words (omographs) are also distinguished: blood test (R. p.) - Blood (P. p.); Hands will not supply (R. p.) - Clean hands (I. p. Mn. h.); trim (perfect) - trim (imperfect); Georgte (expressing ignition) - ship ( imperative mood); The coat is not enough (brief form of adjective) - I slept a little (adverb); circle (TV. n. noun circle) - a circle (adverb or preposition) - silence (adverb) - silence (verbalia); stand freely (adverb, circumstance) - he was leaving (the category of state, led); Wisely says (adverb, circumstance) - it is wise in it (the category of state, part of the faith to understand).

As an important distinctive tool, Russian diverse and mobile stress eliminates the monotony of speech, contributes to its rhythmic organization. In particular, thanks to the impact difference, the Russian poetic speech is characterized by the exclusive wealth of rhythms, a variety of musical construction of verse.

4. Accentological options

Accentological options within the literary norm are the inevitable consequence of the evolution of the language. As a rule, they do not differ in either semantic or in grammatical meanings. For example: thinking - thinking, barge - barge, born - born, flooded - flooded, true - faithful, in the hut - in the hut, on the bridge - on the bridge, etc. such equal (by meaning, but not use) accentological doublets In modern Russian, there are a lot of more than 5,000 common words. "The variability of stress provides a less sharp and painful transition from the old literary standard to a new one. For example, the stress of the cemetery was generally accepted in the literary language of the XIX century, the new version of the cemetery began to gradually deal with The end of the XIX century. The old option is still used in poetry. In the XVIII - XIX centuries. The norm was the stress of the turner. oscillations (turner and turner) began at the end of the XIX century. and continued until the 30s. XX century. Now everyone speaks Tokar, but you can also meet the bondar and bondar.

The reasons for changing the emphasis are different. Sometimes a literary accent competes with literary (cf. lith. Keta and Far Eastern Keta). Hesitates the emphasis in some little-known, exotic words (Pima - Pima, Unputa - ONTA).

Emphasis options are common in many borrowed words, which is due to the influence of different source languages, and in some cases - and languages \u200b\u200b"intermediaries. So, in the 30s. The normatives were the options for revolver and the revolver (later - only the revolver), since this word was erected to different source languages \u200b\u200b- French and English. Borrowed in the XVIII century. From the German language, alcohol was spoken by alcohol, but later alcohol became pronounced under the influence of French. Under the influence of the Polish language, the former mediator during borrowing, hesitated the emphasis in the words document, department, heretic, climate (now only the document, heretic, climate).

Some accentological options originate or persist in a professional environment: agony (among doctors), atom, atomic (physicists), spark (at the chauffeurs), complex numbers (in mathematicians), report (sailors), chassis (at the pilots), mania (from doctors). In the speech of the miners survived outdated "in the modern literary language, emphasis, in the speech of sailors - compass. Many obsolete strokes are preserved in poetry. From professional speech, they came to the literary language of the wind, textual, cutter, boys. Now in speech teachers has gained widespread stress Teenage, although it is not recognized by orthoepic dictionaries.

At the same time, the church pronunciation has long been forgotten (the price, tolerates, protects), the seminar (teacher, library, multiple number, catastrophe), class variants (noble principle or principle and disintegone, including the seminar, principle or principle).

The accentological features of borrowed words are often ignored if borrowing is carried out using a mediator language. So, through Latin in the XVI-XVIII centuries. Such unlikely names like England, France, Nor-GE were borrowed, which in Russian received the same type of structural-accentological design: England, France, Norway. In the XVIII-XIX centuries. Through the French language, many words were borrowed from various Western European languages, who received the emphasis in the last sylney, characteristic of French, including English Liverpool, Milton; Hamlet, Shakespeare, Newton, etc.

Words borrowed through the Turkic medium are usually emphasis on the last syllable, even if this emphasis does not correspond to the original: Magomet, Ahmet (Wed. Arabsk. Ahmad, Muhammad).

For the Russian language, the most typically emphasis on the last two syllables, so most often the stress of the source language is persisted unchanged in the words of French, Polish and Turkic languages. The words, borrowed from the Germanic, Baltic and Ugro-Finnish languages, in which the emphasis on the first syllable prevails, are perceived longer as borrowed, and in the process of mastering the Russian language, hesitations are often experiencing fluctuations in emphasis. In some borrowed words of oscillations in stressing themselves in centuries, as the vocabulary and poetic speech are supported.

In the XX century The number of hesitation of accents in borrowed words compared to the XIX century. It has decreased, which indicates the development of them with Russian.

Currently, in previously borrowed words, new fluctuations arise, due to the desire to bring the emphasis of a foreign language word to stress in the source language (Wed: Hamlet -\u003e - Hamlet, Los Angeles - Los Angeles, Peru Peru, Newton Newton, Bacon -Bekon, etc.).

"The newly borrowed words, as a rule, follow the source language accent, because in most cases the time for the occurrence of oscillations has not yet come. This should be preceded by a certain period during which words should "take care" in the language, become a well-known majority of native speakers and "find" an analogy among the words included in the system of vocabulary. "

The influence of territorial and social dialects, intersective contacts, etc., is extra-language factors of change and fluctuations in the emphasis. However, the causes of internal speakers are more important: the impact of an analogy, the tendency to the production of grammatical forms and an increase in the distinctive role of verbal stress.

Under the influence of the analogy, emphasis in short forms of persistent communities: Forms of female genus are increasingly pronounced with an emphasis based on all other forms, and not at the end, as they were uttered before: sold, taken, inclined (instead of the only permissible previously sold, taken , inclined).

The emphasis in derivative basics is increasingly moving away from stressing in producing: whirlwind - to win (in the dictionaries it is still indicated to win), luxury - luxurious, tiger - tiger, brake - brake (old stresses are luxurious, tiger, brake), think - thinker, get rid of Relief, console - Comforter (in the XVIII - early XIX century: Thinker, Relief, Comforter). The emphasis on suffix is \u200b\u200btransferred in words Calculation, straightening, purpose, melting (in the words XVIII V.: Calculation, straightening, appointment, melting). Preserve the original accents of the word intention, provision, concentration, although the violation of the literary norm is common: provision, concentration, intention. I fluctuates within the literary norm. Emphasis in words thinking, detection, rejection, caregotics (linguistic term) and caregotment.

There is a very important pattern of changing the emphasis: Russian emphasis in multi-line words is to the center of the word, and the most common words do not have more than three poor syllables in a row.

Excessive accentological options are fixed in sustainable phrases, in phraseological units: spend hand on the forehead (which is in the forehead, that in the forehead), hang on the wall (climb on the wall), the lip is not a fool (but the bottom lip), the onset of the morning (in the morning, to in the morning), twelve languages \u200b\u200b(two-bedded languages), about the wizards (in two versts), concerned about the fate of sons (what fate!), cooks porridge (cooks head), to horses (team: by horses!), Bought a goose (like a goose Water), did not know the need (no need).

At the same time, the consolidation of accentological options for different values Multivalial words often turn out to be unstable. Increasingly, the distinction of the options of type rolls barrel and rolls on a bike, blocks and breaks the snow, struck the door and struck an hour, etc. It is lost, expands the sphere of use more productive option (rolls, pinches, punched).


The concept of orthoepia and accentology in modern Russian began to worry literary critics and lingules.

The correctness and improperness of the pronunciation of certain words can be characterized by knowing the history of the Russian language, the system of influence of other language schemes into Russian.

The accentological aspects of the development and formation of the Russian language make it possible to study the dialectic side of the wordform.

The use of a modern methodology of linguistics allows you to form modern knowledge of the development of the Russian language. Scientific benefits dedicated to this topic allow you to investigate this topic in a modern context.

The historiography of the Russian language traces a century-old story of the formation of the Russian language, pronunciation and writing of the symbol-sound scheme. The role of historical periods characterizing the modifications of the Russian language can be traced.

The invasion of the Mongol-Tatars, Swedish influence, as well as the type of settlement, local dialects and colloquial forms, was provided a huge role of development and formation of orthoepia.

List of used literature

  1. Avanesov R. I. Russian literary pronunciation. - 5rd ed. - M-, 1972.
  2. Bulakhovsky L. A. Russian literary language first halves XIX. V.- M., 1994.
  3. Gorbachevich K. S. Regulations of the modern Russian literary language. - M., 1998.
  4. V. V. Wheels Development of verbal stress in the modern Russian pronunciation. - In the CN: the development of the Russian language after the Great October Socialist Revolution. L., 1997.
  5. Obnorsky S. P. Selected Works in Russian Language. - M., 1990
  6. Panov M. V. On pronunciation styles. - In Sat.: Development of the modern Russian language. M., 1993.
  7. Panov M.V. Modern Russian language: Phonetika.- M., 1999.
  8. The development of phonetics of the modern Russian language. - M., 2001.
  9. Russian literary pronunciation and stress: Dictionary-directory. / Ed. R. I. Avanesova and S. I. Ozhegova.- M., 1990.
  10. Dictionary of stress for radio and television workers. / Sost F.L. Ageenko and M. V. Zharva; Ed. D. E. Rosental.- 4th ed.- m, 2001.
  11. Superanskaya A. V. Emphasis in borrowed words in the modern Russian language. - m., 1968.
  12. Superanskaya A. V. Emphasis in its own names in modern Russian. - M., 1966.
  13. Teuchery A. V. Teaching the Russian language in dialectic conditions. - m., 1994.
  14. Ushakov D. N. Moskovskaya pronunciation. - Rus. Speech, 1968, № 2.
  15. Scherba L. V. On the norms of exemplary Russian pronunciation. - In the book: Selected works in the Russian language. M., 1997.

Orthoepy (Greek. Orthoespeia, from Orthus - Right and ypos - speech). The term "orphoepium" has two main values: 1) "A set of standards of a literary language associated with sound design of significant units: morpheme, words, proposals. Among such norms, the utterances are distinguished (the composition of the background, their implementation in different positions, the phonen composition of individual backgrounds) and the norms of super-segment phonetics (emphasis and intonation) "; 2) The section of the Linguistic Speech Rules.

The scope of the "Orphoepium" concept is not fully established: Some linguists understand the orthoepia narrowly - as a set of not only specific norms of oral speech (i.e., the norms of pronunciation and stress), but also the rules for the formation of grammatical forms of the word: candles - candle, crushes - pegs, harder - hard.In our manual, in accordance with the data at the beginning of this paragraph by definition, ORFEPIA is understood as a totality of the rules of pronunciation and stress. The formation of grammatical forms is considered only if the form expressive function acts.

Orphoepium is closely related to phonetics: pronunciation rules cover the phonetic language system, i.e. The composition of the phones distinguished in this language, their quality, change in various phonetic conditions. Orphoepium object - pronunciation standards. Orphoepic norm - This is the only possible or preferred language version corresponding to the pronunciation system and the basic patterns of language development.

Orphoepium includes the following sections.

1. Orphoepic standards in the field of vowels and consonant sounds.

2. Features of the pronunciation of borrowed words.

3. Features of pronunciation of individual grammatical forms.

4. The concept of spoken styles. Their features.

Orphoepia norms

Orphoepic standards are also called literary utilities, as they serve a literary language, i.e. The language in which cultural people say and write. The literary language unites all speakers in Russian, it is needed to overcome the linguistic differences between them. And this means that he should have strict norms: not only lexical - the norms of consumption of words, not only grammatical, but also the norms of orthoepic. Differences in pronunciation, like other language differences, interfere with people when communicating, switching their attention from what is said about, as they say.

Pronunciation standards are determined by the phonetic language system. In each language there are their phonetic laws for which words are pronounced. For example, in Russian, the shock sound [o] in an unstressed position changes to [A] ( in[about] do - B.[but] yes, T.[about] chit - T.[but] read); After soft consonants, shock vowels [o, a, e] change to the unstressed sound [and] ( m.[I] sO - m.[and] snow, in[E] l. - in[and] la, l.[E] z. - vL[and] bob); At the end of words, ringing consonants change on the deaf (do [b] s - d.[P], moro.[s] s - moro.[from]). The same change of calls on the deaf occurs before deaf consonants ( rU[B] iT - rU[P] ka, how manyz. iT - how many[from] ko), and the deaf consonants before ringing are changing to be ringing ( ko[from] iT - koz. fB, molo.[t] iT - molo.[d] fB). The study of these laws is engaged in phonetics. Orphoepic standards determine the choice of pronounced options - if the phonetic system in this case allows several possibilities. So, in the words of foreign language origin in principle, consonant before the letter e.it can be pronounced both firmly and gently, while the orthoepic rate sometimes requires solid pronunciation (for example, [DE] kada[TE] mP), sometimes - soft (for example [D "E] clagian, [t "e] mmp, mu[s "e] j.). The phonetic system of the Russian language admits both a combination of [SCH] and a combination of [h "n], cf. bulo[h "n] and I and bulo[SN] and Ibut the orthoepic rate prescribes to speak horse[SN] about, but not horse[h "n] about. Orphoepium also includes stress standards: correctly pronounce presence, but not Doctor, started, but not nearby, call, but not link, alphavt., but not alphvit).

At the heart of the Russian literary language, which means that the literary pronunciation is the Moscow Narest. So it was historically: it was Moscow who became a uniform of Russian lands, the center of the Russian state. Therefore, the phonetic features of the Moscow adverb have formed the basis of orthoepic norms. If the capital of the Russian state was not Moscow, but, let's say, Novgorod or Vladimir, then the literary norm would be "Okane" (that is, we would now utter in[about] yes, but not in[but] yes), and if the capital became Ryazan - "Jaca" (i.e. we would say in [l "a] su., but not in [l "and] su.).

Orphoepic rules warn the error in pronunciation, cut off the unacceptable options. Pronunciation options recognized by incorrect, non-leaturated, may appear under the influence of phonetics of other language systems - territorial dialects, urban spaciousness or nearby languages, mainly Ukrainian. We know that not all speaking people in Russian have the same pronunciation. In the north of Russia, "enemy" and "bake": pronounce in[about] yes, g.[about] in[about] rIT, n.[E] su.), in the south - "ACHA" and "Jacket" (speak in[but] yes, n.[I] su.), There are other phonetic differences.

In a person who does not speak the literary language since childhood, and consciously developing a literary pronunciation, in speech can be met by utter features, characteristic of the local govor, which he learned in childhood. For example, the people from the south of Russia often retain a special pronunciation of sound [g] - they utter a ringing [x] (sound, in transcription indicated by the [G] sign). It is important to understand that this kind of pronunciation features are violation of the norms only in the system of the literary language, and in the system of territorial dialects they are normal and correct and comply with the phonetic laws of these dialects.

There are other sources of non-vertical pronunciation. If a person first met the word in writing, in an artistic or other literature, and before that he never heard it to utter it, he may not be wrong to read it, voice: for pronunciation may affect the letter's appearance of the word. It is under the influence of writing that a word pronunciation appeared, for example chu[F] gUSTs Instead of the right chu[from] yours, [h] that instead [sh] that, pomo[Sh] nick instead pomo[Ш] nick.

The orthoepic rate does not always affirm as the only correct only one of the utterances, rejecting the other as erroneous. In some cases, it allows pronunciation options. Literary, right is considered as pronunciation e.[w "g"] w., in and[w "g"] aT with mild long sound [g "] and e.[LJ] w., in and[LJ] aT - with solid long; correct I. before[w "g"] and, I. before[railway] and, I. r.[w "sh"] stick and r.[w "h"] stick, and [d] believe and [D "] believe, I. p[about] eSIA and p[but] eSIA. Thus, in contrast to spelling standards, offering one option and prohibitive others, the orthoepic standards allow options that are either estimated as equal, or one option is considered desirable, and the other permissible. For example, Orphoepic dictionary of the Russian language edited by R.I.Avancyova (M., 1997) pool Allows to pronounce with mild and with solid [s], i.e. and ba.[C "E] eNE and ba.[SE] eNE; In this dictionary, it is proposed to pronounce mannevra, gliderbut allowed pronunciation Manvra, plena.

The emergence of many orphoepic options is associated with the development of the literary language. Pronunciation gradually changes. At the beginning of the 20th century spoke but[n "] gel, tse[R"] cow, ve[p "x], pE[R"] out. And now in the speech of the elderly, you can often find such a pronunciation. Very quickly leaves the literary language solid pronunciation of the consonant [s] in the particle - sia (sch) (diard[from] but, installation[from]). At the beginning of the 20th century It was the norm of the literary language, as well as the solid sounds [g, K, X] in adjectives on - kiy., -guilla, -chi. And in the verbs on - to nag, -give, -big. The words tall, strict, old, jump, bounce, strangle pronounced as if it was written strict, old, jump, bounce. Then the rule began to admit both options - old and new: and diard[from] but and diard[C "] I and stroke[g] iY stroke[g "] iY. As a result of changes in the literary pronunciation, options appear, some of which characterize the speech of the older generation, others - the younger.

Orphoepic norms are established by scientists - specialists in the field of phonetics. Based on what linguists decide which option to reject, and what to approve? ORFOPII codifiers weigh all "for" and "against" each of the encountered options, while taking into account different factors: the prevalence of the pronunciation, its compliance with the objective laws of the language development (i.e., look at what option is doomed, and what is the future ). They establish the relative strength of each argument for the pronunciation. For example, the prevalence of the option is important, but this is not the strongest argument in its favor: there are and common mistakes. In addition, specialists in orthoepia are in no hurry to approve a new version, adhering to reasonable conservatism: the literary pronunciation should not change too quickly, it must be stable, because the literary language connects generation, unites people not only in space, but also in time. Therefore, it is necessary to recommend the traditional, but living norm, at least she was not the most common

In the pronunciation of adjectives pOST PAIDE The only number of medium and male genus according to the tradition of consonants [g] is replaced by [in]: in black [h "Yaoґrn] stone, without blue [with" YґN "BB] handkerchief.

In the names of adjectives on - guy, -y, -Khyand in the verbs on - go tothe consonants go, k, x are pronounced gently, in contrast to the Staromoshkovsky pronunciation, which required in these cases of solid consonant:

Unstressed personal finishes of verbs 1 and 2 toughness - uh, -t, -tand suffixes of valid communities of the present -the ,- ,- ,- ,-in the language of our days they are pronounced unequal, their pronunciation focuses on writing. Staromoskovskiy norms demanded the utterance of these endings and suffixes only by an option 1 of the conjugation. Such pronunciation options are now outdated, but they can still be heard in the speech of old intellectuals.

4. The pronunciation of postfixes is in return verbs. For Staromoshkovsky pronunciation, a solid [s] pronunciation was characterized in these morphemes: the battle [s], soap [s]. The exception was only a verbalism, in which a solid consonant: combat [C "], knocking [C"]. In modern language, it is recommended to pronounce [C "] in all cases, except for those when the postfix is \u200b\u200bthe sound [s]: carried [s], shaking [s], but: Leave [with" Kommersant], soap [with "ъ] .

Competent oral speech is the key to successful communication. The ability to correctly state your thoughts will help not only when a device for work or in business negotiations, but also in everyday life. But in order to master the oral speech, it is necessary to know and comply with the orthoepic standards of the Russian language. This will be devoted to our article.

What is orphoepium?

The word "Orphoepium" consists of two Greek roots - "Orthos" and "EPOS", which are translated as "correct" and "speech". That is, the science of the right speech is that such orphoepia.

Graphic abbreviations

Graphic contractions include initials, standing nearby With the surname, designations of volume or distance, such as liters (L), meters (M), also pages (C) and other similar abbreviations serving to save space in the printed text. All these trimmed words when reading must be defined, that is, it is necessary to pronounce the word completely.

The use of graphic abbreviations in a conversation can be assessed as a speech error or irony, which can be relevant only in certain circumstances.

Names and patronymic

The orthoepic standards of the Russian language also regulate the features of pronunciation of names and patientities. Note that the use of patientity is characteristic only for our language. In Europe, this concept does not exist at all.

The use of the full name and human patronymic is necessary under different circumstances both orally and in writing. Especially often, such appeals are used in the working environment and official documents. Such an appeal to a person can serve as a marker degree of respect, especially when conversation with the elder and older people.

Most Russian-speaking names and patientities have several pronunciation options that may vary from the degree of closeness with a person. For example, I first encounter, it is advisable to pronounce the name and patronymic of the interlocutor clearly, as close as possible to writing.

However, in other cases, the orthoepic norms of the Russian language (pronunciation standards) provide for the method of use historically in oral speech.

  • The patronymic ending in "- Sievna", "- Sievich." In women's options, it is necessary to observe a written form, for example, Anatolyevna. In male - let's say and brief option: Anatolyevich / Anatolich.
  • To "-Aevich" / "-Aevna", "-Eevich" / "-Eevna". And for men and for women's options, a brief option is allowed: Alekseevna / Aleknevna, Sergeevich / Sergeych.
  • On "-OVich" and "-One". In the male version, the shape of the form is permissible: Alexandrovich / Alexandrych. In the female - necessarily full pronunciation.
  • In women's patrimonies formed from the names ending with "N", "M", "B", not pronounced [s]. For example, instead of Efimovna - Efimna, Stanislavovna - Stanislavna.

How to pronounce borrowed words

The orthoepic norms of the Russian language also regulate the rules for the pronunciation of foreign words. This is due to the fact that in some cases the laws of consumption of Russian words are violated in borrowed. For example, the letter "O" in unstressed syllables is pronounced just as if it was stood in a strong position: an oasis, model.

Also in some foreign words, the consonants facing the softening vowel "E" remain solid. For example: Codex, antenna. There are words with a variable pronunciation, where you can pronounce "E" and firmly, and gently: therapy, terror, dean.

In addition, for borrowed words, the emphasis is fixed, that is, in all wordforms it remains unchanged. Therefore, in the event of difficulties with pronunciation, it is better to turn to the orthoepic dictionary.

Accentological norm

Now consider the orthoepic and accentological norms of the Russian language in more detail. To begin with, we will understand what is an accentological norm. This is called the rules of staging in the word.

In Russian, the emphasis is not fixed, as in most European, which not only enriches speech and increases the capabilities of the language game, but also provides tremendous opportunities for violation of the adopted norm.

Consider the functions that performs uncontrolled emphasis. So it:

  • makes it possible for stylistic coloring words (silver - silver) and the appearance of professionalism (compass - compass);
  • provides a change in etymology (meanings) of the word (Meli - Meli, Atlas - Atlas);
  • allows you to change the morphological features of the word (pines - pines).

Also, staging can change your speech style. So, for example, the word "maiden" will refer to the literary, and the "maiden" - to the neutral.

There is a class of such words, the variability of stress in which does not bear any semantic load. For example, Obukh - Obuch, barge - barge. The emergence of these exceptions is due to the lack of a single norm and the equal existence of a dialect and literary language.

Also, staging in some words can be simply obsolete form. For example, music - music, employee - employee. In fact, you change only the emphasis, and in fact you begin to speak outdated syllable.

Most often, the staging in the word has to be memorized, since the existing instances regulate far from all cases. In addition, sometimes a violation of a literary norm can become an individual copyright. This is often used by poets so that the poetic string sounds smoother.

However, it is not necessary to assume that accentology is included in the orthoepic standards of the Russian language. The emphasis and correct setting is too extensive and complex topicTherefore, it is usually taken into a special section and study separately. Those who wish to familiarize themselves with the topic more in more detail and exclude violations of the standpoint of stress out of their speech, it is recommended to acquire an orthoepic dictionary.


It would seem that it could be difficult to speak in his native language? In fact, most of us do not even represent how many norms of the Russian language are violated daily.

The term "orthoepium" (from the ancient Greek ὀὀόςός "Right" and ἔπος "speech") is used in relation to to the norms of pronunciation of sounds and significant units of the language, the correctness of the stagnation and intonation.

Conditionally speaking, orthoepia dictates us, on what syllable in one or another word should be emphasis, and explains why.

The concept of orthoepia as a section of linguistics

Linguistics interprets the term "Orphoepium" In two values:

  • the combination of the utterances of the literary language, the peculiarities of pronunciation - the sound design of lexical units (words);
  • the name of the science, the section of phonetics, studying the norm of pronunciation, their variation, and producing pronouncing recommendations (otherwise - orthoepic rules).

In modern linguistics, there are two approaches to understanding the orthoepic standards: in the first case, the term is interpreted more widely - in addition to the rules of pronunciation, the staging of the emphasis is normalized, in a narrower understanding of these norms are excluded from the scope of study of ORFOPII.

Orphoepic norms only a literary language serve, They are needed to communicate people, facilitate understanding of speech. Norms and rules are determined by phonetic laws that exist in one language or another.

In different languages, they are their own. So, in many European languages, the sound [l,] is always pronounced gently, while in Russian there are two variants of pronunciation - [l] and [l,].

Pronunciation norms

It is orthoepium dictates the need for pronunciation:

  • [A] instead of [o] in an unstressed position: not in [o] yes, and in [a] yes, not [o] read, and T [a]
  • [and] instead of [a], [o], [e] in the syllables, on which the stress does not fall: h [a] C - h [and] Si, in [E] Dr. - in [and] DRO;
  • deaf sound instead of soft in the end of the word (stunning): memory [b] - memory [P], dritch [d] [T], vapor [d] - pair [t];
  • a deaf sound instead of a ringing before a deaf consonant sound: RU [B] It [P] Ka, Lo [d] Point - Lo [T], [in] Lake - [F] Park;
  • ringing - instead of deaf before ringing (assimilation): ko [s] ... - goat, Molo [T] IT - Molo [d], etc.

If the language system admits several pronunciation capabilities, orphoepium dictates the choice of option. Often this necessity arises when entering into the language of foreign language origin. For example, in most foreign languages, I consonted before the sound [e] is not mitigated. When you enter the word in Russian, some words require solid pronunciation, some, on the contrary, soft.


  • solid pronunciation: T [E] MP, ACC [E] NT, AMBR [E] and others;
  • soft: MUZ [E] th, d [e] Clalaria, D [E] Kan, etc.

Rule states:

  • a solid consonant sound is maintained in foreign surnames (volts [e] p, shop [e] NGAER);
  • in book and fixed words, as well as those who have entered in the tongue recently, a solid consonant is maintained (P [E] Ying, D [E] -ER, D [E] -FAKTO), although, as the word consolidates, a solid pronunciation is possible in the language. On the soft (as, for example, it is happening with the words P [E] Ying, d [e] the godrant, where a dual pronunciation is possible).

Pronunciation may depend and from the type of consonant facing the vowel. Recently, in the words of foreign origin, there is a tendency to mitigate the consonant sound in combination "de" (as if we write - so pronounce: D [E] Clalarion, D [E] Ekret, D [E] Monsterness, etc.). Similar processes are observed in combinations "not", "re" (tires [E], Akvar [E].

Due to the presence of orthoepic norms, it is necessary to say Bulo [SN] Aya, Ya [SHN] ICA, KONE [SHN] Oh, etc.

Strength standards

Orthoepy also rations also emphasis establishes accent norms. The fact that the ringing is needed, and not the alphabet, and not alfany, many know from the school course of the Russian language, but difficult cases are possible.

Many languages \u200b\u200bare distinguished by fixed stress. Russian is considered difficult to explore also because the emphasis in it is:

  • free - he has no definite position, the emphasis may fall on any syllable;
  • movable - even when the word change, the emphasis can move, not to mention the related words.

The emphasis is often the only sign of the grammatical shape of the word (hands - hands), helps to distinguish the semantics of words (Atlas - Atlas).

Literary and non-veteral orthoepic standards

At the heart of the literary pronunciation lies the Moscow Narest. For other regions, their features are characteristic:

  • "Akane" and "Yakanny" - for the southern;
  • "Okanenie" - for the northern;
  • characteristic sound pronunciation [g] - [g].

A person who is consciously striving to literary pronunciation, tries to get rid of them, but they can be considered the norm in the dialect system.

With the development of a literary language norms of pronunciations can change However, a person competent can only be considered when he adheres to the traditional norm.

About what orphoepium is, you can learn from dictionaries and reference books of the literary language. All the languages \u200b\u200bof the world have certain lexical standards, which are a model of proper use of words.

Science Orphoepium

Orphoepium studies the laws and rules for pronunciation of words. It is very similar to spelling, which considers the laws of proper writing words. The term "Orphoepium" includes two Greek words: orthos - "right", "right", "right" (direction) and EPOS - "Speech", "Conversation". Therefore, to the question of what ortoepium is, it is possible to give a response directly translated from Greek: the correct pronunciation.

Orphoepia rules

Various deviations from the norms of use and pronunciation interfere with communication, distract the listener from the meaning of speech pronounced and significantly make it difficult to absorb the pronounced text. Compliance with the norms of pronunciation of words is also important as the hold of spelling standards. The correctness of the pronunciation of a lexical unit will tell orphoepium. The rules of this science make it possible to determine how it is necessary to pronounce this or that word, and the area of \u200b\u200bits lexical application. Indeed, in the world where oral speech is a means of broad communication, it should be impeccable, in terms of rules of orthoepia.


Russian orphoepium has developed in the middle of the 17th century. Then the rules for the pronunciation of certain words were approved, the norms of building phrases and suggestions were laid. The center of the new literary language was Moscow. On the basis of the Severorussian dialects and southern dialects, a Moscow pronunciation was formed, which was taken as the basis of the lexical norm. The science on how to correctly pronounce this or that word, went from Moscow to remote depths of Russia.

In the early 18th century, the center of the country's political and cultural life has become new capital Russia is the city of St. Petersburg. Gradually, the norms of pronunciation changed, among the intelligentsia, it became a clear rule, the spongable pronunciation of words. But among the wide segments of the population, the Moscow pronunciation continued to be considered.

Orphoepium studies such norms of the pronunciation of the Russian language, as an emphasis, the norm of pronunciation of individual sounds and combinations, melodiousness and intonation of spoken speech.


About what orfoepia is, it is possible to consider on the rules of staging in Russian words. The question is not as simple as it may seem. In the French speech in the overwhelming majority of cases, the emphasis is placed on the last syllable. In Russian, the stress is movable, can fall on an arbitrary syllable, change its location depending on the genus and case this word. For example, a city, but cities, a train, but trains will take, but accepted.

Sometimes the wrong pronunciation was so much in conversation, which requires a lot of effort to eradicate the error. For example, everywhere we hear calling instead of calling, the contract instead of the right agreement. Orphoepium words insists on: directory, necrologist, quarter instead of established incorrect versions of these words.

Sometimes it helps to correct the emphasis. For example, in the mid-50s 20th century, the use of the word "youth" instead of the right "youth" was widespread. Fix the error helped a widely popular song "Anthem Democratic Youth". The song was created by the composer Novikov on the poets of the poet Osanin. In the chorus, the hymn was words: "Young people are singing this song." The common "youth" did not fit into rhythm, nor into the text of this musical work, so the wrong pronunciation of the popular word was supplanted true.


The pronounced word can be written using transcription. This is the name of the recording of audible words and sound sounds. In transcription, along with conventional literals, special, for example, the letter [æ] is used, indicates an open shock vowel, something mean between "A" and "E". This sound is not used in Russian speech, but often occurs when studying the languages \u200b\u200bof the German branch.

Currently, to put proper stress in the Word will help special dictionaries.

Pronunciation of individual sounds

Explain what orphoepium is, on the example of the pronunciation of vowels in the words of the Russian language. For example, the norm in Russian is reduction - the weakening of the articulation of vowels in some words. For example, in the word "boxes" only the third sound "O" is clearly heard, and the first is pronounced muffled. As a result, it turns out a sound, resembling at the same time [O], and [a].

If the unstressed [o] stands at the beginning of the word, it is always pronounced as [a]. For example, in the words "fire", "Window", "Points" clearly in the first case [a]. The drummer [o] does not change its meaning: the words "cloud", "island", "very" pronounced with pronounced [o] at the beginning.

Some consonant sounds

In the existing rules of orthoepia, it is said that the ringing consonants at the end of the pronounced words sound like a pair of deaf. For example, the word "oak" is pronounced as [Duz], "Eye" - [voice], "Tooth" - [ZUP] and so on.

The phrases of the consonants "ZZH" and "LJ" are pronounced as double-mild [Zhzh], for example, we write, I will pronounce [Correction], rattling - [grate] and so on.

The exact pronunciation of one or another word can be found from special orphoepic dictionaries.

For example, quite serious work on orthoepia presented Avanesov. Interesting deeply worked out editions of tongue tannichenko, Abramova and others. Orphoepic dictionaries can be easily found on the Internet or in special library departments.

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