
Fortune telling with cards for a guy, fortune telling with playing cards for a betrothed. Fortune telling for the groom: find out who will be your future husband Fortune telling with cards for the groom 36 cards

Since ancient times, fortune telling has been used to find out one's destiny. Some of them have survived to this day. Today, just as before, people wonder about wealth, happiness, and, of course, love. One of the most popular love rituals is fortune telling for the betrothed or groom. After all, fortune telling about your betrothed allows girls to predict the appearance of their beloved man in their lives.

To obtain the desired result, secret rituals with special meaning have long been used. The procedure and rules for conducting them were passed down secretly from mother to daughter and further along the female line. There were also people who were knowledgeable in such matters who were experts in such rituals. As a rule, these were witches, sorcerers or fortune tellers. Fortune telling for the betrothed is very popular these days. We will look at some types of fortune telling for the groom in this article.

Fortune telling on mirrors

To carry out this fortune telling for your betrothed, we will need two mirrors. Choose the first one more, and the second one a little less. Place both of these mirrors in the middle of the table. A small mirror should be installed as close as possible to the person doing the fortune telling. Two candles are usually placed between the mirrors.

Now direct your gaze over the smaller mirror into a kind of tunnel that the mirrors form. At the end of the many mirrors you will be able to see darkness, in which, with intense attention, various images will appear.

Fortune telling for your betrothed must be carried out with your hair down and without a belt. When images appear, you need to say the phrase:

“Betrothed-mummer, come to dinner with me!”

After you see a man, immediately say

otherwise disaster may occur.

Fortune telling by candle and water

For this fortune telling for our betrothed, we will need a decanter of water, three candles and a small mirror.

Place a carafe of water in the center of the table. Candles are placed around it on three sides, and a mirror is placed behind it. Next, you need to peer into the mirror through the decanter, trying to distinguish any images. As legends say, whatever the girl sees there will come true.

Fortune telling for the month

This fortune telling for the betrothed or future groom should be carried out for the growing month. To begin, place a mirror on the window so that the month is reflected in it. If you look closely at it, it may appear several months old. Count their number and find out how many people there will be in the family of your future husband.

Several girls gather in the bathhouse and bring pre-prepared rings with them. They must be different. Then take a dish (for example, a bowl) with grain, into which all the rings are lowered. Each girl dips her hand into the grain and pulls out a handful.

Depending on what she comes across and what is predicted, what kind of groom she will have and the girl’s future for the coming year:

  • a copper ring is a symbol of a poor family and the groom;
  • silver - a groom from a good family;
  • with a pebble - you will get a master as your groom;
  • gold - you will become the wife of a merchant;
  • you won’t find anything - no changes are expected this year;
  • If you take out your ring or the one you like, your cherished wish will come true.

Fortune telling for a guy's name

Several versions of this ritual have survived to this day.

Go outside the gates of the house and ask the name of the first guy you see. Whatever name he gives, that’s what your groom will be called. In addition, he will be very similar to the man you met. In villages, for this purpose, girls went outside the village gates with a pancake on their heads to ask for a name. The pancake was hidden under a scarf.

In another version of fortune telling, a frying pan and straw were used. It is customary to place a frying pan on a lump of straw, on which a pebble is placed and a few drops of water are poured. After this, each of the girls takes turns taking out one straw. The sound that is made will be in tune with the guy’s name.

Fortune telling for a girl's future

Thinking about their future this year, many girls put several objects in a tub and removed them blindfolded. Whatever happens will happen to the girl.

Three things were used most often:

  1. headdress (to marriage);
  2. piece of bread (to girlhood);
  3. part of a tree (to death).

Fortune telling on a thing

Another fortune telling for the betrothed could predict the social status of the future groom. For this purpose, familiar objects were used (a ring, a piece of bread, straw), which were placed on the floor and covered with a scarf.

The object that the girl pulls out will tell about her betrothed: a ring - a dandy, bread - a rich man, straw - a poor man.

A log of wood could predict what the betrothed would be like.

To do this, the girls approached the woodpile with their backs and took the one that came to hand first, and used it to determine the groom:

  • a smooth log with thin bark - a handsome and kind groom;
  • rough bark - an ugly groom;
  • thick bark - rich narrowed;
  • tattered in some places - a groom from among the needy;
  • without bark - a penniless poor man;
  • a thick log means a very strong man;
  • a large number of knots - a large family, how many knots - so many family members;
  • a crooked log is a freak or a person with physical disabilities.

Fortune telling at the table

For this fortune telling for your betrothed, you need to first prepare the table. To do this, they cover it for two people, arranging cutlery, spoons, bread and salt. Then the girl who is telling fortunes sits down at the table and calls:

“Betrothed, mummer, come to dinner with me.”

And then exactly at midnight the groom must come in the same form in which he will be at the wedding and sit down at the table.

To protect themselves, many girls took a rooster with them. According to legends, if the betrothed does not want to leave, then it is necessary to use a rooster. You just have to put a little pressure on it for the bird to crow and the vision to disappear.

Perhaps the groom will want to leave something to the girl. He can take out an object and place it on the table. Now this little thing will be at your complete disposal even after the vision melts.

Fortune telling for Christmas time

Fortune telling for one's betrothed during Christmas time was considered the most accurate.

This is how the Slavic people called the winter period from Christmas to Epiphany, when the biggest holidays took place. The people were relaxing, having fun, and women did not miss the opportunity to predict their future life and the events in it.

Fortune telling about the betrothed and possible groom was considered during this period the most dangerous and at the same time the most accurate. After all, in order to find out their future, the girls turned to evil spirits, whose behavior was unpredictable. Many books by famous writers of the past mention these rituals. This confirms their existence long before our times.

Fortune telling about the groom's profession

One of the most popular and interesting fortune telling for the betrothed at Christmas could predict the profession that the future groom will have.

Various items were used for this:

  • bread (peasant);
  • book (priest);
  • keys (blacksmith) and more.

Today you can use more modern items that symbolize a particular profession. A prerequisite is the presence of a wedding ring among other things.

The girl must, with her eyes closed, select the objects laid out on the table, which will allow her to predict her future fate for the year:

  • scissors symbolize the fashion designer;
  • computer disk - programmer;
  • candle - priest;
  • pen - writer or official;
  • knife - military;
  • glass - drunkard;
  • cereal - a business person;
  • ashes - a loser;
  • coin - a generous person;
  • mirror - a dandy or a reveler;
  • hatchet - an angry and aggressive person;
  • ember - to be a bride for another year;
  • ring - get married soon.

Fortune telling about the groom using cards

Since ancient times, as now, an ordinary card deck has been used to tell fortunes about the groom using cards. If the layout technique is correctly followed, the cards allow you to predict the future or help you understand the current situation. The cards were used by fortune tellers and gypsies, and therefore it is not difficult to believe that they have magical powers.

There are a large number of different layouts that can answer questions about love, about the chosen one, about the future of relationships. We will talk about the two most popular fortune telling for the betrothed. They will help girls find love or protect themselves from painful relationships.

Fortune telling by four jacks is considered female and it gained popularity relatively recently. After all, it allows the girl to finally understand both her feelings and the feelings of the one she is wondering about.

This layout will not take much time, but it is very informative. The simplicity of such fortune telling will allow you to lay it out at any time and place convenient for you. The main thing is that you have cards at hand at this time.

Fortune telling technique

To carry out this fortune telling, you will need a deck consisting of 36 cards. Select jacks of all four suits. For each of them, think of a guy or man you know. This is necessary to understand what kind of relationship you have and what may await them in the future. If there are not enough guys like you who are interesting to you, then let the rest of the jacks represent strangers. Important: don’t forget which one is which (you can write it down on a piece of paper).

Then take the cards that are left in the deck and shuffle them. For each jack, lay out a vertical row. Each such pile must contain 8 cards. During the process of laying out the cards, you can open them all at once or after you have laid out the entire deck.

Examine the resulting columns and find paired cards of the same value. Place them on top of the corresponding jack, and move the remaining ones up so that there are no empty spaces.

This procedure must be repeated until there is no suitable option left. Then put all the cards back together, shuffle them and repeat the layout again. You can do this no more than 4 times. After the last laying out of the cards, you open the jack and, with the help of interpretations, determine the meaning of the cards folded on top of it.

The meaning of the cards

Aces - a symbol of a person who feels great passion towards you, there are strong feelings here.

Kings - represent a jealous young man, so you should be careful with him.

Ladies – the presence of rivals who also receive attention.

Dozens – the hidden feelings that this person has for you are finally open to you. They are so powerful that it is strange that you have not noticed them until now.

Nines - unambiguous love on the part of this guy (man).

Eights - he would like to have a serious conversation with you, but the result of such communication is unknown.

Sevens – the guy dreams of a romantic date for the two of you.

Sixes – the guy is trying to find an approach to you, but you need to give him a chance to show his interest. The young man may be shy or afraid of rejection.

Note! If there are four cards of the same value on one jack, their value is doubled.

With the help of fortune telling for a new acquaintance, you can learn better about the new guy (man) who has just appeared in your life. Perhaps you have just started communicating, but have you already developed mutual interest? Or is the interest coming from only one side (yours or his) and you don’t know what to do next? Maps will answer these and many other questions. They will be able to predict whether a future together is possible and what it will be like.

However, remember that you can carry out fortune telling for an acquaintance on a specific person only once. It is pointless to repeat the alignment, since you will not be able to get a more detailed or understandable answer.

Fortune telling technique

Take a regular playing deck of 36 cards and divide it into 2 parts. Picture cards (from aces to jacks) and everything else. Shuffle each part separately. Count the number of letters in the name of the person (his full name) for whom you are guessing. Dima, for example, means Dmitry, 7 letters. This is exactly how many columns there will be for the layout of the cards. First, take the part with the pictures and arrange it into 7 columns.

Then take the second part and also arrange it into these 7 columns. Divide the column where the last card went into the remaining ones - into 6 columns. The column where the last card was placed - also according to the remaining 5. And so on until there are 2 columns left. Place the pile on which the last card was placed on top of the other pile. And now you have a deck that cannot (!) be shuffled.

From it, start laying out 2 cards in a column, observing whether two cards of the same value appear. Set aside the first pair (you can do the second too, but no more than two pairs). The cards will help you clarify the situation.

Note! Senior cards (with pictures) will tell you how a person treats you. All other cards will help predict the future of your relationship.

Values ​​for a pair of cards

Two sixes
You can have a joint marriage and a happy relationship.

Two sevens
It is very possible for both of you to go on a date together, but the presence of a pike warns that alcohol will flow like a river.

Two eights
Expect a scandal and showdown. The presence of the spades suit will change everything into an intimate and sweet conversation.

Two nines
Great and pure love awaits you ahead. However, the presence of the spades suit warns that it will be unhappy and will bring you grief.

Two tens
Expect signs of attention, because the person is sincerely interested in you.

Two Jacks
The person does not yet know how to treat you, and therefore all that remains is to wait.

Two ladies
There may be a real rival. Or he already has a lover, a wife. It's better to find out now to avoid disappointment later.

Two kings
A person wants to show his interest, but is afraid to do so because he doubts your reaction. Take the initiative and show him your interest.

Two Aces
A sign that you are only a sexual object. If you are satisfied with this state of affairs, then do not change anything.

Values ​​for two pairs (four cards):

Four sixes or sevens
Your relationship will be in moderation.

Four eights
A showdown is possible, the outcome of which is unknown.

Four nines
For a person, you are the true and only love for life. But if he is not like that for you, then you should not get his hopes up. Be careful in your actions, words and even your views.

Four tens or jacks
A symbol of a relationship that is based on calculation on both sides. It's difficult to talk about the future.

Four ladies
Your relationship will be accompanied by gossip and empty chatter that will not benefit them.

Four Kings
For men it means making friends, and for women it means success in a purely male company.

Four Aces
A strong passion is possible between you, but it will be blind, and therefore will only bring pain and disappointment. Be careful when communicating. Although if this is exactly what you are looking for, use this chance to achieve what you want. After all, passion makes you feel “alive”, capable of more.

Fortune telling for the betrothed mummer

Have you been proposed to for marriage and want to know how family life will turn out?

Fortune telling "Right choice"

Hearts - no, you won't. This person is right for you, you will be happy with him.

Diamonds - serious differences in character may be revealed; you will have to give in to this man in some way. Consider whether you are ready to adapt.

Clubs - it is advisable to postpone the wedding and get to know this person better.

Spades - yes, marriage will be a mistake. This man can be dangerous; it is not recommended to associate your life with him.

Fortune telling "Family life"

Three columns of 5 cards next to each other.

2 cards to the right of the third column.

1 card under the previous two.

Reveal the cards in the same order in which you laid them out, and first interpret each group separately.

The 1st column means the first year of marriage.

2nd column – next decade.

3rd column – remaining years.

2 cards next to the third column: the left one is your attitude towards your husband after several years of marriage, the right one is his attitude towards you.

The last card is the result of life together.

Pay attention to the number of “court” cards, that is, jacks, queens and kings. These are the people who, one way or another, will influence your relationship with your spouse.

Hearts - family life will be calm and harmonious, full of love and happiness.

Tambourines - you and your husband will eventually turn into just good friends.

Clubs - the basis of marriage will be money.

Spades - family life will be difficult, there will be many conflicts and betrayals.

Interpretation of cards

Six – complete mutual understanding.

Seven – trips to restaurants and other entertainment venues.

Eight – love conversations, confessions.

Nine - long mutual love.

Ten – general plans and dreams.

Jack is a young admirer.

The lady is her husband's mistress. Sometimes - your mother-in-law or your mother, who will take care of your marriage.

The king is a lover. Sometimes it’s your father-in-law or your dad, who will help financially.

Ace – house “full cup”; birth of a child.

Six – frequent travel together.

Seven - friendly meetings, companies that will gather in your house.

Eight - you and your husband will always have common topics of conversation.

Nine - a platonic affair on the side (with you or your husband).

Ten – support from the spouse.

Valet is a son.

The lady is the daughter. Sometimes it’s your friend who will somehow interfere in your family life and help you in some way.

The king is the husband's friend. Sometimes - a friend who will become your lover.

Ace - inheritance.

Six – frequent business trips of one of the spouses.

Seven - business meetings that will somehow affect family life.

Eight – large loan, mortgage.

Nine – office romance (you or your husband).

Ten is profit, earnings, but for this you or your spouse will have to sacrifice family values ​​or go to work in another city.

Jack - financial problems. Sometimes - an affair for the sake of money.

A lady is a woman who influences the family budget.

The king is a creditor.

Ace – marriage contract.

Six - a trip on a mournful occasion.

Seven – regular grief, sadness.

Eight - showdowns, scandals. Sometimes – alcoholism of one of the spouses.

Nine – a serious illness of the husband or wife. Sometimes it’s a sexually transmitted disease, which one of the spouses will “reward” the other.

Jack - empty chores; vain or unnecessary actions, wrong steps. Sometimes - a young intriguer who will harm family life.

Lady - anger, jealousy; rival; intriguer.

A king is a man who will seek your attention through inappropriate or magical methods.

Ace - point down - divorce; up - annoying troubles.

Fortune telling "Who is he?"

The Jack of Hearts is a handsome young man with sensual lips, hair from light blond to dark blond, eyes gray, blue or amber.

The jack of diamonds is very young, the hair and eyes are light.

Jack of Clubs is a curly-haired young man, age – from 20 to 25, dark or red hair, light brown eyes.

Jack of Spades - dark-skinned or dark-skinned, black hair, eyes - dark brown or dark gray, up to 30 years old.

The King of Hearts is a blue-eyed, brown-haired, middle-aged man.

The King of Diamonds is blond, blue or gray eyes, 35-40 years old.

King of Clubs – fair-haired, with brown or green eyes, 40-55 years old.

The King of Spades is a burning brunette or gray-haired, brown or dark blue eyes, over 55 years old.

Ace of spades - alas, you most likely will not get married.

If you did not pull out the ace of spades, then continue fortune telling. Shuffle the same cards again and remove one - it will symbolize the social position (or profession) of your hypothetical groom.

The Jack of Hearts is a working student or a person in a creative profession.

Jack of diamonds - student or slacker.

Jack of clubs is a small clerk or a person with a small salary.

Jack of Spades is someone who lives at someone else’s expense (gigolo, rentier, or supported by parents).

The King of Hearts is a rich and generous man.

The King of Diamonds is a “state employee” who does not know how to earn money.

The King of Clubs is the one who deals with other people's money. Financier, trade worker, etc. The financial situation is unstable.

The King of Spades is a person whose profession involves risk, is wealthy, but stingy.

Fortune telling "Acquaintance"

Aces indicate that you are already familiar with this man.

Sixes mean that you and your fiance will meet on some trip.

Sevens symbolize the place where the acquaintance will take place.

Shuffle the cards and take out one of them.

Ace of Hearts - you already had an affair with this man.

Ace of diamonds - you have known him since childhood.

Ace of clubs - this man is your colleague.

Ace of spades - you and this person are now enemies or he is a widower you know.

Six of Hearts - meet at the resort.

Six of diamonds - the first meeting will take place on a walk.

Six of clubs - meet on a business trip or during a business trip.

Six of Spades - meet during some night trip.

Seven of Hearts – through a dating service.

Seven of diamonds - get to know each other thanks to friends.

Seven of Clubs - at work.

Seven of Spades - in a clinic or hospital.

Fortune telling “How the relationship will develop”

Left row – 5 cards (your actions).

Right row – 5 cards (the actions of this man).

Top row - 5 cards (which will connect you with this person).

Bottom row – 5 cards (relationship problems).

In the middle there is 1 card (an event that will become the reason for marriage).

Interpretation of cards

Six – concessions.

Seven - dates.

Eight - love confessions, marriage proposal.

Nine – mutual love.

Ten - sympathy, dreams of rapprochement.

Jack - troubles, problems, issues related to personal life.

The lady is your mother, married friend, confidant.

The king is a married man.

Ace - wedding.

Six – joint recreation.

Seven – parties.

Eight – friendly and confidential conversations.

Nine - friendship.

Ten - friendly interest.

Jack is a young admirer. Sometimes - defloration.

Lady - a young girl; girlfriend.

The king is a young unmarried man; the chosen one of the heart for an unmarried lady. Sometimes it’s someone’s son or a young relative.

Ace - a letter, real or virtual correspondence. Sometimes it’s an important friendly favor.

Six – provision of small financial services.

Seven – meetings only for profit.

Eight – talking about work. Sometimes it’s a joint project.

Nine – office romance.

Ten – use of official position for personal purposes.

Jack - financial or business problems, money troubles. Sometimes - an affair with a lower-level representative.

The lady is a colleague of the groom, vying for his attention.

The king is your colleague, of whom your man will be jealous of you.

Ace is some kind of government house.

Six is ​​a late or long journey. Sometimes it's an unpleasant trip.

Seven – grief, sadness.

Eight - unpleasant conversation, showdown, scandal; a drink, an invitation to visit, which is better to refuse.

Nine is a disease. Sometimes it’s rape.

Ten - disappointed hopes, broken plans, disappointment, tears.

Jack - empty chores; wrong steps. Sometimes - a person who causes harm in small ways.

The lady is a rival; intriguer; jealousy.

The king is a new acquaintance who will change the relationship with the groom.

Ace - point down - grief, point up - a minor but annoying nuisance. Sometimes it’s booze.

At the end of the article, we will say that three fortune-telling for a hypothetical groom can be practiced separately, but it is better to make them parts of one large layout.

Nadezhda Popova

Or are you still actively searching for your soulmate, and are you wondering where and with whom a fateful meeting will take place? The fortune telling that we present to your attention today will help answer these questions.

Fortune telling about a real groom

We offer you two fortune tellings that will tell you whether it makes sense to marry someone who wants to see you as his wife, and what your future together with him will be like.

Fortune telling "Right choice"

This fortune telling will be useful to you if for some reason you doubt that by accepting the offer, you will make the right choice and not make a mistake for which you will pay for your whole life.

For the layout you will need a deck of 36 or 52 sheets. Shuffle them thoroughly, ask the question: “Will I make a mistake by marrying (name of the groom).” Then take out 1 card and see what suit it is:

  • Hearts - no, you won't. This person is right for you, you will be happy with him.
  • Diamonds - serious differences in character may be revealed; you will have to give in to this man in some way. Consider whether you are ready to adapt.
  • Clubs - it is advisable to postpone the wedding and get to know this person better.
  • Spades - yes, marriage will be a mistake. This man can be dangerous; it is not recommended to associate your life with him.

Fortune telling "Family life"

This fortune telling will tell you how your family life will proceed with the person who proposed marriage to you.

You will need a deck of 36 cards. Shuffle them thoroughly and place them in order, face down, as follows:

  • Three columns of 5 cards next to each other.
  • 2 cards to the right of the third column.
  • 1 card under the previous two.

Reveal the cards in the same order in which you laid them out, and first interpret each group separately.

  • The 1st column means the first year of marriage.
  • 2nd column – next decade.
  • 3rd column – remaining years.
  • 2 cards next to the third column: the left one is your attitude towards your husband after several years of marriage, the right one is his attitude towards you.
  • The last card is the result of life together.

Pay attention to the number of “court” cards, that is, jacks, queens and kings. These are the people who, one way or another, will influence your relationship with your spouse.

After the basic interpretation, look at which suit predominates in the layout:

  • Hearts - family life will be calm and harmonious, full of love and happiness.
  • Tambourines - you and your husband will eventually turn into just good friends.
  • Clubs - the basis of marriage will be money.
  • Spades - family life will be difficult, there will be many conflicts and betrayals.

Interpretation of cards


  • Six – complete mutual understanding.
  • Seven – trips to restaurants and other entertainment venues.
  • Eight – love conversations, confessions.
  • Nine - long mutual love.
  • Ten – general plans and dreams.
  • Jack is a young admirer.
  • The lady is her husband's mistress. Sometimes - your mother-in-law or your mother, who will take care of your marriage.
  • The king is a lover. Sometimes it’s your father-in-law or your dad, who will help financially.
  • Ace – house “full cup”; birth of a child.


  • Six – frequent travel together.
  • Seven - friendly meetings, companies that will gather in your house.
  • Eight - you and your husband will always have common topics of conversation.
  • Nine - a platonic affair on the side (with you or your husband).
  • Ten – support from the spouse.
  • Valet is a son.
  • The lady is the daughter. Sometimes it’s your friend who will somehow interfere in your family life and help you in some way.
  • The king is the husband's friend. Sometimes - a friend who will become your lover.
  • Ace - inheritance.


  • Six – frequent business trips of one of the spouses.
  • Seven - business meetings that will somehow affect family life.
  • Eight – large loan, mortgage.
  • Nine – office romance (you or your husband).
  • Ten is profit, earnings, but for this you or your spouse will have to sacrifice family values ​​or go to work in another city.
  • Jack - financial problems. Sometimes - an affair for the sake of money.
  • A lady is a woman who influences the family budget.
  • The king is a creditor.
  • Ace – marriage contract.


  • Six - a trip on a mournful occasion.
  • Seven – regular grief, sadness.
  • Eight - showdowns, scandals. Sometimes – alcoholism of one of the spouses.
  • Nine – a serious illness of the husband or wife. Sometimes it’s a sexually transmitted disease, which one of the spouses will “reward” the other.
  • Jack - empty chores; vain or unnecessary actions, wrong steps. Sometimes - a young intriguer who will harm family life.
  • Lady - anger, jealousy; rival; intriguer.
  • A king is a man who will seek your attention through inappropriate or magical methods.
  • Ace - point down - divorce; up - annoying troubles.

Fortune telling for a hypothetical groom

If you have not yet found your love, then lay out the cards - they will tell you whether family life awaits you, who your chosen one will be, and how you and he will come to a decision about marriage.

Fortune telling "Who is he?"

This fortune telling will help you find out whether you will get married, and if so, what your groom will look like and what social position he occupies.

You will need a deck of 36 or 52 sheets. Take out the kings, jacks and ace of spades. Shuffle these 9 cards. And take out one of them - it will tell you about the appearance and age of the groom.

  • The Jack of Hearts is a handsome young man with sensual lips, hair from light blond to dark blond, eyes gray, blue or amber.
  • The jack of diamonds is very young, the hair and eyes are light.
  • Jack of Clubs is a curly-haired young man, age – from 20 to 25, dark or red hair, light brown eyes.
  • Jack of Spades - dark-skinned or dark-skinned, black hair, eyes - dark brown or dark gray, up to 30 years old.
  • The King of Hearts is a blue-eyed, brown-haired, middle-aged man.
  • The King of Diamonds is blond, blue or gray eyes, 35-40 years old.
  • King of Clubs – fair-haired, with brown or green eyes, 40-55 years old.
  • The King of Spades is a burning brunette or gray-haired, brown or dark blue eyes, over 55 years old.
  • Ace of spades - alas, you most likely will not get married.

If you did not pull out the ace of spades, then continue fortune telling. Shuffle the same cards again and remove one - it will symbolize the social position (or profession) of your hypothetical groom.

  • The Jack of Hearts is a working student or a person in a creative profession.
  • Jack of diamonds - student or slacker.
  • Jack of clubs is a small clerk or a person with a small salary.
  • Jack of Spades is someone who lives at someone else’s expense (gigolo, rentier, or supported by parents).
  • The King of Hearts is a rich and generous man.
  • The King of Diamonds is a “state employee” who does not know how to earn money.
  • The King of Clubs is the one who deals with other people's money. Financier, trade worker, etc. The financial situation is unstable.
  • The King of Spades is a person whose profession involves risk, is wealthy, but stingy.

Fortune telling "Acquaintance"

This fortune telling will tell you where you will meet your future groom, or tell you which of your friends could become your spouse.

You will need a deck of 36 or 52 sheets. Take out all the aces, sixes and sevens.

  • Aces indicate that you are already familiar with this man.
  • Sixes mean that you and your fiance will meet on some trip.
  • Sevens symbolize the place where the acquaintance will take place.

Shuffle the cards and take out one of them.

  • Ace of Hearts - you already had an affair with this man.
  • Ace of diamonds - you have known him since childhood.
  • Ace of clubs - this man is your colleague.
  • Ace of spades - you and this person are now enemies or he is a widower you know.
  • Six of Hearts - meet at the resort.
  • Six of diamonds - the first meeting will take place on a walk.
  • Six of clubs - meet on a business trip or during a business trip.
  • Six of Spades - meet during some night trip.
  • Seven of Hearts – through a dating service.
  • Seven of diamonds - get to know each other thanks to friends.
  • Seven of Clubs - at work.
  • Seven of Spades - in a clinic or hospital.

Fortune telling “How the relationship will develop”

For this fortune telling you will need a deck of 36 sheets. Shuffle the cards thoroughly and place them in order as follows:

  • Left row – 5 cards (your actions).
  • Right row – 5 cards (the actions of this man).
  • Top row - 5 cards (which will connect you with this person).
  • Bottom row – 5 cards (relationship problems).
  • In the middle there is 1 card (an event that will become the reason for marriage).

Interpretation of cards


  • Six – concessions.
  • Seven - dates.
  • Eight - love confessions, marriage proposal.
  • Nine – mutual love.
  • Ten - sympathy, dreams of rapprochement.
  • Jack - troubles, problems, issues related to personal life.
  • The lady is your mother, married friend, confidant.
  • The king is a married man.
  • Ace - wedding.


  • Six – joint recreation.
  • Seven – parties.
  • Eight – friendly and confidential conversations.
  • Nine - friendship.
  • Ten - friendly interest.
  • Jack is a young admirer. Sometimes - defloration.
  • Lady - a young girl; girlfriend.
  • The king is a young unmarried man; the chosen one of the heart for an unmarried lady. Sometimes it’s someone’s son or a young relative.
  • Ace - a letter, real or virtual correspondence. Sometimes it’s an important friendly favor.


  • Six – provision of small financial services.
  • Seven – meetings only for profit.
  • Eight – talking about work. Sometimes it’s a joint project.
  • Nine – office romance.
  • Ten – use of official position for personal purposes.
  • Jack - financial or business problems, money troubles. Sometimes - an affair with a lower-level representative.
  • The lady is a colleague of the groom, vying for his attention.
  • The king is your colleague, of whom your man will be jealous of you.
  • Ace is some kind of government house.


  • Six is ​​a late or long journey. Sometimes it's an unpleasant trip.
  • Seven – grief, sadness.
  • Eight - unpleasant conversation, showdown, scandal; a drink, an invitation to visit, which is better to refuse.
  • Nine is a disease. Sometimes it’s rape.
  • Ten - disappointed hopes, broken plans, disappointment, tears.
  • Jack - empty chores; wrong steps. Sometimes - a person who causes harm in small ways.
  • The lady is a rival; intriguer; jealousy.
  • The king is a new acquaintance who will change the relationship with the groom.
  • Ace - point down - grief, point up - a minor but annoying nuisance. Sometimes it’s booze.

At the end of the article, we will say that three fortune-telling for a hypothetical groom can be practiced separately, but it is better to make them parts of one large layout.

Perhaps, sooner or later, every girl thinks about who will become her future husband. Fortune telling about the groom has come to us from ancient times, when girls were given in marriage by their parents. Over time, the rituals changed their form, adapting to the capabilities of women, so most fortune telling can be easily done in a modern apartment, using items that are always at hand at home.

A selection of true fortune telling for your future groom

It is generally accepted that fortune telling for the groom should be done on Christmas Day. This is partly true, on the night before Christmas the line between the real world and the otherworld becomes thinner, so it will be easier for you to get answers. But you can’t wait a whole year for Christmas. The best days of the week for fortune telling for women's happiness are Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.

Fortune telling rules

Any day you decide to do fortune telling, follow a few simple rules:

  • Fortune telling is best done at night or at dawn;
  • Before you start, remove all religious paraphernalia - take icons out of the room and take off your cross. These items will prevent you from getting answers, because Christianity does not even approve of Christmas fortune-telling.

Questions from visitors and answers from experts:

  • You cannot doubt what you are doing, much less laugh at the rituals. With this approach, you don’t even have to start.
  • It will be easier for you to hear your destiny in complete silence. Turn off all potential sources of noise and make sure your family is already asleep. If you have experience in magic and are confident in your ability to concentrate, you can work while listening to quiet meditative music.
  • Try not to cross your arms and legs during fortune telling. This blocks the natural flow of energy and slightly weakens your capabilities. If you are new to magic, this can be critical and affect the outcome.

Fortune telling for the groom in a dream

Fortune telling for the groom at night is the most popular because it allows you to see the face of your future husband in a dream. All rituals are built on the same principle: at night you perform actions that symbolize the plot of your future dream and ask the groom to appear in your dream to help solve a problem or just spend time together.


Build a well of matches on your bedside table and place a thimble next to it to act as a bucket. Eat a few teaspoons of table salt to keep you thirsty throughout the night. (Yes, this fortune telling is not for sissies). Ask the groom to come to you to give you fresh and clean water from the well.

Buy a new comb, a belt and a bar of soap. Place them under your pillow. Call your groom to help you wash, comb your hair and gird yourself.

If you have the opportunity to spend the night in a bathhouse, place several twigs pulled from a broom under your pillow, as well as new soap and a mirror. Before going to bed, invite the groom to come to you to take a steam bath together.

On the comb

Buy a new comb made from feminine wood (birch, linden, alder...). When you're going to bed on Friday night, comb your hair and place the comb under your pillow.


Write a romantic letter addressed to the groom, in which you invite him into your dream. Instead of a signature, put a scarlet imprint of your lips. Place the letter under your pillow along with your new mirror. The groom will come into your dream in response to an invitation.


Fill a deep plate with water and place a thin twig on top of it. Ask your groom to help you cross the river on a narrow bridge. Place the plate with the twig under the bed.

On the maps

Draw four kings from a new deck of cards and

To perform the ritual you will need a new deck or one that was used only in magic

put them under your pillow. You will dream of the groom dressed as a card king. Image matters too:

  • Bubnovy - a rich man;
  • Chervovy is good in bed;
  • The club will become a reliable friend;
  • Family happiness will not work out at the peak.

You can do fortune telling for the groom using cards and with one. Place this card under your pillow and your favorite piece of jewelry next to it. At night, get ready as if you were going on a date - devote time to self-care, change your bed linen, go to bed in clean and beautiful clothes. The groom will come to admire you in a dream.

In a new place

Before you fall asleep for the first time in a new bed (at a friend's place, in a hotel, etc.), ask your fiancé to come into your dream.


Place the frying pan under your mother's bed without her noticing. Invite your son-in-law to your mother-in-law's for pancakes and go to bed. In the morning, carefully ask your mother if she dreamed of a man today, and, if so, what he looked like.

After fortune telling

Having completed the ritual, you should no longer talk to anyone, get out of bed or do anything, you cannot even check messages on your mobile phone. Therefore, take care of your hygiene in advance, make sure that not a single evening task is forgotten. Fortune telling about the groom in a dream should only be started if you are sure that when you finish, you will immediately go to bed without being distracted by anything.

If you are sure that you did not break the rules, but no one came to you in a dream, interpret the images that you saw using the dream book. They talk about what is stopping you from getting married.

See the groom in reality

This is a serious fortune telling that is carried out on the night before Christmas or on Christmastide. It’s good if you have the opportunity to retire to a bathhouse in a suburban area, as was customary in Rus'. This is more traditional, but of course, fortune telling has long been done in this way in ordinary apartments.


Before you start fortune telling for the groom at Christmas time, change into things that do not have fasteners or metal parts. Let your hair down and remove all jewelry.

Before midnight, set the festive table for two. Imagine as if the groom is actually coming to you, and you are trying to make a good impression on him. Everything should look real, but don’t put down the knives and forks.

Place two mirrors so that they reflect each other, forming a corridor. Mirrors should be large enough so that you can see the groom's face. Place two wax candles in the center of the table.

Carrying out the ritual

Before midnight, light candles and turn off the electricity. At midnight, sit down in your place, look into the mirror that stands opposite you. Invite the groom to come to you and share this meal. Wait. Watch the flames dance in the endless mirrored corridor.

Relax, but remember your intention to see the groom. Gradually, darkness and the dance of flames will plunge you into a trance, the reflection in the mirror will begin to distort. Keep watching, right now you can see the face of your future husband.

If during fortune telling you feel unwell or what you see in the mirror frightens you, simultaneously place both mirrors on the table with the reflective surface down. Turn on the lights and blow out the candles.

Another variant

In a simple version of this fortune telling, you need to take one mirror and go with it to the crossroads at night. Check the lunar calendar - the moon should be waxing or full. Stand so that you can catch her reflection in the mirror. Ask the moon to reveal the future to you. Peer into her reflection until you see the groom's face in the mirror. Of course, it only makes sense to guess in cloudless weather.

About the character of the chosen one

Agree that a good husband should not only be handsome, but also suit your character. These fortune tellings will tell you how your betrothed will turn out.

On the glass

Fill a glass with water and leave it overnight.


  • If nothing happens to the glass overnight, the future husband will be a thrifty owner;
  • If the water spills (the cat drops the glass, or the window opens from the wind), you are destined to meet a spender.

On water

Find a pond and throw a stone into it. The quieter the splash, the more flexible your spouse’s character will be.

On the fence

When walking past a wooden fence, count its bars like daisy petals:

“Rich, poor, traitor, faithful.”

At which word the fence ends, so is the narrowed one.

Near the window

When everyone in the house goes to bed, stand by the window and listen.

  • If the first person to pass or drive by makes a noise, a happy family life awaits you; if it is quiet, then the marriage will be unsuccessful;
  • If you hear a dog barking low, the groom will be aged, and a high bark will mean he is young;
  • If there is silence outside and you are already tired of waiting, go to bed, your time has not come yet.

In the footsteps

Find a place near your home where you can leave clear footprints. The easiest way to do this fortune telling is at Christmas time, when the ground is covered with snow. Leaving your footprints on the snow, earth or sand, go home without looking back and without talking to anyone.

Return to that place tomorrow and try to find your tracks. If you find untouched footprints, you will soon get married and be happy; if you find half-erased ones, it means an unsuccessful marriage, and if they are not found, then you will not become a wife soon.

Find out your chosen one from familiar guys

With scallop

Buy a new comb and hang it on a string in an area of ​​the house where people often pass by. The betrothed will find an excuse to come visit you and will definitely touch the comb. This event cannot be rigged; everything must happen by chance.

On 4 jacks

There is a simple fortune telling for the groom using cards. You will need a regular 36 card deck. Find four jacks and name them after guys you know. Then place the jacks in a horizontal row, face down.

Shuffle the rest of the deck and place eight cards face down on each jack. When you finish laying out, you can look at the cards. Look for , meaning love and passion. Whichever jack he landed in, that person is the best pair for you.

On paper

If you don’t know who to choose from several contenders for your heart, write their names on pieces of paper. Fill a bowl with water and evenly attach the names of suitors along its edges. Carefully lower the floating candle into the center of the bowl. Whose name she will set on fire first - choose this suitor.

Girls have long used many fortune-telling for their betrothed, but the most accurate predictions were those made on ordinary playing cards.

Today, their virtual versions are gaining popularity, offering to find out their fate online, but they are hardly trustworthy. Only by using material attributes and investing a particle of his own mental energy will the fortuneteller see the true picture.

How to choose the time?

Feel free to guess whenever you want to urgently get an answer to an important question. The main thing here is concentration, emotional strength and the importance of the person to you. However, so-called “personal” days are better suited for this: birthdays or name days.

Also, the time when the results were most truthful was traditionally recognized as: Christmas Eve (evening of January 6) and Christmastide (from January 6 to January 19). During this period, the invisible world showed itself more actively, and the chances of learning about fate or the groom through fortune telling increased.

Other desirable time conditions for fortune telling on cards are the same as for other predictions (even online):

  • It’s dark, preferably midnight.
  • The period of the waxing moon.
  • “Men’s days” – Tuesdays, Thursdays.

Attention: avoid Mondays - this is an unfavorable time.


For fortune telling, choose a space where you will not be disturbed. Where you relax and calmly focus on the process.

A quiet, dark room and an empty table in your home are suitable for the session. Try to be alone: ​​just you and the deck.

  • Focus on the question about the personal life or image of the guy you are asking about as a groom.
  • As you do this, repeat your loved one’s name to yourself.
  • If you don’t care about a person, don’t guess for fun: higher powers behave unpredictably.


When predicting the future, you need to know the meaning of the cards individually and in some combinations. This is the main difference between an independent session and online fortune telling, when you are not required to have any special knowledge.

The first step is to identify the male image. Groom means king:

  • Tambourine: young (unmarried), also with brown hair.
  • Worms: middle-aged man (divorced or married), fair-haired.
  • Krestov: an elderly man, or with chestnut-colored hair, authoritative in society.
  • Peak: older, brunette.

A lady symbolizes a fortune-telling girl or woman:

  • Tambourine: if she is young, unmarried.
  • Krestov: if married or older.

Other female images mean:

  • Peak is an ill-wisher, a gossip.
  • Chervey is an older friend.

Rest of the deck

Here are some additional meanings that are important when fortune telling about your betrothed and your fate with him. Additional meanings of the senior cards are also given. These meanings are worth keeping in mind if the general context of the layout indicates this.


  • "6": love meeting.
  • “7”: frivolous flirting.
  • "8": new love is coming.
  • “10”: marriage soon.
  • Jack: worries about a loved one.
  • King: new, temperamental suitor.
  • Ace: a letter with a declaration of love.


  • “6”: a sad road together.
  • "8": vain hopes.
  • Lady: family life.
  • King: true friend.


  • “7”: problems with your loved one.
  • "9": love affair.
  • King: the appearance of a new lover.


  • “8”: tears because of a man.
  • "9": intimate connection.
  • Lady: rival.
  • King: friend, handsome young man.

For some layouts you will need values regardless of suit:

  • “6”: portends a journey alone.
  • "7": love date.
  • "8": discussions or pleasant conversations.
  • “9”: a strong union, marriage is possible.
  • “10”: the one you consider to be the groom has sympathy for you.
  • Jack: don't worry about trifles.
  • Lady: unfaithful groom.
  • King: a reliable comrade will support you in trouble.
  • Ace: the man you are thinking about is also thinking about you.


Sometimes, to interpret the layout on the cards, on the contrary, only the value of the suit is required:

  • Worms: a man’s love for a fortune teller.
  • Diamonds: promise a prosperous life together.
  • Kresti: the person will be a reliable friend and support.
  • Spades: you will give a man many children.

Combinations important for love

  • A lady near the king - secret wedding, betrothal.
  • Above him is a loyal admirer.
  • Tens on both sides of the female image are frankness, eights are evil gossip.
  • Ace of spades and ten of diamonds - a conflict with a loved one.
  • All tens one after another - marriage.
  • A female image, a ten and a male card in strict order - love on your part.
  • In reverse order - his response to your feeling.


Regardless of the chosen scenario, start fortune telling for the groom in the same way. Print out a deck you haven't used yet.

Stir. Remove with your left hand. Thinking about the person and repeating his name, begin to lay out.


1. Simple:

Choose your king and place it in the center of the table. Place the first image in his head, face down. Next, go right and place the other three on each side. Give them an interpretation (regardless of suit).

2. Three at a time:

Lay out in threes until you reach your own queen. Pay attention to her surroundings.

The images on the sides represent the fortuneteller’s feelings and moods. Below are men from the past. At the top is the future groom or grooms. Also consider significant combinations. Give an interpretation.

3. Nine each:

Place 9 pieces in a row. If the suits match below or above, then remove such images. Transfer the remaining ones to the empty spaces.

If your king and queen end up lying next to each other, then you will become friends. Their location on the edge at the top foreshadows marriage.

If they are not together, then pay attention to what is between them. Interpret the layout.

4. For the jack (groom):

For each jack, wish for a specific man. Place them in a row without looking, face down.

Shuffle the deck and place one under each jack down. When it ends, turn over the “men” and give an interpretation according to the suit that predominates under them.

Predicting love life in this way will initially take you time and effort to learn. Online fortune telling systems are simpler, but they will not give the right answer about the groom. These are programs that lack intuition and knowledge of the situation.

Only in personal communication with you will the cards reveal their secrets. Author: Maria Kuglerova

Since ancient times, predictions have occupied an important place in the life of mankind. From global predictions affecting many people at the same time, to simple everyday fortune-telling - everything is aimed at finding out what the future has in store. Curiosity is a great power.

And for young girls, fortune telling has always been a popular pastime.

They come up with all kinds of things in order to quickly open the veil of secrecy and find out what the name of this one is: they go outside the gate on Christmastide to ask the name of passers-by, and listen to the murmur of pouring water, and tell fortunes on cards, and guess the name from books, and much more. In this article, we will look at some fortune-telling techniques so that you can use them to try to find out the name of your soulmate.

Fortune telling for the future husband on cards

Here is one of the simplest layouts using regular playing cards. The deck of cards must be “guessed” or new, but not played. Four kings are selected from the deck and a name is guessed for each in random order, the cards are laid out in a row.

The rest of the deck is shuffled and laid out in a row under the kings one at a time, fortune telling ends when the ace of hearts does not appear under one of the kings, which means love and mutual understanding. This will be your groom.

Another simple fortune telling on cards for the groom. A deck of 36 cards is laid out in stacks in a horizontal row, face down, with as many cards in the row as there are letters in the name of the hidden person.

When all the cards have been dealt, take the rightmost pile and place it one at a time on the other piles. Next, take the pile on which the last card was placed, and lay it on the rest and do so until there is only one pile left.

Then you take this pile and turn it over one by one and set aside those cards that match in pairs. Now we need to consider these pairs. They will show the attitude of the mysterious person towards you, and what future awaits you with him.

So, if a pair of sixes coincides, perhaps you will go on a long journey.

A pair of sevens foretells a date and a romantic relationship.

A pair of eights foreshadows conversations.

A pair of nines predicts that the young man has sympathy for you.

A couple of tens indicates that they are interested in you, but do not be fooled by this.

A pair of jacks - all his thoughts are occupied with you.

A couple of ladies - his heart is not free, and he is not interested in you.

A pair of kings means he likes your character and way of thinking.

And if you get a pair of aces, rejoice, you are loved.

Fortune telling using a book for the groom's name

You can find out the name of your betrothed from a book. The most elementary way is to take a book of names and, opening it at random, point your finger, without looking at the book, at any name - this will be the name of your chosen one. Although, of course, such fortune telling is highly doubtful.

There is a method of fortune telling with a book, when the book is opened on a page whose number corresponds to your birth number and look at the first letter printed on this page, this will be the first letter in the groom's initials. Open the next page with the number corresponding to your month of birth, also find the first letter, this will be the second letter in the initials of your future husband. Find the third letter of the initials on the page of the book with the number corresponding to your father's birth date.

Fortune telling for your future husband using a pendulum

For fortune telling, you need to make a pendulum from natural materials (metal objects, a magnet, a bead made of natural material), it is attached to a thin, durable, also natural thread. The alphabet is written on a piece of Whatman paper. Then we move the pendulum over the letters, but so that the hand does not tremble. Above which letter the pendulum begins to actively rotate, the groom’s name will begin with that letter.

You can use another version of fortune telling. Write on a piece of paper all the male names that you remember or that you like, whatever you like, and also use a pendulum to determine the name.

Several simple methods of fortune telling in the name of the betrothed were proposed here. They do not require special training and knowledge, are technically simple, and any girl can easily carry them out at home. And to believe them or not, it’s your right.

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