
When to expect the man of your dreams online fortune telling. Fortune telling "When will I meet my love"

Every person at least once in his life wanted to lift the veil over the secrets of his future. Interest in the secrets of fate only becomes hotter at the moment when the conversation turns to love affairs. Quite a lot of girls would like not only to know that they will meet their betrothed, but also to have a clear idea of ​​when exactly this will happen.

The time of meeting with your betrothed is destined from above. However, fortune telling will help you find out the date

Magical knowledge contains information about how you can get such a desired answer to the eternally pressing question - when will I meet my love.

Card fortune telling

In matters of love, many people believe that all means are good. And to some extent this is true. After all There are many ways to tell fortunes about meeting a person destined by fate. Most often you can encounter fortune telling, for which the following attributes and tools are used:

  • playing cards;
  • tarot cards;
  • sticks;
  • paper;
  • mirrors;
  • quotes from books;
  • flowers.

You can encounter rituals that involve the use of other tools. But first, let's look at those rituals and fortune telling that have become most widespread.

Fortune telling with playing cards is the most popular way to predict a particular event. If a person decides to tell fortunes with cards, it is very important to observe the rule of novelty - the deck should not have been previously used for fortune telling, much less for games.

Playing cards - an affordable, simple and effective way of fortune telling

Fortune telling for a meeting

Fortune telling called: When will I meet my soulmate?, using a new deck of playing cards, will allow you to make a prediction for the coming year. In order to reveal your future using this method, you need to perform the following sequence of actions. First, place a card that will represent the fortuneteller.

For girls, most often this card is the queen of hearts. After this, shuffle the entire deck with great care and place 12 more cards around the central card - one for each coming month. It is important to understand that the first card will describe what will happen during the month in which the card reading was performed.

The cards must be laid out face down. When the circle of cards is laid out, you can put the deck aside and turn the cards over. In this fortune telling, the main attention should be paid to whether jacks, kings and aces fall out. Each of these cards has its own special meaning, which we will consider in more detail.

  1. The jacks that fall out in the reading promise the fortuneteller small romances, the presence of fans and suitors. However, you should not count on them for well-being in your personal life. In their interests there is much more ordinary flirting than serious intentions.
  2. The appearance of kings is a harbinger of interest from wealthy adult men. However, it is impossible to say with certainty what this relationship will be like and how serious the intentions of these men will be.
  3. Aces belonging to the suits of clubs, diamonds and spades usually fall out to indicate the presence in the life of a fortune-telling girl of people who claim to take the place of her husband. If several aces appear, you have the opportunity to choose the most suitable candidate from several applicants.
  4. A dropped ace of hearts is the most good sign. Its appearance in the scenario indicates that the person will meet a man who is predestined for him by fate. It is with this person that true love will arise.

Has the Ace of Hearts fallen? Congratulations! You will meet the man destined for you!

If during fortune-telling not one of the important and significant cards fell out, in no case should you despair and worry about the fact that your loved one will not meet. A new layout can be made exactly one month after the first. And who knows, what if fate will be more favorable the second time.

Ritual on sea stones

Stones are often used in magical rituals and activities. This tool can also be used for a simple ritual that will show when exactly the opportunity to meet your destiny on the path of life appears.

To carry out this simple ritual, which will be able to predict the time of meeting with future love, a person will need smooth sea stones of different sizes, both large and small.

It is necessary to carry out the ritual not on your own, but with the help of a friend. It is very important not to reveal to her the essence of the actions being carried out. It is necessary to preserve the mystery of the ritual in order for the result to be as accurate as possible, saying: If I haven’t found my loved one, then I will!

The essence of the magical action is for the friend to take 12 stones from the bag. The number of large stones will indicate how many months must pass before the meeting, while the small ones represent days. That is, if you pulled out 9 small and 3 large stones, we say that 3 months and 9 days will pass before you meet with love.

Ritual using cones

Our ancestors used various attributes to make predictions. Sometimes these were tools that you wouldn’t even think about at first. The cones were used for an ancient ritual that could answer the question of how long it would take for a person to meet his true love.

To find out the time of meeting with your loved one, you can tell fortunes using pine cones

Five cones are taken, on which the following inscriptions are cut out:

  • six months;
  • 2 years;
  • soon;
  • not soon.

These designations represent the period after which a fateful meeting will occur. When all the inscriptions are cut out, the cones are placed in a bag made of coarse fabric. Mix the cones, saying:

I want to know the truth when to look for my destiny.

After this, take the prepared attributes out of the bag and throw them into the air. The message on the cone that fell closest to the person will be the answer to the question posed.

Is it possible to predict exactly where the betrothed will meet?

Many girls who would like to lift the veil on the secrets of their well-being in their personal lives are concerned not only with the question of when happiness will dawn on me in a love relationship, but also with the question of where I will meet my betrothed.

The magical knowledge left by our ancestors contains rituals that can provide an answer to this question that stirs the soul. However, it is important to be aware of the fact that these rituals may require ingredients that should never be substituted. And if a person does not have something necessary, it is better to perform another ritual.

Let's consider the most effective and popular magical actions that can tell in what situation love finds this or that person.

Ritual using sand and knife

This fortune telling requires that a person has river or sea sand, a knife with a black handle and a candle. Early in the morning, sand is poured onto a sheet of paper and the candle is lit. The knife must be carried over the candle flame several times, repeating the magic words:

Spirits, reveal your secrets to me, answer where I am destined to meet my beloved?

The next step is to mix the sand using a knife held over a candle fire. When the sand is mixed, the person performing the ritual begins to pour wax onto the sand. The candle should be burning well by this time. Wait until the wax becomes drier, and then begin to interpret the resulting figures.

  1. If straight lines are formed from the wax, the meeting with your betrothed will happen in a work environment.
  2. See wavy lines - you will meet your love in an informal setting.
  3. The wax took the form of large circles - the narrowed one is already familiar, you will meet again soon.
  4. Wax circles are small - a person has mutual acquaintances with his fiancée, perhaps a correspondence acquaintance.
  5. The wax has taken the shape of plants or animals - look forward to meeting your loved one in nature.
  6. The wax figure resembles a person - a third party will introduce it.

If the wax figure resembles a person, then you will meet your betrothed with the help of a third person

Ritual using a mirror

Everyone knows that a mirror is a powerful and multifunctional tool that magicians usually use for various purposes. For fortune telling, which helps to understand in what environment a person will meet his true love, mirrors have also found their use. The proposed ritual is quite simple, but like many simple magical actions, it is very effective.

For fortune telling, a person will need a wax candle and a mirror. Usually this method is used to tell fortunes at midnight. Place both attributes on the table in front of you, light a candle and cast the following spell:

I want to see everything that is hidden from me. Show me where I will meet my betrothed!

After this, look in the mirror through the candle light. If the Universe is favorable, a person will see in the mirror the environment in which he will meet his soulmate. Situations may vary. Sometimes you can see the whole picture, and sometimes only certain details will be revealed, which will be a very good clue in the future.

If a person didn’t see anything, then don’t be upset. We say that higher powers still believe that a person is not ready to see such important information.

Summing up

When the ritual is completed, thank the Universe and its forces for its help by extinguishing the candle. It is important to remember that the mirror cannot be used immediately after fortune telling. Cover it with a white cloth and place it in a dark place for the next 72 hours after the ritual.

Only after this time has passed does the mirror become usable again. During the time it is covered, all the portals that opened during fortune telling to communicate with the subtle worlds of magic to obtain the information a person needs will close.

In order to get an answer to the question that worries you most, you can use the proposed rituals and fortune telling. But sometimes this is not necessary. Many magicians often repeat that all the necessary information is stored in the human subconscious.

Therefore, sometimes it will be enough to simply ask your Guardian to help look behind the veil of secrecy, and who knows, there is a chance that after this request a person will have a prophetic dream that will give the desired answer. After all, each of us is our own wizard and sorcerer.

No one will argue that today the field of predicting the future is very flourishing. At the same time, many girls turn to psychics to find out where to find their other half and how to preserve such long-awaited love.

Some people solve this problem on their own, armed with playing cards or tarot. How to meet and get to know your soulmate? Below we will look at all the ways to predict the future, as well as possible options for the development of events.

How to meet your love

How to meet your feelings and your soulmate is a common request on the Internet. In order to quickly reunite with your future companion, you can consider ways to attract him into your life.

Of course, many will say that these methods are unnatural, but the number of marriages after using certain methods is amazing. The possibility of creating a family is quite large, and even if the result is not immediate, you can easily remove damage from yourself, an evil eye, or simply cleanse your energy.

There are many sites for online fortune telling. At the same time, all you need to do is select several cards from the deck for a more detailed decoding.

How to find out when I will meet my love by date of birth - love fortune telling by date of birth

In order to predict the possible date of meeting your other half, you should know your date of birth. Fortune telling for love by date of birth allow us to determine fate and the immediate future.

Understand by hand your destiny or not, every professional fortune teller can, but it is not so easy to create a complete picture based on your date of birth.

It is important to have the basics of numerology in order to get a complete picture of what is happening.

If you want to find out the date of the meeting yourself, then for this necessary:

  1. Add up all the numbers of your date.
  2. Decipher the resulting number according to special instructions, which will not only be the date of the meeting of your other half, but will also tell you the details of how and where to find your destiny.

Online fortune telling when will I meet my love online

Most services offer a completely free way to find out your wedding date online. To do this, you should go to the service, enter your data and tune in to the desired mood.

After some time, you will receive the result, which will be the date of meeting your life partner. In order to successfully arrange your destiny and meet a faithful companion, you need to clearly imagine this picture in your head of what your boyfriend should be like and only after that start fortune-telling.

Each number in an online prediction on any service corresponds to a specific name of the image, which means that at the end you receive not only a dry meaning, but a complete description of your destiny or other half.

Fortune telling about meeting new love

If you have just experienced a breakup, do not despair, with the help of various methods of fortune telling you can find out when and under what circumstances you will find out your destiny. The first and most effective option is Russian runes. Each rune symbolizes a sign by which it is easy to calculate fate.

In this case, you may receive an image that you yourself can interpret based on your life situation. You can also ask any question about your other half to the runes, and immediately receive an answer. The second method is regular playing cards.

By laying them out according to special layouts, you will be able to predict different life circumstances and situations.

A conspiracy to meet true love

Since ancient times, there have been various conspiracies for marriage and for meeting one’s destiny. One of the most effective ways is considered to be a ritual when you need to go out into an open field and shout into the south wind: “The burdock clung to my skirt, so my fiancé clung to me, fell in love with me and asked me to marry. Astrology and horoscope confirm the effectiveness of this ritual.

How to find out when I will find love after divorce

If you've just gone through a difficult divorce, don't worry. Fortune telling on cards after divorce TAROT maybe for a date and to get rid of loneliness.

A new question that worries most divorced girls - when will I next get married and become happy, can be asked by creating a layout called lovers.

To do this, you need to remove several cards from the deck and decipher their meaning. The first card is your past, the second is your present. If you don’t trust decryption yourself, you can turn to a professional.

How to meet love - numerology

Numerology will help you find out when I will meet my love - a well-known fact. In this case, based on your date of birth, you can use the number that is obtained by summing all the digits of your date.

How to find love at 30 and 40 years old

Not only young girls are interested in the details of their fate, but also older ladies. You can find out when I will meet my love by fortune telling using Russian runes or special online fortune telling for love when I will meet my love. However, runes are a more reliable solution.

In order to attract a worthy companion into your life, you should visualize every evening on one of the selected runes: love, fidelity and a strong family.

Numerology is the study of the influence of numbers on a person’s destiny. They say that with its help you can find out the main character traits of a person, decipher fateful signs and even predict the future.

And many of us, of course, want to find out when they will meet their person and get married. With the help of numerology you can find out how your personal life will turn out. To do this, you need to make a calculation based on your date of birth.

You need to add up all the numbers of your date of birth and add the number of the day of the week. Let's look at an example. Let's say your birthday is February 24, 1995, and it's Friday. It turns out 32 + 5 = 10, and 1 + 0 = 1. Let's talk about the meaning of all numbers.


Love is very close. Your personal life will improve in the next six months. It is possible that fate is already close, but you do not notice it. Maybe this is your friend whom you don't even consider as a potential partner, or maybe you have a secret admirer. In any case, happiness is very close, but numerology advises you to reconsider your priorities.


The meeting with your destiny will happen within a year. Judging by the numerological description, it will be associated with a work trip. At first you may not like the person because you will be very similar in character. You will get used to each other for a long time, but constant contradictions and disputes will not let you get bored.


If you get the number 3, it means that your personal life will improve only when you are ready for it and really want it. And when you do find your love, there is a chance that your relationship will develop very quickly. If you are a romantic person, then you will have to bring a little cuteness into your everyday life.


You shouldn’t miss the chance and you need to be open to new acquaintances, because your love is already very close. In this case, there will be more than enough romance. The relationship will be very bright and stormy. Get ready!


Here numerology advises to become simpler. The main thing is to remember that everything depends only on your desire. Most likely, you will find your love thanks to a friend. Perhaps you have already heard about this person or even met a couple of times, but something interfered with the development of your relationship.


Probably, a meeting with your destiny awaits you at some holiday or special event. You will immediately understand that this is exactly your person. But the relationship between you will develop very slowly, perhaps you will even switch to someone else. However, if this is not your style, then it is better to be patient.


Your relationship will begin in the coming months. Most likely, your destiny is your boss or someone higher in status. At first, your relationship will be exclusively working, but then a situation will happen after which you will look at this person with different eyes, and for him you will open up in a completely new way.

Numerology cannot accurately answer the question of when you will meet your love, but the main thing is to believe.

This will be especially interesting if you want to know a little more about what you should expect from a particular meeting. For example, a person was born on December 4, 1978, and the person with whom this person is in contact was born on July 11, 1968. To get the result, you need to add up all the numbers of their birth dates until you end up with a simple single-digit number: 4+1+2+1+9+7+8+1+1+7+1+9+6+8=65 =11=2.

Thus, 2 is the number of relationships between these people, everything that happens between them will one way or another acquire shades of qualities that correspond to two. Even numbers have little dynamics, so these unions are boring; on the contrary, an odd number carries the energy of activity. However, unions under even numbers are usually more durable. Now look what each number means.

People can act together to achieve a common goal. They are able to stimulate each other, in such a relationship both people or one will help the other to release his potential. But remember: 1 is the number of the leader. This is where the main danger lies: a possible conflict over power. In married life, this number threatens to create a real “madhouse” with endless disputes and quarrels. Often in such an alliance there is one winner and one loser.

These individuals enjoy being together, they are able to make each other’s lives more comfortable, and the basis of their relationship will be material. Perhaps people just came together for the sake of cooperation that promises profit. They can just be friends, and as a result of their conversations, plans will be born to improve their financial lives. If these are business partners, their company is unlikely to go bankrupt. If these are spouses, their house is a full cup. But the deuce is stingy with emotions and generally economical; there is a serious danger of conflict over money, including unreasonable family expenses, according to one of the partners. This is an earthly figure that is afraid and does not like change.

This is the number of sociability, mobility and inconstancy, so people will communicate a lot, but irregularly. They can get rid of boredom. Three is ideal for friendly relationships. In family life, the energy of the troika will get rid of frequent quarrels, but, unfortunately, will not provide home warmth: in such a house it is as if there is a draft all the time, the spouses are easily ready to promise something, but they do not always keep their promises, they are not too attached to each other friend and even . If this number is considered in the context of business relationships, then they usually do not add up.

It can grow into a family. Four brings warmth, comfort and a measured flow of life to relationships. But her energy will slow down any business processes. These people will not help each other earn money, but they have the opportunity to enrich themselves with new impressions and receive food for the soul and mind.

Sincere feelings will likely arise between these people, which will develop into blood-stirring true love. In any case, they are ready to please and inspire each other, delivering a lot of pleasant sensations. Alone, they forget about everything in the world, creating for each other the feeling of a fairy tale, paradise. Such a union promises to be very fruitful, but only on the condition that people put selfishness aside and think about their partner first of all. The energy of love, which is given through the five, can be directed towards any achievements and accomplishments. , then it is this couple that, as a rule, gives birth to happy children.

People will serve each other's interests. Six is ​​very beneficial for business partnerships, just like two; it is an earthly number that ensures long-term business cooperation. In general, six is ​​ideal for any business projects, like no other number! In the personal sphere, the Six manifests itself primarily in the fact that people, having adapted to each other, can continue to communicate, even if there are no more feelings or common affairs left, although the development of relations will not occur. And yet, sometimes within the framework of such an alliance one solves the problems of the other...

Quite good, even harmonious relationships can develop. These people, as a rule, will not find it very difficult to come to an agreement with each other. True, the seven has a certain recklessness, optionality and irresponsibility, and therefore partners in such an alliance may forget about their promises and oaths. But the diplomacy inherent in the seven can help neutralize the conflict. Seven is also good for business relationships. People in such an alliance are able to effectively solve money problems, and are also able to develop each other’s taste and sense of proportion.

People will be attracted to each other, and sexual attraction may arise between them. Eight makes relationships “strange”, non-standard. Having united, these two are in a special way able to influence the course of events in each other's lives. But sometimes in such a union one believes that the other is taking advantage of him. And although for a long time this does not result in the form of any emotional manifestations, internal dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction is growing. At some certain point, it can result in a huge quarrel with unclear consequences. If you feel that the person with whom you got this number is a bad influence on you, you need to control yourself, begin to value yourself, and then no one will be able to manipulate you. For marriage, an eight is a good option, but such relationships can be overshadowed by jealousy and resentment.

It is rather a union of two philosophers. Nine is far from earthly affairs; she is interested in the heavenly world. It’s good to dream when you’re sitting in warmth and comfort, and there’s a snowstorm and blizzard outside the window. But if there is no comfort, then you won’t be able to dream. Conflict is possible due to the discrepancy between reality and dreams, idealism. Nine is very suitable, but the family life of these people is capable of breaking down into everyday life and routine at any moment. If someone solves all everyday issues and problems for them, then the union may well take place.

Often we cannot find our soul mate for a long time, and it happens that there seems to be a person nearby, but the wrong one, there is no flight of the soul and no feeling of closeness. Love fortune telling will help you quickly find out when your betrothed or betrothed will meet!

We must remember that in order for fortune telling to really predict your fate, and not be a random chance, like online fortune telling, certain conditions must be met.

The first condition is the correct formulation of the question. You need to concentrate and clearly imagine what you are looking for in love, when you are waiting for a meeting, what kind of relationship it will be - creating a strong family or passionate flirting. The second important condition is the correct adjustment to the process.

Fortune telling is interaction with external forces, for which the future and past are equally open. Our own wise subconscious is also capable of looking into the future. Often the subconscious and external forces work together.

If you want to entrust the prediction to your subconscious, then you can approach this process creatively. Before you begin, try to listen to yourself, feel the silence. Here are some methods that you can easily try.

Find out the answer by random items

There is a very simple way, but you shouldn’t write it off. Just ask a question that has two possible answers, for example, will you be lucky in love this year.

And then count how many birds there are in the tree that can be seen from the window, or how many buttons there will be on the shirt of the first person you meet. That recounting is not so important, the main thing is that you should not know the answer before starting the divination.

  • If zero, there is no answer yet.
  • If the number is odd, yes.
  • If it's even, no.

If you listen to yourself well, your subconscious will tell you what to count to get the desired answer. You can also ask how many months or years to wait to meet your love.

Prediction from a book

Having formulated a question, without looking, open the selected book on any page, point your finger at the place, read the answer from the beginning of the paragraph. You can guess the paragraph number on the page at the top or bottom in advance.

Any book will do, you can even take it from the shelf at random, or you can use one specific book that suits the context. For example, a classic novel. And it’s better to use a real book and give your subconscious the opportunity to make a choice, since in similar online fortune telling the answer is given by chance.

Tarot card spread

If you decide to turn to external forces for an answer, then remember that you must first establish a dialogue with them. There are many beliefs aimed at tuning into the channel that spirits or egregors (whichever you prefer) use to transmit information.

A good fortune teller has her own signs and signs; she, of course, will pay attention to a card that accidentally fell out of the deck. That is why it is much preferable to tell fortunes not online, but to use specially designed paraphernalia, because it stores a charge of your energy, sets you up for fortune telling, and serves as a conductor for the signal that external forces transmit through cards.

So, if you decide to find out when fate is preparing a meeting for you, you can use a simple layout on Tarot cards.

Take a deck, shuffle the cards, asking your question mentally. Start taking out cards one at a time until you hit the major lasso, then begin the interpretation.

The fewer minor arcana, the sooner you will find your soulmate. Well, if there are none at all, then the path towards love is open and devoid of obstacles. The more there are, the longer the wait will be in your subjective understanding, because some are calmly ready to wait for years, while for others, every month without love will seem like torture.

The characteristics of the minor arcana will tell you whether the wait will be filled with annoying obstacles or whether it will be a smooth road to the goal.

The Major Arcana will tell you the circumstances under which you will find your soulmate. Don't be immediately alarmed when an unfavorable card comes up. For example, the lasso “Death” can mean the end of your loneliness or previous unsuccessful relationships.

If you find it difficult to interpret the card, mentally ask a question about the circumstances that will accompany the meeting, then take out three more additional cards.

  • It’s very good if the lasso “Peace” falls out, this will mean the highest harmony and full realization of all expectations.
  • The arcana “Hierophant” (can mean marriage), “Lovers”, “Moderation”, “Star”, “Sun” also promise a favorable outcome.
  • The Wheel of Fortune can warn about the karmic significance of a possible relationship. “Devil” – temptation, forbidden love.
  • Cards such as “The Hanged Man”, “Tower”, “Hermit”, especially in combination with unfavorable minor arcana, can mean great difficulties or unavailability of relationships at this stage. In this case, it is better to select additional cards for clarification.

Choose the option that suits you and find out when the meeting with the One will take place! Author: Anastasia Tetereva

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