
What is dangerous herpes for pregnant women. The effect of herpes on pregnancy and consequences for the fetus. The Herpes virus is dangerous during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the woman's immunity decreases, which allows to manifest hidden viruses.

It is during the baby tooling that the majority of the infected and find out about the Herpes carriers. On Earth, only 5% of people have immunity to him, the rest tolerate it in a hidden form.

What you need to know about herpes virus?

Whatever herpes source of infection is only one - this is a person with a virus.

Ways to get infections into the body are different. It may be:

  • direct contact with infected (kiss, handshake, use of household items);
  • airborne droplet;
  • sexual connection;
  • generic paths.

At the same time, the infection itself occurs only when the person has an exacerbated form of the virus, and not sleeping.

In order for one person to become infected with another, the carrier of the virus should have characteristic rashes on the mucous membranes. At the same time, after direct contact, the infected is not always the rash immediately appear.

Most often, the virus is hidden in character until the immunity will not weaken.

Penetrating into the body, herpes virus gets directly into the nervous ganglia. From there, the virus successfully applies to nerves further into the body.

The incubation period of herpes is from 2 to 10 days. In this case, the infection is no longer curable. It can only slow down, but not delete.

Herpes virus typical of active breeding inside the nerve gangliy and mailing infected cells on blood. At the same time, it affects most organs - genitals, as well as skin and mucous membranes.

Need to know that herpes virus exists in two types - first type and second.

First Type (HSV-I) - This is a labile herpes. It occurs in just 5% infected with sex herpes. Source of infection - a sick person with this virus.

Second Type (HSV-II) - This is a genital herpes. It is found in the remaining 95% infected. But, in addition, there is a simple form of a virus that is more known as a cold. These are characteristic rashes on lips and chin, with liquid inside.

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Diagnosis of the disease

The most dangerous during pregnancy is precisely the second type virus. It was the genital herpes that is most often manifested in the period of tooling the child and causes a lot of inconvenience.

Symptoms Any herpes are, above all:

  • bubbles on leather with liquid inside (vesicular herpes dermatitis);
  • redness and itching on the skin (herpes eczema);
  • rash throughout the body in large quantities, the largest focus on the genital organs (disseminated herpes disease);
  • bubbles with liquid on mucous membranes (mainly in the mouth, on the inside of the cheeks, on the almonds and the rear wall of the pharynx);
  • diseases of the urogenital system;
  • herpes eye disease;
  • herpent encephalitis (lesion of brain tissues).

First signs Most often do not bear any characteristic features. It:

  • malaise;
  • pain in muscles;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • general weakness;
  • rash on the body in certain places (the mouth cavity, the lower part of the face, genitals);
  • itching and redness.

After bubbles appear, itching stops. Within 2-3 days bubbles burst, I. these places are covered with ulcerscovered with crusts. Itching renews, then usually lymphatic nodes are inflamedIntroducing even more discomfort.

The stronger the immunity of a woman during pregnancy is weakened, the greater the risk of the manifestation of infection. Moreover, sometimes herpes is manifested not only on the outer organs, but also immediately on the mucous membranes.

In some cases, when the focus is too extensive, on the mucous meter, a woman is simply physically unable to endure a child. About 5% miscarriage Associated with sex herpes.

What is dangerous (and dangerous) herpes during pregnancy?

Many winners of the virus are wondering what is dangerous herpes for their baby and is there a risk in general. It depends on several factors:

  • when mom's infection occurred;
  • trimester of pregnancy.

If a woman even before the occurrence of pregnancy wore this virus, then the baby does not threaten anything. The normal development of its body is ensured by maternal antibodies that are produced in sufficient quantities to protect the baby from the virus.

At the same time, the newborn will not be a carrier of the virus, if at the time of its appearance to light through the generic paths the mother will not exacerbate the genital herpes. In this case, the kid is completely protected.

If the woman received the virus for the first time, being already pregnantThe development of the baby may be under threat. At the same time, the more the term of pregnancy, the smaller the risk for the fetus.

If infection occurs immediately before childbirth, that is, the risk of fatal outcome for the kid. In case the treatment with antiviral drugs was not started.

Infection in the first trimester Fantastic:

  • miscarriage;
  • child disease;
  • deviations in development.

Since herpes virus affects the nervous system, development deviations can affect the child in the form:

  • hearing impairment;
  • vision impairment;
  • physical deviations;
  • mental deviations;
  • defeat of the central nervous system.

For Mom, the genital herpes virus can be threatened with a cesarean cross section as a path of flights. This minimizes the risk of infection kid at birth.

Some experts practice natural delivery, pre-swaying the virus, "whipping" by its drugs.

It is worth noting that this is done solely when the risk is too great for a cesarean section.

Features Treatment of herpes virus during pregnancy

At different periods of pregnancy, herpes treatment occurs in different ways.

So, in the first trimester Preferably use local drugs. At the same time, most doctors lean to the fact that it is better to interrupt pregnancy, if infection occurred in the first trimester.

If the virus "Dremal" in the motherThe treatment is carried out at the time of exacerbation using local ointments. The risk of drugs into the blood is reduced to zero, which does not threaten the baby and its development.

The most effective and safe is considered oint of acyclovirwhich are prescribed by courses.

Treat herpes only after consulting the doctor, no matter what a trimester of pregnancy is now and what infection was. Only a specialist can prescribe treatment, focusing on the individual characteristics of the woman's body.

When infection occurred during the third trimester of pregnancy, most often assign:

  • local anticheless ointments;
  • medicinal preparations for intake of anti-heher;
  • immunostimulants (to strengthen immunity);
  • folk recipes.

The latter most often heal ulcers so that there is no re-infection. Naturally, for the period of treatment, it is forbidden to have sexual contacts so that the treatment proceeds faster and more efficiently.

The most secure during the second and third trimester are folk remedies:

  • rosehip oil (for lubricating the walls of the vagina);
  • vintage ginseng inside to strengthen immunity;
  • fir oil (for lubricating ulcers).

How to warn and treat herpes. The program "Live Great!"

Prevention of the disease

Since herpes is manifested when weakening immunity, it is necessary during pregnancy strengthen the immune system. It is necessary to take all prescribed vitamins, make charging and light exercise.

In addition, required refuse harmful and destructive habitswhich additionally weaken the body.

Naturally, it is required to undergo a survey for the presence of a virus. Especially if the infection was long before pregnancy, or the virus aggravated on early timing.

One of the most common chronic infections is herpes. During pregnancy, this disease can be quite dangerous, especially if the infection occurred after conception. Herpes during pregnancy is manifested repeated or primary against the background of the decline in immunity. Let's analyze the reasons for the appearance of such a disease as herpes during pregnancy and how to treat it.

What is herpes for pregnancy?

After infection, herpes may flow as asymptomatic and sharply. The course of the disease depends on the immunity of an infected person:

  1. If the body's protective reaction is strong, the virus is taken under control and its intracellular reproduction is blocked. In this case, the signs of the disease appear weakly or there are no at all.
  2. If the immunity is weakened, after the virus invasion, the body produces a long-term immune response. For several days, the virus is recognized, and antibodies begin to produce it. During this time, herpes virus has time to spread wide, manifesting extensive rashes on the skin. After a time, the action of the virus is already controlled by immunity, therefore further reproduction of its cells and the appearance of a new rash. The body goes into the stage of recovery, and wounds are healing.

Causes and symptoms of herpes in pregnant girls

It is possible to infect herpes in the following ways:

  • air-drip;
  • contact-domestic;
  • sex;
  • during childbirth;
  • with a close contact with an infected person.

As a rule, the main cause of herpes manifestation during pregnancy is a decrease in immunity, but it can also arise against the background of the following factors:

  1. Change hormonal background.
  2. Overwork.
  3. Avitaminosis and shortage of nutrients.
  4. Supercooling.
  5. Treatment with some medical drugs.
  6. Chronic diseases of internal organs.

After conception for the female body, the embryo is a foreign body, therefore, to prevent natural rejection, the immunity of a pregnant woman decreases. Herpes virus cells are very small, due to which they are capable of bleeding to penetrate the placenta to the fetus, which leads to the infection of the future child: the virus rapidly multiplies in its tissues.

In the acute course of the disease, its first symptoms are small rash on lips or mucous membranes. First, stains appear, which over time become small bubbles containing fluid in themselves. After a few days, such bubbles burst, and then covered with a crust. In addition to rashes during primary infection, the following symptoms may appear:

  • an increase in body temperature up to 38 degrees;
  • itching and burning in places of rash;
  • swelling of the skin;
  • muscular pain and chickens.

With repeated occurrence of the disease, only rashes appear. If the first symptoms occur during pregnancy, a woman needs to consult a doctor: timely treatment will help avoid possible complications.

Types of herpes

Herpes during pregnancy can occur in several forms that are able to appear on the course of pregnancy and the future child.

Herpes during pregnancy is manifested in such forms:

  1. Primary: infection after conception, in the female body there are no antibodies to the virus.
  2. Recurient: infection with a virus before the occurrence of pregnancy, its activation against the background of decrease in immunity and acute current. In the female organism there are antibodies to herpes.
  3. Wearing a virus that is not manifested by any symptoms. In this case, the virus applies to the cells of the female organism, but does not affect the course of pregnancy and the development of the future child.

Most dangerous during pregnancy primary infection with herpes: In this case, the danger may threaten the fetus. With a repeated acute manifestation of the virus, there is no longer such a danger.

In the form of the spread of herpes during pregnancy, there are two types:

  • labital herpes, arising on the lips and around the mouth, causes it herpes 1 type;
  • the genital herpes, manifested in the field of genital organs or rectum, causes it herpes 2 types.

Herpes on the lips during pregnancy

Herpes is manifested during pregnancy 1 type by bubbles on the lips and around the oral cavity. They usually call him "cold". Over time, such bubbles are bursting, and instead of them, ulcers remain, which are healing throughout the couple of weeks - month. When the virus is primary manifestation, more time is required for wound healing.

After the end of the acute period and the disappearance of all herpes rashes is still present in the carrier body and can recur in the same area. Most often, infection occurs through kisses, household contact or airborne droplet.

Herpes during pregnancy is often accompanied by a cold and runny nose. The rashes are localized in the corners of the mouth, on the mucous membrane, along the outer range of lips and under the nose.

Genital herpes during pregnancy

Herpes during the pregnancy of the 2nd type is manifested by ulceated rashes in the area of \u200b\u200bthe genital organs or the rectum, less often in other places. A sex or domestic disease is transmitted, as well as during the passage of the child by generic paths, and arises much less often than herpes on the lips.

Due to the lack of antibodies of KO 2, the type of herpes during pregnancy, with primary infection during pregnancy, it may be a serious threat. Often the disease is accompanied by other venereal infections, therefore, when diagnosing genital herpes, it is necessary to pass an analysis to identify other STIs.

This type of virus is manifested by the following features:

  1. Digital watery discharge from the vagina for 7 days.
  2. The burning and itching, manifested, as a rule, before rash.
  3. Rash on the fabrics of external genital organs, vaginal walls and cervix. Such rashes are small bubbles containing transparent liquid. After a few days, they burst, and instead they appear ulcers that heal for 10-14 days.
  4. Muscular and headache.
  5. Total weakness.
  6. Increase body temperature up to 38 degrees or even higher.

Herpes Treatment during pregnancy

If before the occurrence of pregnancy, the woman manifested herpes, it should be defined by the observer doctor. When the pregnancy has an aggravation of infection, it is necessary to immediately consult with a gynecologist to avoid possible negative consequences of the disease.

To date, there are no medicines that completely eliminate the virus from the body and guaranteeing recovery. The doctor prescribes only measures to affect the virus directly, weakening it a little or aimed at restoring immunity.

Treatment of herpes during pregnancy is complicated by the fact that not all drugs are allowed for use during this period.

How to treat herpes during pregnancy?

Most often, during 2 and 3 trimesters of pregnancy to combat herpes virus, the doctor appoints a woman "Panavir". It is allowed to take both inside, so apply externally. The drug refers to plant and is made of grated plant extract. Suitable for combating the primary manifestation of infection, as well as recurrences of herpes during pregnancy. Prescribe it to fight not only with simple type Herpes, but also with cytomegalovirus. The drug is produced by the Panavir in the form of gel and suppositories.

With greater caution, the doctor prescribes an acyclovir ointment, which has anticherpet action. It contributes to stopping the breeding of the virus, without damaging the cells of the human body. The "acyclovir" easily penetrates the placenta, falling into the blood of the future child, and also enters breast milk. Its use during pregnancy and lactation is not fully studied, so during this period only an outer drug is prescribed. The ointment is applied pointing at rash places about 5 times a day for 7 days.

Over time, the resistance of the virus to the "aciclovir" is formed, so the drug is most effective in the primary manifestation of the disease. Other drugs based on Acyclovir are appointed: "Zoviraks", "Herpevir", "Acyc". In addition, the doctor may recommend antiviral ointment: oxoline, alpizarin. Less often used tetracycling, tebrofen or erythromycinic ointment.

For the speedy healing of the available wound, it is recommended to lubricate them with vitamin E, as well as a solution of interferon. Immunostimulating drugs can be assigned during reduced immunite. Among them are the most popular "Viferon" and "Genferon". Their use is permissible after 14 weeks of pregnancy. Such drugs helps to fight the virus, and also warn the recurrences of the disease.

From the folk methods of treating herpes during pregnancy, you can use lubrication with fir-oil oil, ointment of calendula or camomile-based cream. Such means soften the crusts of the wound. Also in the treatment of herpes during pregnancy, it is recommended to use more liquid.

Is herpes dangerous during pregnancy?

If a woman even before pregnancy was the carrier of herpes virus, the child will be protected by maternal antibodies, and with a re-occurrence of infection, the risk of baby infection will be only 7%. If the infection occurred already during pregnancy, this indicator increases to 60%. The penetration of the virus through the placenta to the child can adversely affect both its health and the course of pregnancy.

When infecting the fetus in 1 trimester of pregnancy, the following pathologies may appear:

  • an increase in the risk of spontaneous miscarriage;
  • development of lesions of the nervous system of the fetus;
  • violation of hearing and vision organs;
  • deviations in physical development;
  • the appearance of cerebral brain defects.

Throughout the period of pregnancy, a woman must protect himself and his baby from the penetration of any infection in its body. A special level of danger have herpes viruses for pregnant women who require timely elimination, since they are a potential threat to the health and development of the fetus. These are specific rashes on skin and mucous meal in the lip area, face and genital organs. There are only 8 varieties of herpes viruses. The greatest popularity of the viruses of the first herpes of the first and second (I and II) type, as well as a windshnaya axle, provoking the development of herpes of a zooming type.

It is about these pathologies that will be described in more detail in this review, as well as consider more specifically than herpes is dangerous for women and their baby during pregnancy, and how to get rid of it.

Causes of the appearance of pathology during pregnancy

According to statistics, more than 92% of the total population of the globe is the carrier of herpes viruses. After penetrating into the human body, these microorganisms settle in it until the end of his life and for a long period of time may be in the latency stage, without causing any symptomatic signs and is not alarming its carrier, but to a convenient point. In most cases, the activation of herpes of viruses begins against the background of a sharp decrease in the immune system of the body's protection or when the hormonal background is changed, which occurs during pregnancy. Therefore, this period is considered the most favorable for the development of herpetic infection.

Additional provoking factors in the activation of herpetic pathology can be:

  • frequent stressful situations;
  • excessive and regular overwork of the body;
  • imbalance on hormonal background;
  • use of antibiotic drugs;
  • the aggravation of chronic pathologies.

Moreover, herpetic infection can be activated against the background of the progression of avitaminosis, therefore, pregnant women at the initial stages of the development of the fetus are appointed vitamin complexes To strengthen the immune protection system.

Varieties of viruses

As noted above, a simple herpes virus, or HSV has two types of development: this is the first (labile) and the second (genital).


Herpes 1 type during pregnancy is manifested by the formation of specific rashes in the form of small bubbles containing inside vesicles (liquid), the localization of which falls on the nasolabic triangle, the surface of the lips, as well as the nasal and oral cavity. This kind of herpes infection is called herpes on the lips. Transmission path: contact-household. Infected by this type of disease since children's age, when visiting schools and other public places, when children begin to closely contact each other and use table objects together.

Symptomatic signs

The development of this disease of the first type passes in 4 stages of progression. At the first stage of its manifestation, patients note the formation of a feeling of burning and itching on the lips or on the mucous surfaces of the nasal, or the oral cavity. And also there is an emergence of such symptoms as:

  • body temperature lift;
  • the appearance of a feeling of weakness and lobs in the body;
  • signs of general ailment.

The second level of development is characterized by the formation of swelling and pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe lips, where bubbles are formed, which in time begin to burst and highlight the transparent liquid, which characterizes the third stage of the disease, which is the most dangerous in the dissemination of infection. This is due to the fact that the transparent water released from burst bubbles includes a large concentration of herpetic embryos. After the driver is all follows, the bubble remains on the site, which when the last stage of the progression of the disease is covered with a crust.


Herpes 2 types during pregnancy, or its genital form of development is localized in the zone of outdoor or internal genital organs and has a sexual transmission path. The progression of pathology is characterized by the formation of Vesicul in the region of the crotzn, anus, in the cavity of the vagina, as well as in the area of \u200b\u200bthe cervix.

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Symptomatics of the genital form of herpetic infection

According to external parameters, the development of the genital form of illness is represented by the formation of small bubbles containing liquid, as well as the appearance of swelling, the feelings of itching and redness of the mucous surface in the genital zone.

After the release of the transparent liquid from the bubbles, small peptic sections begin to appear at these places, which for a long period of time are not delayed and cause a mass of uncomfortable sensations.

Forms of the development of herpetic infection

Herpetic pathology during pregnancy can occur in several forms:

  • The primary form of infection, or the primary herpes, characterized by the first infection in the period of pregnancy and the absence of antibodies in the body of the antibodies against these viruses. ENG1 infection is manifested by the formation of small bubble rashes in the area of \u200b\u200bthe lips, the mucous surfaces of the oral or nasal cavity. Bubbles are caused by itching, the feelings of burning and increasing temperature indicators. A woman begins to feel a feeling of painful lobs in the field of joints, muscle fibers and the overall making of the whole organism.
  • The secondary form of illness, having a recurrent character. It is characterized by the activation of pathology against the background of a decrease in the immune forces of protecting the body of the woman, in the case when it is the carrier of these viruses. The recurrent form of herpetic infection does not represent danger to the fetus and is manifested only by the formation of bubble rashes.
  • Most darous form The progression of herpes infection is its asymptomatic flow characterized by the spread of viruses in all structures of the woman without the appearance of any symptomatic signs. A woman cannot even guess about daily growing danger in her body for her and the health and development of the fetus.

Therefore, before becoming pregnant, all women are obliged to take tests to determine the presence of either the absence of antibodies in their body to viruses of both types of herpetic pathology.

Threat of virus at different stages of pregnancy

Many representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, who first notice the symptoms of herpetic infection on the lips during the babe of the baby, are immediately wondering if the herpes virus is dangerous during pregnancy, and can this be reflected in the state of the baby? ".

Herpety races appearing on the lips do not represent any danger to mom and her baby if she had previously noted the appearance of symptomatic signs of this ailment, in other words, if it is the carrier of these viruses. The child also will be protected by antibodies produced by the mother's organism. Therefore, when the first signs of illness appear, a woman will be sufficient to undergo coursework.

If the woman was first infected with herpes virus during pregnancy, then it is much more serious, since the likelihood of viral microorganisms into the fetus increases, which will negatively affect its further growth and development.

  • The danger of the virus in 1 trimester. The threat of herpetic infection of the first type at the initial stage of development of pregnancy is that up to 12 weeks in the womb is formed by laying of vital fetus organs. Therefore, its body can lead to serious violations of these processes or spontaneous miscarriage.
  • Danger of pathology in 2 trimester. Throughout the second trimester of pregnancy, herpes development is the smallest danger for the baby, since all vital bodies have already been developed by this time. Recurney, or the second appearance of this pathology, when the pregnant carrier of viruses, practically does not affect the fetus. But, untimely treatment of the disease can lead to the damage to the walls of the placenta and the violation of their functionality and, as a result, the development of fetal hypoxia. Excessive progression of the disease can cause premature childbirth.
  • Herpes Danger at the last stage of pregnancy. The primary form of herpes during pregnancy 3 trimester is particularly dangerous ill and for the fetus, and for the woman itself, since it is even more weakened by its immunity and makes its body vulnerable to penetration of other infections that are able to largely aggravate pregnancy. Primary herpes in the third trimester of pregnancy is able to hit the departments of the nervous system of the fetus and its vital organs. If the pregnant woman had a relapse of the chronic form of pathology, the danger to the child will be minimal, since the body of the woman provides the production of antibodies that protect the fetus from the negative effects of viruses.
  • The danger of genital form. If a woman was diagnosed in WSG2 before she became pregnant, then during the extension of the fetus, this would not affect its growth and development. If a gender carrier is a man, then partners should be used to use barrier methods of contraception during sexual contact. If a woman is infected with a genital form of a disease during pregnancy, then such pathology will be an extraordinary threat to the fetus. Therefore, at the first signs of formation of genital herpes, an emergency treatment is necessary with the use of antiviral drugs, and when pathology occurs in the third trimester, a planned caesarean section is appointed.

About such a disease as herpes many of us not only heard, but even know him, as they say personal experience. Indeed today, more than 90% of the entire population of the planet are the carriers of herpes virus. Constantly present in the human body, five, ten and even twenty years, herpes virus can in no way manifest itself. This happens, first of all, because the immunity of a person is able to "suppress" his manifestations and the virus itself, as if realizing that he was not able to handle here, slowly "dorm". And it lasts all this until the strong protective forces of the human body for some reason will not weaken. Then we actually observe painful plaques, face and other mucous membranes.

To date, there are many of the most diverse methods of treating this disease. However, all of them are directed, in the first of all, on a sharp suppression of the manifestations of this disease, as well as to real immunity recovery. However, there is one unpleasant "but": this disease is unrealistic to heal completely, it is possible only for some time to sleep. Moreover, the disease falls asleep, only until the human immunity again gives the slack. Unfortunately, pregnancy is one of these depressing immunity of periods, when the living person says, in a state of anabyrosis, the disease begins to progress quickly and painfully.

What do we know about herpes for sure?

  • For a start, we all clearly understand that every second person on Earth is a carrier of this virus.
  • Secondly, the herpes virus can usually melt in the peripheral nervous system, and somewhere in the spine area.
  • Thirdly, herpes Herpes Maine. And this statement we give in order to remind you that today medical science distinguishes herpes as the first and second type.
  • Next, as you remember, the herpes appears most often with rashes in the form of small and painful bubbles. And the most favorite place for such rashes is lips or nose (if this is the first type virus) or genitals (in the event that this is a second type virus).
  • Herpes virus can be transmitted to four paths. So among them: the airborne droplet and sex, and contacting household (with kisses, handshaking, sharing by some common household items in everyday life) and the generic (directly from the mother to her child is possible during the baby tooling, and possibly during childbirth).
  • In addition, the east herpes virus is usually present at its carrier as in saliva, so actually in the blood, lymph, in tears, in urine, sperm or in the spinal fluid.
  • Usually, the herpes virus penetrates the DNA of the sick person, then makes a completely new information and is actively multiplied.
  • Sometimes herpes virus can contribute to the sharp development of such a dangerous disease as cervical cancer or uterine body.

How can herpes virus be dangerous directly during pregnancy?

As previously mentioned, herpes virus most often manifested during pregnancy, while women have a sharp decline in immunity. And the latter as you understand are simply necessary in order to ensure the successful conception and tooling the fetus, which in a certain extent can be for the body of a pregnant woman who is an alien object. That is why the nature of Mother and arranged so that practically throughout all nine months the woman's body weakens somewhat and do not even try to get rid of such a "stranger". Rather, from the position of pregnancy, the phenomenon of oppression of immunity during pregnancy is simply necessary, however, in the case of herpes virus, everything is completely different.

It is incredibly dangerous if the woman managed to primarily infect herpes virus, being already pregnant. It is in this case that there is a real possibility of penetrating this virus through the placenta directly into the body of its future baby. The truth is to say, the infection still may not happen. In the event that the woman was infected in the first trimester of pregnancy, will significantly increase the risk of spontaneous miscarriage. However, if this does not happen, the herpes virus can "work" and completely in another sphere and a few later provoke the most different. It can be the defeat of the entire central nervous system, and the most serious congenital defects of brain tissue, and impairment of vision, hearing, and a wide variety of deviations in the general physical development of the baby. Infection of a woman in the third trimester of pregnancy can lead even to stillbirth or to the birth of a child with the defeat of his brain.

Some more comforting predictions exist for those women who had previously sick herpes and at the time of pregnancy were carriers of this virus. In this category of women, children are under reliable protection of existing maternal antibodies.

One of the most frequently used methods of delivery, in the case when shortly before childbirth was able to happen. And this is due to the fact that there is incredible high risk Baby infection directly when it passes through previously infected generic paths. However, despite this, some experts still practice the delivery natural way. But for this they try to neutralize the virus with special drugs. Actually one of these drugs is, for example, an acyclovir ointment.

Treatment of herpes virus during pregnancy

Immediately we note that in the case when a woman before the occurrence of pregnancy, he had any manifestations of herpes, then she should say about it to her Akuster-gynecologist. But in cases of exacerbation of the disease directly during the nursery of the child, it is definitely not worth it to postpone the next visit to the doctor: because the earlier appropriate measures will be taken, the more chances you will have success.

And as we have previously noted, medicinesdestroying this virus and providing complete recovery, simply does not exist, at least today. The measures taken by the same doctors usually affect the virus itself, several angry it, or on the immune woman, the opposite supports such. The situation is usually aggravated by the fact that throughout the nine months of pregnancy, it is possible to apply not all of the well-known drugs.

The most important and major ally of a pregnant woman in the fight against herpes virus is such a well-known drug as Panavir. Moreover, it is just that drug that can be used both internally and externally. In addition, but with greater caution, such an anti-chemical ointment is used as an acyclovir. Usually, it lubricates only foci of rash, and about five times a day and for one week. In addition, the oxoline, alpizarine, less frequently, tetracycline, or erythromycinic, are sometimes used.

Also, sometimes doctors recommend that their patients lubricate herpetic rashes with a simple interferon solution, or, which in turn contributes to a slightly more rapid healing of the available wound. If the woman was diagnosed with a sharp insufficiency of immunity, then the use of immunoglobulin therapy can be appointed.

Of the folk agents, lubrication of foci of infection with fir oil, sometimes softened rash crusts occurs and under the influence of a chamomile cream or ointments from calendula flowers. Also, doctors strongly recommend abundant warm drinking, such as the same tea with honey or viburnum.

It is also necessary to note that in all the instructions for drugs used for the treatment of herpes, it is stated that them will not be applied when pregnancy. However, any woman, first of all, will have to trust his attending physician, which actually appointed one of these drugs. In addition, a woman should know, and clearly understand that a timely not cured infection can be much more dangerous to receive some "unresolved" drugs.

Herpetic infection - one of the most common among people of different ages and nationalities. According to medical statistics, almost 90% of the globe of the globe is infected with a virus of a simple herpes. The disease is especially dangerous for women of childbearing age. After all, herpes in pregnancy can cause severe complications for both the mother and for the future child, right up to spontaneous abortion or premature birth.

Herpes treatment in pregnant women presents certain difficulties, which is associated with negative exposure A number of pharmaceutical preparations for developing fruit. Therefore, the use of any medicines during the recovery period should be carried out strictly under the supervision of the doctor.

Herpetic infection: what is

To date, eight main types of herpes are allocated, the most common of which are viruses of a simple herpes of the first and second (1 and 2) types, as well as a chickenpox virus that causes a herpes slope.

Infections are subject to all tissues of the human body. But the most dangerous for pregnant rash in the crotch and genital organs is the so-called genital form of the disease. More often it is provoked by a variety of herpes 2 type virus. Herpes on the lips during pregnancy is less dangerous, and with a favorable current, it rarely becomes the reason for complications.

The disease may have a primary form, that is, when the body of the woman first encountered an infection, or a chronic course with periodic exacerbations. During the period of tooling, it is especially undesirable primary infection, since in this case a significantly higher risk for the fetus.

Consequences for baby

What is dangerous herpes during pregnancy? The greatest danger lies in the high probability of infection of the future child. The virus penetrates in different ways: with blood flow through the placenta, from the vagina through the cervical channel, or in the uterine tubes from the cavity of the small pelvis. There is also a risk of infecting a newborn in the process of childbirth. Especially severe consequences for the child has an acute course of the disease in 1 trimester of pregnancy.

Basic complications that can cause herpes virus during the excavation period are as follows.

  • Violation of the child's development. Herpes in early pregnancy causes severe development anomalies from the fetus and spontaneous miscarriage.
  • Herpetic lesion of fabrics and organs. The child is most vulnerable nervous system, eyes, oral cavity.
  • Defection of the placenta, spindlewater waters. It provokes premature childbirth and hypoxia of the fetus and meets 2 trimester or in 3 trimester of pregnancy.
  • Intrauterine fetal death. More often are observed in 1 trimester of pregnancy.

In addition, in the acute period of herpetic infection, the condition of the most pregnant woman is significantly worse. It is known that during the nipping of the fetus, the immune protection of women is physiologically reduced, which makes it more vulnerable to various infectious agents.

Therefore, in the case of a combination of pregnancy and herpes, the disease proceeds much harder, often with fever, violation of blood microcirculation, including in the placenta, dormricional disorders. This further worsens the nutrition of the fetus, it becomes the cause of its hypoxia and developmental delay.

What are the clinical manifestations of the disease

Exacerbation chronic disease And the primary genital herpes have similar clinical symptoms. The main external manifestations in this case are:

  • characteristic bubble rashes on outdoor genital organs;
  • pain and swelling in the intimate zone;
  • painful sensations at the bottom of the abdomen during the damage to the vagina (vaginal herpes);
  • painful and frequent urination;
  • abundant light discharge from the vagina;
  • the thermometer column reaches 37.5-38 ° C;
  • worsters overall well-being.

IN last years Increasingly registering cases of atypical (erased) flow of sex herpes. At the same time, the only manifestations are itching or burning in the area of \u200b\u200bsmall and large sexes, separation from the vagina, a slight increase in temperature.

Usually the acute period of the disease lasts no more than 10-12 days. During this time, erosions are formed on the plugness, which are covered with crusts and gradually heal.

Herpes Treatment during pregnancy

Since most of the anticheric drugs used in medical practice have a toxic effect on the fruit, the treatment of herpes during pregnancy should be under the control of a medical specialist. Most doctors recommend to conduct active drug therapy only during the recurrence period of the disease.

To eliminate races in the perineal and external genital organs, the use of local forms of anticherine drugs (ointment, cream, gel) is allowed. According to the testimony, tablets or injections are prescribed (injections).

The Acyclovir ("Zoviraks") is most safe for pregnant women with proven effectiveness. It can be used both locally and in the form of tablets or injections.

Unacceptable self-treatment or application folk remedies At home. Also should not be focused on feedback from pregnant women on the Internet or yellow press regarding any method of treating herpes. It threatens dangerous complications for the mother and the future child.


For local therapy, the following drugs are used:

  • cream "Acyclovir".
  • oxolin ointment.
  • cream "Foul Care".
  • ointment "Bonafon".
  • ointment "Tromontadin".

However, the Acyclovir cream is most often prescribed. It is applied to the places of rash at least five times a day. The duration of therapy on average is about a week, the maximum is ten days. Usually the drug is well tolerated by pregnant women, sometimes a slight burning sensation or dry skin can be felt in the places of applied.

The remaining antiviral ointment is applied two to four times a day on the intimate zone affected by herpes. The duration of treatment from five to fourteen days.

The use of local drugs often requires parallel administration of immunostimulants. For this purpose, "Timalin", "Splenin", "Eleutherokokk", "Tabutivin" apply. Also recommended multivitamin complexes with adapted for pregnant women ("Vitruum Prenatal", "Elevit").


It involves the purpose of anticheric drugs in the form of tablets or injections. As a rule, it is recommended for primary infection with herpes, as well as in the case of a generalized (common) form of the disease. What can be appointed?

  • Tablets "Acyclovir". Pregnant women doctors recommend the Acyclovir tablets in a dosage of 200 mg to five times a day. Patients who have a significant decrease in immunity, dose of medication sometimes doubled. The duration of reception of tablets determines the attending physician, on average, such therapy continues from five to ten days.
  • "Valacyclovir". There are also recommendations for the use of Valacyclovir (Valtrex "in pregnant anticherine preparation). It is prescribed 500 mg twice a day. The duration of reception ranges from five to ten days.
  • Injection "Acyclovir". Heavy forms of herpesvirus infection with extensive rashes and heavy common state Pregnant requires intravenous administration of "acyclovir". In this case, the dosage is calculated individually at the rate of five mg / kg of weight. Enter every ten hours with a dropper.
  • Immunoglobulin. With severe herpes forms, anticherine immunoglobulin includes in the treatment regimen. It is injected intramuscularly once with an interval in three or four days. The usual dosage is 3 ml, it is recommended to make five or seven such injections.
  • Interferon. Also permissible to use conventional interferon ("Viferon"). The last 1 trimester is used in the form of ointments or gel, and from 14 weeks of pregnancy are prescribed in candles - on one candle every 12 hours for five days or more.

It should be remembered that independent purpose medicinal preparations Completely unacceptable. The wrong scheme of his reception can harm not only the health of a woman, but also to the future child. Therefore, how and how to treat herpes during pregnancy, only a doctor on the basis of these laboratory tests is determined (necessarily identifying specific IgM, IgG antibodies), the prevalence of infection in the body and the severity of clinical manifestations.


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