
How to warm the pile foundation with painter. Technology insulation of the foundation on screw piles with their hands. How to avoid deformations from the bunched effects of soil

In general, it is screw piles associated on top of the piles as painting. In the inner contour of the foundation, the floor of the first floor is performed.

The insulation of the pile foundation is performed, insulating woodwork and floor of the first floor. The piles themselves do not inspire, regardless of the soil and climatic conditions.

Scarlet can be low and high - in both cases, insulation of the outer surface of the woodwork on its entire height. Also insulate the lowered rockwark, as shown in the figures below:

In the inner contour of the foundation, the floor of the first floor is arranged. This gender is usually performed in three versions: concrete, wooden floor of lagas or a concrete floor of the first floor along the slabs of the overlap. Consider how to perform the insulation of the pile foundation with all three types of floors.

Warming of the pile foundation with concrete floor of the soil

The floor, made according to such a scheme, insulate, as shown in the drawings, under the pure screed:

Warming of the pile foundation with floor of the slabs of overlapping

How to warm the pile foundation

We describe all the types of woodwork and gender above and the material for their insulation.

And low, and high scarlet are insulated with EPPS (the thickness of the insulation for the calculation for a particular region, but not less than 50 mm).

Paul in the soil is insulated either EPPS or foam, density of 30 kg / m3.

Paul in lags are insulated with minvata, a density of 30-60 kg / m3 (the thickness of the insulation for the calculation for a particular region)

Paul on the finished factory plate from below insulate the EPPS (the thickness of the insulation for the calculation for a particular region). The floor on the finished factory plate is insulated with an EPPS or foam, the density of 30 kg / m3 (the thickness of the insulation for the calculation for a particular region).

In some cases, pile foundations have an advantage over columns, tape and slab. This is especially true at a considerable depth of the freezing of soils, in the conditions of a wetland, in areas with a high layer of loose soils, as well as with large slots and drops of the heights of construction sites. Savings by choosing a pile technology can reach 50% or more. However, developers need to plan an additional budget for the insulation of the pile foundation. About the tasks solved by thermal insulation and methods of its device is described in this article.

For low-rise construction, reinforced concrete piles of solid cross-section, steel screw and burbilling concrete are most suitable. Regardless of the design of the piles, the method of their installation and technology of mounting painter This type of foundation has a number of shortcomings.

Cons of pile foundation:

Non-warned pile foundation in the cold year of the year can lead to big problems

  • Cold underground. Increased heat loss through the floor in winter.
  • If Scarlet is made of reinforced concrete, then a powerful cold battery is created. When interruptions in heating, restore the normal microclimate in such a room has a very long time (up to several days).
  • The danger of freezing engineering communications laid under the floor.
  • Pulling piles in the freezing zone. Piles are a cold conductor. If you do not provide for anti-massive measures, metal and concrete supports can cause local deagination.
  • Uneven shrinkage under the weight of the house when selected piles in the zone of low soil density.
  • From aesthetic point of view, ordinary pile foundation is a purely utilitarian design solution that requires decoration.
  • The emptiness under the house blowed by the winds is quite quickly aligning and periodically takes time to guid the order under house.

Why are individual piles pushing out, leading to the situation of the plane of the Turkey? One of the common causes is uneven humidification of the soil: it is stronger in the perimeter and corners than in the center. This, in turn, leads to an uneven depth of freezing. In addition, the specific expansion during beaded also depends on the percentage of humidity.

4 of the 7-listed problems are directly related to the influence of cold and are solved using a literate thermal insulation device.

The insulation of the foundation performed on the pile scheme with reinforced concrete woodwork

This or that solution on thermal insulation is made depending on the height of the base. Small heights make appropriate arrangement floors on the soil. In this case, the principle of insulation is the same as in the WFF scheme.

Scarlet, like MZLF, perceives the load only from the walls. The floor plate is cast over a layer of polystyrene plates. Plates are laid out on the rammed sand pillow. Under the pillow is the main layer of frustration consisting of anti-blocking crushed stone.

Outdoor insulation around the perimeter consists of vertical cladding of the base and a warmed stage. Some original engineering solutions for solely houses on the pile foundation are not here. Everything is done on the principle of liquidation of the bridges of the cold. There should be no gaps and breaks between the insulating layers of the wall, the base and the stage. At the same time, the compounds of the brass preferred contacts of the jack.

For facing the base, insulation and finishing finish, it is necessary to form a crate. For this purpose, the piles are performed. The strapping can consist of a metal rolling and a wooden handset. The idea that this measure is an additional factor in increasing the stiffness of the pile foundation, deprived of real bases. Sometimes instead of cladding EPPS on the crate make masonry in the Pollipich. But it is not trying to leave it from the bottom, but in a channel that is welded to the bottom of the piles.

An option with a high base is characterized by the fact that the slab of the overlap is not based on the ground, but on woodwork. In this case, the execution of both the outer and inner insulation of the plate is acceptable. In any case, it makes sense to exclude the Cold Bridge from overlapping on piles across Scarlet. To do this, use the thermorroduction in the horizontal plane. It is possible by installing the EPPS between the frame and the belt of additional foundation blocks, which is already directly based on the overlap.

Warming of pile foundation with wooden beam overlap

Designing a house on the foundation from metal screw piles, in most cases try to minimize the load on the ground. To do this, use the beam overlap from a special wooden bar. How to insulate the foundation on screw pilesIf wooden structures are used at the base of the floor? First, for thermal insulation of the overlap, the structural "cellular" relief is used, formed by beams and lags. Secondly, in order to reduce the effects of condensate on the beams, the insulation of the base is carried out according to the other scheme, rather than using concrete floors.

Flush with the bottom of the beams along them is mounted a timber with an approximate cross section of 50 × 50. This handling is a support for the "rough floor" - the boards on which the sheet waterproofing is laid out and the first layer of insulation. Mineral wool is most often used. On top of the beam perpendicularly, they are attached lags. Between lags, the second layer of thermal insulation is laid out.

When arranging horizontal insulation, the base is trying to preserve the ventilated gap between the facing and the stage. This is done in order to increase the life of wooden beam overlaps.

Yes, this measure reduces the energy efficiency of the house, but alternative to it is only the use of prienes. It is allowed to keep the priges closed at the time of frost. Sheet waterproofing, located between the crate and horizontal insulation, goes below the cladding and bends in such a way as to guide the drains of precipitation to the breakfast.

Choosing the finish finish of a warmed base

From a technological point of view, it is permissible to use all types of cladding and finishing coatings. It can be plaster, decorative clinker, and lining of various types. Some EPPS collections are already available with an finishing coating, which reduces costs and accelerates work.

Warming of the pile foundation with Epps decorative plates

If we talk about the aesthetic side, then using imitation of any materials, you should think about naturalness. For example, is it worth using a clinker brick as a cladding of the house of the house from a wooden bar?

If we refer to the tradition, then the base of the stone was much more often used during the mass wooden house-building. Today it is much more logical to use in the construction of cottages from a bar on a screw foundation Special plates from EPPS, imitating stone masonry.


How to achieve maximum energy saving and reliability of construction, insulate the pile foundation, and also achieve the highest possible resource of the house? To do this, first of all, to fulfill the complete design of the house and the foundation before construction, and not "solve problems as they occur." Using any typical constructive solution of thermal insulation, guided by two basic principles: eliminating cold bridges and providing acceptable conditions for the operation of specific materials used.

Due to the fact that under the floor of the first floor in the house on the screw piles is formed unheated space, it is necessary insulation pile screw fundamentwhich can be performed different ways Depending on the design and material of the base.

The insulation of the base and other parts of the house must necessarily in connection with the requirements of the construction standards introduced due to the need to save energy resources and ensuring the optimal indoor microclimate (, Sanpine "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for residential buildings and premises").

The heat shifting of the pile-screw foundation does not represent a special difficulty, and you can perform it with your own hands. There are the following methods of insulation:

  • thermal protection of the base outside the perimeter of the house;
  • heat protection base from the inside also around the perimeter;
  • full floor insulation of the first floor at home.

Warming technology

With any method of insulation, the sequence of work should be as follows:

  • Device base of brick or clogging on a frame with facing.
  • The device of external or internal insulation of the base, the option is a device for the complete insulation of the floor of the ground floor.

Construction unit

The tape device can be performed by two main ways:

  • share a brick wall thick in the Pollipich, closing the space from the breakfast to the lower strapping beam at home or the first crown;
  • run a bandwidth - Falishzocol on a frame with a facing of various materials to choose from the customer.

Brick base can be warmed without problems outside and inside.

To support the brick wall, it is necessary to pull out a small trench with a depth of 300 mm and 250 mm wide, fall asleep on the bottom of the sand layer with a thickness of 100 mm and seal it. After that, to put on sand preparation a narrow reinforcement grid of two longitudinal rods with a diameter of 8 mm and transverse with a pitch of 400 mm from reinforcing wire and pour the trench concrete class B7.5. A few days later, when concrete gains sufficient strength, you can lay out the brick wall.

Tip: The brick base must be laid out of ceramic bricks, but not silicate, since ceramic brick is more resistant to moisture.

The clogging is performed as follows. First, the framework of two or three metal profiles is arranged (it depends on the height of the basement), which are attached to the pile pens around the perimeter with bolts or welding. Vertical strips with such a step are attached to the guides, to then attach a 16 mm thick plate to them. The lower edge of the Falishzole should not reach the planpening mark of the soil, the sandy bellows with a slope from the wall of the house are made. On CSP plates are glued or cut-off rolled waterproofing, the lower edge of which should go to the sandy subtype and under the breakfast, which must be arranged after the completion of all works on waterproofing and insulation.

Tip! Generally speaking, the insulation of the base of the foundation on the screw piles does not have any practical value. Since the floor of the house is insulated, there will be no heat from the rooms into the underground space, and the heat of the subsoil is not enough to maintain the temperature under the house, it will die out through the product that is necessary. It is enough to perform only a harness without insulation, and additional tools to spend on the best thermal insulation of the floor.

Device of outdoor insulation

Heat shield with their own hands outside is performed from the plates of polystyrene or, even better, from the inferno. This is also a polystyrene foam, only extruded, manufactured by extrusion. The material has greater strength, less thermal conductivity and does not miss moisture in contrast to conventional expanded polystyrene.

Penoplex is specifically designed to lay in designs, placed in the ground, for example, under the breakdown or to the preparation of the road surface. The thickness of the insulation of the fastener can be only 30 mm instead of 50 mm from ordinary polystyrene foam. In addition, in the production of extruded polystyrene foam in its composition, they include special additives that do not allow the material to ignite, and during the fire he self-spout.

Another zabir scheme.

On the brick wall before insulation, cracks close up with a cement mortar and scrub the primer for better clutch with insulation.

On the wall of the base, the insulation plate is glued with a special adhesive composition, all joints between them are propdate with a mounting foam that does not contain toluene. Then the base is covered with a polymer grid and plastered. Further finish at will - color, cladding with tiles or other materials.

The thermal protection of the frame base is made by the outside of the outside. The insulation plates are glued to the CSP sheets, after that, in contrast to the technology of insulation of a brick base, they are not plastered, and closed with finishing facing panels, siding or other decorative basement.

Vinyl clogging under the brick.

Insulation base from inside

The insulation of the base of the house from the inside with their own hands must be made before the assembly of the main designs of the house located above the zero mark.

All operations for brick and for the frame base are made in the same way as with outdoor insulation. The only difference is that the glued insulation does not need to be plastering or closed with decorative facing. The insulation plates after installation are tightened with a special metal grid that protects against rodents, then over the entire perimeter makes the ground or, which is preferable to the clay, which plays the role of additional insulation.

Floor insulation

Paul B. wooden houses It is arranged on wooden beams, which are lags. For the insulation of the floor for each beam, cranial bars are nourished along the entire length from both sides. Under the cranial bars, they make a rollover from the board and the waterproofing on top, then in the space between the lags on the plates of the insulation. After that, the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe floor is covered with a vapor barrier film, which should be boiled onto the walls on the size of the floor thickness. Parosolation is necessary so that water vapors from the premises could moisten the insulation, after which it largely loses its heat-insulating properties with severe frosts. Then the roughing floor is laid out of the board, and it is satisfied with the floor coating on it.

Important! Regardless of the method of insulation of the pile-screw foundation, it is necessary to leave the ventilation holes in opposite corners in order to avoid moisture accumulation in the underground space.

The insulation of the foundation from screw piles must be done not only to comply with the requirements of regulatory documents, but also to create a comfortable microclimate in the house. During the operation of heated in all the rules of housing, in addition to the base, these walls, roofs and other designs are, it allows you to significantly save the cost of heating, and in the summer, on the contrary, to maintain coolness in the premises, thereby reducing the cost of electricity for air conditioning.

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Pile foundation, how to insulate what materials for this use. And let's start with the question: what is the pilenut screw foundation and why it must be insulated.

The basis of the house made using metal piles twisted into the Earth is called pile-screw foundation. This technology is already applied long enough, only over time it changed a little. For example, a wooden poles impregnated with various anti-corrosion compositions could be used as piles. It was necessary to increase the service life of the structure.

Technology is predominantly designed for territories with swampy terrain or on bunched soils with unstable soil. The advantages of using a pile foundation is that the weight of the house is transmitted by means of piles into the lower layers of the soil, which are much more dense of the upper. Thus, the risk of destruction of the construction comes down to a minimum.

Currently, for the organization of the foundation for such technology piles are used, at the end of which there are blades, reminiscent of the thread on a self-sufficiency, it is for this reason that the foundation is called pile-screw. To mount such piles, special technique can be used or they are twisted manually.

Screw foundation can be classified as headscarm. Scarlet, this is the first crown of the foundation, which relies directly on piles, in some cases, is also called the strapping.

Scarcoon happens:

  • Low, it is set below the level of the Earth, i.e. the pile is completely in the ground. According to this principle, a pile-belt foundation is arranged, which is not to distinguish from the usual belt.
  • TallWhen Scarlet is located at a certain distance from the surface of the Earth.
  • IntermediateIn this case, Ruralka is located on the surface of the Earth.

The answer to the question is why it is necessary to insulate the foundation on the screw piles, it is that the space under the floor of the construction is blown away by the wind and no matter how the insulation of the floor is carried out, it will be not so effective as if it is used in conjunction with the insulation of the screw foundation.

Warmed foundation, it is the key to the underfloor and substantial savings on heating.

Wagtailing Sailo Ruspend Fundament with low screening

The insulation of the tape-pile foundation can be carried out on the same principle as usual belt Fundament Due to the fact that it also plunges into the ground and is made of reinforced concrete. This means that it is possible to apply as a sheet insulation for pile foundation and bulk, and additionally insulate the design with a warm base.

Starting the insulation of the frame of the pile foundation should be marked with marking and preparation of the trench of the width of a slightly more so-thickness of the insulation, a depth of 5-10 cm below the location of the pile reference platform under the foundation.

In the next step, it is necessary to clean the base surface and mount isolation from the penetration of moisture, after which you can start installing the insulation. This requires to have fasteners, mounting foam or other glue composition. A dowel is optimally suitable for insulating materials, or they are on slang installers - "Mushrooms".

Warming and finishing of the pile foundation do it yourself

If necessary and simultaneously refer appearance Base, you can apply insulation technology using bulk materials, together with base thermopanels.

The algorithm of this type of insulation is as follows:

  • A trench of depth is preloaded just below the pile support cushion and a width of 0.5 to 1 meter.
  • Sandwinking is made.
  • The trench is filled with insulation, a little not reaching the ground level, 5-10 cm is enough.
  • Thermopanels are installed, they need to be reduced to the bulk insulation and fasten with the help of a dowel.
  • Plugs stood.

Warming of the pile foundation with intermediate woodwork

The insulation of this type of foundation is best carried out with the help of thermopanels, as it does not need to significantly deepen the insulation in the soil. Mount the thermopanels can be both directly on the surface of the foundation and on the pre-prepared doom.


The pile-screw foundation with high woodwork is the most common foundation for this type. Depending on the design, the woodlock may be at different heights. In this case, protect and insulate the space under the house is simply necessary. This uses technology creation false choking.

Such a base can be made of brickwork, either using a wooden frame to which the insulation is mounted.

Falchecol of brick

The organization of such a base for the house on the pile-screw foundation is not the most popular way to solve the problem. First, the brickwork is quite expensive, due to the fact that it is necessary to use a facing brick, cement, crushed stone and sand for a cushion device.

If you save on a brick and use cheaper, then after you have to spend money on outdoor finish. Secondly, to hide piles, you need to carry out brickwork so that they remain inside that it is not always possible to do.

The process itself looks like this:

  • A trench is prepared for the arrangement of a sand pillow, its depth on average is about 20 cm.
  • The crushed stone is falling asleep and trambed, then the sand.

Tip: For a better sealing of a sand pillow, it can be rich enough to shed with water and give to dry before starting the laying.

  • Stacked brick. The laying is used with the displacement of the Pollockich, that is, the standard one.

After the laying is ready, her it is necessary to insulate parties. For this, it is more convenient to use leaf insulation. This can be a foam, or analogues. Warming with a ceramisite will require additional costs to install formwork. One of better options, It is to apply from the inside of such a base, it will reliably protect the design from the penetration of the cold.

Warming base of pile foundation

Panel socle Or it can still be called frame, which will most fully reflect its essence, is manufactured according to the following scheme:

  • Done double strapping of all piles from the outside. With a high height of finding a woodwork, the number of turns can be increased. The strapping can be both metal and wooden. Metallic, as a rule, is fixed on welding, this is the most popular way as applies to wood, you can fight the guide corners on the piles and consolidate the strapping using the wood screws. The second option is to use metal clamps.
  • At the next stage you can mount the thermopanelor leaf insulation. If it is planned to warm the base with help, then the strapping must be seeded with a test, after which it is coated with a heater from both sides.

When used to create a base of non-insulated panels, it can be filled with soil from the inside, but it is better to use clamzite for these purposes. At the same time, do not forget about the watery waterproofing.

Advantages of panel base Obvious, it is simplicity of design, installation speed, a large number of insulation options both and from the inside.

If it is planned to independently produce a false base, need to have the following tools and skills to work with them:

  • welding machine for the welding of fasteners to piles;
  • "Bulgarian" for cutting metal corners;
  • drill for drilling corners;
  • screwdriver for the installation of self-tapping screws, which the insulation is attached;
  • building level to align the strapping on the horizon;
  • chainsaw for sawing wooden strapping.


The pile-screw foundation with high woodwork is popular because of its low cost and high practicality. Its minus, this is a broken underground space.

To protect the house from the penetration of cold and simply to give him beauty, the technology of creating a false base is used. You can make it with the help of insulated brickwork, but it is better to apply the technology of a warmed panel base. Compared with brick masonryThe panel base is much cheaper and more efficient.

Useful video

How to close the base of the pile foundation brick:

In contact with

Doing the insulation of the pile foundation with their own hands, should be guided by the current standards and rules.

As a rule, the pile foundation is shutdown on bubbly soils. It is used in the construction and cottage, and baths, and other buildings on the estate.

In a climatic belt with a sharp change of the seasons, the insulation of the pile-screw foundation is performed.

This harsh necessity is dictated by concern about the comfort and health of people living in the house.

The fact is that the distance from the floor to the Earth forms the free space in which there is an intense heat exchange.

Device of pile foundation

Create a base for the house on piles is when construction is conducted on bubbly soils.

Under the device of the pile foundation, seasonal hesitation of soil and groundwater levels do not affect the state of the structure.

In order to give greater stiffness of the design, piles between themselves are connected by special elements. Such an element is called Scarlet.

As painting can be used:

  • metal beams;
  • wooden bar;
  • concrete or brick bulkheads.

It was the pile foundation of the woodlock type, due to its versatility, it is most often applied.

It is originally known that in the house built on the pile base, the floors are cold, especially in the winter.

Today, various ways can be used for floor insulation.

One of them is to insulate the pile foundation outside. At the same time, the installation of the base, its finishing and decoration.

The volume of space that is formed between the lower level of the floor and the Earth is used for household needs. At the bath, this space is not used.

The second method comes down to installing with your own hands in the residential room of the "warm floor". Yes, labor costs in this case will be less. However, heating costs will significantly increase.

Materials for insulation

When building a house or bath, with their own hands, each specialist is waited to act according to his experience. The fact that the thermal energy needs to be kept and saving, no one doubts.

Disagreements arise at the stage when the question is solved about what material to choose for insulation.

The pile foundation (including the baths) can be insulated with crumbs, expanded polystyrene or mineral wool. Woodworking woodworking should be performed at the stage of the arrangement of the pile foundation.

If mineral wool is selected for these purposes, it must be safely protected from moisture. On bunched soils, this is one of the most important tasks.

Warming technology

The procedure for the insulation of the wood-based base includes several stages. Perform work follows in a strict sequence.

All materials and tools must be prepared in advance.

Simultaneously with the heat insulation of the foundation, floor insulation is carried out from the outside. As a heater for the floor, the same thermal insulation material is taken.

If the house was located under the house, it is particularly carefully insulating the insulation.


The first action is performed by the processing of all joints of the spoken base.

If the foundation of the house or bath is collected from wood, it must be treated with antiseptic impregnation and waterproofing solution.

There should be no open plot to remain, where mold may form or get insects. In this case, all the gaps and cracks in the wood array should be covered with a waterproof putty.

Anti-corrosion composition is applied on metal beams. For these purposes, bitumen mastic applies. Especially carefully need to handle joints and places of conjugation.

Installation of soccer

Saving heat facing is created in the shape of the base. For this, the brick wall is laid out and insulated with polystyrene foam.

Since the building is erected on bunched soils, it is necessary to build a support that is attached to the pile. Thus, the decorative wall will constitute one whole with the foundation.

The bulkhead can be mounted from a bar or metal profile. This design has a smaller mass than a brick wall.

Outside, it is separated by decorative panels, which are covered with thermal insulation material.

Fastening insulation

When insulates the base of polystyrene foam, all the joints between the stoves must be filled with the mounting foam. The insulation is superimposed from the ground up to the floor.

Stacking must be kept with the calculation to prevent access to it for small rodents. The sheets of polystyrene are glued to the wall surface with a special glue.

If mineral wool is used, it must be safely protected from the influence of atmospheric moisture. For these purposes, various rolled materials like rubberoid or pergamine are used.

The sheets are tightly inserted into the preinstalled clamp.

Fastening finishing panels

When the thermal insulation of the pile foundation is performed by polystyrene foam or mineral wool, the insulation must be protected from the effects of atmospheric phenomena.

And not only to protect, but also decorate under the overall background of the facade. For decorative trim, the base is used vinyl siding or PVC panels with a texture of brickwork.

Perennial practice shows that siding reliably protects the surface from the effects of atmospheric phenomena - rain, snow, wind, dew.

Siding fastening technology is well worked out, and make the installation of panels with their own hands to any person.

Powder from the inside

For greater reliability, the insulated base can be sprinkled from the inside around the perimeter of the soil. If there is an opportunity, then it is preferable to use clamzite.

Such a subflink will reduce the injection of underground volume.

So that the air is not stored, there are two ventilation holes on the opposite walls of the base.

These vents need to install grilles from mosquitoes and mice. For the winter they need to closely close.

Features of the procedure

Pile foundations apply and in cases where the construction budget is reduced to a minimum.

In this case, the insulation of the floor for the bath can not be done.

It is enough to insulate the base and this is limited.

For a residential building, insulation of polystyrene foam socket and walls of the room under the floor must be made high-quality.

As a result, the problem with cold floors and energy overruns will be solved.

Plus, an additional room for household needs will appear in the house.

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