
On the resistance of women during violence. Last Minute Resistance (LMP) Do guys turn on when a girl resists?

LMR or Last Minute Resistance is a feature built into all girls, it's natural and it's such an emotional defense mechanism that appeared 40,000 years ago, from a male tumbleweed, because. if she gets pregnant and the man is not around, then the child and she will die !!! :))))

The emotional state of the girl can be imagined in the following example. LMR is when you have 10 thousand bucks, you play roulette, you put everything on red and you have a 50/50 chance that you will win. That's what LMR means for a girl.

There are only 5 ways to overcome LMR, but the main principle is not to overdo it with persistence ... and the principle is to help her cope with this feeling so that she does not feel it in the first place. It is impossible for a girl to feel used, coerced and raped.

Here are 5 methods:

  1. 7 o'clock. You need to spend 7 hours on her before you start harassing her, this will reduce the LMR very much.
  2. Convince her that you are connected, two halves ... And you will not leave just by seducing her. After 10 minutes of communication with the girl, work in the style:

    Quote "Do you want to hear the weirdest thing? I... I really feel some special connection with you. It's so weird." Tell her that when she left, you really missed her.

  3. Cooling. This is the classic method. If a girl stops you and a simple "2 steps back, one step forward" doesn't work, you STOP! Generally. Stop. Say, "I understand." And go do something else. It is IMPORTANT not to be offended, and not to blow your lips. It's better to just keep communicating, "if you don't want to do this, it's okay." But in fact, this is a punishment for her, because you aroused her before. So you're saying you're not going to get the "me turning you on" award until you take it all off... Anyway, stop doing something else, then come back, maybe touch her leg and everything will start again. And tell her to do what she didn’t let you do before ....
  4. "You're right, we should stop." This is in the case of “seeming resistance”, when a girl gives you a bunch of stupid reasons in the style of “we shouldn’t do this / I can’t, this is wrong.” In such cases, just say, "You're right, we should stop," and continue.
  5. Look, I have three rules for life. First, I always wear a condom. Especially if I meet a girl for the first time. Second, I want it to be enjoyable for both of us. I want everyone to win. I want you and me to like it. Third, when you remember this day tomorrow, I want us to like to remember that we did it. If this is how it happened, I want it to happen again. If we don't really feel it, then we shouldn't do it.
Here's another very powerful thing from me that works great!
Quote When there is just a little left, she is almost completely naked and aroused - get a member and give it to her hand!!! I've done this many times, it works. And do not forget that you can get into it with your finger even when she still has jeans on. If you are a great turn-on, there will be a lot less problems.

translation: iflayer

Posted a translation of someone else's private comment about women's resistance during violence:

“People wonder why the woman didn’t “resist” during the rape. However, they are not surprised when the woman refuses to argue. They are not surprised when she is interrupted. They are not surprised when she deliberately speaks in a quieter and more impassive voice. when women give clear signals that they are not interested in conversation, or that they are uncomfortable with someone else's physical proximity, but their desires are ignored.No one is surprised by everyday social situations in which women are quiet, ignored, perceived as invisible, because such social situations are considered normal, they seem normal to women, they seem normal to men, because we all grew up in the same cultural sandbox, drinking the same potion.

And all of a sudden, when women are raped, all these natural and invisible social behaviors are used as evidence that the woman was not really raped. Because she didn't fight, she didn't scream loudly, she didn't run, she didn't kick, she didn't hit with her fist. She let him into her room, although it was clear that he wanted to. She flirted with him, she kissed him. After a while, she stopped saying no.

These rules of social behavior that are instilled in women are not just butter for the wheels of patriarchy. Women are taught that obedience to these rules is their protection, and that they will be punished for breaking these rules.

It's a fucking rude awakening from illusions when a woman is being raped and follows the rules she's been taught to follow all her life - she doesn't refuse to talk, she doesn't refuse to flirt, she doesn't walk away ignoring him, she doesn't hit, she doesn't scream, she doesn't fight, she doesn't raises her voice, does not deny that she liked kissing - and it turns out that now she will be accused of rape. She followed the rules. Thus, the rules, which, presumably, should have protected her from being raped. The very rules, the non-observance of which makes her a "legitimate target" for verbal and physical abuse.

The punishment was supposed to be violation these rules, not for their observance. Because every time she spoke in a low voice, renounced her own boundaries, did not withdraw, allowed her own needs to be ignored, she received positive reinforcement from society. And now they tell her that she did everything wrong, that it was an exceptional case when everything should have been done the other way around, and she should have known about it, yeah.

If you have ever observed the gendered social behavior of women, you have seen how a woman harriedly accepts unpleasant attention to her; how a talking woman is interrupted; how a woman stubbornly denies being upset by a public humiliation; how a woman is pawed because of what she is wearing; how a woman refuses to argue - and did not say or do anything, then you have no right to ask the question: “Why didn’t she resist?”

She didn't fight back because you told her not to. Never. Under no circumstances. You told her that this is normal, necessary and right."

The translated text itself does not surprise me: indeed, what kind of upbringing is, such are its fruits, everything is logical. But in the discussion on this text, lual a girl noted with the question "Where do you find such women?" - and I suppose I have something to add. Such women can be found not only at the reception of a psychotherapist; it is in gender communication that situations are often created in which the adequate resistance of a woman is simply not taken into account. Moreover, these situations are not created for no reason, but due to the fact that there really are women playing the game "I'm not like that, I'm waiting for the tram" - and the experience of men communicating with such women leads to the fact that the rest have to dose resistance "for themselves and for that guy" just to be heard. And this is a hell of a task, even if the girl was not brought up in line with "gendered social behavior" and the prevailing femininity. Just humanly difficult. Therefore, in place of "such a woman" in essence, anyone can be. I remember that I visited it once - and this case became one of the most original pearls in the treasury of my life experience. I'm telling.

I have been a rather lively girl since childhood: at the age of eight, my father taught me to fight; at ten I beat the boy who tried to tie my pigtails to the desk; at thirteen I drove with a briefcase to an adult uncle who was rushing after me into the women's toilet ... In general, there were usually no problems with repulse in my life. Until I met Vasya.

Friends told me about Vasya long before our direct acquaintance: he is smart, and good, and lonely, and we should have been introduced ... Therefore, when I met him at a party with the same friends, mutual interest was warmed up already in sufficient degree. And when for something economically necessary I had to go to my own apartment, Vasya's offer to accompany me looked quite natural, and refusal would be, frankly, an inadequate action.
So, we have item 1: "She herself invited him!"

It is clear that the same mutual interest did not allow Vasya and I to grab the household necessities and immediately dump: we sat down on the sofa to chat ... imperceptibly he took my hand (it was nice) ... and smoothly and naturally we began to kiss (It was still nice, by the way).
Did you know? item 2: "She kissed him and she liked it!"

Further, in the best testaments of women's novels, the kisses began to deepen. But here's the problem: you see, I haven't decided anything for myself yet. No, of course, the flattering description of Vasya by my friends pushed me to take a closer look at him - but, you know, not so close. The proposed level of intimacy began to strain me, which I immediately made clear to Vasya, removing his hands from those places where, in my opinion, they were not supposed to be. And then the strange thing started.

Contrary to my naive expectations, Vasya's hands kept trying to return to where they were taken from. Can't express how surprised I was! "Vasya!" I asked, "didn't you fall from the oak? Take your hands off, Vasya!" The goldfish Vasya did not answer anything, and in the best traditions of Russian fables he continued to "listen and eat." This positional struggle continued for some rather significant time, after which I realized that I was weaker. Stupidly physically weaker, and gently enough to remove the hands of a well physically developed man from where I don’t want to feel them, I probably won’t be able to ... It was all the more impossible to reach out with words, and screaming in my own closed apartment would be riding idiocy. The specter of rape loomed concretely on the horizon.
Then I remembered paragraphs 1-2, and clearly saw how stupid my application to the police would look, because there were no traces of my resistance on Vasya.

Let's face it, I found myself between two fires: to put Vasya a black eye is inconvenient in front of friends, they consider him good, what kind of inadequate actions on my part? Do not give Vasya a black eye - well, damn it, but how else to explain to him that I am against it? That is, understand me correctly: to some extent I even liked Vasya, and if it had not been so, not then and not in this way, but, say, after a slightly longer courtship, then I might not have had anything against it. But it was - so. And so I had a lot of things against it.

As a result, I had to figure out how to punch a living person in the face; moreover, a person who, in general, “didn’t want anything bad”: he wanted to give me something that, in other circumstances, I might have gladly taken myself. But since it was all the same in these circumstances, I took a deep breath, and nevertheless punched him in the face: being, by the way, quite ready to take advantage of the moment of his confusion and run away, because the devil knows what to expect from such Vasya ! I didn’t want to get a black eye in return.

Vasya looked at me with clean, honest eyes, not in the least clouded by either lust or rage, and meekly asked: “So you don’t want to? as a form of coquetry. He simply did not hear them! Well, these are the dude's ideas about coquetry, yes, but he didn't want anything bad. And we took the desired household garbage, and peacefully returned to our friends. That is, it was enough for Vasya to explain - but to explain in a language he understood - and the specter of rape was removed from the horizon.

But I remember very well the difficulty I experienced in solving this problem.
So the question "Where do you find such women?" seems empty to me.

So, why do girls break down? Many modern girls and women have certain attitudes and beliefs imposed on them by society and the upbringing of their parents. These beliefs are sometimes referred to as cognitive attitudes. The most common of them: “intimacy only after the wedding”, “... only for love”, “I’m not the kind to give right away”, “I don’t know you well”, “I don’t do this until the eighth (and ad infinitum) date” .

We know for sure that the girl is ready to have sex with you, but the beliefs in her head interfere with her and fetter her desires. Unfortunately, we will not be able to change the built-in settings for years in one evening, but we can successfully bypass them, giving signals and influencing the desires of a woman and communicating, so to speak, with the unconscious.

We must clearly understand that having sex should be the choice of a girl. In addition, we must exclude any social pressure on the girl. It does not matter what you will be with her in a row - the first or the hundredth.

How can overcome resistance? There are different models of behavior, consider the most popular of them

So, ways to seduce a girl:

#1 Give the girl a choice.(Note, here we are not talking about transferring responsibility for making decisions to a girl, because the proposed options can all be beneficial for you) This is something in the style of “choice without choice”. If you really try to convince or force a girl to do what she does not want or doubts, then most likely she will feel uncomfortable and will understand even better that she does not need this, perhaps even out of principle. Instead, offer options. Always generate new ideas and alternative ways and after a while return to the initial goals. If people feel that they are choosing their own destiny, they will be happier making their choice.

#2 Don't continue if the girl is clearly asking you to stop. If you see a red light, it is wiser to stop so as not to crash your car. If you're already kissing her breasts and she asks you to stop because she feels uncomfortable, go into the early stages temporarily to relieve tension, or gently stop all attempts at all. They say it's better to wait half an hour than to persuade two hours. The pause will help the girl understand what she might be missing, and there is a chance that the girl will jump on you herself.

#3 Tell her you don't do seduction. She may think that you behave so often with girls, in addition, she will check on you whether you are a seducer or not. No girl wants everyone to know that she was easily seduced and, so to speak, "taken advantage" on a par with other similar girls. In reality, of course, many guys would like to sleep with every girl they like, but this cannot be. However, if a girl is already lying naked in your bed, then she always thinks and presents you as the best seducer in the world! Help her overcome her fears by reassuring her that you don't usually take home a girl you don't know well or on a first date, but you found something in her... and she'll feel comfortable enough to let her continue.

#4 Talk out her fears. The trick is to put into words those fears that you think may be present. If you think she's worried about other people's gossip, say, "Don't worry, honey. I'm not the kind of guy who tells his friends who they're sleeping with." If you think she's worried that you'll stop respecting her and leave her if she sleeps with you so quickly, then say, "Do you think one time will be enough for me?" (jokingly). Be sincere.

#5 Explain to her your desires and the reasons why you want her. It is not necessary to give these words officiality, significance and attention on purpose, but it is better to combine these words with actions: “I know that this is really fast, but with you I seem to be going crazy. You're beautiful. I want to spend so much time exploring your body and kissing you here, here and here…”

I hope I answered the question why girls break down and how to overcome resistance. Using these five tips, combining them and combining them, you will always find ways to seduce a girl.

The term came to us from the West and firmly entered the process of seduction as the most nasty and dirty shit barrier. After all, it happened to everyone that you bring a girl home, everything is fine, you hug, kiss, touch each other, you are already lying. Everything logically leads to sex. You are already ready for this and then the girl tells you that she is not like that, she has her period and in general, she knows you little and poorly. This is the Last Minute Resistance (LMP). Something that blocks your path to sex at the very last moment.

So, I will tell you how to overcome this stage and where this resistance comes from. The most common way to overcome is persistence, which is interspersed with arrogance, pressure and ignoring. The method, although common, is unfortunately not the most effective and efficient. The essence of the method is to simply move towards the goal, not paying attention to anything. They tell you - no, you say - yes, your hand is removed, you return it. Everything is simple. You just move forward, beating the girl more and more new boundaries. You can move like this indefinitely, maybe 15 minutes, or maybe all night. If you add a little flexibility to this method, then it becomes more successful. For example, a girl removes her hand from her chest, you just put it on her ass. The method is working, but not always, not with everyone, and it can be resource-intensive. That is, under time constraints, it is not the best way, but the easiest. In this method, the skill of calibration is very important, it is very important to ensure that your game of persistence does not turn into rape. For for this you will answer elsewhere and before other people.

Another way is metaphors, reframing and suggestions, a state of special connection. The method requires preparation, knowledge and experience, since not everyone can come up with working metaphors on the go and turn the frame of perception in their favor. The essence of the method is to go to the level of the unconscious by bypassing consciousness and achieve the state you need with the girl at least for a while. Which is enough to move on to sex. The method is effective and good, but - unfortunately, not everyone can use it due to the need for preparation.
Confusion The adequacy of the method is on the verge, it is not suitable for everyone, but it works. Successfully. Its essence is simple - at the moment of resistance, you do or say something so inadequate, unexpected at that moment. All this introduces the girl into some stupor and confusion and gives you time to move on to sex. I will not give examples.

There are a huge number of ways to overcome the SPM and new ones will constantly appear, but the SPM is a consequence and fighting it is not the essence of success. Better address the causes of SPM. So, there are many reasons for SPM, in fact, these are jambs and flaws in the process of seduction, which was before. Somewhere they did something wrong, it was at the wrong time, it was not the topic, all this was imperceptible and unimportant at that time, but in the end all these jambs turned into SPM. One of the special cases of the causes of SPM is the lack of arousal of the girl. It's simple: if a girl is very excited, her brain just turns off, and you can't argue with instincts and emotions. Another of the most common cases is the insufficient comfortable state of the girl at the time of the transition to sex. In fact, sex is a relationship in a very strong state of trust and comfort. So, at the moment of transition to sex, the girl does not feel comfortable enough with you, something gnaws at her, which does not allow her to trust you completely. Somewhere before that you were in a hurry, somewhere you were insincere and unnatural. And in the end, this is her state. Therefore, work with the reasons, if everything before sex was good, comfortable and without jambs, then SPM will never arise. The SPM, like any sheettest, only appears when something went wrong. But if all the same, SPM has arisen, then you know what to do 😉

Ecology of life. Psychology: People wonder why the woman didn't "resist" during the rape. However, they are not surprised when a woman refuses to argue. They are not surprised when she is interrupted. They are not surprised when she deliberately speaks in a quieter and more unemotional voice.

People wonder why the woman didn't "resist" during the rape. However, they are not surprised when a woman refuses to argue. They are not surprised when she is interrupted. They are not surprised when she deliberately speaks in a quieter and more unemotional voice. They are not surprised when women give explicit signals that they are not interested in conversation, or that they are uncomfortable with someone else's physical proximity, but their desires are ignored. No one is surprised by everyday social situations in which women behave quietly, in which they are ignored, perceived as invisible, because such social situations are considered the norm. They seem normal to women, they seem normal to men, because we all grew up in the same cultural sandbox, drinking the same potion.

And all of a sudden, when women are raped, all these natural and invisible social behaviors are used as evidence that the woman was not really raped. Because she didn't fight, she didn't scream loudly, she didn't run, she didn't kick, she didn't hit with her fist. She let him into her room, although it was clear that he wanted to. She flirted with him, she kissed him. After a while, she stopped saying no.

These rules of social behavior that are instilled in women are not just butter for the wheels of patriarchy. Women are taught that obedience to these rules is their protection, and that they will be punished for breaking these rules.

It's a fucking rude awakening from illusions when a woman is being raped and follows the rules she's been taught to follow all her life - she doesn't refuse to talk, she doesn't refuse to flirt, she doesn't walk away ignoring him, she doesn't hit, she doesn't scream, she doesn't fight, she doesn't raises her voice, does not deny that she liked kissing - and it turns out that now she will be accused of rape. She followed the rules. The very rules that were supposed to protect her from being raped. The very rules, the non-observance of which makes her a "legitimate target" for verbal and physical abuse.

The punishment was supposed to be for breaking these rules, not for keeping them. Because every time she spoke in a low voice, renounced her own boundaries, did not step back, allowed her own needs to be ignored, she received the positive reinforcement of society. And now they tell her that she did everything wrong, that it was an exceptional case when everything had to be done the other way around, and she should have known about it, yeah.

If you have ever observed the gendered social behavior of women, you have seen how a woman harriedly accepts unpleasant attention to her; how a talking woman is interrupted; how a woman stubbornly denies being upset by a public humiliation; how a woman is pawed because of what she is wearing; how a woman refuses to argue - and did not say or do anything, then you have no right to ask the question: “Why didn’t she resist?”

She didn't fight back because you told her not to. Never. Under no circumstances. You told her that this is normal, necessary and right.

polyester.ru - Magazine for girls and women