
Rowan jam - the most delicious recipes for the winter. A simple recipe for red mountain ash jam Antonovka jam with red mountain ash

Autumn is approaching - the end of the summer season. The very last berry that needs to be harvested is, of course, the mountain ash. In addition to the fact that the red rowan is extremely useful product, from it you can make delicious jam for the winter.

Here are 3 of the simplest recipes for red rowan jam. It won't take much time to cook, and the result will delight even the most avid gourmets. Choose a recipe of your choice.

The classic recipe for red rowan jam


  • mountain ash - 1 kg
  • sugar - 1.5-2 kg (depending on the time of harvesting the fruits)
  • water - 300-350 ml


  1. To begin with, it is very important to thoroughly rinse and sort out the berries; weed out the spoiled, unripe fruits, leaving only whole bright red ones.
  2. Then blanch for 5 minutes, i.e. treat them with boiling water. After - we put it on a sieve and fill it with hot syrup. The syrup is prepared very simply: dilute sugar in water and bring the mixture to a boil.
  3. In this state, we insist for 6 hours at a temperature not lower than room temperature. After the indicated time, we put the berries soaked in syrup on the fire. After it boils, reduce the heat, set it for 5 minutes, then remove the pan from the heat for 15 minutes. Repeat this 3 times until the fruits are completely softened.
  4. After cooking, the red rowan jam is immediately packed in warm sterile jars and, having hermetically closed with lids, is wrapped in a warm blanket for 12 hours.

Instant red rowan jam


  • mountain ash - 0.5 kg
  • sugar - 1.0 kg (depending on the time of harvest)
  • water - 180 ml


  1. We sort out and wash the rowan berries.
  2. Blanch in boiling water for 5 minutes.
  3. Cooking syrup: dissolve sugar in water, bring to a boil, pour rowan berries. If there is not enough time for cooking, then the future jam should be kept in syrup for 15 hours.
  4. After that, bring to a boil 1 time and let cool directly in a saucepan.
  5. After - pour into jars, which do not have to be heated. You can not roll them up, but close them with ordinary plastic lids. But in this case, the workpiece will only be stored in the refrigerator. If you boil the jam for 20 minutes, pack it in sterile clean jars and roll up hermetically sealed with lids, the shelf life can be increased.

Red rowan jam after the first frost


  • mountain ash - 700 gr.
  • sugar - 1.5 kg
  • water - 200 ml

Many people know the fact that after the first frost, mountain ash is the sweetest, because all the bitterness leaves it. In this case, the jam turns out to be insanely tasty if the berry is placed in an oven for 1 hour at a temperature not higher than 40 degrees, and then held for 5 minutes in hot water (not in boiling water!). Then pour in syrup and cook several times, according to the principle of the previous recipe: after boiling, they were removed from the heat for 15 minutes, then put back and brought to a boil. After all boils, the finished product must be cooled at room temperature and left in this state overnight. Then drain the syrup and boil it for a few minutes. The jars should be properly steamed, placed in ready-made fruits and filled with syrup. Then roll up the cans and leave to cool.

  • We must not forget about the sterile state of the cans, otherwise preservation will not work, and the blanks will simply disappear;
  • Red mountain ash is best harvested after the first frost. In this case, it will be sweeter. However, if you want to make preparations for the winter, then the harvested berries should be kept in the freezer for about a day - this way all the bitterness will go away;
  • It is better to store ready-made jam in a dark and cool place;
  • Rowan goes well with apples and walnuts. The proportions of these ingredients are individual.

Autumn is coming and the end of the summer season is approaching. Rowan is always the last to be harvested. The most useful is the red-fruited. It is for this reason that most housewives strive to prepare it for the cold winter. Consider simple recipes for making red rowan jam.

Features of cooking jam

Keep fresh, healthy berry for a long time you can if you make jam out of it. There are many options, and for the concentration of nutrients, it is allowed to combine the berry with other equally useful components.

Despite the usefulness of the herbal ingredient, it is not always like canning because of its astringency and the presence of bitterness. In order for the jam to turn out less bitter, but remain as useful, it is recommended to harvest the fruits after the first frost.

For an accelerated process, the berries are sorted out, twigs and debris are removed, washed and dried. They are laid out in a thin layer in prepared bowls, and after that they must be placed in the freezer. Leave it in this form for 2-5 hours and can be used as directed. Now let's move on directly to the question of how to actually cook red rowan jam.

Classic method

For those who do not like fiddling with blanks for a long time, there is the simplest cooking option.


  • fresh berries - 1 kg;
  • filtered water - 350 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 500 g.

  1. Sort the berries, rinse in several waters. Put in a convenient container and pour boiling water over it, dissolving a little salt (for 1 liter of water, 5 grams of salt). Strain after 10-15 minutes and wait for excess moisture to drain.
  2. In the meantime, let's start preparing the sweet syrup. To do this, measure the required amount of water, put it on the stove and bring to a boil. Add sugar with regular stirring, boil and cook for a few more minutes.
  3. Put the prepared fruits in hot syrup, continue the cooking process for another quarter of an hour. Remove from heat, cover and leave on the kitchen table for 2-3 hours so that the berries have time to soak in the sugar syrup.
  4. During this time, the jam will completely cool down, we proceed to the second cooking, but until the fruits are completely cooked.
  5. Pack ready product on clean jars, cover, cool and put in a cold place for storage.

With nuts


  • main component - 1 kg;
  • walnut - 400 g;
  • granulated sugar - 1.4 kg;
  • filtered water - 600 ml.

Operating procedure:

  1. Sort out the red rowan, remove debris and unsuitable fruits for food. Rinse several times for a more detailed removal of dust and dirt. Dry a little.
  2. Put the main ingredient in a convenient saucepan and mash with a wooden crush to release the juice. Pour over with boiling water.
  3. Pour the required amount of water into another large saucepan, add granulated sugar and, with regular stirring, cook until the sugar grains are completely dissolved. Lower the berries and cook until tender over low heat. Remember to skim off the foam regularly.
  4. Peel the walnuts from the films and dry in a dry frying pan. Otherwise, the jam will turn sour. Cool and chop coarsely.
  5. Pour the prepared nut to the berries, boil for another 2-3 minutes and pack the dessert in clean cans. Close tightly, cool and put in the cellar.

Jam without cooking

This cooking option allows you to save all vitamins, micro and macro elements in the finished dish, since it is not used heat treatment... In order for the finished dessert to be preserved for a long time, it is recommended that the cans be pre-sterilized by a convenient method. Consider the principle by which red rowan jam is prepared.


  • ripe berry - 500 g;
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg.


  1. It is allowed to replace sugar with natural honey. In this case, the taste of the finished dish is special.
  2. Sort the rowan, clean it of debris and rinse in several waters. Boil some liquid in a separate saucepan, add half a teaspoon of salt. Then put the berries and boil for 1-2 minutes. Throw on a sieve, wait for excess moisture to drain.
  3. Put in a blender bowl, chop. Combine with sugar in a suitable cooking container and mix thoroughly.
  4. Cover and leave the container on the kitchen table so that the berries let out the juice and the grains dissolve in it completely. On the this action usually takes 2-3 hours.
  5. Pack up in sterile jars, cover with nylon lids and put in the refrigerator for storage.

With orange

The dessert gets a special piquancy and usefulness due to the addition of citrus fruit. Consider how to make red rowan jam, which has even greater useful properties.


  • mountain ash red - 1 kg;
  • orange - 300 g;
  • granulated sugar - 500 g;
  • filtered liquid - 1.5 l.

  1. Rinse the orange, peel and remove the white film. Divide into slices and cut each into a few more pieces, removing seeds if possible. Finely chop the zest.
  2. Sort the berries, rinse and scald with boiling water.
  3. Let's start preparing the syrup. To do this, combine water with granulated sugar in a separate container, put on the stove and bring to a boil. Cook until the grains are completely dissolved.
  4. Then put citrus slices, berries in hot syrup and cook with slow heating for a quarter of an hour. Cover, cool and repeat the cooking process again. Arrange in clean sterile jars, close tightly, cool and put in a cellar for storage.

With apples

The recipe for red rowan berry jam with apple is quite common at home. Apples go well with red rowan, the preparation turns out to be very tasty if you take fruit fruits hard grade with a slight sourness. To improve the aroma, it is recommended to add part of the cinnamon stick, and after boiling it must be removed.


  • fresh berries - 1 kg;
  • apples - 300 g;
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg;
  • filtered liquid - 200 ml.

The cooking process will be like this:

  1. Rinse the apples, cut into 2 equal parts and remove the seed box, other parts that are not edible. Chop into wedges.
  2. Sort the berries, remove the debris. Rinse in multiple waters. Put in boiling water, cover and stand for 10 minutes. Throw in a colander, wait for excess moisture to drain.
  3. Pour the required amount of water into a suitable saucepan, add granulated sugar (1/2 part), boil and cook until the bulk components are completely dissolved.
  4. After the sugar grains are completely dissolved, put the apple slices, berries and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and continue cooking for another quarter of an hour.
  5. Cover, remove from heat and leave to cool. After the time has elapsed, pour out the remaining granulated sugar and boil with regular stirring for a quarter of an hour. Cool and boil over again, then put in sterile jars. Close tightly, cool and put in the cellar for storage.

With pumpkin

Pumpkin is a female vegetable. It is for this reason that it is recommended to use it as often as possible. You can make a huge variety of dishes from pumpkin, and if you make jam with red rowan, then the taste of the dessert is more original and unusual.


  • pumpkin - 1 kg;
  • mountain ash - 500 g;
  • granulated sugar - 500 g;
  • lemon - 2 fruits;
  • vanillin on the tip of a knife.
  1. Sort out the berries, remove rotten fruits and parts that are not edible. Transfer to a suitable bowl and rinse thoroughly in several waters. Throw in a colander. Then put the prepared berries in boiling water, cook for 2-3 minutes. Strain, wait for excess moisture to drain completely.
  2. Rinse the pumpkin, remove seeds, fibers, skin. Chop into medium cubes. Put in a saucepan, sprinkling with sugar (2/3 of the total volume is used), stir gently and leave on the kitchen table for the product to let the juice out. If the natural liquid is not enough, it is allowed to add a little filtered water.
  3. Then put the container with pumpkin over medium heat, add granulated sugar and berries. Cook until the components are completely softened.
  4. Remove the zest from the citrus fruit with a thin layer and finely chop it. Add together with vanilla to the pumpkin, stir and continue cooking until all ingredients are fully cooked.
  5. Arrange in sterile jars, close tightly, cool and put in a cold place.

With rose hips


  • fresh berries - 1 kg;
  • rose hips (peeled) - 0.4 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg;
  • clean water - 400 ml.


  1. Sort out the red rowan, remove the parts unsuitable for food. Rinse well in several waters. Put the rose hips in a saucepan, cover with ice liquid and leave on the kitchen table for 50 minutes. After the time has elapsed, place the saucepan on the stove, boil, remove from heat and place the container in cold water like a steam bath. Throw in a colander.
  2. Cut each berry into 2 parts and remove the seeds and inner films. Combine the prepared fruits with sugar, stir gently and mark on the stove, bring to a boil and lay out the prepared mountain ash. Continue cooking for another half hour. Cover, leave on the kitchen counter for 60 minutes. After the time has elapsed, boil again and cook until the rose hips sinks to the bottom of the pan.
  3. Pack in clean jars, close tightly and put away in a cold place.

Rowan appears not only in songs, but also in medicine, cosmetology and even cooking. Its red berries make an excellent jam that will win the hearts of gourmets with its unsurpassed aroma and magical taste, seducing them with its bright color. Such a delicacy is an extremely healthy food product that is rich in vitamins and minerals, thanks to this it is a real healing elixir for those who consume it. In the article, we will consider how to make delicious mountain ash jam, what ingredients are needed and what is the healing power of mountain ash berries.

The mountain ash dessert attracts the attention of the sweet tooth with its seductive orange color. The uniqueness of this sweetness lies in the fact that it has an amazing taste with exotic piquant bitterness and mild sourness.

Important! To make mountain ash jam, you need to use berries that are frozen, since fresh fruits will not make a sweet, but a bitter dessert.

The type of such a treat may depend on the recipe. Most often, the almost finished product is passed through a sieve, as a result of which the dish looks like jam or takes on a jelly-like shape. There is also a widespread recipe in which the berries have retained their integrity. Such a jam and outwardly attractive.

What is the use

The benefits of orange berries are obvious, it's not for nothing that birds love to peck them. Let's consider what it is.

One hundred grams of red rowan contains only 50 kilocalories. As for the balance of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, they are contained, respectively, 1.5 g, 0.1 g, 10.9 g for every hundred grams of berries. In terms of the content of carotene (9 mg / 100 g) and vitamin C (70 mg / 100 g), the berry can compete with carrots and has every chance of winning.

The mineral and vitamin reserve of crimson fruits is striking in its composition. They are rich in vitamins (per 100 g):

  • PP - 0.7 mg;
  • A - 1500 mcg;
  • B1 - 0.05 mg;
  • B2 - 0.02 mg;
  • B9 - 0.2 mcg.

The berries of this plant also distinguished themselves by other reserves:
  • manganese (2 mg);
  • copper (120 mg);
  • magnesium (331 mg);
  • potassium (230 mg);
  • phosphorus (17 mg);
  • calcium (42 mg);
  • zinc (0.3 mg);
  • iron (2 mg).

Did you know? According to ancient popular beliefs, mountain ash was used to create the cross on which Jesus was crucified. In this regard, even a religious group appeared - the Ryabinovites. Her supporters claimed that the plant is mentioned in the Bible as "Pigwa".

The composition of rowan fruits also contains a stock (for every 100 g):

  • ash - 0.8 g;
  • dietary fiber - 5.4 g;
  • water - 81.1 g;
  • monosaccharides and disaccharides - 8.5 g;
  • organic acids - 2.2 g;
  • starch - 0.4 g

Rowan berries are widely used in pharmacology and are a real panacea for many diseases. So, these fruits are an excellent remedy for the treatment and prevention of vitamin deficiency, anemia, physical exhaustion, ARVI.

The use of such natural medicine will help to increase the immune defense forces of the body and increase the level of resistance of organs and systems to various diseases.
Berries improve performance of cardio-vascular system, will help to eliminate the symptoms of hypertension, arrhythmias, will benefit people suffering from capillary fragility, heart failure or depletion of the body.

The healing power of the fruits of the plant has proved to be excellent in the treatment of hemorrhoids and gastritis.

Rowan juice is a proven remedy for combating various types of mycoses. Eating fruits in any form is a mildly active agent for removing toxins and toxic substances from the body, and is also used in the fight against cholesterol.

Rowan jam is not just a delicious dessert, but also a medicine, so you need to be careful when approaching its appearance on your table. Consider the features of the effect on the body of children, pregnant and lactating women.
Despite the fact that the fruits of this tree are extremely beneficial for a young growing child's body, in baby food they are not common. According to doctors, children who are already one year old can eat such a dessert. This is not just a dish that the guys will like, but also a powerful immunomodulator.

Did you know? Even ancient sailors knew about the healing properties of this plant, who used it to fight scurvy.

As for whether it is possible to introduce sweetness into the diet of future mothers, gynecologists are categorically against such a food product. It's all about the essential extracts that promote blood clotting and can trigger an abortion. Therefore, pregnant women with a sweet tooth should remove the berry from their diet.

Nursing mothers can eat jam only if the baby is not allergic to this food product. But it is not recommended to get too carried away with such a dessert during the lactation period.

Rowan jam is not suitable for every organism, as well as a medicine from the fruits of this plant.
So, you can not use products that are made using berries for those people who suffer from high acidity of the stomach, suffer from gastritis, who are diagnosed with ischemic disease heart or high blood clotting was determined.

Did you know?In the absence of drinking water, a few freshly cut branches of a tree, placed in swamp water for two to three hours, make it quite suitable for use. You can do the same with tap water.

Also, the product is contraindicated for those who have suffered a heart attack or stroke. Rowan bunches can act as a powerful allergen, therefore, allergy sufferers should be wary of consuming products made from them.

How to make mountain ash jam: a step-by-step recipe with a photo

Thanks to the efforts and skills of real housewives, there are many recipes for making mountain ash jam. We bring to your attention one of the best, simple and budgetary.

Required Ingredients

In order for you to get a fragrant delicacy, you will need:

  • mountain ash red - 1 glass;
  • granulated sugar - 1 glass;
  • water - 0.5 cups.

Important! This jam can be made using chokeberry... The number of berries is unchanged - 1 glass, only one half of the glass needs to be filled with red, and the other with black fruits.

Not all berries are suitable for this product. Let's take a look at how to choose the right main ingredient.

  1. First of all, you should pay attention to the appearance of the fruit. It is important that they are not pecked birds.
  2. The fruit should have a rich, vibrant color.
  3. There should be no defects and red dots on their surface.
  4. You should also pay attention to the presence of glitter on the berries: high-quality ones should sparkle.
  5. Fruit size is also important. Of course, large berries are best suited for cooking.

The process of preparing a mountain ash delicacy does not require a lot of effort from you.

Important! Rowan jam should only boil for two minutes. And the general process of its preparation is no more than 5 minutes.

Some housewives claim that such a dessert turns out to be much tastier if you use red and black berries in equal proportions to prepare it.

When it comes to rowan in cooking, then, most often, they mean the chokeberry variety, unfairly forgetting about her, no less useful, red relative. However, experienced housewives and gourmets know about the amazing, slightly bitter aroma and taste of red rowan jam, and most importantly, about its benefits. After all, prepared for future use at home, mountain ash dessert is an excellent remedy for vitamin deficiency. So it's worth learning how to cook red rowan jam for the winter, as well as taking the time to cook it. At home, rolling up a couple of jars for the winter can be very simple, and reliable step by step recipes with photo.

The best recipes with photos

The last notes

Many people unfairly believe that red-berry jam is absolutely inedible. But if you pick the berry correctly - and more specifically, after the first freezing temperatures, then the bitterness leaves it and the rowan jam will turn out to be tasty and healthy. Regular consumption of this preparation helps to regulate blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

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