
The professional standard of a teacher does not include labor action. Professional standard of a teacher – briefly about the main thing. How will the transition to new standards take place?

In 2013, a professional teacher standard was developed, which, according to Federal Law No. 122, adopted in May 2015, is mandatory for use from January 1, 2017. Let's figure out what it is and why it is needed.

Raising and teaching children- a real art, which every teacher is obliged to master to one degree or another. However, at the present stage of life, a teacher is, first of all, a profession that, according to recent trends, must meet certain standards designed to replace outdated job descriptions and other documents regulating the professional activities of teachers.

That is why, back in 2013, a specially created working group chaired by Evgeniy Aleksandrovich Yamburg developed a professional teacher standard, covering, among other things, such issues as the reform of the system of advanced training for teachers, the modernization of the teacher education system and changes in the teacher certification system.

According to Federal Law No. 122, adopted in May 2015, this standard is mandatory for use from January 1, 2017. Let's figure out what it is and why it is needed.

Professional standard for a teacher - what is the point?

Professional standard of a teacher is a document that takes into account all the requirements for the personality and professional competence of teachers. Now the qualification level of a teacher will be assigned in accordance with this regulatory act. It should also be taken into account when hiring a teacher and when drawing up his job description.

The document for teachers describes in detail all the knowledge and skills that they must have, and also specifies labor actions depending on the focus of the work (preschool teacher, primary school teacher, subject teacher, etc.).

It is expected that thanks to the introduction of the professional standard, the basis of the Russian education system will be made up of real professionals who can work with a wide variety of categories of children (gifted, disabled, orphans, migrants, etc.) and effectively interact with other specialists (defectologists, psychologists, social educators and etc.).

Reasons for introducing the professional standard

Qualification reference books along with job descriptions are no longer effective in today’s realities - this is what the Ministry of Labor thought and began to develop a modern teacher's professional standard. Why did they pay attention to this? The fact is that in the Labor Code such concepts as “qualification” and “professional standard” appeared, which gradually began to be applied to various professions, and the pedagogical profession could not remain aloof.

Preparation for the introduction of professional standards

As mentioned above, the development of the document began back in 2013, and it was planned that everything would be finalized and tested (checked for suitability) before January 1, 2015. However, its introduction had to be postponed by 2 years due to great difficulties in development.

During this period, the document was finalized, and the standards themselves were tested on the basis of several dozen educational institutions. The results were generally positive:

  • the level of student preparation has increased;
  • working conditions for teachers have improved;
  • Parents appreciated the changes well.

And as a result, in 2017, it was decided to begin the widespread implementation of the new professional standard for teachers.

Structure and content of the professional standard

The document is structured according to the principle of division labor functions of a teacher, starting from preschool teachers and ending with mid-level teachers. The focus is on the three most important areas in which all educators must be competent:

  • education;
  • upbringing;
  • development.

The description of each function includes three blocks: “Labor actions”, “Required skills” and “Required knowledge”. Further, the functions of teachers are divided depending on the focus of their work:

  • Activities of preschool teachers.
  • Activities of primary education teachers.
  • Activities of teachers of basic and secondary education.
  • Module "Subject learning. Mathematics".
  • Module "Subject learning. Russian language".

Exactly the same in every form pedagogical activity the labor actions, knowledge and skills of the teacher are specified.

Having studied all the requirements, we can come to the conclusion that a modern teacher must be universally educated, erudite and progressive. The emphasis is also placed on the ability to find an approach to each child, respect his personality and correctly assess his abilities.

How will the transition to new standards proceed?

At the moment, there is no uniform plan for transition to the new standard for all institutions. Obviously, the management of each educational organization will, at its own discretion, include certain measures for implementation pedagogical professional standard in an educational institution. However, in any case, a commission will have to be responsible for the introduction of professional standards, which will roughly be required to do the following:

  • Compare the positions held in a particular institution with the names that are prescribed in the standard.
  • Check employment contracts and, if necessary, make adjustments in accordance with professional standards.
  • Inspect educational institution employees for compliance with professional standards, according to their positions.
  • Provide management with a final report of the audit.

True, it is not yet entirely clear what to do with teachers who do not meet the professional standard. If such an employee was initially hired in accordance with labor legislation, successfully passed certification and generally does a good job, then it is not advisable to fire him, even taking into account partial non-compliance with the emerging standards.

Will professional standards affect teachers' salaries?

About promotion salaries for teachers, which confirmed compliance with the professional standard, government officials said back in 2013, but there were no official statements. So all we can do is wait and hope...

Problems of implementing a professional standard

While many teachers find it difficult to fulfill all the requirements of the professional standard. In particular, they say that it is problematic to do this today due to:

  • insufficient material and technical base of educational organizations,
  • poorly developed accessible environment for all students (ramps, entrances to buildings, etc.),
  • There is too much workload on one teacher to count on an individual approach to each student.

However, even if today not every teacher can boast of full compliance with all the criteria of the professional standard, it should be considered as a guideline in their pedagogical activity and gradually improve in order to better approach the training and education of the younger generation.

Introduction of the standard of professional activity of a teacher

At the present stage of modernization of education, society needs teachers of a new format. For the first time in Russian education, the concept and content of a professional teacher standard is being formed.

Why do we need a professional teacher standard?

The standard is a tool for implementing the education strategy in a changing world, improving the quality of education and bringing domestic education to the international level.

The standard is an objective measure of a teacher’s qualifications, a means of selecting teaching staff for educational institutions, and the basis for the formation of an employment contract that fixes the relationship between the employee and the employer.

The need to fill the teacher’s professional standard with new competencies is due to:

Working with gifted students.

Working in the context of implementing inclusive education programs.

Teaching Russian to students for whom it is not their native language.

Working with students with developmental problems.

Working with deviant, dependent, socially neglected and socially vulnerable students with serious behavioral problems.

Professional standards in Russia are developed in accordance with clause 1 of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2012 No. 597“On measures to implement state social policy.”The Russian Ministry of Labor coordinates the development of professional standards.

In December 2012, changes were made to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation: Chapter 31 was supplemented with Article 195.1. The concept of employee qualifications, professional standards, according to which:

professional standard – this is a characteristic of the qualifications necessary for an employee to carry out a certain type of professional activity, including the performance of a certain labor function,

employee qualifications - this is the level of knowledge, skills, professional skills and experience of the employee.

The professional standard describes labor functions for a certain type of activity, as well as the requirements for the knowledge and skills of specialists performing these functions.

In the field of education approved4 professional standards:

    Teacher(pedagogical activities in the field of preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general education) (educator, teacher).

    Educational psychologist(educational psychologist).

    Teacher of additional education for children and adults.

    Teacher of vocational training, vocational education and additional vocational education.

Professional standards are used by employers when forming personnel policies and in personnel management, when organizing training and certification of employees, concluding employment contracts, developing job descriptions and establishing remuneration systemsfrom January 1, 2017.

Let's take a closer look at the content of the professional standard“Teacher (pedagogical activity in the field of preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general education) (educator, teacher).”

The professional standard of a teacher is a framework document that definesbasicrequirements for his qualifications. The nationwide framework of the standard can be supplemented by regional requirements that take into account the sociocultural, demographic and other characteristics of a given territory. The professional standard of a teacher can also be supplemented by the internal standard of an educational institution in accordance with the specifics of the educational programs implemented in this institution.

Considering the special place and role in general secondary education of such subjects as and the Russian language, the mandatory requirement of passing them in the form of the Unified State Exam for all school graduates without exception, the document separately highlights the professional standards of teachers in these specialties.

The professional standard of a teacher reflects the structure of his professional activity: teaching, upbringing and development of the child. In accordance with the strategy of modern education, it is significantly filled with psychological and pedagogical competencies designed to help the teacher in solving new problems. The standard puts forward requirements for the personal qualities of a teacher, inseparable from his professional competencies, such as readiness to teach all children without exception, regardless of their inclinations, abilities, developmental characteristics, or disabilities. The teacher should comply with legal, moral and ethical standards, and the requirements of professional ethics.

The professional standard of a teacher can be applied:

    when applying for a job in a general education institution for the position of “teacher”;

    during certification of teacherseducational institutions by regional executive authorities exercising management in the field of education;

    when conducting certification of teachers by educational organizations themselves, if they are given the appropriate powers.The professional standard is applied for the purpose of:

    determine the necessary qualifications of a teacher, which influences the results of a child’s education, upbringing and development;

    provide the necessary training for teachers to obtain high results from their work;

    ensure the necessary awareness of the teacher about the requirements placed on him;

    promote the involvement of teachers in solving the problem of improving the quality of education.

Structure of the teacher’s professional standard

Professional standard of a teacher contains a description of the labor functions of teachersand consists of 4 sections:

I. General information.

II. Description of labor functions included in the professional standard(functional map of the type of professional activity).

III. Characteristics of generalized labor functions.

IV. Information about the organizations-developers of the professional standard.

Let's look at the first section of the document. The structure of the approved professional standard for a teacher includes four levels of education: preschool, primary general, basic general and secondary general education.

The main goal of professional activity is indicated - this isprovision of educational services for basic general education programs by educational organizations (organizations providing training).

In the second section, “Description of labor functions included in the professional standard (functional map of the type of professional activity),” the generalized labor functions of a teacher are divided into two groups. The first group includes pedagogical activities in the design and implementation of the educational process in educational organizations at all four levels of education and divides their labor functions into three areas:

    General pedagogical function. Education.

    Educational activities.

    Developmental activities.

The second group includes pedagogical activities for the design and implementation of basic general education programs and lists related types of pedagogical activities for the implementation of programs:

preschool education

primary general education

basic and secondary general education

module “Subject training. Mathematics"

module “Subject training. Russian language"

The third section, “Characteristics of generalized labor functions,” describes in detail what competencies a teacher should possess when implementing a general pedagogical function - teaching, performing educational and developmental activities. Each of these three areas is considered from the point of view of labor actions, necessary skills and necessary knowledge.

I would like to draw your attention to the necessary skills in each of the designated areas.

Part one: general pedagogical function. education.

The necessary skills of a teacher include the following skills:

    Ownforms and methods of teaching that go beyond lessons: laboratory experiments, field practiceand so on.

    Objectively evaluate students' knowledge based on testing and other control methods in accordance with the real educational capabilities of children.

    Develop and apply modern psychological and pedagogical technologies based on knowledge of the laws of personality development and behavior in real and virtual environments.

    Use and testspecial approaches to teaching in order to include all students in the educational process, including those with special educational needs; gifted students; students for whom Russian is not their native language; students with disabilities.

    OwnICT competencies

    Organize various types of extracurricular activities: gaming, educational and research, artistic and productive, cultural and leisure activities, taking into accountopportunities of the educational organization, place of residence and historical and cultural identity of the region.

Part two: educational activities.

We list some labor actions that are included in the professional standard of a teacher:

regulation of student behavior to ensure a safe educational environment;

implementation of modern, including interactive, forms and methods of educational work, using them both in class and in extracurricular activities;

setting educational goals that promote the development of students, regardless of their abilities and character;

determination and adoption of clear rules of conduct for students in accordance with the charter of the educational organization and internal labor regulations;

design and implementation of educational programs;

assistance and support in organizing the activities of student self-government bodies;

formation of tolerance and behavioral skills in a changing multicultural environment:

the use of constructive educational efforts of parents (legal representatives) of students, assistance to the family in resolving issues of raising a child.

The necessary labor skills of a teacher in educational work include the following skills:

    buildeducational activities taking into account the cultural differences of children, gender, age and individual characteristics;

    communicatewith children, recognizing their dignity, understanding and accepting them;

    createin study groups there are groups of children and adults of different ages, students, their parents and teachers;

    manageclass with the aim of involving students in the process of learning and education, motivating their educational and cognitive activities;

    analyzethe real state of affairs in the classroom, maintain a friendly business atmosphere in the children's team;

    protectdignity and interests of students, help children in conflict situationsAnd/or unfavorable conditions;

    findthe value aspect of educational knowledge and information and ensure its understanding and experience by students;

    own methodsorganizing excursions, hikes and expeditions;

    cooperateь with other teachers and specialists in solving educational problems.

Part three “Development activities” assumes the followinglabor actions:

identification during observation of behavioral and personal problems of students associated with the characteristics of their development;

assessment of parameters and design of a psychologically safe and comfortable educational environment, development of programs for the prevention of various forms of violence in school;

mastering and applying psychological and pedagogical technologies (including inclusive ones) necessary for targeted work with various groups of students: gifted children, socially vulnerable children, children in difficult life situations, migrant children, orphans, children with special educational needs needs (autism, children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, etc.), children with disabilities, children with behavioral deviations, children with addiction;


    Have a professional attitude towards helping any child, regardless of his actual educational capabilities, behavioral characteristics, state of mental and physical health.

    Use psychological approaches in the practice of your work: cultural-historical, activity-based and developmental.

    Carry out, together with a psychologist and other specialists, psychological and pedagogical support of basic educational programs.

    Understand the documentation of specialists (psychologists, speech pathologists, speech therapists).

    Together with a psychologist and other specialists, compose a psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the student’s personality.

    Develop and implement individual educational routes, individual development programs and individually oriented educational programs, taking into account the personal and age characteristics of students.

    Possess standardized methods of psychodiagnostics of personal characteristics and age characteristics of students.

    Evaluate educational results: subject and meta-subject competencies formed in the taught subject, and also monitor personal characteristics together with a psychologist.

    Form child-adult communities.

Further content of the professional standard section is aimed at determining

    professional competencies of a preschool teacher(teacher), reflecting the specifics of work at the preschool level of education;

    professional competencies of a teacher, reflecting the specifics of work in an elementary school;

    professional competencies of a teacher, reflecting the specifics of a teacher’s work in primary and secondary schools;

    professional competencies of a teacher, reflecting the specifics of the work of a Russian language teacher;

    professional competencies of a teacher, reflecting the specifics of a teacher’s work.

The professional standard of a teacher is mandatory for use by educational organizations, organizations carrying out educational activities to provide educational services in basic general education programs in the field of preschool and primary general education, basic general and secondary general education.

Expanding the boundaries of a teacher’s freedom, the professional standard simultaneously increases his responsibility for the results of his work, placing demands on his qualifications and offering criteria for its evaluation.

Taking into account the different levels of qualifications of the country's teachers, a procedure for the gradual, stage-by-stage introduction of a professional teacher standard is envisaged.

Methods for assessing compliance with the requirements of a teacher’s professional standard

The final assessment of a teacher’s professional activity is made based on the results of training, education and development of students. When making such a comprehensive assessment, it is necessary to take into account the levels of education, inclinations and abilities of children, the characteristics of their development and real educational opportunities.

Assessing a teacher’s compliance with the requirements of the professional standard can be done throughinternal and external audit.

Audit(from Latin audit - listens)is a procedure for independently evaluating the performance of an organization, system, process, project or product.

During the personnel audit, the level of compliance of the employee with the position he occupies is established, personal qualities are assessed, and a comprehensive description of the employees is given.

External audit - this is an assessment with the involvement of specialists from an audit firm to obtain a truly independent assessment, which can only be given by an “outside” view.

Internal audit – audit carried out by the organization’s own resources, for example, the audit commission, or another organization on its behalf to assess compliance with the professional requirements for teachers.

Both types of audit include analysis of plans and reports, visits to lessons, learning outcomes, education and development of students.

Data collection for assessment is carried out through “resultative” questioning, listening, observing, analyzing documents, recordings and documented data. The results of teacher certification can also be used as an external audit.

The professional activity of a preschool teacher is assessed only comprehensively. A high score includes a combination of indicators of the dynamics of the development of the child’s integrative qualities, the child’s positive attitude towards kindergarten and a high degree of activity and involvement of parents in solving educational problems and the life of the kindergarten.

When assessing the professional qualities of a teacher, it is necessary to provide feedback to the consumers of his activities. Such consumers are the students themselves and their parents. It follows that the assessment of a teacher’s performance goes beyond the narrow departmental framework and requires the consolidation of organizational forms and the corresponding procedure, ensuring public participation in this procedure.

The introduction of a professional teacher standard provides regions of the Russian Federation and educational organizations with additional degrees of freedom, while at the same time imposing serious responsibility on them.

Regional educational authorities together with the professional community can develop additions to it. In turn, educational organizations have the opportunity to formulate their own internal standards, on the basis of which it will be necessary to develop and adopt local regulations that set out the requirements for the qualifications of teachers that correspond to the tasks of this educational organization and the specifics of its activities.

Obviously, the widespread introduction of a professional teacher standard cannot happen instantly, on a command from above. A period is needed for its refinement and adaptation of the professional community to it.

Professional standard of a teacher: composition of labor functions, qualification levels, requirements for the formation of labor functions of teaching staff Gayazova L.A., deputy head. CEPP MGPPU

1. Reasons for making changes to the composition of the labor functions of the professional standard (the results of the activities of internship sites to differentiate the levels of the professional standard) 2. Formation of requirements for the composition of the labor functions of the professional standard of the teacher 3. Possibilities for constructing the structure of the labor functions of the professional standard of the teacher, taking into account the requirements of the regulatory framework documentation and specifics of the type of professional activity

Approaches to differentiating the levels of a teacher’s professional standard 1. Correspondence of the work actions of a teacher’s professional standard and the levels of teachers’ professional development. 2. Compliance of labor actions with the professional standard of a teacher and levels of higher education. Preparation of proposals for a new formulation of the labor action to bring it into line with a certain level of education and levels of professional development of the teacher. July - August 2014 for teaching staff (21 internship sites) November 2014. 11 experts from internship sites: -Amur Region, -Volgograd Region, -Lipetsk Region, -Republic of Mordovia, -Republic of Tatarstan, -Tambov Region, -Khabarovsk Territory.

Compliance of labor actions with the professional standard of a teacher and levels of professional development of teachers, description of levels of professional development The first level is the level of a beginning teacher. Has the right to carry out teaching activities based on the results of successfully passing a qualifying exam. Possesses competencies at the initial level and can carry out teaching activities at the prescribed level. The second level is the level of an advanced teacher, whose activities are characterized by the development of various competencies that may be associated with working with a special group of children or with performing additional functions in organizing the educational process and creating learning conditions. The third level is the level of a teacher-methodologist who masters the methods and technologies of teaching and upbringing at a level that allows them to be transmitted to other teachers. The fourth level is a teacher-researcher who summarizes the experience of professional activities in order to develop new educational technologies, capable of testing and introducing innovative technologies in education.

TF1 General pedagogical function. Training TF2 Educational activities TF3 Developmental activities TF4 Pedagogical activities for the implementation of preschool education programs TF5 Pedagogical activities for the implementation of primary general education programs TF6 Pedagogical activities ... basic and secondary general education LEVEL LEVEL LEVEL LEVEL Distribution of labor actions by labor functions and levels, total 60 TD Labor function “General pedagogical function. Education"

OPTION A Assigning a qualification category to each labor action TF1 Training TF2 Education TF3 Development Generalized labor function 1 TF4 Preschool education TF5 Primary education TF6 Basic general, secondary general Generalized labor function 2 There are no labor actions classified as level 4 Approximate structure of the standard

Compliance of work actions with the professional standard of a teacher and levels of higher education “Entry level” - graduate of bachelor’s programs “Experienced teacher” - graduate of master’s programs or teacher with 3-5 years of work experience “Expert” - specialist who has mastered a wide range of social competencies “Supervisor” - a specialist who has mastered management and research competencies in the field of education.

Distribution of labor actions by labor functions and levels, total 201 TD TF1 General pedagogical function. Training TF2 Educational activities TF3 Developmental activities TF4 Pedagogical activities for the implementation of preschool education programs TF5 Pedagogical activities for the implementation of primary general education programs TF6 Pedagogical activities ... basic and secondary general education LEVEL LEVEL LEVEL LEVEL

OPTION B Formation, based on each labor action, of an approved standard of new formulations, variable for different levels TF1 Training TF2 Education TF3 Development Generalized labor function 1 TF4 Preschool education TF5 Primary education TF6 Basic general, secondary general Generalized labor function 2

Formation of requirements for the composition of labor functions of the professional standard of a teacher Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation 23 of January 22, 2013 “On the Rules for the development, approval and application of professional standards”; Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia “On approval of methodological recommendations for the development of a professional standard” 170 n dated April 29, 2013 (Does not require state registration. Letter of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated July 23, 2013 01/66036-YuL); Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia “On approval of qualification levels for the purpose of developing draft professional standards” 148 n dated April 12, 2013. Registered with the Ministry of Justice on May 27, 2013, 28534; Methodological recommendations for updating the current federal state educational standards of higher education, taking into account accepted professional standards (approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on April 22, 2015, DL-2/05 ext).

Requirements common to all professional standards: the level of qualifications for each job function is determined in accordance with the characteristics contained in the Qualification Levels approved by the Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia; The level (sublevel) of qualification determines the requirements for skills and knowledge necessary to perform a job function, depending on the powers and responsibilities of the employee, that is, depending on the content of the activity described in the labor actions. Possible (for professional and public discussion) requirements for the formation of labor functions of teaching staff: taking into account the levels of general education in the design and implementation of basic general education programs (implemented by the teaching staff Federal state educational standards for preschool, primary general, basic general and secondary general education); taking into account various ways of implementing activities for the design and implementation of the educational process in educational organizations (training, education, development of students); taking into account the characteristics of the student population, including students who have demonstrated outstanding abilities; students for whom Russian is not their native language; students with disabilities, etc. - provision - implementation - design - management - provision - implementation - design - management implementation of programs: - preschool education - primary general - basic and secondary general education implementation of programs: - preschool education - primary general - basic and secondary general education - design and implementation of the educational process - design and implementation of basic general education programs - design and implementation of the educational process - design and implementation of basic general education programs Several reasons for constructing a system of generalized labor functions and labor functions of the professional standard of a teacher?

Qualification levels for the purpose of developing draft professional standards Level Indicators of qualification levels Main ways to achieve the qualification level Authority and responsibility Nature of skills Nature of knowledge Level 5 Independent activity in solving practical problems that require independent analysis of the situation and its changes Participation in managing the solution of assigned tasks within the subsection nia Responsibility for solving assigned tasks or the result of the activities of a group of workers or a department Solving various types of practical problems with design elements Selecting solution methods in changing (different) working conditions Current and final control, assessment and correction of activities Application of professional knowledge of a technological or methodological nature Independent search for information necessary to solve set professional tasks Educational programs of secondary vocational education - training programs for mid-level specialists, training programs for qualified workers (employees). Basic vocational training programs - vocational training programs for workers' professions, office positions, retraining programs for workers, employees, advanced training programs for workers, employees Additional professional programs Practical experience level 6 Independent activity, which involves determining the tasks of one's own work and/or subordinates to achieve the goal Ensuring interaction between employees and related departments Responsibility for the results of work at the level of a department or organization Development, implementation, control, evaluation and adjustment of areas of professional activity, technological or methodological solutions Application of professional knowledge of a technological or methodological nature, including innovative ones Independent search, analysis and assessment of professional information Educational programs of higher education - bachelor's programs Educational programs of secondary vocational education - programs for training mid-level specialists Additional professional programs Practical experience level 7 Determination of strategy, management of processes and activities, including innovative ones, with decision-making at the level of large organizations or divisions Responsibility for the results of the activities of large organizations or divisions Solving problems of development of the field of professional activity and (or) organization using a variety of methods and technologies, including innovative ones Development of new methods and technologies Understanding of the methodological foundations of professional activity Creation of new applied knowledge nature in a certain area Identification of sources and search for information necessary for the development of the field of professional activity and / or organization Educational programs of higher education - master's or specialty programs Additional professional programs Practical experience Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia “On approval of qualification levels for the purpose of developing draft professional standards” 148 n dated April 12, 2013 Registered with the Ministry of Justice on May 27, 2013, 28534

Structure of the approved professional standard for a teacher Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia “On approval of the professional standard “Teacher (pedagogical activities in the field of preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general education) (educator, teacher)” 544 n dated October 18, 2013 Registered with the Ministry of Justice 6 December 2013, Generalized labor function Labor function Qualification level Pedagogical activities for the design and implementation of the educational process in educational organizations of preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general education General pedagogical function. Education 6 Educational activities 6 Developmental activities 6 Pedagogical activities for the design and implementation of basic general education programs Pedagogical activities for the implementation of preschool education programs 5 Pedagogical activities for the implementation of primary general education programs 6 Pedagogical activities for the implementation of basic and secondary general education programs 6 Module “Subject education. Mathematics"6 Module "Subject learning. Russian language"6

Structure of the professional standard for a teacher (Option 1 for professional and public discussion) Generalized labor function Labor function Qualification level Pedagogical activities for the design and implementation of the educational process in educational organizations of preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general education Organization and provision of the process of training and education 5 General pedagogical function. Education 6 Educational activities 6 Developmental activities 6 Pedagogical activities for the design and implementation of basic general education programs Organization and implementation of pedagogical activities for the implementation of preschool education programs 6 Organization and implementation of pedagogical activities for the implementation of primary general education programs 6 Organization and implementation of pedagogical activities for the implementation of basic and secondary general education 6 Design and management of pedagogical activities for the implementation of preschool education programs 7 Design and management of pedagogical activities for the implementation of primary general education programs 7 Design and management of pedagogical activities for the implementation of basic and secondary general education programs 7 Module “Subject learning. Mathematics"6 Module "Subject learning. Russian language"6 – design and implementation of the educational process – design and implementation of basic general education programs – design and implementation of the educational process – design and implementation of basic general education programs implementation of programs: – preschool education – primary general – basic and secondary general education implementation of programs: – preschool education - primary general - basic and secondary general education - provision - implementation - design - management - provision - implementation - design - management

Structure of the professional standard for a teacher (Option 2 for professional and public discussion) implementation of programs: – preschool education – primary general – basic and secondary general education implementation of programs: – preschool education – primary general – basic and secondary general education Generalized labor function Labor function Qualification level Pedagogical activities for the implementation of educational programs of preschool education Organization of pedagogical activities for the implementation of preschool education programs 5 Implementation of pedagogical activities for the implementation of preschool education programs 6 Design of pedagogical activities for the implementation of preschool education programs 7 Management of pedagogical activities for the implementation of preschool education programs 7 Pedagogical activities for the implementation of educational programs primary general education Organization of pedagogical activities for the implementation of programs of primary general education 5 Implementation of pedagogical activities for the implementation of programs of primary general education 6 Design of pedagogical activities for the implementation of programs of primary general education 7 Management of pedagogical activities for the implementation of programs of primary general education 7 Pedagogical activities for the implementation of basic educational programs basic and secondary general education Organization of pedagogical activities for the implementation of basic and secondary general education programs 5 Implementation of pedagogical activities for the implementation of basic and secondary general education programs 6 Design of pedagogical activities for the implementation of basic and secondary general education programs 7 Management of pedagogical activities for the implementation of basic and secondary general education programs general education 7 Pedagogical activities for the design and implementation of programs for teaching academic subjects (disciplines) of basic and secondary general education Organization of specialized training, development and implementation of professional guidance programs 6 Subject training. Mathematics 6 Subject teaching. Russian language 6 – support – implementation – design – management – ​​support – implementation – design – management

Structure of the professional standard for a teacher (Option 3 for professional and public discussion) – provision – implementation – design – management – ​​provision – implementation – design – management Generalized labor function Labor function Qualification level Organization and provision of pedagogical activities Training 5 Educational activities 5 Developmental activities 5 Pedagogical activities for the implementation of preschool education programs 5 Pedagogical activities for the implementation of primary general education programs 5 Pedagogical activities for the implementation of basic and secondary general education programs 5 Implementation of pedagogical activities Training 6 Educational activities 6 Developmental activities 6 Pedagogical activities for the implementation of preschool education programs 6 Pedagogical activities for the implementation programs of primary general education 6 Pedagogical activities for the implementation of programs of basic and secondary general education 6 Design of pedagogical activities Training 7 Educational activities 7 Developmental activities 7 Pedagogical activities for the implementation of preschool education programs 7 Pedagogical activities for the implementation of programs of primary general education 7 Pedagogical activities for the implementation of basic programs and secondary general education 7 Management of pedagogical activities Training 7 Educational activities 7 Developmental activities 7 Pedagogical activities for the implementation of preschool education programs 7 Pedagogical activities for the implementation of primary general education programs 7 Pedagogical activities for the implementation of basic and secondary general education programs 7 - design and implementation of the educational process – design and implementation of basic general education programs – design and implementation of the educational process – design and implementation of basic general education programs implementation of programs: – preschool education – primary general – basic and secondary general education implementation of programs: – preschool education – primary general – basic and secondary general education

Olga Fedoryan
Structure of the teacher’s professional standard

Professional standard of a teacher(pedagogical activities in preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general education) (educator, teacher) has the following structure:

Section I. General information: name of the species, main purpose of the species professional activity, group of occupations, classification as types of economic activity.

Section II. Description of labor functions included in professional standard(functional map of the form professional activity): generalized labor and labor functions that reflect the name, code and skill level.

Section III. Characteristics of generalized labor (labor) functions: pedagogical (training, educational and development activities) pedagogical activities for the design and implementation of basic educational programs ( pedagogical program implementation activities

preschool, primary general and basic and secondary general education).

This section reflects the requirements for education and training, practical work experience, as well as special conditions for admission to work as a teacher or educator.

IN professional standards contains links to various reference books, including EKS, OKS, OKSO.

Labor functions in the third section standard are revealed through requirements for labor actions, skills and knowledge teacher.

Section IV. Information about developer organizations professional standard.

The main purpose of the species professional activity: provision of educational services for basic general education programs by educational organizations (organizations providing training, individual entrepreneurs carrying out educational activities).

Generalized labor and labor functions teacher can be represented as the following model (see Fig. 1).

General pedagogical function.







activities on






activities on






activities on


programs of the main

and average general


V/04.6 Module “Subject-based learning. Mathematics"

V/05.6 Module “Subject-based learning. Russian language"

Rice. 1. Model of generalized labor and labor functions teacher in the context of a new professional standard

Generalized labor pedagogical activities for the design and implementation of the educational process in educational organizations of preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general education (A) includes labor general pedagogical function(training, educational and developmental activities.

Pedagogical activities for the design and implementation of basic general education programs (IN) disclosed in the following labor functions: pedagogical activities for the implementation of preschool, primary general and basic and secondary general education programs and two modules of subject training (mathematics and Russian language).

Generally, the professional standard of a teacher reflects the structure of his professional activity: training, education and development of the child. In accordance with the strategy of modern education in a changing world, it is significantly filled with psychological pedagogical and ICT competencies designed to help the teacher solve new problems facing him.

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In 2013, a professional teacher standard was developed, which, according to Federal Law No. 122, adopted in May 2015, is mandatory for use from January 1, 2017. Let's figure out what it is and why it is needed.

Raising and teaching children- a real art, which every teacher is obliged to master to one degree or another. However, at the present stage of life, a teacher is, first of all, a profession that, according to recent trends, must meet certain standards designed to replace outdated job descriptions and other documents regulating the professional activities of teachers.

That is why, back in 2013, a specially created working group chaired by Evgeniy Aleksandrovich Yamburg developed a professional teacher standard, covering, among other things, such issues as the reform of the system of advanced training for teachers, the modernization of the teacher education system and changes in the teacher certification system.

According to Federal Law No. 122, adopted in May 2015, this standard is mandatory for use from January 1, 2017. Let's figure out what it is and why it is needed.

Professional standard for a teacher - what is the point?

Professional standard of a teacher is a document that takes into account all the requirements for the personality and professional competence of teachers. Now the qualification level of a teacher will be assigned in accordance with this regulatory act. It should also be taken into account when hiring a teacher and when drawing up his job description.

The document for teachers describes in detail all the knowledge and skills that they must have, and also specifies labor actions depending on the focus of the work (preschool teacher, primary school teacher, subject teacher, etc.).

It is expected that thanks to the introduction of the professional standard, the basis of the Russian education system will be made up of real professionals who can work with a wide variety of categories of children (gifted, disabled, orphans, migrants, etc.) and effectively interact with other specialists (defectologists, psychologists, social educators and etc.).

Reasons for introducing the professional standard

Qualification reference books along with job descriptions are no longer effective in today’s realities - this is what the Ministry of Labor thought and began to develop a modern teacher's professional standard. Why did they pay attention to this? The fact is that in the Labor Code such concepts as “qualification” and “professional standard” appeared, which gradually began to be applied to various professions, and the pedagogical profession could not remain aloof.

Preparation for the introduction of professional standards

As mentioned above, the development of the document began back in 2013, and it was planned that everything would be finalized and tested (checked for suitability) before January 1, 2015. However, its introduction had to be postponed by 2 years due to great difficulties in development.

During this period, the document was finalized, and the standards themselves were tested on the basis of several dozen educational institutions. The results were generally positive:

  • the level of student preparation has increased;
  • working conditions for teachers have improved;
  • Parents appreciated the changes well.

And as a result, in 2017, it was decided to begin the widespread implementation of the new professional standard for teachers.

Structure and content of the professional standard

The document is structured according to the principle of division labor functions of a teacher, starting from preschool teachers and ending with mid-level teachers. The focus is on the three most important areas in which all educators must be competent:

  • education;
  • upbringing;
  • development.

The description of each function includes three blocks: “Labor actions”, “Required skills” and “Required knowledge”. Further, the functions of teachers are divided depending on the focus of their work:

  • Activities of preschool teachers.
  • Activities of primary education teachers.
  • Activities of teachers of basic and secondary education.
  • Module "Subject learning. Mathematics".
  • Module "Subject learning. Russian language".

Exactly the same in every form pedagogical activity the labor actions, knowledge and skills of the teacher are specified.

Having studied all the requirements, we can come to the conclusion that a modern teacher must be universally educated, erudite and progressive. The emphasis is also placed on the ability to find an approach to each child, respect his personality and correctly assess his abilities.

How will the transition to new standards proceed?

At the moment, there is no uniform plan for transition to the new standard for all institutions. Obviously, the management of each educational organization will, at its own discretion, include certain measures for implementation pedagogical professional standard in an educational institution. However, in any case, a commission will have to be responsible for the introduction of professional standards, which will roughly be required to do the following:

  • Compare the positions held in a particular institution with the names that are prescribed in the standard.
  • Check employment contracts and, if necessary, make adjustments in accordance with professional standards.
  • Inspect educational institution employees for compliance with professional standards, according to their positions.
  • Provide management with a final report of the audit.

True, it is not yet entirely clear what to do with teachers who do not meet the professional standard. If such an employee was initially hired in accordance with labor legislation, successfully passed certification and generally does a good job, then it is not advisable to fire him, even taking into account partial non-compliance with the emerging standards.

Will professional standards affect teachers' salaries?

About promotion salaries for teachers, which confirmed compliance with the professional standard, government officials said back in 2013, but there were no official statements. So all we can do is wait and hope...

Problems of implementing a professional standard

While many teachers find it difficult to fulfill all the requirements of the professional standard. In particular, they say that it is problematic to do this today due to:

  • insufficient material and technical base of educational organizations,
  • poorly developed accessible environment for all students (ramps, entrances to buildings, etc.),
  • There is too much workload on one teacher to count on an individual approach to each student.

However, even if today not every teacher can boast of full compliance with all the criteria of the professional standard, it should be considered as a guideline in their pedagogical activity and gradually improve in order to better approach the training and education of the younger generation.

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