
What does the son of Andrei Karaulov do. Andrei Karaulov is inspired by debauchery: he stole a child from his ex-wife. Here you write that they are in a quarrel, the wife is looking for a killer

He accused his young wife Yulia Mareeva of preparing his murder. Fearing for his life, Karaulov strengthened the security of the house, appealed to Interior Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev with a request to take action against the Bandera killers and an inventory of the property that disappeared with his wife (including a Patek Philippe watch worth €60,000 and a painting Nikas Safronova) and asked the neighbors to take care of their crocodile and piranhas if something happened. For details of the family drama, the correspondent of the Investigation Management Center turned to the "customer", the "victim" and their acquaintances.

"I am very serious about the intention of Mrs. Mareeva Yu. A. to deal with me"

“Dear Vladimir Alexandrovich! On December 20, 2017, my wife, Yulia Alekseevna Mareeva, turned to our mutual friend, realtor Igor Nikolayevich Biryukov, with a request to help her find people who could fulfill her order: to kill me, Andrei Viktorovich Karaulov, in any way, ”- this is how she begins her appeal to the Minister of January 28 TV presenter.

Such a letter could not but call on the road. I’m going to the village of Novoglagolevo (Narofominsky district), where in a house with an area of ​​821.2 sq. m lives Karaulov. The place is considered bohemian: singers Chris Kelmi and Alexander Gradsky settled here, TV presenter Kira Proshutinskaya and Lyudmila Gurchenko lived until her death.

Karaulov's site is surrounded by a tall fence, more like an anti-noise screen on a highway, and CCTV cameras are installed everywhere. The TV presenter built the "Wall" when he worked under the wing of the mayor of Moscow Yuri Luzhkov, and explained to his relatives - so that the bandits would not throw a grenade.

I do not have time to get the camera, as the guards appear:

You are not on the lists, and Andrey Viktorovich is still resting,” the elder with a walkie-talkie frowned. - I can't miss it. Come on, get out of here.

At the end of the street I see a man with a dog. It turns out that he is already aware that killers are hunting for the TV presenter:

About two weeks ago, Andrei Viktorovich warned all the neighbors that if strangers appeared, they should immediately inform him. He asked to pay special attention to mustachioed men in embroidered shirts with a characteristic Ukrainian accent and cars with “yellow-black license plates”. He also asked to take care of the crocodile and piranhas living in the house, if, like, "something happens" to him.

Karaulov's letter addressed to Kolokoltsev was given to me by a source in the office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The information contained in it was confirmed by a close acquaintance of the family mentioned there, realtor Igor Biryukov:

Julia turned to me to help me get rid of my husband because of my connections. It was on Profsoyuznaya Street on December 15th. I still have her messages on my phone.

Julia did not name the amount for the murder of her husband?

She did not name the amount, but she said that she would thank her very much. I immediately told her, they say, Yul, change your mind, what are you doing? And she's like, "I feel really bad."

“Customer” Yulia Mareeva was brought up in an ordinary Moscow family: her father received a disability during the liquidation of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, her mother works as a teacher. After graduating from school, according to the realtor, the girl went to Spain and worked as a dancer in a nightclub. At the same time, on her page "VKontakte" studies at the Russian State Humanitarian University are indicated, and, according to information from the Russian State Humanitarian University website, in 2012 Yulia Mareeva defended her diploma at the Department of World Politics and International Relations on the topic "BRICS in the modern system of international relations: regional and global aspects."

Mareeva is the fourth wife of Karaulov, they met more than six years ago on the Internet, when she was 21 and he was 53. Julia wrote to Karaulov that she was a big fan of his work, after a couple of months he offered to meet. “Julia, as expected, was brought by car to our village eatery, right around the corner, and I came in felt boots, dirty and unshaven. But nothing, I liked it, and after four days we went to rest, ”Karaulov said in the program“ While everyone is at home ”on April 24, 2016.

To the question of TV presenter Timur Kizyakov, what image of her husband she created for herself, Yulia replied: “I created for myself the image of a person who fights for justice.”

After meeting the TV presenter, Yulia Mareeva's academic career took off sharply - in the fall of 2012, she entered the MGIMO graduate school at the Department of World Political Processes. Judging by the posts on VKontakte, Mareeva needed “only three days to learn” the answers to the entrance exam in philosophy, for which she was preparing on the shores of Lake Geneva (the questions included Kant’s critical philosophy, Hegel’s absolute idealism, Bacon’s English empiricism, Hobbes, Locke, Berkeley and Hume). In 2014, she approved the topic of her Ph.D. thesis “Value Foundations foreign policy Russian Federation, USA, China and the EU in the field of international security”, but there is no information whether Mareeva eventually defended her dissertation.

According to realtor Biryukov, immediately after his marriage, Karaulov re-registered most of the property to Mareeva, and also bequeathed her a collection of paintings and gold items:

Andrei has tens of millions of real estate, and Yulia, according to my guess, had some kind of influence on him. He walked by himself. Only through a reverse donation agreement was everything returned back. Yes, she is just a shark and married Andrey by calculation!

What impact? Do you think they put something in his food?

Now on the black market you can buy any kind of psychotropic drugs.

Thanks to her husband's connections, Julia acquired useful contacts with high officials and popular artists. She spent her evenings in the capital's nightclubs, or went to rest in hot countries. Among other things, the young wife insisted that during the filming of documentaries about Putin, her photograph should be in the frame.

About six months ago, according to acquaintances, scandals began in the family, Yulia often stayed overnight with friends or went to her grandmother in Kyiv. However, back in September 2016, on VKontakte, Mareeva asked her friends a question: “Guys, did anyone conduct transactions on the Internet through a guarantor? Can you recommend a reliable site? It's very urgent! I need to order a service and get the data!” On the dark web, a guarantor is an intermediary who secures a transaction, such as buying drugs, weapons, hacking mail, or hiring a hitman.

After the next departure of his wife, Karaulov “came to his senses” and found out, as follows from a letter to Kolokoltsev, that she re-registered a recently purchased apartment in Crimea worth 6 million rubles and a Lexus for 4 million rubles to her relatives, and valuables disappeared from the house. “Having done a big revision in my house, I discovered that they had disappeared from there: my own Patek Philippe watch, which I bought in 2002 in Munich (the price is not less than 60,000 euros), a painting by the artist Nikas Safronov with a dedicatory inscription, presented to me for a day born on September 10, 2017, an old English service that I bought in Australia 2 years ago,” describes the missing property of the Karauls in a letter to Kolokoltsev.

In December 2017, Karaulov applied to the Department of Internal Affairs for the SWAD of Moscow, but they refused to open a criminal case and advised him to hire a good lawyer specializing in divorce proceedings.

Karaulov himself, in a letter to Kolokoltsev, claims that his life "is in real danger" - his wife in Kyiv "is looking for a murderer from among Bandera." “I am very serious about the intention of Mrs. Mareeva Yu. A. to deal with me. I don’t understand why it’s so easy to steal a large amount of money from me and still not answer for it. I do not understand why things stolen from me can be safely stored in the apartment without fear of being searched. I don’t understand what is happening at all,” the TV presenter laments.

The TsUR correspondent contacted Yulia Mareeva: “Well, you yourself understand that this is bullshit. Karaulov has all the divorces like a carbon copy. And she added that the missing watch, the picture and the expensive service “I didn’t see it in my eyes.” In the correspondence, Yulia also said that she would soon return to Moscow and would contact the police herself. She promised to publish some compromising evidence on her husband and reveal the sources of his millions.

"What are you taking, kremlelgin?"

Changes in the behavior of the TV presenter after marrying Mareeva were noticed not only by the family realtor. According to famous journalist, who asked not to be named, recently "Andrey seemed to have broken loose and began to rivet books and films, praising Putin, well, after all, there are some boundaries."

I jokingly say to him: “Do you take Kremlingin?”, And he just brushed it off and rushed to consult his young wife.

The last episode of Moment of Truth aired on December 12, 2016 on Channel Five and was dedicated to assassination attempts on Vladimir Putin, of which, according to Karaulov’s calculations, there have been at least six since 1999. After the broadcast, the channel's directorate unexpectedly terminated the contract with Strategy of the Century LLC, which owns the rights to the Moment of Truth brand. The press service of the TV channel did not comment on anything then, and sources in the leadership of Channel Five said that there was a call from the Security Service of the President of the FSO with a "demand to fire this clown and dreamer." The presenter himself said that he left of his own free will, because he needed to write a book about the president.

Meanwhile, as the TsUR found out, Mr. Karaulov dreams of returning to the air and bombards various government agencies with letters with a request to transfer them to Putin. So, in June 2017, the SDG published the journalist’s messages to the Federation Council, beginning with the phrase “Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich, I am writing not to the Head, but to a friend,” in which he promised to break Navalny if it is allowed to air. But the speaker, Valentina Matviyenko, did not hand over anything to the president.

Along the way, Karaulov connected to the program of his rehabilitation familiar metropolitans and heads of defense enterprises, to whom he sang praises in the “Moment of Truth”. For example, in June 2017, the general designer of the Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering corporation (which develops intercontinental and tactical missiles), Hero of Labor Yuri Solomonov, asked Putin to return Karaulov to TV: “Supporting proposals for his employment on the TVC channel, you gave verbal instructions, which have not yet been implemented. I would be very grateful to you for a written instruction to the relevant officials on a positive resolution of this issue. I am sure that the activities of Andrei Viktorovich will benefit the country.”

But even here, Karaulov failed: even despite Putin's resolution “Please report,” the head of the presidential administration, Anton Vaino, did not bother to take care of the TV presenter who had been suspended from the air. Then the TV presenter decided to curry favor with Sergei Sobyanin and filmed a costly documentary cycle "Moscow under Sobyanin", but the mayor did not react to this work in any way.

We turned to Andrey Karaulov for a comment, but he first promised the TsUR correspondent big troubles, and then burst into rude abuse and hung up.

A source in the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs confirmed to the TsUR that the TV presenter sent a letter to the minister, in which he accused Yulia Mareeva of preparing his murder, but said that no official decision had yet been made. In addition to Andrey Karaulov's contacts, the letter contains the phone number of his daughter Lydia, who is also guarding the father's legacy.

The hero of our material - Andrey Karaulov, whose biography is of interest to a large number of viewers - began to engage in journalism immediately after serving in the army.

Facts from the biography

Karaulov's hometown is Kaliningrad, near Moscow, now bearing the name of Korolev. Andrey's date of birth is 1958. After graduating from school, the young man made an attempt to get the profession of a journalist. But he could not enter Moscow State University. Without wasting time, the young man went to try his luck at GITIS. And here, without any difficulties, he was among the students of the Faculty of Theater Studies.

The beginning of a journalistic career

We are talking about the biography of Andrei Karaulov. After studying, he went to serve in the army. Having returned from it, he nevertheless decided to link his fate with journalism. His first job was the Theater Life magazine, where he worked as an editor for two years. After the guy was invited to the magazine "Spark". Karaulov's work experience in this publication was three years. In 1990, Karaulov was at the head of the Rodina magazine department.

Path to television

A couple of years later, Andrei Karaulov could be seen on television. He became the creator of the Moment of Truth project, which completed its work in 2017. The author and presenter - he played such roles in this program, which aired on various channels. In 2011, it began to be broadcast on Channel Five.

For five years, on Mondays, Andrey Karaulov could be seen on the air of a program raising burning, in some cases dangerous questions. As for the closure of the program, Karaulov himself speaks of his unwillingness to continue further work on this project. But there is another opinion that links the main reason for the current situation with political motives.

Simultaneously with the mentioned program, the biography of Andrei Viktorovich Karaulov included work on other projects. So, in the period from 1998 to 2006, the journalist appeared on such channels as NTV (with the author's program "Russian Age"), TVC (with the program "National Treasure"), TNT (with two programs: "Russian People" and "Stolen Air ").

Speaking about the biography of Andrei Karaulov, one cannot fail to mention the political books written by him (we are talking about "Bad Boy", "Russian Hell", the book "Around the Kremlin" and others). He also owns the authorship of the documentary mini-series "Unknown Putin".

The vicissitudes of personal life

The TV presenter boasts a very hectic personal life. He was married three times. And when it comes to the biography of Andrei Karaulov, his personal life is also not bypassed.

His first wife was a classmate, and the reason for the hasty marriage was banal - the girl's pregnancy. The daughter who was born was named Lydia. Shortly after her birth, her parents separated. The father had no time to take care of his daughter and raise her. In fact, father and daughter met when the girl was sixteen years old. Lydia graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University, but later chose the path of a lawyer.

The second wife of Karaulov was called (her father is a famous playwright. After two years of marriage, the couple thought about improving their living conditions. They decided that divorce and civil marriage would be the way out of this situation. Therefore, their joint daughter Sophia was born when her parents were already divorced. In In the future, Andrei Karaulov, in whose biography there are such unpleasant moments, completely stopped communicating with his family.

kidnapping father

Another love overtook Andrei at the age of forty. His chosen one was called Ksenia Kolpakova. This relationship led to a break with his second wife, while he turned out to be quite scandalous. And the property jointly acquired with his wife (a two-story apartment on the Garden Ring) was divided by the court.

Young Xenia, of course, could not help but be bribed by Karaulov's truly gentlemanly approach: expensive gifts, holidays abroad, a coffee house presented as a gift in the center of the capital.

The wedding of Andrei Karaulov and Ksenia Kolpakova took place in 1999. On the day of the wedding of the newlyweds, two seven-meter limousines rushed to the Griboedovsky registry office. Four years later, in 2003, the couple became parents. For their son, the couple chose the name Vasily. But this marriage turned out to be short-lived, despite the assurances of Karaulov himself that this was his last attempt to start a family. The marriage lasted eight years. Karaulov explained this separation with a big difference in age. Many gossiped about the history of the divorce of Xenia and Andrei. The spouses did without the division of property, but the son turned out to be a stumbling block. The parents failed to decide peacefully who will get the right to raise the boy. Then Karaulov resorted to an illegal method - he simply kidnapped the child.

We hope we have shed light on the biography and family of Andrei Karaulov. Any detailed information about his current relationship is missing. Although information is slipping that his fourth wife's name is Yulia.

Since 2017, Channel Five will not show Andrey Karaulov's Moment of Truth program. The decision was made against the backdrop of a change in the leadership of the channel, but coincided with the release of a program about attempts on the life of Vladimir Putin. Other versions of termination of the contract are also called.

Andrei Karaulov's Moment of Truth program will no longer be aired on Channel Five, a source close to the channel's management told Dozhd, and Karaulov himself confirmed. According to him, he himself did not sign an agreement with the channel for the next year. From more detailed comments, he refused, addressing questions to the leadership of the "Fifth Channel".

Two interlocutors of Dozhd, who are familiar with the production of the program, claim that it was the channel that initiated the break in relations. The press service of Channel Five declined to comment, saying that they did not disclose the content of their television network until it was officially published.

Karaulov has always been loyal to the authorities in his programs, but some of the topics he chose caused discontent in the Kremlin, so not renewing the contract for next year may be due to political reasons, says an acquaintance of Karaulov. According to him, they could not like, in particular, stories dedicated to Putin. A source in the State Duma media committee also heard about this version.

There are no complaints against Karaulov, the source of Rain in the Kremlin objects. Karaulov indeed periodically chose strange topics, not always smart, but they never bothered the presidential administration, he says.

Recently, Karaulov has released several materials related to the name of Vladimir Putin. In December on YouTube his 10-episode project "Vladimir Putin's Russia" was released. Much of the time is devoted to the events of the 1990s. and compared with the best, according to the author, Putin's actions in all areas. Karaulov tried to arrange for the project to be shown on Channel Five, his acquaintance says, but in the end this did not happen, and the film was posted on the Internet.

But on December 12, the channel came out program from the Moment of Truth cycle, which was dedicated to attempts on Putin. “Since 1999, at least six attempts on the life of the president of our country have been known from open sources,” Karaulov began the program. The program told, among other things, that a helicopter was shot down, in which Putin flew to Chechnya in 2000, and about an attempt on his life in Azerbaijan in 2002.

The project “Vladimir Putin’s Russia” really did not air on Channel Five, but this is due solely to the fact that this is a very long project that did not fit the channel in terms of format, says the person who participated in its preparation. He believes that the "Moment of Truth" will not be released not because of non-political disagreements between Karaulov and the channel's management. In particular, Karaulov was dissatisfied with the amount allocated by the channel for the preparation of Moment of Truth, the source said.

Dozhd's interlocutor on the channel claims that recently the shareholders have decided to generally change the work of the channel. Last week, CEO Alexei Brodsky resigned. He was replaced by Yuri Shalimov. He headed the directorate of legal broadcasting NTV, which prepared, among other things, the film Anatomy of a Protest. The authors claimed that the participants of the protest rallies in 2011-2012. bribed.

"Moment of Truth" is one of the top ten channel-leading programs in terms of rating. The December 12 program about the assassination attempt on Putin ranked eighth in the ranking of the most popular programs on the channel that week. Her rating (percentage of total number viewers in the country) amounted to 1.8%, and the share (of the number of those viewers who watched TV at the time of the broadcast of the program) was 8.8%

Moment of Truth by Andrei Karaulov has been published since 1992. Initially, it went on the RTR channel (now Rossiya), then on TNT and TVC. The program stopped airing on RTR and TVC after scandals. For example, TVC announced that it had terminated relations with the producer of the program after "gross and demonstrative violations" of the contract. Karaulov himself said that TVC ruined a cassette with a program before going on the air, in which he analyzed the NTV film “The Case in the Cap” about Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov. Since 2011, the program has been broadcast on Channel Five.

Mikhail Rubin

Family dramas often develop into real battles between spouses - with noisy scandals, the division of property and innocent victims, in the role of which children turn out to be. So the parting of TV presenter Andrei Karaulov with his wife Ksenia, even despite the high-profile surname, could be called an ordinary scandalous divorce. If not for one "but".

An all-Russian celebrity unleashed a war without rules against her ex-wife, in which all types of weapons are used.

“MK” became aware of the shocking details of this dirty story.

Last year, our fellow citizens were struck by a rare and incurable disease. After the divorce, ex-husbands began to take away young children from recent life partners. The kids are taken away in an unknown direction, hidden and any possibility of contact with them is excluded.

Over the long years of working at MK, five or six women turned to me, whose children were taken by force by their ex-husbands. And the same number - in only one last year.


And where, for example, is four-year-old Vasya Karaulov, the son of the famous TV presenter Andrei Karaulov, now?

Ksenia and Andrey Karaulov got married in 1999.

Journalist Andrey Viktorovich Karaulov needs no introduction. The woman he married, also a journalist, worked as a political columnist for the presidential pool. Son Vasily was born in October 2003.

In January 2006, Ksenia Vasilievna Karaulova left her husband, and in August a divorce took place. Moreover, the justice of the peace: Ksenia did not present any material claims to her ex-husband and did not even ask to recover alimony from him. She hoped that for the sake of her son they would maintain normal relations, and the money for the maintenance of the child ex-husband will give her without a writ of execution, as loving fathers do in such cases.

According to Ksenia Vasilievna Karaulova, after parting, the ex-husband came to her and spent time with the child - she did not put up any obstacles. However, in November 2006 he went to court to determine the order of communication with the child. At the same time, Ksenia Vasilievna filed a claim for the recovery of alimony, because, again, according to K.V. Karaulova, the ex-husband did not voluntarily give money for the child. (Currently, in accordance with the court order of the justice of the peace dated December 9, 2006, Andrey Viktorovich Karaulov pays 10 thousand rubles a month for the maintenance of the child.)

In December 2006, by a court decision, the order of communication between A.V. Karaulov and his young son Vasily Karaulov was determined: once a week, on Saturdays, from 9 am to 9 pm, subject to the child returning home, to his mother, at bedtime.

A.V. Karaulov did not appeal against the decision of the court, and in January 2007 it entered into force.

Throughout the year, Karaulov took the child, but not regularly, as he is often away. But Ksenia gave the child not only for the time determined by the court, but also when it was convenient for her ex-husband. According to her, the ex-husband took the child with a nanny to restaurants where he had a business meeting. They spent time apart: the father negotiated at the same table, and the child and the nanny ate at another table, drank tea, and then returned home to his mother in his father's car.

From a letter from Ksenia Karaulova to Russian President Vladimir Putin on December 21, 2007: “Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich! Exceptional circumstances forced me to turn to you for help. Everything that I frankly tried to tell in this letter, it seems to me, goes far beyond the private life of one former family.

For seven years, from September 1999 to August 2006, I was the wife of the well-known journalist Andrei Karaulov, who every week appears on one of the TV channels with his program, in which famous politicians, representatives of power structures of various levels, as well as prominent figures of culture and art discuss together with the presenters what can be called in one word - the “ulcers” of our modern Russian society.

A man who appears on the TV screen as a fiery fighter against injustice and vices, real life turned out to be quite different. I do not want to describe here the reasons that prompted me to first leave Karaulov A.V. with his son Vasily, who was born in a marriage with him, and then officially terminate this marriage. Believe that these reasons were really serious, especially since for a truthful account of the vile and terrible details of my family life representatives of the yellow press have long been promising mountains of gold.

All the time that has passed since my departure from A.V. Karaulov, I did not care about any material claims against my ex-husband, no litigation on the division of property jointly acquired in marriage, I did not initiate, I just tried to forget all the negativity of family life with him. In fact, I was worried about only one issue - the health and upbringing of my little son Vasily. By the decision of the Savelovsky court, the right of the child to live with me was confirmed and the order of communication between the father and the son was determined ... I never interfered with the communication of Karaulova A.V. with my son, however, the ex-husband repeatedly violated the order established by the court, openly spoke about his non-recognition of this court decision and threatened to take my child away from me.

November 30 Karaulov A.V. moved from threats to action. Together with a group of unidentified armed persons, presumably law enforcement officers, he abducted a child in broad daylight while walking with a nanny on the playground and took him, as it turned out later, to his dacha in the Naro-Fominsk district of the Moscow region ... I sent a statement to Department of Internal Affairs with a request to take measures for the return of my son. The results of my application have not yet been communicated to me.

In order to return the child to the mother, on December 3, 2007, the Savelovsky District Court of Moscow issued me a writ of execution in civil case No. 2-3112/06, on the basis of which enforcement proceedings were initiated. However, after three weeks ... the bailiffs of the Central Administrative District, under various pretexts, in every possible way postpone the actions provided for by law on the return of the child to the mother, and in the meantime Karaulov A.V. on the phone, he directly declares his refusal to return the child, suggesting that I accept the situation and stop my senseless struggle with the almighty “TV star”.

On December 13, 2007, together with representatives of the guardianship authorities of the Naro-Fominsk municipal district officially sent at the request of the court, not without serious efforts, I managed to break through the thick of armed persons to the territory of A.V. Karaulov’s dacha. and see my son. With tears in his eyes, Vasya rushed to me with the words: “Mom, where have you been? Why did you leave me? I want to go home!" I began to calm him down. I asked Vasya who was deceiving him, saying that I had abandoned him, he pointed to a woman who was also here, who turned out to be the mother of Karaulov's new cohabitant, who, as it turned out, took over the functions of my child's new nanny. After a minute or two, armed people tore the child out of my hands by force and escorted me outside the gates of the dacha ... ”

Ksenia Karaulova says that in her ex-husband's presentation, the picture of what happened on November 30 is strikingly different from the one described by her in a letter to the President of Russia, namely: on that day, Andrei Viktorovich drove past his ex-wife's house - and suddenly the guards saw a crying baby in a snowdrift . They rushed to his aid, and then it turned out that it was Vasya Karaulov. Naturally, the father took the baby and took him to his country house.

It should be noted here that the child was walking with a nanny in a fenced yard near the house where Ksenia Karaulova lives, so it was most likely impossible to drive past. According to the nanny, she was walking with Vasya, two cars drove into the yard, in one of which the father of the child was sitting. Andrey Viktorovich's guards rushed to Vasya, the nanny began to scream. She was allowed to get into one of the cars, but as soon as they drove away from the house, the car with the nanny turned around and drove back, because A. Karaulov ordered to return to take the child's clothes and his medicines. When they arrived at the house, the police were already there, called by Ksenia Vasilievna. The guards were taken to the department to receive explanations. The nanny also had to go there, so she got to the dacha where Andrei Viktorovich lives only in the evening. She spent two days there, after which Andrei Viktorovich asked her to leave, which she did.

Ksenia Vasilievna did not allow the thought that the ex-husband took the child for good. But she was wrong.

If you carefully read everything stated above, you probably noticed a certain illogicality in the actions of Vasya's father. After the divorce from his mother, he had the opportunity to meet with the child at any time convenient for him. Why did this aggression suddenly arise? Why was it necessary to take the child by force?

Ksenia Vasilievna is convinced that everything changed after she got married again: Andrei Viktorovich had no doubt that she would regret that she had left and would return. Despite the fact that Ksenia is almost twenty years younger, she had to change her mind and come with a guilty head to a very famous and very wealthy husband.

However, it turned out differently. Ksenia Vasilievna got married and on May 8 gave birth to twins. Due to prolonged stress caused by problems with her ex-husband, the birth occurred 10 weeks early. And it was in May that Andrei Viktorovich Karaulov went to court with a lawsuit to determine the place of residence of the child. In the decision of the court, adopted in December 2006, it was about determining the order of communication and participation in the upbringing of the son. Andrei Viktorovich considered it necessary to obtain a separate court decision on the place of residence of the child.

It is clear that it is difficult for a woman who has just had twins to take part in court hearings. However, Andrei Viktorovich had a different opinion.

On July 22, one of the newborns died. The situation of Ksenia Karaulova was all the more desperate because the second baby needed an urgent operation. Despite this, Andrei Viktorovich Karaulov on July 26, that is, four days after the death of the child, came to court, accompanied by several dozen heroes of his program. Among those who came to support the famous fighter for justice were Oleg Mitvol, Sergey Glazyev, the widow of the famous ophthalmologist Svyatoslav Fedorov, the former governor of Primorye Yevgeny Nazdratenko, Nikolai Kovalev, a member of the Federation Council Valentina Petrenko, etc.

On this day, Andrey Viktorovich changed the claims. Since his ex-wife was not deprived of parental rights to her son Vasily, it was clear that the place of residence of a 4-year-old child would be determined by the court as the place of residence of his mother. Therefore, instead of determining the place of residence, Andrey Viktorovich filed a lawsuit to change the procedure for communicating with the child. Vasya's father considered it possible to offer another scheme: 4 days a week the child will live with him, and 3 days - with his mother.

Then there were several court hearings, but Andrei Viktorovich did not appear in court under various pretexts.

Lawyer A. Karaulova presented to the court his application with a request to postpone the hearing of the case, since he is on a business trip and wants to personally attend the meeting. It was postponed to December 18, but the judge asked: if the father is on a business trip, with whom is the child whom he took from his mother on November 30?

The lawyer replied that she did not know, but the mother could see the child at any time.

Then the judge wrote a request to the guardianship of the Naro-Fominsk district: is the minor Vasily Karaulov there and what condition is he in? The next day, Ksenia took this request to Naro-Fominsk and, together with the head of the guardianship department and a psychologist, went to the dacha to her ex-husband.

They did not want to let uninvited guests into the territory of the dacha. The head of the department of guardianship called the head of security, a man came out to the gate and said that everyone, except Ksenia Vasilievna, could enter the territory. When the gates were opened, Ksenia rushed into the yard, where Vasya was walking with a woman she did not know. The child was taken to the house, representatives of guardianship followed him. Ksenia Vasilievna also went there. The child rushed to the mother, they began to remove her, and at that time Vasya shouted: “Mom, where were you when we go home?”

Andrei Viktorovich was not at home, but the police soon arrived. Ksenia Vasilievna was ordered to leave the house and go to the police department. But since it was necessary to take employees of the guardianship department to Naro-Fominsk, she went with them.

The next day, Andrei Viktorovich applied to the Naro-Fominsk police department with a statement about initiating a criminal case against his ex-wife on the fact of a robbery attack on his estate. It followed from the statement that Ksenia Vasilievna Karaulova illegally entered the territory belonging to A. Karaulov, beat and scratched the guards, ran around the dacha with a knife, pushed the elderly mother of her ex-husband (which caused her to fall and lost consciousness), and also stole a precious diamond ring - a gift to the bride of Andrey Viktorovich.

Soon, a decision was issued to refuse to open a criminal case on the fact of a robbery attack on Andrei Karaulov's dacha. Yes, and a precious ring was found - it, as it turned out, rolled behind the sofa. However, the story did not end there: the resolution states that there was no robbery, but there are signs of penetration into the zone of private property. The next day, the prosecutor's office of Naro-Fominsk received a corresponding application from the owner of private property, A.V. Karaulov. By the way, the policeman, who took Xenia's explanation about the so-called robbery, told her that all the police officers who were at Karaulov's dacha on December 13 and did not ensure the delivery of Ksenia Vasilievna to the police department were reprimanded.

On the eve of the next court session, that is, on the night of December 17-18, unknown people set fire to a cafe owned by Ksenia Karaulova. Everything could have ended in disaster, but the residents of an old Moscow house in the center of Moscow felt a specific smell and called firefighters and the police. The details of this arson became known from Lolita Milyavskaya, who lives in this house. Returning from the next concert, Lolita saw a fire truck, a lot of people, as well as some metal objects that were littered with the entrance to the arch. Apparently, they were needed in order to lock the door of the service entrance to the cafe from the outside.

It has already been established that arson was committed, the perpetrators are being sought (three days later, someone fired at the cafe window with heavy metal balls. Is it an accident again?).

And the next day, December 18, a regular court session was held, and Andrei Karaulov's lawyer said that he could not appear, because on December 17 he was hospitalized at the Bakulev Center for Cardiovascular Surgery.

The meeting had to be rescheduled for December 27th. But the day before, that is, on December 26, the judge sent a request to the Bakulev Center - the request was taken to the place of demand by the lawyer of Ksenia Vasilyevna: the doctor Buziashvili answered him that Andrei Viktorovich Karaulov was temporarily released home for family reasons.

On December 26, in connection with the kidnapping of a child, the police called Xenia's mother and nanny for questioning. During the interrogation, the district police officer said that on December 20 he went to Karaulov's dacha, took an explanation from him, saw Vasya - everything is in order there.

It turns out that Andrei Viktorovich is not on a business trip and not in the hospital - he simply does not appear in court without good reason. Therefore, the case was considered without Andrey Viktorovich Karaulov. The decision on the case retained the previous order of communication between the father and son Vasily (on Saturdays, from 9 to 21 o'clock) and determined the place of residence of the child at the place of residence of his mother.

Divorce is a purely private matter. Why people break up, what they think at the same time, what they say out loud, and what about themselves, concerns only former spouses. I don’t consider journalists who feed on intimate details from the lives of celebrities - or rather, I consider peeping through the keyhole as professionals, and this is the lot of eunuchs who themselves cannot do anything and they can only be content with what others can.

But, unfortunately, during a divorce, not only passbooks, square meters and night vases are shared - children are shared. And the trauma that the child receives in this case never goes unnoticed. And sometimes it doesn't work at all.

Vasya Karaulov is a four-year-old child who is observed in a specialized medical institution due to behavioral characteristics, increased excitability and delayed speech development. He needs a special regimen, constant attention from adults, and his parents know that he should be protected from shocks. Any child should be protected from them, and even more so fragile and vulnerable, like little Vasya.

I have no doubt that all participants in the conflict love him. But everything is different. And, perhaps, because of this love, what happened on November 30 happened. Dad took his son away from mom, who... What? This is the question. Ksenia Vasilievna Karaulova is a mother of two small children, has two higher education, works, in anything reprehensible is not noticed.

Why does her ex-husband turn to the Ombudsman for Children and say that they need to save their son, because he is in the hands of a mentally ill woman, besides a drunkard and a drug addict? Why do you need to come with armed guards and “beat off” the baby from the terrified nanny? Why all these games in criminal cases? Why involve people famous throughout the country in the family business? It’s hard to believe, but Dmitry Rogozin and First Vice Speaker of the State Duma Lyubov Sliska, former Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force V. Mikhailov called Ksenia’s parents and came with lectures on morals ... , there is only one way out: if both parents value the health and peace of mind of their child, they will have to negotiate. No, you can fight, but wherever you send a projectile, it will hit the child, and only him. And no money, nobility and wealth can change the trajectory of this projectile.

I'm not talking about the fact that all of us from morning to evening curse the imperfection of a society in which the law is not respected. Everyone, including Andrei Viktorovich Karaulov, is a professional fighter for justice. And according to the law, the juvenile Vasya Karaulov must be immediately returned to his mother.

In the old days they said that there is no one to judge a wife and husband, except God.

And the child? He is not guilty of anything yet, but he has already been punished.

The Convention on the Rights of the Child states that the main thing in the actions of all administrative, judicial and other bodies is the fastest and best provision of the rights of the child. So why did the city prosecutor Yu.Yu. Semin and the chief bailiff of Moscow S.P. Mironov not take any measures for more than a month to enforce the court decision and return 4-year-old Vasya Karaulov to his mother?

Olga Boguslavskaya

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