
The most notorious lawsuits in the world. Curiosities of Russian courts - lawyers say The most ridiculous trials

The Russian human rights organization "Institute for the Rule of Law" announced a competition for the most ridiculous decisions of Russian courts, investigating authorities and the police, including those that are contrary to common sense. Finally, we will also have an analogue of the American Stella Liebeck Award, awarded annually for the most ridiculous court decision in the United States, which I wrote about earlier.

The competition has already started and the first contenders for the victory have appeared ...

The President of the Rule of Law Institute, Stanislav Markelov, told Novye Izvestia newspaper that "Discussing with colleagues the stories that we encounter in daily practice, and realizing that we are not talking about random mistakes, but about glaring facts that have long exceeded the critical mass We decided to organize such a competition."

The collection of lawyers already has 30 outstanding examples, each of which is a worthy contender for the title of winner. At the same time, as the authors of the competition note, these are no longer just mistakes of law enforcement or judicial authorities, but rather a common practice that lawyers face on a daily basis.

Three "galoshes" will be awarded - gold, silver and bronze. Interestingly, the competition will not have a jury, and non-professionals will choose the winners. As for the candidates for the award, their selection is quite tough: only official decisions, documented and reflected in the minutes of court sessions, will be able to participate in the competition. According to Mr. Markelov, the numerous delusional statements of judges and protocols of police officers, which, as a rule, are compiled in a hurry, and quotes from them have long passed into the category of police humor, will not participate in the competition.

So, the start of the competition has already been given and some information about the applicants is already known. And they, the applicants, which pleases - these are almost anecdotal decisions of courts from different Russian regions.

Here, for example, is the decision of the justice of the peace from Kemerovo, who, considering the complaint of a pensioner that her neighbors in a communal apartment take a bath for too long, set them a maximum time for washing 20 minutes. The bailiffs, who by law now need to monitor the implementation of this court decision, are still trying to get clarifications on how they should check how much time people spend in the bathroom.

About the lawsuit of the Yekaterinburg human rights activist Alexei Konev with the Russian Orthodox Church, I already wrote at one time in the material "On the Russian Orthodox Church filed a lawsuit for violating consumer rights." So this story is also involved in the struggle for "galosh", and its essence is as follows: Konev, dissatisfied with how his deceased uncle was reprimanded, sued the temple, which took 380 rubles, and the service was provided in an incomplete volume, i.e. of poor quality.Although, as they say, there was a violation of the law on consumer protection, the court nevertheless agreed with the priest's argument that, according to the same law, a complaint to the court the one to whom the service was rendered has the right to send.

An equally serious competitor in the fight for the honorary prize is the decision of the judge from Tyumen to impose a fine on a local businessman for a thousand rubles for not removing the Russian flag after the holidays. What guided the servant of Themis is unclear. Probably, the judge considered that loving the state symbol for no reason should cost money.

The publication reports that policemen will also compete for the award. So, for example, representatives of law enforcement agencies in Chechnya stopped a man, asked him to show his passport, seized, and then detained the poor fellow precisely "for the lack of identity documents." However, they say that in Moscow such stories have become almost commonplace.

The employees of the metropolitan police also distinguished themselves: a squad called to the apartment of a certain Muscovite, who cursed loudly and obscenely. Why he did this, unfortunately, is unknown, but it is known that he scolded not law enforcement officers, but from an excess of feelings. Nevertheless, the police officers "inspected the scene in the form of foul language", drew up a report and seized a number of things, including two computer system units. There are suspicions that people in uniform thought that with the help of computers, the owner of the apartment was spreading his abuse on the Internet.

Among the nominees there are also stories from the category of black humor. So, one investigator, investigating the case of the murder of a homeless person, with the help of forensic experts, found out that most of the numerous wounds on the body of the deceased were inflicted posthumously. The investigator reacted to the investigation, as they say "with soul", and got to the bottom of the truth. And it turned out to be like this: a police patrol found a corpse under the fence with traces of a clear violent death. The operatives did not want to take on another “hanging” and simply threw the corpse over the fence, where the territory of the neighboring police station was already. Neighboring employees were the same policemen, and therefore, without thinking twice, they repeated the reception of their colleagues and threw the body of the homeless man to its original place. Passing some time along the fence, the first patrol again saw a familiar body. The procedure with throwing the corpse to the neighbors was repeated, and the other side - back. How long this "police ball" lasted is unknown. But when one of the parties lost their nerve, they ambushed, and when the bum once again soared over the fence, the law enforcement officers deftly put their hands up, preventing the body from falling down. For some time, both sides unsuccessfully tried to push the body over the fence and, in the end, a draw was recorded. As a result of a compromise, the court was handed over to the experts, and they found that death was due to a fall on the corpse of construction debris thrown over the fence.

In general, contenders for victory are serious. But, there will be more! After all, as Stanislav Markelov said, the competition will last a year, after which its results will be summed up and awards will be presented. So during this time, not such stories may appear!

By the way, what do you like most of the above? Or maybe you have your own unusual stories - send us! Let's have fun together!download dle 10.6 movies for free

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More funny news

Svetlana June 22, 2019 18:48

In Krasnoyarsk, by decision of the Zheleznodorozhny District Court, the bailiffs bricked the only entrance to a non-residential building in a residential apartment building to the Wedding Salon. And now you can enter the Wedding Salon only through the window.

And indeed, nothing is impossible, the most incredible, absurd court decisions will help to convince you of this. Recently, they came up with the Stella Award, the award is named after Stella Liebeck, the fact is that she managed, through her own fault, to scald coffee in a McDonald's diner, but in an incredible way she was able to sue McDonald's for $ 2.9 million. And of course, this prize is awarded to the winners of the most incredible, absurd court decisions. And now let's look at simply incredible cases when ordinary people become very rich because of absurd court decisions.

Betty Bullock from California won a lawsuit against Philip Morris. The thing is that she smoked Philip Morris cigarettes for 47 years. As a result of this 47-year smoking process, Mrs. Bullock was diagnosed with lung cancer, and by court decision, the Philip Morris Company paid her compensation in the amount of $ 750,000 - for property damage, and also $ 100,000 "for suffering" and as much as $ 28 million. the fine itself.

Kathleen Robertson, from Austin, Texas. The trial took place in the winter of 2000. A court decision was made that made her $780,000 richer, but for what? This pile of money Kathleen was awarded for a broken ankle, an injury she received in a furniture store. It happened because a child running next to her crashed into her. And the most perplexing decision was the owner of the salon, because the child who crashed into Mrs. Robertson, and because of which he had to pay such a sum of money, was Kathleen Robertson's own child.

In the autumn of the same 1998, an equally ridiculous court decision was made in Pennsylvania. As one thief, when leaving the house he had just robbed, through the garage, slammed the door to the house behind him. And it so happened that, due to a malfunction, he could not open the automatic door in the garage. As a result, the miraculous robber found himself locked in the garage, he survived thanks to dry dog ​​food and Pepsi packaging, accidentally forgotten by someone. After his release, the resourceful thief thought of suing the owner of the house, because of the huge psychological trauma he had received. As a result of such an "industrial" injury ... $ 500,000, which he sued from the owner of the house he had robbed.

In Philadelphia, in the winter of 1997, a cash settlement of $113,500 was paid by a restaurant to Amber Carson of Pennsylvania. The thing is that the woman, having slipped on a drink spilled on the floor, fell, breaking her coccyx. The most interesting thing is that this drink ended up on the floor because of Miss Carson herself. 30 seconds before the fall, she threw a glass at her boyfriend.

Back in the winter of 1997, Kara Walton, who lives in Claymont, Delaware, won a lawsuit against the owners of a nightclub. The girl, when trying to escape from the club, through the window in the restroom, so as not to pay $ 3.5 for drunk alcohol, and fell, knocking out her two front teeth when falling. For this, she received about ... $ 50,000.

In the summer of 1998, 19-year-old Carl Trumham, who lives in Los Angeles, managed to win 74,000 by court order. dollars and full compensation for treatment as a result of the collision. Carl's neighbor just drove over his arm in his Honda Accord. At this time, Mr. Truman himself was diligently screwing discs from his neighbor's car, and, apparently, he was very carried away by the process that he did not notice how the neighbor got into the car and started off.

And such incredible, absurd court decisions are not new, for example, in 1474, an accused person appeared before the Swedish court ... a rooster, who managed to be accused of both hooliganism and witchcraft. How it happened, but he laid an egg, which not only surprised and saddened the public, but also scared him to death. And without hesitation, he was sentenced to death and “safely” burned along with the egg.

But human "wisdom" has no chapel. And in 1540 in Spain, in the court of the town of Guimarane, a case of terrible damage was heard, an outrageously expensive tapestry, indecently impudent ... MOLY. The damage was estimated at 10,000 maravedis. And here is the court decision ... the insect was found guilty and sentenced to beheading and ... what is no less interesting, all the relatives of the moth criminal were to leave the kingdom forever. Apparently, moths in the whole kingdom should have been imbued and aware of the whole tragedy of what happened and instantly get out of the kingdom.

Courts are often forced to deal with the most unthinkable claims and answer tricky questions that arose during the process. So, an American tried to prove that the TV was to blame for his wife's problems with weight, and an astrologer from Russia - that the launch of a space probe could disrupt the picture of the universe. The British newspaper The Times publishes a list of the 20 most amazing court cases (full translation on the InoPressa website).

1. Timothy Dumuchel from Wisconsin sued the TV company in 2004, believing that because of her, his wife got fat, and the children turned into "lazy people who only know what to switch channels." "I believe I smoke and drink every day, and my wife is overweight from watching TV every day for the past four years." The case never made it to the Supreme Court.

2. In 2005, a Brazilian woman sued her partner for not being able to bring her to orgasm. A 31-year-old woman accused a 38-year-old friend of constantly stopping sex when he achieved satisfaction on his own. Unfortunately for her, the suit was denied.

3. German lawyer Jurgen Graefe in 2004 was forced to defend a pensioner who was required to pay taxes on 287 million euros, while her income was only 17 thousand euros. The problem was solved with one letter, but according to the laws of Germany, the lawyer calculates his remuneration based on the benefit he has achieved for the client. Thus, Dr. Grefe was to receive 440,000 euros. The state had to pay this amount.

4. In 1972, Yorkshire resident Reginald Sedguik was accused of stealing a train station. The man acted as a contractor during the demolition of the old platform, and after its destruction he took out the wreckage on a truck. Sedguik admitted that this was the case, but he attributed everything to some third party and was acquitted.

5. In 2005, the Massachusetts Court of Appeals had to answer the question of when sex should be considered dangerous. This happened after one of the local residents at the entrance of copulation injured her partner. The court denied the victim's claim, stating that sexual behavior can be "dangerous", but not "negligent".

6. Russian astrologer Marina Bai sued NASA in 2005, demanding £175 million from the space agency for "disrupting the natural balance of power in the universe." In her opinion, the Deep Impact space probe, which was supposed to meet the comet and extract the material formed as a result of the explosion, would have committed a "terrorist act" in this way. One of the Moscow courts recognized the astrologer's right to sue, but Ms. Bai failed to prove her case.

7. An Indian court was asked in 2007 to decide whether a condom with a vibrator was a contraceptive or a sex toy. Opponents of this original invention argued that it should be considered a toy and therefore illegal in India.

8. In 2006, legal difficulties arose for young man from China who wanted to put his soul up for sale on the internet. The organizer of the auction withdrew the lot from the auction and demanded that the seller first obtain written permission from the authorities to sell the soul.

9. In 2004, New Yorker Frank D'Alessandro filed a lawsuit against the city for being seriously injured when a toilet exploded under him. The victim demanded compensation in the amount of $ 5 million.

10. In 2006, the Nevada Supreme Court upheld a Las Vegas law prohibiting strippers from sitting on clients' laps.

11. In 1964, a Canadian court had to decide whether it was possible to deduct organizational expenses from the tax base when organizing prostitution. I had to answer this question after the arrest of pimps and an attempt to collect tax from them. The court ruled that organizational expenses are not taxable.

12. In 1884, Captain Thomas Dudley and Edwin Stephens were charged with the murder of cabin boy Richard Parker. 20 days after the shipwreck, when they were on the high seas without food, the men killed and ate the young man to escape starvation. Four days later they were rescued by a passing ship. Both were found guilty of murder and initially sentenced to death, but then the sentence was commuted to six months in prison.

13. When 26-year-old Kathy McGowan was told that she had won a Renault Clio on a radio quiz, she was overjoyed. However, she was then given a toy car. An angry girl filed a lawsuit in 2001. He awarded her £8,000 to buy a car.

14. In 2005, Pavel M., a Romanian prisoner serving 20 years for murder, sued God for breach of contract. According to the criminal, baptism was a deal with the Almighty, and in exchange for prayers, he had to protect the plaintiff from problems.

15. In May 2004, Hester Spesialski of Connecticut was charged with murder. Her friend was killed in a car accident while the woman was driving. The prosecution alleged that the woman threw the steering wheel and performed oral sex on the passenger, and that this was the cause of the accident. However, the defense convinced the jury that the accused was driving the car properly, and the deceased lowered his pants himself, apparently to urinate from a moving car.

16. In sentencing a girl from Port Adelaide, Australia in 2003, the judge wrote: “I don’t believe in this crap with social workers. You make fun of your mother and hurt her. you want to be a drug addict and die in a ditch, that's your business. Nobody cares if you live or how, but you will drive the woman who gave birth to you into a coffin, damn you." The defendant was sentenced to prison, but filed an appeal and got the sentence overturned.

17. In 1874, Francis Evans Conrish, a judge from Winnipeg, Canada, fined himself for appearing drunk in a public place. As a result, he sentenced himself to a five-dollar fine and court costs. However, he then overturned the verdict, taking into account that in the past the defendant was a law-abiding citizen.

18. In 1980, the UK Court of Appeal ruled that a Basingstoke woman had every right to give her husband the right to have sex only once a week.

19. A young father from China was denied the right to name his son with the "@" symbol. The reason for this decision was that when choosing a name, it should be possible to write it in Chinese.

20. In September 2004, a Sri Lankan man was sentenced to prison for blundering in court.

Judges are hard workers, have years of training behind them, are responsible for the correct assessment of evidence and interpretation of the law, and must be completely impartial and fair. But sometimes they prescribe amazing punishments, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the most unusual of them.

Live in what you built for people

Ohio contractor who built houses in violation of all existing norms, the judge sentenced him to a $100,000 fine and to live in one of the crumbling houses built by the defendant. Leaving this housing was allowed only to visit the church.
Five years later, the judge again considered the same case and came to the conclusion that the defendant had not corrected his previous mistakes, there was no heating and hot water in the houses, the electricity worked intermittently, the Judge imposed a fine of $ 10,000 and 4 days a week (2 months in a row) the defendant had to spend the night in one of his buildings.

10 years of the church

A 17-year-old Oklahoma boy was charged with first-degree manslaughter after a car accident that killed his passenger. In 2011, a drunken Tyler Alred crashed into a tree and was found guilty. At that time, he was a minor and therefore the judge made the following decision: Alred must pray in church for 10 years. Also during this time, he must graduate from high school, learn to be a welder and during the first year constantly pass tests for alcohol and drugs.

Write a report

In Northern California in 2012, the judge, in addition to deciding on the imprisonment of the defendant - a raider, a robber, ruled that the convict must write a very detailed account-book about all his atrocities. Such a case is not isolated.
In 2017, two 19-year-old defendants were sentenced by a judge to 200 hours of community service and to write a book about how they shot a neighbor.

non smoking birds

Penesville Judge Michael Cicconetti, a man known for his creative proposals, issued a decision on the punishment of petty hooligans who allowed themselves to speak to a police officer. For 3 hours they dressed up as cockerels and held a sign in their hands; Non-smoking area. This sign referred to a brothel that was in that area in the 1970s. By such public humiliation, the defendants escaped more severe punishment.

Hysterical Judge

In 2005, during a court hearing in New York, something completely unexpected happened: Judge Robert Resteino became nervous because someone's mobile phone was constantly ringing and demanded that they give it to him immediately. Since no one provided a telephone, the judge ordered the arrest of all those who were in the hall - 46 people.
Of course, on the same day, the media and the public began to demand the release of people, only 14 people remained in prison, whose cases were considered that day. Despite the judge's explanation that he had problems in his personal life, he was relieved of his post.

Another judge, Daniel Rozak of Chicago, sentenced a man sitting in the courtroom to 6 months in prison for yawning loudly during the reading of the verdict. The judge called this crime - criminal contempt. The stunned yawner was sent to jail.

Track punishment

A judge in Fort Lupton, Colorado, developed his own method of dealing with silence breakers - they were forced to listen to heartbreaking songs by Barney & Friends, Joni Mitchell and others for hours.
Oddly enough, the number of complaints about the violation of silence has dropped dramatically. Musical terror turned out to be very effective.

A similar case was in 2008 in Illinois. Young man Andrew Vactor was fined $150 by Judge Susan Fornof-Lippenkott for listening to rap music very loudly and offered another punishment instead of a fine - listening to classical music for 20 hours. The young man agreed not to pay money, but he only had 15 minutes of patience to listen to Beethoven's music.

Punishment of a frightening child

In 2011 in Ohio, a Gauge County judge sentenced a couple of young people to the unusual punishment of handing out flyers and teaching kids and teens the importance of water safety. And all this after their own trip on a raft almost ended in failure, the couple did not even have life jackets. In addition to handing out leaflets, the couple were also sentenced to 100 hours of community service.

dressing up

Two men from Coshocton, Ohio, threw beer bottles at a car driven by a woman while the men cursed.
For their crimes, Jason Householder and John Stockum were sentenced to 2 months in prison, but Judge David Hostetler offered an alternative punishment - to walk around the city wearing makeup and pay a small fine. The men agreed, but there were a lot of people on the streets and they would like to return, but they were held under police protection, as expected. This punishment made a strong impression on them.

Incomprehensible humanity

In 2006, Nebraska Judge Kristin Chekawa ruled that Richard W. Thompson, who was found guilty of sexually assaulting his fiancée's 12-year-old daughter, was too small and would have a hard time in prison. The judge issued a decision - 10 years of residence under supervision, but at large, with the condition - to stay away from children. The verdict received public outcry, and a protest petition was filed.
Then Nebraska Attorney General John Bruning appealed the too lenient sentence.

marriage or jail

In 2015, Texas man Josten Bundy was found guilty of assaulting his girlfriend's ex-boyfriend.
The reason for the attack ex boyfriend spoke badly about Bundy's girlfriend. Then the judge gave an ultimatum: a prison term or an immediate marriage to the girl, because of which the incident occurred. The wedding took place quickly, many relatives did not even have time to arrive.

At all times it was believed that people go to court to achieve truth and justice. But lately, people have been going to court both for completely ridiculous reasons, and for no reason at all. They sue because of a wave stolen from the sea, because of an unsuccessful suicide, and even sue the Lord himself. And everyone is driven by one thing - the desire to make money from scratch.

Consider the 15 most ridiculous and ridiculous court cases.

1. This is perhaps the most famous court case: one old woman sued manufacturers microwave ovens for the fact that they did not indicate in the instructions that the cat cannot be cooked in the stove. After an accident with a fluffy animal, the court decided to pay the old woman a large amount and from now on write a warning about cats in microwave oven instructions.

2. American beer maker Richard Overton filed a lawsuit against Anheuser-Busch. He demanded $10,000 in compensation from the company for false advertising. He argued that the unlimited consumption of Bud beer did not contribute to the appearance of half-naked girls, as in advertising. He managed to win in court when filing a lawsuit again.

3. Terrence Dixon from Pennsylvania in 1998 tried to get out through the garage from the house, which he had just robbed. The garage door was broken and he couldn't open it, and the back door to the house slammed shut. Terrence sat in the garage for several days eating dog food. Having got out, he began a lawsuit against the owners of the house, accusing him of “ psychological trauma". He received half a million in compensation.

4. In 2007, Nebraska State Senator Ernie Chambers launched legal proceedings against…God! He accused the Creator of cruelly treating people, sending them various diseases and cataclysms.

5. In 1972, a trial took place against the contractor construction company Reginald Sedgwick. He was accused of stealing Cleckheaton Station. The plaintiffs claimed that Reginald destroyed and removed the entire building in an unknown direction. The contractor was fully acquitted by the court.

6. In 1874, Canadian judge Francis Evans Cornish led a hearing against himself. The accusation was that the representative of the court was seen in a state of alcohol intoxication in a public place. Cornish returned a guilty verdict and ordered to pay $5 as a fine. And then he canceled the sentence, referring to the ideal behavior of the defendant in the past.

7. In 2004, a Sri Lankan man was tried for yawning in a courtroom during a trial. The man was accused of yawning with such disdain that it pissed the judge off. The poor fellow was sentenced under the article "contempt of court" for a year in prison.

8. A family in Oklahoma sued Heinz for not adding 42 grams of ketchup to jars. The court ruled to pay the couple $180,000.

9. A Brazilian lady filed a lawsuit against her young lover who stopped satisfying her in bed. She lost the case, and the man hastily abandoned her.

10. In 2006, a Shanghai guy was sued for putting his… soul on an online auction. It was decided that the lot could only be exhibited by its owner. To resume the auction, the guy was ordered to obtain written permission from the "higher powers".

11. One woman sued the supermarket where she bought the coffee machine. Products were in boxes stacked on top of each other. Pulling out the bottom box, the woman was hit on the head by coffee makers that were stacked on top. She blamed the supermarket for not being warned about this danger that awaits her if she takes out the bottom box. She claimed that she had been physically harmed.

12. An American girl sued T-shirt manufacturers. The reason was that while wearing a T-shirt that read "Obama is my slave!", she was attacked by four black guys in the African-American quarter of New York.

13. Suicide, after an unsuccessful attempt to commit suicide under the wheels of the subway, sued the city of New York. He demanded $650,000 for being hit by a train.

14. One girl started legal proceedings against a young man who ran away from her a few days before the wedding. She expected to receive $150,000 in damages through the courts for "pain and suffering", all expenses for organizing the wedding and for visiting a psychiatrist.

15. An American who looks like Michael Jordan like two drops of water filed a lawsuit against a famous athlete. He justified this by the fact that such a resemblance brings him suffering, he is persecuted and some even mock him.

What do you know about courts?

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