
Ural Technical Institute of Communications and Informatics hostel. College of telecommunications and computer science Sibguti. Electronic card index of articles

Ural Technical Institute of Communications and Informatics

Applicants enroll in higher and secondary vocational education programs at the Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Informatics (based on the Ural Technical Institute of Communications and Informatics, which is a structural division of the university).

The institute has created a system of continuous education (secondary vocational education, bachelor's, master's, postgraduate, professional retraining and advanced training courses). This allows students of the institute to choose a path for professional growth while studying at the institute.

List of areas of training and specialties for which the university announces admission in 2019 in accordance with the license to carry out educational activities (according to UrTISI SibGUTI)

Higher education - bachelor's degree (full-time)



Training period


Profile: Transport networks and communication systems 4 years
Profile: Infocommunication technologies in communication services 4 years
Profile: Technologies and optical communication systems 4 years



Informatics and Computer Science

4 years

Higher education - bachelor's degree (correspondence form)



Training period

Based on secondary general education

01. Electronics, radio engineering and communication systems


Infocommunication technologies and communication systems

Profile: Transport networks and communication systems 5 years
Profile: Infocommunication networks and systems 5 years


Informatics and Computer Science

5 years

Higher education - master's degree (full-time)



Training period

01. Electronics, radio engineering and communication systems


Infocommunication technologies and communication systems

2 years

02. Informatics and computer technology


Informatics and Computer Science

2 years

Higher education - master's degree (correspondence form)



Training period

On the basis of bachelor's and specialist's degrees

01. Electronics, radio engineering and communication systems


Infocommunication technologies and communication systems

2.5 years

02. Informatics and computer technology


Informatics and Computer Science

2.5 years

Higher education - training of highly qualified personnel (postgraduate studies)

Secondary vocational education (full-time)



Training period

Based on basic general education

Based on secondary general education

(11 classes)



2 years 10 months



2 years 6 months

You can familiarize yourself with the material base of the institute for training in the above areas in the section

At URTISI SibGUTI it is possible to study according to individual programs implemented in a shortened time on the basis of a specialized secondary vocational education (via correspondence courses) and a second higher education, including master's and applied bachelor's programs.

Training at the institute is conducted both on a budgetary and contractual basis.

The university (for training on the basis of UrTISI SibGUTI) accepts persons with secondary general education for all areas of bachelor's degree and specialty of secondary vocational education.

During your studies you will be provided with:

Deferment from the army

Dormitory subject to availability

During the training period, it is possible to obtain a working specialty that is in demand in the labor market, according to additional education programs in the training and production department of personnel retraining of the institute.

The Institute cooperates with communications and mass communications enterprises of the Ural region on internships and employment of graduates, which significantly increases their competitiveness in the labor market.

University graduates have a future! Graduates are guaranteed 100% employment

To inform applicants on admission to SibGUTI (based on UrTISI SibGUTI), this section contains documents on organizing admission in 2019


We are waiting for you at the address: 620109, Ekaterinburg, st. Melnikova, 50 Ural Technical Institute of Communications and Informatics: Postal address: 620109, Ekaterinburg, st. Repina, 15.

The Ural Technical Institute of Communications and Informatics (UrTISI SibGUTI) implements educational programs in areas of training within 3 enlarged groups of specialties: “Electronic engineering, radio engineering and communications”, “Informatics and computer technology”, “Economics and management”, In total, UrTISI SibGUTI implements 21 educational programs in higher education and 7 in secondary vocational education. The graduate school of UrTISI SibGUTI is accredited in the following areas: “Electronics, radio engineering and communication systems”, “Informatics and computer technology”, “Economics and management”. Master's programs at UrTISI SibGUTI are implemented in the following areas: “Infocommunication technologies and communication systems”, “Informatics and computer technology”.
Over 85 years, URTISI SibGUTI has accumulated significant experience in educational activities and scientific work. The Institute of Communications has all the conditions, scientific and pedagogical staff, material and technical base for training the highly qualified specialists needed in the Ural region.
Every year UrTISI SibGUTI accepts more than 300 people in all forms of education. At the same time, high quality of admission is ensured in accordance with the requirements of the “road map” and performance indicators for monitoring higher educational institutions. Thus, in 2016, based on the results of full-time admission, the average Unified State Exam score was 62 points.

Over 85 years, the educational institution has trained 5,076 graduates with higher education, 33,992 with secondary vocational education. According to the results of the work of state examination commissions, the quality of defense of final qualifying works is 82%; 40% of final works have practical value and are introduced into production. 86% of UrTISI SibGUTI graduates work in the Ural Federal District. 95% of graduates work in their chosen specialty (direction). There are no graduates registered with the employment service.

At URTISI SibGUTI, targeted work is being carried out to develop an educational, scientific and innovative complex that allows solving both the problems of training and retraining highly qualified personnel in the field of ICT, as well as conducting scientific research in strategic areas of development of infocommunications and communications in the Sverdlovsk region within the framework of Strategy 2030.

The concept of personnel training at URTISI SibGUTI is focused on modern trends in the development of the information society, on the development of the infocommunication industry in the Ural region, the main direction of which is the rapid improvement of both the means of communication and technology themselves, and the models of services provided.

The high quality of education at URTISI SibGUTI, which is confirmed by the results of state accreditation procedures for the branch’s educational programs that took place in 2012-2016, indicators for monitoring the effectiveness of universities, annual results of Internet exams (FEPO), where 100% of full-time students participate, and the results of participation of institute students in olympiads, competitions of various levels, is ensured by the creation and development of a unified scientific and educational practice-oriented environment for multi-level training and retraining of specialists, a significant acceleration of the processes of information and technological re-equipment and modernization of the educational and material base, the development of the innovation infrastructure of the institute, the orientation of the educational process towards elements of research, individual training, maximum use of modern infocommunication technologies in the system of active support for students’ independent work, expanding the range of master’s and postgraduate programs.

UrTISI SibGUTI over the past years has been actively working to modernize both the educational and material base and student teaching technologies in the context of the rapid development of the region's infocommunication infrastructure and reform of the education system taking into account global trends in economically developed countries.

At URTISI SibGUTI, a unified scientific and educational electronic environment has been created and is developing on the basis of a broadband multi-service communication network, the structure of which includes 1,120 workstations equipped with PCs from which there is access to the Internet; 8 multimedia lecture halls with 150 seats, incl. 5 with interactive whiteboards, 52 multimedia computer classes; educational scientific and educational laboratory complexes were created based on the NI platform with LabView software; an NGN converged network was organized and licensed to provide IP telephony services (based on its own MSAN Si 3000 and multi-service communication network) and IP television according to the DVB standard from PJSC Rostelecom.

The library has two reading rooms: a general reading room with 100 seats and a hall of scientific literature and electronic resources (NLER) with 32 seats. The collection of the Electronic Library is constantly replenished, both through the acquisition of electronic documents and through the digitization of printed sources by the library’s own resources within the framework of current legislation. The total size of the library's book collection and electronic resources is more than 200 thousand copies. User access to the electronic catalog of books is provided from all computers and touch terminals of the library, departments of the institute and on the UrTISI website. Security of access to the electronic catalog via the Internet is provided through licensed software products PHP, Apache, SQL. Access to licensed electronic library systems ibooks.ru, NP National Electronic Information Consortium, and the scientific electronic library Elibrary.ru has been provided.

The number of applications from organizations and enterprises significantly exceeds the number of graduates! Graduates of UrTISI SibGUTI receive a university diploma.

For the success of training highly qualified specialists who meet modern requirements in the communications and mass communications industry, the Institute of Communications has been repeatedly awarded honorary diplomas and certificates. By decision of the independent public Council of the competition “100 Universities and Research Institutes of Russia” with the participation of the State Duma Committee on Education UrTISI SibGUTI in 2015. recognized as one of the hundred best branches in Russia.

For more than 14 years, the institute has been participating in the forum “Educational Environment (Moscow). In 2014, the Institute of Communications was awarded diplomas from the All-Russian Exhibition Center at the Educational Environment forum for a scientific approach to the development of an electronic educational environment for telecommunications universities, as well as for the development and demonstration of projects aimed at improving the quality of Russian education.

The team of UrTISI SibGUTI continues the best traditions of the Electrical Technical College of Communications, the College of Communications and Informatics, the University of Telecommunications and Informatics in teaching, education, scientific and pedagogical activities and training in the conditions of new times and modern requirements for economic development in priority areas of modernization and technological development of the economy of the Ural region.


Results of admission to full-time study places financed from the budget

Bachelor's degree


Areas of training

Total accepted

Min. Unified State Exam score

Average score on the Unified State Exam

Radio engineering

Infocommunication technologies and communication systems (academic bachelor's degree)

Infocommunication technologies and communication systems (applied bachelor's degree)

Informatics and Computer Science

The average Unified State Exam score for full-time education on a budget basis was – 62 points.

When monitoring the effectiveness of universities by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in 2014 and 2015, the average Unified State Examination score at which a university is considered effective according to this criterion was set at 60 points.

Despite such high requirements for a passing score, applicants enter our institute, which is a structural division of the Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Informatics. The main arguments for applicants choosing our educational institution are:

1. According to the employment centers of Yekaterinburg and the Sverdlovsk region, graduates of our university do not submit applications for employment to the centers and are not registered.

2. Educational institution during 85 years old trains specialists with higher and secondary education for the communications and mass communications industry of the Ural Federal District. The educational and material base of the institute allows us to train specialists with a high level of training, which was noted by expert commissions when checking licensing and accreditation indicators in 2012 -2016.

3. Indicators of the effectiveness of monitoring of universities carried out annually by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation by the institute are met.

4. At the institute a system of continuous education has been created(secondary vocational education, bachelor's, master's, postgraduate, professional retraining and advanced training courses). All this allows students of the institute to choose a path for professional growth while studying at the institute. Admission to the master's program in 2016 amounted to 30 budget places, in the areas of Infocommunication Technologies and Communication Systems and Informatics and Computer Science. Two graduate students of the institute successfully defended their candidate dissertations in 2015 in dissertation councils. Associate Professor Denisov D.V. awarded the academic degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences

Graduates of colleges of the Sverdlovsk region who have received secondary vocational education continue their studies at the institute, both full-time and part-time, and the number of them continues to grow every year.

5. Partnership projects between employers and the institute in the field of training technical specialists have been developed. Students of the institute undergo internships and internships at enterprises in the communications and mass communications industry and are employed in these organizations after graduation. The institute regularly hosts job fairs in which major communications companies participate. Work is underway on professional retraining and advanced training for specialists of the Ural Federal District:

6. Constant communication of faculties with the main employers has been organized, which include: Macroregional branch "Ural" of PJSC "Rostelecom", CJSC "Ural-TransTelecom", State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company "Ural" branch of "VGTRK", LLC "Mobifon-2000", OJSC " Megafon UV, OJSC Promsvyaz, CJSC COMSTAR-Regions, OJSC UralGiprotrans, Sverdlovsk Regional Communications Center RCS-2, OJSC GazpromTransgaz Ekaterinburg, Federal Postal Service Administration of the Sverdlovsk Region - branch of FSUE Russian Post, Yekaterinburg post office of the Federal Postal Service of the Sverdlovsk region - a branch of the FSUE "Russian Post", FSUE NPO "Avtomatika", a branch of the FSUE "Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Network" "ORTPTS" in Yekaterinburg, CJSC "IskraUralTEL", EMERCOM of Russia for the Sverdlovsk region, SMU OJSC "Soyuztelefonstroy" ", LLC "Insis", OJSC "Scientific and Technical Center Intek" Yekaterinburg, CJSC "ER-Telecom Holding", Ural Bank of Sberbank of the Russian Federation, OJSC "SKB Bank", Communications Department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Sverdlovsk Region, etc.

In 2016, the Institute of Communications ensured a high-quality intake of applicants and increased the number of students enrolled in master's programs, which made it possible to increase the quality of the student population and ensure the training of qualified specialists for the communications and mass communications industry.

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