
Why do you dream about walking - interpretation of sleep from dream books. If you dream of walking in a dream

Dream interpretation walk with a guy

Walking is not only useful, but also pleasant. This applies not only to walking in reality, but also in a dream. Why do you dream about walking with a guy? To understand what this vision promises you, you need to find out the opinion of dream interpreters.

Walking together

If you dreamed that you were walking with a guy alone, then it will be quite difficult for you to find this interpretation in dream books. You will be advised to consider separately what it means to dream about walking in a dream, and separately what a guy means.

Once you become familiar with these two concepts, you can derive a general formula for what it means to dream about walking with a guy.

Walking in a dream

Walking in a dream through the countryside

In modern interpreters there are a lot of predictions on this matter. It is believed that you can walk alone, with a girlfriend or boyfriend, with a dog, sometimes the road from school or work is also considered a walk, especially if someone accompanies you. It is possible that you will even experience horror in your dreams when you walk through a cemetery at night.

Gustav Miller's prediction

Walking through the countryside - the dreamer misses communicating with his friends, but his relatives will do everything possible to assuage his sadness.

Miller considered similar visions for women. In this case, the meaning of the vision can be varied, everything will depend on the emotions of the dreamer:

  • enjoy the beauty of nature - you will find the comfort of home, a pleasant time with friends;
  • feel sad when you see the landscape around you - you will have to part with some people, you will be sad and cry.

Interpreter of Avadyaeva

Walking around the city completely alone means changes are coming in your life that will bring you happiness. Walking across the field - soon you will have a great chance to change your life.

Walking through a swamp - do not blindly follow everything that your relatives suggest and advise you.

Walking on the lawn means new horizons and prospects. Wandering through the green hills, enjoying the view around you, things will go well.

To be in a dream among the swamps

According to this dream book, walking through a cemetery in a dream means that you will live to a long old age and be happy.

Interpreter Karatov

If in a dream you are walking, especially along the streets of the city, an acquaintance awaits you. Whether it is pleasant or not, you will be able to understand only by remembering your emotions during sleep.

Maly Velesov interpreter

Walking in a dream means you will have a lot to do in real life. If you walk in a field, you will find freedom. It is possible that you will leave the care of a certain person or get rid of a bad habit, but it will definitely become easier for you.

What does a vision about a guy mean?

Quite often, dream books believe that dreams about a guy promise quick changes in the life of a sleeping woman. The main thing is to take a closer look at the young man’s status relative to you.

I dreamed about my ex-lover

You may dream of a former lover, a guy you are currently dating, or just an acquaintance. There are a lot of dream subjects.


If such a vision visits you very often, then you should stop and understand yourself. Walking with your ex-boyfriend may not only mean that you regret breaking up with this man. There may be a deep meaning hidden in such a dream.

You need to analyze your past, think about the future, sort out everything that is happening in your present.


In your dreams at night, did you deal with an unfamiliar guy? A handsome man that you like means that pleasant events await you ahead, you will have a fun time.

When you saw a stranger, you experienced negative feelings - troubles and losses lay ahead. The dreamer will have troubles with money.

I dreamed of a date with a stranger

A familiar person

Seeing a man you know in a dream, talking to him, walking next to him - you will soon receive good news.

Also, such dreams occur when there is a meeting ahead in reality. Whether it will be pleasant depends on what you felt in the dream.

A man who inspires sympathy

Talking or walking with a guy you like means you subconsciously want to get closer to him in real life. Sometimes you may dream of a person who is unfamiliar in reality, but by his habits or appearance you will be able to understand who the higher powers had in mind.

Walking with a guy

To understand why walking with a guy in a dream, it’s worth checking where you were.

Walking with your passion in a dream among green trees

We were walking with a man, there was a lot of foliage and greenery around, maybe a lawn? Soon the relationship will reach a new level, and things are heading towards a wedding.

Were there “bare” stone mountains near you? The dream promises suffering for both the guy and the girl; it is better to break up without bringing the matter to marriage.

Have you ever wandered near a body of calm water? There is mutual understanding in the couple, but the feelings are more likely to be friendly than romantic.

Walking with a guy hand in hand along the embankment - you will soon be ready to go on the road, you will have an interesting and pleasant interlocutor, time on the road will fly by.

Walking barefoot on the sand with a man means you will go on a long journey together. This is what the Gypsy Dream Book predicts.

Walking in a dream with a sweetheart barefoot on the sand

The interpreters have an interesting prediction about why you should walk in heels on the sand with your ex-lover. According to the dream book, walking with your ex-boyfriend on the sand while wearing high-heeled shoes means going on an unpleasant journey, which will ultimately turn into a fun walk.

Meetings in night visions

Meet a guy and go for a walk with him - you will soon experience many pleasant and unforgettable moments.

If a girl says that in a dream I am walking with my loved one, then in reality happiness awaits her.

A dream where you are going for a walk with another guy that you like quite often tends to come true in real life. Soon the object of your adoration will reciprocate your feelings.

If a girl sees a dream in which a guy is walking with another woman, then she is too jealous. At the same time, the dream book hastens to assure you that your soulmate is faithful to you.

According to the Eastern Dream Book, walking with a guy, touching him, means there will be complete mutual understanding between you, you will begin to completely trust each other.

In a dream, you can find yourself in the most unusual places and become a participant in a wide variety of events. Why do you dream about the city? How to interpret such a dream?

Why do you dream about a city - the main interpretation

If in a dream you find yourself in an unfamiliar city, get ready for quite unusual events in your life; perhaps you will witness something new.

But, in order to fully interpret the dream, it is important to take into account all its symbols:

Do you see a familiar city in a dream, or are you visiting it for the first time?

In a dream you walk along the streets of the city, or are in one place;

Do you talk to someone in your sleep;

What do you experience in a dream?

If in a dream you see a city that is familiar to you, perhaps a city that you visited as a child, such a dream indicates that you have returned in your memory to events of the past. You need to make every effort to forget this past.

Perhaps it was not in vain that you decided to delve into the events of the past and are now ready to actively work to develop in the future only in the right direction. But, if after sleep you experience some heaviness and self-doubt, this may mean that it is too early for you to take such important actions as saying goodbye to past experiences.

A dream in which you see an old, destroyed house and do not dare to enter it means that on a subconscious level you do not want to return to the past, you do not want to sort things out with anyone anymore, you do not want to return old relationships. You have made an informed decision for yourself and do not want to repeat the mistakes again.

A dream in which you are trying to open the door of such a house, but it does not give in, suggests that you still sometimes think about the past, but life itself takes you away from it. Life itself gives you a hint that it is better not to return to the past.

If you see a collapsed house in which you are wandering, in reality you will find yourself in a difficult situation and will think for a long time about how to get out of it, try not to get upset over trifles and not waste your time. Soon you will have a wonderful opportunity to change everything, but for now you will have to make efforts to get out of the impasse.

Why do you dream of a city burned down in a fire? Such a dream means that you will try to get a specific person out of your life. You will try to say goodbye to him and no longer start talking about living together, or about close communication.

If you were planning some important deal or trip, such a dream suggests that you will have to urgently postpone it. You yourself will not understand how you will succeed, but in the end, you will fall under the negative influence of a stranger. All your plans will collapse in a split second.

If in a dream you wander around an unfamiliar city and say hello to its inhabitants, in reality a lot of pleasant meetings and acquaintances await you. Some of them you will remember for a long time, others will become a useful experience for you. If one of the passers-by refused to greet you, do not despair, you still have a long way to go. Soon you will find a common language with the person with whom you have been in a quarrel for a long time.

If, while wandering around the city, you visited a church, such a dream means that you have decided to repent of everything you have done. Now you are very sad, and you don’t even know how to get rid of this sadness, but soon you will solve all your problems and your sincere recognition of past mistakes will lead you to an internal truce.

If you are walking around the city and it suddenly starts to rain, but you are without an umbrella - such a dream means that in reality quite strange incidents await you, perhaps an avalanche of reproaches and unflattering statements will suddenly fall upon you, perhaps you will suddenly find yourself with many enemies instead of friends . In any case, such a dream means an unpleasant surprise.

A dream in which you get caught in the rain, but you have an umbrella, promises you new opportunities for development. Someone will protect you from problems and grief, and you can actively move forward, feeling support from the outside. This support can be both moral and material.

If in a dream you are wandering around the city and come across a fountain, you will be in the center of events. They can be either pleasant or not very pleasant. Perhaps you will witness someone's defeat, or someone's success. In any case, such a dream promises you a lot of attention from the outside.

A dream in which you ask how you can get to some attraction means that it is high time for you to understand your life values ​​and determine your future route. If you don’t do this now, in the future it will be difficult for you to move forward, you will not be able to make the most important decisions on your own.

If you walk around the city with a map in your hands, such a dream suggests that you are looking for your place in life, but are guided only by your subjective opinion. The dream book advises you to respect the opinions of others and not ignore the possibility that they are right. Otherwise, you yourself will not be able to achieve the desired result.

Why do you dream about a city according to Freud’s dream book?

A city in a dream is your waking life. Your state of affairs in your personal life depends on how you see the city in a dream. If you see yourself in a new, beautiful and unfamiliar city, in reality you will be able to start a new relationship that will be very interesting for you.

A dream in which you see a city filled with strangers means that in reality you will find yourself in a company where you will not know anyone. As a result, you will get tired of looking for familiar faces, and you will decide that it is high time to return to your usual social circle and not experiment anymore.

A dream in which you have been trying for a long time to find a way out of the labyrinth of an unfamiliar city means that you will try to find a way out of the life situation that has developed in your relationship. You will spend a long time choosing between several relationship options if in a dream you think for a long time which way you should turn, which door to open.

It is important to remember the details of such a dream. What emotions did you experience when you were looking for a way out? If you are overcome by panic, you most likely will not be ready for a new relationship; you will look for a way out of old connections, but will not dare to start new ones. If in a dream you are looking for a way out, but at the same time you experience joy and pleasure, such a dream means that you are ready to get rid of the burden of old relationships and joyfully pursue new ones.

Why does a lonely girl dream about the city? She dreams of such a dream as a symbol of impending changes. But whether they are positive or negative, they will tell about the situations that will happen in her life later. The city that a pregnant girl dreamed of is a symbol of her fears. She must get rid of them soon, otherwise she will harm her health.

Why do you dream about a city according to the Esoteric Dream Book?

The Esoteric Dream Book says that one dreams of a city as a symbol of obstacles and unexpected obstacles. Try not to create illusions or have hopes in the near future. All your ideas can be destroyed in an instant precisely because of the interference of strangers in your life.

The dream book also indicates that if you dream of an unfamiliar city where you wander alone, in reality you will be left alone with your difficulties and problems. You have to make a difficult choice. Now you are not ready to implement it, but after a short period of time, you will independently come to the right solution to the issue.

Why do you dream about a city according to other dream books?

In the Women's Dream Book It is said that the city is a dream of happiness and fun, but if you visited it in clear weather. If you visit the city in snow or rain, expect nervous shock. If you visited in a dream the city you have long dreamed of, in reality you will be able to realize everything you previously planned.

In Grishina's dream book it is said that an unfamiliar city in a dream foretells you a lot of hassle and a lot of troubles that you will have to face. You will not know how to act correctly in the current situation and will begin to rush around. The dream book advises you once again not to be nervous and not to waste your energy on disappointments or searching for extremes. There are many opportunities ahead of you. It's just not the right time for new beginnings.

Whatever you dream about, you shouldn’t take everything so close to your heart. Life will put everything in its place. Dreams simply give you hints on how best to act in a particular case. Listen to their tips and you will be able to realize everything you previously planned.

Why do you dream about a guy you like? if you dreamed of a guy you like

...The clock hands point to the late hour, but you just can’t fall asleep and think about him all the time, although you diligently turn your thoughts into a different direction, start counting to one hundred and finally realize that you’re starting to fall asleep... And so, this guy again. Smiling sweetly, with his charming smile, he gently takes you by the hand, leading you into his magical and amazing world. And you feel free, happy and loved next to him...

But then the ringing of the alarm clock instantly returns you from unsteady dreams to the real world, where everything is the same as before, and where you are alone again. So, why do you dream about a guy you like? You turn to your friends with this question, look for an answer to it in your dream books, but an incomprehensible excitement does not leave you, and you already understand that you cannot think about anything else. You are also puzzled by the fact that such a dream, in which you dream of a guy you like, is repeated repeatedly.

So what does our subconscious want to tell us when we dream about our loved ones? Why, why do you dream about a guy you really like, what does this mean?

You've been in love with one guy for quite some time now and you can't approach him and confess your feelings, because you don't know whether this confession will lead to you and him living happily ever after for the rest of your life, or whether he'll just laugh over you... You need to know for sure whether this feeling is mutual.

Corpse of a man (dead, deceased, murdered)- to a lack of support, you risk finding yourself in a position where there is no one to intercede, or all the defenders will be unable to lend you a helping hand. Deceased man (deceased) dreamed - listen to your own intuition, it will tell you the right path. The deceased also dream of a change in weather. Hanged- find yourself in a hopeless situation. Ghost male - you should not hope now for support in difficulties - you will only be disappointed.

Muslim man ( Muslim) according to the dream book, predicts complications, obstacles, of course, if he is not your coreligionist. Gypsy– you will be deliberately misled. Black person– dreamed of surprise, an unexpected turn of events.

Rich a man dreamed - what is happening in your life will be closely tied to finances.

See in car a man as a passenger - passive perception of what is happening around. Behind the wheel– you will have to take responsibility, show courage and leadership qualities. By bike- take on a task that is not so easy to carry out, although at first glance it is quite simple. On horseback- nobility and masculinity.

Blue eyes for a man - you can safely count on being supported in any endeavor and helped if necessary.

Sleeping a man dreams of a temporary defenseless state. Smoking- your doubts are empty. A dream can also mean a strong dependence on something or someone. Enamored- is interpreted as a lack of love and romance in your life. Perhaps you should do something to attract what you want into your life? Sad- you will achieve your goals, but a feeling of some dissatisfaction will remain.

Twins men dreamed - despite the fact that you have a difficult choice, reliable friends and faithful companions await you in the future. The man is a mermaid according to Magini’s dream book, it means indifference where you expected a warmer welcome.

made up- an unnatural, and therefore unsuccessful attempt to disguise circumstances in a more favorable light than they really are. in heels– perverted fantasies. In addition, for women, such dreams may indicate a desire to give a dominant role to a man who does not strive for leadership at all. Wearing sandals- an unusual incident will amaze you. In women's clothing(for example, in a skirt) the male sex dreams of non-male actions; for ladies, a dream can predict unusual situations, and also - a reason to remind - female weakness can sometimes turn out to be a very powerful weapon.

Man with a knife- the one on whose protection you are counting will turn out to be an enemy. With a cigar– respectability or false illusions about a certain personality.

What did he do in his dream

Try sending a declaration of love on video to your future boyfriend - maybe he will like it and he will reciprocate your feelings.

Give yourself a beautiful status because girls always write very vividly about their feelings and it’s hard not to notice.

In some dream books, dreams in which a girl sees a guy are interpreted as an omen of some unexpected troubles, and seeing a guy you know in a dream means that you will receive news about a person you have not seen for a long time.

Dreams in which the object of your affection comes to you can tell a lot about your future relationships.

You need to pay special attention to such dreams and try to remember the smallest details, on which the correct interpretation of the dream often depends. For example, if a guy takes your hand in a dream, this could mean that you will soon be together.

If at the same time you experienced joy in a dream, perhaps a quick declaration of love awaits you. If a guy calls you somewhere in a dream, such a dream means that in reality he is very concerned about how you feel about him.

He invites you to take a walk or go somewhere with him - he is at a loss and wants to know for sure whether you feel anything towards him. How do you feel? Is it real love? You have a topic for your own thoughts.

If you dream of a guy you like and he calls you by name, you can be one hundred percent sure: this guy often remembers and thinks about you. You bewitched him, charmed him. Just don't get too proud, inadvertently. The simpler you are, the faster he will approach you in order to become a loved one.

You supposedly agreed on a meeting, and are you waiting for him? He still can’t decide which of several girls (you or the scolding one) is truly dear to him. Has jealousy started playing? Yes, its melody is certainly unpleasant. But, unfortunately, you won’t be able to escape from her anywhere if you tend to be jealous.

Making peace with a guy means finding a compromise in a difficult situation, achieving emotional balance. Improving relationships after a quarrel symbolizes their development.

If a guy is crying in your dream, it means that you are ignoring something important in your life. It is dangerous to rely too much on someone; he may not be omnipotent. Or, on the contrary, it unsettles the feeling of one’s own weakness, the inability to turn something in the right direction. The guy’s tears symbolize renunciation of aggression, self-acceptance, and quick calm.

What kind of guy did you dream about?

A naked guy in a dream book symbolizes the negative side of self-knowledge, the inability or unwillingness to make decisions and intelligently influence what is happening. Seeing someone you know naked means learning about his shortcomings or some secret about him.

An unnaturally tall guy in a dream promises unrealistic desires, an unattainable goal. Walking next to him means doing something that will make you feel inferior. A guy slightly taller than you, on the contrary, means that now you are doing everything right.

What does a red-haired guy dream about - deception, someone’s hypocrisy and deceit. The more disgustingly he behaves in a dream, the higher the likelihood that you will be betrayed. Seeing that your boyfriend’s hair has suddenly turned red means that you are not entirely adequately assessing his actions, or his attitude towards you will soon change greatly.

A guy you like hugs you in a dream, then you shouldn’t talk about your feelings and thoughts about him to anyone, even your best friends. This is deciphered by the dream book as a sign warning of an imminent conflict with the object of desire.


Why do you dream about a guy cheating? Cheating on a young man in a dream may indicate a subconscious fear of losing a loved one, as well as a lack of self-confidence or sincerity in the relationship.

The dream book defines the betrayal of a beloved guy in a dream with another as excessive gullibility of a girl, which is often taken advantage of by those around her. If a girl herself cheated on a guy in a dream, then she will soon be accused of lying or other illegal actions.

If you dream that a guy is cheating in a dream, it means that the dreamer should reconsider her relationship with a man; perhaps the intimate side of the relationship does not suit the other half.

A guy cheated in a dream with a girlfriend, according to the dream book, which means that the young lady regrets the relationship and believes that love has come to an end, or she is not confident in her partner and wants to end the relationship.


Dream Interpretation "felomena"

To me like one boy, And I him too, but we are not together, we broke up... IndreamI I saw how I with him was walking holding hands. In reality me There is boy.I I went to a friend’s place for the night (that is, in a new place the bride and groom dreamed about it) To me dreams at all another young man, but indream he is mine guy. We quarreled with him and then my friend came in boy which is in real life drawing to meguy.

Dream Interpretation "felomena"

IndreamI saw friends guys, which to me very sympathetic. With one I kissed and he and I had a warm relationship and WithothersI I don't remember what I I did, but I know that I dreamed about him. I dreamed about two guy, with one Iwas walking, hugged, etc. Although I I don’t even know him. A another was looking at me from the outside, although he to me I really like it in reality, but indreamI I didn’t even pay attention to him.

Dream Interpretation "felomena"

"Dream book WalkWith dreamed about a stroller, why dream indreamWalkWith stroller.” I dreamed that I pregnant and was afraid to tell her husband because she got pregnant from anothermen(I felt anxiety in front of my husband, because I love him very much). Through time was walkingWith a light lilac stroller, where my son was, and received a lilac car from my husband, in gratitude for my son.

Dream book "videlson"

If you dream boy, whichlike, then take it dream book into your hands and see the meaning of your vision. Boy called you by name indream? Be sure that he thinks about you very often. You dream that you are furious, and without any visible reasons means...

Dream book "DomSnov"

When indream You see the hug of someone close to you, but not your lover (for example, a friend or brother) - you should prepare for trouble. They may not be too serious, but it is unlikely that you will be able to cope with them without outside support. sawguywhich to me like and we met and he became different guywhich me too like.

Dream Interpretation "felomena"

Dream Interpretation Felomena. Why do you dream Boyindream By dream book? See some guy- in reality, you are very confident that you are simply irresistible. Hello, there is one boy,which I really like like, and now I dream about the same two days in a row dreams It’s as if he’s calling me, I pick up the phone and clearly hear him calling me affectionately, and that we have a good relationship with him!

dreamed of walking

Walking in a dense forest promises failure at work, quarrels and discord in the family. If at the same time you are very cold and hungry, an unpleasant road lies ahead. Walking through the countryside means separation from friends and sadness, but there will be people nearby who will cheer you up and provide support. For a girl, such a dream means home comfort, but at the same time it can promise loss. If you walk for a long time and are interested, exciting and solid research work awaits you. Walking with different people is a warning that competitors will appear in your business and will turn out to be strong.

what does it mean if you walk in a dream

Walking through the forest portends romantic encounters, love adventures and new acquaintances. For a woman, such a dream can mean new love, and for a man, a romantic date.

dreamed of walking

Walking through a beautiful garden predicts that deeds and deeds will allow you to go to Paradise in the next world.

walk in your sleep

Walking through a field, garden or empty bank speaks of your desires to find a new partner. If you walk in a park or forest, it means your desire to have several children. The dream may also indicate long-awaited wealth that will come to you through hard work. Walking barefoot means you are relaxed in your intimate life, you freely show your feelings, which contributes to a more trusting relationship with your partner.

walk through the dream book

Walking means experiencing happiness and joy. Walking through the forest is a pleasure. Walking in the garden means managing your life correctly and wisely.

walk through the dream book

Walking - predicts that soon you will be able to have a good rest, you can count on having a very pleasant and fun time.

walk in your sleep

Walking around the city - joyful events await ahead. Walking along the shore - you can successfully defend your case. Walking through a cemetery - perhaps a situation will arise that you will have to leave to earn money in another country. Walk in a park or square - you will have a pleasant time. If you walk in the rain, you prefer to shift your responsibilities to other people instead of making an effort. Walking in the rain means you are trying to achieve your goal by choosing the easy path.

Do you want to deal with problems in different life situations and assess your emotional state? We invite you to read selected interpretations of dreams about Walking in the dream books of famous authors. Perhaps in these dream interpretations there is an answer to your question.

Why do you dream about Walking?

Dream Interpretation of A. Pushkin

Why do you dream about walking in your sleep?

In a dream, to see Walking with a dog in a dream - this indicates that you will soon have to demonstrate your endurance and patience. This dream could also mean that you will be going on some kind of long trip in the near future. It will be completely useless to you, and you will only waste your time and money. For women, this dream promises pleasant and unexpected encounters.

Dream Interpretation of G. Rasputin

Why do you dream about walking in a dream book:

Walking with your grandson in a dream means your friends will need your support, but you will not be able to provide it fully due to your own financial difficulties.

Walking in the yard means a strong attachment to your home and the inability to decide to make changes. You will be judged for this, but ultimately your consistency will protect you from major losses associated with these changes.

Walking at your wedding, but not seeing your soulmate, is a symbol of the fact that she is not with you yet, but she will definitely appear after a while, the main thing is to wait patiently. Walking and having fun at a wedding in a dream means your optimism and love for life will be a good medicine for you in difficult life situations, and you can easily overcome them.

Dream Interpretation of D. Mendeleev

If you dream about Walking, what does it mean:

Walking around your favorite beautiful and green city is a sign that you are happy and satisfied with everything and do not want to change anything in your life. Although it would be possible to make small adjustments and amendments to your destiny, because there is no limit to perfection. For example, it would be nice to change your hairstyle, hair color or clothing style. Don’t be afraid to change, your surroundings will definitely appreciate it, and may even want to follow your infectious example, because envy is a very serious and insidious feeling that drives many deeds and actions, sometimes unconsciously.

Dream book for girls

If you saw in a dream Walking in the garden - in the coming days everything in your life will turn out successfully. This is especially true for your relationship with your parents, because peace in the family is one of the most important things in life. I dreamed that walking along an unfamiliar street promises meeting new people who will discover new knowledge.

Walking along a familiar street means meeting friends or acquaintances whom you have not seen for a long time. Walking around your city in a dream means that in the near future some surprise awaits you that will take you by surprise.

You dreamed that you were walking around an unfamiliar city; this dream suggests that some events that are not entirely pleasant for you will happen.

Walking through a palace - a dream in which you are walking through a palace, admiring its splendor, means that your life will change for the better.

Walking through a beautiful green valley in a dream - a dream predicts academic success.

Walking along the alley means anticipating the appearance of new acquaintances, among whom a cute boy may appear.

Dream Interpretation of Zodiac Signs

Why do you dream about walking in a dream book?

If you dreamed of walking among ancient ruins in a dream, you will mentally return to the past, seeking solace in pleasant memories.

Dream Interpretation of Peter I

Why do you dream about walking in a dream book?

Interpretation of the dream: Walking along the shore in a dream means yearning in reality for the past.

Adaskin's Dream Book

To see walking in a dream:

Walking in a light birch grove means complete happiness.

Walking along the boulevard means leading a free and cheerful life, running, fussing about something without benefit to yourself. A walk along the boulevard for lovers is a dream that signifies their loyalty to each other.

Walk along the street, through the forest - make new acquaintances, experience some love adventures. walking in a meadow or field means difficulties in your personal life. Walking somewhere means prosperity; seeing people walking means receiving money.

Walking decorously in the zoo among the cages is a sign of being on the road with some high-ranking or very famous person.

Walking under an umbrella in sunny weather means good luck and independence; walking under an umbrella on a rainy day means a quiet, secluded life (dreams of more will remain unfulfilled).

Walking along the banks of the canal, overgrown with greenery, picking flowers and herbs - brings pleasure and enjoyment.

Magic dream book

I dreamed of Walking - what does it mean?

You dreamed of Walking - idle around for a while.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

I dreamed of going for a walk, why:

Walking - You see in a dream that you are walking - the dream promises you well-being; you are a self-sufficient person, therefore you are more independent than others; your successes come from your best qualities; This will continue to be the case unless a cataclysm on a global scale occurs. You dream of people walking - soon you will receive money.

Russian dream book

I dreamed of Walking in a dream, why:

You dreamed of Walking, what does it mean? Walking through a field - liberation from addiction, happiness, pleasure.

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