
All-Russian competition of additional education programs. MBU DO "Center for Additional Education of Children" Logos. Dates of the All-Russian competition “My educational program”

Results of the correspondence tour

131 organizations of additional education of children from 49 regions of the Russian Federation were nominated to participate in the correspondence round of the competition. The experts noted the high level of the competition materials and came to the Organizing Committee of the competition with a proposal to change the number of finalists of the competition to 20 organizations and introduce an additional nomination for participants in the correspondence round: “Traditions and Innovations”.

In accordance with clause 2.1.4. Regulations of the All-Russian competition of programs for the development of organizations of additional education for children "Arktur - 2016", the Organizing Committee of the competition invites people to participate in the full-time round 20 (twenty) organizations of additional education for children (competition laureates) that scored the highest number of points in the overall ranking.

The final events (in-person round, awarding of nominees and winners) of the Competition will be held within the framework of the II International Forum on Additional Education for Children in the city of Kaliningrad on March 24-27, 2016.

All-Russian competition of programs for the development of organizations for additional education of children "Arktur - 2016"

  1. Arhangelsk region. State budgetary educational institution of additional education for children of the Arkhangelsk region "Palace of Children and Youth Creativity";
  2. Bryansk region. State budgetary educational institution of additional education for children "Bryansk Regional Palace of Children and Youth Creativity named after Yu.A. Gagarin";
  3. Vologda Region. Municipal educational budgetary institution of additional education for children "House of Children's Creativity of the City of Veliky Ustyug";
  4. Voronezh region. Municipal budgetary institution of additional education "Center for the Development of Creativity of Children and Youth "Raduga"" of the city of Voronezh;
  5. Kaliningrad region. State Autonomous Institution of the Kaliningrad Region of Additional Education "Kaliningrad Regional Children and Youth Center for Ecology, Local History and Tourism";
  6. Kaliningrad region. Municipal autonomous institution of additional education "House of Children's Creativity" of the city of Baltiysk;
  7. Kaluga region. Municipal budgetary educational institution of additional education "Center for the Development of Creativity of Children and Youth "Constellation" of the city of Kaluga";
  8. Krasnoyarsk region. Municipal budgetary educational institution of additional education for children "Center for Creative Development and Humanitarian Education of the City of Krasnoyarsk";
  9. Republic of Tatarstan. Municipal budgetary institution of additional education "Children's music school No. 1" of the Kirovsky district of the city of Kazan;
  10. Novosibirsk region. Municipal budgetary institution of additional education of the city of Novosibirsk "House of Children's Creativity named after V. Dubinin";
  11. Omsk region. Budgetary educational institution of additional education of the city of Omsk "Creativity Center "Constellation"";
  12. Orenburg region. Municipal budgetary institution of additional education "Center for the Development of Creativity of Children and Youth in the Village of Adamovka";
  13. Republic of Bashkortostan. Municipal autonomous educational institution of additional education for children "Center for Children's Creativity" of the urban district of the city of Kumertau;
  14. Republic of Karelia. Municipal budgetary educational institution of additional education of the Petrozavodsk urban district "House of creativity for children and youth No. 2" of the city of Petrozavodsk;
  15. Republic of Tatarstan. Municipal autonomous institution of additional education of the city of Naberezhnye Chelny "House of Children's Creativity No. 15";
  16. Samara Region. Structural unit of the state budgetary educational institution of the Samara region, secondary school No. 1 of the urban village of Bezenchuk, Bezenchuk municipal district, "Center for Children's Creativity "Kamerton"";
  17. City of St. Petersburg. State budgetary educational institution of additional education for children "Palace of Children's (Youth) Creativity of the Krasnogvardeisky District "On Lenskaya"";
  18. Stavropol region. State budgetary institution of additional education "Regional Center for the Development of Creativity of Children and Youth named after Yu.A. Gagarin";
  19. Tyumen region. Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra. Municipal budgetary educational institution of additional education for children "Fedorovsky House of Children's Creativity" in the village of Fedorovsky;
  20. Chelyabinsk region. Municipal autonomous institution of additional education for children "Palace of Pioneers and Schoolchildren named after N.K. Krupskaya of the city of Chelyabinsk."

Participants in the full-time round of the Competition are awarded Laureate diplomas. Based on the results of the full-time round, winners of 1st, 2nd and 3rd degrees are determined. The winners are awarded diplomas and prizes for the development of the educational organization.

The prize is paid by bank transfer to the bank account of the winner's trade union organization.

First degree diploma - 100,000 rubles;
Second degree diploma - 50,000 rubles;
Third degree diploma - 30,000 rubles;

Winners in the category "Traditions and Innovations"

  1. Irkutsk region. Municipal autonomous educational institution of additional education for children "Children and Youth Sports and Technical School for Automotive Sports" in the city of Bratsk;
  2. Oryol Region. Municipal budgetary educational institution for children in need of psychological, pedagogical and medical and social assistance "Center for Psychological, Medical and Social Support";
  3. Tula region. Municipal budgetary educational institution of additional education for children "Children's health and educational (sports) center", the city of Uzlovaya.

The winners in the nomination “Traditions and Innovations” are awarded diplomas of winners in the nomination and are invited to participate in the Forum.

Payment for travel, accommodation, meals and excursion services is at the expense of the Forum participants. The cost of stay for one Forum participant is on average 3,500 rubles per day.

Please send your application to participate in the Forum by March 1, 2016 by email [email protected].

For reference:

The II Forum on Additional Education for Children (hereinafter referred to as the Forum) will be held on March 24-27 in the city of Kaliningrad. The purpose of the Forum is to study and discuss practical achievements of regional and international experience in the field of additional education for the further development of the system of additional education for children in the Russian Federation.

The forum is held by the All-Russian Trade Union of Education and the Ministry of Education of the Kaliningrad Region.

A number of events are planned as part of the Forum: introducing Forum participants to the areas of activity of the Ministry of Education of the Kaliningrad Region in the development of modern models of additional education and the practice of work of additional education organizations for children in the region; presentation of the experience of additional education organizations for children - Forum participants in the format of exhibition events; final (in-person) round of the All-Russian competition of programs for the development of organizations of additional education for children "Arcturus - 2016" (hereinafter referred to as the Competition); discussion of trends and prospects for development, demand and effectiveness of additional education for children in the Russian Federation in the round table format.

The forum includes three thematic days:

March 24 - arrival of participants, sightseeing tour of the city of Kaliningrad with a visit to the Amber Museum and the Museum of the World Ocean; opening of the Forum and Competition;

March 25 - Final events (in-person round) of the Competition, acquaintance with the exhibition of scientific and technical creativity of children and youth in the Scientific and Technological Park "Factory" of the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University; visit to the Cathedral;

March 26 - Acquaintance with educational organizations of the city of Kaliningrad, round tables, official closing of the Forum and Competition;

Center for Pedagogical Innovation named after. K.D. Ushinsky "New education"


about the competition for the best educational program of additional education “Kaleidoscope 2016”

1. General information

The competition for the best methodological development is held on the initiative of the K.D. Ushinsky Center for Pedagogical Innovation “New Education».

1.2. The goals of the competition are:

Generalization and dissemination of effective teaching experience;

Promotion and implementation of personally developing, competency-oriented educational technologies.

1.3. The competition is held in the following nominations:

Educational program of additional education

2. Dates of the competition

2.1. The competition is held from January 4, 2016 to May 25, 2016.

2.2. The results of the competition will be published on the website www. piram2000. ru In chapter

“Competition results” until June 10, 2016

3. Conditions of participation in the competition

3.1 All educators, software masters, teaching staff of educational institutions at various levels, as well as students of pedagogical educational institutions, members of the public interested in the problems of education and upbringing of the younger generation can become participants in the competition.

3.2. The competition is held remotely. Submitted materials undergo expert evaluation

3.3. All educational programs, must be carried out using modern personally developing, competency-oriented educational technologies, and also representoriginal copyright materials.

3.4 The program of additional education for children, as a rule, includes the following structural elements:

1. Title page.

2. Explanatory note.

3. Educational and thematic plan.

4. Contents of the course being studied.

5. Methodological support for the additional educational program.

6. List of references.

Design and content of structural elements of the programadditional education for children

Name of educational institution;

Where, when and by whom the additional educational program was approved;

Name of additional educational program;

Age of children for whom the additional educational program is designed;

Duration of implementation of the additional educational program;

Name of the city, locality in which the additional educational program is being implemented;

A year of development of an additional educational program.

2. In the explanatory note to the additional programchildren's education should be disclosed:

Direction of the additional educational program;

Novelty, relevance, pedagogical expediency;

The purpose and objectives of the additional educational program;

Distinctive features of this additionaleducational program from existing educational programs;

Age of children participating in the implementation of this additional educational program;

Time frame for implementation of additional educational programsprograms (duration of the educational process, stages);

Forms and mode of classes;

Expected results and methods for determining their effectiveness;

Forms for summing up the implementation of additionaleducational program (exhibitions, festivals, competitions, educational and research conferences, etc.).

3. The educational and thematic plan of an additional educational program may contain:

List of sections, topics;

Number of hours on each topic, broken down bytheoretical and practical types of classes.

4. The content of the program of additional education for children can be reflected through a brief description of the topics (theoretical and practical types of classes).

5. Methodological support for the additional programchildren's education:

Providing the program with methodological types of products (development of games, conversations, hikes, excursions, competitions, conferences, etc.); (1 piece for example)

6. List of used literature.

4. Sending materials.

To participate in the competition, participants send to the email address of the competition organizing committee konkurspiram@ yandex. ru the following materials:

Application form for participation in the competition;

Continuing education program in accordance with the requirements of this competition

A copy of the receipt230 rubles

5. Rewarding participants

All competition participants receive electronic certificates of competition participants.Documents are sent electronically with a signature and stamp!

Based on the results of the Jury's assessments, the following are awarded:

1. First degree laureate diploma + super prize (Cell phone).

2.Laureate diplomaIIdegrees

3. Laureate diplomaIIIdegrees

4.Competition diploma

By decision of the administration of the “New Education” website, additional nominations may be created and awarded. The administration of the “New Education” website can award winners and nomination holders with valuable prizes.

All questions regarding the issuance of diplomas and certificates, as well as the payment of monetary incentives piramdiplom @ yandex . ru

Address for sending competition materials:

konkurspiram @ yandex . ru

Every teacher has a work program for the subject. It is created to implement the federal, school and regional components when studying a specific subject in a specific class. The teacher creates this document based on the author's or sample program, taking into account the tasks and goals of the Educational Program of his educational institution. The school year has begun, which means that all programs for each teacher have already been approved by school leaders. If you have created something of your own, exclusive, you can take part in the All-Russian pedagogical competition “My Educational Program”, which is held by the portal Klassnye-chasy.ru for all teaching staff of Russian schools.

Regulations on the All-Russian pedagogical competition “My educational program”

The All-Russian distance pedagogical competition on the topic “My educational program” is held by the portal Classroom-Chasy.ru. Author's work programs are accepted from participants in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Purpose of the competition:

  • To identify the best original educational programs that are used by teachers in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Objectives of the competition "My educational program»:

  • dissemination of best practices in creating educational programs;
  • identify the best proprietary programs that can be used in teaching;
  • support for creatively working teachers;
  • replenishment of the bank of methodological developments with competitive works;
  • providing an opportunity for all competition participants to reveal their professional potential.

The procedure for holding the All-Russian competition “My Educational Program” on the portal Cool-Chasy.ru

Categories of participants in the All-Russian pedagogical competition “My educational program”

Teachers, teachers of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions, educators of preschool educational institutions, teachers of additional education institutions, clubs, studios, psychologists, teacher-organizers are invited to participate in the All-Russian pedagogical competition “My Educational Program”.

Participation in the competition can be individual or group.

The age of the participants, work experience used in the work of the educational complex do not matter.

The participants' works will be evaluated separately according to nominations.

Nominations of works for the competition “My educational program”

You can send original work programs to the “My Educational Program” competition. Participants can submit works in the following categories:

  • Author's program of the methodologist
  • Psychologist's own program
  • Author's speech therapist program

Competitive works in nominations

Author's program for primary school teachers

This nomination includes educational programs used by primary school teachers. Everyone compiled their own program, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard.

Author's program for teachers of mathematics, computer science, physics

This nomination includes educational programs used by teachers of mathematics, computer science, and physics. Everyone compiled their own program, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard.

Author's program for a teacher of Russian language and literature

This category includes educational programs used by teachers of Russian language and literature. Everyone compiled their own program, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard.

English teacher's original program

This nomination includes educational programs for which English language teachers work. Everyone compiled their own program, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard.

Author's program for a history and social studies teacher

This nomination includes educational programs used by history and social studies teachers. Everyone compiled their own program, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard.

Author's program for teachers of biology, geography, chemistry, ecology

This nomination includes educational programs for teachers of biology, geography, chemistry, and ecology. Everyone compiled their own program, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard.

Author's program for an art teacher (Moscow Art Culture, Fine Arts, Music)

This nomination includes educational programs for which art teachers work (Moscow Art Culture, Fine Arts, Music). Everyone compiled their own program, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard.

Author's program for a labor education teacher (labor, technology)

This nomination includes educational programs in which labor education (labor, technology) teachers work. Everyone compiled their own program, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard.

Author's program of additional education teacher

This nomination includes educational programs for which additional education teachers work. Everyone compiled their own program, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard.

Author's program of the methodologist

This category includes educational programs used by methodologists. Everyone compiled their own program, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard.

Psychologist's own program

This category includes educational programs used by psychologists. Everyone compiled their own program, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard.

Author's program for preschool teacher

This category includes educational programs used by preschool teachers. Everyone compiled their own program, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard.

Author's program of the class teacher, GPD teacher

This nomination includes educational programs for which class teachers and GPA teachers work. Everyone compiled their own program, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard.

Author's program of the director, head teacher of the school

This nomination includes educational programs for which school principals and head teachers work. Everyone compiled their own program, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard.

Author's program of a secondary vocational education teacher

This nomination includes educational programs in which secondary vocational education teachers work. Everyone compiled their own program, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard.

Author's speech therapist program

This category includes educational programs for which speech therapists work. Everyone compiled their own program, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard.

General requirements for the content and design of competitive works

The text is written in Russian. There should be no errors in the text. The program should present goals and objectives, an explanatory note, an educational and thematic plan, the content of topics, and a list of recommended literature. .

Evaluation of competition works

The evaluation of competitive works is carried out by the site administration. Winners, laureates and participants are determined in each category separately. When assessing work, the following is taken into account:

  • relevance of the work program;
  • document structure;
  • quality of design;
  • literacy;
  • manifestation of creative individuality;
  • the possibility of widespread use of the material in the future.

Dates of the All-Russian competition “My educational program”

The competition is held from 01.11.2016 to 31.12.2016.

Summing up the results of the competition with 01.01. 2017 to 01/15/2017.

Awarding of the competition participants with 01/16/2017 to 01/26/2017.

Summing up the results of the competition “My educational program”

In each nomination, winners, laureates and participants of the competition are determined separately. The winners of the all-Russian competition “My educational program” are awarded 1st, 2nd, 3rd place. The winners are those who sent good works, but they were not included in the winners. All others are considered participants in the remote competition.

Organizational fee for participation in the competition “My Educational Program”

The registration fee for participation in the competition is 200 rubles for each submitted work. In this case, your work will be published on the website and the participant will receive an electronic diploma confirming participation in the “My Educational Program” competition. If you need a paper diploma, which the organizing committee sends to your home address by Russian Post, you must pay an registration fee of 300 rubles (registered mail).

In any department Sberbank or another bank by receipt (download receipt) payment via bank is available only for residents of the Russian Federation

Yandex.Money to wallet 41001171308826

Webmoney to wallet R661813691812

plastic (credit) card- online payment form is located below

If you decide to participate in the “My Educational Program” pedagogical competition, you need to:

  1. Write an educational program on the subject.
  2. Fill out the competition participant application form correctly.
  3. Pay the registration fee of 200 rubles or 300 rubles.

Send one letter to the address [email protected] :

  1. finished work;
  2. a completed application form (only in .doc format, Word document);
  3. a scanned copy of the payment document or a screenshot if the payment was made through an online form.

Important organizational points

The site administrator publishes all submitted works on the portal Cool-Chasy.ru with an indication of authorship.

The site administrator informs participants about the receipt of the competition work. If you have not received an email within three days of submitting your work, please contact us to confirm that you have received your work.

Works received for the competition by administrators are not edited, reviewed, or returned to participants.

There will be no substitutions of entries during the competition, please check all documents before submitting.

The site administrator does not enter into personal correspondence with competition participants. Only in cases of extreme necessity do we contact the authors of the competition work (the archive does not open, there are not enough documents).

Please indicate your return address correctly and pick up diploma letters at your post office on time. After the expiration of the storage period, they are returned to our editorial office. The letter will be sent again at your expense!!!

The organizers of the competition reserve the right to slightly change the terms and conditions of the competition. During the competition, new nominations may be added at the request of competition participants.

Awarding the winners and participants of the competition

All competition participants will receive electronic diplomas confirming their participation in the “My Educational Program” drawing competition and publication of their work in the media. Diplomas are in .pdf format. You can download the diplomas of the competition participants on the day the work is published on the website, and the winners’ diplomas only after summing up the results. Diplomas are located on the portal Klassnye-chasy.ru on the nomination pages, where lists of competition participants are published (along the green arrow).

Participants and laureates of the competition who have paid the registration fee of 300 rubles will be sent paper diplomas by Russian Post to the addresses specified in the application. If the address was not specified in the application, the diploma will not be sent by mail! All diplomas are sent by registered mail. After sending the diploma, you will be informed of the postal number of the item so that you can track your letter on the Russian Post website.


All contributions received from competition participants will be spent on organizing the competition and the further development of the portal Cool-chasy.ru.

Organizing committee contact details

E-mail address: [email protected]

The purpose of the competition is to update the content of additional education.

The objectives of the competition are to improve the quality and accessibility of additional education, the role of institutions of additional education for children in the development of a child’s personality, the professional qualifications of teachers, the development of creative potential, and the dissemination of the best teaching experience.

The organizer of the competition is MBU DO CDOD “Logos”.

Pedagogical workers of educational institutions of the Dobryansky municipal district took part in the competition. A total of 14 general education programs are presented. The winners of the competition are awarded diplomas, all participants are given certificates.

Additional general education program “French with pleasure”

Published 06/01/2016

III degree diploma in the nomination “Programs implemented in a temporary children’s association.” The author is Olga Nikolaevna Puzerevich, teacher of English and French at MBOU Secondary Secondary School No. 3.

Additional general education program "Journalism"

Published 06/01/2016

II degree diploma in the nomination “Programs implemented in a temporary children’s association.” The author is Lyubov Vladimirovna Ovchinnikova, teacher of Russian language and literature at MBOU Secondary Secondary School No. 3.

Additional general education program “I will speak correctly”

Published 06/01/2016

First degree diploma in the nomination “Programs implemented in a temporary children’s association.” Authors: Yulia Yurievna Shcherbakova, speech therapist at MBDOU “DDS No. 20”, Tatyana Alekseevna Syutkina, speech therapist at MBDOU “DDS No. 20”.

Additional general education program "Classical Dance"

Published 06/01/2016

III degree diploma in the category "Educational Programs". The author is Maria Dmitrievna Pyankova, a teacher of additional education at the Municipal Budgetary Institution of the Secondary Educational Institution "Logos".

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