
Accounting in the UK, the procedure for paying for utilities in the homeowners' association. Personal account at home How to organize accounting in a management company

The standard activity of all managers is to purchase the necessary resources from relevant suppliers and then sell them to homeowners.

The functions of the management company also include:

When purchasing and selling resources, accounts receivable and some expenses arise. This is an inevitable moment.

In this regard, accounting in the management company takes place in several stages:

  1. Choice of accounting policies. Here a list of rules is established and prescribed that allows for other assets of the organization. The more accurately and thoroughly all the nuances are formed and all the issues are sorted out, the easier it will be to maintain accounting records at the enterprise.
  2. Development and selection of a chart of accounts. This document is generated and updated based on the order of the Ministry of Finance No. 94n. The plan should include only those accounts that will actually be used in the work activities of the management company.
  3. Approval of forms of primary documents. Management companies can use their own letterheads, having previously produced and approved them, or standard unified forms of documents. In both cases, all documentation must be enshrined in the company’s accounting policies.
  4. Accounting. These duties are performed by authorized site employees.
  5. Providing reports. The main documents are the financial report, balance sheet and others provided for by Federal Law No. 402.

The first three points must be specified and formalized in a separate order, which is signed by the director of the company and the chief accountant.

The main job responsibilities of the chief accountant include:

The responsibilities of the chief accountant are not particularly different from the responsibilities of the same position in other areas of activity.

What are the differences between OSNO and simplified tax system?

Management companies have the right to independently choose the taxation system. The difference is that accounting through the simplified tax system is much simpler than in OSNO. The first report has been shortened.

In addition, the accounting specialist does not need to use entries indicating the deduction and accrual of VAT.

We invite you to watch a video about the difference between OSNO and simplified tax system:

What are the main wiring?

To purchase resources, management organizations use the following transactions::

  1. Debit 19, Credit 60 accounts.
  2. Debit 60, Credit 51 accounts.
  3. Debit 20, Credit 60 accounts.
  4. Debit 68, Credit 19 accounts.

The sphere of provision of housing and communal services involves the use:

All of the above postings are used if the management company has chosen the simplified tax system or OSNO.

However, under the simplified tax system there is a VAT exemption, so some of the above transactions do not apply.

Everything about the accounting policy of the management company

An authorized person develops the accounting policy (AP) in the management company, and most often, this is the chief accountant.

UP is regulated by the Accounting Regulations and the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. The nuances of the procedure include:

  1. If there are no references to any specific features in the legislation, the Criminal Code has the right to independently develop instructions, regulations, etc.
  2. The company's accounting policy must include a note about the chosen taxation system.
  3. carried out taking into account the norms of tax legislation.

The accounting policies of management companies must include:

  • Tax payments.
  • Wage.
  • Accounting for materials.
  • Settlements with resource suppliers.

So, we have looked at all the basic accounting rules. The simpler the organization’s management program is, the easier it is to keep records.

Taxation of housing and communal services management companies

All management companies can independently decide which taxation system to choose. There may be two options: simplified tax system or OSNO. Both options contain two types of tax:

  1. at a profit;
  2. Additional cost.

OSNO is widely used in many organizations. However, the system has a significant disadvantage, which is a high percentage of income tax (20%). Additionally, VAT must be paid.

For the activities of management companies, this percentage is very large and very unprofitable. After all, everyone knows that some new management companies sometimes work negatively at first.

However, the advantage is the fact that VAT does not apply to services provided by management companies. This point is clearly explained by Article 149 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Simultaneously, all provided management services have a single price, so the company is not particularly able to earn any profit from this.

If we talk about the simplified tax system, it is used by small companies. As a rule, the income of such companies does not exceed 60,000,000 rubles, and the staff is no more than 100 people. The simplified tax system is the most beneficial for management companies, which is why many companies work with it.

Postings under the simplified tax system

If the organization has chosen a simplified system, then postings D68 K19, as well as D90/3 K68, will not be used. Such postings are necessary for deducting and calculating VAT for those companies that have chosen OSNO.

The advantages of working on the simplified tax system for management companies can be indicated as follows::

  1. The company does not pay VAT (20%).
  2. The company is exempt from income tax.
  3. Payment of a separate fee for using the US is 5-15%.

If an organization uses OSNO, it also has VAT benefits. Benefits can be provided if the management company provided housing and communal services or carried out work on the maintenance and repair of apartment buildings.

OKVED in the housing and communal services sector

Any management company operates its own for the purpose of making a profit. In this regard, all companies are required to undergo appropriate registration and receive a code from the All-Russian Classifier.

This code is assigned so that the tax authorities are aware of what activities a particular organization is engaged in. Legal entities do not have the right to start their activities without receiving a code. The following codes are relevant for the Criminal Code:

  1. 70.32.2.
  2. 70.31.
  3. 70.32.

These figures indicate that the company carries out activities related to real estate management, accounting and inventory.

To summarize, we note that maintaining accounting records in a management company is not difficult if a competent, educated and experienced specialist does it. The main thing that needs to be done is to correctly formulate an accounting policy, decide on the taxation system and know the basic transactions. An up-to-date chart of accounts should always be at the accountant’s workplace. You should also keep up to date with ongoing accounting updates. As a rule, changes occur quite often.

By following these rules, you will prevent problems with maintaining accounting and tax records in management companies, as well as difficulties with the tax authorities.

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Accounting in organizations serving the housing and communal services sector has some features. The nuances of accounting arise due to the diversity of income, mutual settlements, and the specifics of taxation. In the article we will tell you about accounting in housing and communal services, we will give examples of calculations with transactions.

Accounting in housing and communal services enterprises is not regulated by any specific regulations. Its conduct is subject to generally accepted rules, methods and laws relating to other organizations. In accordance with accounting standards, organizations operating in the field of housing and communal services can develop their own methods of conducting it, fixing them in their accounting policies.

Features of accounting for materials in the housing and communal services sector

Dt 10 Kt 60, 76

In cases established by law, an inventory of materials is carried out. With its help, the amount of surplus or shortage of MC is determined. The rules for conducting an inventory, the procedure for registering shortages and surpluses discovered as a result of it, coincide with the generally established ones.

The most common errors in accounting for material inventories include the fact that often the accountant does not consider it necessary to reflect the receipt of materials on account 10, but immediately writes off their cost as expenses:

Dt 20 Kt 77, 60

The main explanation for such actions is working with estimates and the need to report on them. It's a delusion. It arises due to the employee’s unclear understanding of the essence of the cash method and the accrual method. Only those non-profit organizations in which the remaining materials are insignificant and have established a system of effective control over their consumption are allowed to do this.

Otherwise, this accounting option may lead to the fact that the information reflected on the balances of inventories in the balance sheet will not be reliable.

Accounting for settlements with suppliers and consumers

The most common option for a management company to organize settlements with suppliers and consumers of utility payments is to conclude an agreement on the paid nature of the services provided. In this case, funds received from apartment owners are classified as income of the organization, and the cost of services invoiced by suppliers is classified as expenses.

Account correspondence Contents of operation
Debit Credit
20 60 For the amount of utilities provided by suppliers for payment
19 60 VAT on supplier services
68 19 VAT offset
62 90/1 Bills submitted for payment to utility service consumers
90/3 68 VAT calculation
90/2 20 Write-off of expenses
50, 51 62 Receipt of funds to pay utility bills
60 51 Transferred to the supplier for utilities

Accounting for target revenues

With regard to accounting for income and expenses for major repairs, subject to the independent formation of a special fund for these purposes at the expense of homeowners, the management company may have some questions. On the one hand, it may seem that contributions received for major repairs should be taken into account as part of income.

But it should be borne in mind that when forming a fund for these purposes, the management company does not sell anything and does not even receive income under the agency agreement. It follows that contributions for major repairs do not meet the revenue criteria. This means that such revenues must be taken into account in the same way as targeted funding from the budget..

Accounting for targeted revenues is kept in separate subaccounts of accounts 86 and 51. Funds collected for major repairs can be used only for their intended purpose. If it becomes necessary to partially spend funds for purposes other than major repairs, these amounts fall under the definition of income with all the ensuing tax consequences.

Settlements between the management company and the ERCC

The management company can cooperate with the unified cash settlement center (UCSC) subject to the conclusion of an agency agreement. To account for settlements with the ERCC, a separate subaccount of account 76 is used.

Accounting for costs of managing apartment buildings

An important nuance of accounting for the property and obligations of housing and communal services organizations is the obligation to keep separate records of income and expenses by type. In accordance with this, real estate management services are accounted for separately on account 20. Since the main income of such organizations is revenue from managing an apartment building, expenses for this type of activity should be taken into account as basic, and not as general business expenses.

Account 26 should reflect expenses not directly related to the main activity.

Account 26 in the management company is used to reflect expenses for other activities. Read also the article: → “”. As you know, count 26 is a collection and distribution count. If it reflects the costs of property management, the main question arises for an accountant working in the housing and communal services sector when distributing collected expenses and when determining the amount of VAT payable for the month.

Reflecting the costs associated with managing an apartment building on account 20 allows you to take advantage of the main advantage - saving on VAT. To do this, it should be stated in the company’s accounting policy that management of apartment buildings is a separate service. In this case, the entire amount of VAT on management is allowed to be offset, since such income is subject to this tax.

Tax accounting at housing and communal services enterprises

Organizations operating in the housing and communal services system can apply both general and special taxation regimes. OSNO is the easiest to use. But it should be taken into account that the use of such a system causes a fairly high tax burden. The organization is a payer of income tax and VAT.

For most companies working in the housing and communal services sector, the simplified tax system is preferable. This option is acceptable when:

  • the number of company employees does not reach 100 people;
  • income in the reporting period does not exceed 60,000,000 rubles;
  • the cost of fixed assets on the organization’s balance sheet did not reach 100,000,000 rubles.

By choosing the “simplified” system, the company receives an exemption from the obligation to pay income tax at a rate of 20% and VAT. These payments are replaced by the tax provided for by the simplified tax system at a rate of 15% if taxation is carried out according to the “income-expenses” system, or at a rate of 6% if income is taxed.

The simplified tax system is attractive for companies whose activities most often result in a loss. In this case, the tax rate for them will be 1% of their income.

Accounting statements of housing and communal services organization

The responsibilities of a legal entity working in the housing and communal services sector include maintaining accounting records and providing reporting. This obligation applies to any company, regardless of which taxation system is applied. The reporting set for the year includes:

  • balance sheet;
  • Profits and Losses Report;
  • Explanation of the balance sheet and income statement;
  • statement of changes in equity;
  • cash flow statement.

Interim reporting includes only the first two forms. If the organization belongs to a small business, the reporting also includes only the balance sheet and income statement. When applying the simplified tax system, reporting is provided in a simplified form and includes a balance sheet, a statement of financial results and a report on the intended use of funds.

In addition, housing and communal services organizations regularly provide information on the number of personnel and data on income tax 2-NDFL. If an enterprise uses OSNO, then it is necessary to submit a tax return for income tax and VAT. Organizations using the simplified tax system submit a single tax return even if there are no income or expenses in the reporting period.

Answers to pressing questions

Question No. 1. How are the amounts received for utility bills accounted for by the HOA?

The procedure for reflecting in the HOA the amounts received from residents to pay for utility services directly depends on what is stated in the organization’s charter. If the charter does not contain information about the partnership’s obligations to provide utilities, and agency agreements with homeowners have not been concluded, then all utility payments received in the organization’s accounts are equated to revenue.

In this case, the following entries are made:

  • Dt 62 Kt 90 – utility bills payable have been accrued;
  • Dt 51, 50 Kt 62, 76 – payment for utilities has been received.

In the case where the HOA operates in accordance with concluded agency agreements, then only the amount of the agency fee falls under the definition of income:

  • Dt 76 Kt 60 – for the amount of utility bills payable;
  • Dt 76 Kt 90 – for the amount of the agency fee;
  • Dt 51.50 Kt 76 – payment for utilities received, taking into account the agency fee.

Question No. 2. Does the management company provide reporting to insurance organizations?

Yes, if the company has hired personnel, the organization is the insurer of compulsory pension insurance. This entails the obligation to provide reporting to the Pension Fund on insurance contributions by employee. Management companies may exercise the right to apply reduced insurance premium rates.

This opportunity is provided when property management is the only type of activity of the organization.

Question No. 3. How to correctly reflect in the accounts settlements with property owners for penalties accrued for late payment of utilities?

Many management companies make a mistake in accounting for penalties, accruing them independently by analogy with revenue as part of income. Penalties can be recognized in accounting only if they are determined by a court decision or upon recognition of them by the debtor, as evidenced by their payment. Therefore, recognition of penalties as income in a housing and communal services organization is possible only after payment:

  • Dt 50, 51 Kt 62;
  • Dt 91 Kt 62.

Question No. 4. How are subsidies and subventions allocated from the budget to finance certain programs accounted for and taxed?

Accounting and taxation of funds received in the form of subsidies and subventions is carried out by analogy, taking into account targeted financing. Received subsidies are not subject to VAT and are not considered income of the organization when calculating income tax. Property that can be subsequently acquired using subsidies and subventions does not reduce the income tax base.

Question No. 5. How are assets transferred to a housing and communal services company by its owner in excess of the authorized capital reflected in accounting?

Funds received by the company from the owner, not related to the authorized capital, are shown in accounting by the following entries:

  • Dt 10, 51, 50, 08 Kt 75 – funds received
  • Dt 74 Kt 84 – retained earnings increased.

Assets obtained in this way are not subject to income tax.

Accounting in housing and communal services has a number of features: a special structure of expenses, many types of mutual settlements, and even the management of houses is carried out by both commercial and non-profit organizations, the accounting in which is different. Let's consider the nuances of accounting in the housing and communal services sector.

Accounting in management companies

A management company (hereinafter referred to as the management company) is a commercial structure that is created for the purpose of managing and maintaining apartment buildings (hereinafter referred to as apartment buildings) in proper technical and sanitary condition. Most often, the management company not only provides its services for the maintenance of apartment buildings, but also acts as an intermediary between apartment owners and resource supply organizations.

Owners of MKD apartments independently choose the form of management: a management company or a homeowners' association (hereinafter referred to as the HOA). Let's look at the accounting procedures in each of them.

Accounting in housing and communal services companies does not have a separate legislative framework. Based on PBU standards, methods, recommendations and explanatory letters from the Ministry of Finance, housing and communal services companies independently develop methods of maintaining accounting and tax accounting and consolidate them in a local regulatory document - the company’s accounting policy.

For an algorithm for drawing up an accounting policy, see the material “How to draw up an organization’s accounting policy (2019)?” .

  1. Inventory accounting.

Accounting for inventories is carried out in accordance with the standards of PBU 5/01 and is carried out using account 10 “Materials”. Receipt of goods and materials is recorded by posting Dt 10 Kt 60 (71), write-off - Dt 20 (25, 26) Kt 10 and is documented by a demand invoice.

  1. Cost accounting.

Cost accounting is carried out on the basis of PBU 10/99 (approved by order of the Ministry of Finance dated May 6, 1999 No. 33n). Expenses aimed at repairs and maintenance of common property are recorded in Dt 20 accounts in correspondence with accounts of settlements with suppliers, accountable persons, etc., postings Dt 20 Kt 10 (60, 68, 69, 70, 71, 76, etc. .). Moreover, if the management company contains several divisions, each of which includes a larger or smaller number of houses, then cost accounting must be organized in the context of each division and each house. Example of account structure 20:

Costs related directly to the management of each structural unit are collected on account 25 “General production expenses” according to expense items: depreciation, wages, insurance premiums, rent, etc.

All administrative costs for servicing the management apparatus are debited to account 26 “General business expenses”.

At the end of the month, the balance of accounts 25 and 26 is closed in Dt 20, and 20 is distributed to the cost of sales Dt 90.2.

  1. Accounting for mutual settlements.

Since the work of the management company provides for several options for making mutual settlements both with residents of apartment buildings and with resource supply companies, the nuances of their accounting are different. Let's consider the main and most common of them, enshrined in clause 6.2 of Art. 155 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, when the Criminal Code is a party to an agreement on the provision of paid services. In this case, all receipts from the owners of apartment buildings are considered the company’s revenue, and payments made for resources, services of third-party organizations, etc. are considered expenses.

The postings in this case will be as follows:

Utilities received from the resource supply company

Input VAT allocated

VAT is accepted for deduction

Payments accrued to the management company to consumers

VAT charged

Costs written off

Payments received from owners

Payment for services of a resource supply company

If the management company receives targeted funds from the budget, for example, for major repairs or other subsidies, then these calculations are recorded on the 86th account “Targeted Financing”.


  • Dt 50 (51) Kt 86 - target DS received from the budget.
  • Dt 20 Kt 10 (60) - materials written off (services received) to perform targeted work.
  • Dt 86 Kt 20 - actual costs incurred are reflected in the composition of target funds.

In any case, the situation with the overhaul of apartment buildings should be considered especially in connection with the nuances of taxation.

On the one hand, in accordance with the law “On Amendments to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation” dated December 25, 2012 No. 271-FZ, the obligation to carry out major repairs was assigned to the owners of premises in apartment buildings; in addition, the owners themselves must take care of the availability of funds for repairs by forming a fund from monthly contributions. That is, a commercial management company that collects mandatory contributions from residents for subsequent major repairs turns out to be the party receiving funds under a paid services agreement. It turns out that the management company should take into account incoming contributions for major repairs as part of its revenue.

On the other hand, by only forming a capital repair fund from contributions from the owners of apartment buildings, the management company essentially does not sell anything, does not perform work, and does not even have agency income from this operation. That is, the contributions received for major repairs do not meet the income criteria set out in Art. 39 Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Consequently, we can assume that the management company has no sales from special contributions to the capital repair fund, i.e., these amounts do not need to be included in the management company’s income. And it must be taken into account by analogy with budgetary targeted financing on account 86. Somewhat vague wording is also contained in subsection. 14 clause 1 art. 251 of the Tax Code stating that targeted contributions for major repairs made to “management organizations” are exempt from taxation. The vagueness of the wording is that the words “management organizations” appear in the list of all possible non-profit associations of apartment building owners.

Based on the content of Art. 170, 175 and 178 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation (as amended by the law of December 25, 2012 No. 271-FZ), residents, to form a capital repair fund, must use a separate account either with a bank or with a regional operator (more about it below). That is, if the owners of an apartment building entrusted their management company with opening and maintaining a special account for accumulating contributions for major repairs, then only then the provisions of Art. 251 of the Tax Code, and these contributions should not be included in the tax base for profits in the Criminal Code. A similar position can be seen in the letter of the Ministry of Finance dated May 14, 2015 No. 03‑03‑10/27648 (brought to the attention of the tax authorities and taxpayers by the Federal Tax Service letter dated June 4, 2015 No. ГД-4-3/9639@). In this case, of course, these contributions for major repairs are subject to separate accounting in the accounting department of the management company in separate sub-accounts for 51 and 86, and the collected funds cannot be spent for other purposes. If such an expense did take place (for example, part of the contributions for major repairs was spent on the current needs of the management company), then such a part will already meet all the criteria for revenue for tax purposes.

The management company can also enter into an agency agreement for the collection of utility bills, including for major repairs, with the regional operator - the unified cash settlement center (hereinafter referred to as the UCSC). Most often, the ERCC distributes the collected amounts between resource supply organizations and management companies, sending the collected DS to the management account of the management company for major repairs and provision of services for the maintenance of apartment buildings. It is more expedient to organize accounting with the ERCC on account 76 by opening subaccount 5 “Settlements with the ERCC”.

The wiring block will be as follows:

  • Dt 51 Kt 76.5 - ERKTs transferred DS.
  • Dt 76.5 Kt 62 - payment for housing and communal services by the owners of apartment buildings.

Moreover, if resource supply organizations issue invoices to the management company to collect payments, and the ERCC pays them directly to the housing and communal services organization, then an offset must be made between these companies.

  • Dt 20 Kt 60 - services received from the housing and communal services company.
  • Dt 60 Kt 76.5 - offset was carried out regarding the payment made by the ERCC to the resource supplying organization.
  • Dt 76.5 Kt 62 - ERKTs transmitted information about payments for housing and communal services by the population.
  • Dt 62 Kt 90.1 - revenue is reflected.
  • Dt 90.2 Kt 20 - cost written off.

In tax accounting, funds received by the management company (except for funds for capital repairs) are subject to inclusion in the calculation of income tax. These funds can be classified as earmarked and not taken into account when taxing profits and VAT (or simplified tax system) only for homeowners’ associations (subclause 1, clause 2, article 251 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Features of accounting in HOAs

Homeowners' association is a non-profit organization whose members are the owners of apartments in apartment buildings. This structure is also being created for the purpose of effective management, sanitary and technical maintenance of apartment buildings.

Accounting for costs and materials is carried out similarly to accounting in the Criminal Code. And here are the DS coming in:

  • as membership fees of HOA participants;
  • targeted funding from the budget;
  • commercial activity carried out with the aim of attracting additional income.

Due to the fact that the activities of the HOA are carried out according to estimates and are not intended to make a profit, the taxable financial result will be equal to zero, provided there is no additional business activity. And payments by owners for HOA services are membership fees and relate to targeted financing, taken into account in account 86 “Targeted financing”. In this case, input VAT is included in costs.

Most often, the HOA also carries out the collection and distribution function between the resource supplying organization and resource consumers (see Diagram 1). But since the HOA does not charge fees for intermediary services, these funds are also targeted and are accounted for in account 86 “Targeted Financing” (letter of the Ministry of Finance dated October 29, 1993 No. 118), and utility payments are reflected in transit through account 76.

Obligatory payments for utilities were accrued to the owners of apartments in MKD according to the estimate

Materials purchased

Materials written off

The costs of purchasing services are reflected, including VAT

HOA management costs

Salaries of HOA management personnel

DS were received from the owners of apartment buildings for the services consumed

Utilities of resource supply organizations have been paid for

Owner contributions are aimed at paying off costs for consumed services.

In the above-mentioned letter of the Ministry of Finance dated October 29, 1993 No. 118, it is recommended to use account 96 to account for target funds. The differences between the accounts are associated with the approval of the new chart of accounts by order of the Ministry of Finance dated October 31, 2000 No. 94n - the 86th is the “successor” of the old 96th account.

In addition to the statutory activities, HOAs can engage in business.

Accounting for commercial activities is carried out similarly to accounting in the Criminal Code, but the profit from it is not distributed among the management or members of the HOA, but is used to achieve the goals of creating a partnership (Clause 4, Article 50 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). The wiring is as follows:

  • Dt 99 “Profits/losses” Kt 84 “Retained earnings (uncovered loss)”.
  • Dt 84 “Retained earnings” Kt 86 “Targeted financing”.

Income and expenses from the business activities of the HOA are included in the tax base when taxing profits (or simplified tax system).


Accounting in the housing and communal services sector is not regulated by separate norms of accounting legislation. In this regard, companies independently develop accounting procedures based on the general rules and principles of PBU, instructions, methods and explanatory letters from the Ministry of Finance and the Federal Tax Service.

The activities of a management company most often come down to two processes: the acquisition of resources from suppliers and their subsequent resale to tenants. The first process forms accounts payable and expenses of the organization, the second - accounts receivable and income.

It is most convenient to present the accounting of a management company in the form of successive stages.

Drawing up accounting policies

In accounting, accounting policies are a kind of set of rules that determine the intricacies of accounting for individual assets and liabilities, income and expenses.

Note! The more accurately and completely the accounting issues are spelled out in the accounting policy, the easier it will be for accountants in the process of practical activities.

It is clear why an accounting policy is needed, but what should it contain? The management company must keep accurate records in the following areas of its activities:

To correctly draw up an accounting policy, you need to refer to the Accounting Regulations 1/2008 “Accounting Policies of the Organization”. In addition to accounting policies for use in accounting, The management company must also draw up an accounting policy for tax accounting.

The range of issues reflected in this document is similar to the above, the only caveat is that accounting issues must comply with the provisions of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Drawing up a working chart of accounts

The chart of accounts is the basis for accounting, so this issue needs to be taken seriously. The working chart of accounts is drawn up on the basis of the chart of accounts approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 94n dated October 31, 2000.

Advice! It is advisable to include in the work plan only those that will be used by the management company, while such accounts as, for example, account 11 “Animals for rearing and fattening” and the like should be excluded.

Approval of primary accounting documentation forms

Often, management companies, like most commercial organizations, use unified forms approved by various orders of the State Statistics Committee, despite the fact that from January 1, 2013 they are not mandatory for use.

Whichever option you choose - approve your forms or use existing ones - forms of primary documents must be fixed in the accounting policies of the housing and communal services management company.

The accounting policy, working chart of accounts and forms of accounting documentation are drawn up in a single order, which must be signed by the head of the management company and its chief accountant.

It is better to update this document annually, since legislation often changes, and accounting policies often become irrelevant during the year.


This stage is the main one in all activities of the accounting service of the management company. Accounting for a management company is no different from the actions of accountants in a regular commercial organization.: accounting is carried out continuously, each fact of economic activity is documented in a primary document and reflected in the accounting registers with a double entry - or, more simply, a posting, which will be discussed in more detail later.

Drawing up reports

The accounting statements, which are prepared by the management company, coincide with the reporting package of any commercial organization: balance sheet, financial performance report, etc. The composition of the statements is approved by Federal Law No. 402-FZ “On Accounting”.

Important! In addition to financial statements, it is also necessary to prepare and submit statistical reports on time.

The listed stages constitute a holistic process of accounting in a management company. However, there is another issue that significantly affects accounting - the tax regime. The choice of a management company is between two regimes: the general taxation system (OSNO) and the simplified system (STS). Let's tell you more about accounting in a management company using the simplified tax system.

Simplified tax system or OSNO – which taxation regime should a management company choose?

The general taxation system can be used by any organization and, from the point of view of simplicity, is the most acceptable. However, the tax burden that falls on the company in this case is quite high - the organization needs to pay income tax at a rate of 20% and value added tax.

When paying the latter, management companies have an advantage over other commercial organizations: according to the provisions of Article 149 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, utilities provided to the population and repair services provided by management companies with the involvement of third-party contractors are exempt from VAT.

However, these legislative norms in practice practically do not provide savings: in the first case, this is impossible, since utilities are paid at uniform tariffs, and management companies actually do not earn money from them (therefore, the VAT tax base is equal to 0).

In the second case, arbitration practice is as follows: tax authorities believe that only that income from repairs is not subject to VAT, the amount of which is equal to expenses - amounts paid to third parties.

This point of view is supported by the courts, so theoretical savings in practice only result in unnecessary disputes with regulatory authorities.

Reference! Due to the above, we can conclude that for a management company it is often more profitable to use the simplified tax system.

The simplified taxation system for management companies can be applied in the following cases:

  • the company's income for the period does not exceed 60 million rubles;
  • the organization's staff should not exceed 100 people;
  • the book value of the company's fixed assets is less than 100 million rubles.

In practice, these conditions are feasible for the management company.

You can switch to the simplified tax system by writing a corresponding application to the tax office before December 31.

Organizations applying this regime are exempt from paying income tax and value added tax; instead, they transfer to the regulatory authorities the tax paid in connection with the application of the simplified tax system.

The rate is 6% for the taxable object “income” and 15% for the taxable object “income minus expenses”. The peculiarity of tax accounting when applying this special regime is to determine income and expenses using the cash method, that is, at the moment of receipt of funds and debiting them from the current account.

To choose which tax regime is economically feasible for your management company, pay attention to its financial results.

Advice! If a company is most often at a loss, then, most likely, it will be most beneficial to use the simplified tax system “income minus expenses”, since you will only have to pay the so-called minimum tax: 1% of income for the period.

Please note that financial results calculated on a cash basis may differ significantly from profit/loss on an accrual basis.

Postings in the accounting of the management company

  1. Acquisition of resources:
    • D20 K60 – purchased electricity, water resources, etc. from suppliers;
    • D19 K60 – VAT on purchased resources is reflected;
    • D68 K19 – VAT accepted for deduction;
    • D60 K51 – funds were transferred to pay for purchased resources;
  2. Provision of housing and communal services:
    • D62 K90/1 – invoices issued to homeowners;
    • D 90/2 K20 – reflects the cost of services provided;
    • D90/3 K68 – VAT charged;
    • D51 K62 – funds received from the owners;
    • D60 K62 - offset of funds that came directly from the owners to resource suppliers.

The indicated entries are applicable for accounting of those housing and communal services management companies that are located on OSNO. In accounting in the Criminal Code under the simplified tax system, there will be no entries D68 K19 and D90/3 K68.

As for VAT benefits for management companies located on OSNO, they are reflected in accounting as follows - D20 K19 - VAT on acquired resources is reflected as part of their cost (entries D68 K19 and D90/3 K68 will also not be posted).

The entries listed above are most often found in the accounting of management companies, however, of course, accounting in management companies is not limited to them only. If questions arise regarding other accounting objects, the accountant can refer to the Instructions for the chart of accounts, which is part of the above-mentioned Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 94n.

Housing and communal services management company: OKVED

When registering a management company, there is another important issue - the choice of code for the All-Russian Classifier of Economic Activities.

Reference! The OKVED code is intended to ensure that regulatory authorities are aware of what the organization does.

In the case of a management company, the most acceptable activity code is 70.32.1— management of housing stock activities.

However, companies often indicate code 70.32 - real estate management.

It does not contradict the type of activity of the organization and at the same time includes three types of activities at once - specified 70.32.1, 70.32.2 - management of the activities of non-residential assets and 70.32.3 - activities for accounting and technical inventory of real estate.

In conclusion, it is worth saying that the organization of the accounting process in a management company most often does not cause problems due to the uniformity and regularity of the transactions performed. The main thing is to adhere to the consistency and continuity of record keeping and comply with legal regulations; in this case, problems with regulatory authorities will definitely not arise.

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Owners of premises in an apartment building are required to choose one of the management methods:

  • direct control;
  • management of a homeowners' association or housing cooperative or other specialized consumer cooperative;
  • management of the management organization.

This is stated in Part 2 of Article 161 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

The approximate terms of the management agreement for an apartment building were approved by order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated July 31, 2014 No. 411/pr.

Composition of the common property of an apartment building

The common property of an apartment building (the repair of which is provided by the management company) includes, in particular:

  • inter-apartment landings, stairs;
  • elevators, elevator and other shafts;
  • corridors;
  • technical floors;
  • attics;
  • basements with utility lines;
  • other equipment serving more than one room in a given house (technical basements):

Roofs enclosing load-bearing and non-load-bearing structures of the house;

Mechanical, electrical, plumbing and other equipment serving more than one room.

A complete list of common property is given in Section I of the Rules, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2006 No. 491.

The form for describing the composition and technical condition of common property is given in Appendix 1 to the approximate conditions approved by Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated July 31, 2014 No. 411/pr. The form is not mandatory; the owners of the premises of an apartment building have the right to independently determine a specific list of common property and draw up free form (letter from the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia dated April 4, 2007 No. 6037-RM/07).

Sources of financing for repairs


Current repairs of common property are paid for by tenants and owners of residential premises, as well as owners of non-residential premises. The money goes directly to the account of the management company in the form of fees for the maintenance and repair of common property (Articles 154 and 158 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation).

Major renovation

The owners make monthly contributions for capital repairs, which form a capital repair fund. And the procedure for financing future capital repairs also depends on where this fund is formed.

If the fund is formed on the account of the management company, then the source of financing for the repairs will be direct contributions from the owners. From this account the management company pays for major repairs carried out on its own or with the involvement of contractors.

When forming a fund on the account of a regional operator, the procedure for financing capital repairs is as follows. The regional operator, on its own behalf, enters into an agreement with contractors to carry out major repairs. In this case, the management company can also act as a contractor. In this case, the receipt of money by the management company from the regional operator is nothing more than payment for work performed under a regular contract.

This follows from articles 154, 158, 170, 171, 174, 175, 180-182 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

The legislation also provides for the possibility of carrying out major repairs at the expense of federal, regional or local budgets (subclause 2, clause 1, article 165 and part 2, article 191 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation).

Accounting: receipt of financing

Regardless of whether the repair is current or major, reflect the receipt of funds for it in accounting depending on the source of financing.

If the repairs are co-financed by budget funds, make the following entries in accounting:

Debit 76 Credit 86
- reflects the budget debt (the amount of allocated budget funds);

Debit 55 Credit 76
- funds for repairs were received from the budget.

This conclusion follows from paragraph 7 of PBU 13/2000 and the Instructions for the chart of accounts.

Reflect funds for repairs received from owners and tenants of premises as part of advances:

- funds for repairs were received from the owner (tenant) of the premises.

Reflect funds for repairs received from the regional operator as follows:

Debit 51 Credit 62 “Settlements on advances received”
- received an advance for repairs from the regional operator;

- funds for repairs were received from the regional operator.

This follows from the Instructions for the chart of accounts and paragraph 3 of PBU 9/99.

Accounting: spending of owners' funds, budget money

If the source of financing for repairs is the funds of the owners and tenants of the premises, as well as budgetary funds, then the accounting procedure for their expenditure depends on the method of carrying out the repairs (contract or business).

If the management company carries out routine or major repairs with the involvement of a contractor, then make the following entries in the accounting:

Debit 20 Credit 60
- expenses for repairs performed by third-party contractors are reflected;

Debit 19 Credit 60
- input VAT presented by the contractor is taken into account;

Debit 20 Credit 19
- the amount of VAT claimed by the contractor is included in the costs of repairs performed by third-party contractors;

Debit 60 Credit 51 (55)
- payment was transferred to a third-party contractor performing repairs;

Debit 90-2 Credit 20

Debit 62 Credit 90-1

Debit 86 Credit 90-1

If the management company carries out current or major repairs on its own, then make the following entries in the accounting:

Debit 10-5 Credit 60

Debit 19 Credit 60

Debit 10-5 Credit 19

Debit 20 Credit 70 (69, 10...)

Debit 86 Credit 90-1
- revenue from sales is reflected at the time of acceptance of repair work (at the expense of budgetary funds);

Debit 62 Credit 90-1
- revenue from sales is reflected at the time of acceptance of repair work (at the expense of funds received from the owners and tenants of the premises);

Debit 90-2 Credit 20
- expenses for repairs are written off to cost;

Debit 62 “Settlements on advances received” Credit 62
- prepayment received from the owners (tenants) of the premises is taken into account.

This conclusion follows from paragraphs 8, 12 of PBU 13/2000, paragraphs 12 and 13 of PBU 9/99, paragraph 18 of PBU 10/99 and the Instructions for the chart of accounts.

Accounting: spending funds of the regional operator

When the management company acts as a contractor under an agreement with a regional operator, make the following entries in accounting:

Debit 10-5 Credit 60
- materials for repairs were purchased;

Debit 19 Credit 60
- input VAT on the cost of materials is taken into account;

Debit 68 subaccount “VAT calculations” Credit 19
- accepted for deduction of input VAT on materials (for organizations on OSNO);

Debit 10-5 Credit 19
- input VAT is taken into account in the cost of materials (for simplified organizations);

Debit 20 Credit 70 (69, 10...)
- the costs of repairs carried out by the management company’s own resources are reflected;

Debit 62 Credit 90-1
- revenue from sales is reflected at the time of acceptance of repair work;

Debit 90-2 Credit 20
- expenses for repairs are written off to cost;

Debit 90-3 Credit 68 subaccount “VAT calculations”
- VAT is charged for payment to the budget on sales proceeds;

Debit 62 “Settlements on advances received” Credit 62 “Settlements with the regional operator”
- prepayment received from the regional operator is credited;

Debit 51 Credit 62 “Settlements with regional operator”
- the remainder of the payment from the regional operator for repairs has been received.

This conclusion follows from paragraphs 8, 12 of PBU 13/2000, paragraphs 12 and 13 of PBU 9/99, paragraph 18 of PBU 10/99 and the Instructions for the chart of accounts.

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