
How to quarrel between two people at home. Conspiracy for a quarrel: a powerful way to separate people. Conflict between lovers induced through magic

With the help of magical influence, you can destroy relationships between people. Reading a plot for a quarrel between two people allows the practitioner to reduce communication and any relationship between them to zero.

Use Cases

Rassorka, like any other ritual, is used under special circumstances. If the situation does not correspond to the direction of the ritual, then even the most powerful magical action will not bring results.

Argument conspiracies are used in the following life situations:

  • with a rival;
  • to destroy family relationships
  • in case of dissatisfaction with the choice of your child (if the future daughter-in-law or possible son-in-law does not like it).

Practitioners can use various rites and rituals to make a person sad or make his life in the family unbearable due to quarrels and conflicts. These could be rituals with bone; rituals using dog hair, salt; any Siberian ritual and many others. The main thing is to carry out the magical action consciously and in a situation where the influence is a forced and correct measure.

However, in any of these cases it is worth remembering the possible consequences.

Interfering with sincere feelings will not help a person, and may subsequently completely destroy his life. A quarrel, like any other magical effect, however, this may not restore the life of the victim and may not return everything to normal. Magic changes a person's life, even if used against it

Ritual of falling to the ground

This is a powerful ritual that allows you to once and for all set two people at odds with each other. It is used in all situations in which it is advisable to use a spasm, otherwise the magic will not work.

The ceremony is performed outdoors. The best option is to perform a magical act in the forest.

You need to find an old tree and stop near it for a while. After practice, he lowers himself to the ground and leans lightly against it.

The conspiracy is pronounced:

“Earth, mother of all of us, find, mother, a place on yourself so that these two will feel crowded on you. So that they spit when they see each other, so that they cannot touch each other. So that, like a cat and a dog, they could not understand each other. If you walk along one field, then only along different paths. My word is tenacious, my deed is strong, help me with this, Mother Earth.”

For some time you need to carefully listen to the sounds of nature around you in order to catch the answer to the magician’s request to forever get rid of unwanted connections between people. Then you need to express your gratitude to the forces that provided assistance and go home.

Applying ritual to a photograph

The proposed ritual will help destroy relationships between people who are connected by love. Rituals performed using photographs are fast and powerful.

To carry out the practice, you will need a photo in which the people who need to be quarreled are together. A clear image of their faces will allow the quarrel to work more effectively.

First you need to take the photo card in your hands and look at it carefully. At this moment, you need to imagine as clearly as possible how the relationship between the people in the photo is strained, how they begin to get angry and quarrel. You need to visualize all the negative emotions that may arise.

After this, the practitioner imagines how he destroys the relationship between these people. Then you need to tear the photo card so that the couple depicted on it remains in different parts of the photo.

“You should run away from each other in different directions. You don’t want to be near each other either at night or during the clear day. I will quarrel you so that you will never see each other again. So that you cannot sit under the same roof. Separate, dears, so that the noise from your quarrel can be heard throughout the entire street.”

The torn photograph is burned after the text is spoken. While the photograph is burning, the practitioner casts the following spell:

“It’s not the photo that burns, it’s your love that burns to ashes.”

After the photo burns, the remaining ashes are scattered in the wind. At this time you need to read the following text:

“Just as ashes scatter in the wind, so you move away from each other. Just as the ashes can no longer gather, so you will no longer be together.”

This quarrel can be strengthened by appropriate visualization.

In order for the ritual to work faster and stronger, you need to imagine how the faces of those being conjured are distorted with anger and hatred, how they quarrel among themselves. A similar reinforcing action is performed at every step of the ritual.

Destroying relationships with a bow

The proposed ritual-conspiracy for a quarrel will help those who want to quarrel between two people at a distance. It is used in the case when the husband got another one while he was on a business trip.

  1. The ritual is carried out according to a certain algorithm.
  2. Taking the onion with you, you need to go to the cemetery. There is no need to enter it; it is better to stop at the intersection located closest to this place. Get up and think about the people you need to quarrel with.
  3. Imagine how their relationship is crumbling as accurately as possible.
  4. Cut the onion and say the text of the conspiracy:

“I cut, separate the servant of God (Name of the man) and the servant of God (Name of the woman). So that now there would be only tears between them, as bitter as from this onion. You will never see happiness with each other again. Don't understand each other, don't listen to each other. As this onion rots, so will your love pass and be forgotten.”

Throw the onion halves in opposite directions.

You need to throw them as far as possible so that they are not visible to other people who pass by. The ritual will take effect when the bulbs rot. Having discarded the halves, the practitioner who performed the ritual, silently and without turning around, goes home.

Sewing with thread and needles

Needles and threads are tools found in many rituals and ritual activities. With the help of these simple objects you can start the mechanism of incessant quarrels in a couple.

To carry out the proposed ritual, you will need a new, previously unused skein of black thread and six new needles. A magical performance takes place after the sun disappears below the horizon.

To apply the ritual, you need to ensure complete solitude. Experienced practitioners say that even pets should be removed for maximum success.

You must adhere to the algorithm below.

  1. Place one candle to your left and right.
  2. Light them with one match.
  3. Focus on the people who need to quarrel and on the emotions present now.
  4. Remember all the negative feelings you experience towards those being conjured and mentally convey them to them.
  5. Take 6 needles in one hand.
  6. Wrap them with thread from a skein prepared for the ceremony, repeating the spell:

“Instead of one arrow, I am preparing six to break your love, to separate you forever. These needles will dig into your hearts every time you see and hear each other. You will not be happy, but painful. Each time it will sting more and more, so that you will have to part forever. She pricks your eyes, he pricks your eyes, she doesn’t suit your liking anymore, he doesn’t suit your liking anymore.”

Wait until the candles burn out completely.

At the end of the ceremony, the formed “bouquet” of needles is directed with its sharp end towards the house. It is important that the lining remains unnoticed for as long as possible. The ritual will have its effect on the couple within two weeks.

Ritual with a table

The most suitable magical action to perform at home is to separate two people. The ritual with a table and a knife is performed on the waning moon.

When you're alone at home, you need to turn the kitchen table upside down. Take a kitchen knife by the blade.

Using a knife handle, you need to tap on the legs of the overturned table and repeat the spell:

“These two servants of God (Name of the woman) and (Name of the man) cannot be together, cannot sit together. Do not make eye contact, do not speak your tongue at the same table. With all my love I will knock them out so that the hum will be heard. You will hear this hum and disperse forever.”

Repeat the text three times. If possible, you should keep the table position unchanged until morning.

When the table is turned back, repeat the following spell:

“Everything that is agreed upon comes true, all forces help me.”

The knife used in the ritual is hidden away from view. Until the rassorka works, it cannot be used for its intended purpose. The ritual begins to work for quarrels and lovers a week from the moment it is performed. If there was no effect, the ritual is repeated, using the same knife for the ritual as before.

Ritual using utensils

Another ritual performed on the waning moon or Like other rituals, it will help to greatly spoil the relationship between two people of the opposite sex and even separate them on opposite sides for a long time.

To perform a magical action you will need:

  • a new white plate without patterns or designs;
  • black threads;
  • two thin candles (such that they can be twisted into a rope).

If church candles are used for the ritual, then they must first be turned upside down, and only then used for the ritual. The dishes for the ritual must be purchased on the waning moon, otherwise the witchcraft will not work, and the practitioner will not be able to separate lovers forever through scandals.

After sunset, the name of the beloved man is written on one side of the plate, and the name of the woman on the other. This should be written on the candles.

“You are now intertwined with each other, like these candles, only your love will burn out along with this flame. And you will never see more warmth and love between each other. Just indifference and boredom, so much so that you want to run away from each other.”

The plot is repeated until the candles are completely burned out. After this, the practitioner goes out with the plate to the intersection and breaks it there with the heel of his left foot. The fragments are scattered in different directions.


With the help of a quarrel, you can completely ruin the relationship between two people. Magic attracts all kinds of quarrels into their lives, focuses attention on shortcomings and leads to the fact that people separate and no longer communicate. With the help of these rituals, you can save or destroy a family. Any healer can remove a quarrel. However, there is no guarantee that a person’s life and condition will be restored after deliverance, so caution must be exercised when performing the ritual.

In this article:

Magic is incredibly universal; it contains rituals and ceremonies designed to help a person in any life situation. At the same time, many conspiracies have a downside, and this is best seen in love magic.

The most popular aspect of modern magical practice is love spells and other rituals designed to establish or improve cordial relationships between a man and a woman. The other side of the coin is lapel conspiracies designed to break the connection between lovers, ruin relationships and cause separation.

Experienced magicians often say that lapels, like any other magic, should be used only for good, for example, when a man does not love a woman, but cannot leave her on his own, or when a man has become a victim of a wealth hunter.

Separation rituals should be carried out only with positive intentions and a pure heart; if you want to destroy true love or a strong family union, then the consequences can be very dangerous indeed.

When turning to magic for help, do not forget the simple saying: “You can’t make happiness from someone else’s misfortune.”

Cause separation between husband and wife

Before proceeding directly to the description of the magical ritual, I would like to note that a husband and wife who love each other are bound by special, very strong bonds. That is why such a union can only be destroyed by a strong, active magical ritual.

If you are pursuing a good goal, and there is no evil intent in your thoughts, then you can perform such rituals, but even in this case, you should not forget about creating powerful protection.

A falling out is a fairly common way to cause discord in a relationship.

In order to break the connection between husband and wife, special magical rituals based on the use of blood are often used. The blood of animals, birds and even humans can be used. But even such conspiracies will only work if the relationship between the goals is not ideal and has already cracked.

Conspiracy for a quick divorce

This simple magical ritual is suitable for quickly divorcing people who are unhappy in marriage. Despite its simplicity, the ritual is based on a deal with dark forces, so before performing it it is worth doing cleansing and installing the most powerful protection possible in order to avoid troubles in the future.

Conspiracy words:

“I’ll get up in the morning and go to the courtyard, not by doors or gates, but by a basement log and smoky windows. I will take off my hat from my head and put it under my heel, not under the damp earth, but in a black boot. In that boat I will run into the dark forest, to the black lake, in that lake there is a boat swimming, and in that boat there is a devil and a devil swimming. I’ll throw my hat at those devils and show him the stick. Why are you sitting there, the devil and the devil in your cage? Why are you turning your face away from the devil, devil? Go to the people in the ashes, lead the devil into the good fellow (name of the man) in the hut. Those people don’t live like you and your little devil, little devil, they love each other, they cherish each other, they don’t know grief, they don’t know. You told the devil to loosen her hair, so that from now on, as you sat separately in the chalet, these people live in a hut. Let the good fellow (name) hate his girl, let him not see the goodness and beauty in her. Let that hatred spread throughout his heart, let it accumulate in every joint and organ. Let her become disgusted with her beauty, freeze, and become decrepit with all her white body. My words are strong, my will is strong, I order you, devil, to guard my hat in the lake, and to kindle hatred in that hut. Just as I am able to rule you, so you are able to look after the cap in the lake, protect it from fish, protect it from people, and instill fear in everyone walking by. The fish will not be able to eat that hat, the fisherman will not be able to get it, and no one will be able to remove my conspiracy. Let it be so".

Forming a message to objects is the main thing in this case

After reading the plot, you need to spit on the ground three times and trample the saliva with your left foot. At this time, you need to imagine that you are trampling on a relationship that you hate between a man and a woman who needs to be separated.

Plot for separation

This ritual can be used both against married couples and against officially unregistered relationships. For separation, you need to read the spell for the full moon. Words:

“I will enter a wide courtyard, I will go into a tall house, I will write down (name) a great cold. I’m cooling you off, good fellow (name) and girl (name). So that he does not catch her eye either during the day, or at night, or in the evening, or in the morning. So that she is in peace, he is out of peace, she is out on the street, he is in the house. She will be no dearer to him than the terrible ferocious bear, the insidious toad of the swamp. And no matter what dress she wears, even if she wears it, even if it’s colored, he won’t be able to bear her, he’ll be angry, he’ll hate her, they won’t see goodness, they’ll forget about happiness. No matter how nice she is, no matter how good she does him, he will see everything as passion and evil. You won’t be together, you won’t be together, you won’t know the goodness of love and affection. My word is true, my will is strong, as I said, so it will come true.”

A strong ritual for separation

The words of this magical spell must be read at night on the waning moon, through an open window. CONSPIRACY:

“Through an old swamp, a black forest, over damp grass, over sharp ants, an old gray wolf walked, and behind her was an angry dog, and behind her a sick cat. They all stopped at once in one place, and they curled up into a ball. The fur flew off them, and I watched that fight. So that you, the servant of God (name of the man) and you, the servant of God (name of the woman), curl up like a ball, tear each other’s fur and also fight. So that you love each other as a dog loves a wolf, and a cat loves a dog. Key. Lock. Language. Amen".

Magic can be used for a variety of purposes. And the desire to quarrel with people is no exception. The so-called quarrel implies a powerful energetic impact on one or two people at once in order to cause them to quarrel. Often such rituals are used as backdoors and imply the emergence of aggression and misunderstanding in relationships. But this is not the only area. You can also use a conspiracy to quarrel between two friends or relatives. If you decide to use a conspiracy in order to quarrel between two lovers or two relatives, you should remember that a quarrel is a single intervention that, if used once, will not destroy strong relationships and blood ties. However, if at least a shred of doubt has already settled in the relationship, then a special conspiracy for a quarrel will help stop it, making people strangers. Rules for performing rituals In order for the quarrel to be effective and the results not to be long in coming, it must be performed in accordance with the basic rules: rituals for quarrels and separation are carried out during the waning month; such rituals are performed, as a rule, late in the evening and candles should be used as lighting, not electric light; when reading a conspiracy, you need to imagine the result, since it is visualization that will help strengthen the magical effect of the ritual and speed up the result; A quarrel will have the strongest effect on relationships, love, friendship or family, if they are fragile. It is very difficult to seriously quarrel with those people who have a strong family built on mutual understanding and love. Following all these rules, you will get an extremely effective ritual that will help you achieve your desired goal. If it happens that after performing the ritual for several weeks, or at most one month, the result is not visible, then the magical action can be repeated. Although, as a rule, this is not necessary: ​​magic for a quarrel, when strictly following the ritual, is characterized by quick action and noticeable results.

Ritual with a table The ritual with a table is considered very popular and effective. The ritual should be carried out during the waning month, late at night. The quarrel is read thirteen times, holding onto two opposite legs of the table: “The legs of the table are opposite and distant, So that the servants of God (names) become so distant, So that they do not live peacefully, do not know happiness together, Let them swear and fight, take offense at each other, Let them hate each other and separate. Amen!" It is believed that the plot will begin to take effect immediately after execution, and the first results will be noticeable within the first few days. When using magic to cause a quarrel with anyone, you need to believe in the result and imagine two people in a state of quarrel, hating and despising each other. Ritual with threads and needles If you want to make a big quarrel between two people, then the following quarrel will suit you. The ceremony is carried out in the fresh air. You can choose a small grove, forest or park. It is important that you are alone at the time of the ritual. To complete the spell you will need seven new needles, a ball of black thread and wire cutters. In a deserted place, a small hole is dug into which the ears from the needles are torn off in clusters. The needles themselves, without eyes, are stuck into a ball of thread, which also falls into the hole. When digging a hole, you need to read the spell: “Just as the ears do not grow back to the needles, so God’s servants (names) will never be together. As soon as the ears grow to the needles, then they will find peace and tranquility and will love each other. Until then, they will not be together, they will not know happiness. They don't get along, they just quarrel and swear. It will be like this and only like this. Amen!" The fight is repeated three times. When pronouncing a conspiracy, you need to concentrate on the desire to quarrel people. This magic works much faster if, at the time of performing the ritual, you imagine two people swearing and quarreling. It is necessary to put a negative connection into every spoken word, and magic will carry out everything planned. Ritual for coins and a handful of earth Such a conspiracy is suitable for causing a quarrel between a man and a woman. In this case, the initiative in all quarrels will come from the man, which will separate the couple. A quarrel is read for the waning month at a deserted crossroads. You will need to take 13 coins of any denomination with you. Late at night, a conspiracy is read at a crossroads: “I’m standing at a big crossroads, asking all thirteen spirits. My helpers, ice and cool the hearts and souls of God’s servants (names), so that they squabble and bite, cannot look at each other, it is disgusting for them to eat and drink together, they cannot think a thought, they cannot conceive a thought, so that the slave becomes disgusted God's (man's name) servant of God (woman's name), She disgusted him with her beauty and body. My words are your business, no one can cast a spell on them. I don’t write you paper, I give you saliva and pay you money. It will be so!” The quarrel is read four times on each side of the intersection, onto which after each reading you need to spit. And when the plot is read, you will need to leave 13 coins at the crossroads, taking a handful of earth. You need to sprinkle earth on the threshold of a woman with whom you need to quarrel with a man and say at the same time: “Until this earth returns to the crossroads, you will not be together. Let it be so!" Having said the magic words, you need to leave without looking back or talking to anyone. This type of magic begins to work within a few days, but the first results may take one to two weeks. A quarrel is a powerful way to quarrel between relatives, lovers or friends.

Powerful conspiracies for the age-old quarrel between the closest people

It is sometimes much easier to quarrel with people than it seems. Even the strongest friendly and, especially, blood ties are shattered by human pride, stupidity and greed. And this is fertile ground for a conspiracy to quarrel, which will only speed up the process.

Salt is bitter and friendship is fragile

A quarrel over salt is the easiest way to ruin a person’s life by breaking his friendly, and sometimes family, ties.

A handful of table salt (can be replaced with the same amount of earth from the cemetery) is secretly thrown under the threshold of the enemy’s home. They say a plot to break up:

Just as this salt can no longer be gathered together, so you will never be together! Quarrel, fight, swear! Amen!

Separation of blood relatives

It is much more difficult to quarrel between close relatives (parents and children, brothers and sisters): in addition to friendly feelings, there is a tendency by blood. The way out is a conspiracy that should be read to the volt. It is necessary to repeat it several times, because the struggle is practically with the essence of people.

You need to make symbol dolls out of wax. They need to be personalized somehow:

  • give appropriate names;
  • attach hair to objects;
  • glue on faces cut out from photo cards;
  • make clothes from pieces of fabric worn by these people;
  • give specific attributes (a red cross to a doctor, a spoon to a cook, etc.).

For the sacrament of discord you will also need:

  • red woolen thread;
  • black candle;
  • matches;
  • scissors;
  • black canvas.

Spread the cloth on the table. Soak the thread in water. Pull the thread between the dolls like an umbilical cord. Now say the plot to break up three times:

Separating blood from blood. I drive away flesh from flesh. I share forever! Let (mother's name) and (son's name) quarrel and squabble among themselves, moving away from each other. Blood ties dry up and fall apart, and mother and son separate and scatter. To her (name) - to the west-sunset to hell and hell. To him - to the east - sprout to me (your name), a young girl. Blood ties dry up and become overgrown with grass.

After the last words, say: “Amen!”

Hide the volts in a secluded place. It should be dark but dry. When the thread dries and falls off, the blood connection will weaken significantly.

If it turns out that this does not happen (that is, the family attachment turned out to be extremely strong), then you need to cut the “umbilical cord” with scissors heated in the flame of a black candle.

Wrap the volts in black cloth and put them away.

Getting rid of annoying boyfriends

The spouse's friends can not only irritate the spouse, they can pose a real threat to the continued existence of the family. Getting rid of this scourge will be a conspiracy to quarrel between friends.

The sacrament begins with the manifestation... of hospitality and a burning desire to see all those whom you no longer intend to accept in your home and tolerate around your husband.

Prepare a good table. Before the group arrives, send your husband out of the house under any plausible pretext (take out the trash, buy something else).

He will leave - turn the chairs upside down. Do this with everyone except those on which your couple will sit. Take a wide kitchen knife in your hands, hit each leg flatly, accompanying each series of blows with the words of a falling out conspiracy:

Don't sit together anymore
Don't be your friends!
Where there was love, there will be hostility.
You will never drink, eat or be together again.
Only as enemies can you walk forever!

Friends will come - smile at them, demonstrate your goodwill and cordiality (try to be smart - you won’t have long to endure it!). Take treasured seats with your spouse. Make sure that these are not charmed chairs, but ordinary chairs, otherwise there will be great disaster!

Already during the first hours of gatherings, you will be able to enjoy the first, perhaps still slight, signs of an impending scandal. Within a month, passions will heat up to such an extent that they will mercilessly destroy the bonds of friendship, even if it is more than a dozen years old.

Bored girlfriends are sent out in a similar way.

Rassorka is a popular ritual of lapel magic. This term refers to a ritual aimed at causing quarrels, conflicts, swearing, which ultimately leads to discord in relationships and their final break.

The effect of a quarrel most often extends to the love sphere, but is not limited to this. By using this ritual, you can quarrel among friends, relatives, colleagues, and partners in a common cause.

There are quite a few ways to carry out a fight - each of them has its own advantages. Perhaps the most common ritual in this group is a photo squabble. Its popularity is due to its simplicity of execution, the relatively easy availability of the main magical artifact (photograph) and good results.

A quarrel can be done even by a person who has not previously sought the help of magic. But to do this, you need to carefully study all the intricacies of conducting such rituals and be sure to take them into account when moving directly to practical actions.

Any such rituals are designed to destroy relationships, so they are performed, for the most part, during the waning moon. However, there are some rituals that guarantee a powerful effect if performed on a full moon.

In order for the sparring to work as it should, and your efforts are not in vain, take the selection of the desired photograph very seriously. What should it be like? Two main requirements:

  1. The photograph should depict only those whose relationships need to be spoiled and destroyed; strangers who have nothing to do with the ritual should not be there. There should also be no animals.
  2. The age of the photograph is no more than six months. Remember one rule: the age of the person in the photo must match his real age in life at the moment.

If it is not possible to get the necessary photograph, the conditions of some rituals allow the use instead of a sheet of paper on which the names of the victims are written. At the same time, you still need to use visualization to its fullest extent and, during the ritual, imagine in your imagination as clearly as possible the faces of those who need to be quarreled. However, the effect in this case will be much weaker, and it may even turn out that the quarrel will not work at all.

Methods for sorting by photo yourself

The simplest option

This is a very simple method that does not require any spells. All you need to have is this a photograph where your beloved man and your rival are captured together.

Sprinkle salt on a joint photograph of the couple and leave it in a secluded place, out of reach of prying eyes and hands. The salt will gradually corrode the image, and at the same time the relationship between lovers will begin to deteriorate.

For a couple

This ritual is characterized by high power, so before using it, take care of your magical protection. To perform the ceremony you will need couple photo, which needs to be quarreled.

The dissection takes place in 2 stages:

  1. Take a photograph and tear it into small pieces, saying the words: “So that you separate, separate forever, become disgusted with each other” .
  2. Burn the resulting pieces, collect the resulting ashes and scatter them to the wind, saying the following words in the process: “As ashes scatter in the wind, so (names of man and woman) scatter and separate. How not to become paper ashes, so(names of man and woman) You can’t become one” .

An important condition for discord to obtain the desired result is visualization. While reading the plot, clearly and in detail imagine how the victims of the ritual quarrel and conflict, how these quarrels and conflicts lead to the cessation of love relationships and separation.

On friends from photographs

A breakup is done using a joint photo of friends (or you can take a photo of each of them separately) and a black candle. Procedure:

  1. Wait until midnight. As soon as it comes, light a black candle.
  2. Fill your thoughts with negative energy, focus on negative emotions (hatred, rage, anger) and try to convey all this to the people depicted in the photograph. At the same time, pronounce the spell: "How are you, (names of friends), comrades and friends, went everywhere together, shared joys and sorrows among themselves. From now on and forever you will not sit together, you will not look into each other’s eyes, you will not be close, you will not eat or drink, you will only be enemies. Let it be".
  3. After saying the above words, tear the photo into many small pieces. Burn the resulting scraps in a candle flame. Blow out the candle and throw the ashes from the photograph(s) into the wind.

This ritual is considered strong and begins to work immediately after it is performed.

Possible consequences

If everything is done correctly, then the key consequence of the quarrel in the photo will be the deterioration of relations between people as a result of constant exhausting quarrels and conflicts, and the reasons for the discord will literally appear out of nowhere. As a result of this, separation soon occurs.

In addition, there is a high probability of “side effects” that are characteristic of all rituals:

  • weakening health,
  • development of psychological problems and various complexes,
  • absent-mindedness,
  • difficulties in financial and labor spheres,
  • headaches and anxiety,
  • irritability and aggression.

Watch another ritual in the video:

Using different lapels, you can create misunderstandings and quarrels in relationships. There are many different ways and areas of application of magic. Using rituals, you can quarrel with relatives, friends and acquaintances. Remember that it is almost impossible to destroy blood or family ties; with the help of rituals they can only be weakened for a certain time. If you decide to quarrel between a couple in love, then it will be enough to instill just a little bit of mistrust or doubt in their relationship, and then people will grow cold towards each other and become strangers over time.

Correct execution

In order for any sorting to be fast and effective, when performing it it is necessary to follow the basic rules.

  • All rituals should be performed on the waning moon.
  • Activities should be carried out in the dark. Use only candles for lighting.
  • Visualization of the final result will allow you to quickly put the ritual into action.
  • A fight or ritual will affect love or friendship relationships if they are fragile at this stage. It is extremely difficult to quarrel between people who have complete harmony and a strong family.

By following these basic rules, you will be able to carry out an effective ritual and achieve results in a short time. If within a month you do not see any results, then you should repeat the ritual. Although this happens extremely rarely. After all, if you follow everything clearly and follow the basic rules, the result will not take long to come.

Ritual with a table

This ritual is considered to be the most effective, and it is especially popular. It must be carried out late at night, on the waning moon. You need to read the words thirteen times, while holding on to the opposite legs of the table:

“The legs of the table are opposite and distant, So that the servants of God (names) become so distant, So that they do not live peacefully, do not know happiness together, Let them swear and fight, take offense at each other, Let them hate each other and be separated. Amen!".

It is generally accepted that the conspiracy begins to take effect immediately after reading, and the first results can be observed within a few days. To set people at odds with the help of magic, it is necessary to imagine them in a quarrel, as well as hating and despising each other.

Rituals with threads and needles

This quarrel is suitable for those who really want to quarrel between two people. The event should be held outdoors. A park, small grove or forest is perfect for this. It is extremely important to be alone at the time of the event.

To carry out the ritual, you must have wire cutters, seven new needles, and a ball of black thread. Find a deserted place and dig a small hole. Using wire cutters, tear the ears off the needles. You stick the needles themselves into a ball of thread and put them in the same hole and bury them, while repeating the words:

“Just as the ears will not grow back to the needles, so the servants of God (names) will never be together. As soon as the ears grow to the needles, then they will find peace and tranquility and will love each other. Until then, they will not be together, they will not know happiness. They don't get along, they just quarrel and swear. It will be like this and only like this. Amen!".

This quarrel should be repeated three times. Before pronouncing, you need to fully concentrate on the fact that you want to quarrel between two people. This is how the magic will work much faster. If you put a negative connection into every spoken word, magic will do everything quickly and properly.

Ritual for coins and land

This plot is suitable when you need to quarrel between a woman and a man. In this case, all the initiative will come from the man, which will quickly separate the couple. It is necessary to read the quarrel at a crossroads, during the waning month, alone. You need to take 13 coins of different denominations with you. Late in the evening, at a crossroads, read the following:

“I’m standing at a big crossroads, asking all thirteen spirits. My helpers, ice and cool the hearts and souls of the servants of God (names), so that they squabble and bite, cannot look at each other, it is disgusting for them to eat and drink together, they cannot think or conceive a thought, so that the servant of God becomes disgusted (name of man) servant of God (name of woman), She disgusted him with her beauty and body. My words are your business, no one can cast a spell on them. I don’t write you paper, I give you saliva and pay you money. It will be so!

You read the words four times, on each separate side of the intersection, after reading you should spit. When finished, leave thirteen coins in place, while taking a handful of earth. You will need to sprinkle earth on the threshold where the woman with whom you plan to quarrel with the man lives. While doing this, say the following:

“Until this land returns to the crossroads, you will not be together. Let it be so!".

After you say the words, leave without looking back. At the same time, do not talk to or greet anyone. The magic begins to work within a few days. You should wait a couple of weeks for the first results to appear. With the help of this quarrel you can quarrel with lovers, friends and relatives.

It can be performed simultaneously for several people. The action of a quarrel is aimed at ensuring that people constantly quarrel, they develop aggression, and they simply begin to irritate each other. Be sure to imagine the result, and magic will do everything as you need.

Complete collection and description: prayer to set people at odds quickly and forever for the spiritual life of a believer.

A conspiracy to cause a quarrel is necessary if you want to magically influence the relationships of several people. The conspiracy causes two people to stop communicating with each other. With the help of a quarrel, you can even make a turn. Thus, it turns out that an aggressive state will not lead to a quarrel.

Conspiracy for a quarrel between two people

How do they influence

With the help of such rituals, women can eliminate a rival who interferes with their personal happiness. You just need to remember that conspiracies for a quarrel have a rather insignificant magical message. Therefore, if you want to quarrel with a couple who loves each other, then you are unlikely to succeed. True love is difficult to separate with the help of a love spell, which has quite strong energy. And even more so with a quarrel.

Ideal relationships can only be found in romance novels. In fact, all relationships are built only on affection or strong love. Only such relationships have a strong connection. Some psychologists believe that relationships cannot exist without quarrels. If there are no quarrels, then such a relationship will not last long. Quarrels only strengthen the connection, because in this case people fight for their happiness. Although, in most cases, the relationship has several weaknesses. And, if you identify them correctly, you can quickly destroy even the strongest love relationships. It is important to remember that before the ceremony, you need to protect yourself from the consequences.

Using spells for a quarrel

They are used for a large number of reasons.

  1. If you need to quarrel with your wife's friends. Sometimes a man gets tired of watching his wife devote a lot of time to her friends. Especially if they also gossip about him. Then negativity appears in the family. In such cases, the man attempts to use magic to influence the relationships of his girlfriends and improve the situation in the house. You need to immediately break off relations with such people, because the spouses begin to quarrel.
  2. If you need to quarrel with your husband's friends. In principle, women have the same logic as men in the first case.
  3. If you need to quarrel between a man and his mistress. If such a situation happened with your husband that he began to cheat, then all that remains is to quarrel with the newly-made couple.
  4. A mother and son may not reconcile because the child got involved with bad company. Conflicts arise between family members. If she managed to influence with ordinary conversation, then the mother begins to seek help from magic. Magic can always find a way to solve problems in the family and in the home.

Conspiracy for a quarrel

You can quarrel two people in the following way. It is better to carry it out in an open space. Find a place on the street where no one can disturb you. This could be a field, steppe or forest. An excellent option is an open reservoir where the water would be constantly in motion. This is an excellent option for creating scandals. First, find an old tree and touch it. Now you need to touch the damp ground. And after that, wash your hands in the pond. Now start reading the plot.

“The earth serves as a mother to people. We take water for our sister. I ask these relatives to help me in setting the stage for a quarrel between two people. Let two people, servants of God (name the victims) feel close to each other. They are not spouses. They will never kiss each other again. They won't be nice to each other anymore. Only rejection and disgust will settle in their hearts. Let them start spitting at each other instead of kissing. A cat and a dog will never get along. The she-bear always attacks wolves. The mouse is afraid of the cat and does not feel love for him. Now let the servant of God (name) and the servant of God (name) never intersect, see each other, or be in the same room. Love feelings will never be seen in their eyes again. Each of them now has their own road, which does not intersect with the opposite road. These are ordinary parallel roads that are not destined to converge. They need to be at a distance. Let a gap arise between you. Become strangers. No one can ever turn my words away. My opinion and desire remain unchanged. Amen".

This method will help you quickly achieve the desired result.

Quarrel over photo

You can perform the ceremony at home yourself. You just need to follow all the rules. For this plot to quarrel, you need to prepare a photo that shows the people who are about to quarrel together. Take the photo into your own hands. Your thoughts and feelings should be filled with hatred and anger from the fact that these people are together. Now you must sharply, in one motion, tear the photo into two parts. It is advisable that two people end up in different parts of the torn photo. There should be a feeling in your thoughts that you are forever destroying the relationship of this couple. You must be sure that the young will never be able to reunite again, because your ritual is very strong.

Now tear each part of the photo into small pieces. The more there are, the more effective the ritual will be. With these actions you must read the following plot:

“I wish these people would run away forever. They will never be reunited again, because my words have great power. They will never need each other. Let them forget about the existence of the couple, and never be able to remember. You will no longer be together, you will not be able to drink the same water, you will not be able to share the same house, and you will not be able to share the same bed. Your separation is eternal and unchangeable. Amen".

Set fire to small pieces. While the paper is burning, quietly whisper a prayer. Prayer will only enhance the effect of the ritual:

“I’m not setting fire to paper, I’m setting your relationship on fire. My goal is good. I just want mine back. You must become strangers."

When only ashes remain from the photo, you need to collect it and scatter it to the wind.

When you throw ashes through the window, read the hex:

“Ashes are flying in different directions. I wish that the servant of God (name) and the servant of God (name) separate forever. They will never have the opportunity to get together again. It's time to become strangers. Nobody will help them. Amen".

During the entire ritual, remember that you need to imagine images of a couple that is about to fall out. Mentally imagine the scenario in which the quarrel will take place. The stronger the visualization, the stronger the energy from the conspiracy will be. The result will soon make itself known. You just need to believe. If you are unable to find a photo, you can use available methods. Take paper and draw figures of two people on it. If you wish, you can indicate their names.

The squabble of loved ones for onions is conducted by the sorceress Tatyana Mo

http://www.nata-magiya.ru/talk///132/////638.article Magic and quarrel. Estest

psychic Daria Mironova demonstrated magical

The most powerful way

This plot to quarrel with your mistress is considered one of the best. It is easy to do at home yourself. The ritual is performed three times during the week. It is advisable to perform it during sunset. Starting from Tuesday and ending on Saturday. That is, the ritual is carried out every other day. For the ceremony, purchase new needles and a skein of black thread. Go outside and choose a place where no one can step foot. It is advisable that this place be deserted, because no one should see you. Moreover, go to the place where the ceremony will take place. Dig a small hole. Break off the ears of all the needles and throw everything into the recess. You should stick the remaining needles into a skein of thread. It also needs to be thrown into the pit.

When you start digging a hole, you need to read the following words:

“Only after the needle can be restored will the servant of God (name) be able to reunite with the servant of God (name). Only after this will they be able to return the relationship back and become happy. Until the needle is restored, the couple will not be able to be together. Not only will you not be able to love, but you will also not be able to quarrel. You won't even be able to see each other. You will avoid each other. No one will ever be able to meet my beloved husband. Only I am allowed to be with my loved one and share a bed with him. Family ties cannot be destroyed. They are destined to become strangers. Let it be done as I said. Amen".

Soon there will be a quarrel between the couple. And they will no longer be able to make peace. Natalya Stepanova has created a large number of conspiracies that will help you solve your problem of any complexity. Also in her assortment there are several conspiracies that allow you to quarrel between people. They are easy to do at home.

Conspiracy to break up: how to conjure scandal and separation between two people

If you want two people to quarrel and stop communicating, folk magic will help you. A falling out plot is one of the types of backlash; because of it, people fight, and their relationships deteriorate to the point of separation. However, the consequences of an incorrectly performed ritual can be unpredictable and very bad, so you need to know all the nuances of these lapels

It is possible to carry out lapel rituals, such as quarrels, only on the waning moon.

What is a quarrel

Discord is a type of influence at the energy level. Because of it, relationships between people deteriorate, a quarrel, a slow fading of feelings, or the emergence of hatred can occur.

A quarrel can be accidental, which appears, for example, due to envy, and it can be directed, consciously read. You will learn how to read a falling out plot from this article.

The consequences of a love spell - fact or fiction?

Hello. I would like to cast a love spell on my ex-husband who left the family. While I was looking for various rituals, I read many stories.

Is there a love spell that cannot be removed?
Is it possible to make a love spell from a photo at a distance?

Hello. I am planning to order a love spell for one man. I have already saved up the required amount of money and found a witch who agrees to help. But.

Collection of quarreling conspiracies

On black wool

Very strong magic that is incredibly difficult to remove. The ritual must be performed during the waning of the moon. Used to destroy any positive relationships at the root.

For the ritual you will need black wool, cut from a cat or dog, and black threads. All this needs to be connected with each other, while reciting the spell:

“Just as a cat and a dog cannot live together, they bite, fight and hate each other, let the servants of God (names of those who need to be quarreled) swear, call names and fight. Amen!"

Then the knitted wool needs to be thrown to the house or near the house of the people you need. You will see results within two weeks.

Quarrel for salt

When reading the lapel, be sure that your actions are completely correct, so as not to get a kickback.

Everyone knows that “sprinkling salt leads to a quarrel” or “to annoy a person.” Therefore, rituals such as a quarrel over salt are strong conspiracies that can separate two people forever.

Sprinkle a teaspoon of salt onto the photo so that it covers the image in an even, thin layer. As soon as you finish, start reading the plot for a falling out:

Coarse salt, fine salt, you are white, you are tart.

I scattered salt and conjured a quarrel.

You should not be together as the bride and groom.

What awaits you is not admiration, but torment and suffering.

Fall out of love, break up, you will remain enemies

It was not in vain that I scattered the salt, it will come true as I said.

Then the salt from the photo needs to be collected, divided in half, and one part scattered under each person’s door (ideally under the rug, so as not to be noticed for as long as possible). If you don't know where your rival lives, sprinkle salt under a threshold she often crosses, for example, at the door to her office.

On a dry aspen branch

This ritual is used to ensure that lovers separate and is performed on the waxing moon. You will need a dry aspen branch.

When the couple in love is together, not far from the house where they are, break the branch in half and say:

“God’s servants (the names of those who need to be quarreled) cannot be together, just as the aspen tree cannot grow together now. Now it’s time for you to separate and never get back together! Amen"

Read the spell three times. Leave without looking back, throw the branch into any body of water you come across along the way, you cannot bring the debris home. You will see results in a couple of weeks.

Read this article: Tarot divination for a rival. You might be interested...

Fighting with friends

To quarrel between friends, you need to take a photo of them together and a black wax candle. You should light this candle and direct all your anger and hatred into the photo, and after that read the plot to break up:

“How you, (names of friends), friends and comrades, went everywhere together, shared sorrows and joys among themselves. From now on and forever you will not sit together, you will not look into each other’s eyes, you will not be next to each other, you will not eat, you will not drink, but you will only be enemies. Let it be so"

After the spell, tear up the photo and burn it in a candle fire. The action is almost instantaneous. Scatter the ashes into the air, leave the candle to burn out until the end, and throw the cinder into running water.

Quarrel on needles

For the ritual to work, you need to follow all the nuances, even if they seem difficult to you.

A fight is done for one or two people

With rituals that allow two people to quarrel, there is an impact on one or two people. With the help of a magical quarrel, you can turn one person away from another.

As a result of such a ritual, more and more disagreements will begin to appear in the couple, which will cause separation. We’ll tell you how to set people at odds with the help of a conspiracy.

Any person can do a discord

There are a number of situations when it makes sense to use spacing:

  • A quarrel is suitable for wives whose husband has taken a mistress. Such a ritual will allow the spouse to concentrate his attention on the shortcomings of the new passion.
  • This ritual is used by mistresses who want the man to finally leave the family. In this case, it is worth remembering the negative consequences.
  • A quarrel is made by the mother of a son or daughter who does not like the future daughter-in-law or future son-in-law. In this case, you need to be very careful, because if the couple has sincere feelings, then you can violate the love chart of the young people.

Before you do the ritual of breaking up a couple, think carefully about what you are doing. If you interfere with the energy of pure and sincere love, then this may result in bad consequences for you. But, if you see that one person has a detrimental effect on another person, then perhaps it is worth using this method.

You need to believe in the words of the conspiracy

A strong quarrel between two people, which allows them to quarrel once and for all, is carried out on the ground.

You need to go out into nature, ideally if it is a forest. Find an old tree, stand near it, then lower yourself to the ground, lean against it a little and read the following plot:

“Earth, mother of all of us, find, mother, a place on yourself so that these two feel crowded on you. So that they spit when they see each other, so that they cannot touch each other. So that, like a cat and a dog, they could not understand each other. If you walk along one field, then only along different paths. My word is tenacious, my deed is strong, help me in this, Mother Earth.”

After this, you need to listen to the sounds of nature around you, mentally thank the forces of nature for their participation, turn around and go home.

It’s very easy to do the ritual in the photo

You can settle between two people quickly and forever with the help of photography. You will need a photo of these two people together, preferably so that their faces are clearly visible in the photo.

Take such a photograph in your hands, look at people’s faces, imagine how hatred, contempt and other negative feelings appear between these people. Imagine how you break an alliance between people once and for all. After this, you need to tear the photo so that there is a man on one half and a woman on the other, and say the following spell:

“You should run away from each other in different directions. You don't want to be near each other, neither at night nor during the day. I will quarrel you so that you will never see each other again. So that you cannot sit under the same roof. Separate, dear ones, so that the noise from your quarrel can be heard throughout the entire street.”

The torn photograph must be burned and the ashes scattered to the wind. While the photo is burning, say the following words:

“It’s not the photo that burns, it’s your love that burns to ashes.”

And when you scatter the ashes, say these words:

“Just as ashes scatter in the wind, so you move away from each other. Just as the ashes can no longer gather, so you will no longer be together.”

To make the ritual work better, with every action of the ritual, with every word, imagine how a quarrel occurs between people, how their faces begin to distort from negative feelings towards each other.

Distance does not matter for this ritual

This ritual is good because it allows you to quarrel with people, even if they are at a distance from you. It can be used effectively if, for example, the husband went on a business trip and got another woman there.

To carry out this quarrel between people, it is important to go to the cemetery, taking an onion with you.

You need to go not to the cemetery itself, but to the nearest intersection to this place. Stand at a crossroads, think about the people you want to quarrel with, imagine it in bright colors. After this, you need to cut the onion in half and say the following words:

“I cut, separate the servant of God (Name of the man) and the servant of God (Name of the woman). So that now there would be only tears between them, as bitter as from this onion. You will no longer see happiness with each other. Don't understand each other, don't listen to each other. As this onion rots, so will your love pass and be forgotten.”

After this, you need to throw one half of the bow to the right side and the other to the left. Throw the onion halves out of sight of people. Go home. As soon as this onion rots, the quarrel will take effect, and disagreements will begin in the couple.

You need to do the quarrel consciously

How to separate two people with a thread and a needle? To perform this ritual, a new spool of black thread and six new sewing needles are purchased. This ritual must be performed when the sun has already set.

Stay alone in the room. It is advisable to remove even pets from the room. Place a candle to your left and to your right. These two candles are lit with one match. First, focus on the couple you want to quarrel, on what kind of relationship is between the people now and what they will be like after the conspiracy. Remember all your negative feelings towards them and imagine that soon they will begin to feel the same towards each other.

Take six needles in one hand, wrap them with black thread and say the following words:

“Instead of one arrow, I am preparing six to break your love, to separate you forever. These needles will dig into your hearts every time you see and hear each other. You will not be happy, but painful. Each time it will sting more and more, so that you will have to part forever. She hurts your eyes, he hurts your eyes, she doesn’t suit your liking anymore, he doesn’t suit your liking anymore.”

After this, sit and wait until the candles burn out completely. This bouquet of needles needs to be thrown with the sharp end onto the threshold of your opponent. It is advisable for the needles to remain unnoticed by humans for as long as possible. The discord will come into effect in about two weeks.

Discord can be done at the table

For home use, a ritual involving a table and a knife is perfect. This ritual is performed on the waning moon. When you are alone at home, go to the kitchen and turn the kitchen table upside down with its legs. Then take a kitchen knife in your hands so that the side with the blade is in your hands. Use a knife handle to tap the legs of the table and say the following spell:

“These two servants of God (Name of the woman) and (Name of the man) cannot be together, cannot sit together. Do not make eye contact, do not speak your tongue at the same table. I will knock them out with all my love, so that the hum will be heard. You will hear this hum and disperse forever.”

The plot is read three times. If possible, leave the table in this position until the next morning. Then the table returns to its normal position, and the following words are spoken:

“Everything that is agreed upon comes true, all forces help me.”

The knife that you used in the ritual is removed away from prying eyes. It cannot be used until the ritual has worked. It will start working in about a week. If you see that the ritual did not work, then it must be repeated, using the same knife.

Magic deceives people

To carry out the ceremony you will need a new white plate. There should not be any patterns or designs on the plate. In addition, the ritual requires black threads and two candles. The plate is bought during the waning moon. When the sun has already set, on one side of the plate write the name of the man, and on the other side write the name of the woman you need to quarrel. The names of these people should also be written on the candles. The man's name is on one candle and the woman's name is on the other. The candles should be thin so that they can be twisted together into a bundle. If you purchased candles from a church, turn them upside down. Light the intertwined candles and while they burn, read the following plot:

“You are now intertwined with each other, like these candles, only your love will burn out along with this flame. And you will never see more warmth and love between each other. Just indifference and boredom, so much so that you want to run away from each other.”

You need to read the plot until the candles burn out completely. When they burn down, go outside, grabbing the plate, and break it with the heel of your left foot right at the intersection. Collect the fragments and scatter them in different directions of the intersection.

Since childhood, we are taught that friendship is a very bright and good phenomenon that helps people develop, as well as become kinder and better. We were also taught that you don’t choose your friends - thanks to this, a person can end up in bad company, which will be very difficult to get rid of. In this case, a ritual such as falling out with friends will help - it allows you to break off unnecessary relationships even when your goal is against it.

Such powerful divination can be used in many circumstances, for example, by a wife in relation to her husband or by a mother to save her son. In addition, a fairly strong quarrel is often used to achieve one’s own goals in the field of career or personal relationships, but this divination already belongs to the dark category and requires payment for its use.

It happens that it is simply impossible to drag a husband away from his friends - he devotes even more time to them than to his wife. In addition, a spouse who finds himself in bad company may acquire bad habits - smoking, drinking alcohol and even using drugs.

In this case, it is necessary to use a quarrel plot, which will force former friends to shun each other - it works effectively, but a quarrel can lead to a blood feud for life. That is why, before using magic, you should think carefully about whether you agree to put up with such consequences.

To quarrel between your husband and his friends, ask him to invite these people home. Before they arrive, escort your spouse out of the house under any pretext - for example, send you to the store for food or drinks. When he comes out, turn all the chairs upside down except those on which your married couple will sit.

To separate, take a wide kitchen knife and hit each leg three times, while pronouncing the following spell:

"Don't sit together anymore
You shouldn't be friends
Where there was love, there will be hostility
Together you will never drink, eat or be together again.
Only as enemies can you walk forever!”

When your husband brings friends home, behave as naturally as possible - smile and do not show that you would not like to see these people. The quarrel will begin to take effect within an hour - if the company stays for a long time, you will witness the first manifestations of the magic used.

It will be possible to completely quarrel them with each other within a month, after which the spell will last a lifetime. By the way, with such a quarrel you can get rid of your own annoying girlfriends by inviting them to visit.

For mother

Sometimes not only the wife, but also the mother, whose children end up in a very bad society, wants to separate two friends. It is worth remembering that it is in childhood and adolescence that a person’s personality is formed, so it is advisable to exclude any bad influence from the life of the younger generation.

The strong quarrel used can only be used by the mother - for all other relatives, the energetic connection with the children will be too weak.

The plot assumes that you collect the following items in advance:

  • a pair of old boots;
  • two pieces of paper;
  • pencil;
  • sterile medical needle or scarifier.

To quarrel between friends, you need to take two pieces of paper and write on them with a simple pencil the names of those whom you want to separate from each other forever. Then prick the index finger of your right hand and place one drop of blood on top of the inscription. Thus, you provide a strong energy supply to the objects that participate in the ritual.

If you need to rid your son of bad friends by fighting, fold the pieces of paper in half with the names on the outside, and fold the pieces of paper in half from unwanted friends with the names on the inside. Place the leaves in different boots and go to the nearest bridge, the size and parameters of which do not matter.

Place one of the boots on one bank, and take the second one to the opposite bank. For the brawl to be successful, you must stand on the bridge in such a way that you can see both pieces of shoes. If this fails, move them further away from the bridge - even if you only see blurry silhouettes, this will not affect the power of the ritual. Looking at the boots, say the following quarrel plot:

“How can these boots not walk together on the road anymore?
So you, (child’s name), and (friend’s name), should not spend your lives together
You will forget each other, but you will never greet each other again
Yes, if you meet on the street, you will turn away.
This is what I ask, and it will be so.
Key, door, sky, earth, lock."

When leaving the bridge, go to one of the boots and throw it into the water. This action ensures that the separation will be effective and durable.

The time it takes to see results depends on the gender of your child - for boys it will be a couple of weeks. But separating a girl from her friends is much more difficult - this can take up to 3-6 months after the completion of the ritual.

The energy of children is always much purer and calmer than that of adults - therefore, their quarrel with friends will require much more concentration than when performing a ceremony for a husband. For a month, try to communicate with them exclusively in a kind way, and in no case scold them for their relationships with other people.

For a girl

If you don’t have a husband yet, but you are in a regular relationship with a guy, the following quarrel may be useful to you. A turn away from friends will be needed in cases where you want him to spend as much time as possible with you, and also get rid of bad habits that cause significant damage to his physical and mental health. In addition, in this way you can scare away friends who are your potential rivals.

To perform the ritual, you will need a church candle, a light wooden candlestick, as well as a fairly large basin and several pieces of paper. A strong quarrel suggests that on each piece of paper you write the name of the guy’s friend whom you want to get rid of, as well as an unflattering epithet - for example, "Alcoholic", "Fool", "Debauchee". Place the papers in a stack, take a basin and fill it with water.

To scatter, place a church candle on a wooden candlestick and let it float on the water, after bringing the fire to the wick. After this, lower the pieces of paper into the water one by one - there should be no less than two and no more than ten. As soon as the latter is lowered into the basin, say the following spell:

“Just like water and fire never meet,
This is how you will miss each other in life
You will not sit at the same table
And look like wolves
You won't drink from the same glass
And hit each other on the head!
That's how I want it, and that's how it will be.
Key, door, sky."

At work

The following quarrel spell is very well suited for quarreling two friends. This can be done both to advance your career and to prevent intrigues that are being woven against you .

It is better not to use such magic for men - for them at work it will be enough to repeat the ritual described above with chairs, but you should know that the knife used should be constantly stored in the office and not leave it.

When heading home in the evening, buy a large flower for decoration, such as a gerbera, dahlia or peony. Place it in a vase at home and wait until midnight. At this time, you need to sit at the table in front of the flower and light a thick white candle. Try to avoid using colored accessories - in this way you can create not only a quarrel, but also damage, a love spell, or achieve other effects. While the candle is burning, say the following spell:

“The petals are yellow, and the petals are red
You are beautiful and light while you bloom and while you grow
And when they cut you off, you fall and rot
So the friendship of (the name of the first friend) and (the name of the second friend) will dry out and become covered with mold!”

The next morning, bring the flower to work and place it on your desk so that everyone who comes up to you touches it, or at least smells it. It is very important to see both friends for whom you read the quarrel during the day next to the table - for this you can use a variety of tricks. When they approach you, mentally say:

“Your friendship will fall away like the petals of this flower, and you will never see it again!”

After a couple of days, the plant will dry out - its petals must be torn off and burned, and the stem discarded so that the disintegration begins to take effect.

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