
Up to the age of the motor hull insurance. Insurance for the elderly traveling abroad. How much will Casco cost for an old car?

Today, when a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, surgical interventions for the benefits of beauty are so popular, it is difficult to define an elderly person.

The aging process for each person proceeds individually. The number of years lived does not yet determine the degree of old age. Someone at the age of 70 is in good health and a clear mind, while someone at the age of 50 cannot boast of this.

It is important to understand that older people are an age group that has specific characteristics, needs, interests and value orientations.

However, referring to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, pensioners include persons who have reached retirement age: women - 55 years old, men 60 years old.

Insurance prerequisites

Recently, the term "third age" has become relevant in the countries of Western foreign countries, in other words, this is the very active period of a person's life that begins with retirement. It is at this time that people travel most of all, visit exhibitions and concerts held in other cities and even countries, acquire hobbies and new interests.

However, one should not forget about such a concomitant factor of the "third age" as trauma.

If a young person's business is often limited to bruises or abrasions, then older people receive serious injuries and fractures during a fall, which can seriously turn their whole life and lead to disability.

Insurance rules for senior citizens


Russian standard


VTB Insurance


Alpha Insurance


Reso Guarantee


Sberbank Insurance


Potential risks arising during travel

One of the key points in the insurance contract for the elderly is the risks, in the event of which your insurance policy will cover the costs associated with providing first aid (in this case, the costs of transport, an ambulance or a medical plane, depending on where the insured will be to be at the moment of deterioration of health).

As practice shows, mainly there are risks associated with increased traumatism of the elderly insured, namely:

  • bruises, fractures, cuts;
  • deterioration in digestion due to a change in the quality and diet.
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases
  • instability of blood pressure
  • strokes and heart attacks.

The price of the insurance policy and factors affecting it

Today, not all insurance companies accept clients over 65 years old for medical insurance when traveling abroad. Issuance of this policy is very risky for the insurer itself, since this procedure has a stable relationship with high risks associated with the health of the insured person.

Essentially, travel insurance for senior citizens is health insurance. However, medical insurance in most agencies is considered a compulsory type of insurance when buying a tourist tour and is several times cheaper.

Rates for insurance of elderly people in comparison with rates of other types of insurance have been increased several times on the basis that elderly people represent a group with an increased risk for insurance companies due to a high mortality rate.

It should also be noted that the older a person is, the greater the coefficient, for example: persons aged 65-69years a factor of 1.75 from the tariff, but at the age 70-74 years - 2.25. Over 74 years old the risk of refusal to purchase an insurance policy in the post-Soviet space increases up to 80%. This is due to the underdevelopment and lack of demand for insurance for the elderly in the above states.

What do I pay money for or insurance coverage

Subject to the occurrence of an insured event, an elderly person's policy will cover:

  • first aid;
  • the costs of the drugs provided and prescribed by the doctor in the provision of first aid;
  • in some cases, the insurance policy will cover the costs of inpatient treatment.

If during the examination it turns out that a sharp deterioration in the health of the insured requires surgical intervention, which, for a number of reasons, will not be provided in the country where the unfortunate person found himself during the trip, the insurance policy of the elderly person will cover the costs of being evacuated to the country of permanent residence with medical assistance.

Several years ago, the rules for issuing OSAGO changed a little. Now the policy is issued only after the technical inspection has been passed, whereas earlier insurance companies "helped" with the registration of a not quite valid technical inspection. In view of this, the most difficulties will arise for drivers who need to issue MTPL for an old car.

Unscrupulous insurers now offer the issuance of a diagnostic card without a real inspection of the car, but this is at least illegal. With the actual passing of a technical inspection, most of the questions arise from the owners of old vehicles.

How do I get insurance for my old car?

Initially, you need to go through a technical inspection. Over the next few years, this can be done in ordinary traffic police centers. But after a while, insurance companies will have such powers, organizing their own technical center.

This organization will issue a conclusion on whether the vehicle is suitable for further use. Based on this document, insurance companies will conclude whether to provide you with a policy or not. That is, now the coupon with the specified technical inspection will not be issued.

An extract with the data of the diagnostic card must be brought to the insurance organization with which the owner will cooperate. After that, the price of the insurance policy for this car will be calculated. As a rule, the amount depends on the age of the driver, what is his driving experience. It is also important to have additional persons using the vehicle.

The cost of OSAGO insurance for an old car

Some factors increase depending on the age of the vehicle. So, a 0.5% increase occurs if the car is not more than three years old. If the car is more than ten years old, then this ratio can be more than 1.8%.

In order to issue an insurance policy for a vehicle, you need to prepare some documents. The list of these papers can be asked from the employees of the insurance organization, or you can look at a specialized website. They will also provide certain data on this issue. So, without fail, you need a passport, technical passport, license, as well as some other papers.

Based on the data that you provide to the insurance company, the employee will issue you a policy. You will need to pay for it. After that, you will be able to drive this car without hindrance, throughout the year.

How to save money when insuring an MTPL of an old car?

The easiest and most convenient option is for your old car.
This will allow:

  • Avoid imposing additional services from insurers;
  • Apply for a policy online from home without visiting the office;
  • See for yourself the cost of insurance and understand how it stacks up.

You can use the automated service right here and now to select the most advantageous CMTPL offer for an old car.

Does an old car need MTPL?

Very often, many motorists refuse to insure their old cars, believing that OSAGO is irrelevant for their well-worn cars.

This is fundamentally wrong and dangerous for your budget, and here's why:

  • OSAGO, unlike CASCO, is designed to compensate for damage for YOUR fault, and the age and cost of your car does not matter here;
  • The presence of an old car usually indicates a lack of funds for a new one, and if so, how will the driver pay for the damage caused if he does not issue MTPL for the old car?
  • Old cars are more likely to get into accidents due to possible breakdowns, difficulty in driving and poor performance.

Therefore, it is imperative to insure an old car under OSAGO. Insurance is hardly more expensive than new brothers, despite all the coefficients. You do not need to take out OSAGO insurance for an old car only when you do not drive it.

On issues of protection against the imposition of services of insurance companies or if you need to recover compensation from an insurance company, you can also ask a free question to the lawyers on duty on our website. Just ask a question in the chat or in the form below and wait for an answer!

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Life insurance in the event of death is a classic insurance option in which the insurance company, concluding an agreement with the client, is responsible for guaranteeing the payment of a certain amount of money to the persons indicated as recipients in the event of the death of the insured.

The insurer is liable to the insured person for the period of time for which the contract was concluded. In order to settle the mechanism, both parties must comply with such necessary payment conditions as the payment of insurance premiums and insurance payments.

Insurance premium Is a fixed amount of money that the policyholder undertakes to pay to the insurer for the services provided. This amount is negotiated by the parties before signing the agreement. The client undertakes to make contributions within a time frame clearly established by the contract. The amount of the payment depends on two factors: the type of insurance rate and the amount that the company will have to pay to the trustees after the death of its client. Insurance payment- This is the amount of money that is established by signing an agreement and is regulated by the current legislative acts in the field of insurance. It is up to the policyholder to decide who receives the death benefit.

The process of insuring a capable person is developed in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and is regulated by the Law "On the organization of insurance business in the Russian Federation", as well as other civil law norms and acts.

Features of life insurance in case of death

Before an agreement is signed between the insurer and the policyholder, the insurance company must assess the possible risks associated with the likelihood of the client's death during the period of the agreement. To this end the subject must undergo a comprehensive medical examination, which will reveal the presence or absence of chronic diseases. Such conditions are created in order to minimize the risk of a terminally ill person contacting the insurer.

It is also worth noting that the person concerned has the right to insure his life in several companies. The only condition in this case will be strict adherence to the deadlines and completeness of payment of contributions. The heirs have the right to receive financial compensation in the event of the death of the insured from an accident, illness or the impact of third parties. Life insurance against death eliminates the risk of suicide. If it becomes necessary to terminate the contract, the client may demand the return of the redemption amount. The redemption amount is funds that are calculated based on the established insurance reserve at the time of the early termination of the relationship between the parties.

Subjects of the insurance contract

Life insurance in Russia involves the relationship of the following subjects:

  1. Of the insured- an adult natural person who is in a capable state.
  2. Insurer- a legal entity providing life insurance services in the event of death.
  3. Of the insured person- an individual who at the time of the conclusion of the contract turned 18 years old, and at the time of its expiration - 70 years old.
  4. Beneficiary- the subject (s) who, with the consent of the insured person, is entitled to receive insurance benefits after his death. The name and contact details of the beneficiary are indicated when concluding the agreement.

Please note that the policyholder and the insured may not be the same person. The subject can insure both himself and his relative, friend, acquaintance. The insured can be citizens of the Russian Federation, foreigners, as well as persons residing in the country, but not having citizenship.

Types of life insurance in case of death

Today there are the following types of life insurance in case of death:

Term life insurance in case of death

This type of insurance makes it possible to receive a cash payment provided that the insured person does not live up to the age specified in the contract... In this case, the client needs to make regular payments until the end of the contract.

Provided that the person survives to the age specified in the agreement, it will automatically terminate, exempting the insurance company from any expenses. Within this type of insurance, it is customary to distinguish a contract that regulates the increase or decrease of the insured amount.

Lifetime death insurance

The terms of life insurance differ in that the payments made by the insured in order to obtain financial compensation are one-time or periodically. This option allows us to consider two factors of the death of an individual:

  1. As a result of the loss of legal capacity. The insured person must be at least 16 and not more than 60 years old.
  2. As a result of extraneous surgical intervention. The insured person must be at least 16 and not more than 75 years old.

The Law "On Life and Health Insurance" provides a list of documents that must be provided to the beneficiary in the event of the death of the insured person:

  • an application of the established form, in which it is necessary to indicate the outgoing data of a previously concluded insurance contract;
  • original insurance contract;
  • a photocopy of the death certificate of the insured person;
  • extracts testifying to the cause of death;
  • documents on the right of ownership of the inheritance;
  • identification documents of the beneficiary.

Life insurance cost in case of death

When choosing the type of insurance for many subjects, the decisive role is played by how much life insurance costs.

The insurance rate in this case is regulated by article 11 of the law "On the organization of insurance business in the Russian Federation."

Its calculation is influenced by the following factors:

  • the level of the demographic situation in the city and country;
  • the profession and place of work of the insured person, his gender, age, lifestyle, state of health and nature of habits;
  • insurance history of the subject, as well as the number of persons insured in his family;
  • insurance period, type of selected risks;
  • analysis of costs incurred by the insurance company;
  • availability of reserves of the insurer, its policy.

For example, if you insure your parents aged 60 to 74 for the amount of 1 million rubles, then your insurance company payments will be 500-1000 rubles per month.

Video: 10 Myths About Life Insurance

Additional Information

After analyzing the statistics of concluding agreements on death insurance by persons residing in the territory of the Russian Federation, we can conclude that this figure is steadily increasing. So, relying on the data received by the Bank of the Russian Federation Service, the insured amount in 2009 amounted to 14,430 million rubles, in 2012 - 52,750 million rubles, and in 2015 - 72,300 million rubles.

Has in its line of proposals for the CASCO program for supported vehicles. According to the established practice, most insurers are ready to issue a voluntary car insurance policy for cars up to a maximum of 7 years old, in relation to domestic vehicles, and up to 10 years old, in relation to foreign cars (does it make sense to insure under CASCO a car that is more than 10 years old, and where you can do it, you will find out).

These programs are full-fledged products of voluntary car insurance. They even have an option without taking into account the depreciation of the car, which is extremely important for older cars.

Due to the growing demand for voluntary used car insurance, a number of companies are ready to insure transport under the CASCO program for vehicles up to 12 years old, however, these insurers set additional conditions that are not always beneficial to policyholders.

Cars over 12 years old deserve special attention. Some companies are ready to insure them, but at the same time they oblige to undergo an appraisal examination of the market value and only on its basis will offer to conclude an individual one. The cost of such a CASCO policy will be very high, therefore, it is worth resorting to such insurance products only for cars of the "retro" category, which have not only functional, but also historical value (we talked about the average cost of CASCO policies in Russia in, and about where you can buy insurance cheap, you will find out).

The difference in rates for used cars?

There is a popular belief that the older the car, the higher the cost of the insurance policy for it. This is not entirely true. really grows every year of machine operation, but he's not the only variable in the formula.

There is also the insured value of the vehicle, which, due to natural reasons, decreases every year.

Attention: For these reasons, it is impossible to say unequivocally whether a policy for a used car will be more expensive or cheaper than a similar model, you always need to make an individual calculation.

In addition to the basic variables, the following factors can affect the cost of a CASCO insurance policy:

  • whether protection is required against;
  • whether there are anti-theft systems and how reliable they are;
  • the total driving experience of the policyholder;
  • trouble-free driving experience of the insured;
  • other parameters affecting plug-in options.

Also, do not forget that there are CASCO programs adapted for "age" cars.

Insurers are fighting for each client, so they are ready to offer very interesting programs that will be inexpensive for the policyholder and will cover his individual needs.

A number of insurers are ready to offer insurance that covers only one insured event in the billing period or similar conditions.

If we talk about the specific cost for used cars, then here we can give an example of a basic voluntary car insurance policy, since any other programs require a large number of variables and it is almost impossible to calculate them manually.

Example! Let's take a car produced in 2013, which cost 800 thousand rubles. In the year of the initial purchase, his CASCO rate was 6%, which formed the cost of the insurance contract in the amount of 48 thousand rubles. After 4 years, the market value of similar cars began to be 150 thousand rubles. For cars of this age, the basic hull insurance rate is 12%, and the price for a voluntary insurance contract will be 18 thousand rubles.

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Conditions for vehicles over 7 years old

Insurance companies are very reluctant to take out insurance under the CASCO program for old cars. In the understanding of insurers, an old car is a domestic car over 7 years old and a foreign car over 10 years old.

At the same time, due to the potential profitability of policies for these cars, some insurers still offer standard packages of voluntary vehicle insurance, but at overpriced ones. For some insurers, the base cost of insurance can be up to 20% of the market value of the car.

In addition to the inflated tariff, the insurers set additional conditions that reduce their financial risks:

  • payment only for non-original spare parts when repairing a car after an accident;
  • mandatory, limiting relatively minor damage (we talked about whether such insurance is profitable for the car owner);
  • the ability to repair parts, instead of replacing, if possible.

Reference: Collectible cars should be noted separately. These usually include vehicles manufactured before the 50s of the 20th century. For such cars, insurers develop individual rates. The cost of such CASCO policies is very high.

How to buy a policy at a discount?

Every owner of a used car wants to save money on insurance. At the same time, he understands that it is difficult to do without in the realities of the country, since not all situations on the roads depend on him. At the moment, there are several legal ways to get a used car.

Option 1

In general, CASCO for a used car is a convenient financial instrument that is available to every vehicle owner. In some cases, the cost of such an insurance contract may be high, but there are always options to reduce it by agreeing to certain conditions, which, in turn, may even become a plus for certain groups of policyholders.

Unfortunately, none of us can say that such a sad event as death does not exactly await him in the near future. Therefore, many prudent people use this type of insurance, such as life insurance. But how to insure life, what is it for, and whose life can be insured?

The essence of life insurance is as follows: in the event of the death of the insured to a certain beneficiary (for example, heirs), an insurance benefit is paid for the occurrence of this insured event.

The most popular type of insurance is the usual one, which was mentioned above. In this case, death is the insured event, and the money is paid to the beneficiaries (the insured will obviously no longer need them). In this case, you can insure your own life (and then the policyholder coincides with the insured person), or insure someone else's life (in this case, the policyholder does not coincide with the insured). In both cases, it is necessary to determine the beneficiary - this is the person who will receive the amount of insurance compensation in the event of an insured death.

Another type of life insurance is “survival”. For some time (until the insured reaches a certain age), a person pays insurance premiums to the insurance company. In this case, there are two insured events: the death of the insured person and his survival to a certain age. In the first case, the payment is made either to the insured himself or to the beneficiary indicated by him. In the second case, of course, the payment is made only to the beneficiary.

With survival insurance, the amount of the benefit depends strongly on the age of the insured. If this is a young and healthy person, then he will receive less than an elderly person.

In addition, life insurance can be divided into types depending on whether the insurance indemnity is paid in a lump sum.

The first case is when the amount is paid in a lump sum upon the occurrence of an insured event. In this case, the policyholder must pay insurance premiums for a certain period of time, or pay the entire insurance premium at a time.

In the second case, the insurer pays the insured person a certain income (pension, annuity). In this case, payments are made for a certain number of years or for life from the insurance premium, which can be paid in a lump sum or in installments.

Which insurance company should you choose?

This is an important question, because you trust the insurance company with the most valuable thing - your life and the life of your loved ones, as well as their fate (most likely, they will receive payments).

You need to choose a large, stable company with a good name and a good credit history. The terms of such companies may seem less favorable than those of small insurers. Don't worry - on the other hand, when insuring in a large company, the terms of the contract will be met rather than not met. Life insurance is a long business process, the insurance company must constantly reserve funds for payments under such contracts. Obviously, only large insurers can fully do this.

Execution of an insurance contract

You have chosen an insurance company and you need to conclude a contract. In Russia, life insurance is not very common, so our citizens usually pay attention to the wrong thing. They usually concentrate on what the amount of payment will be, on the amount of the insurance premium ... While it is much more important how the insurance events are spelled out in the contract. If insured events are very limited, then even a small amount of insurance fees will not be attractive.

An important question is how much it costs to insure life. Nobody can say for sure. But here are the factors that affect the size of the insurance premium:

  • gender and age of the insured;
  • the state of health of the insured at the time of signing the contract;
  • insurance period;
  • the desired amount of insurance payment.
  • the procedure for paying contributions.

As a rule, before concluding a contract, the policyholder fills out a detailed questionnaire, including questions about lifestyle. Moreover, it is quite possible that the insured will be sent to a medical commission. And only after that the question of at what rate to insure a person is decided.

Do not try to outwit the insurance company by hiding the existence of any life-threatening medical condition. You will only make things worse for those who will receive (or rather, will never receive) an insurance payment.

Insurance companies are not the first day on the market and are well aware of possible fraud on the part of customers. In this case, they include a clause in the insurance contract, on the basis of which the insurance company does not pay anything if it is revealed that the client gave her deliberately false information when signing the contract. Such information concerns, among other things, the state of health of the client. The reporting of false information is also understood to mean the omission of essential points. Therefore, if it turns out that before the conclusion of the contract, the client had a disease that he knew about and did not inform the insurance company, then the insurance policy is simply canceled.

It will be interesting to note some more cases in which the sum insured is not paid. This is self-harm that has resulted in death: suicide. We advise you to pay attention to the list of these cases.


Videos contain useful information about life insurance.

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