
How to transfer pension savings to Sberbank from another NPF? Non-state pension fund "Sberbank": customer reviews, rating, advantages. Hotline of NPF Sberbank How to apply for a funded pension in Sberbank

A non-state pension fund is a non-commercial organization that deals with social security for compulsory pension insurance. NPF activities are regulated and controlled by the state. In case of bankruptcy, the savings will be transferred to the Pension Fund (Pension Fund of Russia).

Areas of activity of NPF Sberbank

The Foundation was established on March 17, 1995. Recognized leader in the field of OPS. The Fund has one founder and shareholder - PJSC Sberbank, which is at the same time its partner in the implementation of services for non-state support of pensioners. The bank owns 100% of the shares. The Foundation operates in several courses:

  • Compulsory pension insurance (OPS) is an activity on the formation of financial accounts of citizens by transferring the funded part of the pension.
  • Non-state pension provision (NGO) is an additional type of insurance for citizens. It is carried out by non-state funds on a voluntary basis.
  • Corporate retirement plans are insurance based on contributions based on employment or collective agreements.

Performance indicators

Today, the clientele of NPFs is more than 7 million people, which speaks of its reliability, its ability to guarantee good payments to pensioners. Main factors:

  • The exact number of insured citizens for the 1st quarter of 2019 is 6 828 399 people.
  • The assets of the non-state fund for the 1st quarter amounted to 598,748 million rubles, which is 17.5% more than at the end of 2017.
  • Pension savings - 539,574 million rubles, i.e. grew by 16.5% compared to the end of 2017
  • Net income - RUB 14,036 million.

The exact data is contained on the website of the NPF Sberbank.

The investment activity of the Fund implies the investment of citizens' money in securities: stocks, deposits, bonds. As a result, the savings are not only stored, but profitable. Thus, the Sberbank Non-State Pension Fund increases its profitability

In 2016, the National Rating Agency assigned it an AAA rating. Earlier in 2014, Expert RA, the results of which are published by the Central Bank of Russia, also gave this non-state fund the highest level of strength (A ++).

How to transfer the funded part of the pension to Sberbank

Since 2014, the funded part of pensions has been frozen. All money goes to the insurance part. The amount that remained in the FIU with citizens can be stored there further. Then it will depreciate over time due to inflation. If you transfer the savings to the NPF of Sberbank, the money will grow from the percentage of annual investments. This can be done in different ways.

Online (customer digital signature required):

  1. Open the main page of the official website of the NPF.
  2. Choose one of the individual plans.
  3. Checkout this plan.
  4. Make a request for a pension transfer.

NPF office:

  1. Come with a passport and SNILS.
  2. Choose a program that is beneficial for yourself.
  3. Set a schedule, amount of contributions, terms, amount of payments and other parameters.
  4. Sign a contract that the employee will prepare.
  5. Send an application to the Pension Fund for transferring the funded part to the NPF of Sberbank.

Bank branch:

  1. The instruction is the same as when visiting the office, only a bank employee will advise and draw up documents here.
  2. You can contact any bank branch.

Individual retirement plans

A private pension helps generate additional income in order to receive higher benefits in old age. NPF Sberbank offers to choose one of the individual plans for this:

  • "Universal" implies a free choice of the schedule and the amount of contributions. The amount of the pension depends on the final savings.
  • "Guaranteed" allows you to select the desired amount of future payments. Based on this, the contract specifies the schedule of payments, their amount.
  • "Complex" combines a funded pension transferred from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and a non-state one.

Conditions of individual plans of NPF Sberbank:

Indicator name

Individual. plan "Universal"

Individual. plan "Guaranteed"

Individual. plan "Comprehensive"

Down payment amount

From 1.5 thousand rubles

Equivalent to further deductions

From 1 thousand rubles

Subsequent contributions per individual. retirement account

Based on the desired pension, a specific amount is fixed by the contract

Contribution frequency and payment schedule

The client chooses himself

Discussed in advance and specified in the contract

The client chooses himself

Period of payment of pension savings

5 years and above

From 10 years (fixed by agreement)

5 years and above

Return on investment (for the client)

9.04% per annum of the accumulated amount

9.04% from NGOs and 9.4% from the funded part of the NSO

Registration in the NPF Sberbank system

To create a Personal Account on the website of this non-governmental fund, you need a valid GPT agreement and a retirement account. You can register by filling out the form according to the following instructions:

  1. On the NPF website, click on the "Personal Account" button, then "Register".
  2. Provide an email address, come up with a password. Enter the last name, first name, patronymic. Choose a security question, write an answer.
  3. Indicate phone number, date of birth. Maintain passport data and SNILS. Choose consent or disagreement to the processing of personal data, receiving information materials by email. Write the code from the picture, go to the next page.
  4. Confirm registration by email.

How to manage savings through your Personal Account

You can manage your savings in your personal online office. To access it, take the following steps:

  1. Open email (if you haven't completed registration).
  2. Log in using the link in the letter.
  3. Personal account of Sberbank NPF will open automatically
  4. From now on, you can enter through the "Personal Account" button on the main page of the NPF website.
  5. When entering, you need to specify the username (email) and password that you came up with during registration.

With the help of such a service, it is much easier to use the services of a non-state fund, since it saves time, because you do not need to go anywhere. In the Personal Account there will be a client profile, which can be filled in with additional information, incl. upload your photo.

The service provides the following features:

  • receive information about the transfer of savings;
  • follow the history of these credits;
  • find out their full amount;
  • pay pension contributions;
  • use the auto payment service;
  • submit applications, monitor their implementation;
  • monitor the status of applications and contracts;
  • receive new offers from the Fund as a client;
  • connect the mobile version of the service to your smartphone.

Payment of funded pension by the Non-State Pension Fund of Sberbank

The savings can be received by citizens who have reached retirement age, i.e. after the FIU has appointed an insurance pension. Moreover, this can be done ahead of schedule - to receive a lump sum payment (if the amount is not more than 5% of the legal labor pension) or urgently - to receive monthly or quarterly any amount of your choice (the minimum period is 120 months). The payment procedure is chosen by the pensioner himself:

  1. receive in cash at the Russian Post;
  2. through a current account in any bank;
  3. through a social card.

You need to fill out and submit an application in the form required by Sberbank, sign it yourself. Samples can be found in the Foundation's Personal Account. After the death of a pensioner, the funded part of his pension can be received by relatives and heirs, which is one of the main advantages of the non-state fund of Sberbank.


A non-state pension fund is a non-profit organization that disposes of the funded part of the pension of its clients in the course of its own activities. Insurance pension contributions made by employers go to specially opened accounts of NPF clients.

In this article, we will consider the non-state pension fund of Sberbank. Feedback will also be provided.

What does the NPF work on?

The system that NPFs adhere to in their work is enshrined at the legislative level, and any deviations from it are illegal. The nuances of the NPF's work include:

  1. The contributions to the compulsory pension insurance are paid by the insured person himself or his employer.
  2. Pension savings reserves are invested in assets in order to preserve and increase them, while maintaining the reliability of deposits and taking into account risks.
  3. When the insured person enters the retirement age, in addition to the social pension, he is paid monthly not only the accumulated contributions, but also the profit obtained as a result of a successful investment. Why is the Sberbank pension fund popular? Reviews about this will help you make the right choice.

About the benefit

The benefits of deposits in NPFs can significantly exceed the indexation of savings offered by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. The NPF commission is no more than 15% of the profit received. NPFs have more opportunities for investing deposits, which means they are more likely to receive an increase in pension savings. The most difficult problem in this area at the moment is which fund to choose. Indeed, in Russia there are more than a hundred NPFs, and choosing the most reliable and profitable one is a matter of trust and confidence in the future.

Sberbank's non-state pension fund seems reliable to many. Let's figure this out.

NPF statistics

Private pension funds undergo rigorous checks under the supervision of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Central Bank, the Federal Tax Service and third-party audit companies. The accounts of organizations organizing NPFs should be publicly available. Based on the results of the check and on the basis of the statistical data obtained, ratings are compiled for the following indicators:

  1. By the field of investment and the number of types of investments (these can be shares or bills of exchange).
  2. The most profitable NPFs are allocated based on the size of the authorized capital.
  3. By the aggregate of depositors who have reached retirement age, and the amount of monthly supplements.
  4. By the number of participants in the funded system.
  5. Reliability and stable return on investment. For example, the Sberbank pension fund (reviews confirm this) exists relatively recently, but has already established itself well.

The founders of the largest NPFs in Russia are the main enterprises of the banking sector, transport, oil and gas industry. They are mainly aimed at preserving the pension savings of employees, but many attract contributors from outside. To transfer the right to invest your funded part of your pension in a non-state fund, you need to personally or remotely conclude an agreement with an NPF, and from January 1 of the next year for the current year, your savings will be transferred to the pension fund of your choice.

Problems and disadvantages

Today in our country it is possible to observe the consolidation of funds everywhere, which is due to the adopted norms of legislation. If the pension fund does not have the necessary authorized capital, it is unlikely that it will be possible to take a firm position in this area. The fund must have enough money to be able to pay its clients the amounts owed to them. Therefore, it is not accepted to take risks in the field of pension savings. According to reviews, Sberbank's pension fund is the leader among competitors.

The main problem in the functioning of NPFs is the direction of investment. Funds give preference to short-term investments, which is fully justified by the instability of the economic situation in the country and in the world. NPF cannot afford long-term transactions due to the high degree of responsibility for the capital of depositors.

It happens that even with short-term investments, NPFs lose part of their funds. And in such a situation, it is highly likely that the fund will leave the niche of pension savings. In this situation, depositors go back to the Pension Fund and choose a new option for transferring their savings.

Non-state pension fund of Sberbank

One of the leading places in the rating of non-state funds is occupied by the NPF of Sberbank. It was founded in March 1995. The sole founder is Sberbank of Russia OJSC itself. The foundation is organized in the form of an open non-profit social organization, and is governed by the council of the non-profit organization. He defines investment objectives and directions, manages all stock activities, approves documentation, etc.

NPF Sberbank has more than eight and a half thousand branches throughout the Russian Federation, in each of which you can sign an agreement to transfer your pension savings to this fund. About 7.6 million clients entrusted their pension savings to Sberbank, thus the assets of NPFs amount to more than 470 billion rubles. Since 2010, the fund has received the highest ratings in the field of reliability and safety of deposits and stable forecasts for further successful existence. These are the advantages of NPF Sberbank.

How to get into the personal account of the NPF?

Any participant in the pension insurance program from Sberbank can access their personal account on the NPF website. For this you need:

  1. Sign an agreement on non-state pension insurance at any branch of Sberbank and wait until it becomes effective.
  2. A special account must be opened in Sberbank to transfer the funded part of the pension and further deductions.
  3. You must also consent to the processing of your personal data by the bank. There is also a hotline for the NPF Sberbank.

What can you do in your personal account?

In your personal account, you can not only follow the information on your personal account, but also manage your pension savings, namely:

  1. Change the pension insurance program.
  2. Make contributions according to an individually designed plan.
  3. Receive a statement of the account state with the movements of the depositor's funds during the specified period.
  4. You can make an approximate calculation of your future pension using a special online calculator.
  5. Monitor deductions from the employer for the funded part of the pension in the NPF of Sberbank.

Interest rates and income

Depending on which pension insurance program the contributor chooses, a certain interest rate is set. Today NPF Sberbank offers the following options:

  1. A pension insurance program that also provides for a co-financing program.
  2. Individual plans of pension contributions (the interest rate is negotiated in the individual plan in the contract).
  3. Corporate options for legal entities.

According to statistical data, the dynamics of income of the Security Council of the Russian Federation is positive, despite the differences in the opinions of experts on this matter. The fund's management officially approves the possibility of increasing the savings invested in NPFs. The bank's indicators directly depend on inflation and the general economic situation in the country. But the situation is the same with the state pension fund, in which a person does not have the right to receive his savings before retirement.

So, is it worth transferring your pension to the NPF of Sberbank?

Advantages of NPF Sberbank

The unconditional advantages of Sberbank NPF are its stable and long-term work, high reliability of deposits, as well as an individual approach to the conclusion of contracts. Unlike state pension insurance, funds received on an account with a Sberbank NPF are inherited. Also, the pluses include a clear and accessible website with a personal account, where you can get comprehensive information about the existing pension insurance programs, interest rates on deposits, and also control your finances under already concluded agreements. The number of branches of NPF Sberbank is also convenient (the rating confirms this), which allows you to receive pension insurance services in any corner of our vast homeland. An advantage is the absolute transparency of all information on programs and deposits, here you can not be afraid of any pitfalls, tricks and small print.

The phone number of Sberbank NPF can be specified at any branch.

The funded part of the pension is a guarantee of a secure old age in the future. Citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to choose a fund to which they will entrust the safekeeping of their funds. Some Russian citizens choose to transfer their funded pension to the NPF of Sberbank. The reason for this is additional investments to the total part of payments, which gives a significant increase to the total amount.

How is the future pension formed?

Pension savings are formed in two ways:

  • The employer makes contributions to the Pension Fund of Russia, and they all form an insurance pension for future retirees. The amount of transfers is 22% of the employee's income. Points are awarded for these contributions. In the future, they will be taken as a basis for determining payments.
  • The employer makes contributions to the Pension Fund of Russia on the account of insurance premiums in the amount of 16%. In this case, the employee is left with 6%, which make up the cumulative part of payments. He can leave this interest to the State Pension Fund of the Pension Fund of Russia or transfer it to a non-state fund of any credit and financial institution, in particular, Sberbank. Here money will not just accumulate. Cash contributions are invested and a person has the ability to inherit them.

What does the transfer of savings to Sberbank give?

Transferring the funded part of the pension to the NPF Sberbank provides the following opportunities:

  • get a good premium to basic payments in the future;
  • increase the profitability of the balance of funds, since taxes will be paid according to the social program;
  • the citizen himself determines how much he will transfer money to the fund, and how often he will do it;
  • transfers can be performed online;
  • a citizen can monitor investments online.

Transfer rules

The funded part of the pension is transferred to Sberbank according to the following rules:

  • the size of the initial cash contribution is at least 1,500 rubles;
  • regular deductions from 500 rubles;
  • the frequency of contributions does not matter and is performed by clients at its discretion;
  • a citizen receives payments after the official registration of old-age disability;
  • the duration of payments is from 5 years.

How to register?

How to transfer the funded part of the pension to Sberbank? This requires a personal visit to any branch. You need to take an identity document with you, as well as the insurance number of the SNILS individual personal account. At the branch, the client draws up an application for the transfer of savings to Sberbank. The whole procedure takes no more than a quarter of an hour. During the filing of the application, the citizen can ask the bank employee all the questions of interest. A representative of a credit and financial institution will tell you how to find out the amount of investment, how to view the transfer of funds to the world, provide information about the investment activities of the institution and give answers to all the client's questions. In a few days, the citizen will be invited to the branch to sign the Sberbank Compulsory Pension Insurance Agreement.

After completing the procedure, employees of the credit and financial institution will help the client register a Personal Account. Thanks to this, having access to the Internet, a citizen will be able to check the following points:

  • the amount of the balance;
  • the time of depositing funds and the amount of the deposited amount;
  • the size of investments under the pension program.

Receiving funds for the funded part

It is impossible to withdraw the funded part of the pension before the end of labor activity due to old age. The transfers will begin only after the official legal termination of employment due to old age.

For transfers, you must provide a package of documents to Sberbank:

  • identity document;
  • insurance certificate;
  • pensioner's ID;
  • details for transfers;
  • papers from the Pension Fund of Russia, which indicate that the citizen has sufficient insurance experience to receive payments.

What percentage of the funded pension should be in order to receive money for the rest of your life? It should be 5% more than the labor part. In this case, the citizen receives a monthly increase in basic payments. The balance is adjusted after the end of the investment plan.

Bank employees also offer other payment terms. You can get all your savings over 10 years. In this case, the following are taken into account:

  • admission to a citizen;
  • contributions from the state;
  • the size of the investment;
  • maternity capital, if it was directed to the formation of the mother's pension.

The client can receive all payments in one go. This is relevant in the event that the citizen was not assigned payments due to the lack of points. This also applies to those moments if a citizen receives payments due to disability or loss of a breadwinner. If savings are less than 5% of social benefits, then cash can also be received at a time.

Pros and cons of transferring payments to Sberbank

Benefits of transferring payments to NPF Sberbank:

  • reliability of the organization, which is confirmed by customer reviews and agencies that make up the rating of credit and financial institutions;
  • the funds are insured and in any case will be transferred to the citizen or his heirs;
  • it takes a minimum of time to complete the documents;
  • the client can control the deductions and monitor the investment of funds.

Disadvantages of transferring payments to Sberbank:

  • there are problems with online services, due to which the client is not able to track cash receipts and investment accruals;
  • a long process of preparing investment results, which takes from one to two months.

Whether it is worth transferring the funded part of the pension to Sberbank is up to every citizen of the Russian Federation. To make the right decision, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the pros and cons of saving money in this financial institution and compare the conditions of the bank with other similar institutions.

Currently, there are several large non-state funds operating in the country, one of which is the NPF of Sberbank. In addition, Sberbank branches are located in almost every settlement in Russia, which allows citizens to contact the bank at any time to sign a pension agreement. But what is the specificity of the fund's work? What is the profitability of the Sberbank NPF in recent years? We will answer these and other questions in our article.

NPF Sberbank: general data

Non-state pension fund of Sberbank (hereinafter APF) was formed in 1995 by Presidential Decree No. 1077 dated 16.09.1992. The fund is managed by a specially created Advice- he regulates not only strategic issues, but also deals with the general management of the company.

NPF has one founder, namely Sberbank of Russia OJSC.

Let's highlight the main data on NPF:

  • Pension assets- 367 billion rubles.
  • Authorized capital- 150 million.
  • Reserve- 14 billion.
  • Clients- 4.6 million people.
  • Site- npfsberbanka.ru
  • Hot line – 88005550041.
  • Reorganization in 2014. The result is the new status of Sberbank NPF CJSC.
  • License- No 41/2 dated June 16, 2009.


These indicators indicate such advantages of NPFs as:

  • high level of customer confidence;
  • leading positions in the OPS market (compulsory pension insurance);
  • high results of attracting clients;
  • long history of work;
  • stable positions in the field of NGOs (non-state pension provision);
  • balanced investment strategy.

Profitability by years

The profitability of NPFs is one of the primary criteria when choosing a particular fund. Let's highlight the profitability of NPFs in recent years in the form of a table:

Year Profitability,%
2009 32,2
2010 9,2
2011 0
2012 7,3
2013 6,7
2014 2,6
2015 10,7
2016 11,7

The average annual return is 7.3%.

In the current 2017, it is planned to increase profitability by at least 0.5% compared to last year.

Personal Area

Before registering in your personal account (hereinafter referred to as the LC), you need to fulfill a number of conditions, namely:

  • availability of a valid GPT agreement;
  • opening an account according to the Pension Rules;
  • the client's consent to the processing of personal information.

To register in the LC, you need to take the following steps:

  1. Click on the link https://lk.npfsb.ru/?register=yes.
  2. In the window that appears, you need to specify such information, how:
    • E-mail address;
    • Name Patronymic name;
    • passport data;
    • SNILS number;
    • contact number;
    • invented password (entered twice);
    • security question and answer.
  3. Confirm the entered information using the dialed code from the picture.
  4. Check the box for consent to the processing of personal data.
  5. On the second page you need to indicate your surname.
  6. Enter the e-mail box, which will contain a link to go to the LC.
  7. Complete registration and enter the LC.

Access to the LC can be closed in the following cases:

  • Pension payments upon reaching the appropriate age.
  • Termination of the GPT agreement.
  • Violation of confidentiality rules.

Each client of the fund can receive an SMS-mailing about important news and promotions of the NPF. To do this, check the box on the "Client Profile" page.

If you have any questions, the client can contact the contact center by phone 88005550041.

How to go to NPF Sberbank?

To sign the GPT agreement, the client must do the following:

  1. Visit one of the bank branches... You need to have a passport and SNILS with you.
  2. Fill out an application the established sample.
  3. Sign an OPS agreement, in which it is worth indicating the heirs.
  4. Fill out an application in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on the transfer to the NPF until December 31 of this year. Most often, NPF employees independently submit the completed form to the FIU. The savings are transferred to the NPF until March 31 of the next year.

To find out status of a signed contract, you need to study the updated information in the LC, which can be one of the following:

  • Reflection of the number of the contract and the date of its conclusion - the document has already been adopted by the FIU, but has not yet entered into force.
  • The inscription “No agreements yet” is not accepted by the FIU.
  • Reflection of the contract number, date of conclusion and the message "Valid" - the document has entered into force and now you can follow the movement of savings online.

Individual pension plan

Unfortunately, not always the size of the pension can provide a comfortable existence for a citizen. Each potential pensioner can independently increase pension savings by individual pension program (hereinafter IPP).

To implement the IPP, a citizen must contact an NPF, where employees will develop an individual program with any income level of a particular citizen.

The IPP is suitable for those people who receive a salary "in an envelope" in the amount of more than 50,000 rubles a month.

The essence of the IIP is as follows:

  1. Sign the relevant agreement.
  2. Open an account where the deductions will be received.
  3. Transfer funds to the NPF within the specified time frame.
  4. Receive savings as a supplement to your pension when you reach retirement age. Payments can be made in a lump sum, monthly, or once every three months.

The main advantages of the PPI:

  • reliability on the part of NPF;
  • funds are managed by professionals;
  • increase in pension;
  • selection of a suitable program;
  • profitability;
  • the ability to dispose of savings, for example, you can pick it up ahead of schedule;
  • inheritance:
  • return of 13% of the investment amount;
  • convenient payment method.

In this way, the IPP helps ensure a decent life upon retirement.

NPF Sberbank acts as a reliable non-state fund that allows you to increase the funded part of your pension. Let's consider how to transfer to the NPF of Sberbank, the features of the proposed individual plans, the level of the fund's profitability and other aspects necessary for interaction.

Why transfer the funded part of the pension to the NPF Sberbank

To date, more than 7.8 million citizens have already transferred to NPF Sberbank, which confirms its attractiveness for the population. NPF Sberbank in 2016 and 2015 recognized as the market leader among NPFs, and also confirmed the AAA reliability rating (maximum). The shareholder of the company is PJSC Sberbank.

The investment policy of the NPF Sberbank, which provides for deposits only in reliable securities, also speaks of reliability. This is confirmed by the profitability, which is growing steadily, exceeding the inflation rate.

Only the funded part formed for 2014 can be transferred to NPF Sberbank. Recall that until that time, each employer for each employee sent deductions to the Pension Fund - 22%.

They were divided into the insurance part - 16%, and the funded part - 6%. The first is mandatory for the formation of a future pension, and the second could be disposed of in order to increase it - to invest in NPFs. In this case, the first was converted into points, and the second remained in monetary terms. In 2014, such distribution was suspended, and today all 22% are directed to the insurance part.

Citizens who have resources for the funded part can make a decision: keep them in storage in the Pension Fund or transfer them to a structure where it will be multiplied through investment.

You can find out how much a citizen has at his disposal on the PF website in his Personal Account.

How to go to NPF Sberbank

When submitting an application for transferring to the NPF of Sberbank, you need to understand that the procedure has certain features. In particular, you do not need to visit the Pension Fund, everything happens in Sberbank. The order is pretty simple:

  1. Visit a branch of Sberbank or the office of NPF Sberbank. You need to have a passport and SNILS with you.
  2. Applying for the transition.
  3. Signing a contract.
  4. The transfer takes place the next year until March 31st.

If the money is saved in another NPF, the transition procedure is the same.

There are situations when a person does not know exactly where his money is. in this case? You can clarify this directly at Sberbank. Once a year, this information is provided free of charge. You can also order a statement in the Pension Fund or on the State Service portal.

The profitability of NPFs in 2017 was 9.4%. Looking at the charts posted on the Sberbank website, you can see an ever-growing trend:

So, in 2018, profitability growth is predicted by 0.5%.

Features of savings

The NPF website has a calculator that allows you to calculate the profitability of the Sberbank NPF based on your own indicators.

Based on the specified conditions, the calculator will show what the funded and non-state pension will be like.

For the latter, you will need to draw up an individual plan by choosing one of the proposed directions.

The profitability depends mainly on the size of the salary and on the part of it that the client is willing to transfer. You also need to understand that the earlier the transition is made, the greater the amount the pensioner will receive in the future.

Tax deduction

The second opportunity for making a profit is the right to issue a tax deduction. It is 13% of the total investment. The maximum amount to which the deduction is applicable is 120 thousand rubles.

To obtain it, you need to prepare documents:

  • Passport, SNILS;
  • NDFL-2;
  • Personal income tax-3 (in the presence of additional declared income);
  • Agreement with NPF Sberbank;
  • Copies of receipts or payment papers confirming the deposit of funds.

A statement is also drawn up. You can submit papers to the tax office or directly to the employer. In the first case, the deduction will be paid in a single payment for the year, in the second, it will be provided together with the salary on a monthly basis.

Regardless of the total amount of the calculated deduction, a citizen cannot receive more than 13% of his salary per month (or recalculated for a year). Therefore, the refund can take several years if it is a significant amount.

Individual pension programs

Forming pension savings and improving the standard of living in the future will help

These funds cannot be collected and divided upon divorce, which is noted in the Sberbank NPF agreement, but they can be inherited.


For the Universal program, the following conditions apply:

  • First investment: from 1.5 thousand rubles;
  • Contributions: from 500 rubles;
  • Frequency: arbitrary;
  • Duration: from 5 years.

After the end of the agreed period, the client receives his contributions, as well as the income generated during this time.


When choosing this option, the citizen chooses the amount of pension contributions he needs. Based on this parameter, indicators are assigned: initial and subsequent deposits, systematic replenishment.

The repayment period is at least 10 years.


It implies the transfer of the funded part of the pension to the NPF Sberbank with the right to replenish it in any order. Upon completion, both cumulative and non-government contributions are paid. Minimum program limits:

  • Initial investment: from 1000 rubles.
  • Top-ups: from 500 rubles.
  • Regularity of replenishment: at your discretion.
  • Receiving payments: from 5 years.

API registration is provided online. To do this, you need to define the program and click Submit, after which you will need to fill out an application. To do this, you must have a passport and an international card. A simplified procedure is provided for users who have a confirmed account for Public Services.

How to register with an NPF

Registration instructions

You can do it yourself by following these steps:

  1. Go to the site, click on Register.
  2. Enter the email address, come up with a password to enter.
  3. Record personal data, date of birth.
  4. Indicate a mobile phone.
  5. Enter passport information.
  6. Check all the data, confirm (enter the numbers from the picture).
  7. Read the user agreement, tick the consent box.
  8. Check this box if you want to receive messages from Sberbank with various kinds of information.
  9. Write down the surname.

After registering on the site, you should wait for a letter from Sberbank to e-mail. The link contained in it is required to make a transition in order to verify your identity. After that, the procedure for registering is considered completed, and the client can use the Personal Account.

Features of the Personal Account

Everyone is offered to register in order to receive all the details about the state of their resources. Also, the Personal Account of NPF Sberbank allows you to:

  • View the details of retirement account transactions.
  • Control the order of accruals, monitor the profitability.
  • Pay dues remotely.
  • Issue APIs, change them.
  • Print out statements of the assignee for changes in personal data, etc.
  • Consult a specialist.

To find out how much has accumulated, just go to your Personal Account and see information on a specific account.

Features of receiving payments

After retirement or at the end of the agreed period, according to the IPP, you need to contact Sberbank and submit an application.

Application for payments to the client of NPF Sberbank

It is preliminarily recommended to find out the amount of savings in the office or online. The first money transfer takes place within 30 days after the application is submitted, the subsequent ones - monthly in the prescribed manner. Receipt takes place to an account with Sberbank.

If the total amount (account balance) does not allow paying the monthly minimum amount prescribed by law, payment is assigned once a quarter.

After the appointment of non-government contributions, Sberbank issues the so-called pension book, which looks like a plastic card.

Application for payments to the assignee

If a citizen who accumulates savings in NPF Sberbank dies before reaching retirement age or before the end of the contract under the IPP, the legal successor applies for them.

He will need to submit an application for the assignee to the NPF Sberbank, where indicate:

  • information about the deceased;
  • the degree of kinship and the reason for recognition as a legal successor (by law, by agreement, etc.);
  • personal and passport data of the assignee;
  • contacts;
  • method of obtaining savings and details (if necessary);
  • information about the relatives of the deceased.

The assignee must bring with him identity documents confirming the relationship (marriage certificate, birth certificate), a death certificate, as well as a document where the insurance number of the deceased is indicated.

Terminate the contract

If at some stage there is a need to terminate the agreement with NPF Sberbank, you should write a corresponding statement. By law, it is possible to change the NPF once a year (not more often).

To terminate the agreement, you will need to indicate to which NPF you want to transfer funds, and its details are full. When changing the NPF, the person suffers some losses. In particular, profit is not accrued for a full year, and a commission is paid for making a money transfer.

Also, the client has the right to request a transfer of savings to a bank account. At the same time, tax is withheld from him.

If you prematurely terminate the IPP agreement, the procedure for issuing money is:

  • After 2 years: own funds are returned in full, and income is 50%.
  • After 5 years: both profits and their investments are issued in full.


To transfer your savings to the NPF Sberbank, you just need to go through a simple procedure at the office of the bank or fund. Sberbank invests them for the purpose of growth, which can be controlled by registering in the Personal Account. NPF Sberbank also proposes to choose a program for the formation of a non-state pension in order to ensure a familiar way of life in the future.

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