
When is the day of chocolate. World Chocolate Day: The Story Of The Discovery Of A Treat. How did chocolate appear

July 11 is World Chocolate Day. The first to learn to make chocolate were the Aztecs, who called it "food of the gods." The Spanish conquistadors christened the delicacy "black gold" and ate them to strengthen endurance. In the Middle Ages, the consumption of chocolate in Europe was available only to aristocrats.

Today, July 11, all sweet tooths celebrate a delicious holiday - World Chocolate Day.

This holiday originated in France in 1995. Chocolate Day quickly gained popularity and was supported in Germany, Italy, Switzerland and, in particular, in Ukraine.

Why is chocolate useful?

Science has established the fact that chocolate contains elements that promote both relaxation and psychological recovery. Dark chocolates release endorphins, the so-called happiness hormones, that act on pleasure centers to improve mood and tone the body.

There is also a hypothesis that chocolate has an "anti-cancer" effect and can slow down the aging process.

At the same time, scientists unanimously state the fact that chocolate contributes to an increase in body weight, but this is by no means a drawback. Chocolate is rich nutrients, including fats, and therefore calories.

It is believed that the Aztecs were the first to learn how to make chocolate. The main raw materials for the production of chocolate are cocoa beans.

During recent years A number of global media outlets report that eating chocolate is good for the heart, helps prevent cancer and improves mood. There is a hypothesis that chocolate can slow down the aging process. But is it really so?

Ulyana Suprun on her page in Facebook told what useful properties possesses chocolate, how to use it and choose it correctly. Suprun said that the most beneficial is dark chocolate with the maximum content of cocoa beans. If this delicacy does not contain sugar, then it has anti-inflammatory, cardioprotective, anti-allergic, anti-hepatotoxic effects.

Milk chocolate with additives does not have any beneficial properties, but just the opposite, the expert wrote. Suprun also told how chocolate is made:

Cocoa beans are fermented by bacteria and fungi to create their aroma. Refined and dried cocoa beans, rich in polyphenolic compounds and butter. Then the cocoa beans are fried, cleaned, liquid cocoa is made, from which butter is squeezed out. Cocoa powder may have different cocoa butter content depending on how it was pressed. Sometimes liquid cocoa is alkalized (the so-called Dutch process) to make it less acidic. Chocolate is made from liquid cocoa or cocoa powder and cocoa butter and emulsifiers.

Benefits of dark chocolate:


Flavonols of cocoa and dark chocolate contribute to the formation of nitric oxide. This compound dilates blood vessels and reduces pressure. Thus, chocolate makes a significant contribution to the prevention or control of the progression of diseases associated with inflammation, and somewhat reduces pressure.

Antioxidant action

Cocoa and chocolate contain polyphenolic compounds that trap and quench free radicals and inhibit enzymes involved in peroxidation. Simply put, these substances prevent our molecules from deteriorating from bombardment with highly reactive compounds.

Cholesterol balance

In one experiment, after 7 days of consuming dark chocolate, people had a 6% drop in their "bad cholesterol" and a 9% increase in their "good cholesterol" levels. Similar results have been found in other studies, including among people with type 2 diabetes.

Blood supply to the brain

Cocoa and chocolate can be beneficial for patients with dementia, Alzheimer's disease, and those who have had a stroke. They also improve brain function, alertness and memory. If you don't get enough sleep, chocolate and cocoa will help you rejuvenate.

Intestinal microflora

Cocoa polyphenols have a rather low bioavailability, so only a fraction of the consumed substances will get from the intestines into the blood. However, the positive effects of cocoa and dark chocolate are fairly obvious.

Skin photoprotection

Regular consumption of dark chocolate or cocoa reduces the appearance of redness, inflammation and free radicals, as well as improves blood circulation in the skin and the formation of collagen.

Suprun warned that children should not eat chocolate, because sweets are a threat to the teeth, and extra calories instead of a full meal. But do not forget that the flavonoids contained in cocoa beans have a beneficial effect on the state of the intestinal immune system and prevent food allergies.

Contrary to the myth that chocolate and citrus fruits cause allergies, this is not true. What is mistaken for an allergy in a child is atopic or systemic contact dermatitis. Food allergy manifests itself as abdominal pain, itchy mouth, or diarrhea. Dermatitis is indeed often accompanied by food allergies, so sometimes they coincide. But the most common food allergens are dairy products, nuts, or eggs, but not cocoa.

Irina Mikhailovna Korzhina
"Holiday of chocolate" in the senior group

Senior group

"Holiday of chocolate"

ENTRANCE - "Chocolate"

Girls with sweets, boys with sultans

(first the girls - by jumps - in a counter-movement in 2 columns along the edges, then the boys - by jumps - 1 column to the center)

(Put themselves on the podium)

Ved. - We are all sweet to congratulate happy,

Our hour has struck, our day has come.

Today is the holiday of Chocolate!

We are not too lazy to sing an ode to him.

After all, chocolate is not just a joy

Like a marshmallow or persimmon,

And the song of taste, joy of hearts,

Balm for body and mind.

So pour chocolate around the world

No regrets, no barriers

And may all your idols

All life is just chocolate!

Ved. - Dear friends! Miracles do not only happen in new year's eve, hot summer holidays can be magical too. After all, there is a day in the summer when you can eat a sea of \u200b\u200bchocolate. What day is this? - you ask. We are talking about a sweet-sweet, tasty-delicious holiday - World Chocolate Day. And it is celebrated annually - on July 11, in the midst of a hot summer. But this is the time of vacations and rest, and we could hardly meet such a friendly family. But today on such an autumnal, maybe a bit sad evening, why don't we talk about the most beloved sweets - both children and adults, and devote our meeting to a wonderful holiday - the holiday of Chocolate.


1. There is nothing in the world

More aromatic than bitter chocolate

There is nothing nicer

He's the best award in the world.

2. He cheers up,

Gives vigor and fun

Everyone wants to treat themselves

Enjoy chocolate.

3.With him we are both in sorrow and in joy,

On a holiday, and in a difficult hour,

He gives us sweetness

He is our salvation.

4. We now congratulate everyone

Happy World Chocolate Day,

We wish you sweets in life

This is a great reward!

song "Sweet Tooth" by Petryasheva

(Verses 1 and 2 - soloists, chorus - all)

or "Sweet Song"

The holiday of Chocolate began to be celebrated in 1995. If we consider that now it is 2016 in the yard, then, therefore, he is only 21 years old. Relatively young age, I can tell you. Do you know who invented it? It was invented by the French - great lovers of cage. But there is a sweet tooth not only in France, but also live abroad. This is how, for example, in America they celebrate the day of chocolate twice - once in July, and the second in October, well, almost like us, we are now also in October. And in Russia, the Day of Chocolate fell in love, and in all other countries they love it. And if the French opened it, honored the holiday this day, then the Russians erected a monument to him in the Vladimir region. If you are there sometime, then in the city of Pokrov there is a monument to Chocolate. Can you imagine how great it is? I think today a lot of interesting, exciting, magical things await us. And the most important thing is that we have both sweet and fun, I want to ask the children:

If it's a gloomy day in the morning? - No problem!

Will you always meet a friend here? - Yes!

Then get up quickly, play with us.

Dance game "Hugs"

Competition preparation (ropes) - pun

Contest "Chocolate shooting range"

Background of the Mustache Nanny (2-3 times)

(dad, mom, cut a chocolate bar off the rope - blindfolded, child - with open eyes)

Not an easy task. One, two, three - start the game!

I don't know about you - but I love candy so much! Straight sweet tooth # 1.

I'll tell you a secret -

All year round, winter and summer

I just think about it!

And trust me people

Pleasure - mouth full!

And how much pleasure, how much joy the guys get from sweets! Now they will tell us. And they will not only tell, but also show.

Little jokes:

1. Chocolates - 3 reb (ved, son, mother) - table, chair, vase, board + iron

2. Zhrushka - 2 reb (daughter, mother) - table, vase with candy wrappers

3. Failure - 2 reb (brother, sister) - chair, 2 candies

4. Verse "My talent" - (daughter, mom, dad)

The song "We are sweets, we are girlfriends"

(solo - girls) - (piano, notebook)

Do you guys know that chocolate is one of the oldest treats? Several thousand years ago they learned how to make chocolate. It was a thick drink called Hot Chocolate. And only much later, guys, did chocolate turn into a solid confection that we are now using. Yes, chocolate is not only pleasant, but also healthy. It not only improves mood, but also strengthens strength. In short, ate a slice of chocolate - and everything is in order. The main thing is to know when to stop. Now I think that our guests and guys love a lot of different chocolate. Truth? Yes. Here we are now going to play another game "Guess the name of chocolate"

First riddle.

Permians, Chelyabinsk residents,

Muscovites and Petersburgers

They are very fond of chocolate

Under the name (Snickers)

Sonya, applause - we give you candy.

Second riddle.

Tanya loves marmalade

I will give the box to her.

Katya loves chocolate

I will give her ___

3. Everyone knows about it,

And every girl

Delicious chocolate

Russian (Alenka)

And now the contest "Taste chocolate"

Dad, mom, baby with closed eyes taste chocolate

All day long he laughs

Cobweb tickles.

The foliage rushes

Then the rain will send us a scythe.

She dresses up in burgundy

Yellow red and purple

And in crimson, gold,

Light haze, forest.

It's time to talk about autumn. But first, I would like to draw your attention to what an extraordinary wonderful hall we have this year.


1. And again autumn outside the window,

The foliage spins and falls

Cold rain pours more and more often

Less and less often the sun pleases.

2. Summer rushed off light

On the wings of flocks of birds

In the farewell song of the cranes,

To a distant warm land.

song "Autumn in the forest"

(Triangles) -

(Valdai bells (metallophones) -

(Maracas) -

1. Candy is delicious,

Candy is sweet.

But the best candy is

Large chocolate bar.

dance "Bear Gumiber"

And now it's time to evaluate the hand-made works of our families.

Contest "Chocolate Fantasy"

Parents and children appreciate the work

1. Let my little ones be small,

But I already know how to pick berries!

dance "Berry-watermelon"

(watermelons - 4m, berries - 4 d, tomato - 1m)

song "My family" or "Holiday"

Group ___ is one big friendly family. I want to congratulate everyone on such wonderful, wonderful works. So much work, so much imagination, so much effort invested, so wonderful work for everyone - this is the most important thing. Let's clap! Of course, there are no winners or losers - all great fellows, without exception. I want to start with my family. Let's see the presentation.

Awarding prizes

Child's name, job title. Applause.

Our meeting is coming to an end. I want to thank my whole team - these are wonderful educators ___ and ___, music director ___, and the coordinator for work with the OH family had fun and pleasure with you.

Thank you for your attention, you are wonderful. It remains for me to invite you - just about New Year - to meet at the New Year tree.

And now the main surprise of our holiday is the chocolate fountain, which is waiting for you in the group.

Sweet tooths probably know about Chocolate Day, which is celebrated annually at the height of summer - July 11. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe celebration belongs to the French: they are big fans of the exquisite delicacy. Since 1995, the holiday was considered national, but over time, other countries have adopted a similar tradition.

Due to the huge popularity of such an event, the World Chocolate Day began to be celebrated four times a year: September 2 and 13, June 9 and traditionally July 11. The Americans, who gave the holiday the name World Chocolate Day, dedicated 2 more days to their favorite delicacy: October 28 and July 7. So the sweet tooth has a reason to taste chocolate and participate in entertaining contests and festivals as many as 6 times a year.

How did chocolate appear

The history of chocolate dates back to 1000 BC, when the natives of Latin America (the Olmec tribe) first drew attention to the fruit of the chocolate tree. It is believed that chocolate is a derivative of xocolātl. Among the ancient aborigines, this word meant "bitter water". The fact is that the delicacy was originally consumed only in liquid form, with the addition of hot pepper and sweet corn grains. Cocoa was mixed with these unusual ingredients, whipped in water until foam appeared, and drank only when the drink began to ferment. It is noteworthy that only the leaders were allowed to use it. Women, children and commoners had no right to touch the divine nectar. The Maya and Aztecs had the same traditions. They even worshiped a cocoa god named Ek-Chuakh.

Mayan cocoa god Ek Chuah

The first European to taste an overseas delicacy was the navigator Columbus. Unfortunately, he could not appreciate the cold and spicy drink, so he gave the grains to the American Indians. The fruits of the chocolate tree came to Spain in the 16th century thanks to Cortez, the conquistador who conquered Mexico. Having defeated the Aztecs, he became the owner of unique cocoa plantations and established supplies throughout Europe. Spanish monks and hidalgo, who were engaged in making the dessert, changed the recipe, eliminating pepper and spices and adding sugar. Thanks to this, the drink became sweet and pleasant to the taste, moreover, it was served hot.

In the Middle Ages, dessert was literally worth its weight in gold due to high taxes and production difficulties. In France, they got acquainted with the delicacy thanks to Louis' wife, Anna of Austria. The British and Germans immediately picked up fashion trend... Chocolate became an exquisite dessert for nobles and dignitaries, and chocolate houses soon filled all the streets of Paris and London.

In 1847, British pastry chef Frye made a revolutionary discovery: he added cocoa butter to the dessert, which caused the chocolate to freeze and harden. This is how the first slab chocolate was born. Since the middle of the 19th century, the largest factories in the world began to produce a new confectionery product: the English Cadbury (famous for the Wispa and Picnic bars), the Swiss Nestle (which was originally focused on the production of artificial milk formulas for babies), the Russian Einem (which was later renamed to Red October"). Today there are a huge number of both large companies and individual manufacturers of hand made products. World Chocolate Day has become a testament to the popularity of this confection around the world and among all peoples and generations.

Features of the celebration

World Chocolate Day is celebrated on all continents and in almost all countries: Russia, USA, France, Germany, Spain, Great Britain, Switzerland, etc. body, chocolate baths, themed fairs and exhibitions.

Those who are lucky enough to visit Switzerland on July 11 are advised to take a ride on the "chocolate train". During the trip, the guide tells the amazing story of the origin and development of the dessert.

Belgium is famous for its unique chocolate museum, and the Germans created the Chocolandia - a paradise for those with a sweet tooth. Tourists are invited to visit interesting shows and take part in master classes and tastings.

Russian confectioners also keep up with their foreign counterparts. In 2009, the first Russian monument to chocolate called "Bronze Fairy" was unveiled in Pokrov. The 3-meter-high statue is installed next to the chocolate museum. On the day of the celebration, tourists and visitors will find an exciting show program and many interesting competitions.

The holiday of chocolate is a great occasion to congratulate relatives and friends who participate in the creation of their favorite delicacy: they work in confectionery factories or are engaged in the design of wrappers. It is not necessary to go to Pokrov or to Europe; you can organize leisure on your own with your family. Adults can be pampered with a chocolate fondue with liqueur, while children can be pampered with bars, cakes, ice cream or fruit salads. Songs of domestic performers on a given theme will be appropriate as musical background: "Chocolate Bunny" by Pierre Narcissus, "Coffee and Chocolate" by Inna Malikova, "Mulatto Chocolate" by Dima Bilan. A creative and creative approach will create a festive atmosphere and introduce a new family tradition to celebrate the day of your favorite treat.

Did you know?

Chocolate is not only delicious, but also a very healthy dessert. Used in moderation, it stabilizes blood pressure, normalizes heart function and has a beneficial effect on nervous system... Just one slice improves mood and helps fight depression.

The most useful is dark chocolate with a high content of cocoa beans (over 70%). It improves vision, memory, reaction speed, reduces the risk of stroke and heart attack, cancer, strengthens the immune system. Scientists have shown that people who consume a cocoa product, if not every day, then quite regularly, the risk of cardiovascular disease is reduced by 37%.
Chocolate is also a great aphrodisiac as it increases libido. The feeling of melting in the mouth plunges the person into a prolonged state of euphoria, which is comparable to a kiss. Due to the regular use of this confection, women experience more satisfaction and attraction, which significantly improves the quality of their sex life.

Chocolate in numbers

  • The lifespan of chocolate trees is 200 years, of which only 25 bear fruit.
  • There are 300 varieties of cocoa beans and 400 different flavors in the world.
  • The Swiss are the record-holders for eating sweets. Each of them, according to statistics, eats 11.8 kg of chocolate annually.
  • made by the British. Its weight is 5.8 tons.

Now it is simply strange to imagine a time when there was no chocolate and when it was available only to very few. In our time, poetry is dedicated to this delicacy, films are made about it. And even a holiday dedicated to chocolate has recently existed, this is World Chocolate Day.

And although it is completely new, it immediately and firmly won recognition from everyone - after all, it is the most delicious and funniest.

Oh, what a wonderful sweet day!
We celebrate it with the whole world.
And no one is lazy to celebrate it today,
Our whole apartment is covered in chocolate!

This delicacy wants to get into our mouth
And melt there smoothly and gently.
Today, friends, we will enjoy it to our heart's content,
We celebrate the holiday diligently.

The world day of chocolate has come to us.
For a whole year we waited desperately
When it will be so good for us.
And so we all became happy.

After all, it has been proven to everyone that any chocolate
Lifts mood at once.
Everyone who ate it will be cheerful and happy
And wonderful singing will be heard!

A bit of history

In the mid-90s, the people of France invented this holiday. It began to be celebrated on July 11, it is believed that it was on this day that the conquistadors brought it to Europe in the middle of the 16th century. In those days, it was valued more than gold, was known only as a drink that supports youth.

The drink made from cocoa beans was also known to the Aztecs and the Maya Indians, they called it "food of the gods", and the tree itself had a personal deity to whom people prayed - it was so highly valued and revered.

He was considered the only way to ignite the fire of passion, the healers of royal families prescribed a chocolate drink to noble ladies who fell into depression. Only in the middle of the 19th century did they learn how to make dark chocolate bars, and after another two decades they managed to make milk ones. Chocolate still remained inaccessible to many delicacies, only in the second decade of the 20th century it became available to everyone.

The people liked the holiday, and the next year it was supported in Germany, and a year later they began to celebrate all over Europe and both Americas, and soon Russia joined it. In the United States, the holiday has come to the court so much that it is celebrated twice a year - July 7 and October 28. In Russia it is held according to the international calendar - July 11. So the initiative of the French grew into the World Chocolate Day.

On this day, chocolate is often eaten twice as much as on any other day of the year, because it is believed that during the holiday chocolate has special properties. And this is not self-deception, because chocolate itself contains endorphins, which are also called "the hormone of happiness." This means that even a small piece of chocolate can improve the mood of most people on the planet, relieve depression and improve general well-being... Chocolate Day 2017 will also be celebrated. After all, July 11 is the top of summer, the warmest season.

What is chocolate

In addition to a large number of various sweets, there are three types of chocolate, depending on the amount of cocoa beans in it - bitter, black and milk. There are also white chocolate bars, in which cocoa powder is completely absent.

Most of all cocoa beans are in dark chocolate, there are varieties where it is about 80%, and it is he who ultimately allows you to feel completely satisfied and calm. And the most popular, tender and tasty is milk.

But at the chocolate festival, you can enjoy any varieties, please your loved ones and loved ones with exquisite chocolate souvenirs and even admire the chocolate fountain. Any miracles are possible on this day.

Let's celebrate!

Where to go on International Chocolate Day to get the most out of the holiday?

Go to the chocolate factory

TO World day chocolate factories make a day open doors For everyone. On this day, festivals and fairs are held there, for which the craftsmen make special souvenirs. Excursions and master classes are held at these factories, you can see how the tiles of this delicacy are made, and at the master class you can make sweets by hand at your own request. Win-win contests and quizzes are held for children, in which, of course, there will be chocolates.

Arrange yourself beauty treatments with chocolate

To make the skin soft, silky, smooth, why not do chocolate wraps, massage or cosmetic mask with chocolate. After all, there are so many useful substances in it, and the rich aroma of cocoa remarkably cheers up.

Go to a fiery show

Festive events are held in many places on World Chocolate Day. On them, the most important thing will be the abundance of chocolate treats, but the most amazing thing is a large chocolate fountain made from melted chocolate - you can eat it directly with spoons, or dip fruits and sweets into it.

And here every country and every city is trying to surprise visitors with unusual combinations of products with chocolate and their own way to celebrate this day.

  • Since the mid-90s in Lviv, they began to produce a comic candy "Salo in chocolate" - in which a really small piece of bacon is covered with a layer of dark chocolate. It may seem surprising, but the candy is actually very tasty, now it is made in all cities of Ukraine where there is a Lviv Chocolate Workshop.
  • The Japanese produce sweet desserts of the most unusual colors, with aromas of flowers, in the most delicate glaze.
  • Americans prefer to have a chocolate party that they invite their entire family to.
  • And in Switzerland, on a chocolate day, a special route is laid around the city by public transport, during which you will be told about Swiss chocolate, a tasting of chocolate with cognac will be arranged, and children will be given an especially delicious milk chocolate or a chocolate drink.

Organize a friendly chocolate party

You can celebrate World Chocolate Day with friends and have a fun party. It will be interesting for everyone to participate in the competition for the best chocolate body art... It is enough just to prepare a lot of chocolate icing and a brush. Participants paint themselves or friends, and then a defile is held. A general vote will determine the winner, who will receive the prize.

Glaze: 5 tbsp. l. cocoa powder, 3 tbsp. l. milk, 0.5 cups butter and 3 tbsp. l. butter are mixed and brought to a boil. Then the mass must be thoroughly mixed so that lumps do not form, and cool. The body art glaze is ready! These ingredients will make about 1 cup of chocolate paint. Increase the proportions at your discretion based on the number of participants.
It is appropriate to hold such a competition on the beach or near the home pool to make it easier for the participants to put themselves in order.

You can also arrange a disco with "chocolate songs":

Tutsi and the KGB "Bitter Chocolate"
Gone with the Wind "Cocoa"
Linda "Chocolate and Tear"
Avraam Russo "Chiquita Chocolate"
Volodya Ulyanov "Mulatto Chocolate"
Mister Maloy "Chocolate"
Dzham - Chocolate
White Chocolate - White Chocolate
Inna Malikova - Coffee and chocolate
Lyubov Uspenskaya - Bitter Chocolate
Mint - Chocolate Mousse
Ana Laan - Chocolate and roses
Captain Shok - Chocolate
Corey Gibbons - Chocolate Loving (Club Vocal Mix)
Kylie Minogue - Chocolate

In the evening, you can organize a joint viewing of films on a chocolate theme:

"Marshmallow in chocolate" (1994)
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005)
"Strawberry and Chocolate" (1993)
"Chocolate" (2000 g)

You can show your imagination using your ideas. The main thing is sweet and fun!

The most delicious and sweetest holiday is considered to be World Chocolate Day - a favorite event for all gourmets and those with a sweet tooth. Millions of connoisseurs of the world's most popular dessert visit fairs and festivals, master classes and tastings, enjoy chocolate prizes and treats! How can you miss such a sweet occasion for fun?

Do you know how many people on Earth eat more chocolate than in the entire past year? It is amazing, but one of the youngest holidays is one of the most famous and loved by the whole world! For the first time chocolate was celebrated in France - passionate in everything, the French found this divine dessert worthy of a special day quite recently, in 1995. The first Day of Chocolate was celebrated on July 11, but why this date was chosen is unknown. In 1996, almost all of Europe and the United States joined the celebration. The Americans liked the idea so much that today in the States they also celebrate two national holidays dedicated to chocolate - October 28 and July 7. In Russia and the countries of the former USSR, chocolate day is celebrated according to the international calendar - July 11.

Traditionally, Chocolate Day is a celebration of open doors of all major confectionery factories in the world. Children and adults alike can see with their own eyes how powder, milk and delicious additives, from crunchy waffles to fried nuts and dried berries, are made into chocolate bars. Guests can not only taste various varieties of cocoa desserts, but also take part in their preparation!

There are three large chocolate museums in Russia - in both capitals and in Pokrov, where they even erected a monument to sweet tiles. In these cities, the Day of Chocolate is celebrated especially fun and large-scale. Thousands of people who want to taste rare and unusual varieties of their favorite delicacies gather at the fairs, contests and master classes are held for children. Fashion shows in chocolate tones, chocolate wellness and spa treatments, chocolate parties - there are tons of ways to celebrate the sweetest day!

On average, an adult Russian eats about 5 kg of chocolate per year. A lot of? Not at all! In the US, the annual "norm" has recently exceeded 13 kg, and in Switzerland it has almost reached 20 kg!

In 2014, Ukraine hosted a chocolate festival - a traditional fair, performances by sculptors and chocolatiers, a confectionery championship. Children assembled a small train from chocolate wagons, which then set off on a journey across a chocolate country full of sweet houses, plants and animals. Adults admired the country's chocolate landmarks, made with amazing precision!

The history of chocolate

The Mayans and Aztecs believed that chocolate was the gift and food of the gods. Theobroma, the scientific name for cocoa, literally translates to "divine food." The first kakawa plantations appeared in the 6th century on the territory of modern Mexico. The Maya Indians prepared a sacred drink from beans, believed in its strengthening and healing power, prayed to the god of cocoa. The Aztecs, who conquered the Mayan territories, adopted the beliefs of their predecessors. The legendary Montezuma fell in love with the tart bitter drink so much that he drank about fifty cups a day!

With the arrival of Cortes on the lands of the Indians, the drink of the gods received a new "nickname". The Spaniards came up with the idea of \u200b\u200badding sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg to liquid chocolate, giving the drink a more interesting and less bitter taste. Noble people from friendly countries came to Spain just to taste a cup of "black gold"! For more than half a century, the Spaniards kept the secret of making a chocolate drink, but smugglers managed to transfer the recipe to Italy, from where it then ended up in Austria, Switzerland and Germany. Anna Austrian made a certain contribution to the popularization of the novelty. Becoming the wife of the French king, she brought with her to France a personal chocolatier and several boxes of cocoa beans. The drink really liked Louis VIII and came to the taste of Parisian society, becoming more popular than tea and coffee! But for ordinary people, chocolate was still not available due to the fabulous price of cocoa beans.

It is not surprising that it was the French who came up with the idea to celebrate International Chocolate Day. This country was not the first in Europe to become famous for the cocoa dessert. And the largest "chocolate" discoveries were also made not in France. But it was from here that chocolate spread throughout Europe, and the love of the French for the drink of the gods was truly legendary - by the middle of the 18th century, there were more than 500 cafes in Paris alone, whose menu included only chocolate!

At the beginning of the 18th century, the British came up with the idea of \u200b\u200badding ... milk to chocolate! Today this combination does not surprise anyone, but in those years it was a real taste revolution! The chocolatier of Louis XVI, like the ancient Maya, considered the drink to be healing and added to it medicinal herbs, essential oils and flower petals. Having learned about a new remedy for recovery from severe debilitating ailments, they began to cook chocolate in Belgium. But not confectioners, but pharmacists!

Before the invention of the method for producing butter from cocoa beans, chocolate was consumed in the form of various drinks and liquid desserts. The first solid chocolate bar was produced in England in the middle of the 19th century. In 1875, the Swiss invented milk chocolate, and it wasn't until 1930 that white chocolate appeared. In the USSR, this delicacy was long associated with the bourgeoisie - ordinary people could not afford chocolate. The merchant Abrikosov established domestic production. His factory produced collectible sets with portraits of artists, candies in funny wrappers with birds and animals. He invented chocolate bunnies and Santa Clauses, Duck Noses, Crayfish Necks and Crow's Feet caramel. In 1965, the first "folk" chocolate bar available to the broad masses - the famous "Alenka", appeared on the shelves. Today it is produced by 15 confectionery factories, incl. in Ukraine (Olenka) and in Belarus (Favorite Alenka).

Interesting Facts:

  • 1000 years BC people already knew how to use cocoa beans. But then, they were not made into a dessert, but a low-alcohol drink;
  • from the time of the Aztecs to this day, chocolate is considered a powerful aphrodisiac;
  • eminent chocolatiers know how to distinguish 400 cocoa flavors;
  • thanks to the phenamine in the composition, the chocolate taste evokes a feeling in the brain, similar to the feeling of falling in love. Perhaps this is the secret of the incredible popularity of the dessert;
  • per year, mankind spends about $ 20 billion on chocolate, eating just over 600,000 tons of bars and sweets annually. The most expensive chocolate in the world costs $ 2600 for a pound of dessert! The Fritz Knipschildt recipe is kept secret, although the photo cannot be distinguished from a regular truffle:

  • the tastiest and best chocolate is produced in Belgium. For the past quarter of a century, the Belgian company Godiva has taken first place in all world competitions related to the production of chocolate;
  • the weirdest chocolate is produced in Chicago. Hot pepper, ancho, mushroom and bacon flavored treats! Yes, the lard in chocolate was not invented by Ukrainians at all;
  • when chocolate day is celebrated, in most european countries this dessert is bought in larger quantities than on any other day. In the USA, however, most chocolate is sold on Valentine's Day. In Russia, the chocolate boom happens on New Years;
  • in most languages \u200b\u200bof the world there is a phrase similar to the Russian “everything is in chocolate” and invariably means that everything is just fine with a person;
  • at the annual food festival in Italy (2008) a chocolate copy of Big Ben weighing 8 tons was installed! In 2011 in Chicago, pastry chefs made the largest chocolate bar, breaking the previous world record. The weight of the giant delicacy was 5.6 kg, the length was 6.5 m, and the height was 90 cm. In the photo there is a sweet record holder and enthusiastic spectators who clearly dream of trying a piece of history:

How to celebrate Chocolate Day?

According to American traditions, it is supposed to arrange a noisy cocoa party: sweets, cookies, mousses and puddings, cream and fruit desserts with chocolate, chocolate fountains - a real feast for those with a sweet tooth! Girls who care about their figure will surely like chocolate massage, body wrap or bath. Children will be interested in looking for a treasure of the Aztecs - chocolate coins in shiny gold foil! In China, Japan and other eastern countries, where the sweetest day of the year is celebrated, desserts are produced in wonderful colors - bright pink, light green, blue and orange bars and candies. You can surprise your friends by presenting a box of such delicacies as a gift by dipping ordinary candies into colorful glaze.

And, of course, do not forget to convey sweet congratulations on Chocolate Day to all your loved ones! You can make a chocolate cake or assemble a pyramid of individual tiles, make an inscription with icing on a chocolate bar, or pack candies in pieces of paper with wishes. You can take your family to the Chocolate Museum or to a workshop to learn how to make real hot chocolate or delicious chocolate pudding.

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