
Modern innovations in education. Examples. “Innovative technologies in correctional education” material on the topic Innovative organizational forms in special education

Innovation in the field of education is everything related to the introduction of advanced pedagogical experience into practice. The educational process, which occupies a leading place in modern science, is aimed at transferring knowledge, skills, and abilities to students, and at the formation of personality and citizenship. Changes are dictated by time, changes in attitudes towards training, education, and development.

The importance of innovation in education

Innovative technologies in education make it possible to regulate learning and direct it in the right direction. People have always been frightened by everything unknown and new; they have a negative attitude towards any changes. Stereotypes that exist in the mass consciousness, affecting the usual way of life, lead to painful phenomena and interfere with the renewal of all types of education. The reason for people’s reluctance to accept innovations in modern education lies in the blocking of life’s needs for comfort, security, and self-affirmation. Not everyone is ready for the fact that they will have to re-study theory, take exams, change their consciousness, and spend personal time and money on it. Once the update process starts, it can only be stopped using special techniques.

Methods of introducing innovations

The most common ways to check the effectiveness of reforms launched in education are:

  • Method of specifying documents. In order to evaluate innovations in the education system, the possibility of extensive introduction of innovations into the educational process is suppressed. A separate school, university, or educational institution is selected, and an experiment is conducted on their basis.
  • Piecewise embedding method. It involves the introduction of a separate new innovative element.
  • “Eternal experiment” involves evaluating the results obtained over a long period of time.

Parallel implementation presupposes the coexistence of the old and new educational processes and an analysis of the effectiveness of such a synthesis.

Problems of innovation implementation

Innovative technologies in education are “slowed down” for various reasons.

  1. Barrier to creativity. Teachers, accustomed to working according to old programs, do not want to change anything, learn, or develop. They are hostile to all innovations in the educational system.
  2. Conformism. Due to opportunism, reluctance to develop, fear of looking like a black sheep in the eyes of others, or appearing ridiculous, teachers refuse to make unusual pedagogical decisions.
  3. Personal anxiety. Due to lack of self-confidence, abilities, strengths, low self-esteem, and fear of expressing their opinions openly, many teachers resist any changes in the educational institution until the last possible opportunity.
  4. Rigidity of thinking. Teachers of the old school consider their opinion to be the only, final, and not subject to revision. They do not strive to acquire new knowledge and skills, and have a negative attitude towards new trends in modern educational institutions.

How to embrace innovation

Innovative behavior does not imply adaptation; it implies the formation of one’s own individuality and self-development. The teacher must understand that innovative education is a way to educate a harmonious personality. “Ready-made templates” are not suitable for him; it is important to constantly improve your own intellectual level. A teacher who has gotten rid of “complexes” and psychological barriers is ready to become a full-fledged participant in innovative transformations.

Education technology

It is a guide for the implementation of the goals set by the educational institution. This is a systemic category that is focused on the didactic use of scientific knowledge, the organization of the educational process using empirical innovations of teachers, and increasing the motivation of schoolchildren and students. Depending on the type of educational institution, different approaches to education are used.

Innovation in universities

Innovation in higher education involves a system consisting of several components:

  • learning objectives;
  • content of education;
  • motivation and teaching tools;
  • process participants (students, teachers);
  • performance results.

The technology refers to two components related to each other:

  1. Organization of activities of the trainee (student).
  2. Control of the educational process.

When analyzing learning technologies, it is important to highlight the use of modern electronic media (ICT). Traditional education involves overloading academic disciplines with redundant information. In innovative education, the management of the educational process is organized in such a way that the teacher plays the role of a tutor (mentor). In addition to the classic option, a student can choose distance learning, saving time and money. The position of students regarding the option of studying is changing; they are increasingly choosing non-traditional types of acquiring knowledge. The priority task of innovative education is the development of analytical thinking, self-development, and self-improvement. To assess the effectiveness of innovation at the top level, the following blocks are taken into account: educational and methodological, organizational and technical. Experts are involved in the work - specialists who can evaluate innovative programs.

Among the factors hindering the introduction of innovations into the educational process, the leading positions are occupied by:

  • insufficient equipment of educational institutions with computer equipment and electronic means (some universities do not have a stable Internet, there are not enough electronic manuals, methodological recommendations for performing practical and laboratory work);
  • insufficient qualifications in the field of ICT of teaching staff;
  • inattention of the management of the educational institution to the use of innovative technologies in the educational process.

To solve such problems, retraining of teachers, seminars, video conferences, webinars, creation of multimedia classrooms, and educational work among students on the use of modern computer technologies should be carried out. The optimal option for introducing innovations into the higher education system is distance learning through the use of global and local world networks. In the Russian Federation, this method of teaching is in its “embryonic” state; in European countries it has long been used everywhere. For many residents of villages and villages remote from large cities, this is the only way to obtain a diploma of specialized secondary or higher education. In addition to taking entrance exams remotely, you can communicate with teachers, listen to lectures, and participate in seminars via Skype.

Innovations in education, examples of which we have given, not only “bring science to the masses,” but also reduce the material costs of getting an education, which is quite important given the global economic crisis.

Innovations in preschool education

Innovations in preschool education are based on the modernization of old educational standards and the introduction of the second generation Federal State Educational Standards. A modern teacher constantly tries to educate himself, develop, and look for options for the education and development of children. A teacher must have an active civic position and instill love for the homeland in his students. There are several reasons why innovation has become necessary for early childhood education. First of all, they help to fully satisfy the needs of parents. Without innovation, it is difficult for preschool institutions to compete with other similar institutions.

To determine the leader among kindergartens, a special competition for innovations in education has been developed. The holder of the high title “Best Kindergarten” receives a well-deserved reward - a huge competition for admission to a preschool institution, respect and love of parents and children. In addition to the introduction of new educational programs, innovation can occur in other areas: working with parents, with personnel, and in management activities. When used correctly, a preschool institution functions without failures and ensures the development of a harmonious personality in children. Among the technologies that represent innovation in education, examples include the following:

  • project activities;
  • student-centered learning;
  • health-saving technologies;
  • research activities;
  • information and communication training;
  • gaming technique.

Features of health-saving technologies

They are aimed at developing preschoolers’ ideas about a healthy lifestyle and strengthening the physical condition of children. Considering the significant deterioration of the environmental situation, the introduction of this innovative technology into preschool education is relevant. The implementation of the methodology depends on the goals set by the preschool institution.

  1. The main task is to preserve the physical health of children. This includes health monitoring, nutrition analysis, and the creation of a health-preserving environment in the educational institution.
  2. Improving the health of preschool children through the introduction of breathing, orthopedic, finger gymnastics, stretching, hardening, and hatha yoga.

In addition to working with ordinary children, the development of children with developmental disabilities is also ensured by modern innovations in education. Examples of projects for special children: “Accessible environment”, “Inclusive education”. Increasingly, in classes with children, educators use color, fairy tale, and art therapy, ensuring the full development of children.

Project activities

According to the new educational standards, both educators and teachers are required to participate in project activities together with students. For preschool institutions, such activities are carried out together with the teacher. Its goal is to solve a specific problem, to find answers to questions posed at the initial stage of work. There are several types of projects:

  • individual, frontal, group, pair (depending on the number of participants);
  • gaming, creative, informational, research (according to the method of conduct);
  • long-term, short-term (by duration);
  • including cultural values, society, family, nature (depending on the topic).

During the project work, the children educate themselves and gain teamwork skills.

Research activities

When analyzing innovations in education, examples can be found in research. With their help, the child learns to identify the relevance of a problem, determine ways to solve it, choose methods for an experiment, conduct experiments, draw logical conclusions, and determine the prospects for further research in this area. Among the main methods and techniques necessary for research: experiments, conversations, modeling situations, didactic games. Currently, for beginning researchers, with the support of scientists, leading higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation hold competitions and conferences: “First steps into science”, “I am a researcher”. The kids get their first experience of publicly defending their experiments and conducting a scientific discussion.


Such innovations in professional education in the age of scientific progress have become especially relevant and in demand. The computer has become a common sight in preschool institutions, schools, and colleges. A variety of exciting programs help children develop an interest in mathematics and reading, develop logic and memory, and introduce them to the world of “magic and transformations.” Those animated pictures that flash on the monitor intrigue the baby and concentrate his attention. Modern computer programs allow the teacher, together with the children, to simulate different life situations and look for ways to solve them. Taking into account the individual abilities of the child, you can tailor the program to a specific child and monitor his personal growth. Among the problems associated with the use of ICT technologies, the leading position is occupied by the excessive use of computers in classrooms.

Methodology of personality-oriented development

This innovative technology involves creating conditions for the formation of the individuality of a preschooler. To implement this approach, corners for activities and games and sensory rooms are created. There are special programs according to which preschool institutions operate: “Rainbow”, “Childhood”, “From childhood to adolescence”.

Game techniques in remote control

They are the real foundation of modern preschool education. Taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard, the child’s personality comes to the fore. During the game, children get acquainted with various life situations. There are many functions performed by games: educational, cognitive, developmental. The following are considered innovative gaming exercises:

  • games that help preschoolers identify certain characteristics of objects and compare them with each other;
  • generalization of objects according to familiar characteristics;
  • exercises during which kids learn to distinguish reality from fiction

Inclusive education

Thanks to innovations introduced in recent years into the educational process, children with serious health problems have received a chance for full-fledged education. The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation has developed and tested a national project, which indicates all the nuances of inclusive education. The state has taken care of equipping not only the children, but also their mentors with modern computer equipment. Using Skype, the teacher conducts distance lessons and checks homework. This type of training is important from a psychological point of view. The kid understands that he is needed not only by his parents, but also by his teachers. Children with problems with the musculoskeletal and speech apparatus, who cannot attend regular educational institutions, are trained with tutors according to individual programs.


Pedagogical innovations introduced in educational institutions of modern Russia help to implement the social order: to cultivate in schoolchildren and students a sense of patriotism, civic responsibility, love for their native land, and respect for folk traditions. Information and communication technologies have become commonplace in kindergartens, schools, academies, and universities. Among the latest innovations affecting educational institutions: conducting a unified state exam online, sending examination papers by preliminary scanning. Of course, Russian education still has many unresolved problems, which innovation will help eliminate.


at the teachers' council

Topic: “Innovative trends in the special education system”

09.09.2017. speech therapist-defectologist

Sarahman N.I.

osh No. 24


Innovative trends in the special education system

Children with disabilities (disabilities) who enter school have specific psychological and pedagogical characteristics. They do not show readiness for schooling. They do not have the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to master the program material. The difficulties they experience are aggravated by the weakened state of their nervous system. Children with disabilities often have an unstable psycho-emotional state, decreased performance and fatigue. The effectiveness of my work largely depends on the positive background of the lesson and the students’ interest in the tasks. In order to interest the student and make learning conscious, non-standard approaches and innovative approaches are needed.

When I started working with my student, he entered the 3rd grade, but never learned to read and write. I tried everything, different methods, recipes. But no! The student showed absolutely no interest in the classes. The tone of the arms was also very difficult due to the underlying disease. What saved me, and the student, was the appearance of a computer in their house. We began to master writing through typing. The student types out assignments only from dictation, using learned rules; I won’t say that it turns out perfectly, but for him this is great progress! Since the exercises are printed inWordIf he makes a mistake, he immediately pays attention to it, starts searching, remembering the rules, selecting different options. When learning to read, interactive games were very helpful for teaching children to read. The Internet helps in history, geography, biology, and natural history lessons! Since you can choose video material for any topic. Students visually remember much better and more information.

The next innovative form of my work, croup therapy, was used in labor training classes. I think many of you have used it in your lessons. These are all kinds of cereal applications. The dependence of speech on the degree of mobility of the fingers has long been known (due to the proximity of the speech and motor zones in the cerebral cortex, the excitation arising in the motor area of ​​the cerebral cortex is transmitted to the centers of the speech motor zone and stimulates articulation). That is why, during finger training, pronunciation organs involuntarily develop. Coordinated and skillful work of the fingers helps develop speech and intelligence, and has a positive effect on the entire body as a whole. And since our hands and eyes are busy, our ears remain free, here it’s time to involve music therapy, another innovative approach to work. Music therapy is a psychotherapeutic approach based on the healing effects of music on a person’s psychological state. This is a medicine that listens. Light, calm music during labor and art lessons has a calming effect on the nervous system, balancing the processes of excitation and inhibition. The music therapy direction of work contributes to: improving the general condition of children, correction and development of sensations, perceptions, ideas; stimulation of speech function.

The use of computer technology in the development and consolidation of speech and writing skills at the present stage is a powerful engine. A teacher-defectologist has the opportunity to activate cognitive processes through visual-tactile perception. At the same time, the child’s awareness that previously unknown knowledge, skills, forms of communication, games, and direct control of the computer are becoming available to him - all this gives him faith in his own abilities. The use of computer technology becomes especially appropriate, as it allows you to provide information in an attractive form, which not only speeds up the memorization of content, but also makes it meaningful and long-lasting, strengthens the psychological state of success, which in turn has a beneficial effect on the emotional and mental state and development child. Children's negativism gradually disappears, confidence and a desire to speak, read and write correctly appear.

What advice can you give to subject teachers? First of all, to enrich the horizons of students with disabilities, to form clear, versatile ideas about objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality, which contribute to the child’s conscious perception of educational material. These children do not have much choice in obtaining information; as a rule, it is the Internet, TV, parents and teachers. Try to form social and moral behavior that ensures our students’ successful adaptation to the realization that he is no longer just a child, but a student who must fulfill the responsibilities dictated by this role, observe the rules of behavior in the classroom, the rules of communication, be responsible for his studies, overcome intellectual passivity. To increase the level of general development of students and the correction of individual deviations, but always remember that everything should be planned individually, taking into account the disease, the capabilities of the nervous system, to prevent psychophysical stress, emotional breakdowns; create a climate of psychological comfort. The teacher’s friendly tone, attention to the child, and encouragement of his slightest success are extremely important. The pace of the lesson should match the student's abilities. You also need to use physical education and hand massage with natural materials (I use walnut).

Sarahman N.I.

speech therapist-defectologist

To narrow down the search results, you can refine your query by specifying the fields to search for. The list of fields is presented above. For example:

You can search in several fields at the same time:

Logical operators

The default operator is AND.
Operator AND means that the document must match all elements in the group:

research development

Operator OR means that the document must match one of the values ​​in the group:

study OR development

Operator NOT excludes documents containing this element:

study NOT development

Search type

When writing a query, you can specify the method in which the phrase will be searched. Four methods are supported: search taking into account morphology, without morphology, prefix search, phrase search.
By default, the search is performed taking into account morphology.
To search without morphology, just put a “dollar” sign in front of the words in the phrase:

$ study $ development

To search for a prefix, you need to put an asterisk after the query:

study *

To search for a phrase, you need to enclose the query in double quotes:

" research and development "

Search by synonyms

To include synonyms of a word in the search results, you need to put a hash " # " before a word or before an expression in parentheses.
When applied to one word, up to three synonyms will be found for it.
When applied to a parenthetical expression, a synonym will be added to each word if one is found.
Not compatible with morphology-free search, prefix search, or phrase search.

# study


In order to group search phrases you need to use brackets. This allows you to control the Boolean logic of the request.
For example, you need to make a request: find documents whose author is Ivanov or Petrov, and the title contains the words research or development:

Approximate word search

For an approximate search you need to put a tilde " ~ " at the end of a word from a phrase. For example:

bromine ~

When searching, words such as "bromine", "rum", "industrial", etc. will be found.
You can additionally specify the maximum number of possible edits: 0, 1 or 2. For example:

bromine ~1

By default, 2 edits are allowed.

Proximity criterion

To search by proximity criterion, you need to put a tilde " ~ " at the end of the phrase. For example, to find documents with the words research and development within 2 words, use the following query:

" research development "~2

Relevance of expressions

To change the relevance of individual expressions in the search, use the " sign ^ " at the end of the expression, followed by the level of relevance of this expression in relation to the others.
The higher the level, the more relevant the expression is.
For example, in this expression, the word “research” is four times more relevant than the word “development”:

study ^4 development

By default, the level is 1. Valid values ​​are a positive real number.

Search within an interval

To indicate the interval in which the value of a field should be located, you should indicate the boundary values ​​in parentheses, separated by the operator TO.
Lexicographic sorting will be performed.

Such a query will return results with an author starting from Ivanov and ending with Petrov, but Ivanov and Petrov will not be included in the result.
To include a value in a range, use square brackets. To exclude a value, use curly braces.

(correctional) education

at the present stage

The National Educational Initiative "Our New School", approved on February 4, 2010 by the President of the Russian Federation, considersThe main tasks of a modern school are to reveal the abilities of each student, to educate a decent and patriotic person, an individual ready for life in a high-tech, competitive world. School education should be structured so that graduates can on one's own set and achieve serious goals skillfully to react for different life situations.

What kind of school of the future is presented in this policy document?

The new school is an institution, consistent with the goals of advanced development. This means that the school will provide study not only of the achievements of the past, but also of technologies that will be useful in the future. Children will be involved in research projects and creative activities to learn to invent, understand and master new things, express their own thoughts, make decisions and help each other, formulate interests and recognize opportunities.

The new school is a school for everyone. This means that any school will ensure the successful socialization of children with disabilities, children with disabilities, children without parental care, and in difficult life situations. The age characteristics of schoolchildren will be taken into account; education will be organized differently at the primary, basic and senior levels.

A new school means new teachers, open to everything new, who understand child psychology and the developmental characteristics of schoolchildren, and who know their subject well. The teacher’s task is to help children find themselves in the future, become independent, creative and self-confident people.

The new school is a center of interaction both with parents and the local community, as well as with cultural, healthcare, sports, leisure institutions, and other social organizations. Schools as leisure centers will be open on weekdays and Sundays, and school holidays, concerts, performances, and sporting events will be places for family recreation.
The new school is a modern infrastructure, i.e. schools will have modern buildings - with original architectural and design solutions, with good and functional school architecture - a canteen with tasty and healthy food, a media library and library, high-tech educational equipment, broadband Internet, competent textbooks and interactive teaching aids, conditions for sports and creativity.

This is the school of the future presented in the educational initiative “Our New School”.

The educational initiative “Our New School” defines
O main directions of development of general education.

1. Development of a support system for talented children.

In the coming years, Russia will build an extensive system of searching, supporting and accompanying talented children.
It is necessary to develop a creative environment to identify especially gifted children in every secondary school. High school students should be given the opportunity to study in correspondence, part-time and distance learning schools, allowing them to master specialized training programs, regardless of their place of residence. It is necessary to develop a system of Olympiads and competitions for schoolchildren, the practice of additional education, and work out mechanisms for taking into account individual achievements of students when admitting them to universities.

At the same time, it is necessary to develop a support system for mature, talented children. These are, first of all, educational institutions with round-the-clock attendance. It is necessary to disseminate the existing experience in the activities of physics and mathematics schools and boarding schools at a number of Russian universities. For children who have demonstrated their talents in various fields of activity, rallies, summer and winter schools, conferences, seminars and other events will be organized to support their talent.

A teacher who has helped a student achieve high results should receive significant incentive payments.

2. Improving the teaching staff.

The initiative emphasizes the need to introduce a system of moral and material incentives to support domestic teachers. And the main thing is to attract young talented people to the teaching profession. The system of moral support is the already established competitions for teachers ("Teacher of the Year", "Educate a Person", "I Give My Heart to Children", etc.), a large-scale and effective mechanism for supporting the best teachers within the framework of the priority national project "Education". This practice will expand at the level of constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The material support system is not only a further increase in wage funds, but also the creation of a wage mechanism that will stimulate the best teachers, regardless of their work experience, and therefore attract young teachers to the school.

One of the incentives should be the certification of teaching and management personnel. The qualification requirements and qualification characteristics of teachers have been fundamentally updated; professional pedagogical competencies occupy a central place in them. There should be no bureaucratic obstacles for teachers, including young ones, who want to confirm a high level of qualifications before the established deadlines.

It is planned to provide funds for advanced training to school staff also on the principles of per capita financing, so that teachers can choose both programs and educational institutions, including not only institutes for advanced training, but also, for example, pedagogical and classical universities. Data banks of organizations offering relevant educational programs will be formed in the regions. At the same time, directors and the best teachers should have the opportunity to study in other regions in order to have an idea of ​​​​the innovative experience of their neighbors.

A separate task is to attract teachers to the school who do not have basic pedagogical education. Having undergone psychological and pedagogical training and mastered new educational technologies, they will be able to demonstrate to children - primarily high school students who have chosen a major of study - their rich professional experience.

3.Changing school infrastructure

The appearance of schools must change significantly. Society will receive real benefits if the school becomes a center of creativity and information, rich intellectual and sports life. Every educational institution must create a universal barrier-free environment, allowing for full integration of disabled children. The five-year state program "Accessible Environment" is aimed at solving this problem.
It is necessary to update the standards for the design and construction of school buildings and structures, sanitary rules and nutritional standards, requirements for the organization of medical care for students and for ensuring school safety. Heating and air conditioning systems in buildings must provide the required temperature at all times of the year. Schools must be provided with drinking water and showers. Rural schools need to develop effective student transportation mechanisms, including requirements for school buses.

4. Preserving and strengthening the health of schoolchildren

Children spend a significant part of the day at school, and preserving and strengthening their physical and mental health is a matter not only of the family, but also of teachers. A person's health is an important indicator of his personal success. If young people develop the habit of playing sports, such acute problems as drug addiction, alcoholism, and child neglect will be solved.
Balanced hot meals, medical care, including timely medical examination, sports activities, including extracurricular ones, implementation of preventive programs, discussion with children about healthy lifestyle issues - all this will influence the improvement of their health. In addition, a transition must be made from mandatory activities for all to individual health development programs for schoolchildren. In 2010, a new standard for physical education was introduced - at least three hours a week, taking into account the individual characteristics of children.

It is an individual approach that involves the use of modern educational technologies and the creation of educational programs that will arouse a child’s interest in learning. Practice of individual training taking into account age characteristics, study of elective subjects, general reduction in classroom load in the form of classical educational activities will have a positive impact on the health of schoolchildren. But not only measures from adults are needed here.

5.Expanding the independence of schools

The school must become more independent both in drawing up individual educational programs and in spending financial resources. Since 2010, schools that have won competitions in the priority national project “Education” and schools that have been transformed into autonomous institutions have gained independence. Required reporting by such schools will be sharply reduced in exchange for open information about their performance. Contracts have been concluded with their directors providing for special working conditions taking into account the quality of work.

Equality between public and private educational institutions will be legislated, providing families with greater opportunities to choose a school.
Students will be given access to lessons from the best teachers using distance education technologies, including as part of additional education. This is especially important for small schools, for remote schools, and for the Russian provinces in general.

6. Transition to new educational standards
New goals of school education have been identified, which are formulated in the standard - education, social and pedagogical support, development of a highly moral, responsible, creative, enterprising citizen of Russia.

For some reason, the idea that a standard is a set of programs for individual school disciplines is firmly rooted in society. But if we look at the seventh article of the Law “On Education”, we read that the standard is a set of three requirements: for the results of mastering basic educational programs, for the structure of these programs and for the conditions for their implementation. Therefore, from standards containing a detailed list of topics in each subject that are mandatory for every student to study, a transition is being made to new standards - requirements about what school programs should be, what results children should demonstrate, what conditions should be created in school to achieve these results.

This is the fundamental difference between the new standards and the old ones.

In any educational program there will be two parts: compulsory and the one that is formed by the school. The higher the level, the more choices there are. The new standard provides for extracurricular activities - clubs, sports sections, various kinds of creative activities.

The result of education is not only knowledge in specific disciplines, but also the ability to apply it in everyday life and use it in further education. The student must have a holistic, socially oriented view of the world in its unity and diversity.

The school must create personnel, material, technical and other conditions that ensure the development of educational infrastructure in accordance with the requirements of the time. Financial support will be built on the principles of normative per capita financing (“money follows the student”), the transition to which is planned to be completed in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the next three years. At the same time, funds will flow to both municipalities and each school according to the standard, regardless of the form of ownership.

Already in 2010, new requirements for the quality of education were introduced, and the list of documents characterizing the success of each student was expanded. The Unified State Exam should remain the main, but not the only way to check the quality of education. In addition, monitoring and comprehensive assessment of the student’s academic achievements, competencies and abilities are being introduced. Training programs for high school students will be linked to their further choice of specialty.

Now let's look at the innovations in correctional education.
Russian legislation, in development of fundamental international documents in the field of education, provides for the principle of equal rights to education for all categories of citizens, regardless of gender, race, nationality, language, origin, place of residence, attitude to religion, beliefs, membership in public organizations (associations). ), age, health status, social, property and official status, criminal record.

Guarantees of the right of citizens to receive education are enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” and other legislative acts.

Particular attention in the school of the future is given to ensuring the successful socialization of children with disabilities, disabled children, children without parental care, and in difficult life situations. Recognition of the rights of persons with special educational needs, their interests, assistance in the process of personal development, in choosing the appropriate professional activity is extremely important.

In the traditional Russian system of education for children with one form of disability or another, children with special needs receive education in special (correctional) educational institutions, at home or in special boarding schools.

The specialist of the future will need the ability to accelerate the development of high-tech technologies in physical education and sports training. He will need deep knowledge in the field of technologies for natural and stimulated development of a person’s physical potential, skills and abilities to fulfill its typological and especially individual characteristics of those involved and to build programs of physical and sports improvement that are adequate for them, as well as to organize infrastructures to ensure their full implementation.

Scientists and practitioners have established the opinion that an innovative approach to the system of professional training of a specialist in physical culture and sports is now becoming the most significant, since according to it the final result determines the content and nature of the entire process of professional training.

A successful solution to the problem of modernizing higher professional physical education is impossible without comprehensive research in such scientific fields as pedagogy, acmeology, psychology and sociology by integrating their provisions in a single study. The current lack of clear theoretical and methodological approaches and a consensus among specialists on the issues of modernization of higher professional physical education does not allow us to fully comprehend it as an integral pedagogical system. In this regard, there is a need for research aimed at building a new pedagogical system, the content of which would reflect the social order of the individual, society and the state and would be based on proven innovative technologies.

Innovations and traditions in modern physical education

One of the priority innovative directions for improving the existing system of physical education of the younger generation is the training of specialists with higher education on the basis of experimentally substantiated documents regulating the organizational and content aspects of their training. This, in turn, makes it possible and expedient to include new areas of training in the classifier of areas and specialties of higher professional education.

Medical and biological support is one of the decisive conditions for the rational use of physical culture and sports, high efficiency of educational and training sessions, mass health-improving physical education and sports events. It contributes to the implementation of the principle of health-improving orientation of the physical education system and is carried out in the form of medical supervision.

An important task is to carry out mass clinical examinations of students using new forms with the latest advances in medicine, using hardware and software complex functional diagnostics when examining the health status of students. Allows you to solve a number of medical and social problems, organize monitoring of the health status of students and timely identify the first signs of physical stress in the educational process.

Modern processes in society, changes in sociocultural priorities have caused the need to update the paradigm of physical education and objectively determined the special significance of innovations in the pedagogical sphere. Innovation in physical education is a natural and necessary condition for its development in accordance with the constantly changing needs of people.

The main goal becomes the formation of a well-rounded personality capable of realizing creative potential in dynamic socio-economic conditions, both in their own vital interests and in the interests of society.

This orientation of education involves the integration of knowledge from different subject areas, first of all, subjects that most subtly and at the same time most actively influence the spiritual and emotional sphere of the individual.

In physical education over the past ten years, several priority positions for innovative development have been identified.

firstly, a new understanding of the information and educational approach;

secondly, the use of an individual approach in training and education;

thirdly, an active approach;

fourthly, the creation of a continuous process of physical education.

They consider innovation not only from the perspective of introducing new formations. He considers innovation as a form of manifestation of a new quality of pedagogical reality, as a way of future creation in pedagogy.

For the successful reform of higher education, alternative concepts for constructing the process of teaching physical education in educational institutions were created. Investigating their contents, scientists came to the conclusion that they can be divided into two groups.

The first is departmental, or state, when all training is conducted from the position of the state, the needs and desires of the student are not taken into account, training is carried out with the aim of ensuring future professional life. With such training, indicators such as “general culture,” “morality,” and “intelligence” are less in demand and remain realized.

The second group is individual-typological. The content of these concepts shows that the student’s preparation takes into account age and gender characteristics, interests and desires are taken into account. This approach is more progressive, but still the goals and objectives of these concepts are focused on the future profession, which is a significant drawback.

Thus, the priority concepts are those in the development of which the individual is represented in the totality of his biological, mental and social development. Those who give preference to the existing state of affairs in the theory and practice of physical education, which is mainly aimed at nurturing physical qualities (development of physical condition) and teaching physical exercises, make, in our opinion, a significant mistake, which results in a lack of necessary knowledge and skills , which could become the basis for the emergence of traditions of independent physical exercise throughout an individual’s life.

The difficult socio-economic, demographic situation and health status of young people dictate the need to improve the physical education curriculum of higher educational institutions, filling it with a valeological component. It is absolutely obvious that physical culture of an individual is impossible without a culture of health, and the fact of mutual penetration of physical culture and culture of health is absolutely obvious. The question of the need to develop a culture of health among students is seriously raised. At the same time, by the culture of health, the speaker understands human-created values ​​that form a way of human life in which scientifically based social and biological principles of a healthy lifestyle are observed. The level of an individual’s health culture is determined by the formation of universal and specially targeted competencies associated with mastering the possibilities of independent use of means and methods of physical culture to increase the body’s adaptive reserves, performance and health promotion, ensuring the formation of a health culture among students. There are different approaches to the introduction of valeological knowledge into the educational process. In the recently intensively developed valeological direction, it is envisaged to introduce a valeological component in the form of a universal pedagogical technique. Another approach is associated with the use of the value potential of physical culture. This type of culture is one of the significant and effective means in promoting health and a healthy lifestyle, has a humane orientation, and forms values ​​that have general cultural significance, among which the main one is human health. The commonality of goals and the use of such means as physical exercise, natural forces, and hygienic factors put physical education in a special relationship with valeology and lead to the construction of a new paradigm of physical education.

Implementation of programs aimed at improving the quality of education and strengthening the health of students with the participation of government and commercial organizations. Strategy for the development of the market for physical education and sports services in a metropolis. Organizational and managerial foundations for the formation of sports and recreational complexes in educational institutions.

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