
Afanasiev pdf. Afanasyev A.N. About the book “A Mandatory Condition” Valery Afanasyev

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Histology Embryology Cytology AlCo. First medical.
Oct 20 2014 - Year of graduation: 1999. Bykov - Cytology and general histology. djvu. Audiobook Afanasyev Yu. I. Histology, Cytology, Embryology (torrent). Photos from the album on histology from Rostov State Medical University 2010. I also posted a more recent edition in PDF, maybe someone will find it useful!
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Kopaev, second edition 1987, edited by ... hello, please post a link to the book on histology by Afanasyev). 3 Show list. Year of manufacture: 2004
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1 Mar 2010 - Year of release: 2002 Author: Yu. I. Afanasyev, N. A. Yurina, E. F... Download the textbook “Histology” for free, Afanasyev Yu. I., Yurina. edition, which ended the section on general histology. rusle from March 1, 2010. thanks for the book. good old Afanasyev answered all the questions.
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18 Sep. 2013 - Download free textbook: Histology, embryology, cytology. Year of release: 2012. Publication of the 5th edition of the textbook (Afanasyev Yu. I., Yurina N. A., Please tell me how to download the book?
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Photo album of histological preparations - Demyashkin G. A. - 2010 - 87 pp... Publication of the 5th edition of the textbook (Afanasyev Yu. I., Yurina N. A., Kotovsky E. F. and others... Alexandre Dumas - Count of Monte -Christo download the book.
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Afanasiev histology pdf free download, 0, 49, 0, 00, 2 000. March 1, 2010... Authors: Afanasyev Yu. I., Yurina N. A., Kotovsky E. F. In the fifth edition. Yu. I., Yurina N. A., Kotovsky E. F. - 2002 - 744 s... goosebumps download pdf.
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Engine482, 19:02, October 20, 2010, 19:02, October 20, 2010... Histology. Year of release: 2002 Author: Kuznetsov S. L. Genre: Histology,... Histology, cytology and embryology: Textbook Yu. I. Afanasyev, S. L. Kuznetsov, N. A... Download the book for free: Atlas of histology, cytology and embryology , Kuznetsov.
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Required condition Valery Afanasyev

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Title: Required condition
Author: Valery Afanasyev
Year: 2013
Genre: Space fiction, Science fiction, Social fiction

About the book “A Mandatory Condition” Valery Afanasyev

Who are they? Almost the same as people, if you don’t look closely you can’t tell the difference. But a different way of life, a different mentality, different traditions. The diplomatic mission of the Lurians curtailed all contacts on Earth, and the reason for this was a great misunderstanding. The Lurians could not understand people, people could not understand the reasons why the brothers in mind broke off contact. Retired Earth Security Service operative Maxim Prokin and Committee for Extraterrestrial Contacts investigator Charles Svenson undertake to investigate the reasons for what happened. They have to hurry: the Earth's long-range space reconnaissance ship was attacked by an unknown race. How will people and Lurians greet this news? Will everyone fight for themselves or will they try to find a common language and unite?

On our website about books, you can download the site for free without registration or read online the book “A Mandatory Condition” by Valery Afanasyev in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

Afanasyev A.N. - about the author

Born on July 11, 1826 in the town of Boguchar, Voronezh province, where his father served as a district attorney. The father highly valued education and instilled this love in his children.

Alexander Nikolaevich first studied at the Voronezh gymnasium, then arrived in Moscow and entered Moscow University, where he studied at the Faculty of Law in 1846-1849 and, at the same time, additionally listened to lectures by S. P. Shevyrev, O. M. Bodyansky and T. N. Granovsky. While still a student, he began to collaborate in the best Russian literary magazines of that time (Sovremennik and Otechestvennye zapiski), in which his first literary articles were published.

After graduating from the university, in 1849 A. A. Afanasyev entered the service of the Moscow main archive of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where in 1856 he became the head of the department, and soon the head of the affairs of the commission for printing state charters and agreements, which was attached to the archive. He worked in this position until 1862.

A lover of antiquities, Afanasyev often purchased ancient manuscripts and books at the flea market near the Sukharevskaya Tower; the finds turned out to be a large and valuable library, from which Afanasyev drew information on the history of Russian culture.

In 1860 he published the collection “Russian Folk Legends” (Moscow), but the collection was withdrawn from sale by censorship. This collection included 33 stories about the lives of saints and Christ from the point of view of the people; some assessments were unconventional and diverged from the assessments of the Russian Orthodox Church, as a result of which it was soon banned at the insistence of Holy Synod. Fairy tales with similar content, as well as erotic tales, were included in the collection “Treasured Tales,” the manuscript of which A. N. Afanasyev secretly transported to Europe.

In 1862, a search was carried out in Afanasyev’s apartment. After this, he was forced to leave the service that provided him. With difficulty he managed to find a position as secretary, first in the Moscow Duma, and then in the world congress. But even at this time, Afanasyev continued his research and works. During these same difficult years for him, under the most unfavorable conditions, Afanasyev completed and published the main work of his life: “ Poetic views of the Slavs on nature"(3 volumes, Moscow, 1865 - 1869), in which he combined and brought into a coherent system everything he had said before and everything that was most important, obtained through the works of Western natural mythologists.

Historian and folklorist, Alexander Nikolaevich Afanasyev was a deep researcher of Slavic legends, beliefs and customs. “Poetic views of the Slavs on nature” is a fundamental work devoted to the historical and philological analysis of the language and folklore of the Slavs in connection with the language and folklore of other Indo-European peoples. Afanasyev's book is an attempt to identify living connections between language and traditions, moreover, to resurrect the foundations of Russian thinking. For its time, the work was a huge step forward.

In recent years, Afanasyev has turned to the topic of fairy tales in Russian folklore, dividing them into children's and adults.

Afanasyev A.N. - books for free:

This book brings together works devoted to the “fabulous times of idolatry”: the beliefs of the ancient Slavs, their ideas about the supernatural abilities of wise men, sorcerers and witches, about evil spirits, ghouls and werewolves, about all those...


Russian treasured tales (Alexander Afanasyev)

ISBN: 5-8284-0004-5
Format: PDF/DjVu, Scanned pages + recognized text layer
Alexander Afanasyev
Year of manufacture: 1992
Genre: Folklore
Publisher: Digest
Russian language
Number of pages: 264
Scanned and processed: gised3192
Description: Alexander Nikolaevich Afanasyev is an outstanding historian, folklorist, ethnographer, famous publisher of Russian folk tales. Part of the Afanasyev collection consists of tales of obscene (mainly erotic) content. They were included in a special collection, which could not be published in Russia for censorship reasons.



Russian treasured tales (Afanasyev A. N.)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 160kbps
Author: Afanasyev A. N.
Year of manufacture: 2009
Genre: fairy tales + 18
Publisher: Akniga
Performer: Mikhail Pozdnyakov, Vladimir Shevyakov
Duration: 05:56:10
Description: Alexander Nikolaevich Afanasyev is an outstanding historian, folklorist, ethnographer, famous publisher of Russian folk tales. Part of the Afanasyev collection consists of tales of obscene (mainly erotic) content. It was they who were included in a special collection, which could not be published in Russia for censorship reasons, and was first published in Geneva in 1872 under the title “Russian Testament...


Russian folk tales. Russian fairy tales processed by Alexei Tolstoy. Tales of Alexei Tolstoy

Year of manufacture: 2004
Genre: Children's literature, fairy tale
Publisher: RMG Records
Performer: Raisa Ryazanova, Vladimir Konkin, Tatyana Rodionova, Alexander Pashutin, Yuri Chernov, Anatoly Menshchikov, Zhanna Rozhdestvenskaya, Igor Koshintsev, Elena Drobysheva, Yuri Golyshev, Svetlana Toma
Duration: 08:15:09
Description: Russian folk tales. We grew up listening to them, let your children and grandchildren now grow up listening to them. This sound book will bring you many pleasant, fabulous moments. Play it for your child while you go about your business or listen with him. In it...


Tales of the world. Russian folk tales and epics (Arkhipova R. (ed.))

ISBN: 5-300-02502-X,
Series: Tales of the World
Format: PDF, Scanned pages
Author: Arkhipova R. (ed.)
Year of manufacture: 1999
Genre: Fairy tales
Publisher: TERRA-Book Club
Russian language
Number of pages: 402
Description: The collection is composed of the best fairy tales and epics of the Russian people. Bilibin's beautiful illustrations that accompany the text reflect the splendor, mystery and uniqueness of the wonderful world of Russian folk tales. To uncover


Russian tales

Format: audiobook, MP3, 192kbps
Year of manufacture: 2013
Genre: Fairy tales
Publisher: Seventh Book
Performer: Oleg Isaev
Duration: 11:30:25
Description: A collection of the best and most popular Russian fairy tales. Heroes of fairy tales are the very first ideals of goodness, love, hope, faith and morality, which any person hears about at the beginning of his life on this planet. The roots of Slavic fairy tales go deep into thousands of years of Russian spiritual culture, carrying through the centuries the power and beauty of the eternal Russian Spirit, the infinity of the breadth of the Russian Soul and the amazing irrepressibility of its Incarnation... Contents01. RU...


Russian fairy tales (team of authors)

Format: PDF, OCR with errors
Year of manufacture: 1989
Genre: Fairy tales for children
Russian language
Number of pages: 66
Description: FOR PRESCHOOL AGE (Coloring book) - Three bears processed by L. Tolstoy - Geese-swans processed by M. Bulatov - Artists 3. Kutilova, M. Trubkovich


Russian folk tales

Format: audiobook, MP3, 192kbps
Year of manufacture: 2004
Publisher: "Sidikom".
Performers: Nevinny V., Rumyanova K., Vasilyeva V., Durov L., Leontyev A.
Duration: 02:28:00 CONTENTS 1. About an old grandmother, a laughing granddaughter, a chicken tail, and a little mouse 2. The most precious thing 3. How a dog was looking for a friend 4. Kolobok 5. Farmhand 6. Black barrel bull, white hoofs 7. Seven-year-old 8. Bubble, straw and bast shoe 9. Smart guy 10. Fox and goat 11. Ivan the peasant son and the miracle Yudo 12. Chatterbox 13. Fox and the bear 14. Half-hearted bear 15. The Tale of Magic Water 16. Pot 17. Teremok 18. Wolf...

but I

Russian folk tales (People)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 192kbps
Author: People
Year of manufacture: 2007
Genre: fairy tales
Publisher: Sound Book Studio
Performer: Ivan Basov
Duration: 04:32:15 Russian folk tales. We grew up listening to them, let your children and grandchildren now grow up listening to them. This sound book will bring you many pleasant, fabulous moments. Play it for your child while you go about your business or listen with him. This audio book contains a variety of fairy tales - about cunning and wise men, about bears and hares, about Vasilisa the Beautiful and Ivanov the Fool. Find the fairy tale that suits you...

but I

Russian folk tales (Afanasyev Alexander)

Author: Afanasyev Alexander
Year of manufacture: 2014
Genre: Fairy tales
Publisher: Can't buy it anywhere
Performer: Vyacheslav Gerasimov
Duration: 07:42:48
Description: Russian folk tales as the basis for raising children Childhood is the most wonderful time in the life of every person, but at the same time the most difficult, since it is in childhood that character is formed, the foundations of morality are learned, and education is acquired. Since ancient times, the issue of raising children has been fundamental in any society. It’s not so easy to explain to a child the rules of life, the value of cultural traditions, and for that...


Golden Russian fairy tales. [children's literature, fairy tale]

Genre: children's literature, fairy tale
Performer: Alexander Pashutin, Igor Starygin, Erik Arzumanyan
Description: 1. VASILISA THE BEAUTIFUL read by Alexander Pashutin 1 (1) Vasilisa the Beautiful (26:12) 2 (2) The Wise Maiden and the Seven Thieves (20:21) 2. IVAN THE BEAUTIFUL AND THE GRAY WOLF read by Igor Starygin 1 (3) Ivan -Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf (45:54) 3. KOSHCHEY THE IMMORTAL read by Eric Arzumanyan 1 (4) Koschey the Immortal (21:54) 2 (5) Stories about the Dead (18:25) 4. MARYA MOREVNA read by Raisa Ryazanova 1 (6 ) Marya Morevna (26:36) 2 (7) Elena the Wise (15:12) 5. YOUTH APPLES read by Igor Kashintsev 1 (8) Rejuvenation...


Russian folk tales (Afanasyev Alexander)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96kbps
Author: Afanasyev Alexander
Year of manufacture: 2014
Genre: Fairy tales
Publisher: Can't buy it anywhere
Performer: Mokhova I.
Duration: 02:01:56
Description: Alexander Nikolaevich Afanasyev (July 11 (23), 1826 - September 23 (October 5), 1871) - an outstanding Russian collector of folklore, researcher of the spiritual culture of the Slavic peoples, historian and literary critic. Contents000 Afanasyev_Russian folk tales 001 The Tale of the Silver Saucer and the Pourable Apple 002 Marya Morevna 003 The Sea King and Vasilisa the Wise 004 Night Dances 005 Prophetic Dream 006 Dawn...


Russian folk tales

Year of manufacture: 2010
Genre: Fairy tales
Publisher: Soyuz, Podkidyshev and Sons
Performer: Alexander Bordukov, Alexander Klyukvin
Duration: 02:02:00
Format: MP3, 320 kbps
Description: Despite the fact that in our crazy age of technological progress and nanotechnology, modern children practically never part with computers and cannot imagine their existence without the Internet, they still continue to believe in fairy tales and miracles. Psychologists explain this by saying that fairy tales help children realize their own fears and cope with them. After all, where, if not in a fairy tale, can a modest...


Russian folk tales

Format: audio play, MP3, 320kbps

Year of manufacture: 2011
Genre: musical fairy tale
Publisher: Studio "URAGAN" Alexander Zhiltsov
Performer: Alexander Zhiltsov
Duration: 01:37:48
Description: Morozko 00:06:43 Wolf and Fox 00:04:01 Zaykina's hut 00:06:33 Cat Rooster and Fox 00:06:11 Kolobok 00:04:42 Cockerel and the millstones 00:05:07 Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka 00:06:11 Khavroshechka 00:06:40 Bear, Wolf and Fox 00:03:17 Turnip 00:01:50 Porridge from an ax 00:04:06 Teremok 00:04:08 Mashenka and the Bear 00:06:57 Chicken Ryaba 00:01:09 Goat-Dereza 00:07:25 ...


Russian folk tales

Author: Russian folk tales
Year of manufacture: 2011
Genre: Fairy tales
Publisher: Soyuz, Pokidyshev and Sons
Performer: Alexander Kotov
Duration: 01:51:05
Description: “Wonderful miracle” “About Yerema” “Seven stupid Agathons” “Barter” “Dear big shots” “Greedy nobleman” “Horshenya” “Who speaks first” “Hare shepherd” “Mush from an ax” “Pancake cloud” “Man and hare" "Wooden eagle" "Soldier's riddle"
Add. information: “What a miracle these fairy tales are,” wrote A.S. Pushkin. And this is true, fairy tales are the greatest and most amazing miracle. Fairytale world...


Russian folk tales

Format: audiobook, MP3, 320kbps
Year of manufacture: 2012
Genre: Fairy tales
Publisher: ArMir
Performer: Albert Filozov
Duration: 03:46:56
Description: Modern Russian literature, developing according to its own laws, does not, however, neglect classical works. Classical Russian literature has its origins in ancient Russian texts, which, in turn, were formed on the basis of the tradition of oral storytelling. And among the various genres of oral storytelling, Russian folk tales, of course, deserve special attention. It's no secret that Russian folk tales appeared...


Russian folk tales for adults

Year of manufacture: 2007
Genre: Russian classics
Publisher: LLC "ID "BALANCE"
Performer: Alexey Petrenko
Duration: 03:26:00
Description: Smart and funny, containing deep meaning and age-old wisdom, Russian folk tales make us think about the eternal questions of goodness and justice, honor and fidelity. Relevant to this day and surprisingly exciting fairy tales for big children - for adults. Even if you have read these works, listen to them performed by the brilliant actor Alexei Petrenko, and new facets of the great heritage of Russian literature will open to you.
Contents: Pr...

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