
Mexican chicken fillet. Mexican chicken. Step-by-step recipe with photos. Bake in the oven

Wash the chicken and cut into large portions. I cut the chicken fillet into medium pieces to make it easier to eat.

Cut the carrots into cubes and the onion into half rings.

Pour a small amount of olive oil into the pan and add carrots and onions. I added bell pepper at this stage. Lightly simmer the vegetables for 5 minutes until the onion is translucent.

Add chicken pieces to the onions and carrots, continue frying for another 7-10 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Pour 250 grams of water into a bowl and add 2 tablespoons of tomato paste. Mix properly.
In September, during the tomato season, it seemed to me that using tomato paste was uninteresting, so I punched a large ripe tomato with a blender.

Open the canned corn and drain the liquid. Pour the corn into the pan, add black and red pepper, and salt. Mix.

Pour in the previously prepared tomato juice, cover with a lid, reduce heat to low and leave to simmer for 30-40 minutes. 5 minutes before cooking, add finely chopped dill and squeeze out 2 cloves of garlic.

Mexican chicken is best served with simple side dishes. Pasta and buckwheat will be optimal.

Probably, but I baked for this dish and served the chicken with them and a salad of fresh tomatoes and cucumbers with sour cream.

You can also eat Mexican chicken like this

Bon appetit!

Originally from Latin America. Mexico is a fairly hot country, which is why their cuisine is particularly spicy and spicy. You can meet quite a lot of lovers of exotic Mexican cuisine, but in our country it is difficult to find a restaurant that serves delicious Mexican dishes. Therefore, we have to look for another way out of this situation and prepare Mexican dishes on our own. We will help you with this! Today we’ll look at a recipe for Mexican chicken.

Submitted by Mexican chicken recipe very tasty, and the ingredients are standard for our cuisine:
700 grams chicken fillet
Two medium onions
Two medium sweet peppers
Five medium sized fresh tomatoes
400 grams canned corn
Four cloves of garlic
300 grams of hard cheese
Mayonnaise to taste (fat content – ​​67%)
Salt and pepper to taste
Vegetable oil

How to cook Mexican chicken

Stage 1. Preparing the chicken fillet.

First of all, you need to rinse the chicken fillet under warm water, dry it and place it on a cutting board. You can use a paper kitchen towel to dry the meat. Now take a sharp knife and cut the meat into pieces. They shouldn't be too big. Each piece individually must be rubbed with salt and pepper on all sides, after which we put all the meat in a separate bowl and set it aside.

Stage 2. Preparing sweet peppers.

The pepper must be washed under running water, after which we remove its seeds and tail. After this, rinse the pepper again under running water to remove any remaining seeds and place it on a cutting board. The pepper must be cut into thin strips and placed in a separate bowl.

Please note that you can add pepper of any color to the dish, as this will not affect the taste of the final dish, but will only affect its presentation.

Stage 3. Preparing the onions.

Using a knife, peel the onion and then rinse it thoroughly under running water. Place the peeled onion on a cutting board and cut it into small squares. The prepared onions must be placed in a separate bowl.

Stage 4. Preparing the garlic.

Let's take a knife and use it to peel the garlic cloves. Peeled garlic must be thoroughly rinsed under running water. Using a special device, you need to chop the vegetable and then place it in a separate container.

If you do not have special equipment for squeezing garlic, then you can use a regular knife and chop the garlic on a cutting board.

Stage 5. Preparing tomatoes.

Tomatoes must first be washed under running water and then placed on a cutting board. Using a kitchen knife, chop the tomatoes into small pieces. If desired, the tomatoes can be cut into slices. This will not change the taste of the dish in any way. The chopped vegetables must be transferred to a separate plate and set aside.

Stage 6. Preparing the corn.

Using a special opener, you need to open a can of corn. It is not recommended to tear off the lid immediately. When using it, you can hold the corn kernels while you strain the liquid from the jar.

Stage 7. Preparing the cheese.

The cheese must be grated on a coarse grater, after which it must immediately be transferred to a separate bowl and set aside. It is worth noting that you can cook Mexican chicken using any type of hard cheese of your choice. This will not make the dish lose its taste.

Stage 8. Cooking Mexican chicken.

We will need a baking dish. We lubricate it generously with vegetable oil. After this, you need to lay out pre-prepared vegetables there in layers. First we lay out the chopped onions, then the sweet peppers, on top of which we need to lay out the tomatoes. You need to evenly and carefully place the canned corn on top of the tomatoes, on top of which the garlic is distributed. The last layer is the chicken. The pieces must be placed at a short distance from each other, while sprinkling a small amount of mayonnaise on top. Mayonnaise can be applied with a grid, or carefully spread it with a spoon on each of the pieces.

The dish should be prepared in an oven preheated to 200 degrees. Place our dish in the preheated oven and cook it there for 40 minutes. During the entire cooking time, it is necessary to remove the baking sheet from the oven at least three times and turn the meat over so that it is evenly baked. The cheese must be added ten minutes before the end of cooking. After cooking is completed, the dish is allowed to be sprinkled with herbs.

Stage 9. Serving the dish.

After cooking the chicken, it can be transferred to a special serving dish and served. The dish should be extremely aromatic and no less tasty. Mexican chicken should be served as a main dish along with potatoes, bread, and vegetables.

Some recommendations:
The dish does not have to be prepared exclusively from chicken fillet. You can use chicken drumsticks or a whole chicken cut into pieces. The main thing is that the meat is prepared accordingly.
If you are not a fan of spicy dishes, you can not rub the chicken with pepper, but just sprinkle a little of it on the finished dish.
You are allowed to use any meat seasonings at your discretion when preparing the dish.
If you don't have fresh tomatoes, you can use canned tomatoes.

Mexican chicken recipe with photo

    Let's prepare chicken legs and wings. They need to be washed. It is better to divide the legs into thighs and shanks.

    Rub the legs with salt and ground red pepper. They need to stay like this for 10-15 minutes. Pour vegetable oil into a large frying pan and fry the chicken legs on both sides over medium heat.

    While the legs are fried, prepare the vegetable components of the dish. We will need sweet bell peppers, tomatoes, zucchini, onions and boiled or canned corn - a typical Mexican set. Zucchini can be replaced with potatoes. To add more sourness to the dish and a redder color, prepare lecho ketchup.

    The chicken was perfectly cooked by this time. Remove it from the frying pan and place it in a separate bowl. There is vegetable oil and melted chicken fat left in the pan. We will cook our vegetables with this mixture.

    Cut the sweet peppers into large strips, and the onions into half rings and add these vegetables to the frying pan. You can turn down the heat a little. The vegetable mixture should simmer slowly.

    Cut the zucchini and tomatoes into small cubes and add to the pan. Add 4 tablespoons of lecho ketchup and one teaspoon of sugar. Mix everything and continue to simmer over low heat.

    Take a little more than half a can of canned corn and add it to the rest of the vegetables. Let's mix everything. Now you can salt the dish and add a quarter teaspoon of ground cumin. Cumin is present in so many Mexican dishes and adds a special flavor to all dishes. It just has to be in this dish, just like the corn. We continue to simmer our vegetable mixture until the zucchini is ready.

    2-3 minutes before the end of stewing, add hot red chili pepper and garlic, which we cut into small slices. Before adding chili pepper seeds to a dish, you need to think carefully about who will be eating it. This, of course, is not the “Habanero” pepper, which blows the heads and sombreros of Mexican horsemen off, but it’s still spicy.

    The finished vegetable part of the dish has a completely Mexican, bright and sunny look. Now you can return the chicken pieces back to the pan for soaking. Alternatively, the chicken is not pre-mixed with the corn-vegetable sauce.

    Mexican chicken with vegetables is ready. Place the chicken pieces on serving plates and pour over the thick sweet and sour and very spicy corn and vegetable gravy. You can decorate the dish with herbs. This dish is served with unleavened tortillas, which can be successfully replaced with Armenian lavash. Interestingly, this dish is no worse when cold.

Mexican cuisine is one of the most popular in the world. But in our country there are few places where you will find a restaurant with such amazing dishes. So let's look at some interesting recipes for preparing Mexican chicken dishes and, at least for a moment, imagine that we have visited one of the most famous restaurants in Mexico - Grand Velas Riviera Maya!

Mexican chicken


  • chicken legs – 10 pcs.;
  • onions – 1 pc.;
  • olive oil – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • canned tomatoes – 400 g;
  • frozen corn – 120 g;
  • chili pepper – 1 teaspoon;
  • tomato paste – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • ground coriander – 1 teaspoon;
  • salt, ground black pepper - to taste.


The recipe for Mexican chicken is quite simple. Pour a little olive oil into the pan, heat it and carefully lay out the chicken legs. Fry them thoroughly on both sides until a golden, appetizing crust forms, salt to taste. Transfer the meat to a plate and fry the onion cut into rings in a frying pan.

Season with coriander and chili pepper, cook for 3 minutes. Now cut the canned tomatoes into pieces and add them to the onion along with the juice from the can. Simmer everything a little and then add tomato paste. As soon as our mixture begins to gurgle, lower the chicken legs into it and cook for 20 minutes with the lid closed over low heat. Next, add corn and mix. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Serve the finished dish with boiled rice, pasta or mashed potatoes.

Mexican chicken in the oven


  • rice – 200 g;
  • red beans – 300 g;
  • fresh coriander - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • chicken fillet – 500 g;
  • vegetable oil – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • sour cream – 130 ml;
  • cheddar cheese – 200 g.


So, in order to cook Mexican baked chicken, we turn on and preheat the oven to 180° in advance. Then grease a round baking dish with oil and set aside. Pour water into a saucepan, put it on the fire and bring to a boil. Then add the rice and cook, stirring occasionally, for 10 minutes. Next, carefully drain the water, rinse the rice and place in a colander. In the prepared form, mix canned red beans and some fresh and chopped coriander. Then add the rice and mix thoroughly, pressing the mass a little so that all the beans are softened. Sprinkle half of the grated cheese on top. Pour a little oil into the pan, add the whole chicken fillet and lightly fry over medium heat for 3 minutes on each side. Then transfer the meat into a mold, add coriander and sprinkle with cheese again. Cover the dish with foil and bake for 30 minutes in the oven. Cut the finished chicken into 4 parts and serve, pouring sour cream on top.

Mexican chicken with beans


  • olive oil – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • chili pepper – 0.5 teaspoon;
  • ground cumin – 0.5 teaspoon;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • tomato – 4 pcs.;
  • smoked sausages – 200 g;
  • chicken bouillon cube – 1 pc.;
  • canned beans – 200 g;
  • bell pepper – 2 pcs.;
  • chicken thigh – 8 pcs.;
  • salt, red pepper - to taste;
  • dill and parsley - optional.


Cut the onion into half rings and fry in a frying pan until soft. Add chili powder, ground cumin and cook for a few minutes. Add diced tomatoes and add a little water. Then add the broken chicken cube and bring the whole mass to a boil. As soon as it starts to gurgle, carefully lower the chicken thighs into it. Cover the pan with a lid and simmer for 25 minutes over medium heat.

Then add the peppers cut into strips and pour in the canned beans (without marinade). Stir the chicken, add salt to taste and season with red pepper. Serve with boiled potatoes, sprinkled with parsley.

Chicken dishes are present in all national cuisines, because chicken is the bird that we cook more often than others. The fillet makes low-fat dietary dishes that are useful for children and athletes, wings in breadcrumbs are grilled by home-made fast food lovers, and from the thigh part you can cook a delicious broth - the same one that cures colds so well. Recipes with chicken would not fit on the pages of the largest book: they are so varied that you can cook chicken dishes every day without fear that the taste of the bird may get boring. Juicy chicken tabaka glorified Georgian cuisine no less than satsivi and pkhali, chicken with apples is baked in European cuisine as often as turkey in America, and in Russia the filling for pancakes from finely chopped chicken in a creamy sauce has become almost a classic. Russian chefs never wonder what to cook with chicken: they know by heart hundreds of variations of cooking chicken with potatoes, mushrooms, buckwheat or in its own juice. The hit of the New Year's table is, of course, oven-fried chicken legs. Marinated in mayonnaise and spices, they are baked with a crispy, delicious crust, the taste of which is familiar to us since childhood. You can cook chicken in any way; during heat treatment, the meat becomes soft and absorbs the odors of other foods well. The cooked chicken can be served cold or hot. After cooling, its taste almost does not change, and at low temperatures, chicken dishes remain fresh for a long time. Our authors have shared many recipes for cooking chicken - from the simplest to the exotic with avocado, kiwi and pineapple.

Mexican cuisine evolved from the fusion of the cuisines of Mexico's indigenous peoples and European conquerors, particularly the Spanish. Thanks to them, rice appeared in the country, as well as dishes in which domestic animal meat dominated: beef, pork, chicken, goat and sheep. Traditional dishes in Mexico are prepared with ingredients such as corn, beans, avocado, tomatoes and chili peppers. By the way, Mexican cuisine is included in the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage. Dishes with a lot of spices are especially popular in the country. True Mexicans believe that the spicier the dish, the better. Like nowhere else in the world, quesadillas are deliciously prepared here - a corn or wheat tortilla with filling, a sauce made from tomatoes, white onions and chili peppers called pico de gallo, America's favorite burrito and hot aromatic fajitas. As throughout Latin America, guacamole is very popular in Mexico - an avocado snack with lime or lemon juice. For dessert, Mexican chefs prepare coconut cocadas cookies, candied fruit buns, and spicy chocolate toffee.

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